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YESYES NO} COPY COMPLETED  PRESS Ԡ} FORMATTING} FORMAT ERROR} WRITE ERROR} READING SECTOR} WRITING SECTOR}INSERT DESTINATION DISK} INSERT SOURCE DISK} INSERT BOTH DISKS THEN PRESS Ԡ CHECK DESTINATION} Š? ?Ġ} ɯϠ Ӡ٠٠        hphpphphpphpq(((((((((((((((((Y(((((((((((((((((Y----.&.(  (  (    ( (     (     " 0@0ɀ0%Q/ @@/`΢2 &R#S71 &~1 &N#Y+펡1膉1 s*Ou*Nt*#Su*Et*Ys*+1 1 &A?F8S>11 &NP#YW+ 2 2 &  & W(󩀍 Y0 mm 4L`} COPYMATE 4.3 (C) 1987  ŠԠԠӠ FORMAT DESTINATION ... [Y/N] :YCOPY FORMAT .......... [Y/N] :YFIRST FORMAT TO TRY .. [A/S] :AWRITE VERIFICATION ... [Y/N] :NENSURE THE COPYMATE 4.3 DISK IS IN DRIVE #1 THEN PRESS Π HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D4u  $(,04<@D C O P Y M A T E 4 . 3 COPYMATE 4.3 is a fully automatic, HIGH SPEED capable,H<} single or double density disk copier. Version 4.3 works on all Atari 8-bit computers with at least 16KB memory, andH=} with all Atari 8-bit disk drives. FEATURES > Copies disks up to fifty percent faster than conventional copiers. H>} > ONE pass double density full disk copy on 256KB upgraded XE/XL's. > ONE pass single density / TWO pass double density H?}full disk copy on ATARI 130XE. > TWO pass single density / FOUR pass double density full disk copy on ATARI 65XH@}E or 800XL. > Automatic DRIVE SELECTION and DENSITY SWITCHING. > Copies disk formats, preserving high speed loading dHA}isks. > Disk directories from drive 1 or drive 2, with density information. OPERATION Boot the COPYMATE disk in HB}the normal way. Atari XE and XL computer owners need not hold down the OPTION key when booting COPYMATE. Do not use ProgHC}ram Cartridges or Translators with COPYMATE. COPYMATE automatically determines the number of disk drives on the systHD}em at boot time. If only one drive is present, the SOURCE and DESTINATION drives are set to drive #1. If two or moHE}re drives are present the SOURCE will be set to drive #1, and the DESTINATION to drive #2. Both may be changedHF} to any drive number on the system by using the "S" and "D" keys respectively. COPYMATE will automatically switch HG}to the correct density for the disk to be copied. COPYMATE has the capability to format the destination disk if requHH}ired, and to write with or without verify. The "F" key toggles the Format Destination option between ON and OFF. The "HI}W" key toggles the Write Verification option between ON and OFF. The "SCREEN VTOC" shows the status of every sectHJ}or on the disk as follows : DOT = Empty ; SPOT = Contains data ; QUESTION MARK = Bad. Pressing the OPTION key during aHK} read operation skips reading the rest of the Source disk, and writes the current data buffer to the Destination HL} disk. In copying an Atari type DOS disk, you should not press OPTION until the disk VTOC and disk directory (sectors $16HM}8 thru $170) have been read. Disk directories of drives one or two may be obtained by pressing the keys "1" or "2" reHN}spectively. Note: Only the first 44 file names are shown, and COPYMATE can copy Spartados disks, but can't read SpartadosHO} directories! COPYMATE uses the expanded memory of the 130XE and all "130XE compatible" 256KB upgrades. If COPYMATE HP}doesn't work with your upgrade, you should hold the "B" key down when booting COPYMATE to disable this extra memory. HQ} DISK DRIVES COPYMATE works best with US DOUBLER equipped Atari 1050 disk drives. With these drives, COPYMATE alHR}ways performs HIGH SPEED I/O. In addition, they are the only drives capable of duplicating special Source disk formats HS} (Eg Ultraskew) on the Destination disk. High speed I/O is also possible with most 1050 "Happy" disk drives, but speHT}cial format copying is not possible. If a Happy drive and DOUBLER drive are used together, reading from the HappyHU} drive is preferable. If a combination of high and normal speed drives are used, reading from the high speed drive is preHV}ferable. Even so, the write speed may be very slow when copying some disks. If you only have one high speed disk drHW}ive you will probably find it faster, especially with a 130XE or 256KB upgrade, to perform one drive copies. MULTI-HX}COPY FEATURE A) If the disk may be copied in one pass : 1) Make the first copy in the normal way. 2) When thHY}e "COPY COMPLETE" message appears, insert the next Destination disk and press SELECT. 3) Repeat step 2 for subHZ}sequent copies. B) Otherwise : 1) Set up for a one drive copy. (Source drive = Destination drive) 2) Insert H[}Source disk and press START. 3) Insert Destination disk and press START. 4) When the "INSERT SOURCE DISK" prompt H\}appears press SELECT. 5) Insert the next Destination disk and press START. 6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 once for each H]}additional copy. 7) Repeat steps 2 thru 6 until all the copies have been completed. NOTES IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMEH^}NDED TO LET COPYMATE FORMAT THE DESTINATION DISK. Write Verification is not necessary for day to day copying, however H_}when backing up unreplaceable software or data, the Write Verification option should be turned on. It will be noticeHe}LPT} PRINT THE FILE "COPMAT42.DOC" FOR COMPLETE DOCUMENTATIONXg\d that the write speed is much slower when Write Verification is enabled. COPYMATE is fully compatible with both sinHf}gle and TRUE double density disks. It is only partially compatible with enhanced density (DOS 2.5) disks, beinHg}g able to copy the first 720 sectors. COPYMATE is in the public domain and may be freely copied as long as the origHh}inal boot disk format is left unchanged. For BBS distribution COPYMATE may be compressed into a single file using a comprHi}ession utility. COPYMATE does not always work properly as a binary file, so it should not be converted to suchHj}. DISCLAIMER : The authors of COPYMATE shall have no liability or responsibility to the user, or any otherHk} person or entity with respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused directly or indirectly by COPYMATE. Hl} If you like COPYMATE please let me know by writing to: MIKE PALMER 10843 Venice Circle Tampa Florida 336Hm}35H')+9:;<=@ COPYMATE @+ @, 4.3 @- @. BY @/ @0 M. PALMER @1 @2 AND @3 @4 R.HILLERY @5 @6 @7 @W @8 @9 PRINT @: @.;COPMAT43DOC@` @a FOR @b BcINFORMATION@d