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(#04MPPL,(You sej}e nothing important0 -#(You can't do that! 2# A<#9 -%(LOAD FROM APE OR ISK)94DA`Fk}# 0T( Ah P#@ -&(CUE, PRESS RETURN TWICE.4K:;)@Z#C: Apd#$l}D:ADVENTUR.DAT$6.n# x# -68,- #"6-(( A`" #0 -!(NO GAME DATAm} SAVED!&0 A#A -#(SAVE TO APE OR ISK'/4D76.,A AP#0TAp`#H -&(CUE, n}PRESS RETURN TWICE.4K:;)@H6.,#C: A`#D:ADVENTUR.DAT# # o}-& 8, # ((6. A'6-@6-@'6-@36-@?6-@K6-@p}W6-@c6-@o6-@ {6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6q}-@6-@'6-@6-@ '6-@!36-@"?6-@#K6-@$W6-@%c6-@&o6-r}@'{6-@(6-@)6-@06-@16-@26-@3'6-@46-@5'6-@636-@s}7?6-@8K6-@9W6-@@c6-@Ao6-@B{6-@C6-@D6-@E6-@F6-@Gt}'?6-@H6-@I'6-@P36-A P?6-A'O+AY@+ARO6-F:A`,%F:u}Aa,$AV%'# %%%#%$'?%@e"%F:A`,3%F:Aa,?A)';,v};,.' #B""8'8-&P:B:,',(-$(BY4-&P:B:,',8(B'2 -&(Programmed by THE WIZARD2AYw}L'36-@D6-@#'6-36-AWt'HH;$,;$,;A`,;,;,;,;@w,;@7,x};,~'@@;$,9,;@,;@5,;,;,;,;,;,' 6-6-'$67,. 67$,. $67,.'aa6y}7@,.N纠짮堠'aa67@y,.Nz}䮢 'aa67AW,.N As Paul At{}reides, your goal is to go to Arr'aa67A5,.Nakis (Dune) and fulfill the ancient Fremen prophecy. Only by be|}coming'aa67A,.N the 'Kwisatz Haderach' can you defeat House Harkonnen and the Padishah E'aa67A,.Nmpo}}rer. You must use your Bene Gesserit training to survive. 'dd6.ZTIJPSEEFTLOJCPYHPNGJMCBMDIFTQJHVOOBWTIBM~}BTTUFNFMEFUIVOQBJBTTSJOCPEUIPMPDTUJCVUUISFNQCBSDSZ'==67@,.*SPQIBSEPPIPPUIVXBUWPJXSFXPSUPPPSOBSSDBMTMJ'RR67,.EH}FUESPGFFPQFUPVMPPSFBQMBTNFFBUVTFUBMTIP!!!GMZHP!SJETJUQVTKVNHJWESJLJM<( A 6.(++AA +A}R(% - (-%( Ӡ٠(K:)*Q+ AY;6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa},%I&@qQ%+A%A0%@e0%F:A`,A%F:Aa, +W@!AA6}-A 9AKAAWAR++ #B$-"'A6%+ +KK72,138,72,169,0,162,6},141,10,212,141,23,208,142,24,208,104,170,104,64+-AA-BBA+-&P:B:,',( +- -}( :--( :*+ -( ՠ:H+ -( ՠ:R+% -(!AY% .}TIJFME,5.DIPBN!PSEFST,0.EFTL,-10.EVDBM!LOJGF,14.CMBDL!CPY,-12.HPN.KBCCBS,0.GJMNCPPL,16.C}BMJTFU,16.DIFTU,-9. TQJDF,0.XFJSEJOH!HVO,13.OBWJHBUPS,0.TIBEPVU!NBQFT,-17.MBTHVO,18.TUFFSTN}BO,0.NFMBOHF,19.EFUFDUPS,19.IVOUFS!TFFLFS,22.QBJOUJOH,-22.BTTBTTJO,-20.EVDBM!SJOH,20.EFBE!}CPEZ,0.UIPQUFS,-26.MPDLFS,-26.TUJMMTVJU,0.CVUUPO,0.UISPOF,-24.FNQPSFS,-24.CBSPO,-25.D}SZTLOJGF,0. SPQF,32/IBSWFTUFS,-29/TMJEJOH!EPPS,0/XPSN!IPPL,33/UIVNQFS,26/XBUFS!PG!MJGF,-34/ }WPJDF,0/XSFDLBHF,0/ XPSN,0/XPSN!UPPUI,0 /PSOJUIPQUFS,-27 /BSSBLJT,0 /DBMBEBO,0 / TMJNF,0/&&Br}ian S. Green,the world of dune/ee104,104,133,204,104,133,203,104,133,206,104,133,205,104,104,133,207,162,0,142,255,6,134,2}13,232/]]160,0,177,203,209,205,208,8,200,192,3,208,245,134,212,96,173,255,6,24,105,3,197,207,240/TT16,141,255,6,165,205},24,105,3,133,205,144,217,230,206,176,213,169,0,133,212,96/bb216,104,104,133,204,104,133,203,104,104,133,205,160,0,177,203},201,61,240,11,56,233,1,145,203/33200,196,205,208,240,96,169,33,240,244,208,242/aa104,104,104,141,253,6,104,104,141,254},6,104,104,141,255,6,165,88,133,203,165,89,133,204,174/ee254,6,224,0,240,14,165,203,24,105,40,133,203,144,2,230,204,202,20}8,242,165,203,24,109,253,6,133/ee203,144,2,230,204,56,165,203,233,1,133,203,176,2,198,204,172,255,6,169,0,145,203,136,208,}251,96/``104,104,104,141,255,6,104,133,204,104,133,203,160,0,177,203,201,32,240,8,200,204,255,6,2080((244,160,0,132,212},169,0,133,213,9620+ARA,-&B:,'0 2J -%(This adventure is over!+-J(Do you want }to play again?2K:)2"@:Y,%2"@:N,+2 B0  D:DUNE.BAS}hhh   FF                    }                          }        Solution toThe World Of Duneby Brian S. GreenSeptember 1988Sep}tember 1988 The World Of Dune Page 11. GET SHIELD (Paul's Room) - The SHIELD is needed to kill an assassin l}ater on.2. GET KNIFE (Castle Turret) - The KNIFE is needed to kill an assassin later on.3. LOOK DESK (Duke Leto's Study) }- Here you will find the CHOAM ORDERS.4. LOOK BOX (Waiting Room) - Here you will find the GOM-JABBAR.5. You must have the} GOM-JABBAR in your inventory before you can enter the final Hallway on Caladan.6. GET GUN (Training Room) - The WEIRDING G}UN is needed as a gift to the Fremen.7. You must have the CHOAM ORDERS in your inventory before you can enter the Store Roo}m on Caladan.8. LOOK CHEST (Store Room) - Here you will find the SPICE needed to go to Arrakis.9. SHOW SPICE (Guild Room)} - This will cause the NAVIGATOR to appear.10. GO ARRAKIS (Guild Room) - This will cause the NAVIGATOR to fold space to Arr}akis.11. GET LASGUN (Weapon Room) - You will need the LASGUN to stop spice production by destroying the HARVESTER.12. LOO}K PAINTING (Arrakis Bedroom) - This will reveal a BUTTON.13. PUSH BUTTON (Arrakis Bedroom) - This will reveal a SLIDING DOO}R.14. GO DOOR (Arrakis Bedroom) - This will take you to the Secret Room.15. GET RING (Secret Room) - You will need the DU}CAL RING in order to assume the throne. The DUCAL RING is also needed to go to the final Hallway in the Arrakis Castle.16.} GET THUMPER (Thopter Pad) - You will need a THUMPER to summon a sandworm.September 1988 The World Of Dune Pa}ge 217. FLY THOPTER (Thopter Pad) - This will take you to the open desert of Dune.18. GIVE GUN (Stilgar's Sietch) - You }will get the CRYSKNIFE only by giving Stilgar the gun. The CRYSKNIFE is needed to kill the Baron.19. GET ROPE (Stilgar's S}eitch) - The ROPE is needed to get off of the sandworm.20. GET HOOK (Seitch Store Room) - The WORM HOOK is needed in order }to ride the sandworm.21. DRINK WATER (Seitch Water Room) - You must drink the WATER OF LIFE in order to receive the VOICE. } The VOICE is needed to enter the Main Hall of the castle on Arrakis.22. USE LASGUN (Open Desert) - You need to use the LAS}GUN to destroy the HARVESTER. Obviously, you can do this only in the part of the desert where the HARVESTER is. Doing so wi}ll give you a piece of WRECKAGE in your inventory. The WRECKAGE is needed before you can summon a worm.23. USE THUMPER (Op}en Desert) - You need to use the THUMPER to summon a worm. You have to have the WRECKAGE in your inventory also. You can on}ly use the THUMPER in the Open Desert immediately south and west from Stilgar's Seitch.24. RIDE WORM (Open Desert) - You wi}ll need to ride the WORM to get to the Castle Entrance on Arrakis. This is the only way you can get there. You must have th}e WORM HOOK before you can ride the worm.25. JUMP WORM (Castle Entrance) - You must jump down from the worm in order to rec}eive the WORM TOOTH. The TOOTH is needed in order to enter the castle.26. You must have the VOICE in your inventory in ord}er to enter the Main Hall of the castle on Arrakis.27. SIT THRONE - You need the DUCAL RING in order to assume the THRONE a}nd become the "Kwisatz Haderach".September 1988 The World Of Dune Page 3Miscellaneous Notes------------}-------You can go back to Caladan from Arrakis by SHOW MELANGE in the Guild Room on Arrakis. A STEERSMAN will appear so yo}u can GO CALADAN.To go back and forth between the castle on Arrakis and the open desert, FLY THOPTER or FLY ORNITHOPTER.I}t is not necessary to KILL ASSASSIN to solve the game, but the Atreides honor is at stake. You must have the SHIELD and DUCA}L KNIFE in your inventory to kill him.It is not necessary to KILL BARON to solve the game, but the Atreides honor is at sta}ke. You must have the CRYSKNIFE in your inventory to kill him.The SHADOUT MAPES will warn you of an assassin if you talk t}o her.There are three fatal commands in the game. I will let you find them for yourself. ^  FF                    }                          }        The World Of Dune by Brian S. GreenThe World Of Dune is a non-commerc}ial program and is not intended for sale. It is in the public domain and may be given freely provided this notice is not rem}oved.September 1988September 1988 The World Of Dune Page 1Introduction------------The basic goal }of the game is to play the part of Paul Atreides, and to fulfill the ancient Fremen prophecy by becoming the "Kwisatz Haderac}h".You must travel from your home planet of Caladan to planet Arrakis. There you must survive House Harkonnen attempts on }your life.In your attempt to become the "Kwisatz Haderach", you must stop all spice production on Arrakis. To accomplish t}his, you must enlist the aid of the Fremen. To gain their confidence, you must present them with a certain gift.You will a}lso need to prove to the Fremen that you are worthy of becoming the "Kwisatz Haderach" by doing what no other male has done.}It definitely helps to have read the book or to have seen the movie. The only way to solve the game is to recreate some eve}nts from the storyline.Other clues to the game may possibly be found by reading the DUNE.VCB file.I hope you enjoy playin}g this game as much as I did developing it.Brian Green September 1988September 1988 The World Of Dune Page} 2Credits-------This is a text adventure game created with the "Wizard" programs in ANALOG magazine (issues 58 and }59). My thanks to Clayton Walnum for his programs. Without them, I would never have been able to produce this game.Thanks} also go to Jeff Brenner for his Screen Scroller program from ANALOG issue 50. His program was used to develop the introduct}ion to the game.Most of all, thanks to Frank Herbert for his creation of Dune. His books are truly classics of imagination} and adventure.Dino DeLaurentis created a visual image of this world in the film of Dune. If you enjoy good science fictio}n, see this movie. Hopefully, you caught the longer version shown recently on television. Both are must have films for your} videotape collections.September 1988 The World Of Dune Page 3Game Notes----------Directions may be} entered by a single letter in your exploration of the game.Only 5 items may be carried at any one time. There is also a l}imit that only 5 items may appear in the room you are in.When typing commands during the game, do NOT type abbreviations. } Full and complete words should be used.SAVE GAME and LOAD GAME options are available at any point during play.September} 1988 The World Of Dune Page 4Archive Contents----------------Files available in this archive are: } DUNE.INT - introduction program DUNE.BAS - the adventure game DUNE.VCB - a list of definitions used in Dune } DUNE.DOC - general documentation DUNE.CHT - for those who can't figure it outX0FLSVC2BMSEASTMTAABSTARECHKSUCHHLDLINOFTTSPSCROLLTXTTOLONUCENTEDELAPO@ }  }A4BvB@A8AZ,@BPBV } B!@D"@d#@$@%@(#ATARI SCREEN SCROLLER2#(c) 1984 Jeff Brenner<#!!104,169,000,141, }014,212,169F#!!022,141,036,002,169,006,141P#!!037,002,169,064,141,014,212Z#!!096,008,216,165,206,230,206d#!!197,207,2 }08,051,169,000,133n#!!206,024,165,203,105,001,133x#!!203,201,016,176,005,141,005#!!212,208,031,169,000,141,005#!!21 }2,133,203,024,165,088,105#!!020,133,204,165,089,105,000#!!133,205,160,000,177,204,145#!!088,200,192,220,208,247,040 }#104,168,104,170,104,064#!6-F:AH,!6-F:AI,#"@ AP#6-@#O;@ ,(67@ },.>:@2,@67@ ,.>:@2,O67@,.#;;A,;@ ,'6-;-@@#56-C: },%@"%6-P:'AV,56-&$AV#767@<@,.>:,767@<@,.>:,$"67<,.>:,$ 6 }-%% $5BP2 THERE IS AN ERROR IN THE DATA.5&"$6-@6-@,$;"6-@;67@A }<@A,.>:@,6$EA&@)A;AE#A@$/ +@/6-F:A`,%A }V$F:Aa,J$k0@@70@@@Q0@@ @k0@@@T$ }>0@>%@F:%@,%@2^$0-%@%@,F:,%@20 h$!6-?:C:,,! }AdAUr$"F:Ad,"@3" A0|$"F:A,!" A0$#-@# @$(" }4REPEAT#A( A`$ 4END A0$9"!-@/ @9 A$T6-+@ }&B:,,'@* @<-@J @T A$/-@/ @7@<,$" }F:A,"" A$ A@$?BB!AH-AI?BB@d$% D:DUNE.BAS }$''Display data begins at line 9500.% WELCOME%TO!%Šě&% Ơś+%0%5%:% }?%D%I%a beginning isN%a very delicateS% time.X%]%know then thatb%it is the yea }rg%10191. thel%known universeq%is ruled by thev%padishah emporer{%shaddam iv...%my father.%% }in this time%the most precious%substance in the%universe is the%spice MELANGE.%%the spice ex }tends% life.%the spice expands%consciousness.%spice is vital to%space travel.%%the spacing }guild%and its navigators%who the spice has%mutated over four%thousand years%use the orange%spic }e gas which%gives them the%ability to&...& &that is...&travel to any part&of the }universe&without moving. &%&*&/&4&i forgot to9&tell you...>&the spice existsC&on only on }eH&planet in theM&entire universe...R&W&a desolate dry\&planet with vasta&deserts. hiddenf&away }within thek&rocks of thesep&deserts are au&people known asz&the who&have long held&a prophec }y that&a man would come&&a messiah&&who would lead&them to true&freedom.&&& }the planet is&ARRAKIS...&&also known as& &&&&&&&&&& }'' ' END D:DUNE.TRO hԩ$,%@`إ W  FF                    }                          }        Dune TerminologyThe World Of Duneby Brian S. GreenSeptember 1988}September 1988 The World Of Dune Page 1ARRAKEEN: the capitol of the planet Arrakis, known as Dune.ARRAKIS: th}e desert planet known as Dune.ATREIDES: ruling House of the planet Caladan. The Atreides family currently comprises of Duk}e Leto, his formal concubine the Lady Jessica, and their son Paul.ATREIDES, LETO: known chiefly as the father of Duke Paul }Muad'Dib. House Atreides ruled Caladan for twenty generations until pressured into the move to Arrakis. His death is attrib}uted to treachery and is an act laid to Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.BENE GESSERIT: the ancient school of mental and physical t}raining established primarily for female students. The program had as its object the breeding, over generations, of a person} they called the "Kwisatz Haderach", a term signifying "one who can be in many places at once". Specifically, their selectiv}e breeding program aimed at producing a human with mental powers permitting him to understand and use higher order dimensions}, including that of prescience.CALADAN: the lush green home planet of House Atreides.CRYSKNIFE: the sacred knife of the F}remen on Arrakis. It is made from the teeth of dead sandworms.FREMEN: the free tribes of Arrakis, desert dwellers.GIEDI }PRIME: the home planet of House Harkonnen.GOM JABBAR: a poison needle tipped with meta-cyanide used by the Bene Gesserit.}GUILD: the Spacing Guild, to which belong the Spacing Guild Navigators, able to traverse - and thus unite - the Known Univers}e by "folding space". The Navigators have achieved this power by having ingested Spice Melange over generations; an ingestio}n which has also mutated them physically.HARKONNEN, VLADIMIR: commonly referred to as Baron Harkonnen. Vladimir Harkonnen }is the direct-line male descendant of the Bashar Abulurd Harkonnen who was banished for cowardice after the Battle of Corrin.} The return of House Harkonnen to power generally is ascribed to adroit manipulation of the whale fur market and later conso}lidation of melange wealth from Arrakis.September 1988 The World Of Dune Page 2HARVESTER: a large spice mini}ng machine, often called a "crawler" because of buglike body on independent tracks. Used on Arrakis, known as Dune.HUNTER }SEEKER: a sliver of suspensor-buoyed metal guided as a weapon by a near-by control console or individual; a commom assassinat}ion device.KAITAIN: home planet of the Padishah Emporer Shaddam IV.KWISATZ HADERACH: the one for whom the Bene Gesserit w}ait, and at whose production their selective breeding program is aimed. He will be able to "bridge time and space", "to be i }n many places at once". In a sense, a male Bene Gesserit whose mental powers would be beyond any yet known.LADY JESSICA: n }atural daughter (Bene Gesserit reference) of the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Mother of Duke Paul Muad'Dib, she graduated from  }the Wallach IX Bene Gesserit School.MAKER HOOKS: the hooks used for capturing, mounting, and steering a sandworm of Arrakis }.MELANGE: the "spice of spices", the crop for which Arrakis is the unique source. The spice, noted for its geriatric quali }ties, is of greatest importance in empowering the Guild Navigators with the ability to "fold space", thus uniting the Univers}e under the Emporer.MUAD'DIB: the name Paul Atreides chose to be known by, publicly, among the Fremen. He took it from the} mouse shadow on Arrakis' second moon. The creature is admired by the Fremen for its ability to survive in the open desert.}ORNITHOPTER: small aircraft capable of sustained wing-beat flight in the manner of birds.SANDWORM (KNOWN AS SHAI-HULUD): S}andworm of Arrakis. Sandworms grow to enormous length. Some are 1500 feet long and 125 feet high; they live to great age, u}nless drowned in water, which is poisonous to them.SHAI-HULUD: another name for the sandworm of Arrakis.SIETCH: Fremen te}rm designating any cave warren inhabited by one of their tribal communities. The term means "place of assembly in time of da}nger".September 1988 The World Of Dune Page 3STILLSUIT: body-enclosing garment invented on Arrakis and used }by the Fremen. Its fabric is a micro-sandwich which catches and filters moisture from body wastes. The reclaimed moisture i}s made available by tube from catchpockets in the suit. On Arrakis, water is life.SUSPENSOR BELT: worn by the Baron Harkon}nen, who is so grossly fat that he cannot walk. Within limits, it nullifies gravity, permitting the Baron to float through t}he air.THUMPER: short stake with clapper at one end. Its purpose is to be driven into the sand and set "thumping" to summo}n the sandworm, or to distract the worm from a specific target, such as a group of Fremen or a sandcrawler.USUL: the secret} name chosen by Paul for his life among the Fremen. It means "the base of the pillar".VOICE: a technique originated by the} Bene Gesserit which permits an adept to control others merely by selected tone shadings of the voice.WATER OF LIFE: the li}quid exhalation of a sandworm produced at the moment of its death from drowning, which is changed by a Fremen Reverend Mother} to become the narcotic which increases awareness. Since it is, before changed, a poison, only those worthy of becoming Reve}rend Mother among the Fremen survive it.)L 䙣ލȎ!"` !"H h`lDD  }TNI.ENUD:D"NUR ` C D     )16CS S)  C)D1 p p "}0 C9DI pCDL~CiCDiD` DD˙` d J)L !#}D L(( LL()  L| L( S LH 0p n  $} CY?  q  L L  ` )%} `A! d߰")-݆ "  $G@LLL&0") $G%&}H0 3S8`G ȱG ȱG   Gȭ Gȭ GG}GHiH8(()) G$H% `(0'})8` d)L ݆ & LGȘ ݆LL d  ! 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