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RUN CARTRIDGE )`EiͩkΩ͙kCopj`j0 {j`Hi͝Νhx}`L"SAB.ORTNI:D"NURͩkΩ͙kCopj`j0 {j`Hi͝Νh0 i}  +A6,@@ D:POKEY.DOC6 A)@ z}#"F:Ad,AU" @`( (>:,2 @0<AdAU=-F:Ad,AU*AdAU-$> {} @ad@eAbAUf( ((g+F:Ad,AU+%D:PKYPLYER.BASh A |} D2:INTRO.BAS  +A6,@@ D:POKEY.DOC6 A)@ &' CIOPPRFCIPBUFFBUFLHXXY"""vv( BxB@W@mm~} BT B 5 A" A"Bhdd +(*(POKEY PLAYER 12/28/83C(by Craig Chamberlaind(}   xl1;@4,;A,;@@,;@,:6-C:,c6."hBhEhDhIhH Vԩ}`l6-C:,yoo6.ehhhhhhhhh hh 66J <(E$% ]L\hhhh}zuu67A,.bh'*3!$0ȝ$-0`h  \`Iة2ҭ={uu67}A,.bҭAҭ>ҭBҭ?ҭCҭ@ҭDҭEҢ `l˽!*!0 A)|uu67A,.}bA` c f)ɀ)F}$$)ڨ6! ͹ΥJJJ) A*NN}$$-}uu67A,.bA}}'= ia͍@-)ɠ$2 -) A)*˝̝`)x33 ˽~uu67A,.b` f- }f0` f3˝̝` f'` ˙6e˅ː`( f`0 fEuu67A,.b`8 f`@ f$}`` ,AOdy;W)Ky!u9Qea =Q1e=*ꪢbuu67A,.bzKTTD4ĔDh(H} !#&'*,/ee67A,.R258;?CGLOTY_djpw~ }!#%(*-/259<@DHLQU[`flryntz]67Ap,.>:AU,;67Aq,.W[aflsyO-AAHS}"Y] kk12,24,36,48,244,232,220,208,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0,255,254,253,252,251,250,249,108,2,6,108,4,6,108,6,6,160,0&&}177,203,230,203,208,2,230,204,96H;I:,&A,$6-C:,6@@dHB7t@dN A @e}B@@D:*.VN6-[@)7@<@,4 C(7@<@,}Q6-%@[ AL@((((()"I(No music files on this diskL(,5 A "@}%6-+(}5 A-E A #(Your Request'.4;(>:A%,E A6V 6.D:67@,.3}67B:,%@,.*.VP@@V6-@{-@$)@1)@A6-%AV$N6}-?:<<,Z!A'fAq@{ A JU6-?:%@<<, 6-%$ . AP1(E-AA}QU O$@(}$6-@T@( A@^#(#F:A,A6A he A }@S6-?:<%A<%Aa<%Ag<%A<%A,eA6@r<F:Ad,AU*A6}<AdAU|F:A6,Ap6-?:%AV, AKF:A,"Ap3(I DON'T KNOW TH}AT TUNE6(A@K A(ERROR F:A, D1:PLAYER BxB@W@mmMPOKEY PLAYER INFORMATION 8/9/83POKEY PLAYER is a set of programsthat can be used to add music toyour own ATARI BASIC prog}rams.The music can be playedsimultaneously with programexecution - while your program isdoing other things such as drawin}gpictures on the screen. POKEYPLAYER has special features notfound in commercially availablemusic programs: * It is sp}ecifically designed tobe merged with ATARI BASIC. * The joystick is used to enterand edit notes. * Notes are displayed in} twoforms; on a grand staff, and aspiano keys. * White noise can be used toproduce a snare drum effect. * Each note has }an automaticdecay for a nicer sound. * Repeats can be used for noteduplication without using extramemory. * A range of e}ight octaves isavailable. * The tempo can be changed whilea piece is playing. * An average of only one byte isused for e}ach note.With all these features and more,POKEY PLAYER is quite capable ofproducing some good music.The POKEY PLAYER mu}sic system wasoriginally published in SoftSidemagazine. MACE was grantedspecial permission to include theprograms in the} library. Theprograms on this disk are the mostup to date versions available.PPDEMOThis demonstration plays theSCIPIO }piece while displayinggraphics screens which aresynchronized to the music by thePPSTAT (flag) command.EDITORThis versio}n includes the latestcommands PPPARM, PPOFST, andPPSTAT, faster initialization,and now faster loading, saving,and a metho}d to divide the musicinto measures which can be quicklysearched.COMPILERThis version of the compilerproduces disk data }files insteadof DATA statements. The latestversion supports the measurenumbering, printing a frame counttotal for each m}easure, to makedebugging much easier. It alsolets you choose not to generatea compilation report, so the musicwill compi}le in half the normal time.Just press the RETURN key in respnseto the device request.VMERGERun this program to merge the}.V1, .V2, and .V3 into one .Vfile, to save disk directoryspace.DPLAYERThis version quickly reads thedisk data file pro}duced by VMERGE.This program is an updated versionof PLAYER II (it runs on thevertical blank), and can be mergedwith your} own programs. It has been renumbered to fit at 28000. Anautomatic directory has beenthrown in for convenience. Pressth}e OPTION key to end a song early.Remove the graphics demo to use thisprogram on a system with 16K memory.Note: you only ha}ve to type the firstcouple of letters for a tune name.DETAILS, DETAILSHere are some suggestions so youwill have better }success usingPOKEY PLAYER. The first command on voice oneshould always be a PPTEMP to setthe tempo. Always put a PPSTOP} command atthe end of the first voice, andfollow it with a quarter rest. An extra quarter rest is requiredat the end of v}oices two and three. The primary voice must be thethird voice. Do not let the program stop whilethe vertical blank patch }is stillin effect. Information on how todisable this patch is given later. Remember, the PLAYER playsexactly three voice}s, and thefirst two are secondary (only asix octave range). The PLAYERcannot play just one voice. If you want to play on}ly onevoice, for the other two voicesenter a PPHEAD with repeat countof zero (forever), a whole rest,and PPTAIL. Finally}, avoid having two voicesplay the same note. Due to something called destructiveharmonic addition, the two voicescan get} sort of locked into eachother, producing a "tinny" sound,or can even become inaudible.This is really no problem,however,} because it means thatone voice is now free to dosomething else. The only timewhen two voices should playidentical notes} is when thePPOFST command is being used.MEASURE EDITINGTo create a measure marker, pressthe M key. Enter the measuren}umber when prompted, and pressRETURN. Measures can be numberedfrom 0 to 511. If you do nottype any numbers and just pres}sRETURN, the Editor will use thenumber after the most recentmeasure number. To cancel thecommand, enter a negative numbe}r.To find a measure, press the TABkey and enter the measure number.The Editor will search for the firstoccurrence of that} measure numberand move to that point. Cancelthe search by pressing RETURN forthe measure number.CONVENTIONSWhen using} the old format withDATA statements, start the DATAlines for the first voice at 3100and step by 2 (3102, 3104, etc.).The }second voice starts at 3200,and so on. With the new formatfor disk files, the filenameformat is to use the extender .S1f}or the source of voice one (thepart used with the EDITOR) and .V1for the voice one object code(used by the PLAYER). Use .}S2 and.V2 for voice two, and so on.DOCUMENTATIONIt is not expected that anybodywould be able to use POKEY PLAYERwithout} first reading thedocumentation published inSoftSide. Sorry, but MACE can notreprint this without violation ofcopyright.} However, it shouldcertainly be worthwhile to buybackissues of SoftSide if you donot have them. Here is areference to t}he three parts thathave been published.SoftSide #34 November 1982Part One described the basicfeatures of the system, an}d thethree step process to createmusic. It showed how the EDITORcan be used to enter, insert, anddelete notes of various} durations(including dots), with optionsincluding tie/slur and rest. Alsodescribed were editing features togo to the beg}inning or end of anote sequence, and how to save andload the voice to or from acassette or disk. The specialcommands int}roduced were PPHEAD tostart a repeat, PPTAIL to end arepeat, PPTEMP to set or changethe tempo, and PPSTOP to mark theend }of a voice. The compilationprocess was described, telling howthe COMPILER will read the sourcefor one voice (from the EDI}TOR),and generate the proper DATAstatements (object code for thePLAYER) and a printed report. TheCOMPILER must be used t}hree times,once for each voice. The PLAYERoperation was also described, withthe article telling how to mergethe DATA sta}tements with thePLAYER program. Note: PLAYER I,published in this issue, did notrun on the vertical blank, andcould not b}e merged with your ownprogram.SoftSide #36 January 1983Part Two told how to update PLAYERI into PLAYER II, which did wo}rkon the vertical blank and could bemerged with your own ATARI BASICprograms. Special mention wasmade about why the PLAY}ER runningon the vertical blank should bestopped only by using SYSTEMRESET, and that the program shouldnot end or be stop}ped by the BREAKkey, for fear of a system crash.Mention was also made of how musicplaying could be temporarilyfrozen and }continuedby poking zeroand one, respectively, intolocation ACTIVE (1536).SoftSide #38 March 1983Enhancements to the PLA}YER andEDITOR were provided in PartThree. A USR function was givento solve the vertical blankstopping problem described}earlier. An explanation was givenon how to make notes more staccato(short and choppy) or legatto(long and smooth). This }is calledthe "decay parameter". Furtherinformation was provided on how toread the compilation reportgenerated by the COM}PILER. Thencame a big section of revisionsfor the EDITOR to make itinitialize faster, and to give itadditional commands.} The firstnew command was PPPARM (parameterchange), which let the noise andvolume for a voice be changed.The noise could} be changed toeight, to use with a snare drum,and the volume could be changedfor special effects such asaccented notes, o}r voice fades.Be aware that the PPPARM commandresets the decay parameter whichcontrols the staccato/legatonature of the n}ote durations. Thenext special command was PPOFST(offset) which can be used forspecial purposes. Finally, thePPSTAT com}mand was described, tomake it easier to use POKEY PLAYERwith ATARI BASIC programs. Thiscommand provides a communicationl}ink between the PLAYER and theprogram. It was also hinted howmultiple PPSTOP (also calledPPHALT) commands could be embedd}edin the music, causing the PLAYERto freeze until reactivated aftereach stop by poking ACTIVE.Further advice was given on} how touse the EDITOR. The article alsocontained an inaccuracy when itlabeled the EDITOR modificationsto be POKEY PLAYER} 3 by CraigChamberlain, and said to mergethem with the PLAYER. This isentirely incorrect. The programlisting should hav}e been labeledEDMODS (EDITOR MODIFICATIONS) byHarry Bratt, and should be mergedwith the EDITOR, not the PLAYER.SoftSide g}oofed.COMMAND SUMMARYEditing CommandsB move to beginning of sourceE move to endS save source to disk or tapeL } load from disk or tapeM create measure markerTAB find measure markerSHIFT-CLR erase memoryCTRL-INSERT use to insert a }noteCTRL-DELETE delete the current notePlayer CommandsT set tempoR set repeat head or tailH stop or haltP set noise an}d volume parametersO set frequency offsetF status or flagCONTRIBUTEAll people who create music forPOKEY PLAYER are enco}uraged tosend their work to CraigChamberlain, 17094 Dunblaine,Birmingham, MI 48009. Thesepersons will be the first tor}eceive any revisions to POKEYPLAYER.The next release is schedule forOctober, 1983. There is a chancethat an all new, ma}chine codeversion of POKEY PLAYER will bedone in the future.POKEY PLAYER was created by HarryBratt and Craig Chamberlain}.ine codeversion of POKEY PLAYER will bedone in the future.POKEY PLAYER was created by HarryBratt and Craig Chamberlain(02 4 U  U  U  Uꪨ  U} +UꨠU? UU* }U? 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