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R(} With it's ability to understand a few simple commands . . . .pic/D1:MAGIC.PIC/2c 1 2 3 R)} 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 R*} 16 .b.by the Cryptic Wizard DOT-MAGIC!!! formerly released as DAISY-DOT II can . . . .fR+}/D1:ROMAN.NLQ .u.UNDERLINE .b.PRINT DOUBLE WIDTH PROPORTIONALLY CENTER ANY TEXT .F/D1:SCRIPTR,}.NLQ PLUS! .bu.ON THE FLY! Load and print with any Daisy-Dot Font .F/S8 change SPACINR-}G .F/D1 .b.and density .f/D1:SANSER*.NLQ/d2s3 AND! Can include within your text, any picture R.}files you wish!! MICROPAINTER or compressed MICROILLUSTRATOR!! .f/D1:BLOCK.NLQ .u.PLUS! .b.DR/}OT-MAGIC!!! Prints beautifully formatted with up to five lines of text & 99 COR0}PIES AT A CRACK! .f/D1:OLDE.NLQ/c1 AND! Acts as a correctable typewriter with all of these features .R1}b.AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!! .f/D1:ROMAN.NLQ/c0 .bcu.COMPLIMENTS OF THE WIZARD AND C H Q BBS!!! .R2}bcu.DOT-MAGIC!!! page 2 .u.INTRODUCTION Every time the ole Wiz sees a prograR3}m that he really likes he thinks, "JEEZ! I wish I'd a' thought 'o that!" Such was the case with ٭ by R4}Roy Goldman. With a lots of help from his printer manual and some from Frank Ostrowski (author of TURBO BASIC), ole RR5}oy did a fair job of making the most of the graphics capabilities of EPSON compatible printers. I haven't firR6}ed up my real Daisy Wheel since I obtained a copy. The inspiration of DAISY-DOT was such that I sat down and R7}wrote ԭá, which will do a LOT more things with a few more printers using fonts created with Roy's font editR8}or. If you'd like to create your own fonts to use with DMG, then get in touch with Roy Goldman, the authR9}or of DAISY-DOT at: .f/b1c1 ROY GOLDMAN 2440 SOUTH JASMINE ST. DENVER, CO 80222 ComR:}puServe ID# 72347,3705 .f/c0b0 That was the last address we had for him. The original DAISY-DOT R;}includes a text file printer, font editor, and information on how DAISY-DOT and DOT-MAGIC!!! get those nice fonts to R<}the printer. The original DAISY-DOT is also available on C H Q BBS. Like DAISY-DOT, DMG is PD and can bR=}e distributed freely in its original form. However, donations be appreciated. Send to: .f/c1b1 R>}Wizard's Corner C H Q BBS P.O. BOX 45 GIRARD, OHIO 44420 .F/C0B0 These are the bare boneR?}s instructions on using DOT-MAGIC!!! Those sending donations to C H Q will receive more detailed instructions on R@} using DOT-MAGIC!!!, some "hints" on using DMG to your full advantage and some more DMG utilities. Include your adRA}dress! By keeping a copy of this doc handy when you're using DMG, you should be able to create some veryRB} professional looking documents with ease. To gain some insight into how it all works, copy this doc to the pRC}rinter through DOS then compare the actual text and the printout that results through DMG. If you've alreRD}ady read the README.TXT file, you know all of the requirements to get DOT-MAGIC!!! up and running. If you haven't reaRE}d it, then please do so. It has all the information and also the complete instructions on how to print this dRF}oc using DOT-MAGIC!!!. .bcu.DOT-MAGIC!!! page 3 .u.DAISY-DOT FONTS RG} The seven fonts on the DOT-MAGIC!!! disk are what make DMG tick. To load a font, simply type the font name RH}! DMG will supply the extender ".NLQ" for you. DMG the ".NLQ" extender for DAISY-DOT fonts. RI} .u.FORMAT MENU Figure one is an accurate representation of the screen as it appears while DMG waitsRJ} for a press of the key to begin printing. To change any of these values, press the key and, whRK}ile holding it, press the key that corresponds to the letter of the value you wish to modify. .PIC/D1:RL}MENU.PIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RM} 12 13 14 15 16 .CU.figure one .u.MAIN MENU ITEM #1: PRINT A TEXT FILERN} This is DMG's bread and butter mode which will yield very professional looking results with properly formRO}atted text files. DMG needs text in files that have been "printed to disk" and thus formatted for the printedRP} page. It will work with "saved" word processor files. Properly formatted text files can be created with a RQ} number of word processors, some as noted below: Ҡ- From ATW+ main menu, press "P" to print; answer RR}"N" to the "PRINT TO PRINTER?" prompt; assign your desired filename to the file; choose item C = ATARRS}I 1027 from the printer selection menu. - use the command CTRL + SHIFT "O"; enter your desiredRT} filename at the output device prompt; answer "N" to the send control code prompt. .RU}bcu.DOT-MAGIC!!! page 4 Ҡ- There is no way within LETTER PERFECT itself to pRV}rint formatted text files to disk in ATARI compatible DOS. One solution is to convert the LJK DOS savRW}ed file to an ATARI DOS file then load and print to disk with ATARIWRITER PLUS. This, unfortunately, RX}may require extensive re-editing of your file. However, there is now available an excellent utility for printing RY}LETTER PERFECT files to disk! In fact, this document was prepared with LETTER PERFECT on an 800 modelRZ} ATARI equipped with an AUSTIN-FRANKLIN 80 column board (old habits ar hard to break). It was then printed to R[} disk with the РԠϠŠ written by yours truly, the Wizard. This utility is included inR\} addition to the expanded DMG documentation package when a donation for DMG is received at C H Q BBS.R]} If you think you can use the utility, see page two for more details on how to obtain it. Once you'vR^}e loaded the desired font and entered the name of your text file, make sure all of the desired values appear in the FR_}ORMAT MENU. Then, insert the proper disk, set your printer to top of form and press to print your file.R`} You can, at any time, pause printing by pressing the Š or abort printing by pressing the key.Ra} ** CAUTION: DMG will ignore any characters that are not found in the font sample below: .f/c1 Rb} !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz| .f/c0 Rc} It will, however, accept characters and print these characters as text! ** NOTE: The WiRd}zard's РԠϠŠ for LETTER PERFECT users print to disk text as !! Re}.u.COMMANDS WITHIN YOUR TEXT FILE Besides printing absolutely terrific copies of straight text files, DORf}T-MAGIC!!! can understand and execute a number of commands within a text file as well. Examples of these commands appRg}ear under each command heading below, but please note: the -> (arrow) preceding each command sample is there Rh}solely to prevent DMG from executing the command as it prints this documentation. You should type the -> Ri}when typing a command that is intended for execution. Again, we recommend that you copy this doc file tRj}o your printer as straight text through DOS then compare that straight text printout to the printout that resRk}ults from DMG. It will will give you a good idea of how these commands work and what effect they have on the Rl}final copy. Further details are available from C H Q BBS in an expanded DOT-MAGIC!!! documentation package as noted oRm}n page two. .bcu.DOT-MAGIC!!! page 5 .u.FONT/FORMAT COMMAND Rn} ->.f/ + carriage return "B" then 1 or 0 = BOLD on or off; "C" then 1 or 0 =Ro} CENTER on or off; "S" then 1-9 = SPACING; "D" then 1-4 = DENSITY. Mix and match in any order as you pleaseRp}. ** NOTE: Since this command causes the printer to print a blank line, it should replace a carriage return Rq}between paragraghs in your text. .u.HEADING COMMAND ->.u.UNDERLINE THIS TEXT ->.b.PRINT IN BOLDFACERr} ->.c.CENTER THESE WORDS ->.bcu.MIX BOLD, CENTER, UNDERLINE ** NOTE: The case in which HEADING COMMRs}ANDS appear makes no difference to DMG. These commands can also be mixed and matched as desired. The only wayRt} to underline text within the body of your document is to send that text to DMG as characters. .u.LRu}INK FILE COMMAND ->.link/Dn:filename.ext + carriage return .u.INCLUDE PICTURE COMMAND Rv} ->.pic/Dn:filename.ext/<1,2,3> + (n) carriage returns "L" = blocked left, "C" = centered, "R" = blRw}ocked right; numeral 1, 2, or 3 = size; "N" = negative. When printing a picture in size one or size two, the Rx}command itself must be followed by 16 carriage returns. For size three, follow the command with 33 carriage returns.Ry} .u.MAIN MENU ITEM #2: TYPEWRITER When in the TYPEWRITER mode, the screen appears exactly as seen in Rz} figure one. The text widow used to display your text before it is sent to the printer is considered as one longR{} continuous line. .u.MAIN MENU ITEM #4: LABELER The labeler was designed to print on standard 1 X 3 adR|}dress labels. In all respects, this mode is identical to the TYPEWRITER except that each of the five lines ofR}} the text window represents an individual line of text on the printed address label. .bcu.DOT-MAGICR~}!!! page 6 .f/D1:OHIO.NLQ/C1S5 .B.WE HOPE YOU ENJOY USING .pic/D1:MAGR}IC.PIC/3c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R} 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 R} 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BYR} .B.THE CRYPTIC WIZARD .F/B0C0S3D2 .c.Don't forget to call C H Q BBS at 216-758-0284 and check R} .c.the WIZARD'S CORNER for a Q & A forum on .c.DOT-MAGIC!!!, TURBO and ATARI BASIC.t 216-758-0284 and check P_ DOT-MAGIC!!! INITIAL INSTRUCTIONS !!! BACK UP YOUR DMG* DISK !!! WHAT YOU NEED --ATARI 600XL(64K) / 800XL / 1200XLV} / 65XE / 130XE --EPSON EX/FX/JX/LX/RX or STAR GEMINI/SG/NL/NP/NX (in IBM mode) or other EPSON compatibles. --ATARIV} DOS 2.5 / DOS XL / SmartDOS / MyDOS (& others but you'll have to try them yourself)>>>The following printers will worV}k with DMG if the program disk is modified as noted: --NEC/PROWRITER users rename the file PRO.CNF to PRO. --EPSONV} MX users rename the file MX.CNF to MX. --STAR non-IBM mode users rename the file STAR.CNF to STAR --OTHER PRINTER usV}ers will have to experiment to find the right combination, but please note, DMG may NOT work with your printer AT V} ALL. With the veritible plethora of printers available for use with ATARI computers, we can offer no guarantees.>V}>>DOT-MAGIC!!! is written in compiled TURBO BASIC, hence you must HOLD OPTION when booting on any but the 1200 XL moV}dels. Due to memory conflicts, DMG will not work with SPARTA DOS nor on 400/800 ATARI computers. SORRY!>>>The disk V}comes with ATARI DOS 2.5. If you wish to use your own fav- orite, by all means, write your DOS to your BACKUP copy oV}f DMG.>>>Once you've got your disk set up, BOOT DMG. At the MAIN MENU screen choose menu item #1: ->PRINT A TEXT FILEV} ->At the font filename prompt, type: OHIO ->At the text filename prompt, type: DMG.DOC ->Set yourV} printer to TOF (top of form) with at least 6 pages of paper available) then press START.>>>LEAVE THE DMG DISK IN DRIVV}E #1 and the basic instructions on using DMG will print beautifully for you!!>*>*>*>We strongly recommend that you V} then copy the DMG.DOC file to your printer as straight text (as you did this readme file) so you can gain some insiV}ght as to just how DOT-MAGIC!!! did all of those neet tricks with your printer!!*ź DOT-MAGIC!!! was formerlyrelV}eased as DAISY-DOT II. Any ref-erence to DMG should also be int-erpreted as a reference to DD2.T-MAGIC!!! was formerlyrelTb/