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X} One of the most exciting things to happen for the Atari 8-bits in the laY}st month or so of 1989 is the advent of the Stereo modification by Chuck Steinman, nick named the Z}"Gumby" mod. In a nut shell, this modification adds a second POKEY chip to your co[}mputer and allows you to have two channels of 4 voices each. This leads to TRUE stereo sound\} output from the computer, something that Atari should have done years ago. ]} These five Action! routines will allow Action! programmers to access the new voices in the same fa^}shion as the original voices. Included here are four new routines: _} SndLo SndHi `} SRLo SRHi Gumby a} Turning The Sound On The PROC SndLo b}is *exactly* the same as the current PROC Sound. It has simply been renamed to comply with the new c} PROC for the other channel. The PROC SndHi is the one that will let you access the d} new voices. For both PROCs, the command format is: e} Snd??(Byte Voice, Pitch, Distortion, Volume) Where: Voicef} is a value from 0 to 3 for the voice you wish to access Pitch is a value frg}om 0 to 255, Low to High tones Distortion is a value from 0 to 14 (even only) with h} 10 being a "pure" tone Volume is a value from 0 to 16, from Low to High i} volume In other words, call these PROCs just like the normal Action! j} library call. The only difference is that you now have access to TWO channels of 4 voices each. k} As stated above, the PROC SndLo is the same as the Action! library PROC Sound. Youl} need not use PROC SndLo unless you want to, but I find that it makes life simpler to have them} two commands with similar names. Turning Thn}e Sound Off The PROC SRLo is *exactly* the same os the Action! libraro}y routine PROC SndRst. It has been renamed only to provide continuity. To turn off thp}e sound on one of the channels, use the command: SR??() q} This will reset ALL voices for the channel to make no sound. r} Again, you need not use the PROC SRLo since it is the same as the library PROC SndRst, bus}t I find it simpler to do so. Seet}ing If Gumby Is Home The FUNC Gumby will allow you to test for the second u} POKEY chip in order to let your program determine is Gumby has been installed. The call to this FUNC is: v} Byte Test Test=Gumby() w} One of two values will be returned in the variable Test as follows: x} 0 = Gumby Installed 1 = Gumby NOT Installed y} Note that when you make the FUNC call to this routine that ALL interrupts are disabled whz}ile the check is made. Upon return, the interrupt status is restored to its prior setting. This {} s done to prevent possible spurious responses from the old and/or new POKEY chips. |} WARNING! Use of the PROC SndHi or PROC SRHi on non-upgraded}} machines may have unpredictable results!! Unless you are 100% *sure* that your program will be ~}used only on machines with Gumby installed, you should always check first! } Credits These PROCs we}re derived from the Public Domain Action! Run Time system by Jeff Reister. Thanks again!! } Jeff Reister. Thanks again!! H #0&< NNNN"NA00EIL\n{%N:NLM4he }!ntic-usic0rocessor6ersion3ongand.ote0rogram%ditor6/)#%6/)#%6/)#%6/)#%%nter#ommand }"eats/ct%nv4empo-eter$ur1+ey-empppBM }Nn@BHA!-0 4he!ntic-usic0rocessor0rogrammed"y3teven,ashower6erc !ntic0ublications׀0 }lay-usicÀ,oad-usic%dit-usicÀ3ave-usic#lear-usic€$isk$irectory뀴4empo&ormat$isk }%dNOit,yrics€%xitto$/33elect)tem(1%34(1%34:7(1%34:7( }1%34:)nvalid#ommand  4oo-any"eats .ot%nough }"eats OPK:>"')@  [_ $dlm}T* H$ @ `0 yslfa[WŹztnyrlf` }[UQLHD@<952/-*(%#!  <j  }! !PQih ! !`bdek V0`` ذ1 ٰ, #Ld!հ }Ld!#8#0`8`.))?eiiLk!`8394!X#LM8 bM X" } "QR3ԭ6TL"8A; 663V568WɀW866W 33LC"336W3 }Vԥ 6i 6LQ"3 Y7;O;OF6L"#36L";<12 -<6L"2 -<6` }!  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If }not specified,all optional items take on the valuesshown in the status lines at thebottom of the screen.XXX A note ca}n be followed by anaccidental -- sharp (#), flat (F), ornatural (N). You don't need to entersharps or flats if they're in} the keysignature. Accidentals carry throughuntil the end of a measure, or untilyou specify a new accidental. Forexampl}e, C# remains sharp until youenter CN, or start the next measure. Note C, octave 4 (C4) is middle C.If you do not speci}fy the octave, theoctave number of the note nearest theprevious note is used. For example,a C following a B3 is interpret}ed asC4, not C3.XXXENVELOPES ) Ties notes together > Normal note envelope (notprinted on screen) ' Slightly  }faster decay than > " Fastest note decay (staccato)MEASURES AND TEMPO M - Insert measure marker. Tx - Change T }empo to x (x=35(slowest) to x=290 (fastest). )XXXCURSOR COMMANDS [CONTROL] [ARROW] key combinationsmove the cursor i }n the direction ofthe arrow. [SHIFT] [UP-ARROW] movesthe cursor to the next measure, and[SHIFT] [DOWN-ARROW] moves it to }previous measure.CONTROL COMMANDS Mx - Display measure x. MET=x/y - Change meter (x=1-32,y=1:2:4:8:16:32).XXX  }KEY=na - Key signature (n=0-7,a=#:F). For G major, enter KEY=1#. P - Play Notes showing in currentedit column.DELETE }AND RESTORE[DELETE] - Remove the last characterin the data entry line. [CONTROL] [DELETE] - Remove thenote at the curs}or. [CONTROL] [INSERT] - Restore thenote at the cursor.XXXCUT AND PASTE [SHIFT] [DELETE] - Place the noteat the cur}sor in the buffer. [SHIFT] [INSERT] - Place the notesin buffer at the cursor. [SHIFT] [CLEAR] - Clear all datain the }buffer.MISCELLANEOUS [ESCAPE] returns you to the mainmenu. This works at any point in theprogram except during playb}ack, whenyou should use [START].XXX [C] Clear Music - Press [C] toclear all notes from the computer'smemory. [T] T}empo - Playback speed can beselected by pressing [T] from themain menu, or embedding tempocommands with the notes. Tempo }canrange from 35 (slowest) to 290(fastest). [S] Save File - Type in thefilename and press [RETURN]. [D] Disk Direc}tory - Pressing[RETURN] without specifying afilename will list all of the filesXXXon the disk in drive 1. Specify thedr}ive and file name to see a listingof files on other drives. Forexample, enter D2:*.* to see all thefiles on the disk in d}rive 2. Oncethe directory has been displayed, youcan [L]ock, [U]nlock or [D]elete afile.[F] Format Disk - PERMANENTLY e}rasesALL DATA from current disk in thespecified drive. Use with caution.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH}HHHHHHHLL DATA from current disk in thespecified drive. Use with caution.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHˉ堎 BƁ4 L} }X#ϊV4#gUUUUUϊV4#}}  }     }SSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSQQQQQQQQQSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUS!}SSSSSSSSQQQQQQQQQSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUQQQQQQQQQPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSUUUUUU"}UUUQQQQQQQQQPPPPPPPPPGBDEIGBIGDGBDEIIDKIBLLdLLLdLLLdLLLdLL#}dLLLdLLLdLLLdLdLLdLLdLLLdLdLLLdLLLdLLLdLdLLdLLd$}LLLdLdLLdLLLdLLLdLtLLtLLtLLLtLtLLtLLLtLLLtddddddd%}dddddddddddddddddddddtLtLLtLLtLLLLtLtLLLtLLLtLLLLLLtddddddsAM1RT SV'0}V4 65 T 4 65 5 7 4 54 $ '4 '+ '0 'T &T&V4 65 T 4 65 4 65 0 60 1 0 . , 60 T 0 V- 6. T "- 6. + 6+ T?} $0&3 ,T TV%%=% - -% -' -))=) - -% -) -V3 =66 =6 -3 =,,TT0VT,* "T "T0"T") "T "T") "T "VT"* "@}T "T0")% VT"* "T "T0"T") "T "T") "T "V T"+ "T "T"+ "T "' "T "/ 80 80 -T 'TV!.02-02,2) "T "T") "T "V"TA}"* "T "T0"T"1"5"/"V#.02-02,2) "T "T") "T "V$+ 2. 2."* 20 20 ") 2)02T 2, (. (/ (V%6 (T (, 868386838683868386B}8386 (T (, 8. 8. (, (. 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T T ' J}' ' 'V 7 7 7 7# #'# 7# & 7) 7, 7/ -T TV0 7, 7' 7$ 7$  7 7 7% -% -T $ -T0VT' T T' T T' T TK}' T VT, T T, T T' 6) 6+ 6, 6. 6/ 6VT' T T' T T' T T' T VT' T T& T '&%&$&"&VL}T' T T' T T' T T' T VT, T T, T $'+' 'T 'T'VT') T T) T T$ T T$ T VT+ T M}&& &&$ ,T ,TV= - - - -= - - - -V0 =33 =3 -3 =*)T-T0-VT"% "T "' "T "( "T "T"% "T "T"%N} "T "VT"$ "T "'"("VT"% "T "'"("T"% "T "T"% "T "V T"( "T "T"( "T "$ "T ") 8' 8, -T 7 'T 'V!T"% "O}T "' "T "( "T "T"% "T "T"% "T "V"T"$ "T "' "T "( "T ") "T "% "T " "T " "T "V# "T ". "T "' "T "* "T ") "T "% "T " "T P}"% "T "V$"T TV%T,$T$T$ ( ( ( (V&T(%T%T%%(&(V''$ $$$ $V(%Q}% %%))(V)T,$T$T$ ( ( ( (V*T%T%)(%( ((V+ "T ". "T "' "T "* "T ") "T "% "T " "R}T "% "T "V,"* (*$()0(,(T(V-V$ Geschwindigkeit schneller Option = Speed groesser -> Geschwindigkeit langsamy}er Start = Play Shift = Zum Hauptmenue Waehrend des Abspielens sieht man ein kleines Logo inz} der Mitte und die Samplewerte werden mittels PM-Grafik dargestellt. Das Abspielen kann mit der Shift-Taste abgebrochen werde{}n und man kommt in den Playscreen. Achtung: Die Shift-Taste nicht zu lange gedrueckt halten, da man sonst gleich ins Hauptmen|}ue zurueck kommt! Das Programm ist uebrigens auch Resetfest. Man kommt dabei immer ins Hauptmenue. Falls man aber neu booten}} will, braucht man nur Option und Reset gleichzeitig zu druecken! Jetzt noch etwas zu den Anzeigen. Diese heissen mit ausfue~}hrlichem Namen: Pattern Nr.:00 Sektor Nr.:0000 Ram-Bank:0 Speed:D (Alle Anzeigen sind uebrigens hexadezimal.) -Die Pa}ttern Nr. wird nur waehrend des Ladens angezeigt. Man kann dabei mitverfolgen, wieviel Speicher die Pattern im Vergleich zu }den Samples brauchen. Der Player schafft zur Zeit MD8-Files mit ca. 100 Pattern. Ich denke, dass das vorerst ausreicht! -D}ie Sektor Anzahl wird schon beim Anzeigen des File-namens angezeigt, da man so gleich weiss wie lang das Stueck ist. -Die R}am-Bank Nr. wird auch waehrend des Ladens veraendert. Sobald der normale Speicher gefuellt ist oder eine vorherige Bank gefu}ellt ist, erhoeht sie sich um eins. Folgende Tabelle gibt es dabei zu beachten: : Ram-Bank Nr.: : O : } l - 4 : 4 - 8 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : Speicher: : no}rmaler -Speicher : XE-Baenke : weitere Baenke : Mehr als 8 zusaetzliche Baenke werden bestimmt nicht benoetigt! Das lae}ngste MOD-File das ich konvertiert habe, war ca. 300 KB gross. Das entspricht einem MD8-File mit 150 KB, welches eine DD-Di}sk schon gut fuellt und nur sechs zusaetzliche Baenke benoetigt! Die meisten Stuecke passen noch in den normalen XL und fue}r den XE gibt es auch sehr viele. Stuecke die nicht mehr in den XE passen findet man nur selten. Die PORTB-Werte fuer die R}amdisks habe ich so gewaehlt, dass alle mir bekannten Ramdisks damit laufen muessten. Die ersten 8 Werte sind bei allen Ram}disks, die ich kenne, gleich. Ich hoffe, dass es von dieser Seite her keine Probleme mehr gibt. -Die Geschwindigkeit ist be}i den meisten MD8-Files D, ich habe aber auch schon eines, das man mit Speed 9 abspielen muss: Zu den Disk-routinen gibt e}s noch zu sagen, dass ein Density-test zur Erkennung von DD-Disks durchgefuehrt wird und diese auch einwandfrei verarbeitet w}erden. Es werden Files von DOS 2.5 und auch MYDOS akzeptiert! Ein DOS wird bei Fampy nicht geladen. Auf Speedy-unterstuetzung} musste ich leider verzichten, aber wenn man schon eine Speedy hat, dann sollte man sich auch ein OS dazu kaufen, das die Gec}hwindigkeit der Speedy unterstuetzt. So das war's! Falls es noch Fragen gibt, koennen diese an folgende Adresse (mit Rueckpo}rto!) geschickt werden. Fuer ganz Eilige gibt es auch meine Telefonnummer. Falls neue MD8-Files gebraucht werden, dann schick}t mir einfach ein paar leere Disks, schreibt dazu in welchem Format sie beschrieben werden sollen und wieviel Speicher euer C}ompi hat. Natuerlich darf man auch hier das Rueckporto nicht vergessen. MD8-Files wird es demnaechst auch in vielen PD-Listen} geben. MD8-Files zum Konvertieren koennen auch mitgeschickt werden. Fridag-Software Productions Wolfgang Freitag Hirschberg}str. 5 97424 Schweinfurt Germany Tel.:09721/87852 (ab 14.00 Uhr) Viel Spass noch... Special Thanks an: -Eisbaer C}orp. fuer die MOD-File Beschreibung, das tolle "FAMPY"-Logo sowie die vielen MOD-Files -Lord Helmchen fuer das Ausleihen sei}nes 320 KB-XL -Alfons Kluepfel fuer das Ausleihen seiner Kopierstation (einfach toll) und das Drucken der Etiketten und an }alle anderen, die mich tatkraeftig unterstuetzt haben. Kopierstation (einfach toll) und das Drucken der Etiketten und an 8堎 άnB JR*!}p     !}hVED33xwgfhE#}!""""23wwf%wfVG!}333333333DDDDUUeffff!}   !}!}GGGEBGGGEBGGGEBGGGEBEEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@GGGEBGGGEBGGGEBGGGEBJ!}JJHEJJJHEJJJHEJJJHEEEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EE!}EC@GGGEBGGGEBGGGEBGGGEBJJJHEJJJHEJJJHEJJJHEEEEC@EEEC@EEEC@EEEC@]u__B__]t_B!}__]u__B__]t_B__[t]]B]][u]B][u]]B]][u]B]][u]]B]][u]B]][u]]B]][u]B]!}][u]]B]][u]B][u]]B]][u]B]][u]]B]][u]B]][u]]B]][u]B]]]u__B__]u_B_]!}u__B__]_B__]u__B__]u_B__]u__B__]_B__[u]]B]][u]B][u]]B]][u]B]]QLHL!}EuQLHLEuONLNGuQLHLEBBBONLNGtNLJENLJEBBJQJQJuJQJQJuTSTQLQSTSTQL!}ELELEuELELEuGNGNGuGNGNGBBrBBr r rONOLGLNONOLGuJJHGEQJJHGEQBBBuTSTQLQSTSTQL g堎 q-2t%}p š p%}ϊV4333)ωgVUDDG#XhE3"Ϛwgff%}%} %}%}IIdIIdIdIIdIIdIdDDdDDdDdDDdDDdDdIIdIIdIdIIdIIdIdDDdDDdDdDD%}dDDdDdEE~EE~E~EE~EE~E~@@~@@~@~@@~@@~@~BB~BB~B~BB~BB~B~DD~DD~D~DD~DD~D~%}UUSUWPPPUUSUWPPPUUSQSLLLQQPNPP~~~~~~~~PI~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~D~D~D~D~D%}~D~D~D~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~D~D~D~D~D~D~D~D~EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BBBBBBBBBBBBB%}BBBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI@D@I@D@I@D@I@D@DGKGIGKGDGKGDGKGILPLILPLILPLILPLDGKGDGKGDGKGDGKGEILIEILIEILIEILI@DGD@DGD@DGD@DGDBEIEBE%}IEBEIEBEIEDHKHDHKHDHKHDHKHIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEE@@@@@@@@@@%}BBBBBBBBBBDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEE@@@@@@@@@@$"ᐠ堎  O+X %Nʤb,Vntu>Г2Bv)}p0 p 00p@)}@ P0G#F3#"""gUDe$y3G#X#V4")}W#)H#F3#"""F3#"""G#33333333W43333333F3#""")}    !..//01-,,0110)!0 ,  )}   (( ((((()))))())01+1    ******)}*++++++++) - )NBDELIfffiiffffifffiiffffiNBDEPLfffiiffffiiiimmiiiimmmtptpptp)}tptptptptppmpmpmpmpmpmpooooXXZ\ZZ\]\\]_]]_aXXZ\ZZ\]\\]_]]_aIIIIIIIGLLIIIIIIIGLLXXZ\)}ZZ\]\\]_]]_aXXZ\ZZ\]\\]_]]_aIIIIIIIGPPIIIIIIIGPPGGSGSGSGSEEQEQDPDPGGSGSGSGSEEQEQDPD)}P[\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\^______^[\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\^______^ KLJLGDGGIDLKLJLGDGGIDLDD pDDD pDCC p)}CCC pC@@ p@@@ p@@@ p@@@ p@DD pDDD pDCC pCCC pC@@ p@@@ p@@@ p@@@ p@DDDDDDDDCCCCCCCC@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DDDDDDDDCCCC)}CCCC@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@D@@C@@D@@C@@D@C@D@@C@@D@@C@@D@C@GDDFDDGDDFDDGDFDGDDFDDGDDFDDGDFDKGKFKDKGKFKDFGI ppp)}pppppppppppppppppdppdppdppdppdppdppD@ pC@@ p@@C p@D@ p@D@ pC@@ p@@C p@D@ p@GD pFDD pDDF p)}DGD pDGD pFDD pDDF pDGD pD WVWVWVWVWVOP WVWVWVWVWVOP WVWVWVWVWVOP WVWVWVWVWVOPNBDEPLBBBBBBBBBBBBEE)}@@BBBBBBBBBBBBEE@@EEEEEEEEEEEEIIDDEEEEEEEEEEEEIIDDIINILINIINIQINGGNGLGNEESDQDDPDDD)}BBBBBBBBBBBBEE@@BBBBBBBBBBBBEE@@EEEEEEEEEEEEIIDDEEEEEEEEEEEEIIDDZZZfffffffZZZffffffffZZZfffffffffffffaaaa_)}___\\\\mifimmifimifimmmktpmpttpmptpmpttts WVWVWVWVWVSRPRSVWVWVWVWVWVOP WVWVWVWVWVSRPRSVPO)}NMLKJIHGFEDCBAttvttwvtttvttwvtttvttwvtttvttwvtttvttwvtttvttwvtttvttwvtttvttwvtE } mE mE } m } m } mmm ZZZZ)}fZfZfZfZZfZfffffZfZfZZfffffcccc____\\\\EEEEEEEEIDNBDELIE } m }E } m } mE)} } m }E } mmmE } m }E } m } mE } m }E } mmmII tIIII tI tII tIIII tIDDD tDDDD)} tD t@@ t@@@@ t@II tIIII tG tEE tEEEE tDBBB tBBBB tE tDD tDDDD tG IILIIL)}DDG@ IPPIILNI ILIPPPSU ILDDPDPDGIL DG@LLLSNNSXEE oEEEE oEE oEEEE o }EE oEEEE)} oEE oEEEE o }KIIEEB@ABCD kIIIPIIPII kIIIPI kI kIPIIPII kIPIIP kDDDKD kD kkkKDDKD k@@@G@@GG@)} k@@G@G oIUIIWIXII oIIWIX oEQEESEU oE oEESEU oBNBBPBQBB oBBP oQ oDPDDQDSD ooDDQDS ddddddddmmXWXWUQ)}NUNPWPPSPEE oEEEE oEE oEEEE o }EE oEEEE ouuuurrrrooookkkkBBBBBBBE@BBBBBBBE@E)}EEEEEEIDEEEEEEEIDIIIIIIIIGGGGEEDDDDDDSPPXUUPSUXSUNNUNQQQPSPSUBBBBBB)}BE@BBBBBBBE@EEEEEEEIDEEEEEEEIDGEEDDDDDDSPPXUUPSUXSUNNUNQQQPSPSUBBBBBB(6100 REM ALEATORIC MUSIC EXPERIMENT 110 REM J. SANGSTER 26 JULY 1986 120 REM 122 REM SET UP RATIOS (4 OCTAVES) 130 DIM T(48)-} 140 R=2^(-1/12) 150 T(0)=4 160 FOR I=1 TO 48:T(I)=T(I-1)*R:NEXT I 200 REM SET UP ACTUAL NOTES 205 CENTER=63 210 FOR I=0 TO 4-}8:T(I)=T(I)*CENTER:T(I)=INT(T(I)+0.5):NEXT I 300 REM 301 REM PICK RANDOM BASE NOTE T0 AND 302 REM NOTES T1 T2 T3 TO MAKE CHO-}RD 310 TSTART=24:T0=TSTART 320 I=INT(8*RND(0)-3.5) 322 IF RND(0)>0.8 THEN I=I*2 330 T0=T0+I 332 IF T0TSTART+5 THEN T0=T0-2 340 T1=T0+INT(2*RND(0)+0.5)+2 350 T2=T1+3*INT(RND(0)+0.5) 360 T3=T2+5*INT(RND(0)+0.5) 369 VOL=-}8 370 IF T3<=48 THEN 400 371 T3=T3-12:T2=T2-12:T1=T1-12 400 GOSUB 430 410 GOTO 500 430 SOUND 0,T(T0),10,VOL 440 SOUND 1,T(T1)-},10,VOL 450 SOUND 2,T(T2),10,VOL 460 SOUND 3,T(T3),10,VOL 470 RETURN 500 FOR J=1 TO 10:VOL=VOL*0.895:GOSUB 430:NEXT J 505 IF-} VOL<0.1 THEN 320 510 IF RND(0)>0.75 THEN GOTO 500 520 GOTO 320 TURN 500 FOR J=1 TO 10:VOL=VOL*0.895:GOSUB 430:NEXT J 505 IF,@`a bLwaBDaEHI VLwaa-aLmaaЭaѭa8ЅҭaхӰLmaө8ЅԩpхթDp1}EҝHӝI VLwa apaLma֠Trֈ֠SrL`@Ur@ r@۠?p9TppeԙpTpe1}ՙTp$ka%lapp hש hga \!װש@ h hЩkala \@ hl hLa1} al ؅ԩ ؠȱ)aʈ aޠa al BDExHILV BLV堎 Error 000!Not C1}MC file.CMCbe eS^ LVgeȱ ge geA! .ɛ5. Ȣa  ϥ i!D iE !e eLV1}D] BzDeEHI VjDeE e VBDeE e VϩDeE !e eLVae HeB B1}DeE e΍DEHIRHHR} V V䭅e0@DeEHI VΥ\DEHU) VHL1}c) H VhhR eLxb dΦϩDeEHI !e VHDEB V eLxb* d d1}Lc+ d( dLc-& d)Ld dLc=& dΐi)ΐ dL(dɛ e He1}BDeE e VDe:ee  .eae詛e eDeE !e eLVˈ̊)8Hi(ːhL1}d)i ː̈LdXe˅˥Ye̠̅ Iˈ`xHI` BLVBJKD˽E̠CK`BJK{D1}eE eLVLEnter file name:D:*.???K:hoLZoLchLjL_1}@+QhRhSh)pJJJhhhhҩbhShRhQhLhYhhi.ihiii5iZh[hɏ T 1}T` hAhDhJh hMhOhVhWhZh[h h iU0L'iɏThUh`ThUh`VhWhiXh1}iYhiZhi[hThUhҩbh h(h쩀Jh`Qh)JhShRhQhSh1h(h+h Vhi0HWh1}ihe\hi_hVhiWhiSh mSh Shȱ:h7h4h.h)jjShȱJJJJmQhQhj.h)1} hȌQhLijhShȱ)mQhQhQh.h)(h8hShH)Do%hhJJJJ>7 0 iDn"h`Dnnnإ1}HHHHbhL#nMhLxlThUhLel hLkJh0JhAhZh[h hkOhPh hNh hPh h>hiU1} h̎k7 hL k h3/JJJ)ktkkuk?h s[ hU̎kЋk hL#nLkkkkkkkk i`0`08`01}e`0ߍThUh`0ӭ@h0ȌNheOh@hPhT`0 ɏ`DhDhWJhR>h@KXhYhi@Ah) )?Gh1}Ah@ )?Gh iLUlɀ )?DhAh h)? hUhThUh h hh.h)h(h.h)h\h_1}h(h7!+h.+h+h& h h4h+hLl(hJJJJJ) hh.h)h( =1h h hh=h(h8)1}Po(h)(i7h%"hh=hhh%hh(h)(h(h)4h+hJh h@Jh1h.hJJJJJ}hh1}h}hh0Llhh.h)=h H0n)) hҽ h hh(h)Эhhh1}hh`xrke_ZUPKGC?<852/,*'%#! οzqke_VPg`ZUQLHC?1}=9439-*(%$! 8 j jFAn0R"zU4w`N8'1}xpjd^WR2 @5?@ ohBhh`$o%oXo$Yo%hh8ohhp chLch1}o$o%@Lch j oL_`?@ ohBhh`$o%oXo$Yo%hh8ohhp chLch0(PLAY 1.0by Tomasz M. Tatar(tatar@student.uci.agh.edu.pl)==============================PLAY is a player of Chaos MusicCo5}mposer files. It has been developedespecially for Sparta DOS users, butit also has been tested with DOS 2.5and MyDOS. It p5}robably works even withtape recorder.Chaos Music Composer is powerfulmusic editor developed by L.K. Avalon,from Poland. 5}It saves music in .CMCfiles. Every file may contain a fewdifferent songs. In fact .CMC file isa binary file (just like .OB5}J or .COM).As a result of this music from CMC canbe easy used in other programs (games,demos, etc.). Chaos Music Composer 5}canalso create binary module with playersongs from CMC. PLAY is also using thismodule.Using PLAY:===========Sparta DOS5} users can use PLAY inform:PLAY [file[.ext]]If no extension has been given, .CMC isassumed. PLAY loads file, and playf5}irst song of file (it can be a fewsongs in one CMC file). If any erroroccurs during loading (for example"File not found"),5} message with errornumber would be displayed. When musicis played, you can press "Esc" key toreturn to DOS. If you want to5} playnext song from this file, press "Space"key. If there isn't other songs, itwill nothing happen. If you press"Space" k5}ey when the last song isplayed it will start playing firstsong. Look for LASER.CMC which containsfour songs.If no file h5}as been given as argumentor PLAY has been executed in other DOSthen Sparta DOS, PLAY will readdirectory of all files with 5}extension.CMC on current drive. It will displaynames of these files and first filewould be highlihted by cursor. You canm5}ove this cursor by pressing arrow keys(but without pressing "Control" key,just press "-", "=", "+" or "*"). Whenyou move c6}ursor to the file you want toload, press "Return" key. It will loadthis file.If you want to load any other file (forexam6}ple: with other extension, fromother drive or subdirectory) press"Esc" key when list of files isdisplayed. Then you will g6}et "Enterfile name:" prompt. It also would bedisplayed if PLAY has been executednot under DOS (for example from taperecor6}der). At that prompt you can enterfull name of file to load. Examples:D8:MODULE.OBJD4:\SOUND\MUSIC\CMC\MISSION.CMCC:Cop6}yrights (?)==============This program is Public Domain. You canuse it and distribute it in any form.If you find any bug o6}r if you have anysuggestions, feel free to mail me.I hope you enjoy using PLAY!Good luck!28-Sep-1994ou find any bug o4lPLAY 1.0Autor: Tomasz M. Tatar==============================Jest to odtwarzacz muzyczek stworzonychprogramem Chaos Music:} Composer.Powstal z przeznaczeniem do latwegoodtwarzania muzyczek pod Sparta DOSem,ale dziala takze z innymi DOSami (nape:}wno z DOS 2.5 i MyDOS), a powinientakze dzialac z magnetofonem (chocw takiej konfiguracji go nietestowalem).Chaos Music : }Composer jest doskonalymprogramem muzycznym firmy L.K. Avalon.Zapisuje on muzyke w plikuz rozszerzeniem CMC. W kazdym plik: }umoze byc nawet kilka roznych muzyczek.W rzeczywistosci plik .CMC ma formatpliku binarnego (jak .OBJ czy .COM),moze byc w: }iec wczytany do pamieci spodDOSa. Umozliwia to latwe wykorzystaniemuzyki stworzonej CMCem we wlasnychprogramach (grach, de: }mach i in.).PLAY nie wczytuje jednak pliku podadres wynikajacy z jego naglowka, leczzawsze pod staly adres, a nastepniedo: }konuje odpowiedniej modyfikacjidanych wczytanych z pliku, tak zebymozliwe bylo jego odegranie. Umozliwiato odtwarzanie pli:}kow, ktore saprzeznaczone do lokowania np.w miejscach zajetych przez system.Chaos Music Composer moze takzeutworzyc plik :}binarny z proceduraodtwarzania muzyki z pliku CMC. Teprocedure wykorzystuje rowniez PLAY.Instrukcja obslugi:============:}=======Sposob uruchomienia w systemie SpartaDOS:PLAY [file[.ext]]Domyslnym rozszerzeniem jest .CMC.PLAY probuje wczyta:}c plik podany jakoparametr. Jesli sie to nie powiedzie(bo np. taki plik nie istnieje) PLAYwyswietla odpowiedni komunikat b:}ledu.Jesli wczytanie pliku sie powiodlo PLAYzaczyna grac pierwszy song z pliku.Wcisniecie klawisza "Esc" powodujeprzerwan:}ie grania muzyki i powrot doDOSa. Jezeli w pliku jest wiecej nizjedna muzyczka, mozna przelaczycodtwarzanie na nastepna, n:}aciskajacspacje. Jezeli w pliku jest tylko jedensong to nic sie nie stanie. Wcisnieciespacji w ostatnim songu powoduje pow:}rotdo pierwszego. Przykladowy plikLASER.CMC zawiera cztery songi.Jesli parametr nie zostal podany, lubPLAY zostal urucho:}miony pod innym DOSemniz Sparta DOS, odczytuje on katalogwszystkich plikow .CMC z biezacejkartoteki. Nazwy znalezionych pl:}ikow sawyswietlane na ekranie, a pierwszyz nich jest podswietlony. Podswietleniemozna przesuwac klawiszami kursora (bez"C:}ontrol"). Po ustawieniu kursora nazadany plik, wcisnij "Return", powodujeto wczytanie wskazanego pliku.Jesli chcesz wczyt:}ac inny plik niz teukazane na ekranie, wcisnij klawisz"Esc". Spowoduje to wyswietleniekomunikatu "Enter file name:". Taki:}komunikat pojawi sie tez wtedy, gdyPLAY byl uruchomiony w systemie bezstacji dyskow (np. z magnetofonu).Mozesz teraz wpisa:}c dowolna, pelnaspecyfikacje pliku, np.:D8:MODULE.OBJD4:\SOUND\MUSIC\CMC\MISSION.CMCC:Copyrights (?)==============Jes:}t to program Public Domain. Mozeszgo uzywac, kopiowac i rozprowadzac bezzadnych ograniczen. Mam nadzieje, zeCi sie przyda :}i spodoba.Jesli chcesz sie ze mna skontaktowac,oto moj adres:Tomasz M. Tataros. Dabrowszczakow 5/431-845 KrakowInter:}net:tatar@student.uci.agh.edu.pl28 wrzesnia 1994oj adres:Tomasz M. Tataros. Dabrowszczakow 5/431-845 KrakowInter87Parrot .DIG Audio File Formats ------------------------------ Documented by Tony Ramos, May 29, 1994 Overview -------- > } This document describes the data storage format for Parrot unstructured (raw) and structured digital audio files. The type>!} of file cannot be determined by filename alone since the Parrot software names all its files with the extension ".DIG". >"} I am providing this detailed information in the hope that Atari 8-bit users will take advantage of their ability to store a>#}nd reproduce digital sound with their computer. Perhaps someone will use this information to create new sound manipulation>$} software, such as a program to convert sounds sampled on other computer platforms to Parrot format (hint hint). Introduc>%}tion ------------ Parrot (and Parrot II) are programs for the Atari 8-bit line of home computers which provide sound sampl>&}ing and playback. Sampling is achieved through the computer's joystick port using a simple, paddle- like device. Sample >'}playback uses the computer's internal sound circuitry and requires no additional hardware. The Parrot _Sampler_ program r>(}ecords sound to disk as raw sample files. Users can assemble these samples into a set of tracks using the _Emulator_ progra>)}m and play them as musical instruments on the computer's keyboard. Sounds in track files can also be played from BASIC usin>*}g calls to a freely distributable subroutine included with Parrot. The Emulator saves each set of tracks as a "structured>+}" file containing track names and other information. Unstructured (raw) format: -------------------------- Byte offs>,}et Number of bytes Description ----------- --------------- ----------- 0 5 Magic sequ>-}ence to identify Parrot raw file: ASCII characters FGHIJ, $46-$4A hex. 6 >.} 1 Playback speed, in timing loops. ** Early versions of the software incorrectly>/} set this byte to 75. 7-(11 or 12) 5 or 6 Sample length in bytes. ASCII numer>0}ic string terminated by an Atari EOL, $9B hex. 12 or 13 (length given Sample dat>1}a. Samples are 4 bits each, above) two samples per byte, high nybble first. Structured (tracks)>2} format: --------------------------- 0 6 Magic sequence to identify Parrot track file: >3} ASCII characters PQRSTU, $50-$55 hex. 7-(11 or 12) 5 or 6 Combined sample length in>4} bytes. ASCII numeric string terminated by an ATASCII EOL, $9B hex. 12 or 13 >5}82 Track name table with nine entries, each consisting of one byte containing the na>6}me length followed by the name as an ASCII string padded wi>7}th NULLs ($00) to eight characters. Table terminated by an ATASCII >8} EOL, $9B hex. 102 or 103 72 Track data table. Nine entries, each with >9} the following structure: Offset Length Usage ------ ------ ----- 0 2 >:} Sample start offset, low byte first. 2 2 Sample end offset, low byte first. 4 1 >;}Sample repeat flag, 1 = on. 5 1 Audible track select flag, 1 = on. 6 1 Audible tr><}ack select speed, in busy loops. ** 7 1 Not used. 174 or 175 (length given Sample data table.>=} Samples are 4 bits each, above) two samples per byte, high nybble first. ** The arbitrary `b>>}usy loops' timing measurement can be converted to conventional samples-per-second using the following formula: CPU_Spe>?}ed = 1790000 /* Clock speed of the Atari 8-bit's CPU */ Byte_Delay = 96 /* Clocks spent playing each 2>@}-sample byte */ Busy_Delay = 5.5 /* Clocks spent during one busy loop (averaged) */ Page_Delay = 22 />A}* Clocks spent crossing sample page boundary */ Timing_Loops /* Playback speed entered as above *>B}/ Samples_Per_Second = CPU_Speed / ((Page_Delay + 256 * (Byte_Delay + Busy_Delay * Tim>C}ing_Loops * 2)) / 512) For example, sounds sampled with Parrot at the default setting will play at normal speed with `bus>D}y loops' set to 54. This is equivalent to 5398 samples per second and provides audio frequency response of 2.7 KHz. At t>E}he default speed above, 2.7 KBytes store one second of sound. cond and provides audio frequency response of 2.7 KHz. At t<?Attention! Fampy isn't in the Public Domain! It is SHAREWARE! You MUST register it if you use it! The Shareware fee is 10 DeuBG}tschMarks (around $6 as of Nov. 93), payable to: Fridag-Software Productions Wolfgang Freitag Hirschbergstr. 5 97424 SchweinBH}furt Germany (Don't forget about the return postage, if you want a reply (IRC from abroad)). Fampy may only be distributed wBI}ith complete documentation (including the German part!)! It may NOT be distributed commercially. BJ} Fampy V2.3 ========== (c) by Friday-SoftBK}ware Productions 1993 Preface: -------- It's done! The first MD8-file player with ramdisk support is complete. What you nowBL} hold in your hands is the result of hard work... blah, blah ... a nearly perfect conversion... (I hate writing prefaces) BM}Instructions: ------------- Fampy is completely operated by FUNCTION-keys and the SHIFT-key. The intro can be stopped by theBN} START-key. Main Menu: START = toggle drive-number SELECT = Directory Menu Directory Menu: The first MBO}D8-file will be displayed SELECT = next file START = load file OPTION = back to the Main Menu The sBP}creen changes colors upon loading while the the MD8-file gets recalculated (volume adjustment). The screen gets back to normaBQ}l as soon as this procedure is finished. Playscreen: The background color is different on each line SELECT = BR}Speed lower -> pace faster OPTION = Speed higher -> pace slower START = Play SHIFT = back to the MaBS}in Menu While replaying, a small logo can be seen in the middle of the screen. Sample values are represented by means of PM-BT}graphics. Playback can be stopped by pressing the SHIFT-key. You'll get back to the Playscreen. Note: don't hold down the SHIBU}FT-key too long or you'll get back right to the Main Menu! BTW: the program is RESET "resistant". You'll get back to the MaiBV}n Menu when you press this key. If you want to reboot, press OPTION and RESET simultanously. And now a few words on the dispBW}lays. Here are the complete names: Pattern Nr.:00 Sektor Nr.:0000 Ram-Bank:0 Speed:D (You'll notice that all displayed vaBX}lues are in hexadezimal.) -The Pattern Nr. will be displayed only while the MD8-file is loading. That way you can watch hBY}ow much memory patterns need compared to the samples. Until now the player can come up with files containing about 100 pattBZ}erns. I think this should be enough for a while! -The number of sectors is displayed together with the filename, that way yB[}ou'll know immediately how long it is. -The Ram-Bank Nr. will change while loading. This happens as soon as the main memoryB\} or the previous bank is full. In each case the number increases by one. The following table serves as a reference: : RamB]}-Bank Nr.: : O : l - 4 : 4 - 8 : ---------------------------------------------------------B^}--------------- : Memory Type: : main memory : XE-banks : additional banks : More than 8 additional banks B_}won't be needed for sure! The longest MOD-file I've converted was about 300 KB. This is equivalent to a MD8-file of 150 KB. B`} This file nearly filled a DD disk while it needed only six additional banks! Most pieces will fit into the memory of a not Ba}upgraded XL, you'll also find quite a few for the XE. Pieces that will not fit into an XE (130XE) are hardly to get. The coBb}ntrol values for the PORTB register are chosen in a manner that they should work with all ramdisks I know of. The first 8 vBc}alues are the same for all of these. I hope there will be no more problems on this side. -The pace is 'D' on most MD8-fileBd}s, but I've got one that plays with speed 9. A few words about the disk-routines: a density testing is conducted for DD-diBe}sks (170K), they'll be accepted without problems. Files are accepted both on DOS 2.5 and MYDOS disks! Fampy doesn't need a DOBf}S, it won't be loaded upon booting. I had to give up on the idea of supporting the Speedy upgrade. If you've got one, then yoBg}u should buy an OS supporting its high speed in the first place. So, that's all! Should you have any further questions theBh}n you can write to the address below (include return postage or an international reply coupon!). Those in a hurry can use myBi} telephone number. If you need additional MD8-Files then simply send me some blank disks, write in what format do you want tBj}hem back and how much memory your computer has. Of course, don't forget about the return postage. MD8-files will be availablBk}e soon from many PD-distributions. It goes without saying that you can send me MOD files you want me to convert into the MD8-Bl}format. Fridag-Software Productions Wolfgang Freitag Hirschbergstr. 5 97424 Schweinfurt Germany Tel.:09721/87852 (after 14Bm}.00 hours, (this is 8.00 a.m Eastern Time) Enjoy it... Special Thanks to: -Eisbaer Corp. for the MOD-file describtion, theBn} great "FAMPY"-Logo and all those MOD-Files -Lord Helmchen for lending me his 320 KB-XL -Alfons Kluepfel for lending me his Bo}copy-station (simply great) and for printing all the stickers and to all others who helped me alot. el for lending me his @gProc SndLo=*(BYTE c, p, d, v) [ $C9 $04 $B0 $25 $86 $A1 $0A $AA $A9 $00 $8D $08 $D2 $A9 $03 $8D $0F $D2 $A5 $A3Fq} $29 $0F $85 $A3 $98 $29 $0E $0A $0A $0A $0A $05 $A3 $9D $01 $D2 $A5 $A1 $9D $00 $D2 $60 ]Proc SndHi=*(BFr}yte c, p, d, v) [ $C9 $04 $B0 $25 $86 $A1 $0A $AA $A9 $00 $8D $18 $D2 $A9 $03 $8D $1F $D2 $A5 $A3 $29 $0F $85 $Fs}A3 $98 $29 $0E $0A $0A $0A $0A $05 $A3 $9D $11 $D2 $A5 $A1 $9D $10 $D2 $60 ]Proc SRLo=*() [ $A9 $00 Ft}$A2 $07 $9D $00 $D2 $CA $10 $FA $60 ]Proc SRHi=*() [ $A9 $00 $A2 $07 $9D $10 $D2 $CA $10 $FA $60 ]BFu}yte Func Gumby=*() [ $AD $0E $D2 $85 $A3 $AD $1E $D2 $85 $A4 $A9 $00 $8D $0E $D2 $8D $1E $D2 $AD $19 $D2 $CD $0Fv}9 $D2 $F0 $0B $C9 $00 $D0 $07 $A9 $00 $85 $A0 $18 $90 $04 $A9 $01 $85 $A0 $A5 $A3 $8D $0E $D2 $A5 $A4 $8DFw} $1E $D2 $60 ]$C9 $00 $D0 $07 $A9 $00 $85 $A0 $18 $90 $04 $A9 $01 $85 $A0 $A5 $A3 $8D $0E $D2 $A5 $A4 $8DDވ堎 BtҀ>Jy}8pP p Jz}ϊV4#""ϊV4G#3333333ϊV4#G#J{}XhE3"W45J|}J}} J~}@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BDEGI@BDEGI@BDEGJ}I@BDIGEXXXXXXXX@DBG @GIENP@GIEDB@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@BD @@@@ @@J}@@ @@@@@@@@ @ @L@L@L@LBNBNBNBNDPDPDPDPBNBNBNBN@L@L@L@LBNBNBNBNDPDPDPDPBNBNBNBN @L@L@L@LBNBNBNBNGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSJ}EQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQDPDPDPDPDPDPDPDP@@X@@@XX@@X@@@@@@@@d@@@@@@@@d@@@@@@@@dJ}dQEQEQEQEQEQEQDPDPDPDPDPDPDPDP@@X@@@XX@@X@@@@@@@@d@@@@@@@@d@@@@@@@@dHk堎 BG8N}š  ppN}xgffUUV4ωgVUDDW4#""ϊV4UUX#G#N}G#N} N} N}@L@LBNBNDPDPDPDP@L@LBNBNDPDPDPDP@L@LBNBNGSGSGSGSDPDPDPDPBNBNBNBNLLLNNNPPPPPPLLLNNNPPPPPPLLN}LNNNSSSSSSPPPPPPNNNNNUUXXZXUUUSSUXUUUXXZX\USUUSUUSUXUppppppppppppp|~|UUXXZXUUUSN}SPNUUXXZX\USUUSUUSUXUy{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{y{|{LLLLNNNNPPPPPPPPN}LLLLNNNNPPPPPPPPLLLLNNNNSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPNNNNNNNNLXLPNZNQP\PSP\PSLXLPNZNQP\PSP\PSLXLPNZNQSWS_SWS_PSPN}\PSP\NQNZNQNZ@@@@BBBBDDDDDDDD@@@@BBBBDDDDDDDD@@@@BBBB@@@@@@@@LNPLNPLNLppppp@@BBDDDD@@BBDDDDN}@@BB@@@@@BBBBDDDDDDDD@@@@BBBBDDDDDDDD@@@@BBBB@@@@@@@@LNPLNPLNLppppp@@BBDDDD@@BBDDDDL