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By Bill Kendrick NBS 1993 c},(F([RET] alone to cancelb([0]-[9] for drive dirs.('!'+filemask for dir.<-f@<((Enter name of 8-bi d}t file to convert... P 6.=-f@=()Enter name of 4-bit destination file...# P 6.(K( }}Source: e}!( Dest.:.( Swap?:1<5)K="@)"@x-&6-+"@,&( Swap:>:,29 4*"f(2(Cannot re f}place current file.6)9%70((Enter source disk.!)-"@'0%</ @Ug#g@f)6-g/6-fA g}" @p6-gCg"6-fF6-U:@@,6-%K3 ( (Enter dest. disk.$)0"@'3%P; B h}"h@f5(h FGHIJK00000;6-fU]AYf A%-f&ghV6-P:+F:%,VA@,'@,%+F:%,VA@ i},]*hVA Z"gA_4 (!(Enter source disk.%)1"@'4%c @ed)g h j}g@f)6-P:'h,eg-g@)g (6.00000J67@&B:=:,,<@,.=:,X-g@g*g@:7 k}<,,f(  g(Done.(AY@4i ) %;AY@44(Error l making file...8);%'' l}O'?< 6-fA@'}}+P1="f5P? B ',O6-B:,!h,7g > Q-  > > S- L$ +u} w멯, L|$  + UV  > >  + w 4 > w 4 > >v} > L#  w멝, LO% U-  e- w h-  L( ww}, Le%  w Q멝,  w멯, L% + w!  QL{% UV j-  UVx} m- w p-  w r-  LV& w  Q w멵, }LV& y}w Q w t-  w v-  L& + w L&  w멻, z} w멣, w멩, L+( w x-  w z-  Lo'!{} + w Lo' w!  Q w |-  w ~-  L' w!  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Hacked by Bill Kendrick.$Digiplay Menu is a hacked version of%Digiplay, a small Turbo}BASIC XL sound"player incorporating New LoadPlay.$Use the arrow keys to select a sound%file (a Parrot '.DIG') and then press&} to play it at standard Parrot rate (54)& to play it at what seems to be a& good speed for converted WAVs} (24)& to play it at a good speed for converted Mac SNDs (8) to quit BAD DIGI!1Phhhhhhhhhhh}թэԍԤѱ81 eؕȱeٕڅjjjJj) Ҧ) Ҧiڥiۥ˥ť @ԩ `}PQRSTUo"o""" """""""(#2S#4t#7######T$|$$$$$O%Ke}%Lh%Mh%N{%O%P%Q%S%T%V%[V&]&^&_o'`'b(((+(j((((((())%)2)?)O)\)}i)y)))))))))) ) ]* }* *|*}* }*}*}*} +#}&+(}+1}+2}+4}+5} ,;}>,~A,~,,)|DigiPlayBy Bill KendrickWith code by Tony RamosNew Breed Software 1994This is a set of three programs: Convert 4-8 } Converts 8-bit sound files (IBM WAVs, Mac System sounds, etc.) into Atari 4-}bit DIGs (Parrot format) files DigiPlay Reads in a raw (one track) Parrot file } and plays the sound. DigiMenu A more convenient version of DigiPlay which pre}sents you with a menu of the sound files on D:. New Load Play This isn't a program, } but is simply the new version of the Parrot "LOADPLAY.LST" code upgr}aded and made very easy to use with use of TurboBASIC XL commands.CNVRT48.T}BS Load this program from TurboBASIC XL and enter the name of an 8-bit sound file to convert. (So far, any uncompresse}d 8-bit sound file should work, including IBM .WAVs, and Mac Sound files (sometimes .SND)) Then enter the name for y}our Parrot version of the sound (with .DIG extender). Disk swapping is supported for one-drive systems and large sound} files and/or limited space. Unfortunately this program doesn't work properly compiled. An Action! machine language v}ersion will be made soon (hopefully).DIGIPLAY.TBS Load this from Turbo- BASIC XL and enter the name of a Parrot .DIG} file (including device name.. this is a very skeletonish program and no nice- ities are supported). Then press (and} this is even sillier) a key to play the sound; the speed the sound is played back depends on which key you press. (CO}NTROL-A would play the fastest, CONTROL-> the slowest). ESC quits. Weird, but it's good enough I guess.DIGIMENU.TBS} This is a nicer sound player. It is a hacked up version of DIGIPLAY.TBS. It looks for all ".DIG" files on the curre}nt drive/ directory ("D:") and displays a list of them. Use the arrow keys to move the ">" cursor to the sound you w}ant to hear, then press either SPACE, RETURN or TAB to listen to it. Since I've only come across WAVs and SNDs when }picking files to convert to DIG, I gave the program automatic speeds: 8, 24, and 54. 8 sounds best for Mac SND files }(especially those created with the Sound control panel/recorder). 24 seems to work the best for a LOT of WAVs I foun}d. And 54 is the stan- dard Parrot sound speed. (Files recorded with Parrot sound good at this speed). ESC quits, [?}] gives help ([?] also works for the help screen if you load the program but it can't find any .DIG files).I won't }explain NLODPLAY.LST so asto keep this file small. Just lookat the code in DIGIPLAY. The maincode (between 0 and 31999) }is VERYshort and VERY simple. It callsthe INITDIGI (sets up arrays, etc.),asks for a filename, finds out thefile's size }(this part can be omit-ted but as added to show how bigfiles are before you got to playthem), loads the file, waits for a}keypress, and then plays the sound.Please give me any suggestions orcomments on this software! Thanx!Bill Kendrick kend}rick@vax.sonoma.edu59 Palm Lane " @zippy.sonoma.eduNovato, CA 94945 ! Thanx!Bill Kendrick kend`}~fJcOQBUFINITDIGSETUMENDIGIFILEMAXSIZFINDSIZWHERFILESIZLOADDIGSPEEPLASEITSTRINGTRACKDUMMYPLA}YTRACXDU0HqBQ:<tBD B D @T A(}E@@@8@\ssHHDt PtdB8$@@Q}S."D:DIGIMENU.TBS":RUN;@ ,;A,;B,6-B'A0@'A1@ P}PN-@#J(/select quit ||load heplNP4@PP"@} 6. 6-C:,(X-@"(( Loading: ,P>-@"X( In memory:  2'6-@T}"@2'6-@4"A'6-@$7P @Oh+f8A @+8@A7}ARgh(+}} By Bill Kendrick NBS '94'6-@6-@'6-= A @=}@@D:*.DIGH@H7@<@,10*7@<@,/9A 76-%@}!@!)6-@76-%@, -(7@<@,,6-%@7767$@&@<$@,.7@<}@, A@f"!-@@5(No sound files!9)KARS(}}f"@:}?,A "KQLOM 6-6-N>!@!O6-%@6-&@!P?Q -}(S)T -( V7"@:-,)"@:,%6-&@1 @76-[7"@:=,)"@:,%6-%@}+!76-@]++"AU)"@2)"A'A^9"@:*,)"@:,%6-%@!+!96-&@!_?"}@:+,)"@:,%6-&@!1 @?6-%@!`,"@'!AR)(}},b"@:?,A  } A8 6.D:867@,.7$@&@<$@,-6-X:< ,"-6-B:,%@67,..D}IG -(Q(}}Digiplay Menu(by Bill Kendrick(New Breed Software 1994-(-("Sound routi}ne: Tony Ramos's Parrot--(% Load routine: New LoadPlay, a hacked**(" version of Parrot's LoadPlay by//(' Tony} Ramos. Hacked by Bill Kendrick./(/($Digiplay Menu is a hacked version of--(%Digiplay, a small TurboBASIC XL sound}**("player incorporating New LoadPlay./(/($Use the arrow keys to select a sound--(%file (a Parrot '.DIG') and th}en press..(& to play it at standard Parrot( rate (54)..(& to play it at what seems to be a.}.(& good speed for converted WAVs (24)..(& to play it at a good speed for""( converted Mac SNDs (8)}( to quit)% -@"%( BAD DIGI!16-E-@@g2A@}@{-@A 2 -@@P   @ Q|}}[O@;A`,;@r,;@,;A,;AU,G6-6gO6.1[6-@T }ZZ6.Phhhhhhhhhhh}թэԍԤѱ81 eؕȱeٕڅjjj}]]67@,.Jj) Ҧ) Ҧiڥiۥ˥} @ԩ `}CAE<AE,.>:@4,&Q}O P"B I#}B67@r,.*CgC:,}@r1)g4@?8C:,%hBA(} Cgg1}Q2}'O A0g'g@f4}G g6-A:7@,,"6}-f:7g<@,4PQRSTUAgG6-g5} !6-;}Q~+O(6-?:C:,:@4},&Q} O P#}B67@r,.*CgC:,@r1)g4@?8C:,%hBA(} CggQ2}O gg@}f4}G g6-A:7@,,"6-f:7g<@,4PQRSTUAgG6-g5} !6-;}Q~+O(6-?:C:,?????@ABCDEFGHIJLNPRSTUVWVTROKHDCA?=;9777777777 }          }    ''''''''''''*.269=AEEDC }BBA@???????7......02222258>>>>BGLQQQQQ }QQUY]]]]]]]]dkryyyyyyyyrkd]]]]]]]]]]]]_aceeeeeeeeec`^[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ }       }   }     }  } } } }!}        ,CCCCTIC?(,%-I1$3%E2S.6V6C!}IOBI%3B(/OOBOnH'+"BBBnnnTTTBBBmVmTTT[[[[n][XYWXRY]>RX>nP]Z8<8{< spD&$>N ̞!CdƐ[^,0ACP$.|L, >p0t@?! }C 49AG d`e `Á 0&8&@ B2&`@(@4pLi#ƚ vX1qf? t'q:&@!}߀!<@~?>>~??8| >>?`??w~p|8 x|>>ۇq!}? pxy? 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It has two modes of %^}operation. Th first mode is a demo mode. Simply load GREETS.COM, and listen! The second mode requires you to cr%_}eate a text file, called GREETS, and place any text into it that you would like the computer to speak to you. Save this f%`}ile onto D1:. Now load GREETS.COM. When GREETS loads, it will check D1: for the presence of the GREETS text file. I%a}f found, it will read it to you. If it doesn't find this file, it will go into demo mode, and use the text suppl%b}ied in the demo. %c} You can use GREETS.COM from within a batch file. This is the perfect way to have you%d}r computer speak to you a customized greeting each time you boot up. The text in the GREETS file can be up to 255 bytes%e} in length, and you can have RETURNS embedded in it. It will speak the entire file. %f} This text file was created with the CTH Edit-80 text editor. %g}Simply copy directly to your printer (P:). Create date 12.06.92 %q}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSB SAUTORUN SYSB_CNVRT48 TBSB qDIGIMENUCTBBDIGIMENUDOCBDIGIMENUTBSB DIGIPLAYTBSBGREETS COMBYGREETS E80B.rGUMBY BASB GUMBY COMBGUMBY DOCBMANUAL DOCB/MODPLAY EXEB MODREAD ME B0MUSIC DOCB?NLODPLAYLSTB.GPLAY COMBuREAD ME [vSTEREOXLTXTTBXLDIG TXT UPDATES TXT Create date 12.06.92 $-PH\FLATEMPNCIOPPRFCIPBUFFBUFINDEAUTULLOLNSTRPTIMEHCCCCCDCLCC)s} )t} )u}!"#$%&d##-----------------------------eSAVE "D:GUMBY.BAS"f##-------------)v}(C)1989 DataQue-gh!!The GUMBY upgrade presentedi by Chuck Steinman (and Bobj Puff) on GEnie is requiredk"")w}to allow stereo reproductionlusing this stereo player.mIt is GEnie file #4755.nThis player will play allo"")x}existing Pokey Player Files.pq##-----------------------------rsThe following variablestassign the voic)y}es betweenuthe two stereo channels.vwA value of zero (0) willx!!cause the voice to be void.yA value of)z} one (1) willz!!cause the voice to play out{!!the POKEY chip. A value of|""two (2) will cause the voice}!!to pla){}y out the GUMBY chip.~A value of three (3) will!!cause the voice to play outBOTH chips. Remember that""Voi)|}ces 1 and 2 are 8-bit and!!Voices 3 and 4 are combinedfor 16-bit resolution.##---------------------------)}}--'A@@'Voice 1 > Gumby'AA@'Voice 1 > Pokey&AB@&Voice 3 > Both)~}&AC@&Voice 4 > Both##-----------------------------##-------------- INITIALIZATION##------)}-----------------------+6-6-@#6-%+6-% 6-%6-%<<;A,;@@,;@)},;A,;A,;I:,&AB, 6-C:,K1:# A@e# A )}D:*.V 6-6-6. b7<,4 $(7<@,B67<%@,.7<@,P6-%@)}X6-%b A` ((!A##(NO MUSIC FILES ON THIS DISK##(CHANGE DISK & PRESS ANY KEY )}) A@,6 (Your request AUTO@J7<,4****A@T( ^6)}-B:,'@h&0AUTO6--& A@##-----------------------------##------------------- AUTO LO)}AD##-----------------------------(Play all songs Y 4Y6. Ap--6-F:@,%F)}:@,$AV%AB))(!Position cursor, press RETURN to**("select song. When done, press ESC.6-%$@ )}% 6-6.6-6-F:, 6-%A(AR( )"@'Ap"AUA)}01"@()"@E'6-&@@1 A1"@))"@a'6-%@@1 AM"@0)"@C)}!-&@ ;6-&@ C6-&M AM"@1)"@B -%@ ;6-%@ C6-%M )}A A@ )!A@ 6-F:,6- 55%+A($+ A(,,&+A($+!A',,  A)}@")"A(A@-@6-%A($+ A(, 67<,.>:&@," 6-%6-)}F:,$ & 6-%(&&67$@&@<$@,.*"@dAp0$6-&@6-F:,$ A@:)}AR6-< (Repeat selections NO>@ 4NO6- AD##(Repeat how many times 1F)}H "6-6-WX##-----------------------------Y##------------------- LOAD FILEZ##-----------------------)}------[b -l -n&&6.7$@&@<$@,p-B:,6r7<,4  v6.7<,)} 6.D:67,.67B:,%,..V 6- -! ))!6-%AV$6-?:B)}<<,*!A'A * A 6-?:B<<, 6-%  A(3AA)}'A3A) A &(Now Playing File: )( ( Ap#(#F:A,A6A )}##-----------------------------##----------------- PLAYER LOOP##----------------------------- )} A@6F:Ad,AU$A66AdAUF:A6,A 6-?:B,   )} A@ ##-----------------------------!##--------------------- CREDITS"##-----------------------------)}#*1 +AAD1AAH46-@6(   5B-)}B((6C-@C((7B-)}@B((| Pokey Player...... Craig Chamberlain |8B-@B((| Pokey Auto-Player....... Bob Retelle |9)}B-@B((| Stereo Gumby Player.. Chuck Steinman |:C-@C(()}>,-@@,(F-@@H$QR##-----------------------------S##-)}---------------------- FILEST##-----------------------------U\ A6-6-f--@"#6-@)}- Ak>(7<%@,#6-%@+6-&7 @>(p  (!Apz ( $##----)}-------------------------##---------------------- ERRORS##-----------------------------DF:A,"Ap)}3(I DON'T KNOW THAT TUNE6(D!APA&(Press any key to continue-)7 APA A(ERROR F)}:A, D6:GUMBY.BAS, ASDUCKIE CABARET DUCKIE ENTERTN GAMBLER DUCKIE (ERROR F(qkۘLL6L-}tLhU  66J <(E$+%,L\hhhhh'*3!$0ȝ$-}-0`h,+ \ҝ`L*ة2ҍҭ=AJҌJҌҭ>BJҌJҌܘי-}?DJҌJҌҭ@CJҌJҌҭEҍҢ -L*˽!*!0 A)A` -})ɀ)F}$$)ڨ6! ͹ΥJJJ) A*NN}$$-A}'= ia͍@-)ɠ-}ؙӚ$2 -) A)*˝̝`)x33 ˽` - 0` 3˝̝` '` -}˙6e˅ː`( `0 E`8 `@ $`` ,AOdy;W)Ky!u9Qea =Q1e-}=*ꪢԚϛbʢzKTTD4ĔDh(H !#&'*,/258;?CGLOTY-}_djpw~ !#%(*-/259<@DHLQU[`flryntzW[a $0`hB-}hEhDhIhЛ盝H VԩՠF`-}F`,--------------------------------------Gumby Stereo Player Program for XL/XE--------------------------------------Chuck St1}einman 12/25/89 Version 1.00 12/26/89 Version 1.01This player is a modification of aold program by Crai1}g Chamberlain, thatwas further modified by Bob Retelleto allow for automatic playing of themusic files in any order.This1} version of the program was redoneto allow it to work with the GUMBYupgrade as descibed in the text filewhich was uploaded1} under the name of"STEREOXL.TXT" to several of theservices. Basically this upgradeinstalls a second POKEY chip (Gumby)an1}d the other stuff needed to make itwork. Using a stereo, you can playup to eight 8-bit audio channels, orfour 16-bit chan1}nels, or several combinations.This player to maintain compatibilitywith the existing files... assignsvoices 1,2,5,6 as 81}-bit, and voices3,4,7,8 as two 16-bit channels. Youmay assign the incomming data fromyour music files to these channels i1}n any way, as long as they are thecorrect size (cant play an 8-bitvoice on a 16-bit voice etc.). Thisis done at the begin1}ning of the GUMBY.BAS file. Any existing PokeyPlayer files (.V extensions) shouldwork with this upgrade and player.This1} is not meant to be a full-featured player, but more a demoto show what can be done. I amworking on a full-featured edito1}r/midi interface/player, but due toother projects also going on....it will not be done tommorrow.There are four files in1} the archive that this DOC file was in:GUMBY.DOC this fileAUTORUN.SYS a DOS 2.x autorunGUMBY.COM VBI player1} GUMBY.BAS User InterfaceIf you are using a DOS whichsupports an AUTORUN.SYS file,then just copy the AUTORUN.SYS,1}GUMBY.DOC, and GUMBY.BAS filesto you player diskette. TheVBI and BASIC files will auto-matically be loaded when youboot 1}from this diskette. (BASICmust be enabled).If you cannot or do not wantto use an AUTORUN.SYS file thencopy everything BU1}T the AUTORUN.SYSfile to your player disk. You mustload the GUMBY.COM file before youenter BASIC, and then RUN the GUMBY.1}BAS file.If you are using SpartaDOS-X thencopy the same files as for DOS 2.xabove, but enter the following line from th1}e CLI:BASIC /N AUTORUN.SYS In any case, you must have a48k or 64k machine to use thisversion of GUMBY Player.1}I reorganized the BASIC playerand removed much of what I thoughtwas not needed. I also re-wrotethe VBI player to control 1}theextra GUMBY chip registers. If you would like to contact mefeel free to call any of the below listed telecommunicatio1}nservices: GEnie DataQue.1 CIS 71777,3223 Delphi DataQue BBS (419)529-5197 (SysOp)If you would like the so1}urcecode to the VBI player routineson a SSSD Floppy, please send $5.00 (Check/MO) to: DataQue Software P.O. Box 134 1} Ontario, OH 44862Please! NO CODs for this!oppy, please send $5.00 (Check/MO) to: DataQue Software P.O. Box 134 01 ____________ MOD-PLAYER ____________ Version 1.10 Co5}ded by The Gatekeeper (P)opyright 1992 October / November Purmerend, Holland5} ________ MANUAL ________ Boot-Up instructions --------5}------------Switch on diskdrive and insert the MP-Disk with side A facing up. Then turn on the TV and the computer. You don5}'t have to disable Basic by holding option. Wait until the drive stops spinning and you are ready to go. Load and Pl5}ay a MOD-File ------------------------When the main screen appears you are prompted to select the number of the driv5}e you want to use. You can choose between drive one and two. ( Keys 1 and 2. )After pressing the right key, the program wil5}l scan the directory of that drive for MOD-Files. ( Files with the .MOD extension. ) When it doesn't find any, it will displa5}y a message which tells you so, awaits a key press and prompt you to select a drive number again.If it does find MOD-Files,5} the name of the first one will be displayed in a small window in the middle of the screen. You can select the right MOD-File5} by using the arrow up and down keys. ( Pressing them without the control key ! ) The names of the other MOD-Files on the dis5}k, if available, will appear in the same window, one by one. To confirm your selection, simply press return.Now, the MOD-Fi5}le will be loaded and played. If the MOD-File is not in the 'Mahoney and Kaktus 31-Sample format' or it isn't a MOD-File at a5}ll, an error message is displayed.To exit the play routine, you have to press the SHIFT-Button. This will return you to the5} 'Which drive...' prompt. Whatever happens, never press RESET while playing a MOD-File ! This will 'Lock-up' your computer an5}d you have to switch it off and on again. Technical Background --------------------Resolution : 46 Step5}s ( 5.5 bits ? )Replay rate : 5.1 KHzBuffer size : 44 KBMax. MOD size : 88 KBSupports 3 Octave.No DOS is used to load 5}the files. Possible features of next versions ----------------------------------Support of : - Volume - 5}Vibrato - Portamento - Glides - Chords - Tempo - 15 Sample M5}OD'sIncluding of Lineair Interpolation ( 1 time oversampling ) in the replay routine.Increasing the buffer size.Increas5}ing the max. MOD size to more than twice the buffer size.I am developping an 8-Bit DAC. Having that as an output device wil5}l certainly be an option in the next version. Last note... ------------I can not promise that a5}ll above improvements will be already in the next version, but at last, in the final version, I hope our small Atari plays th5}e MOD-Files just like they are played on the ST and Amiga. ( Except for the replay rate ofcourse... )At last, enjoy it and 5}let me know if you like it !Greets from,The GatekeeperLeenderbos 51447 TR PurmerendHollandPhone : (Holland)-029905}-44836October / November 1992.reets from,The GatekeeperLeenderbos 51447 TR PurmerendHollandPhone : (Holland)-029904!Ap01 G GP` G G` `  9}ppppBppBPBpppppppppAp.ow,oading-/$ 0,!9%29}????????????6ersion#odedby4h9}e'atekeeper0 ublic$omain/ctober.ovember$ecember0urmerend9} (ollandPdԍҍԅ਩ӱӑ N өҩ@ԩ 9  A!/t0 19}  \ 12Lw2L1 R ui  / 59} SLh u0[li uMHvOAwD:8 / u5u6uii/ iЗ  9}qЃ/  Lb0 / ύ ɛ+ - =L~Lb0 0 L~0 / 0 L~0 51 62 3 4  9} H hiiU H hH N h  N U N 9}N V H V V N h MLx .Lx KLx .Lx U W X Y Z W )[ Y )JJ9}JJ [ N W )W N Y ) Z U РV өԥ)? I)W IX X JJJJ W ӑ N L 9}L` `o Lb Lb5 0 ʥiiL i `3 3 4 u9}4 `1 2 1 2 ) S01 )2 3 4  L 8`* X + W J`H`X(\:9}}hS@. xqppppppppppB BO B At RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR "itsـ9}Y+(z#odedby4he'atekeeper# RRRRRRRRRRRWRRRRRRRRWRRRRRRRRRRR||RRRRRRRRRRRXR9}RRRRRRRXRRRRRRRRRRR%22/27hilereadingdisk)nsertdiskandselectdrivenr.o-/$ &i9}lesonthis$isk5se\and]toselect4hisisnota-/$ &ile.ow,oading9}9}9}9}9}9} 0 $L!$L!!09} %L?%L?"0 &L]&L]#0 'L|'L|e%e&e$ӽ@HhҌҎҥ 9} ) L i iiL  ) L!!i!iiL   9} ) L8""i"iiLb   ) Lz##i#iiL9}. L ҍԍԩө8өө<Ӡii !"#ҍҍҍҩ69}   }TES.TXT List of current updates.READ.ME This File.Please, be sure if you upload this PD-Program to a BBS that these f>}our files are in your archive !!!04-01-1993, The Gatekeeper. be sure if you upload this PD-Program to a BBS that these f<A The Music Player 1 By Dan B}Knauf 7/3/90 Introduction: ------------- The Music Player is the bB}est AMS music player available. It will play either AMS I or AMS II music. It will display up to 69 music fB}iles on your screen. You can tag/untag files, play tagged files, autoplay all files, or play any individual song.B} The Music Player is primarily for 8-bit Atari computers which have had a second Pokey chip installed,B} but will work with any Atari 8-bit computer. It will Play AMS music in either 16-bit stereo or 8-bit stereoB} on computers that have a second Pokey installed. For people without the second Pokey chip the program will play 8-B}bit mono music. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Chuck Steinman of Dataque for releasB}ing the Pokey (Gumby) upgrade on GEnie. I have had some fun with this upgrade. Thanks, Chuck. B} Using The Music Player: ----------------------- To use The Music Player, 'L'oad PLAY.B}COM from DOS. When the program has finished loading, you will see the main screen. The top line is the titlB}e line. If you have two pokeys installed there will be a '16' in the center of this line. This is to indicate thatB} two Pokey chips have been found and music will be played in 16-bit stereo. If you have only one Pokey in youB}r computer you will see '8M' (for 8-bit mono) instead. To load a directory of music files, press the B}number of the drive you want to load from. ALL MUSIC FILES MUST BE LOCKED. This program looks for locked filesB} and assumes that they are music files so unlock any files on your music disk that are not music files. When you pressB} the drive number, the directory of up to 69 music files will be read and shown on the screen. B }Use the arrow keys (without the control key) to move the cursor bar around the directory screen. To play a single soB!}ng, move the cursor bar to the song you want and press RETURN. To autoplay all songs, press the 'A' key. B"}Autoplay begins playing with the song the cursor is located on and plays all songs to the end of the directory list.B#} You can 'T'ag files by pressing the T key, 'U'ntag by pressing U. Pressing the 'P' key plays the songs you B$}have 'T'agged. Change the screen colors by pressing the '>' and '<' keys. The ESCAPE key returns yB%}ou to DOS. - 1 - The Music Player B&} 2 The Piano Screen: ----------------- While a song is playing, pressing ESCB'}APE stops the music and returns to the directory screen. This aborts either 'A'utoplay or 'P'lay. Press theB(} SPACEBAR to stop the music and play the next tagged song or the next song in the directory if you are in autoplay. B)} The mode the song is being played in is displayed immediately after 'MUSIC PLAYER'. You can change betweeB*}n 16, 8S, and 8M by pressing the 'M' key. To change the tempo, press '*', '/', '+', or '-'. '*' and '/' speeB+}d up and slow down the tempo in larger increments while '+' and '-' are for fine tuning. You can switcB,}h between AMS I and AMS II style of playing by pressing the '1' for AMS I and '2' for AMS II. No indication of this swB-}itch is given on the screen. The two versions of AMS use different math routines to set the tempo. AMS B.}II used a slight envelope on the end of the each notes which separates the notes a little better for some songsB/}. If the file being played is an AMS II file the only change when you play it AMS I style will be in the endB0}ing of the notes. Pressing '1' or '2' also restores the tempo to the original value. The name of the soB1}ng being played is displayed just above the piano keyboard. Notes: ------ ThB2}e AMS music programs use distortion to create the bass notes of the two lowest available octaves. This is not necessaB3}ry to play these notes in 16-bit mode. Most music sounds best in 16-bit stereo mode but there are some soB4}ngs that take advantage of the way the AMS players distorted bass notes and these sound better to me in 8-bit B5} stereo. BILLIE JEAN is an example. Also, some volume (not much) is lost on the bass notes in 16-bit mode. TB6}he tones seem to be richer though and the notes are more accurate. The Music Player loads at $2000 so B7}it should work with most DOS's. It was written on a system using SpartaDOS-X. When run under SpartaDOS B8} 3.2 or earlier, the screen is turned off during all disk accesses. This is due to Sparta's inability to handle B9}the I/O when interrupts are enabled. The screen is restored as soon as the program is done accessing the disk. B:} The Music Player is a freebie. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have. B;}My mail address on GEnie is DAN.KNAUF. I hope to add the ability to play Pokey Player Music to this program. I B<}have had it playing some Pokey Player music but can't seem to get the 3rd voice to work accurately. Sometimes it playB=}s an octave off. When some of my hair grows back, I may give it another try. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy usinB>}g the Music Player. Dan - 2 -. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy usin@T31999 END 32000 PROC INITDIGI:DIM STRING$(160),TRACK$(72),DUMMY$(12),PLAY$(100),DIGIFILE$(255):WHERE=-%1:PLAY$="1":SPEED=54F@}32010 STRING$="hhhhhhhhhhhթэԍԤѱ81 eؕȱeٕڅjjj"32020 STRING$(81)="j) ҦFA}) Ҧiڥiۥ˥ť @ԩ `"32025 STRING$(145,145)=CHR$(34):ENDPROC 32030 PROC LOADDIFB}GI:EXEC FINDSIZE32035 TRACK$(72)="":IF TRACK:BGET #%1,ADR(TRACK$),72:GET #%1,XX:ELSE :DPOKE ADR(TRACK$)+%2,FILESIZE:ENDIF FC}32040 BGET #%1,WHERE,FILESIZE:CLOSE #%1:ENDPROC 32050 PROC FINDSIZE:CLOSE #%1:OPEN #%1,4,%0,DIGIFILE$32052 INPUT #%1,DUMMY$FD}:FILESIZE=VAL(DUMMY$(7)):TRACK=%0:IF DUMMY$(%1,6)="PQRSTU" THEN INPUT #%1;DUMMY$:TRACK=%132059 ENDPROC 32500 PROC PLAY:DUM=FE}USR(ADR(STRING$),ADR(TRACK$),ADR(PLAY$),WHERE,LEN(PLAY$)-%1,SPEED):ENDPROC 32501 REM ӠFF} By Bill KendrickACK$),ADR(PLAY$),WHERE,LEN(PLAY$)-%1,SPEED):ENDPROC 32501 REM ӠDAA /|-?S@x- ( $ +8.8 -+ 1+|-f-g-h-i-j-k-- =8- <8JH}膃 ʆM0 L- X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!!,! ! !&!{,n j!!! 350?: #- 67*i*`JI}8**` z&檦Ū@< z&40 z&8% z&iĪ ƪĪ ~&Э`J--8 4.L&}JJ}-U> + _& `}-U + _&)`x- +L~- z& ~& %' & " ~&~- _& ! ' !" z&檥ŪJK}Щ~-L~&0 " 'L!`R8.8`ȵе  # )G* \ "JL} 8#0! %%%΅ҝ n)``T8ѡ)JM}<騕T66ɡ j8 ``ᅏ #L"`& i 5L#8ƏJN}sm 8 `VRƎƏ0L֍**4ꍉ**0% $ 0 $ /$ %`JO}`ҍ2ҩxҤҩҦ҈``Z,8Ȅ8"%"%TJP}"%6"%xҍҠҌҌҌҭj--k--`-8Ȍ8ҥҩ"%"%"%6"%Ҏҥ JQ}ҎҎҭf--g--` $-h--i--`T66)8` ,-ɛ ]+ *eJR}e ]+ *ԕՕ膄բeeuu ]+ *Z- ]+ *`- ݢZ- ݢH- (ۢN- `ڢT- (JS}ۥ0@ ٦ԐՆՆ3Z- ݢ<- (ۢ`- (ۢB- ` ٥ԅՅL5&B8H?IJT}D?E $+L-+L9,`<i 摈`& _&8ii U}-}-T 愱) +Ƃ` + %'JU}@ + UT {+No Locked Files Found!U {+Press any key +L* z&檥ŪL~&x- *ȩ< JV}<-- ;+ Y+- *& 轤-Ƃi 懥D 1+x-L+` _& -ƒƒ0 JW}.-豐 -ƒ񩛝-n-Nn-?.8 n--ɛ 8 .ʈ-._.x- * A+ ,- ,- - !00:JX} (- %֍** ꍉ**!"!L(%덟!,!L^& `/Rz---,,RoJY} *@ҩU Э01 8ȱ 8 )8ԍ10X-Y- +"/`_ \/0-1-č0JZ}-14)ԩ./Т $$`b \ *ҍҢ/ $ )-0-1O8"/J[}`ʍ)`Hl-I ԍЍl- (h@H ԍЩ)h@H ԍЩ)h@*L\l-ЩL_H4-=*8->*J\}9hH6*J6,{-ŨИh) Lb򩤅-L *L`Ԇ J]} ؠ0-ȱ0)-0ʱ-`-ɛ`/y-/_ \@ԩ ` *y-/ V0`L9,J^} BLV JBD-Eˢ BHID-EL$+hiDhiEHIHIJ_}HH B V0`L9,DE(HI BLV%H$H`} n- BHI Vn-`BHIL$+ ȱɛa0J`}{8 L,`ԩխx- + ؠ0 8 .8 .8.8 +0L- L* /x----ȭ-AJa}_ \ 3+B JoD-E Vz-R- #n-hhLt`Jb}99::;;C tbBA4B6B4TA9@47P-3E:P:K: 123456789Ȉh*.*Jc}D1: pppp-pppF.pEY8A8??-53)#?0,!9%2????????"9?$!.?+.!5&????utoplay$irectorJd}ylay$riveagntagto$/3aborts!utoplay.ext3ongto!djust4empoJe}NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN򀀀??????&),%.!-%??????447||||||| Jf} |||||||| f< 800000 0 ~~`0 0`Jh}0xff|ff||ffffff`x`ff`x``||~ZZ~ xs6<8<6sx00006~||fff|Ji}`|vff|xl|||<xx0f<>, or <<. d) Now, bend up the pins indicated by the >> and << symbols. Do NOT cut these pins short. e)R} Place the new POKEY on top of the old POKEY in a piggy-back style. f) Solder the unbent pins of the new POKEY to the oldR} POKEY. If your original POKEY was in a socket, then it is easier to connect the two if it is removed. Make suR}re no excess solder flows down the pins to the narrow part of the OLD POKEY. Reinsert both POKEYs into the origR}inal socket. g) Solder the 1k resistor from pin 37 to Vcc. The most convenient location to pick up Vcc is where tR}he 3k resistor was removed earlier. h) Solder a wire from pin-31 of the new POKEY to pin-4 of the inverter.R} i) Mount the two RCA jacks on the rear of the case, preferably in an area close to the POKEYs. j) Solder a byR}pass capacitor to each of the center conductors of the RCA jacks. * k) With the trim-pot knob facing you, pin 1 shouR}ld be to the left side. Solder a wire from this pin on each trimmer, to a ground trace on the motherboard. * R} l) Connect the free end of the bypass capacitor to the center pin of the trimmer (one capacitor to each trimmer). * R} m) Connect the shields of the audio cables to the provided solder lugs on each RCA connector, and the center conductoR}r of the free terminal of each trimmer. n) Connect the center conductor of the free end of the audio cable R}which is connected to the left RCA jack/trimmer/cap to pin-37 of the OLD POKEY. p) Connect the center conductor ofR} the free end of the audio cable which is connected to the right RCA jack/trimmer/cap to pin-37 of the NEW POKER}Y. q) The shield of the audio cable on the POKEY end, should be cut and taped (or heat shrinked) so that it does nR}ot touch anything. r) Run a 18-20 AWG wire from the ground lug of the RCA jacks to the wide ground area on the motR}herboard. This normally makes contact with the shield box that covers the motherboard. s) You will now be able toR} connect the two RCA cables to an AUX (or Tape) level input of a stereo or boom box. * t) I would suggest centering R}the trimmers in their travel, and adjusting them as needed to get the best clarity. You may want to glue the tR}rimmers to the back of the cabinet to keep them from moving around. * NOTE: On my system the POKEY outputs worked fiR}ne without the trimmers. So I just connected the bypass capacitor on each RCA jack to the apropriate audio R}cable center conductor. This was driving an AUX 350mV input of a Pioneer SPEC-1 preamplifier. PR}OKEY Pinout ____ ____ | \/ | Vss *| 01 40 |* D2 R} D3 *| 02 39 |* D1 D4 *| 03 38 |* D0 D5 *| 04 37 |>> Audio Out D6 *| 0R}5 36 |* A0 D7 *| 06 35 |* A1 02 *| 07 34 |* A2 Pot-6 -| 08 33 |* A3 R} Pot-7 -| 09 32 |* R/W Pot-4 <<| 10 31 |<< CS1 Pot-5 -| 11 30 |* /CS0 PotR}-2 -| 12 29 |- /IRQ Pot-3 -| 13 28 |- Serial Data Out Pot-0 -| 14 27 |- A Clock R}Pot-1 -| 15 26 |- B Clock Key Strobe 2 -| 16 25 |- Key Strobe 1 Vcc *| 17 24 |- Serial Data In R} Keyboard-5 -| 18 23 |- Keyboard-0 Keyboard-4 -| 19 22 |- Keyboard-1 Keyboard-3 -| 20 21 |- KeyboR}ard-2 |__________| C) POKEY Registers: I will only elaborate on registers used to produce soundR} in the stereo upgrade. All registers which were in the original POKEY will appear in the second POKEY 16 bytes R} higher in memory. The extra UART, key scanner, and pot scanner could be used for all kinds of neat projects. R} Location Name R/W Function -------- ------ --- ---------------------------------------------- $D2R}00 AUDF1 W Audio Channel #1 Frequency (Divide F/n) $D201 AUDC1 W Audio Channel #1 Control (Vol/DisR}tort) $D202 AUDF2 W Audio Channel #2 Frequency (Divide F/n) $D203 AUDC2 W Audio Channel #2 ConR}trol (Vol/Distort) $D204 AUDF3 W Audio Channel #3 Frequency (Divide F/n) $D205 AUDC3 W AudiR}o Channel #3 Control (Vol/Distort) $D206 AUDF4 W Audio Channel #4 Frequency (Divide F/n) $D207 AR}UDC4 W Audio Channel #4 Control (Vol/Distort) $D208 AUDCT1 W Audio control for channels 1-4 $D20R}F SKCTL1 W Serial Port Control $D210 AUDF5 W Audio Channel #5 Frequency (Divide F/n) $D211 AR}UDC5 W Audio Channel #5 Control (Vol/Distort) $D212 AUDF6 W Audio Channel #6 Frequency (Divide F/n) R} $D213 AUDC6 W Audio Channel #6 Control (Vol/Distort) $D214 AUDF7 W Audio Channel #7 FrequencyR} (Divide F/n) $D215 AUDC7 W Audio Channel #7 Control (Vol/Distort) $D216 AUDF8 W Audio ChanR}nel #8 Frequency (Divide F/n) $D217 AUDC8 W Audio Channel #8 Control (Vol/Distort) $D218 AUDCT2 R} W Audio control for channels 5-8 $D21F SKCTL2 W Serial Port Control Each Audio Channel FrequencyR} Register is an 8-bit value which is a divisor of the primary frequency. Each Audio Channel Control Register ContrR}ols the Volume and Distortion of each channel. The bits are assigned as follows: 76543210 ----vvvv VolR}ume control bits. Range controls volume as follows: 0000 lowest volume level \/ R} 1111 highest volume level ---s---- Volume only bit. Directly controls audio output: R} 0 Speaker output is off 1 Speaker output is on ddd----- Distortion code. Code is aR}ssigned as follows: 000 5-bit/17-bit poly noise 001 5-bit poly noise R} 010 5-bit/4-bit poly noise 011 5-bit poly noise 100 17-bit poly noise R} 101 pure tone 110 4-bit poly noise 111 pure tone The AUDCTn register R}controls all channels. There are several functions assigned to this register as follows: bit-7 Makes 17-bit R}poly into 9-bit poly counter bit-6 Clock Channel-1 with 1.79 MHz (CPU rate) bit-5 Clock Channel-3 with 1.R}79 MHz (CPU rate) Bit-4 Join channel 1 and 2 to form 16-bit range Bit-3 Join channel 3 and 4 to form 16-bR}it range Bit-2 Insert filter in channel-1, clocked by channel-2 Bit-1 Insert filter in channel-2, clockedR} by channel-4 Bit-0 Switch clock base from 64kHz to 15kHz The SKCTLn register controls various functions of R}the POKEY device, and only has to be initialized to a value of three to assure all four channels of POKEY are activR}e. Note: To detect if the upgrade is installed, look at the 8 extra pots, they will be all zero. Also theR} key code register will be also zero. If you compare the keycode at $D209 with that of $D219, and $DR}219 is zero, the upgrade is installed. You may want to mask IRQ's during the test for safety. R} Let me know what wild things you all come up with for this upgrade... and in a few days I will try to have the versionR} 2 upgrade, if it is possible. thanks, ChuckR}R}PTBXL Dig!By Bill KendrickNew Breed Software 1993,1994Player Code by Tony Ramos (c) ? 198?The files present here are:NLV}ODPLAY.LST - A more programmer- friendly version of the Parrot LOADPLAY.LST BASIC program. This is for TBXL and is conV}trolled by EXEC's and string assignments.DIGIPLAY.TBS - A simple Parrot .DIG file player for TurboBASIC XL. Enter theV} name of the file to list- en to (it plays only the first track - it was created to work with the next program). Once V}loaded, it will prompt you with 'ok'. Press any key to play the sound. Depend- ing on the key you press, the sound V}will be played at different speeds. Typing [6] will play at the stand- ard Parrot sample rate of "54". Typing [Control]V}[H] will play at a good speed for Macintosh sound files (created with the "Sound" Control Panel) after they have beenV} converted with the next prog- ram. To exit, press [ESC]. (Oops, , that means you can't play at the speed of 27.V}. I decided to leave this 'bug' in rather than make an elaborate, memory wasting exit routine).CNVRT48.TBS - This proV}gram loads an 8bit sample sound file (like .WAVs, .SNDs (Sound files from Macs), etc) and converts them to 4-bit ParrotV} format (including the Parrot's 'RAW' header, etc.). Files created by CNVRT48 will load properly in DIGIPLAY.TBS, NLV}ODPLAY.LST, LOADPLAY.LST, the Parrot sampler/ player programs, and any other Parrot-compatible sound programs (and evV}en anything that just loads raw 4-bit data and ignores any headers). Speaking of ignoring headers, that is exactly whV}at CNVRT48 does, so if you cannot STAND a little click or fuzzy noise at the beginning and/or end of your samples, you'V}ll need to edit them out (either by hand or with Parrot or other sound editing software).More on digisounds: Many dV}emos and games have shown how great digitized sound is! Take games like World Karate Champion- ship and MegaBlast for V}example. Not only do they play sounds while the screen is on, but also while other things are occuring (and MegaBlastV} does this to an EXTREME!) MOD players have been created (one using a >6), and great demos have been made, some (like the 1st demo in The Hard Software's Cool Emotion demo) not only play V}digital sound but also synthesized sound! (The World of Wonders demo does this as well, but it plays more complex syntV}h and uses digital sounds for drums and the like).If you are especially interested insound software, contact the folloV}wingAtari 8bit users:Dean Garraghty - creator of Digi- Studio, Journey Into Sound, and many other digital sound demos V}and utilities.Torsten Karwoth - creator of Mega- Blast.Ivo van Poorten - creator of MODPlay.Friday - creator of FamV}py (another MOD player)Me (Bill Kendrick) - creator of a few digital music/sample demos.Most of the above people canV} bereached via Internet. Check thecomp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup andlook for (or ask for) the "Who's Who"file or just looV}k for posts madeby those people.Viven Las Ataris!-Bill Kendrick |New Breed Software|kendrick@vax.sonoma.edulooTz ____________ MOD-PLAYER ____________ Coded by : The Gatekeeper Public DZ}omain 1993 Purmerend,Holland _________ Updates _________Version 1Z}.11------------* Sample Play BUG Removed.When a sample didn't wrap, an irritating 'tick' was heard on the end of the samZ}ple. Especially with bass-drums, e.q. FYC.MOD sounded terrible at the intro.Version 1.12------------The BUG above wasnZ}'t fixed quite right. Samples without a 'repeat' didn't stop at the end, but started all over again and stopped at the beginnZ}ing. FYC sounded right, but some others didn't. Now it's working fine...Version 1.20------------* Tempo Set AddedAftZ}er the loading sequence you are promted to enter the speed it has to be played. Default is 6, but some pieces of music are plZ}ayed on a tempo of 4,5 or 7.Version 1.21------------* Automatic TempoThe manual tempo setting is removed, and defaulZ}t is 6 again like in the 1.1x versions, but if there is a Tempo code in the first element of each channel that tempo is takenZ} for the replay routine. Works fine with all my MOD-Files.Version 1.22------------* Buffer Size increasedBuffer SizeZ} is now 48 KB. This enables you to load MOD-Files of a size up to 96 KB.2------------* Buffer Size increasedBuffer SizeXI