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ILBMREAD V2.1 b}y Jeff Potter 1/90 <> Commands: Toggle Blanking View Directory Load IFF f}ile Toggle mono. Load .PI9 file Save current View current Exit to DOS Unstick XF551 Current Parameters:}Width:Left:Height:Right:Colors:Top:Mode:Bottom:Press START after viewing to return.->KLEnter directory spe}cification.->Format incorrect, retry.Your choice: Debug message, buffer overflowReading BODY, press return}Disk Directo}ry:Exit to DOS...are you sure: Sorry, mode not supported.Sorry, only disk access.Press return to continue.Enter filen}ame to save->Enter caption to be displayed (40 max)Temporary end of program.File exists--overwrite? D:RGBTABL8.OBJ}O0O}FORMILBMBMHDCAMGCMAPBODY?(APPpQ}`}AP0otoHԩDhL_HT@ ԍh@H k ԍh@D ԍh@pp0yILBMREAD.OBJ V2.1 DOCS page 1 This version of ILBMREAD improves upon the previous by implementing the HalfBr }ite mode of the Amiga, which allows 64 colors. The old message "Sorry, mode not supported" will not be seen. This } version should exit to SpartaDOS more gracefully. ILBMREAD is a transformer program that allows Atari users t }o view and save Amiga IFF/ILBM format pictures. The pictures will be saved in APAC mode, and can be viewed with AP!}ACLOAD.OBJ or APACSHOW.OBJ. I have tested it with several IFF files from Amiga BBSes and pay services. So far it !}has loaded everything I've tried. Here's the procedure: download an ILBM file. If the file has been ARC!}'ed, I suggest using Bob Puff's UNARC version 2.4 to de-ARC. Quite often the filenames will contain lower case letters !}which this version of UNARC will convert to upper case. Load ILBMREAD.OBJ from DOS. Adjust your monitor until the!} background is pure, bright yellow. Press L to load the picture file. Enter the filename, (device name of D: is a!}ssumed) including subdirectories, if used (32 character limit on total filename length). The header from the picture fi!}le will be loaded, and the resolution and number of bit planes will be displayed. This version of ILBMREAD will au!}tomatically set width and height based on the picture size. Bear in mind that APAC mode is only 80 x 96, so don't !}expect much clarity on 640 x 400 pixel images. Press return when prompted, and the conversion process will start. ! } The colors appear after the last line has been converted. Press START to return to the menu screen. The other menu it! }ems: B Toggle Blanking: this feature allows you to disable Antic during loading to save time. ! }Depending on the file size and your disk speed, 15 to 30% savings can be realized. The screen boundary is ! } changed to a light gray to indicate this feature is enabled. D View Directory: you'll be asked to enter! } the directory specification, which allows you to specify subdirectories. L Load IFF file: expl!}ained above. M Toggle mono.: allows you to read and display the next file you Load in black and!} white, (Graphics 9) with 192 line resolution. Files saved while in this mode can be viewed with a .GR9 file !} loader or slide show. The red, green, and blue components are correctly averaged to create monochrome. The s!}creen color changes to gray to indicate this feature is enabled. Saves made while in this mode create fi!}les which can be loaded by most .GR9 file loaders. P Load .PI9 file: allows you to display anot!}her picture file created by this program or APACVIEW. R Return: executes an RTS instruction, ma!}y be needed for SpartaDOSX. S Save current picture: allows you to save the current picture!}ILBMREAD.OBJ V2.1 DOCS page 2 file as an APAC file (viewable with APACLOAD or APACSHOW). You wil!}l be prompted to enter a caption. Avoid using the cursor keys during this operation, as you might destroy your cap!}tion. V View current picture: lets you pop back to the APAC mode screen. Z E!}xit to DOS: you will be prompted to confirm this before exiting. ! Unstick XF551: if you use a!}n Atari XF551 disk (as I do) in double density, you'll notice it gets "stuck" whenever it reads a single !}density disk. To restore it to double density, press "!". No guarantees on what happens on other disk drives. !} Notes on Viewing Some users have written to tell me "APAC mode doesn!}'t work for me". The type of monitor seems to be the reason. The average television set (using the RF output from!} your Atari) seems to work good, but the composite monitor does not. I have a Magnavox "Color Monitor 40" which wo!}rks only when the comb filter is enabled. This is done by ensuring that the "Comb Defeat" switch (just next to the powe!}r cord) is OUT. Features As mentioned before, this version w! }ill read the screen width and height and automatically scale the picture during load time. If you become impatien!!}t during the picture load, press SELECT (while actual drawing is taking place) to abort it prematurely. Press START to!"} abort it and return to the menu screen. An easy way to adjust size and bias has been included. Press !#} OPTION either during the load or after it has completed to activate the joystick mode. Plug a joystick (or trackball)!$} into port 1. Four cursors will appear marking the four corners of the screen. The upper left cursor will be flas!%}hing, indicating which corner can be moved with the joystick. When you have moved this cursor where you want, pres!&}s SELECT to enable the lower right cursor. It will flash to indicate it is now under joystick control. Move it where y!'}ou want. Each time you press SELECT, the other cursor will be selected. When you have just the right area of the !(}screen outlined, press the joystick button to reload the picture. The screen boundaries will be updated per the cu!)}rsor positions. This can be done recursively, but you must reload (press START to exit and use the L command) in order!*} to see all of the picture again. Note that the cursors won't move off the screen, and can't move any closer togeth!+}er than 80 pixels horizontally or 96 (192 in monochrome) vertically. This version also displays the numbe!,}r of colors in the image, and the "mode" it was captured in. ILBMREAD.OBJ V2.1 DOCS page 3 If!-} you experience trouble using this program with SpartaDOS, be sure to check the following: BASIC should be disabled, th!.}e TD line should be disabled, and KEY and Verify should be off. The program uses addresses $2700-$8FFF. Be sure t!/}o keep RGBTABL8.OBJ on the "D:" disk, as it is loaded during execution. Once again, I am requesting feedback on th!0}is program. If it fails to load any ILBM file, please send me the filename (and file number if it is on GEnie or other !1}pay service), and screen information (width, height, colors, and mode). If anyone wants technical details, or has !2}suggestions, send me some e-mail or post to a bulletin board (I am most frequently on GEnie). For those o!3}f you whose monitors don't display APAC, I am developing yet another format to view full color pictures with up to !4}4096 colors (!). It's in beta-testing now, and it is a memory hog, but look for COLRVIEW in the near future. !5} If you use and enjoy this program, please show your support by sending a letter and a check ($5.00 is appreciated) !6}to me to encourage the development of more Atari 8-bit software of this type. I will pledge my support of this pro!7}gram, but bear in mind my biggest expense is pay service time and long distance phone charges calling Bulletin Boar!8}ds. This is probably the last version of this program I will release due to waning user interest, and the!9} fact that Amigas are converting to other formats (SHAM) and compression types not supported by the Atari (ZIP and !:}ZOO). I welcome suggestions for new program ideas. Jeffrey D. Potter !;} 814 Banbury Dr. Port Orange, FL 32119 !<} GEnie: JDPOTTER Del!=}phi: JDPOTTER CIS: 74030,2020 GEnie !>}trademark of General Electric Co. Amiga trademark of Commodore Business Machines SpartaDOS trademark of ICD, Inc. !?} s Machines SpartaDOS trademark of ICD, Inc. 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COLRVIEW is an exciting new mode of multi-color display for the Atari 8-bit computers. It can[>} display 80H x 192V pixels with up to 4096 simulated colors, or 160H x 192V with up to 64 colors! To try it, [?}load COLRVIEW.OBJ from DOS. Turn down the brightness on your monitor a little, until the background is something of a b[@}urnt orange color. Use the [L] command to load the COLORS test pattern. Be sure to type only the filename without[A} extension (up to 32 characters accepted, "D1:" is the default if no disk number is included). The .R, .G, and .B [B}files will load one after another (3 x 62 SD sectors), and (hopefully) a full color image will appear. Press [STAR[C}T] after you are done viewing the picture to return to the command menu. The commands available from the me[D}nu are: [D] View disk directory: you will be prompted to enter the directory search mask. Ent[E}er something like "D:*.R" to see the names of the COLRVIEW files. [G] Load three graph[F}ics 15 files, which are displayed in 160 x 192 resolution in 64 colors. This is better for displaying [G} digitized cartoons or line drawings. Use it on SGIRL15 and UNICRN15 in this archive. [H} [L] Load three graphics 9 files, as described above. Note: if you have found you have used the wrong com[I}mand to load 3 graphics files (an L rather than a G, maybe), press the [SELECT] button while view[J}ing the picture to swap graphics modes. [R] Restore color registers. See how to use t[K}his below, under "COLOR TUNING". [S] Save color registers. See how to use this below,[L} under "COLOR TUNING". [V] View the current picture. Use this to return to the pictur[M}e from the menu screen. [Z] Exit to DOS. You will be queried before you can exit. [N} COLRVIEW V2.5 Documentation page 2 [!] Unstick XF5[O}51. This sends the necessary commands on the serial bus to return an XF551 to double density mode after it [P} is "stuck" in single density mode. COLOR TUNING This version of COLR[Q}VIEW adds the ability to tune the colors you see without having to adjust your monitor's hue control. When you load [R} COLRVIEW, it searches the default disk for the fle CLRVREGS.DAT. This contains the default setting of the three color[S}s for the tri-color display. I have set these to best match my monitor; yours may differ. To set yours, do the fol[T}lowing: after you have loaded an appropriate picture (like the COLORS one), press [H] (while the picture is showin[U}g). This will cycle you through the available colors, one step forward each time you press [H]. Press [SHIFT][H] to st[V}ep backwards through color selections. If you find you are still unable to get the proper colors, press [R], [G], [W}or [B] to adjust the red, green, or blue separately. Pressing [SHIFT] and either [R], [G], or [B] will reverse the[X} direction of the color change. When you are happy with your color settings, press [START] to return to the menu. Now [Y}press [S] to save these color registers to the disk (be sure the proper disk is inserted in your default drive). I[Z}f you have become hopelessly lost while adjusting colors, you can type [R] (from the menu) to reload the color regi[[}sters from the disk. This operation does not report failure to find the disk file, so be sure the right disk is in[\}serted. I have found that graphics 9 files and graphics 15 files each look better with different settings. Y[]}ou can of course use different pictures to set the colors. With graphics 15 files (such as SGIRL15) I have found i[^}t best to try to balance good flesh tones with pure blues. The flesh tones can sometimes be too pink, and the blues can[_} tend to be too purple if you're just a little off. By the way, the COLORS picture colors should be (from lef[`}t to right and top to bottom): black, dark gray, light gray, white; red, red yellow, yellow, yellow green; green, g[a}reen cyan, cyan, cyan blue; blue, blue magenta, magenta, and magenta red. ABOUT COLRVIEW The[b} technique I use is different from APAC and Pryzm, and consists of alternating lines of red, green, and blue images (dis[c}played in graphics 9 or 15). This is in addition to a page-flipping VBI which relocates the starting color in each[d} of the three images. It's really hard to explain in words, and it's full of VBIs and DLIs. I found this to be le[e}ss annoying than merely page-flipping between a red, green, and a blue image. There will be rather significant "swimmin[f}g" in areas of the image with pure (primary) colors. I can claim this displays 4096 colors (16 x 16 x 16), if I re[g}ly on the persistence of vision present in the human eye. The resolution is 80 x 192, like [h} COLRVIEW V2.5 Documentation page 3 graphics 9. This version also displays graphics 1[i}5 (once called 7.5) screens in the same three-color page-flipping mode. This produces 64 colors (4 x 4 x 4), with [j}a resolution of 160 x 192. The picture files included in this archive were created by my latest version of AP[k}ACVIEW (a GIF decoding program). I am debugging APACVIEW, and will release it shortly to the pay services. If you [l} would like to receive it, and some of my other Atari graphics programs, send in your shareware contribution! [m} GEnie subscribers can download additional three-color files in the 8-bit library (look for RGBPIX, RGBPIX2, RGBPIX3, RG[n}BPIX4, and RGBFIDO uploaded by J.MORRISP.). If you're interested in certain pictures, drop me a line, I'll upload [o}some more. Let me know where you found this file, or where you first heard about it. COLRVIEW is a shareware[p} product. If you use and enjoy this program, please express your satisfaction with a letter and at least a $5.00 c[q}ontribution. This would encourage me to create enhancements to this program, and to create other public domain software[r}. It would also help pay some of my bills on the pay services and long distance BBSes, providing support and seeki[s}ng feedback. As always, I am awaiting your comments. Use the easy-response letter on the next page! [t} Jeff Potter 814 Banbury Dr. Port Orange, F[u}L 32119 GEnie: JDPOTTER CIS: 74030,2020 [v} Internet: potter@ge-dab.ge.com Computer World BBS: (716)247-8355 [w} COLRVIEW V2.5 Documentation page 4 Easy-response letter: mai[x}l to: Jeff Potter 814 Banbury Dr. [y} Port Orange, FL 32119 Jeff, I used your COLRVIEW program on my Atari _____[z}___ computer. I found that the colors did( )/sorta did( )/did not( ) look correct on my monitor (which is a ______[{}_____________). I own a ____________ disk drive, which operates in SSSD( ), SSED( ), SSDD( ), DSDD( ). [|}I rate this program in the following ways: Excellent Good Fair Poor [}} Color Fidelity ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Sharpness ( ) ( ) ([~} ) ( ) Ease of Use ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) I found this progr[}am on the following bulletin board/pay service: ___________________________________________________________________[}___ Phone Number (if BBS): ____________________ I would be interested in receiving upgrades to thi[}s program( ). Comments: ______________________________________________________________________ [} ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________[}_______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________[}__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________[}_ My name and address are: ______________________________________________________________________[} ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________[}__________________________ ________________Xm8ChhJȱKȱDȱEeeHHLVhhDȱEȱHȱIeeHHLVE:K:D1:*.*S:P:D1:FILEN_}AME.EXT B V B V0 B VB 8 `80B 8b8 b?&D'D(D B 08A B 08C_}0B 08C B 08CCL(DL:G(DL:DL9R b? [>L8SLq:VLs(D [> >Э aW`ԭ(DI(DCC \(DCCCЍo > [>Ԣ< \*_}* >L8(oio [>L{L{<=oio [>L{<}o8o [>_}L{<oio [>L{L{<92oiooiooio [>L{L{<010N1"#C(DCC \(DCCԽCЍo _}`oi,pi4pi9poiApiIpiNpoiVpi^picp`(DCNOPCNOPeCNOPhCNO_}Pǐ``ԭ 2"#01oЩ`C:C: DD:DCɛ.D `D`D_} CDɛ ` B 8C0" B 08D0DoDoDo B V` 2@e@` 2@v@` 2@@` 2@@`_} 2@@` 2@@`eeؘ8ee؈륱 0AJJJJ 0A) 0 A 2@@`hh BDȱ_}EdHeIeHHLV-File not found.-File name error.-BREAK key pressed.-Device timeout (does not respond).-Tru_}ncated record, input too long.-Non-existent device.-Error number XXX occurred.} COLRVIEW V2.5 by Jeff _}Potter 10/90 <>Enter to view disk directoryEnter to load 3 GR.15 filesEnter to load_} 3 GR.9 filesEnter to restore color regsEnter to save color regsEnter to view current picture.Enter to exit to DO_}S.Enter to unstick XF551.Press after viewing picture to return to this menu.Press while viewing to _}swap display lists.Use H, R, G, and B while viewing to tune colors.Your choice: Enter directory specification.-_}>Enter filename (no extension) of 3 graphics files for viewing.Extensions of .R, .G, .B assumed.->Exit to DOS...are you _}sure: D:CLRVREGS.DATopop@ON(ANNppOQ_}O`_}ANOOppOqO_}AOPPppO_}O_}APooHCCCiN1hL_HH8C 0 ԍЍ ԍ ԍߩ_} ԍhh@p}pHCCCiN1hL_HH8C*6 ԍЩ:Щ>*֍ ԍЩڍЩލ ԍЩЩ ԍ_}ЍЩ hh@8CiN1hL_HH8C*6 ԍЩ:Щ>*֍ ԍЩڍЩލ ԍЩЩ ԍ\Hallo Bit-Byter!Vor kurzem bekam ich unerwarteter Weise Post von Alfons Kluepfel. Wie Ihr ja hoffentlich alle wisst, sichtec}t Alfons staendig die News aus Amerika. Unter anderem fand er Programme, die es erlauben mit unserem Atari Bilder vom ST, PC c}und Amiga zu lesen. Diese Programme hat Alfons mir zugesandt und ich sollte schauen, ob sie fuer euch interessant sein koenntc}en.Ich glaube schon! Deshalb habe ich die Programme getestet, sortiert und auf einer Disk zusammengestellt.Folgende Grafikfc}ormate werden unterstuetzt: - PI1, PI2, PI3 (Degas / ST) - PC1, PC2, PC3 (Degas / ST) - GIF (PC, ST, AMIGA) - IFF, LBM (Ac}MIGA, PC)Von den Konvertern werden jenachdem folgende Aufloesungen unterstuetzt: - 160 * 192 64 Farben - 80 * 96 256 Fac}rben - 80 * 192 256 Farben interlaced - 80 * 192 4096 Farben interlaced - 80 * 192 16 Farben / HelligkeitenMit Hilfe c}der ATARI/PC Diskette vom ABBUC habe ich das GIF File FROGGY.GIF auf den Atari uebertragen und mit APACVIEW in ein Bild mit 6c}4 Farben konvertiert. Die interlaced Modi wirken auf den deutschen Fernsehgeraeten wahrscheinlich nicht so gut, da sie nur mic}t 50 Hz arbeiten. Amerikanische Geraete arbeiten mit 60 Hz, was das Flackern etwas mildern duerfte. Manche Programme erlaubenc} auch die Farben rein softwaremaessig einzustellen und abzuspeichern, so dass man nicht staendig die Einstellungen des Fernsec}hers aendern muss um fernzusehen bzw. Bilder zu betrachten.Die Anleitungen sind zwar in enlischer Sprache, aber trotzdem recc}ht gut verstaendlich.Diese Programme zeigen wieder einmal, dass der kleine Atari aeusserst flexibel ist.Soweit euer Karlc}(Danke an Alfons, ohne den ihr von den Programmen wahrscheinlich nichts wuesstet) aeusserst flexibel ist.Soweit euer Karl`QJ