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This version can be freely› distributed in any manner as longš} as unmodified copies of the› following files are kept together: DD3DOC.TXT (this document),› PP.COM, PPCUSTOM.BAS, ›}FE.COM, FE.HLP, FECUSTOM.BAS, FU.COM, and 11› fonts (*.NLQ -- 2 Daisy-Dot II fonts and 9 new DD3 fonts).›› This versiœ}on lacks several features found on the registered version:›› 1. The registered version includes a detailed 50 page }printed› manual. The documentation of this version covers just the basic› aspects necessary to use the software.›› ž} 2. The registered version has full support for SpartaDOS X (this› version isn't completely compatible with it).›Ÿ}› 3. This version allows you to use only one font per document› from the print processor -- with the registered } version you can switch› fonts at any point in a document and use an unlimited number of fonts› in each document.›› ”} 4. The registered version includes some fonts left out of the› distributable version because of space constraint¢}s.›› The registered version is available only from me. For a $25 donation› I will send you the complete registered v£}ersion of the program. ›› Send all correspondence to:›› Roy Goldman› ¤} 2440 South Jasmine› Denver, CO 80222››› COMPATIBILITY›› Daisy-Dot III is „}compatible with the following systems:›› -Any Atari 8 bit computer with at least 48K› -Atari DOS 2.5, SmartDOS, MyDOS¦}, or SpartaDOS› -Any graphics-capable Epson 9 pin printer or compatible, Star Gemini› 10X/SG10, BlueChip/Mannesmann S§}pirit, Atari XMM801, or C.Itoh› Prowriter.›››››››››››› Ø} 2›› INTRODUCTION›› Daisy-Dot III brings to Atari 8-bit computer systems sophisticated› Near Letter Quality©} typesetting capabilities that until now have been› found only on much more expensive systems with much more memory.›› Ŗ} DD3 processes raw text files (saved files) and controls ALL› formatting, from word wrap to margins to page breaks to he«}aders and› footers, to produce high quality output on the most popular 9 pin dot-› matrix printers.›› In addition¬} to being compatible with the many Daisy-Dot II fonts› widely available, DD3 introduces new font formats for larger, more­}› detailed fonts which can be magnified up to about 1 square inch.›› Some formatting features of DD3 include underlin®}ing, hanging indents,› different types of tabs with dot leaders, controllable line-spacing,› variable page size, and Æ}the ability to chain text files.›› Daisy-Dot III includes three main programs: the Print Processor,› which processes°} the text files and produces output; the new Font› Editor, which has many features for editing or creating fonts; and› ±} Font Utilities, which helps you expand your collection of fonts. ››› PRINT PROCESSOR›› This is the main program of ²}the DD3 system -- it processes the text› files you create and prints them in near letter quality.›› The first step is³} to customize the program for your system. Run› PPCUSTOM.BAS from BASIC and change the following options as desired.›› “} [L]ocation of Program -- Location of PP.COM, the file that will be› customized› [P]rinter -- Cycle through differeµ}nt supported printers› [W]idth of paper, in units of 1/40"› L[E]ft Margin, in units of 1/40"› [R]ight Margin, in ¶}units of 1/40"› Le[N]gth of paper, in units of 1/72"› [T]op Margin, in units of 1/72"› [B]ottom Margin, in units ·}of 1/72"› [C]haracter Spacing -- Number of blank dot-columns printed between› characters› Line [S]pacing -- Spaciø}ng from bottom of one line to top of next, in› units of 1/72"› [D]ensity -- Default graphic density, Low, Draft, or H¹}igh depending on› printer. (Keep pressing D to cycle through all available densities› for the current printer). Dotŗ}s per line also vary between printers. › High density with Epson or Star printers is limited to six inches› across th»}e page (left and right margins together can be no less than› two inches).› Screen Color -- Press [+] or [-] to cycle ¼}through colors›› Once you set the above options as desired, press [SPACE] to customize›››››››››› ½} 3›› the program as specified by the [L] option.›› Press [X] to exit ¾}the program.›› The general process for printing a document with Daisy-Dot III is to› 1, create and save a document wiæ}th a word processor; and 2, run DD3PP› and specify the desired font and the text file to be printed.›› DD3PP prints sĄ}aved text files from most word processors, including› TextPro, PaperClip, XLent's First, AtariWriter, and AtariWriter PluĮ}s› (if CTRL-S is used to save the file). Any word processor that saves› files "verbatim" from the text buffer and usĀ}es standard DOS format› will work.› › When creating a document with DD3PP, do NOT use ANY of your word› procĆ}essor's formatting commands. Always use DD3PP's formatting› commands (described later). Also, only include [RETURN]'s wÄ}here you› want to force a new line -- DD3PP controls word wrap by itself. Make› sure no words (any sequence of charaÅ}cters not separated by a space)› become longer than 140 characters. Also, avoid using many lengthy› formatting commaĘ}nds among just a few words, as the text (including› formatting commands) that makes up a printed line can't exceed 140› Ē} characters.›› DD3PP has more than 25 formatting commands. Each is preceded with a› backslash (\) and should be tyČ}ped into a document as normal text. › Different formatting commands are allowed in different locations› within a docuÉ}ment. Most commands fall into the following categories:›› A: Legal anywhere› B: Legal in a new line after a hard rŹ}eturn (or in the first line of a› file), before the first character to be printed as text on that line.› C: Legal inĖ} the first line of a file (before any characters to be› printed on that line); or in any line containing a \N command, afĢ}ter› the \N command but before any characters to be printed on that line.›› What follows is a description of each DD3Ķ}PP formatting command,› including syntax and, in parenthesis, one of the above categories› which describes where it iĪ}s allowed.›› Note that upper- and lower-case letters are treated the same in all› cases. Also, brackets designate coĻ}mmand parameters or special keys› like [SPACE], and should not be included as part of the command. "nnn"› means a thrŠ}ee digit number, and "nn" means a two digit number.›› \\ = Forced backslash (A)›› \[SPACE] = Hard space (A)›› \- Ń}= Hard hyphen (A)›› \L = Block left (A)›› \R = Block right (A)››››››››››› Ņ} 4›› \C = Center (A)›› \J = Justification (B)›› \U = Underlining on/off (A)›› \WÓ}[1-4] = Width (A)›› \S[0-9 or A-J] = Character spacing (A)›› \D[D, L, or H] = Change density to Draft, Low, or High (Ō}B)›› \XLnnn = Left margin of nnn/40" (B)›› \XRnnn = Right margin of nnn/40" (B)›› \XSnnn = Shifts print head nnn/Õ}40" to the right (A)›› \XAnnn = Moves print head to position nnn/40" across page (A)›› \XHH = Hanging indent at curreÖ}nt position. (Should be included in the› first line of a paragraph at the point to begin a hanging indent. › Left mar×}gin must be reset after a paragraph containing a hanging› indent. Use only with block left or justification.)›› \XHnŲ}nn = Hanging indent at position nnn/40" across page. (Should be› at the beginning of the first line of a paragraph. TheŁ} left margin› must be reset after a paragraph containing a hanging indent. Use only› with block left or justificatioŚ}n.) › › \E = Erase Tabs (B)›› \P[L, C, or R] = Position Left, Center, or Right/decimal tab (A, but› all taŪ}b settings should be on the same line)›› \T = Tab to next tab setting (A)›› \. = Tab to next setting with dot leader Ü}(A)›› \Z = End text for center or right/decimal tab (After a corresponding› \T command)›› \N = New page (Legal inŻ} a new line after a hard return, before the› first character to be printed as text on that line. It can't be in› theŽ} first line of a file).›› \XTnnn = Top margin of nnn/72" (C)›› \XBnnn = Bottom margin of nnn/72" (C)›› \XVnn = Liß}ne spacing of nn/72" (C)›› \Hnntexttexttexttext[RETURN] = Define header to print nn/72" below top› of page (C, textteą}xttexttext is the header text)››››››››››› 5›› \Gį}nntexttexttexttext[RETURN] = Define footer to print nn/72" below top› of bottom margin (C, texttexttexttext is the footerā} text)›› \X#nnn = New page number (C)›› \# = Insert page number (Legal in header or footer text)›› \A[filename.exć}t]\ = Print specified file after current document (A)›› \* = Comment: All text following this command and up to the next›ä} [RETURN] will be ignored. (A)›› Once a document has been created, run the Print Processor by loading› PP.COM as å}a standard machine language file (BASIC must be disabled). › You are first prompted for the font to print with (all fontsę} are› assumed to have an .NLQ extension, so you don't need to type it), and› then the name of the text file you've crē}eated (press [1]-[9] from› either prompt for a disk directory). Once this is done, you have more› options from the pč}rint menu:›› [F]ont file = Change the font› [T]ext file = Change the text file› [O]utput = Change the filename foé}r output› [C]opies = Change the number of copies› [P]age Select = Cycle through printing All, Odd, or Even pages› ź} [B]egin Page = Change the first page to print› [E]nd Page = Change the last page to print›› [X] or [CTRL]-[X] = Quitė} the program›› Once you've changed the settings as desired, make sure the paper is› aligned so that the page perforatģ}ion lines up with the top of the› ribbon and press [START] to print.›› While printing, hold down [SELECT] to abort orķ} [OPTION] to pause.›› If you're using SpartaDOS, printing can be automated with command line› options. Specify the fī}ont to use as the first parameter followed by› the name of the file to print. For example, PP BOSTON SAMPLE would› pļ}rint the file SAMPLE with the font BOSTON.››› FONT EDITOR›› Daisy-Dot III includes a sophisticated font editor with mš}any features› to make editing or creating a font easy.›› As with DD3PP, the Daisy-Dot III Font Editor (DD3FE) must fiń}rst be› customized. Run the program FECUSTOM.BAS from BASIC and change the› following options as desired:›› [L]oņ}cation of Font Editor -- Location of FE.COM, the file to be› customized.› [P]rinter -- Cycles through the different só}upported printers› [H]elp File Drive -- Tells DD3FE where to find the help file FE.HLP›››››››››› ō} 6›› [C]ursor Delay -- Changes the default cursor delay from 0 (fast) to õ}9› (slow)› Screen Color -- Press [+] or [-] to change the screen color› [W]idth -- Changes the default width for ö}every character of a font›› Once all settings are to your satisfaction, press [SPACE] to customize› the program as sp÷}ecified by the [L] command.›› Press [X] to exit the program.›› Run the Font Editor by loading FE.COM, a standard machų}ine language› file (BASIC must be disabled). SpartaDOS users can include a font's› filename on the command line to lł}oad the font. ›› Once the program runs, you'll see the main work screen: the left side› of the screen contains the ś}graphical character window with a blinking› cursor; to the left of the window are two bars marking the height and› unū}derline positions; the right side of the screen has a list of› pertinent data for the current font; and the bottom right ü}corner of› the screen contains the I/O window.›› The blinking cursor is controlled by a joystick plugged into port 1 ż}or› by the arrow keys. Press the joystick button or [RETURN] to draw or› erase, depending on the current mode.›› ž} The following is a list of all DD3FE commands (^ means hold down› [CTRL]). Note that you can press [SELECT] to see the ’}on-line help› file with a similar list (FE.HLP must be on the drive specified by the› Customizer).›› C = Cursor d}elay, from 0 (fast) to 9 (slow)› R = Restore: undoes the last command or joystick drawing› < > = Decrease or increase} character width, from 1 to 32 columns› [SPACE] = Toggle between Draw and Erase mode› ^P = Plot (freehand) mode: butt}on draws or erases one pixel› ^B = Box mode: press the button at the box's two corners› ^L = Line mode: press the but}ton at the line's two endpoints› ^O = Outline mode: like Line mode, but second endpoint of last line› becomes first e}ndpoint of next line› ^S = Spoke mode: like Line mode, but first endpoint is retained for› subsequent lines› ^C =} Circle mode: press button at center and radius› ^E = Ellipse mode: press button at center, then move the joystick to› } control vertical and horizontal axes, then press button again› ^F ^V ^G ^H = Scroll up, down, left, or right› ^K ^J} = Inserts or deletes a column› ^M ^I = Inserts or deletes a row› V H = Vertical or horizontal flip› I = Inverse }image› ^R = Cycle through mirrors: none, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and› four› A = Flood fills region› W } = Clear window› + - = Move to next or previous character› G = Goto a specific character››››››››››  } 7›› T = Copy a specific character into the current window› M = } Clear the current font from memory› B = Set width of the space character› ^. . = Raise or lower height bar: the heig }ht bar should be lined up› with the lowest extender of any character in the font. CAUTION!!!› Make sure that if the  }height bar is at 15 or less, anything below the› bar may be lost forever.› ^, , = Raise or lower the underline bar: l}ine up the underline bar› with the position where you want the characters to be underlined› 1 - 9 = Disk directory (*}.NLQ): press L to load a font in the› directory› ! - ( = Disk directory (*.*): press L to load a font in the director}y› L = Load a font› S = Save a font› ^Q = Print parameters: set graphic density (Low or High) and character› }spacing (Space or No Space) for any printouts› Q = Print current character› F = Print entire font›› In general, w}hen creating a font, the top of the tallest character› should be at the top of the character window and, because characte}r› spacing is controlled by the main printing program, blank columns at› the sides of the characters shouldn't be add}ed unless you want to› force a non-proportional font.››› FONT UTILITIES›› Daisy-Dot III Font Utilities (DD3FU) ha}s 3 separate sub-programs for› expanding your font collection: the magnifier, the italicizer, and› the font converte}r.›› Run the program by loading FU.COM as a standard machine language file› (BASIC must be disabled). At the main me}nu, press M for the› magnifier, I for the italicizer, C for the font converter, or X to› exit to DOS.›› All sub-p}rograms support wildcards so many fonts can be processed at› one time.›› All sub-programs measure progress of process}es by displaying dots› across the bottom of the screen -- the process is complete when the› entire row is filled with} dots.›› The magnifier creates taller versions of existing fonts. The program› will often create two or more files t}hat comprise the magnified font› (only the extension will differ between the files). All of these› files must be tog}ether on the same disk drive when printing with the› magnified font from the Print Processor.›› You will be prompted }for the source file and the destination file. At› either prompt you can press [1]-[9] for a directory. Next, you will› } be prompted for the magnification factor: 2, 3, or 4. After› confirmation, the process will begin.››››››››››› } 8›› The italicizer creates proportional, italicized v }ersions of fonts. › Specify the source and destination filenames and the process will› begin.›› The converter con!}verts Atari screen fonts into DD3 format. Specify› the source file, the destination file, whether you want double width›"} and or height, and whether you want the resulting font to be made› proportional. After confirmation the process wil#}l begin.››› CONCLUSION›› This document summarizes all the features of Daisy-Dot III to give you› a taste of its c$}apabilities. For $25, I will send you a complete› registered copy which includes SpartaDOS X support, 50 fonts, the› %} ability to switch fonts at any point in a document, and a 50 page› printed manual with detailed coverage of all of DD3's&} features and› numerous examples of formatting commands.›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››i3›E’’€€’’’ÄĢČ@@ČȈ @@Ą€@@Ą€@Ą€€@Ą€€Q ?? ?? ????@@ĄĄąąĄĄĄĄĄąąĄĄ€€€€€ąą€€€€€ąą€€€N (} 2’222’223! 00ü000ü0 Ą ų ų ĄQ0p@@ppFL0`Ą€`pp`ACF °ąĄ€ 0`Ą€0880 0`Ą€0p@@p0Y?@ææ’@@€ )}„„DDD_€€’€’„ŒŒŒ LL_? ąšš8ģĢÄüššąąąš08ŲȈųšąĄ@@Ą€@Ą€€D?€’ąšųĄšųD€?’ų *}šąųšĄ Øp pØ ``K@@@@üųų@@@€€€ųųš€€€€C  BQ  +}0`Ą€ 0`Ą€ 0`Ą€ 0`Ą€L????@@@@@@??šųųųųšąšųųšąE?? ???ųųųųųš ,}P  @@@@@ !1  ,,LLŒŒ ((HHˆˆP !#!$80 ```````bbceaxp†üüx -}ŒüųpQ !??? #üüųųųųN>< ""#!!<<|ddddddbccA@üüų .} üųšM?0AA?a@€€šųųųųpąšųųš`N !#?>< ```````ag~x>xšĄ€>ųąĄM >  /} > >AAAAA?? ųšĄųąĄBC N 0} @€ @€€€@@ €€@@ J@@@@@@@@@@ĄĄĄĄĄĄ€€N€@@ €€@@  1} @€ @€J@@€€‡‡xx0€€ųp ÄĢČȈˆR!## ###  Ąąą€€€€€€€Ąą 2}Sxųˆ‹Œš@Ąšü揃šų ńĮĮńżæ 0Ąąą°˜ŒŒˆ€ąĄōü<0ĄĄą°ø˜ˆˆ ĄĄšų8U’’€€’’€@_`!1 ’’’’’’€€ßA 3}` 2 üųųüųųüųųšųųšųųššųššU?@ææ’@@€€€@@@@€€’€’€€€€@@@ąšš8ģĢÄüąąš08ŲȈų 4}R€€’€€’€€€@@??’’’’ˆˆˆüųųüųųšųųųųųššU?@ææ’@@€„„DDDH€€’€’„ŒŒŒ LHH 5}ąšš8ģĢÄüąąš08ŲȈųP’€’ŠŠŠŠ€’’€’’°°°°  žžüžžüžüüžüüU?@ææ’@@€„„D 6}DDC€€’€’„ŒŒŒ LOGąšš8ģĢÄüųššąąš08ŲȈųšššS’’€€’’ƒ’’’’’’ üųųüųųžü 7}üųųšųųšüüųK’’€€’’€€’’’’’’üųųüųųųųšųųšK’’€€’’€€’’’’’’žžüžžüžüüžüüT’’€€’’‚€ 8}’’’’’’ üųųüųų@ą ° ųųšųųšĄĄą 0R’’€€’’€€’’’’’’üųųüüüųųš 9}ųųųZ’’€€’’€€‚„„€€’’’’’’„„’„’’üųųüųųüüüüüųųųšųųšųųųųųųW’’€ :}€’’€€€€€€@@@!?>’’’’’’‚‚‚BC><üųųüųų <|Ȉųųšųųš8čČS? 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