L}  X c0C)HCCH Mhhݩh `eCDiCD`  RyHP   * 1H0芢@) Y0.Ș`i#(PMRRҹ ' i 0  % @ / ՠ`d   0DDԝLtz2H Page - TEXTPRO -Version 1.2from theSOFTWARE PLUS+ BBS (504) 279-7073Textpro ExtensionandKeyboard Macr}o Features(C) 1986MIKE COLLINS and RONNIE RICHEAug 15, 1986This documentation is an updated, and hopefully impr}oved, version of the original docs for v1.1 and includes discussion of the additional features of TEXTPRO 1.2.* SECTION 1 }*Using TEXTPRO...HATE DOCS?You really don't need to read this entire document to begin using TEXTPRO. Just type you}r text into the editor. The words will wrap to the next line automatically so only press RETURN to force the end of a paragr }aph. The cursor controls will be rather familiar since they are much like the ATARI editor. Use the COMMAND SUMMARY sheets }at the end of this doc as a reference to the TEXTPRO commands. To save your work enter the* ave file commandand } type in the filename. To get to the disk menu for loading and manipulating files press the* enu commandand the }re you are. The bottom of the screen contains a menu of your selections. Move the wide bar cursor to the file you want and }make your selection. Pressing ESCape will return you to the editor. To print your masterpiece use the* rint comm}and from the editor screen and press RETURN.TEXTPRO will format your document using its internal default format settings. } Make sure that an 80 column printer is online and ready.Thats all there is to using TEXTPRO in a hurry, but if you want t}o learn how to use all of the features of this powerful and useful program just read on.USER INTERFACE AND CONFIGURATION}TEXTPRO features a user interface that allows the user to choose:- Word wrap on/off...CTRL-Y- Fast key repeat on/off.}..CTRL-N (XL/XE machines only)- Key click on/off...SELECT+CTRL-N - Upper/lower case at startup...CAPS key- Bac}kground color...CTRL-B(+SELECT to reverse)- Text luminance...CTRL-T(+SELECT to reverse)- False spaces on/off...CTRL-O to }toggle- Carriage return shown or subdued...SELECT+CTRL-O to toggle- Insert/replace mode...CTRL-I(nsert toggle)- Sc}reen width... SHIFT TAB (Widen screen)... CTRL TAB (Narrow screen)After getting the editor the way you want it at s}tartup use* ave config file.This will write the configuration file to the disk for selection at startup.}If you change the user interface during an edit and would like it returned to the startup selections press* Re}store defaults command.To pick a font for the editor choose any ATARI Graphics 0 font of your liking, put it on your TEXTPR}O disk and name it TEXTPRO.FNT. It will load automatically at startup.If you are using TEXTPRO 1.2 and want to load one o}f the special TEXTPRO extension files just put the extension of your choice on your TEXTPRO disk as TEXTPRO.EXT. It will aut}omatically load and initialize at startup and on RESET. An explanation of these special extension files is contained in sect}ion two of this documentation.The COMMAND SUMMARY provides a complete listing of all of the TEXTPRO commands. The TEXTPRO} Keyboard Macro Feature is not fully explained in this documentation. For a full description of the uses and protocols of th}e Keyboard Macro Feature get the TEXTPRO MACRO DOCUMENTATION which is distributed as a separate file. A description of the e}ditor and editor commands follows.EDITING COMMANDS:The editor for TEXTPRO is full featured and behaves for the most }part like the standard ATARI editor. If you are familiar with the ATARI editor you should have no problem getting familiar w!}ith the TEXTPRO editor. There are also additional features which make the TEXTPRO editor one of the most functional and comp"}lete offered for the ATARI.The arrow keys, delete back-space, and insert keys are functionally identical to the ATARI edit#}or. There is no equivalent for the ATARI delete screen line command (SHIFT DELETE) but the additional editing commands provi$}de a great deal of power and flexibility for text movement and deletion.The additional editing commands are:* Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word or the next word respectively.* Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph or next paragraph respectively.* Moves '}the cursor to the beginning of the previous sentence or the next sentence respectively.* to move the cursor to th(}e beginning of the screen line.* to move the cursor to the end of the screen line.* ome cursor command)}Pressed once the cursor goes to the top of the screen. If held down or pressed twice in succession the cursor jumps to the*} top of the file.* nd of file commandMoves the cursor to the end of the file.The editor operates in both the +}insert and replace modes. In the insert mode text is inserted at the cursor position and the remainder of the file after the,} cursor is moved over to accommodate the new text. In the replace mode the new text overwrites the previous text.These mo-}des are toggled by the* nsert toggle command.When you press the mode you have just entered will be prom.}pted on the message line.The particular mode that you use is mostly a matter of personal preference and will matter little/} when editing at the end of the file. When editing at the top of a large file using the insert mode the need to move all of 0}the characters after the cursor to make room for each new character can slow the editor down. This can also cause the editor1} to "drop" some characters during fast keyboard entry since the editor has not had time to complete the insertion and recover2} before the next key is pressed. This can be a frustrating limitation during extensive editing. A keyboard buffer utility w3}ill solve the problem of dropped characters but does not speed up the editor. For this reason it is preferable to use the re4}place mode to edit at the top of a large file since the speed of editing in the replace mode is not affected by the number of5} characters following the cursor. The only disadvantage to this method is that the file must be opened up to enter additiona6}l text since otherwise you would overwrite text that you might want to keep intact.To facilitate rapid opening of the text7} file for replace mode editing TEXTPRO has two commands that will quickly insert editing room in the file. Editing room is i8}nserted in the form of blank spaces which can be typed over without effecting the context of the document.These commands a9}re:* always inserts 5 blank spacesregardless of editing mode and can be used to open small areas in the file quite:} rapidly.* is a special commandthat will do a rapid insert of 255 spaces from the cursor position each ti;}me it is pressed. This is used to open an editing "window" in the file. This will help when you need to do large text editi<}ng and entry in the top or middle of a large file. Press this key as many times as needed to quickly insert the needed space=} into the file. Then use replace mode editing to enter your text. Don't use insert mode since this would defeat the purpose>} of opening the editing window in the first place!To quickly remove those left over blank spaces after entering your new t?}ext use the* delete blank spaces commandand all of the extra blank spaces between the cursor and the next@} word in the file will be deleted and the editing window will be closed up. With these special editing commands you will be A}able to do rapid editing any place in the file, even on a text file that approaches the maximum size of the text buffer (overB} 19K).When using Version 1.2 you will notice that in the replace mode the replaces the character beforC}e the cursor with a blank space without moving the following text up behind it with each deletion. In the insert mode the teD}xt after the cursor follows the cursor back in the file. This is parallel to the behavior of the editor when entering text iE}n the respective modes.Finally, you will notice that regardless of your editing mode you cannot typeover a return characteF}r. When a return character is encountered in replace mode editing the editor behaves exactly as if it were in the insert modG}e. This is intentional and will make more sense the more you use the editor.If all of this seems rather confusing don't bH}e concerned. You will find the editor a lot easier to use than it is to read about. I am documenting all of the various difI}ferences here in order that you have a reference to answer questions you may have after using the editor and observing its beJ}havior. There is no substitute for working with an editor to learn its features and weaknesses. After using the TEXTPRO 1.2K} editor for awhile we feel that you will find it to be one of the easier to use and more flexible editors for the ATARI.SOL}ME MORE COMMANDS:To delete text you have great flexibility in the TEXTPRO editor. Just go to the spot from which you wanM}t to start the deletion and use the* elete text command.  The command line will turn red and the prompt"DeletN}e (S, W, P): RETURN to exit"will appear. The "S, W, P" stands for (S)entence, (W)ord, (P)aragraph respectively and specifO}ies the chunk of text in front of the cursor that you wish to delete. Pressing these keys will delete the selected text and P}place it in the paste buffer. You may continue to choose text to delete until you press RETURN (or any key other than S, W, Q}or P) to quit the delete mode and return to the normal editor.If you wish to add the text you are deleting to the current R}contents of the paste buffer use the* elete and append to buffer command.The paste buffer will not be cS}leared and the newly deleted text will then be appended to the original contents of the paste buffer.To replace the deleteT}d text just use the* eplace deleted text command.and the deleted text in the buffer will be pasted back. You maU}y paste the text back as often as you wish or move to another place in the document and paste it back. You may even load anoV}ther file and paste the text into that file if you wish. The deleted text will remain in the paste buffer until you issue aW}* ill paste buffer commandwhich clears the buffer of the deleted text. Other operations that will delete the conX}tents of the paste buffer are issuing another delete command without pressing SELECT or using the copy file command from eithY}er the editor or the menu.Another important feature of a word processor is the ability to search and replace text strings Z}in a document. TEXTPRO 1.2 has a powerful search and replace feature that can search and replace ANY character or string up [}to 30 characters long.To define a string to search for press the* ind string selection command.Simpl\}y enter the string that you wish TEXTPRO to search for and press RETURN.To find the selected string just press* ind string.There is no need to press RETURN. TEXTPRO will immediately search out the first occurence of the string in you^}r file. If the string is not anywhere in the file the prompt "Not Found" will appear. Simply press ind as many time_}s as you need to find all of the occurences of your search string. The search is case sensitive so be sure you type in the s`}tring with the correct upper/lower case configuration if you must.To change a found string use the* hana}ge string selection command.Just enter the string that you want to change the found string to, press RETURN, and you are reb}ady to go. Each time the program finds the search string and you want to replace it press* hange found string comc}mandand the found string will be changed to the selected string. This command will only work after a sucessful find operatd}ion. Pressing at any other time has no effect.This gives you a fast and easy way to search and replace strings oe}ne at a time. Somtimes this is just what you want to do, but other times you may want to replace every occurence of one strif}ng with another without doing each one individually. To search and replace every occurence of a string in your file use theg}* lobal replace command.Just enter the name of the string to find and the string to change to, pressing RETURN afh}ter each selection. Make sure this is what you want to do before using this command. The search and eplace operation will bi}egin immediately and will proceed through the entire file.Another special TEXTPRO feature that is worthy of mention is thej}* here's the cursor command.Any time this key is pressed the page and line number of the character under the curk}sor in the PRINTED file will be displayed on the message line. This can be a really neat feature to use when planning the pal}ge breaks in a document.A handy trick for editing and paging multiple file documents that will be printed with the link fim}le command and enter the starting page # at the top of n}the each separate file with the start numbering @ page command +< desired print key>then<=>then.The print key will appear iy}n inverse and can be used from then on in your document to send that decimal code to your printer. The way it works is simplz}e. Whenever the TEXTPRO print formatter encounters the particular print key it replaces the print key with the decimal code {}to which it is assigned and sends this code to the printer. All of the inverse capital letters are available for your use as|} print keys since they have no special definitions in the TEXTPRO print routines. Do not use the lowercase inverse keys that}} are already defined as TEXTPRO formatting commands since this will cause unpredictable results. See the COMMAND SUMMARY sec~}tion to find out what these keys are. There are also some pre-defined print keys and these may also be found in the COMMAND }SUMMARY.The only print key that requires special explanation is the* SELECT><.>...SELECT+Periodwhich is defined as de}cimal #32 and is the hard space character. This character is counted by the formatting and justification routines and by the} printer as a printable space character.What on earth is a "hard space" character?A hard space character is used in con}junction with the print justification and word wrap features. Right margin justification is acheived in TEXTPRO by inserting} extra spaces between words until the line is the required length. This can be a problem since spaces can sometimes be inser}ted in places where you do not want them, such as between entries in a columnar table. You may also have word combinations t}hat you do not want broken at the end of a line by the automatic word wrap. For word combinations that require fixed spacing} or that you wish to have treated as one word just use hard spaces instead of normal spaces between the words. This will cau}se the formatter to regard the phrase as one word for justification and word wrap. This will retain your desired format with}out affecting the context of the document since the hard spaces will be sent to the printer as a normal space character.Yo}u may also create non-printing tags for your text file by defining print keys of your choice as the null character of your pa}rticular printer or by using an undefined print key. This can be very helpful in finding your way around your document using} the TEXTPRO find string feature. When one of these print keys is encountered during printing it will simply be ignored. Pu}t in as many as you like.You may imbed control characters within the text simply by typing ESCape prior to entering the ke}ystroke. To enter the ESCAPE character to the editor simply press ESC twice in succession. This is an alternate method for }sending control characters to the printer but it is not recommended since these characters will be recognized by the formatte}r as printable characters and will throw off your line spacing. Learn to use the print keys for printer codes.This proced}ure is mentioned because there is a practical value to entering control characters directly to the editor. This is the metho}d used for editing the TEXTPRO command macro sequences. During macro execution the equivalent of the control code will be se}nt to the program as an actual command. For instance, during a macro the CTRL-L character would be interpreted as a load fil}e command. This is an exact replication of its function in the TEXTPRO editor. The special TEXTPRO character sets will disp}lay these control characters in a different font so they will be more easily identified when writing macros and tracing the s}equence of macro execution.* SECTION 2 *General InformationTEXTPRO features include: * Fast, full featu}red editor for easy text entry. More cursor movement, cut, paste and replace flexibility than any other ATARI word processor}. * Ability to cut and paste between files. Delete to end and top of file. Save and load from the editor or get full D}OS features from the disk menu for up to 8 drives. * Fast and useful editor information commands to give byte counts, wo}rd counts and the position of the cursor in the printed file. * User programmable print keys, macro keys, and function k}eys. * Full featured formatting including justification, conditional page break, outdenting, headers, footers, page numb}ering, block right, and a file link feature for printing large documents. * The ability to exit to DOS and run interacti}vely with other programs. Using MEM.SAV your text file can be retrieved on re-entry to the program. * Print, save, load} to any legal device. Copy HELP files to screen. Copy files from device to device without leaving the program or losing text} in editor. Append in copy, save, or print to device operations. * Version 1.2 can be extended by machine language modu}les for extra features. Individual utility extensions are available now for additional directory and DOS functions, as well }as a keyboard buffer. Macro extensions offering multiple features are also available for DOS 2.0/2.5 and SpartaDOS. * T}EXTPRO uses no RAM under the OS and should be compatible with most DOS and hardware enhancements for any model of ATARI compu}ter.Supports the following hardware and software enhancements:- All RAMDISKS can be used from the DOS menu or the editor.} It does not matter which RAMDISK (AXLON, RAMBO, XE) is used as long as legal calls to CIO are implemented by the software.} - All versions of the Time/Date display of SPARTADOS up to Version 3.2. - The program has been tested with the HAPPY runnin}g high speed I/O and with the US Doubler with it's Ultra Speed package without difficulty. The menu also supports the use of} 8 disk drives and can be used with the new ICD drive modification for the 1050 which defines drives 5-8.DOS PACKAGES and} TEXTPROTEXTPRO uses only legal calls to the operating system for input and output. Version 1.1 of TEXTPRO is supplied i}n two versions which are identical except in the assembled address. The R-version of the program (1.1r) is assembled 3K high}er to allow larger DOS packages, RS-232 handlers and your own utility routines to be available underneath. The size of the t}ext buffer is reduced 3K in the R-version to about 17K. The latest and most powerful version of the program is Version 1.2. } The original TEXTPRO v1.2 had a minor bug in the delete routine that is fixed by a BASIC patch program to upgrade TEXTPRO v}1.2 to TEXTPRO 1.2a. Version 1.2a is the most recent and powerful version of the program as of this writing. If you are sti}ll using v1.1 or v1.2 it would probably be best to obtain a copy of 1.2a.(#)The following is a result of test with various} DOS packages* SPARTADOS All versions of SPARTADOS tested worked well with TEXTPRO, especially when using all the addi}tional DOS features. The TEXTPRO file entry routines allow room for the use of sub directories and you can exit to DOS, use }any built in DOS function except COPY, and return to the program with your text intact. This is great for changing, deleting}, or creating those directories. The SPARTADOS time/date line display and file stamping with either the software clock or th}e R-Time 8 cartridge are both fully supported as is the Ultra Speed disk IO enhancement for the 1050 drive provided with the }US Doubler. The TEXTPRO 1.2 directory extension also supports the expanded directory listing used in the SPARTADOS format.}The SPARTADOS macro extensions for Version 1.2 add numerous features, including verify on/off, an exit to BASIC, and sub-dir}ectory support from the TEXTPRO disk menu to mention a few. You could spend a lot of money on other machines and programs wi}thout finding a more potent and flexible word processing environment than that offered by the extended TEXTPRO 1.2a and SPART}ADOS. This is especially true if you are lucky enough to have available the high speed disk IO of ICD's US Doubler enhanceme}nt. Find a system you can test this combo on and give it a test drive. It may just save you some money. The SPARTADOS macr}o extension is ICD Extension 2.3b. For more information on acquiring these extensions see the ASSOCIATED FILES section at th}e end of this doc.This is a great DOS package for TEXTPRO, and a lot of other things. It has our highest recommendation.}* DOS 2/2.5 Works with both versions of ATARI DOS equally well. If MEM.SAV is used the same ability to exit and use DOS} features works with these DOS's. Most of the available DOS features required are available from the TEXTPRO menu and addito}nal features are available with TEXTPRO 1.2 extensions making an exit to DOS with these packages hardly necessary.There are} also two macro extension files available for DOS 2.0/2.5. These is Extensions 2.5b and 2.5c. These extensions will work w}ith the other DOS's but all of the features offered are only available when using DOS 2.0/2.5. See the ASSOCIATED FILES sect}ion for more information.* OSA+, Version 2.1 Since TEXTPRO was developed using this DOS and MAC-65 it works very well }{ith OSA+. Exits and re-runs beautifully retaining your file when re-run with the RUN command.We do not have DOS-XL or OSA}+ v4 so they could not be tested using TEXTPRO. If these packages exhibit the same reliable features of the other OSS produc}ts we would anticipate no problems using TEXTPRO with these DOS's. We would appreciate any information regarding the perform}ance of TEXTPRO under these packages.* TOPDOS Version 1.5 TEXTPRO 1.2 supports TOPDOS as long as the DOS is configured} for a LOMEM setting of 1F00 or lower. This can be acheived by reducing the number of buffers to 3 when using the 130XE RAMD}ISK module. LOMEM settings larger than 1F00 cause DOS overwrite by the TEXTPRO program and will cause unpredictable results.}It would be possible to configure a special version of TEXTPRO to support the full features of this DOS. This would creat}e complications with regard to extensions for this special version since the assembly address would have to be higher to acco}modate the extra TOPDOS modules and the resulting absolute addresses of the equates used for programming extensions would be }different. For this reason we do not plan to publish this version at the present time. If we receive enough requests for a }special TOPDOS version we will reconsider the option.* MACHDOS TEXTPRO 1.2 runs at full speed from MACHDOS XL. The on}ly limitation found here is the lack of a RAMDISK module for those with the 130XE or other expanded RAM machines. At least w}e don't know of one.* MYDOSTEXTPRO 1.2 does not run from this DOS at all. This DOS reacts strangely to the TEXTPRO extens}ion initialization routines and the directory structure is not compatible with the TEXTPRO DOS menu routines. Sorry, but for} now if you want to use TEXTPRO, you'll have to pick another DOS.* SECTION 3 *TEXTPRO Versions...Differences betwe}en Versions 1.1 and 1.2In additon to the ability to load extension files there are also a number of handy housekeeping imp}rovements to TEXTPRO 1.2 that make using this version a bit easier. Some of these would not be noticed by a new user but old} hands with TEXTPRO 1.1 will appreciate them.+ In TEXTPRO 1.1 the editor defaults to upper case after reset, run at addres}s, or the copy command. TEXTPRO 1.2 returns in the configuration that it was in when you left. As an added feature it also }returns to your exact position in the file.+ When editing in the replace mode with TEXTPRO 1.2 the key }will delete the character before the cursor but the following text will remain in place. This allows easier and faster editi}ng of large text files and saves keystrokes when deleting and replacing text. You can use the to re}move extra spaces left when editing in this mode.+ The SPARTADOS run vector is set properly by TEXTPRO 1.2 and the program} can be rerun after exiting to DOS with the RUN command.+ In Version 1.2 the COPY command uses both the paste buffer and t}he full unused space of the text buffer to speed file transfer.+ The cold start selection of TEXTPRO v1.1 did not work pro}perly and would cold start the machine only about half of the time. This bug has been corrected and TEXTPRO 1.2 will cold st}art every time using the combination. An additional feature of Version 1.2 is the ability to cold start with }BASIC disabled by pressing .+ If you have an XL/XE machine and use a DOS that does not load into the RAM are}a under the OS (DOS 2, 2.5, OSA+ etc.) you can gain an extra 4K in the editor by using the translator with TEXTPRO 1.2. You }must have the cartridge de-selected for the program to recognize the additional RAM space.+ TEXTPRO 1.2 has a default file}name "NAME.ME" tied to the SELECT L/l filename functions for the command line. This will prevent the no filename errors caus}ed by trying to auto-save a file that had not been previously loaded. This default filename also resets itself after each E}RASE ALL TEXT command.+ The SELECT L/l filename command can also be used with Version 1.2 to print to the message line fro}m within a macro. This allows macro messages to be developed using the current filename. A useful application is to define }OPTION L/l to print the name of the current editor file to the message line.+ After a copy to screen command to display a }HELP screen or other text any OPTION keypress(macro) will be executed immediately using Version 1.2. This feature is enabled} when the "Press any key" prompt is displayed. This precludes having to press a key to return to the editor prior to enterin}g the desired macro key. This feature will allow the creation of nested macro screens and will improve the usefulness of the} TEXTPRO help screens or those of your own design.+ In Version 1.1 the "Wait for Keypress" macro command would clear the m}essage line. This has been corrected in TEXTPRO 1.2 to allow a message to be printed and a wait for keypress to be issued. }The message will not clear until the next keypress.+ The copy, print to disk, and save functions of TEXTPRO 1.2 have an ap}pend feature that is selected like the ATARI DOS append. When executing a copy, print to disk, or save operation you can ent}er the /A extender to the filename to select an append. This feature also works with the copy selection from the menu. Add }the /A extender to perform an append of the highlighted file to the the target file.+ Two more print keys have been predef}ined in Version 1.2. Theinverse <5> equals decimal 13and theinverse <6> equals decimal 10.These codes are universal }as the carriage return and line feed characters respectively and can be used to produce footnotes and to perform other format}ting tricks with TEXTPRO.+ The Delete to End of File was altered in Version 1.2 to also delete the character that the curs}or is resting on. This is rather arbitrary but this method seemed more conventional.+ The blank screen command* commandis available from the editor in TEXTPRO 1.2. If you are editing password files or some other confidentia}l text you may want to use this feature if you quit editing for a while. Re-enable the display using the* command.There are other touch ups that have been included to the program but they will be more noticeable for what won't} happen than for what you can do. We won't waste time documenting them. Overall, TEXTPRO 1.2 is a smoother, more powerful, }and easier to use version of TEXTPRO than v1.1....IMPORTANT!+ Unlike Version 1.1 TEXTPRO 1.2 can be used to edit ANY f}ile, even object code files, since all characters are now converted to their original form when saved to disk. Do not try th}is with v1.1!!The editor characters displayed by v1.2 are different for a few keys and you must keep this in mind when edi}ting object or BASIC files. It is also preferable to edit source code with the word wrap off since it is an irrelevant featu}re for this type of file and only limits the number of characters displayed on screen. The conversions are as follows:* <}Left arrow> will appear as the inverse escape character in the TEXTPRO v1.2 editor.* will appear as a}n inverse carriage return. The text will also break on this character just as it does for a normal carriage return. This is} just a quirk of TEXTPRO and has no adverse effect on the saved file.Pressing then during a replace or find} operation will enter the return character to the command line without terminating string input. Use this method to search a}nd replace the characters if desired. This can be very handy for some telecommunications needs, such as replacing r}eturns with CTRL-M/CTRL-J combinations....EXTENDING TEXTPROWe aren't likely to think of everything, and since we are aw}re of the desire of many of you to alter the program for your own purposes we have built a rather unique feature into TEXTPR}O 1.2. Before we continue let me digress with a bit of explanation regarding the design of the program.It is hoped that T}EXTPRO 1.2 will be the last full implementation of the program. We are committed to fixing any disastrous bugs that may pop }up in operation but we are relatively sure that you will find Version 1.2 to be a reliable program. Some of you have asked f}or the source code to TEXTPRO but we both feel that it would be a bad idea to have a lot of different versions of "TEXTPRO" f}loating around. In addition, the task of commenting the expanded source code files for readability would not be trivial. Th}ere are only 5 or so sectors left on the source code disk and we did not comment the program very much as we went along.We} regret these circumstances since it is not our intention to close TEXTPRO development to those who feel they can improve it.} Read on and you may find that there is an easier way to add your own features to TEXTPRO.When TEXTPRO 1.2 loads it looks } for a file named TEXTPRO.EXT on the disk. If this file is present it is loaded and initialized at runtime and on RESET. Th }is is an ideal method for loading such things as keyboard buffers and other short utilities. For most people this will be th }e only use for this feature that is needed or desired.You assembly and ACTION! programmers will be pleased to know that T }EXTPRO 1.2 has been opened at numerous locations to be hooked by machine language extensions to the program. These extension } files can be loaded and initialized using the TEXTPRO.EXT feature to be available automatically at runtime. The hooks suppl}ied should be sufficient to provide for powerful extended features that are fully integrated with the TEXTPRO routines.The}re are hooks available for editor, print, and file routines. It is hoped that in the future all enhancements to the TEXTPRO }program will be published as extensions to and not as revisions of the program. This method offers advantages in development} time and will give you the opportunity to do your own thing without the need to assemble the entire program. It will also a}llow additional features to be selected individually for specific applications rather than sacrificing memory in the main pro}gram for features that are not frequently needed. One final benefit is that the program itself will remain unchanged and a r}elative amount of compatibility assured.Please be patient until we can compile all of the information that is required for} programming extensions into a readable format. Since we must develop and test the procedures that must be followed in hooki}ng to TEXTPRO it will take a little time before the documentation will be complete. The resulting programmer's notes for TEX}TPRO extensions will be published as a separate document and posted as soon as it is available.The initial extension files} were produced as Page 6 utilities. Macro extension files have been prepared for DOS 2.0/2.5 and Spartados. These macro ext}ensions contain DOS specific functions, like binary load, and combine improved versions of the Page 6 extensions. No editor }memory is sacrificed to load these macro extensions since they load to a pre-selected area of memory....PROGRAMMER'S NOTES}The assembly and RUN addresses of TEXTPRO 1.1, 1.2, and 1.1r are 1F00, 1F00, and 2B00 respectively. The paste buffer and} the macro buffer are fixed at 3K each for all versions. The copy routine used by TEXTPRO uses the paste buffer for file tra}nsfer so text stored there will be lost when COPY is used. Version 1.2 also uses the full unused memory of the text buffer t}o speed file transfer.The infamous PAGE SIX is free and can be used for a keyboard buffer program or other utilities as de}sired. This can help to make text entry at the top of a large file more reliable if not faster. The best solution for rapid } editing throughout the file is to keep your files under 12K or so. Use separate modules with the link file feature to produ!}ce large documents. This method was used to produce this documentation and provides an effective method of producing documen"}ts of any length.For you assembly language programmers page zero locations $CB through $CF are also free for your use in w#}riting utilities or TEXTPRO extensions.It should be noted that if you use SPARTADOS Version 2.3 with TEXTPRO 1.2 or 1.1 th$}ere is sufficient room above DOS for the SPARTADOS RS232 handler to remain resident. This is the only DOS that has a LOMEM l%}ow enough to allow this. If you have a serial printer this is an important consideration when selecting a DOS package.The&} extra RAM of your 130XE or modified 800 machine can be used to its maximum by using the RAMDISK with the Keyboard Macro Feat'}ure to emulate a multiple open buffer system that can be called with a single keypress. The MOSAIC and AXLON boards work ide(}ntically in this application to the 130. The macro to implement this feature is already written into the STYLE10 Version 1.2)} macro file for TEXTPRO. This macro defines the RAMDISK as D8:. If your RAMDISK is set for a different drive number simply *}edit the macro to suit. Within the limitations of RAMDISK size you can have up to 64 files in RAM simultaneously and they ca+}n be accessed and manipulated from a menu without ever typing in a filename. Using SPARTADOS you can even have different sub,}directories on the RAMDISK and switch between them with a few keystrokes.Unlike true multiple RAM buffers the RAMDISK can -}also contain other types of files (BASIC etc.) for use from DOS. One of the most useful features of this method is to list B.}ASIC programs to the RAMDISK, load them to TEXTPRO with the word wrap and carriage returns off and a 38 column screen width t/}o mimic the BASIC editor and then edit, cut, paste, search/replace and manipulate the file as you wish. You can then exit t0}o DOS, go to BASIC and ENTER your program from RAMDISK for testing.(#) This is only one example of the flexibility offered by1} TEXTPRO.This method is especially useful when used in conjunction with the fine LBASIC program by Kent Peterson published2} in ANALOG. Use the Exit to Basic feature to make using TEXTPRO with LBASIC a breeze.TEXTPRO will disable BASIC automatic3}ally on load unless the OPTION key is held down during the load. If OPTION is held down until the title screen appears BASIC4} will remain resident and the text buffer will lose 8K of RAM space. Do not try to exit TEXTPRO to DOS and then use BASIC if5} BASIC is enabled in this way. The reason for this is the use of BASIC's page zero pointers by TEXTPRO. Running BASIC after6} exiting TEXTPRO without resetting these pointers can cause unpredictable results. The Exit to BASIC feature supplied in ext7}ensions will properly reset BASIC and should be used if available. If you use SPARTADOS there will be no conflict at all if 8}you use the BASIC ON/OFF commands.It should be noted that the BASIC disable on load does not work with SPARTADOS due to con9}flict with internal routines and you should use BASIC OFF from a batch file before loading TEXTPRO.One possible reason to :}leave BASIC resident when loading TEXTPRO is to give 800XL owners access to a RAMDISK under BASIC. SPARTADOS already provide;}s a program for this application. Since the RAMDISK offers about 6K of storage and the loss of RAM to BASIC is 8K the loss o<}f memory for this application is only about 2K.For you students that do your homework on your school's VAX mainframe over =}the phone line using the ATARI Public Domain KERMIT program by JOHN PAVELICH you will be happy to know that KERMIT runs inter>}actively with the TEXTPRO 1.1 R-version. Go to KERMIT, get your homework, exit to DOS, run TEXTPRO and edit the file. Then ?}just reverse the procedure and compile it on the VAX. Get your errors, if any, and go back to TEXTPRO to make the correction@}s. Just turn off the word wrap to work on those tables and get your file length using the TEXTPRO file size feature.TextPA}ro 1.2 Command SummaryKEYBOARD COMMANDSNormal Select-----------------------------------------------------------CTRLB} A Upper/Lowercase SwapCTRL B Background Color Reverses sequenceCTRL C Change Found String Select Change StringCTRL D DeleC}te Append to BufferCTRL E End of Text BufferCTRL F Find String Select Find StringCTRL G Global Search and ReplaceCTRL H HD}ome CursorCTRL I Insert/Replace ToggleCTRL J Restore Default ParametersCTRL K Kill BufferCTRL L Load File Load Config FilE}eCTRL M MenuCTRL N Fast Repeat On/Off (XL/XE) Key Click On/OffCTRL O Show False Spaces On/Off Show Return Character On/OffF}CTRL P Print to DeviceCTRL Q Beginning of Line Copy FileCTRL R Restore Deleted TextCTRL S Save File Save Config FileCTRLG} T Text Brightness Reverses sequenceCTRL U Used/Unused Memory Delete to Top of FileCTRL V Load Macro File Delete to End of H}FileCTRL W Print Position of CursorCTRL X Exit to DOS Disable Screen DisplayCTRL Y Word Wrap On/OffCTRL Z End of Line EnaI}ble Screen DisplayCTRL ? Word CountCTRL [ Sentence LeftCTRL ] Sentence RightCTRL + Character LeftCTRL * Character RightJ}CTRL - Character UpCTRL = Character DownSHIFT > Insert 255 SpacesSHIFT < Delete Unused SpacesSHIFT + Word LeftSHIFT * WK}ord RightSHIFT - Paragraph UpSHIFT = Paragraph DownOPTION Executes MacroCTRL TAB Narrow ScreenSHIFT TAB WideL}n ScreenSELECT RESET Causes Cold Start (BASIC enabled)OPTION RESET Causes Cold Start (BASIC disabled)SPECIAL MACRO SPECM}IFIERSEntered as in Macro File-----------------------------------------------------------@................N}.............. Startup Macro#.............................. START Key Macro?.............................. HELP Key MacrO}oAtari Control CommandsEntered with CONTROL-----------------------------------------------------------1.............P}................. Pause Screen Listing2.............................. Ring BellTextPro Command SummaryCommands AvaiQ}lable from Macros OnlyEntered with ESC then SELECT-CTRL-----------------------------------------------------------A MoR}ves cursor left one spaceE Erase G Goto Macro I Input Mode (Special text entry mode)K WaS}it for KeypressM Print to Message Line (persistent)P Pre-Select Macro If followed by a Load Macro command will T}go to the selected macro in the chained fileR Rename Y Print to Message Line (until next U}keypress)Features Available with Extensions Only-----------------------------------------------------------.................... Binary Load.................... Exit to BASIC<;>.................W}... Verify on/off toggle+ When used in a Load File operation from the editor the /D extender will load the selected disk X}direcory to the editor.+ The disk menu listing is sorted, and English error messages supplied with the DOS 2.0/2.5 and theY} ICD macro extensions installed. Sub directory support is also featured with the ICD extension.TextPro Print CommandsZ}Entered with SELECT keySELECT + Default Parameter -----------------------------------------------------------ottom margin 58enter textdge rightooter defineo to linked fileeader definenformation lineelect l\}inefeedseft margin 5argin releaseext page, conditional with # 0

age length 66justify right 0=off 1=on off]}ight margin 75ine spacing 1op margin 5nderline togglepage wait offcolumns across 80<#>page number<@>^}starting page number 1print starting with # 1Pre Programmed Print KeysEntered with SELECTSELECT+ Default (_}For most printers)-----------------------------------------------------------<.>decimal value............... 32 (hard sp`}ace)<1>decimal value............... 27 (Escape)<2>decimal value............... 14 (Elongate on)<3>decimal value.........a}...... 15 (Elongate off/Condensed on)<4>decimal value............... 18 (Condensed off)<5>decimal value............... 1b}3 (Carriage return character)<6>decimal value............... 10 (Line feed command)Special Case Keys Entered tc}o Command Line-----------------------------------------------------------... and When entered in mad}cros or pressed during command line entry in a load, save, or save macro operation these keys print the name of the last file}e loaded to the command line. prints the name without device to the command line prints the name wif}th the load device to the command lineASSOCIATED FILES:-----------------------------------------------------------* Sg}UPPORT.001 - This is a compound file containing macro, text, and binary files. Used with TEXTPRO 1.2 it will create a 23 filq}BtTEXTPRO DOCBMACRO DOCBTXPR25 DOCSEGMENT MACe support system on a disk, including 3 fonts, 5 extensions, 14 help screens, the STYLE10 macro and a short doc file. Availar}ble on the SOFTWARE PLUS+ BBS. Named TPSPT1.XMO on COMPUSERVE's DL5.* SUPPORT.002 - This compound file will create the 5 s}extension files and the doc file. DL this file if you already have the help screens and just want the extension files. Avait}lable on the SOFTWARE PLUS+ BBS. Named TPSPT2.XMO on COMPUSERVE's DL5.* SUPPORT.025 - This file contains EXTENSION 2.5b au}nd 2.5c and the documentation for the extensions. These are "macro-extension" that combine and add improved versions of manyv} of the Page 6 extension files. The size of the editor memory is unaffected and Page 6 is left free when these extensions arw}e loaded. Available now on the SOFTWARE PLUS+ BBS and COMPUSERVE.* SUPPORT.023 - This file contains ICD Ex}xtension 2.3b. The documentation describing the extension is included in the file.Extensions in the SUPPORT files are:y}TPBLOAD.EXT - Binary load extension for DOS 2.0/2.5TPERR.EXT - Plain english error messages providedBUFFER.EXT - Keyboardz} buffer for TEXTPROXDIR.EXT - Provides extended directory featuresTPBASIC.EXT - Exit to BASIC extension for XE/XL {} machinesEXTENSION 2.5b/c - These are macro-extension files for DOS 2.0/2.5 that contain improved versions of a|}ll of the above extensions. The "c" version also installs the key buffer to Page 6. Also included is a selection to choose }}write with verify on or off. The binary load and verify selections of this extension will only work in DOS 2.0/2.5.ICD EX~}TENSION 2.3b - This macro-extension is for SPARTADOS Versions 2x and up. Features include all those mentioned above in addit}ion to TEXTPRO menu support for the SPARTADOS sub directories. The keyboard buffer is not included with this extension since} SPARTADOS supplies its own key buffer routines. directories. The keyboard buffer is not included with this extension since1H Page - TEXTPRO -Text Processing for ATARIKEYBOARD MACRO FEATURE(C) 1986byMike Collins and Ronnie Riche}- DOCUMENTATION -TEXTPRO offers the most extensive keyboard macro feature available on the ATARI computer. Using this} feature the user of the program can design macros to perform a large variety of tasks. Some of these tasks could be mere co}nveniences, while others can offer more power for file manipulation than any other ATARI word processor. The heart of the fe}ature is the command macro language and the storehouse is the 3K macro buffer contained in TEXTPRO.Keyboard macros are ver}y easy to understand in concept. Any sequence of keystrokes that can be entered from the keyboard while using TEXTPRO may be} designed into a "macro" file sequence and executed automatically with a single keyboard command. In this way not only simpl}e pieces of boilerplate text but also repetitive and sometimes complicated command sequences can be automated. More than fa}miliarity with the keyboard macro language is needed to use these features successfully. You must be familiar enough with th}e TEXTPRO program to know how to link the features together to design useful macros. So use the program a little while, then}, if there is some feature that you think you can set up to run automatically, try your hand at a macro to automate it. It i}s really rather simple once you know the program and the procedures for typing in macros.There are a few macros that are re}ady made for use with TEXTPRO. One is the STYLE10 macro that contains pre-set formatting environments for pica text. This m}acro has been enhanced by the addition of some other useful features and is distributed in the SUPPORT.001 TEXTPRO support fi}le. This is probably the most useful formatting macro to start with since it is already set up and ready to go.In addition}, there are a few utility macros on the boards. NUMBER.MAC is the automatic numbering macro. This one is useful for numberi}ng test questions or other numbered items created with the formatting options of STYLE10.MAC.If you have a RAMDISK you will} want XE130.MAC wh!ch offers a virtual 10 file windowing feature using the RAMDISK.A short description of each macro is at} the beginning of each macro file. Load them into the editor first to be able to read this information.CREATING AND USING} MACROS:To create a macro for TEXTPRO simply enter the editor and begin typing it in. A macro key is defined to a partic}ular sequence by entering: then is the inverse equal sign }entered by pressing the SELECT key and holding it down while pressing the equal sign. This is the delimiter character. is any combination of text and commands required to enter the desired text or to complete a given task.Lets }walk through an example.I often save a file to the #2 drive and get tired of constantly backspacing over the colon of the }D: default device and then entering the 2: before typing the filename. I want to automate this "feature."This is a simple} one. I go to my macro file in the editor and enter CTRL-S as the macro key. I must press ESCAPE prior to any control key t}o get it to print to the screen so I type: followed by With the macro key entered I then enter the delim}iter by typing:defines the macro key.We want the feature to a}dd an additional return character and a five space TAB for indent of the new paragraph so we enter: and t}hen Now if this sequence is loaded as part of a macro file and I press:

<#>MAKEHELP.MACThe pound(#) key executes the} defined macro from the START key. This is the macro key defined in MAKEHELP to begin execution of the macro. You can now g}enerate the HELP system on any disk that contains the MAKEHELP macro and text files.Now when you are using STYLE10 and pre}ss OPTION with the new macro key the MAKEHELP macro will load and begin executing. The entire HELP system will be created on} the new disk. You could also alter MAKEHELP.MAC with the same technique to reload your original macro when it finishes the }job. Sure beats copying 14 files to a disk, especially if you only have one drive. non-persistentmessage }command.Will send the characters that follow the command (1-38) to the message line. The message will be "non-persistent" }meaning that it will clear itself on the first keypress. The wait for keypress command is not recognized as} a keypress so you can send a non-persistent message followed by a wait for keypress command and the next keypress will clear} the message line and resume macro execution.With these commands in addition to the standard keyboard commands of the TEXT}PRO program it is possible to create powerful and unusual effects with the program. If you have a RAMDISK, any RAMDISK, you }can simulate multiple windows using the high speed IO available. With the ability to print to the command line and move the }cursor around the screen it is possible to layout and produce pre-printed forms complete with prompts about what to do and wh}ere to go next. The HELP key macro can be used with the copy to device command to provide online HELP screens from the disk }with one key press. The screen can be blanked for cosmetic and speed purposes and turned back on selectively. A macro can }be tested and perfected with the screen display on and then, when it is working properly a screen blank routine can be added }to prevent distraction.These are just some of the possible uses of macros in TEXTPRO. We hope that you find even more use}ful applications for this powerful feature. This is not intended to be a tutorial but only a guide to enable those that wis}h to use keyboard macros to get started. It is only necessary to know the conventions of operation of the TEXTPRO program to} enable you to use this feature. The only rule to recall at all times is that when creating or editing your macro files in t}he TEXTPRO editor you must enter the ESCAPE command before entering any ofthe command/control characters. These characters w}ill be interpreted exactly as if they were entered from the keyboard so a knowledge of the sequence in which TEXTPRO accepts }commands is needed to be effective with complicated command macros. Try your luck with a few simple macros and then get more} adventurous. With a little time and skill with the macros, in combination with the large selection of user options availab}le with TEXTPRO, we feel that you will find that this is a program that you can have your way.- SEARCHING & REPLACING SPE}CIAL CHARACTERS -One difference that must be noted between TEXTPRO 1.1 and 1.2 is seen in the method of searching and rep}lacing special characters, such as the RETURN character from a macro. Due to character conversions performed by Version 1.2} the RETURN character can only be searched from a macro by representing it in the macro search routine as the inverse escape }character. A macro for doing just this would be entered as follows:the inverse equal sign followed by then to select the global replace command. This will get the "Find>" prompt to the command line.Since we want to find the RE}TURN characters we then enter then