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(Y/N)YP:DOUBLE PASS PRINT4}ING (Y/N)YԠҠנǠINPUT FILE SPECPRINT OR VIEW FILE (P/V)VP:INPUT RUN FILE DRIVE NUMBERINPUT VIEW 5}FILE DRIVE NUMBERVDOUBLE PASS PRINTING (Y/N)Y* FONTS==> LOAD FONT FILES (Y/N)Y*** ICONS==>  LOAD ICON FILES (Y/N)6}YԠǠNINPUT SOURCE FILE SPECINPUT DESTINATION FILE SPECEDIT FONT OR ICON DATA (Y/N)YNN LINE NUMBER FO7}NT CHOICE (1,2,3) 1=ATARI 2= 3=FONT SIZE (1,2,4,8) DOTS PER INCH (60/120) CHARACTER LIMIT  CENTER LINE (Y/N) 8}ADD/DELETE/NO CHANGE (A/D/N) EXIT (Y/N) EDIT INPUT (Y/N)YY D DA  INPUT STRING:  011NYSTRING LENGTH 9}ERROR INPUT ERRORNON EXISTANT DEVICEPRINTER/DRIVE ON? DEVICE DONE ERROR FILE NAME ERROR FILE NOT FOUNDYYPRE:}VIEW FILE (Y/N)Y********ĠŠ (LIMIT 2)INPUT FILE SPECANOTHER FONT (Y/N)YINPUT FILE SPECҠΠ;} LOAD ICONSΠ INPUT DRIVE #INPUT ICON NAMEINPUT ICON SIZE (1,2,4,8)INPUT START LINE (1-100)INPUT START COLUMN (1-<}ANOTHER ICON (Y/N)YΠ INPUT DRIVE #INPUT ICON NAMEINPUT ICON SIZE (1,2,4,8)INPUT START LINE (1-100)INPUT START COLU=}MN (1-*** INSERT ICON DISK IN DRIVE PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUESEARCHING FOR==> ICON NAME NOT FOUNDTRY AGAIN (Y/N)Y>}ICON NAME FOUNDCONVERTING ICON DATATO DOT COLUMN FORMATPLEASE WAIT....YԠԠҠΠ FONT TWO= FONT THREE= ?}Π ICON DRIVE NUMBER ICON NAME ICON SIZE ICON START LINE ICON START COLUMN Π ICON DRIVE NUMBER ICON NAME ICO@}N SIZE ICON START LINE ICON START COLUMN EDIT INPUT (Y/N)YEDIT TEXT (Y/N)NWRITING TEXT DATA TODESTINATION FILEPLEASEA} WAIT....ĠԠINPUT SOURCE FILE SPECINPUT DESTINATION FILE SPECMIN FONT SIZE (1,2,4,8)  **************** B}o"t""("2"<"F"P"Z#d#n"#x8#N#d#z#######$$$f$$%>%"%,%6%@C}%J%T%^%h&r-&|G&a&{&&&&''4'J'`'v'''''3(&K(0K(:l(D(N(X(b(l(v(D} )()>)O)u))))))***7* M*^* y***4*>*H*R"+\7+fW+p+z+++,G,n,E},,,?-P-w------$-. .8.B/.L@.VV.`g.j.t.~./%/@/\/b/e/e/e///F}/050 V0p00(020<0F1P-1ZZ1dm1n1x112252Q2m2~2223X333333"G}3,e464@4J4T5^5h6r6|6 7)7<7|7777818a889w9999&909:9D9N9X':H}bD:lf:v::::::;;3;d;;;;;<  << <*<4#<>5V >` >j 0>t B>~ S> X> k> n> n> n> > > > > > > J}> ? *? 8? 8?( N?2 b?< ?F ?P ?Z @d :@n M@x e@ @ @ @ @ @ A @A ]A jA oA rA A A A A A" B, !K}B6 5B@ KBJ BT B^ Bh Br B| B C #C &C &C /C lC C C C C D =D `D D D D! 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Four font sizes are provided and they can range from very small (about 115 characters per line) t}o large (7 characters per line). Any font in the internal Atari format can be loaded and used and three }different fonts can be used on the same page. Inverse characters can be printed as well as most control }characters. Escape sequences that interfere with screen display should be avoided. Two Print Shop (c) icons can b}e loaded and placed any where on the page. Text can be centered if desired and page description data can} be saved, edited, or sent directly to the printer. The program is menu driven with prompts and question}s provided for most input. All input data can be edited and lines of text can be added or deleted if des}ired. Version 1.3 incorporates new capabilities including print preview, double pass printing, and a}n option to read a text file. These changes will be described below. System Requir}ements SIGN MAKER is written in Turbo Basic with a few machine language routines added where increa}sed speed is needed. To further increase speed, the program has been compiled using the Turbo Basic comp}iler. To run SIGN MAKER, the Turbo Basic RUNTIME.COM file must be loaded and a disk holding SIGN MAKER m}ust be present in drive 1. Due to memory limitations, it was necessary to break this version of SIGN MAK}ER into two segments and allow control to be passed back and forth between the segments. The name "SIGN83" must be} used for SIGN MAKER (the core program) and the name "SIGNVIEW" must be used for the view program. Anoth}er copy of SIGN MAKER named AUTORUN.CTB can be present on drive one for autoloading by the RUNTIME.COM fi}le. An Atari 800XL or 130XE is required and it is very desirable to have a system with ramdisk capabilit}y. This is because there is insufficient Basic addressable RAM to hold the large print files that can be} created with SIGN MAKER and the disk file used to hold page description data is repeatedly accessed duri}ng file creation and printing. The DOS 2.5 and MYDOS ramdisk handlers have been tested and work well with this } program. When the new print preview option is used, the dot graphics data for the printed image is sent to }the disk drive and a very large disk file can result (maximum of about 770 sectors!). Thus, a double or }at least enhanced page 2 density disk dr}ive and DOS may be needed. Here again, a large ramdisk is ideal. A good system for using SIGN MAKER} is to have SIGN MAKER and RUNTIME.COM on the same disk with DOS along with all the fonts you are likely }to use. To run, boot up DOS and load the RUNITME.COM file (and DUP.SYS if the DOS supports ramdisk acces}s) into a ramdisk. Then, if a previously saved page definition file is to be used it can be loaded into }the ramdisk before SIGN MAKER is loaded. Also, if an exit to DOS is desired it will reduce some drive ac}cess time. It is also desirable to put SIGN MAKER and the print preview program segment into the ramdisk if print} previewing is desired. This allows almost instantaneous switching between programs. The names must be "}SIGN83" and "SIGNVIEW" as indicated above. MYDOS 4.3B allows this configuration to be set up automatical}ly on boot up and utilities may also be available to achieve this same result with other DOS's. } SIGN MAKER works entirely in the dot graphics mode. It should work on any printer that has its graphics mode} compatible with the Star SG-10. This should include most graphics capable Epson printers as well as oth}ers that claim Epson compatibility. Program Use It is desirable} to plan out how the page is to look and where text and icons are to be located. It will be helpful to c}onsider the page as consisting of 100 lines going down and either 60 or 120 columns across depending on whether 60} or 120 dots per inch print density is chosen. Page definition data can be entered one line at a time and} print density, one of four font sizes, and one of three font styles can the chosen. The number of lines} used by the entered text depends on the font size chosen (1, 2, 4 or 8). For example, if a size 8 font }is chosen for a given line then the next available line for text will be eight size 1 lines further down }the page. Similarly for columns, a size 1 character takes up one column space and a size 8 character tak}es up eight. As an alternative text entry method, the sign layout and text editing can be done using a text editor} or word processor as long as a pure ASCII file can be saved as a DOS file. TEDIT and Paperclip (c) both} can generate ASCII files and Paperclip can be set to scroll the screen a given number of columns (to eli}minate word wrap) which is a good way to layout a sign. Using this method, font sizes and other line des}cription data are then edited in once the text file is converted to a Sign Maker file as discussed below.} Icons can also be printed in four sizes but their location on the page is specified always assuming} that there are 120 columns across and 100 lines down. Only the upper left hand corner needs to be speci}fied. Icon definition is independent of text but if text and icon locations conflict } page 3 the icon will over write the text. A size 1 icon requires } 11 size 1 text columns and 7 size 1 text lines. As in the case of text characters, allowable icon sizes are} 1, 2, 4 and 8. To allocate space on the page for an icon, the above column and row sizes should be mult}iplied by the size chosen for the icon. The following discussion will cover each item on the } main menu in the order that items appear on the screen. Much of the input is checked for errors and either a me}ssage is issued or the input is not accepted and the cursor is returned to the line on which the error oc}curred. If all else fails, the Turbo Basic RUNTIME.COM file allows the key to be used to gracefu}lly halt execution and the program can then be restarted or an exit to DOS can be made. 1) CRE}ATE PRINT FILE This would be the normal mode for setting up a page description file. The first que}stion presented will be whether or not extra fonts are desired. The Atari internal font is always availa}ble so if this is satisfactory enter "N". If extra fonts are desired, enter "Y" and then enter the font }filespec at the prompt. The full filespec (Dn:xxxx) should be entered. Any legal drive is O.K. and load}ing of the file will be prompted when the PRINT EXISTING FILE option is chosen. The next prompt is for icon input.} If no icons are desired, then enter "N". If icons are desired, enter "Y" and a new screen showing icon} input data will appear. It will be necessary to enter drive number, icon name, icon size and location i}n terms of line and column numbers as described above. The next screen to appear is the main input s}creen on which all data needed to describe one line of text is shown. Choices available are font choice,} font size, dots per inch print density, line center choice, and whether a program exit is desired. At t}his point, the user has the opportunity to edit the input if desired. Data can be changed to any other l}egal value. Default values are provided for all input and once the default values are changed, the new v}alue will continue until changed or a program restart is made. The default print density is 120 dots per} inch. If text and an icon are to appear on the same line a print density of 120 dots per inch should pr}obably be chosen. Icons are intended to be printed at this density and will be distorted horizontally if 60 dots } per inch is selected. Unless this effect is desired, all text lines coinciding with the icon location sho}uld be printed at 120 dots per inch. Otherwise, icons and text are independent. When no f}urther editing is desired, the text input prompt appears. A column number reference line is provided so }that indentation or column data can be lined up. If less than 39 characters are permitted with a given font size a}nd page 4 print density, the reference l}ine will be shortened accordingly. The number of characters permitted is also shown on the line definiti}on screen. Using the screen editor for input limits the smallest font to about 115 characters at 120 dot}s per inch. Size 2 allows 60 characters, size 4, 30, and size 8, 15. For 60 dots per inch divide the ab}ove limits by 2. Use a limit of 7 for size 8 at 60 dots per inch. Input screens will continue to ap}pear until an exit is requested. Blank lines can be entered by pressing at the text prompt. If} no further text is desired but an icon extends further down the page, blank lines should be inserted unt}il the last icon line is passed. Line count over 100 will go beyond the end of an 11" page. If a te}xt file is to be generated using a word processor, the text should be entered in the order and on the lin}es desired and as much of the sign layout as possible should be done. For instance if an icon is to be included, } an appropriate blank area can be left in the text or if centering is desired it can be done in the text fi}le. All that will then be required to finish the page description is for font selections and sizes to be} edited in as discussed below. 2) SEND EACH LINE TO PRINTER Input for this option is ver}y much like (1) above except that no disk file is created and each line of text is sent directly to the p}rinter. For a simple sign or poster, it is a quick way to generate the desired results. If alternate fo}nts or icons are desired, they must be loaded first by means of the appropriate menu item described below. } If double pass printing is desired, answer "Y" at the prompt. 3) PRINT OR VIEW EXISTING FILE } Choosing this option will cause a saved print file to be read and printed or dumped to a disk file. After }the source file name is entered, the choice of printing or viewing must be made. If printing is desired,} the printer should be turned on before choosing this option. If viewing is selected, the user is asked }to identify "RUN" and "VIEW" drive numbers. This allows the user to have program code and the view files} on different drives and it also sets a flag to tell the program segments where to look when a switch to }the other segment is requested. If alternate fonts or icons are desired, the user is prompted to insert }the appropriate disk. It is convenient to have all fonts on the same disk as the main program to reduce disk swapp}ing. As a line of text is being processed, prior to printing or saving to disk, all page data and the te}xt string are displayed on the screen. If double pass printing is desired, answer "Y" at the prompt. Th}e double pass printing option is not saved with the page description data. } page 5 If viewing is selected, the dot column printer data withou}t control codes is saved to a disk file named "SCRATCH" on the drive designated as the "VIEW" drive above. } This file can be as large as 770 sectors although files for most signs would be smaller. After the file has bee}n written to disk the user is given the choice of proceeding with the file view option or returning to th}e main SIGN MAKER menu. If viewing is selected, the sign view program will be loaded and run automatical}ly. The preview of the page consists of the sequential display of 12 windows starting at the upper left }hand corner and proceeding three windows across in four passes ending up at the lower right hand window. } At the beginning of each series of three windows across, data is read from the scratch file then the fir}st window is displayed. A beep will sound when the display of the current window is complete. Press any key to } continue to the next window. Two beeps will sound when the display of the last window on the page is compl}eted. Pressing a key here will display the menu for returning to SIGN MAKER or repeating the view of the} page. If returniing to SIGN MAKER, the file "SIGN83" must be on the drive selected as the "RUN" drive m}entioned above. Every dot that will appear on the printed page is displayed except for the last four} lines of the page. 4) EDIT EXISTING FILE When this option is chosen, the first input required } will be the source and destination files. Then the user is given the option of editing font and icon data o}r skipping to the text data. If font or icon data editing is chosen, this data is displayed and editing }can be carried out. If icon or font names are to be deleted from a file, the name should be replaced wit}h the string "****". At this point the user is asked if text editing is desired. If text editing is not} desired, then the remaining data on the source file is written to the destination file with out a pause }and the user is returned to the main menu. If text editing is chosen, the program will then read in each line } of print data from the source file in turn and the user can edit any input or text. It will then be saved on} the specified destination file. Lines can be added or deleted through the ADD/DELETE/NO CHANGE (A/D/N) }choice on the editing menu (which replaces the exit choice from the input menu). As in the case of input}, once the default for this line, "N", is changed it will remain the new choice until it is changed again}. If delete is chosen, the currently displayed line will be deleted. Line one cannot be deleted since i}t contains all of the font and icon data. If deletion of line one is attempted, the command will be igno}red. If a line is to be added, it will be placed after the currently displayed line and a new input screen will } appear which will have no text string but will have the other attributes of the preceding line. These attr}ibutes page 6 can be changed, of course,} and any text string within the length limit can be added. Using a text editor such as TEDIT, it is poss}ible to make major changes in a page definition file and an example of the page definition file structure} is included for those that might be interested in this approach. If using another editor, care must be taken  } to insert at least one blank space on the text string line if a blank line is desired. SIGN MAKER does this } automatically if using the CREATE PRINT FILE option. 5) LOAD ALTERNATE FONTS This item w }ould normally only be selected if data was to be sent directly to the printer and an alternate font was d }esired. Prompts are given to identify the font file name(s). Full filespecs are required. 6) LOAD ICON }S As in (5) this would only be used if data was to be sent directly to the printer. If an icon is }to be printed, either blank lines or text will have to sent to the printer until the last icon line is re}ached. 7) READ TEXT FILE This option allows an ASCII text file to be read and converted }to the SIGN MAKER format. The user is requested to enter the minimum font size and this value will be en}tered for each line of the converted file. Line length limits must be observed in generating the text file or } string length errors can result in SIGN MAKER. Default values for all other input are entered in the convert}ed file and these can be edited as needed. File Transfer An opti}on available in the EDIT EXISTING FILE menu can be used to conveniently transfer files from, say, drive 1 to } a ramdisk. This is done by specifying the appropriate source and destination files and then selecting the EDIT} FONT OR ICON DATA option. Then answer "N" to the next two editing questions and the file will be transf}erred as requested. Sample Print File A sample print file is inclu}ded to demonstrate some of the features of SIGN MAKER. This file, SIGNMKR.SGN, does not require any font} or icon files and can be printed directly using the PRINT EXISTING FILE menu choice. It does have space} reserved and the appropriate input, except for the names, for two icons. Using the editing capability d}escribed above, the names of any two PS icons that the user } page 7 may have can be entered on the icon/font edit screen to demonstrate icon printing. } Shareware Notice This is a shareware program. If you find it useful a }contribution would be appreciated. My address is 4760 130th Ave. SE, Bellevue, WA 98006. Page data fil}e structure: Line 1:FONT NUMBER SIZE DOTS PER INCH CENTER (Y OR  }N) EXIT (Y OR N) TEXT STRING FONT 2 SPEC FONT 3 SPEC !} DRIVE # ICON 1 ICON 1 NAME ICON 1 SIZE ICON 1 START LINE "} ICON 1 START COLUMN DRIVE # ICON 2 ICON 2 NAME ICON 2 SIZE #} ICON 2 START LINE ICON 2 START COLUMN Line 2:FONT NUMBER SIZE $} DOTS PER INCH CENTER (Y OR N) EXIT (Y OR N) TEXT STRING %} Line 3:FONT NUMBER SIZE DOTS PER INCH CENTER (Y OR N) &} EXIT (Y OR N) TEXT STRING Line 4:etc.H CENTER (Y OR N) K