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D:LINK20X.BAS }oo6.ehhh̩}΢ HIPHIԅե B V  B VA PB V.#ͥ}5567B:,%@,.иΥ}Ьթ`}6 -68,- 6 D1:CONFIG.DAT(}J ;$, B `%-,J67+}&,$%<+&,$%B:,,.2}  B p<}$ 6. 67$,. !67,.$$F} -68,- P}K -6-+}&,$+%,%$667%<%B:,,.G67<,.>:B:,,K Q}* -68,-&68,-* Z}r 68},-'68,-0968,-U67A<A%B:,,.r67A<A,.>:B:,,[}% 68,-@%6-Ap}\}@67,.^}O@7@@ D:DB20X.CNFD@O@d}P%6-F:A,%}F:A,$AV.6-F:,?6-F:%@,P6-F:%@,v}K 6.>:,6.>:&,&6.00/00/00/(}C-B B }G(K x}] (B (B !(B +(B!5(B ?(B H(CONTN-ZAB]&z}S (}#-B} 0B p'(+ 5(B!?(B I(B S(B {}S-B B! (! +(B!5(B!">(CONT}D-PABS&|}XN(F}QZ=INT((FRE(O)/2.5)/80)*80:QZ=QZ+(1400-QZ)*(QZ<1400):DIM Z$(QZ)X(B!#}}n ((}B!$!(B!%e(?POP:POP:POK.842,12:B=INT((FRE(0)-150)/320)*320:DIM B$(B):G.2890k-n& DD:DB20X.BASr ATARILINK DATABASE OUTBOARD By Pa }b Sungenis Copr. 1991 Paul Sungenis Yes, it's a }nother Shareware offering. -------------------------------------- About The }Database ================== The Database was one of the more popular features in earlier versions o }f AtariLink, but had to be left out of the new version because of memory considerations. But, thanks to AtariL }ink 2.0's outboard command feature, the Database can now return. Setting it up ============= } First, unARC and copy DB20X.BAS to a directory where you have a lot of free space for files. The path where }DB20X is is also where you will be putting the text files for your database. Then, create the .CNF file for DB20X }with the pathname for the DataBase. (See the AtariLink manual for more.) Add a command to the main menu (D is rec }ommended) for the Database. (a file in this archive, DCOMMAND.LST, can be ENTERed into your LINK20X.BAS program to do t }his for you.) Next, select your text files for the database and copy them to the same directory. } The Database Layout =================== If you've run an earlier version of AtariLink, you already k }now how to lay out your files, since the format hasn't changed in this version. For the uninitiated, a short discu }ssion follows. The main file in the database is DB0. This is the directory for all database files and s }ubmenus. Likewise, with submenus, all directories end with a 0. Under every menu there are two t }ypes of files possible: text files and submenus. Text files are denoted by a letter from A-Z (or, under SpartaDOS, } the underline and @ characters are also allowed), submenus by a number from 1 to 9. Submenus may be nested up to five } deep. For example: DB1A = Text file A under submenu 1 DB28C = Text file C under submenu 8 u }nder submenu 2 DBD = Text file D under the main directory DB4623L = Text file L under SM 3 under SM 2 u }nder SM 6 under SM 4 DB70 = Directory of submenu 7. Get the picture? As an example, let }'s say that your main directory looks like this: --------------------------------------- PAB'S }PLACE DATABASE --------------------------------------- 1. AtariLink news 2. Atari XE stuff 3. Humor } 4. Random things. A. Voting booth information B. TRIVIAL PABSUIT scores C. Thought for the day } --------------------------------------- This would be in file DB0. There are three text files under this } menu, DBA, DBB, and DBC. There are also four sub-menus. Let's just look at one of them, sub-menu 2. } The directory for this submenu is stored in DB20. Suppose it looks like this: ------------------------ }--------------- ATARI XE STUFF --------------------------------------- 1. Upgrades and fixes } 2. Business directory 3. User groups A. Why XE is better than ST (?) ----------- }---------------------------- There's one text file that sticks out, file A. The filename for it would b }e DB2A. And three submenus are under THIS submenu. We'll just look at SM 1. This would be that submenu's dir }ectory (DB210) --------------------------------------- ATARI XE UPGRADES AND FIXES ---------------- }----------------------- A. The 576K upgrade B. The 1MB upgrade! C. Upgrading an XEGS to 128K D. Fix }ing the @%&%# console keys! E. Build a battery backup --------------------------------------- } There's only text files here. They would be named DB21A - DB21E. Understand? I hope so. Quick rec }ap: A-Z, _, @ = Text file 1-9 = Submenu 0 = Directory Layou }t your files and make your directories as needed. Once you've got the database filled, you're ready to go! } Wrapping it up ============== As always, if you need help, call me at the support BBS (PAB'S } PLACE, (609)696-0475, 300-2400 bps) or write to me at PAB SUNGENIS 1349 ROOSEVELT BLVD VINELAND, NJ } 08360-6554 - Pab. } 42031 DATA ,Database,DB20X@ANNFBDAININOUTPWCC25CXSCLSBSIC6CBCRC7CTC12CC1C4C3SLC1LMTCC10C1C20CC2CCL}LMASCTOUKC3OPCTATIC3TARFC5WCLBAUTRFCNZRSBLOTAETNSCANPROCTRLBBCMDLOPSEDBAUXTNDXTY}XYTYFSIZDBSXYSTDDMTHNBATCANBATCBATCHCTRL2STBPRYFMAIUXPER} } !"#$}%&'()*+,-./0123}456789:;<=>?@ABC}DEFGHIJKLMNOPQR}STUVWXYZ[\]^_`ab}cdefghijklmnopqr}sAY B 0-B:,#7<,4:@' -6-0$! 6-6-B:,% 6-!$}C 6-6--B:,=7<,4:)7<,4>)7<,4\C6-7<,4 *"6- 6.7%<&,$%6-}@:7,,6-%"%6-% !&6-&67<,.>:,$ ((($ ((}$(} ((~$ 6-F:,$( (( $$ 6-%%!B:,6-$(67B:,%,. )} 6-B:,($* 6-6-6-+ 6-%!6-,?6.7<, 6-%*")")"%06-<Af?$}- %2   <   F 4 $P26-?:C:,:&, %% !6-& }% %%)"%)"- %! ) %% %! %%'67%<%,.6-%('( ( (} %% 6-& % !6.7<,$ 6-6. $ 6-  % %" %" )6}-6-6-" %" F:&,& " A" 6-F:,"&6- % )6-6-6-F:B}2y," $$(6-%  9 6-%6-6-#6-' 5%* %9  %''' A}` 6.>:,%$(6-F:%,6-!%(6-&+%,.(6-%6-$(F:At,. 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(! .;A,|}^ (B!"(B!#!(B!$+(U(%POP:POK.842,12:B=3072:DIM B$(B):G.780[-s}^& DB:FTX.BASABOUT FTX VERSION 1.3--------------------- This version corrects some problems found in AtariLink 2.0x's file transfeu}r system since release. This version: 1) Ignores the "time to transfer" of a file, which was never accurate anyhowv} 2) Fixes problems with YModem batch mode, including problems with ASCII translation and the bug that caused the programw} to drop to 128-byte blocks in the middle of a file. It also contains the beginnings of a new F-Mail feature, which allx}ows one user to "Mail" files to another. The code is in, but isn't active yet (since it hasn't been tested.) If you're intey}rested in testing it, contact me at the support BBS or at P.SUNGENIS1 in GEnie mail. z} PabCCLSOUTCRC7C3C4SLCTCC1LMTCC10C1C20XCBSC12C6CCLC25C1TRC3MASC2IKOPBDA|}CTATICC3TTC5CLBAUCFCNRSBLOTFETBELWPROBBCMDPWLOPSEACLSTDDMTHBAYNMFCNVCTRLPATHMLINE}}MLERFOWCNT ~}} !"#$%&'()*+,}-./0123456789:;<}=>?@ABCDEFGHIJK}LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[}\ B LAY6-&-B:,5"*7<,4;6-L6-B:,%@ AYF:AQ},$ 6-6-6- 6-%&!B:,6-B:,66-?:C:,:,((}$( (( $(67B:,%,. ) 6-B:,($* 6-6-6-+ 6-%}!6-,?6.7<, 6-%*")")"%06-<Af?$- %2   <   F 4 $P26}-?:C:,:&, %%+ !6-&( $(+(~ %}%%* %% -( (%(~  %%* %!"(>:%+&,$+",,* %%'6}7%<%,.6-%('( ( ( %%  (($% 6-&( (%(~ !}6.7<,$ 6-6. $ 6-  %% 6-F:,"% % )6-6- %" F:}&,& " A" 6-F:,"&6- % )6-6-(6-%  + 6-}6-6- '%+  6.>:,%$(6-F:%,6-!%(6-&+%,.(6-%6-$(F:At},. A@6. 0:00 AM&67%+ ,<,.=:,3F:%,!%@67<,.P76-F:%,"67%+ ,<,.=:,+F:%,7A}t $<  6. A06.%4Y/6.Yes3 96-<$! 4N6.No 6-!$" %# A}"%6-$$2&*( $6. Time's up!!( 2 B%:+& *(,)6.=:&,! 66. minutes left.}: &$h Aa"6.i !6.7<,j$  $  $  $U %R:)%}R:;%R:BUF:, &A`-R:*6.>:%A$+",,-$B 0B6-?:C:!hhh}hh͠a0{0`,-B:,%&H$%L v$$ 6. XIO View Abort> $ " A"}0   "6-A:,A"A"BA" A"36.File:  &6.) A!A3 A"_}6.XIO   A`& A"/6-A:,;6.File ? E &I NR _  A" ' J M6.}DOORPASS6-" Ap& 1HMK )E:!A)6.~L P6-@:7@7},,'6-@:7@f,,96-@:7@g,,B6.>:,J4?P6.O  $T   % * 6-6.WALL.TTL" A`}& *  1)6.Hit any key to see the wall....- 1  ( 6.WALL.TXT A`$ (  V   06.You can'}t write to the wall.4 H6. One moment...L V A) +6. Add a line?   +(A) I6. Enter line ('}67B:,%,.=:,E67B:,%,. chrs. maximum)I  . 6.>   & @. A1 ,(6.Compacting wall, one} moment...,  0 @6.7%," @0A0p T  (&(+/ P6.Line adde}d. 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F(ERR  @ LN F:A,%F:A,$J $'D7(ERR } AT WALL LINE F:A,%F:A,$:'D A)}ss;A',;@,;AV,;@,;@,;@,};@,;@0,;AV,;@A,}aR;A',;@6,;@,;@,;@0,;@,;@,}a6.>:A(,}F;@ ,;A',F6.$JanFebMarAprMayJe Jy AugSepOctNovDec};A,;@0,}y6-}6-@#6-%+6-%36-$;6-%C6-$K6-%S6-$[6-$k6-$%@Vy6-%@(}] 6-$6-}%%6-$%6-$-6-$56-$A6-AGM6-AdU6-$]6-%}m 6-%%6-%!6-A`-6-A@96}-BE6-AQ6-A]6-Ape6-%m6-%}( 6-&K(%P:}ss6.ihhhhhhh}hhϩԅՅЍHI HI B Bбɝ  ) V V B V }vV67B:,%,.D9 0 }%PB V B VЊ`v67@d<@d,.>:AU, }m@+A"(N('}֮écAYF:AQ,m B} D1:CONFIG.DAT(} -2}} F} - P} - Q} - Z} @[}@6-A}`\}@67,.d}X-6-F:@,%F:@,$AV%@66-F:,G6-F:%@,X6-F:%@,g}S36}.)hhhhhΩϠ*υԩ`S67@!<@!,.>:AU,n}0  D1:GWALL.CNF+0}o}p}ŠƤנϠŠq}ŠՠŠŠr}Π͠Šs}Ү}t}u}; 6.>:,6.>:&,&6.00/00/00;6.D1:LINK20X.BAS|}J/6-P:+I:,&A,'A(,$A(6;,}@ A(J A0 DB:GWALL.BAS( THE ATARILINK GRAFFITI WALL Version 1.2 !} An outboard command for AtariLink Version 2.0x !} -------------------------------------- About the program ================= The Graffi!}ti Wall was one of the most popular features of AtariLink, but because of memory restrictions, had to be left out of !} version 2.0x. Now, thanks to 2.0x's outboard command feature, the Graffiti Wall returns, more versatile than!} ever. This new version of the Graffiti wall now uses a machine language routine to count the number of lines!} in the wall, increasing speed dramatically. All your old WALL files will still work with this version. It has al!}so been scaled down to run faster and take up less disk space than before. Setting it up ============= !} Copy GWALL.BAS to any drive and path. Next, create a file called GWALL.CNF (see AtariLink manual, section!} 10 for help). This file will be three lines long: PATHNAME: This is where GWALL.BAS is, and where you will !}put WALL.TTL and WALL.TXT (see below) NUMBER OF LINES: The maximum number of lines allowed in the wall.!} When this limit is reached, old lines will be wrapped off the top. LINE LENGTH: Number of characters all!}owed per line. From 20-127 characters. (Old versions of AtariLink only allowed 40 chr. lines) Now, add!} the graffiti wall to your main menu commands. Sections 10 and 18 of the AtariLink manual will show you how to do this.!} A file called WCMD.LST is included in this archive. ENTERing this line will add a W command to run the wall at l!}ine 2030. Finally, you'll be needing two more files. These should be placed in the same directory as GWALL.BA!}S: WALL.TTL: A title screen sent before the wall is displayed WALL.TXT: This is the file that!} will hold the graffiti wall. Put one line in this file to get started. If you have an old wall, it can be copied!} right over to the new version. Users with an access level of 10 or greater will be allowed to add a lin!}e when they view the wall. The Graffiti Wall is now installed in your BBS. Enjoy! !} 2168 IF Y=CR+I THEN FOR X=I TO A:GOSUB C20+C5:NEXT X:GOTO C100+C60+I2010 DATA A,Adjust Settings,480,P,Profile,8720,S,SysOp Fe%}edback,2401,M,Message Bases,2896,*,SysMenu,22002030 DATA N,New Messages,4910$N2030 DATA ,Graffiti Wall,GWALL(