@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr }BBS Express! Other Boards Your BBS list goes here!LZ``Yr}BBS Express! Sub-Board List Current Time___&21 Connected______&25} Mins Time Limit_____&09 Mins Board 1______General Discussion Board 2______Tech Talk and/or Progra}mming Q && A Board 3______Registered Owners of BBS Express! 2______Tech Talk and/or PrograO}BBS Express! Sub-Board Menu Current Time___&21 Connected______&25 }/&09 Mins Read Backward Sequentially Read Forward Sequentially Read New Messages Read Individual Message } Post (Write) A Message Delete A Message You Wrote List Titles Of The Messages Continuous Scroll On/Off } Exit This Sub-Board Mini Menu Sub-Board List Goto A SubBoardThe Messages Continuous Scroll On/OffRGeneral "&=BGLQV[`f } &4BP^lz } } }WelcomeEmptyAllSat 23-Dec-5712:05:56 am26 Welcome to BBS Express!!1900 } } } } } Welcome!Orion Micro SystemsAllSat 2-Aug-8611:27:40 am61 Welcome to BBS Express!!! } Orion Micro Systems } } } } Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 } } } } } Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am }1900 !} "} #} $} Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8 %}600:00:00 am 1900 &} '} (} )} Title Author *} Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 +} ,} -} .} Title Autho /}r Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 0} 1} 2} 3} Title 4} Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 5} 6} 7} 8} Tit 9}le Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 :} ;} <} =} >} Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 ?} @} A} B} C} E-Mailluy~E} &4BF}G}H}Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 I} J} K} L} M} Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 N} O} P} Q} R} Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am 1900 S} T} U} V} W} Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8600:00:00 am X}1900 Y} Z} [} \} Title Author Sun 1-Jan-8]}600:00:00 am 1900 ^} _} `} a} P} Sub-Board Command Tutorial Following is a short tutorial on thedifferent cc}ommands of this BBS. Thisfile covers commands available from the the Sub-Board prompt. Before covering the commands, I d}should point out here the data thatthe prompt itself gives you. Here isa typical sub-board prompt and the data that it ie}s showing:[1/47] General: | | | | | > The name of the sub-board | | that you are currently on | | |f} > There are 47 messages on this | sub-board (so, the valid | message numbers are 1-47) | > You arg}e currently on board # 1 Now, let's cover the commands: N We will start with what I consider the MOST imph}ortant, which is the "N"ew command. BBS Express! will "remember" what messages you have and haveni}'t read (so you don't have to). The "N" command simply tells the BBS "OK -- show me the messages thaj}t have been posted on this sub-board since the last time I logged on". This will (and SHOULD) be the k} read command that you use about 99% of the time. B Use the B command to read backward through the mel}ssages on this sub-board. F Use the F command to read forward through the messages on this sub-bm}oard. R Use the R command to read an individual message on this sub-board. P The P command allowsn} you to post (write) a message on this sub-board. You will be asked for a title for your message, o} and will then be placed into the message editor. D Use the D command if you want to delete a message tp}hat you had previously written. T Use the T command to see a list of the titles of the messages onq} this sub-board. You will be asked for a starting message number, and then if you want to see the name r}of each message's author. * The * command will show you a list of the different sub-boards on thiss} BBS system. = Use the = command to leave the current sub-board and go to another one.s on thismackward orward ead #ew ost eleteitles it ont Scroll۪SubBoards ۽Gotou} SubBoard orward ead #ew ost eleteitles it ont Scroll۪SubBoards ۽Goto } Connected To BBS Express! ont Scroll۪SubBoards ۽GotoUAAction!BBasicKPictureLAssmblerMMashedOObjectPPictureQSquishedSScrunchdTTextUA.M.S.XOther1Basic XE2Basic XL o |ABKLMOPQSTUX12 Choose A File Format: Action! Source Saved BASIC Koala Pad Pictur$y}e ML Source Code Mashed Object Module Picture File Squished $z} Scrunched Text AMS Music ۱ BASIC XE ۲ BASIC XL Othered $u}BBS Express! Downloads File | S/D | File | File Name(|}SectorsFormatType Downloads File | S/D | File | File Name(BӠCCommun.DDoc FileG* Game *HHome ApKKoalaPicMDemoPPrinterRGraphicsTTextUUtilityXOther File Name,jBCDGHKMPRTUX Choose A File Type: BBS Express! Utility Communications Document0}ation Games Home Applications Koala Pad Picture Demo Programs Pri0}nter Utility Graphics Demo Text Utilities Othermo Programs Pri0b} Message Editor Tutorial Following is a short tutorial on thedifferent com4}mands of this BBS. Thisfile covers commands available whilein the message editor. Ok..here is where the going getsgood4}, so pay attention! The messageeditor of BBS: Express! is unlike anythat you have ever seen on an Atarisystem. To enter 4}the "Edit" mode, youmust hit the slash ('/') key while inthe first position of a line (ala VisiCalc). While in the firs4}t position of a line, you can also enter a '?', whichwill show you the number of the linethat you are currently on, as wel4}l ashow much space you have left in thismessage. Another important note here is thatwhile editing your message, you wil4}lsee lots of prompts with numbers inbrackets, as in:(E>List (1-30) From [1]: Now, the numbers in parenthesis arethe4} valid line numbers for the currentmessage. The number in brackets isthe value that will be taken IF YOU JUST HIT THE RET4}URN KEY (ie: the "default" value taken). Also, I should point out that thereis a 256-byte "input buffer" in BBS:Expres4}s! So what, you say? Well, themost notable improvement because ofthis is that you can send text fromyour buffer to the m4}essage editor WITHABSOLUTELY NO DELAY RATE. The editorcan keep up with it! Also, if you are in "standard" mode (not 4}in Graphics mode -- see below),then the Shift/Delete key will deleteWORDS, not lines. In other words, let's say that you 4}made the followingkeying error: Now is the time for all geedOops! Had a little problem there.No big deal! Just hit 4}Shift/Deleteand the word will be erased, and thecursor will be where the "g" was. Now, the commands: L The L co4}mmand will List the lines in your message. You will be asked for a beginning and ending line number (4}or, just hit RETURN,RETURN to list the entire message). N The N command performs like the L comma4}nd above, but lists the lines WITH LINE NUMBERS. This is particularly helpful before Edit or Delete com4}mands. F The F command will display your message to you EXACTLY as it will appear on the BBS after 4} you save it. S Use the S command to Save the message that you are writing. P The P command is another ve4}ry powerful command. Since the BBS:Express! editor will ACCEPT more data than it will allow to b4}e SAVED, this command can be used to "continue over" into the next message. If you ever get the messag4}e "Max Exceeded!" while writing a message, you should use this command. Here is what will happen: 4} - The message will be posted (up to where you overflowed the editor). - A "Continued Ne4}xt Message" will be placed in the posted message. - The lines saved will be delete4}d from the message editor buffer. - You can now continue on writing your message! A The 4}A command is used to Abort out of the current message. You will be asked to confirm. D Use the D comman4}d to Delete lines from your message. You will be asked for a beginning and ending line number. This 4} delete is INCLUSIVE. In other words, if you say to delete 5 thru 8, then lines 5,6,7 & 8 will be4} deleted. E Use the E command to edit an individual line. You will be shown the old line, and then 4} you can key in the replacement for this line. I Use the I command to insert a new line between two exis4}ting lines. You will be asked for the line number that you want to insert before. M Use the M com4}mand to set a left margin in your message. This is useful if you are getting ready to indent blocks of 4}text (like this help file). Really, when you tell the editor a left margin, you are just saying 4}"Put number of spaces in front of my input line". Left margin setting has no effect on word wrap.4} G Use the G command to enter Graphics mode. In this mode, each key that you press is taken verbati4}m. But, you will lose some of the special editor features (see below). You can toggle Graphics mode 4} on/off at will with no limits. W Use the W command to toggle word wrap on and off. Note: wo4}rd wrap is NOT active if you are in Graphics mode. Q Use the Q command to see the curr4}ent settings of: Word wrap Left Margin Graphics Mode R The R command will Repeat the 4}last line again (the one above the current line). / Use the / command to clear the screen. Useful befo4}re listing lines.ove the current line). / Use the / command to clear the screen. Useful befo4 Commands Are Preceeded By A '/' In The First Position Of A Line Abort Message Delete Line(s) 8} Edit A Line Formatted List Graphics Mode On/Off Insert A Line List Lines Left M8}argin Setting List Lines Numbered Partial Save/Continue Repeat Last Line Save This Messag8}e Word Wrap On/Off ۯ Clear The Screen ۿ This Menu Repeat Last Line Save This Messag8J}BBS Express! Hardware Info Computer_______800XL - 14 meg RAM Monitor__<}______Amdek Color-I Drives_________1 60-meg Hard Disk 2 45-meg Hard Disks Total Storage__150 meg Printe<}r________Epson RX-80 Modem__________Atari 1030 isk 2 45-meg Hard Disks Total Storage__150 meg Printe<4MENU3D1:ORDMENU.LIBD1:ORDHBACK.LIBD1:TUTMENU.LIB}BBS Express! The Libraries @} [1] Ӡ󡛛 [2] 뛛 [3] BBS Tutorial Files @a}Goodbye, &01! We Hope You Enjoyed Your Visit! It Is Now &21 EST.Connect Time: &25 Minutes.Tell Everyone In &03 TD}hatWe Said 'Hi!'.  |Ӡ󡠸ֱ| | | | CopD}yright (C) 1986 | |by Orion Micro Systems | Bye!! | | CopD\ &01. &03, &04.You Are Caller #&35 For Today.You Are Caller #&24.You Have Called &14 Times.TodaH}y's Date: &19.Current Time: &21.Your Time On Today: &08.Time Limit Per Day: &09.The Last Caller Was &20. Times.TodaHp}BBS Express! Main Menu Current Time___&21 Connected______&25L}/&09 Mins Atari/ASCII Mode Other BBS #'s Browse Files Quickscan Call For Sysop Read E-Mail DoL}wnload A File Send E-Mail Feedback To SysopTitle Page Goodbye (Log Off)Upload A File System Info. L}Your Stats Libraries Mini Menu Member Listing This Menu System News Sub-Board ListL} Goto A SubBoard Mini Menu Member Listing This Menu System News Sub-Board ListLtari/ASC rowse all Sysopownload dback oodbyenfo ibrary embersews P}ther # uickscanead Mail end E-M itlepload our Stats۪SubBoards ۽Goto SubBoardews Po} Main Command Tutorial Following is a short tutorial on thedifferent commT}ands of this BBS. Thisfile covers commands available from the main "Command:" prompt. A The A command allows you toT} toggle between ATASCII/ASCII mode. Normally, you will never use this command, since your transT}lation is set at logon time. B The B command is used for Browsing the files that are available fT}or downloading by you. For each file, you will be shown: * The file's name * The size of tT}he file in single density sectors. * The format of the file (ie: Object module, Text, T} BASIC, etc.) * The type of file it is (ie: Communications, Game, Home ApplicationT}, etc.) C The C command is used when you want to Call for the sysop of this board. If the sysop is T} around, he will be paged with a few beeps on the speaker. If you call for the sysop and he is not arouT}nd to answer, he will still be able to tell that you paged him if he returns. D Use the D command to DownT}load a file from the download section. You will be asked for the name of the file, and will then be T} told the size of the file in single density sectors. After that, you will be asked if you want to doT}wnload with XModem protocol. The only time you would answer NO to this prompt is if you were preparingT} to download a Text file, and you just wanted to "capture" it to your terminal program's buffer.T} F Use the F command if you want to leave a message to the sysop of this board. You will be placT}ed into the message editor where you can compose your message to the sysop. G Use the G command to log ofT}f of the system. This is the ONLY proper way to leave the system. I The I command will tell you a T} little about this BBS system's hardware and software. L Use the L command to enter into the Library secT}tion of the BBS. The library is a collection of various text files that you can browse. You will be shoT}wn a list of the current topics, and be asked to choose one. M The M command will display the namT}es of all of the users that are currently a member of this BBS, along with where they are from and the lT}ast date that they called this BBS. N The N command will allow you to re-read the System News file T} in case you missed it at log on time. O The O command will show you a list of other known operating T} Bulletin Board Systems. Q The Q command will scan thru all the sub-boards and show you all the new mT}essages. R Use the R command to check and see if there is any mail on the system to you. This command T} should be rarely used, since the system checks for your mail when you initially log on. S Use the ST} command to Send mail to another user on this BBS. You will be asked for the name of the user you want tT}o send a letter to. At that point, the user log will be searched to validate that the user does T} exist. T The T command can be used to re-view the log on "title" screen. U Use the U command to T}Upload a file to this BBS. You can ONLY upload with XModem (or AModem) protocol. You will be asked 4 T} questions: * The NAME of the file. * The SIZE of the file in single density sectors. T} * The FORMAT of the file. * The TYPE of the file. Y The Y command will show you all of your stT}atistics for this board. You will be shown data such as how many calls you have made, your time limit, T}etc. / Use the / command if you want to clear the screen. * The * command will show you a list of T}all of the different sub-boards on this BBS system, and the topic that each covers. = Use the = command tT}o enter a sub-board, where you can read and enter messages.opic that each covers. = Use the = command tTK:I  B JKIHiDiELV`L6: 6: BLV`L::X}l L: &` Fj`8冨凪` :EӅӥ :`ʆǪƩ ƐeX}e` :ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ : :L: :'&&&8儨児祂*L:&&*ńX}8&&L: T;`hihiHHȱȱL:c !#3`L:JJJJ`H :hX}`Hȩh k:L; t:L; :L; &:L; ,:H8`HhHh XX}X}担CS KI =LY>H >LY> &B V ;NLMȑ` MLN%B VLX};S:>E:?H E< ?? < E>L<[\ZUVT` 9?>>` @?L< 3?L< 9?L HI K H K}ed to the hard drive fromthe master diskette using the standardDOS file copy command, as neitherutility is copy protected.m?} You mayplace the utilities on the rootdirectory or any subdirectory youchoose.Features Of HardBack: * Completely menum@} driven with prompts requesting the needed information. * Ability to backup entire drive or specific subdirectory onmA} the drive. * Creates the subdirectories on the floppies so files remain in their original subdirectories. * BackupmB} files are completely DOS compatible. * Ability to format or reinitialize diskettes as required during backup. [mC}Single, Enhanced and Double densities supported as is High Speed if US Doubler is installed]. * Supports the ICD US mD}Doubler when installed. * Ability to selectively backup files by date. * Ability to produce a hardcopy catalogmE} of backup file names to diskette, with optional hardcopy print when backup is complete. You will know on which dmF}iskette each file resides and if a file was split to the next diskette.Features Of Restore: * Completely menu drimG}ven with prompts requesting the needed information. * Supports the ICD US Doubler when installed. * Ability to selemH}ctively restore backup files with confirm prompting. * Ability to start the restore on any disk in the backup set. WmI}hen combined with the confirm prompt feature, any backup file may be individually restored. * Automatically recomJ}nstructs any file that was split across 2 floppy disks during the backup process. * Creates the subdirectory on themK} destination drive if files were originally in a subdirectory when backed up [ Note: Restore assumes files to mL}be restored do not exist on the destination drive ].Availability: * You may order your copy by sending $39.95 (CmM}heck or Money Order) to: Orion Micro Systems 2211 Planters Row Drive Midlothian,Virginia 23113 mN} or Money Order) to: Orion Micro Systems 2211 Planters Row Drive Midlothian,Virginia 23113 lMENU2D1:ORD1030.LIBD1:ORDHAYES.LIB}BBS Express! Ordering Info [1]qP} 835/1030/XM301 Version [2] Hayes-compatible Version Ordering Info [1]p<;-----------------------------------;; BBS Express!;; BBS Prompt Definitions;----------------------------uR}-------;; All variable tags are allowed.;; A tag of &00 means that the ; program will pass the variable; to the prouS}mpt routine itself.; If a prompt has an &00 in it, then; it is there for a reason, and; should NOT be removed from theuT}; prompt!!;; An '@' is displayed as a CARRIAGE; RETURN by the BBS.;; The only lines that are "compiled"; are thoseuU} that have a " (quote) in; the FIRST position of a line.; All other lines are treated as; comments.;; DO NOT change uV}the sequence of the; prompts, as each prompt depends; on its relative position in the; file.;; Each prompt definitiouW}n has a ; short comment before it giving a; description of exactly when the ; prompt is displayed.;;-----------------uX}------------------ # 1 The main command prompt"@[&25 Min] Command: " # 2 When user toggles to ASCII modeuY}"Now In ASCII@" # 3 When user toggles to ATASCII mode"Now In @" # 4 When user selects system infouZ}"System Info@@" # 5 when user hits 'G' to log off"Goodbye@@Are You Sure? " # 6 you will see this one a u[}lot!!"Calling Sysop..." # 7 when user hits L from main menu"Libraries@@" # 8 when user hits R from mainu\} menu"Read E-Mail@" # 9 when user hits O from main menu"Other BBS #'s@" # 10 when user hits Y from mainu]} menu"Your Stats@" # 11 when user hits T from main menu"Title Page@" # 12 when user hits N from main meu^}nu"System News@" # 13 when user hits ? from anywhere"Help!@" # 14 when user hits ="To Board #" #u_} 15 when user hits B from main menu"Browse Files@@File Type? [Return=All, ?=Menu]: " # 16 when user hits D"Du`}ownload@@Filename: " # 17 when user hits U"Upload@@[Xmodem ONLY!]@@Filename: " # 18 prompt for file size ua}when user is preparing to upload a file."@How Many Density Sectors@Is &00? " # 19 on any invalid entryub}"What??@@Type '?' For Help@" # 20 when user hits * for board list"Sub-Board List@" # 21 the sub-board pruc}ompt"@[&23/&31] &26: " # 22 when user hits R from board menu"Read #" # 23 msg header when reading E-Maiud}l"}@۪ݠŭ۪@To &01@From &28@Dated &29 &30@@" # 24 msg header when reading message"Msg #&32 &27@Authoue}r &28@To &34@Posted &29 &30@@" # 25 prompt after each msg/email"@gain eply uit ont: " #uf} 26 displayed on a new board read"}@[Board: &26]@@Ctrl [N]ext, [X]it, [S]top@@" # 27 when user wants to deleteug} a msg"Delete #" # 28 oops! what's this guy trying??"@You Didn't Write That!@" # 29 echos message datauq}BBBSLIST HLPBBLIST HLPBBOARD HLPB8 BOARD1 DATBDBOARD100DATBbBOARDHLPLIBBtBOARDM HLPBvCONNECT HLPBwDLFORMH HLPBxDLFORMS HLPB{DLHEADERHLPB}DLTYPEH HLPB~DLTYPES HLPB)EDITHELPLIBBEDITOR HLPBHARDWARETXTBLIBRARY HLPBLOGOFF HLPBLOGSTAT HLPBMAIN HLPBMAINM HLPB$MAINMENULIBB MKTITLE OU0BMKTITLEDTD0BNEWUSER HLPB ORD1030 LIBBORDHAYESLIBB)&ORDHBACKLIBBOORDMENU LIBBdQPROMPT DATBSOFTWARETXTBSYSDATA DATBSYSINFO HLPBSYSNEWS HLPBSYSOP HLPBSYSOPCMDHLPBTUTMENU LIBBUSERLOG DATBUSERLOG IDXBUSTATS HLPBWELCOME0HLPBWELCOME1HLP to user to make sure this is the one they want to delete."@Msg #&32 &27@Posted &29 &30@@Delete This? " # 30ur} ok, we did it!"@Message Deleted!@" # 31 displayed on a NEW msg command"New Messages@" # 32 oops! tus}here aren't any new ones!"@No New Messages.@" # 33 pretty explanatory!"Forward Read@@Start At Message #" # ut}34 ditto"Backward Read@@Start At Message #" # 35 ditto again"Title List@@Start At Title #" # 36 shouu}w full title list?"@Show Authors? " # 37 title list line if it is a new msg" #&32 &27@" # 38 title luv}ist line if it isn't new"Msg #&32 &27@" # 39 header when reading a message in a normal message base."Author uw} &28@To &34@Posted &29 &30@@" # 40 user wants to post a message"Post Message@@Message Title: " # 41 ux} when user exits from a sub-board"Exit@" # 42 ditto on the bad command"What??@@Enter '?' For Help@" # 43 uy} entered a bad msg number"@No Such Message!@" # 44 entered a bad board number"@Invalid Board Number@" # 45uz} done with the quick scan."@Scan Completed!@" # 46 when user enters a board"@@Going To Board #&00@" # 4u{}7 at entry to board, one of the following is displayed depending on whether there are new msgs or not."@&3u|}1 Messages: @" # 48"@&31 Messages: None New@" # 49 user /Aborted from posting msg"@Message Aborteu}}d!@" # 50 user /Saved message"@Saving Message..." # 51 displayed after save of msg done"Got It!@" u~}# 52 user tried to do an edit function, but no lines have been entered"No Lines Entered Yet!@" # 53 user tu}ried to insert a line, but no room is left in the msg"No More Lines Left!@" # 54 message header when the user u}does a /Formatted list from msg editor while on a message base."Msg #nn &27@Author &01@To &34@Posted &19 &21u}@@" # 55 tried to do /Graphics while in ascii"Must Be In ATASCII!@" # 56 tried to do /Graphics in feedbacu}k"Not In Feedback!@" # 57 tried to do a /Partial save, but still has some room left in msg."You Have Room Leu}ft!@" # 58 tried to do a /Partial save while in E-mail (not allowed)"Not In E-Mail!@" # 59 bad msg edu}itor command entered"Invalid Command, '/?' For Help@" # 60 displayed at entry to msg editor"u}堠@堣Ӡ堠@" # 61 at entry if leaving E-mail"ŭ &15@@" # u}62 at entry if posting a message " &27@@" # 63 tuff ones here!"Yes@" # 64"No@" # 65 mu}ake yourself famous here..."@@@塠@@@" # 66 page prompt when browsing files"@@ontinue uit: "u} # 67 used when choosing from the library or choosing a file-type"Selection: " # 68 pretty easyu} here"@@XModem -- Ready To Receive@" # 69"@@XModem -- Ready To Send@" # 70"@@Transfer Aborted@" # 71"@u}@Transfer Complete@" # 72 board needs a little time"@Hold On...@" # 73 tried to upload a file we alreadyu} have"@That Filename Already Exists!@" # 74 durn!"@Sorry..Not Enough Disk Space!@" # 75 don't think u}this one is used!"@eply ontinue: " # 76 shown when user enters a name to send email to."@Verifying Usu}er@" # 77 no email for this person"@@Sorry...No Mail For You@" # 78 user wants to send email"Send E-Maiu}l@@User's Name: " # 79 user tried to send email to himself"@Talking To Yourself Again?@" # 80 user tried u}to chat twice"@@The Sysop Has Been Notified Of@Your Previous Call...@" # 81 you didn't answer the call"@@Sorry, u}No Answer!@" # 82 you have chat turned off"@@The Sysop Is Not Around.@" # 83 took too much time!"@@Sorru}y...Your Time Is Up For Today!@" # 84 tried to download non-existant file"@That File Doesn't Exist!@" # 85 u} user is doing a download"@File Is &00 SD Sectors Long.@@" # 86"Using XModem? " # 87 not doing xmodem dowu}nload"@@Ok..Press Any Key To Begin@" # 88 at logon if you only allow ataris "Go ATASCII, Then Hit Return " u}# 89 they blew it!" @Sorry...Atari's Only! " # 90 at logon if you allow atari/ascii"Go ASCII/ATASCII, Then u}Hit Return " # 91 here's the mode they hit"@ASCII Mode" # 92"@ɠ " # 93 logon promptsu}"@@@Your FULL Name: " # 94"@@Enter Password or@NEW If New User: " # 95"@@Checking Password..." # 96"@@Invau}lid Name/Password!@" # 97"@Calling From@ City: " # 98"State: " # 99"@Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX)@==> " u} # 100"@@Your Data:@@ Name: &15@ From: &16, &17@Phone: &18@@Is This Correct? " # 101"@Do You Want To Be Issued A@Permau}nent Password? " # 102"@@Generating Password...Hold On@" # 103"@@Password File Is Full!@@" # 104"@@That Namu}e Is In Use!@" # 105"@@Your Password Is: &02@@PLEASE Write It Down, Then Press@Any Key..." # 106 at logon whenu} looking for mail"@Checking For Mail..." # 107 they don't have high enough access"@@Validation Required...@" u} # 108 board needs some time"@@Hold On...@" # 109 they have mail waiting!"@@You Have &00 Letter(s) Waiting.u}@@Want To Read Them Now? " # 110 user did a /Formatted list while leaving Email."۪ݠŭ۪@To &15@Fromu} &01@Dated &19 &21@@" # 111 user hit F from main menu"Feedback To Sysop@@Hold On..." # 112 quickscan meu}ssages"Scanning@" # 113"@@Abort Scan? " # 114 message seperator if reading with continuous-scroll ON.u}"@@@" # 115 user toggled continuous scroll"Cont. Scroll " # 116"Off@" # 117"On@" # 118 user hu}it M from main menu"Member List@@" # 119 prompt for sysop at logoff time"@Delete Mail? " # 120 sysop leu}vel user hit 1-8 to show free sectors"&00 Free Sectors@" # 121 here are various prompts when you are in SYu}SOP command mode."Copy@@From: " # 122" To: " # 123"@Reading" # 124"@Writing" # 125"Directory@@Masku} => " # 126"@Sysop Command: " # 127"New Sec Lvl = " # 128"New Time Limit = " # 129"Chat ON@" # 1u}30"Chat OFF@" # 131"XIO #" # 132"@File Spec => " # 133"View File@@Filename => " # 134"@Bad Filename!u}@" # 135"Time@@Hour: " # 136" Min: " # 137"Date@@ MM/DD/YY@=>" # 138 prompt for secondary passworu}d when a SYSOP level person logs on"@@Sysop Password: " # 139 user tried to download, but is over the upu}load:download ratio"Download@@You Are Over The Up:Down Ratio@@Upload!@" # 140 sysop '4' logon as another user"@@u}User's FULL Name: " # 141 sysop logon with invalid user or user trying to send email to an invalid user."@u}@That User Doesn't Exist!@" # 142 user edited a line in message editor, but just hit without changiu}ng anything"Line Unchanged@" prompts 143-150 are for the SYSOP-DEFINABLE commands from the main menu. These u}prompts must match your definition in the sysdata.dat file. Note: Even if you don't use these, they muu}st STILL be defined with at least one space in them. # 143 sysop defined prompt 1" " # 14u}4 sysop defined prompt 2" " # 145 sysop defined prompt 3" " # 146 sysop defined prompt 4" " u}# 147 sysop defined prompt 5" " # 148 sysop defined prompt 6" " # 149 sysop defined prompt 7" "u} # 150 sysop defined prompt 8" " # 151 user wants to abort message"Abort...You Sure? " # 152 Useu}r has ran out of space in message editor"@" # 153 only 5 lines left in this message"u}@";--> Beginning here starts most of;--> the message editor prompts.;--> Be VERY careful if you redefine;--> these!!u} # 154 show the default line number"[&00]:" # 155 user wants to /Edit a line"Edit (0-&00) Line " # u}156 this prompt is used when editing a line. It shows the OLD line and then the edit prompt char.">&00@]" u} # 157 next two prompts are used when the user does a /List (or /N)"List (1-&00) " # 158 used in multipleu} places" To " # 159 next two prompts are used when a user /Saves a message, but the message is too big"Su}ave" # 160" Msg Is &00 Bytes Too Big!@" # 161 user did a /Margin setting"New Left Margin " # 162 u}user did a /Graphics command"Graphics Mode " # 163 user did a /Word wrap command"Word Wrap " # 164 useru} did a /Query command" " "Query Settings@ Word Wrap: " # 165" " " Graphics : " # 166" " " L. Mu}argin: &00@" # 167 user did a /Insert command"Insert (0-&00) Before Line " # 168 user did a /Delete commau}nd"Delete (0-&00) From " # 169 user did a /Partial save"Saving To Max..." # 170 ditto"Lines &00 To "u} # 171 ditto ditto"&00 Saved And Deleted!@" # 172 user did a '?' command"Line Number &00, " # 173 u} show bytes left"&00 Bytes Left@" # 174 show baud connection" @Connected At &36@ "ber &00, " # 173 tf}BBS Express! Software Info This system is running on the newestBBS sy}oftware available for Atari 8-bitcomputers, BBS Express!, written bythe author of 850 Express! and 1030Express! For mory}e information on this soft-ware, please see the 'L'ibraries.en bythe author of 850 Express! and 1030Express! For morx@ SYSOP*ACCESSD1:USERLOG.DATD1:USERLOG.IDXD1:D1:}}P:S000000010000000000000000000000001D1:}}000000000001D1:|