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BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}COPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED736 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D1:DIRECK.COMl# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}LLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}C, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}Ξ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  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You are logged onto O}ASIS JR. This BBS software is free; it cannot be sold by anyone. SYSTEM BULLETIN If you need help,} hit [H] for the HELP file. SysOp>@I@JO@Iu0FLxu0F IF00*0 I0:@$(@-0II Ir0 Ihr@II0I!0@ }Iw0 Ih@II0I!00 F00 &B@+GIn&@>G$@AG00EGIn00ZGIn00nGIn }00G00G00G00G00G00G00 H00H0030E0 I-0I\aQA$A&H00 I>HI&1IpA$B }I<1 LAAHI00F$BLIu0bH00FL60A$BFLzH?0FLa0 IfA|HFL00$BLII0 }0IB1$B\bB$ BL$B\cB$BTF$B\g"B$BBI,I,&;B$>B $B\uJB$QBB$B\wYB$BH00K60K }H?0Kw0 IfBHK00$BFLxI00$B\xB$B $B$B$B$B$@ r60fB  &CH00HI },EH00I,C[-0HI,EH00I,C[-0HI,EH00I,C[-0H }I ,EH00I ,CHI ,00HI ,00H0030E0yC RH00I0030n3D$B  } II+D$C^I$C>:&D1-0$D0-0:$C-0 Ku0\7HD$hDGI00NII&1I },I $E\8pD$DQI00\II&1I ,I $E\3D$D_II,E-0I,C-0I,E $E\4D$E }hII,E-0I,C-0I,E $E\5E$YEqII,E-0I,C-0I,E $E }\6aE$EzII ,E-0I ,C-0I ,E $E$E $E$E K60 IIE$E^I<$ }EKI,1E6$E IISF$F^I$E>:&9FpI6-0$EFpI-0:$ F } II,00II&1I,I II,00II&1I,I I0030 D1:CONFIG.DATWhat drive is CONFIG. }DAT on?}OASIS CONFIG EDITORWritten using DVC/65 by Ralph WaldenVersion 1.04 (1986)Guest function %sonoff%d backg }round color%d character color%d message basesA - add zeros to a fileB - edit basesC - edit colorsG - toggle gues }t functionU - edit new user defaultsW - write a blank fileX - save and exitOption?}Append how many zeros?%dNot en }ough memory for %d zeros!Add zeros to what file? Can't open %s!Filename> Can't open %s}[ABCDEFGH]:ILMOPQRS]:TU }VXYZ*?]:87654321]:Level :%dMax time :%dChange (Y/N)?1-Comm1 2-Comm2 3-Comm34-Mbase 5-level 6-Online }timeLevel:%dMax time::%dABCDEFGHILMOPQRSTUVXYZ*?87654321}Background color%d%d}Character color%d%dPress a }key to continue...LIO|InLNIn  0&N}-0 IrN&.M$MtI I$LNIpI }00$ MN00N00N00N00 O0030B0\AbM$M MKu0O00KB&LK O0I0,I }0, 0KI0,0t$L"O00$L\DM$ NhLI0,I0,0x$L\NN$uNKu02O }009O|&1h=N L&L7L(?LW7L>L5La?Lp.L6L4L6L7LY6LS6L1Ll6L@.Lh.L4Ln>LA?LQ5}?L7L7L7L7L9L7L/L'/L0/L9/LB/L/L/LJ9LO9Lx5L/L]/L/L.L5L/L/L>5Lp4L4L4L4L?L?L?LY9Lk9L9Lu9L9LZ5L/L=Le=L,L5}u,LL>L6L6L 6L36L?6LE5L8L,8LL8La8L8L8L8L8L8L8L8L=L8L8L8L-9L/L/L/LS9L9L9L9L!:L(:L:LY9L[4LV4L?=L;L;L05}4L;L3=LV4LV4LV4LV4LV4LV4LV4L5LQ5 6 80`` |62F 2G2 22ƅȱƅL1҅Ɉƅȩ 2<5 }22Ȅʩ=΅ϩ======% 2=L1 2=L1`(L<ȱ% D?N=N-=L2.=L5 }2AL2ȱ: 0蝀懲詛= ٭= ԅά==L2ԅϬ=L2=UD L\3ȱL2ȱ=IՈ5 }IiL2Ոƅ ح=+0=Ȍ==έ=ΐ 2 3L3 3Υ 2L 3= - 2Π0.5 } 2=L,3)L2=`XL3Ȍ=ƅՈƅԥ=H)JJJJi0:i 2h)i0:i 2= =L{3=5 }L1C ʱ 2L3SL.ʱƅȱƅŭ= 4L3===ΰ 2 4L4 4=ΰ 2L3 25}`ƠƠƠ ;HȊH x5hh```LV4 6LE7ƅVȱƅTƅU` p4 qHqƪh`Lf6 l6H f6h` <`* <`L6 `ƅˈƅʈƅɈƅ` |65}ƝB EƝD IƝH ƝJ ƝK V Ii`` |6LY6BHIL6ȱ G775}F676777() t䦾L6 6ձʑ `ƙȄͦʥ``ƅɈƅȢ`ƅȱ5}ƅ̠ƅȱȪ̑Ȋ` 7HȱȪh` 6ȅȱȅͥˑȥʈȦͥ`ƅƅ إԅ) ٥0Ԧ`IIi` |6&B Vƙ5}Nȩ̽MʈL` |6ƝLȱƝMȱƝN%BL6 6 H 6h`L6 7ƈL7HpƝDȱƝEhBL6#$ 5}ީ!8ȩ8`8 282ƅȱƅL180H1h`eHȱeǪh`0`` ` ?6iȥi5} ?6Ȇ ȅɅL9`Т   ```````/ =/B`=/B` 9 BL6 9B V(5})`` |6ƝIƝHƝEƝD` 6 ``` ƪТ`ƪƨ0 =Т` ƪ Т`5}ƪƨ0 = Т` /:` /:`ƪ q`ƅȱƅȄ`̽ɛ ,`̽ɛ ,`5} :hhL6̮֩@:HIDEB V8``ʅ͍@:ȩɱ |6@:ƅɈƅȄ :ʱ` D?% 5}L6 H m:hD$̅ A:ԑȥՑ R:L;F$̅ A:ԑΈ R:L;S%̅ R: A:̪ʊ8Ĩȩ5}ʈL;CL; A:̽ R:L;HHƠƠƠȩ_ȩ=hhƠL88=ƍ;ȭ=ƍ;ǐ ;=;=``5}m==ȱm==`LN%dL== iȥ i5!}ɠ H =h `lƅɈƅ i!ʥ i˱ɛȩ`=ƅɈƅȱȥȦ " <5"} D :=L> D :="=?©> 8==@@L}$@"I>L>B"/ =@l 5#}6Π D? :< =  0 >ș..Ȅ̤αʤ̑5$}`D1: 6̄ͱʅαͥ``ȱܱƅɈƅȢ`{a `A[i LN?@5%}i`ƝDȱƝEBȱƆ D?ARWUD`   JK V0JJJJ`L6ƨx`ƨТ`5&}ȭ Ȑ Ң```L=L^4Lc1L>7L(?LW74+TZIZ| Text || Unknown|| Info ||--------|82AID1:*.*D1:*.?I?< OASIS JR FILES DIRECTORY |----------------||[A] All Files ||[I] Information ||[ ] ||[ ] A*} ||[ ] ||[ ] ||[ ] ||[ ] ||[ ] ||[ ] ||-----A+}-----------||[RETURN KEY]||To Exit Menu|@+ OASIS JR BBS MAIN MENU Control-S Pauses Any Key Resumes --------------------------------|[A] Ask the SysOp (EE-}-Mail) ||[B] Bulletins ||[C] Check E-mail ||[D] Downloads ||[E] ElectroniE.}c Mail (Post) ||[F] Files ||[G] Goodbye ||[H] Help ||[I] InE/}formation ||[L] Library ||[M] Message Bases ||[N] New Messages |E0}|[O] Other BBS Numbers ||[P] Post Messages ||------------------------------||[Q] Quick Download E1} ||[R] Read Messages ||[S] Status ||[T] Translation (Ascii/Atari) ||[U] Upload E2} ||[W] Width Of Screen ||[X] Expert Options ||[Y] Yell For SysOp ||[Z] Z INNOVE3}ATORS Sales ||[0-9] ATARI Movies ||------------------------------|DV OASIS JR GUESTS Welcome to OASIS JR BBS. If you want a password account, please call back and apply. I5} HThere are 3 handlers on the disk. RS232.COM will boot the 850 handler. PRCSYS.COM is the new handler for the P:R: interfaceM7} that corrects bugs in their original handler. NEWATR.COM should be used for an ATR.LV OASIS JR HELP FILE [A] Option ----------------- Hit [A] to Ask SysOp any questions you have. You willQ9} be posting a private message to SysOp in the E-mail message base. [B] Option ----------------- Hit [B] to see tQ:}he system bulletin. This is the same bulletin that is sent to you when you logon. If you have read the bulletin, then hit [XQ;}] to use EXPERT OPTIONS to cancel the bulletin. The bulletin is sent to you every time you logon. If you cancel it with theQ<} EXPERT OPTIONS, then only * NEW * bulletins will be sent to you. Every time you read a * NEW * bulletin, use your EXPERT OPQ=}TIONS to cancel it from your future logons. [C] Option ----------------- Hit [C] to CHECK your mailbox for PRIQ>}VATE MAIL. If there is * NEW * mail waiting for you, the BBS will send it to you when you logon. Once you have been sent yoQ?}ur * NEW * mail, then the BBS will not send it to you anymore at logon. You should delete all your mail, unless you need to Q@}save it to look at later. Use [C] to check the mail in your box. [D] Option ----------------- Hit [D] for thQA}e downloads directory. [E] Option ----------------- Hit [E] to post E-Mail to a member of the BBS. You will bQB}e asked for the member's name. You do not have to enter the person's entire name. You may enter part of the name. For examQC}ple, if you wanted to send mail to JOHN SMITH. You could enter JO, and the BBS would find the first person whose name beginsQD} with JO. So, if you wanted JOHN SMITH, you should enter JOHN SM so as to avoid other memeber's whose first name is JOHN. QE} After the BBS finds the correct person, you may continue and post your message. [F] Option ----------------- QF} Hit [F] to see the FILES DIRECTORY. Protocols available are : XMODEM XMODEM CRC (CPM) YMODEM TEXT [GQG}] Option ----------------- Hit [G] to logoff the system. You will be asked to verify your decision. Hit [Y] for YEQH}S, or [N] for NO. [H] Option ----------------- Hit [H] for this HELP file. [I] Option ----------------- QI} Hit [I] to see the INFORMATION file. This file has system information. [L] Option ----------------- HQJ}it [L] to see the Library menu. The Library will have feature text files. [M] Option ----------------- Hit [M]QK} to list the message bases, and then enter the number of the base you want. [N] Option ----------------- hit [QL}N] to list the message bases that have * NEW * messages for you. [O] Option ----------------- Hit [O] to see thQM}e OTHER BBS NUMBERS. [P] Option ----------------- Hit [P] to POST a message. You will be sent to the messageQN} base that you have chosen. When you logon, you are always given message base 1 as your default. To choose another base, hiQO}t [M] for MESSAGE BASES. After you hit [P]:- Type in the name of the person you are sending the message to, or hQP}it [RETURN KEY] to send to ALL (everyone). - Type the access level # before the person's name, or before ALL, to send thQQ}e message to that level and higher levels. Example: message to: 3ALL. Only level 3 and up may read the message.- Type iQR}n the message subject; the limit is 20 characters. - Type in the message text ** hitting any **.- To skQS}ip a line in the text, hit control A. This will leave a blank line.- To override the 70 character per line word wrap limiQT}t, type control N and a space after it at the beginning of your message. The new line line width limit will be 110 characterQU}s.- To end your message and save it, hit [RETURN KEY] on a blank line, then hit [S] at the command prompt. Also instead, QV}you could enter /S on a blank line to save the message. ǠӠ- oto and ist options- YoQW}u want to list your message with the line #'s before you oto a line to edit it. After you have finished your message you QX}may hit return on a blank line to get the message command prompt. Then enter to list the message. You may also enter /LQY} on a blank line to list the message. After the message is listed with its line #'s you may continue typing in more text.-QZ} To edit a line, first list the message, then enter /G# on a blank line, where # is the line # you wish to edit. You may alQ[}so hit return twice after listing the message, and then enter . That line # will be listed and below it will be the lineQ\} #. Here is where you will retype the line. After retyping the line, hit return twice. Then List the message again to contQ]}inue posting.- bort option To destroy a message just enter at the message command prompt, or enter /A on a blQ^}ank line.- /C#/$/$/ The search and replace function is useful when you want to edit a word or a small phrase. You dQ_}on't need to list the message. Just start the search at line 1 by putting a 1 after the C:(/C1/$/$/). The search will beQ`}gin at line 1. The next part is where you put the word or phrase to edit as it appears in the text. After the next slash puQa}t the word or phrase as you want it to appear. Example:/C1/helo/hello/ [Q] Option ----------------- Hit [Qb}Q] to Quick download a file. You must enter the entire filename, including a subdirectory if necessary. No extension is neeQc}ded. EXAMPLE: UTL>ARCXCOM.* [R] Option ----------------- Hit [R] to read the current message base. When yQd}ou logon, you are at message base number 1. Hit [M] to choose a message base to read. Hit [R] to read the message base. TQe}he BBs will tell you the last message number. Here are your choices: [RETURN KEY] will start at the end of the baseQf} and go backward each time you hit [RETURN KEY]. [ENTER A NUMBER] The base will start at that number, and go forwardQq}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSBSAFUNCT RESB[AUTORUN SYSB\AVATEX TXTBlBOOTUP DOCB>nBULITON COMBBULLET SUPBCNFGEDITCOMBCOMMANDSTXTBCONFIG DATBDBASE RESBDBASEM RESB:DVC OBJB'EXT RESB(FDIREC RESB)FDIRECM RESB,FUNCT RESB4GUEST SUPB6HANDLER TXTB?8HELP SUPBIDIREC RESBIDIRECM RESBINFO SUPBMENU BASBMESS DATBMESSAGE DAABMESSAGE DABBMESSAGE DACBMESSAGE DADBMESSAGE DAEBMESSAGE DAFBMESSAGE DAGBMESSAGE DAHBMESSAGE DAIBMV0 SUPBMV1 SUPBMV2 SUPBMV3 SUPBMV4 SUPBMV5 SUPBMV6 SUPBMV7 SUPBMV8 SUPBMV9 SUPBMVA SUPBMVB SUPBMVD SUPBOASIS COMBOASIS TI0 each time you hit [RETURN KEY] or [NEXT]. [+] same as entering message number 1. [-] same as hitting [RETURQr}N KEY] [S] Option ----------------- Hit [S] to see your personal status on the BBS. You will see a line of menQs}u options, and a line of 1's and 0's next to it. If there is a 1, that means you have access to that menu option. A 0 meansQt} you don't have access. [T] Option ----------------- Hit [T] to change your text translation while you are onliQu}ne. You will be asked to 'HIT RETURN KEY or SPACE BAR', then the BBS will determine your translation based on your response.Qv} There are three translations available: ASCII ATASCII FLASH for ST users [U] Option ----------------- HQw}it [U] to upload a file to the BBS. You will see a menu with letters to use in naming the EXTENSION of the FILENAME. Qx}[W] Option ------------- Hit [W] to change your screen width. The change will be saved when you log off. SuggesteQy}d widths are 40 or 80. [X] Option ------------- Hit [X] to change your EXPERT OPTIONS. Here are your choices:Qz} [NO PROMPTS] say YES if you do not want prompts. [CLEAR SCREEN] say YES if you want each new screen to be cleared andQ{} to start printing from the top of your screen. [MESSAGE SCROLL] say YES if you want messages in the message bases to scQ|}roll. This option is useful for capturing messages. [KILL BULLETIN] say YES to kill the current bulletin from your futureQ}} logons. The next bulletin you get will be * NEW * [Y] Option ------------- Hit [Y] to yell for the SysOp. If tQ~}he SysOp is not in, use the [A] option to leave a private message. [Z] Option ------------- Hit [Z] to see theQ} Z INNOVATORS menu. Z INNOVATORS Company sells SupraModem 2400's and OASIS BBS software. See the [Z] option for more informQ}ation. OASIS JR HELP FILE P- T X OASIS JR INFO OASIS JR is a special version of OASIS BBS released to the PUBLIC DOMAIN. This system cannot be ]}sold. The public domain needed a good, all machine language BBS for small boards. If you need help running OASIS JR, then c]}all the OASIS support board, at: 617-767-0675 \7  dӠ INFO FILEn' +'0@@x0-(%}ӠӠŠa}0(q( WELCOME!(q(KBy carefully reading the OASIS BBS documentation (DOC) files and follow-a}TQ(Iing the set up procedures described, you should have a 'crash free' BBS.T(QQ(IIf you have a printer, then first a} print out all the DOC files so thatQQ(Iyou can have the BBS running while going through the documentation, toM!(a}learn how to use the BBS.$(M($No printer, then read the files fromV%(DOS by using (C)Copy command:S(>:@4,Fa}ilename.Ext,E:>:@4,.V(=-@@#=("ӠݠϠŠ F:B2y,@Aa}0-(%}ӠӠŠ0(/,($DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE ON THIS DISK/(OL(DЮ (Side 1) - Da}escribes how to set up and customize your BBS.O(A>(6Ůà (Side 2) - Describes how to use your BBS.A(HE(=a}Ю (Side 2) - Describes how to do a quick start up.H(RO(GӮ (Side 2) - Lists the various SYSOP comma}ands available.R(IF(>Ү (Side 2) - Describes the three handlers provided.I(LL(Dخ (Side 2) - How a}to add a Hayes hi-speed carrier detect."=-@@#=("ӠݠϠŠ, F:B2y,@a}A6J0@@G(%}ӠӠŠJ(JSS(KBefore you try your OASIS packagea}, be sure to ԠˠРҠ, thenT(use the backup only!(^NN(FThe files ή and ծ on Side 1a} are not part of the OASISh=:(2package. They simply present this information.=(rPP(HThe file Ϯ on Side a}1 is simply a DEMO of the OASIS BBS to |UR(Jdisplay its many fine features. Use Dos option (L)Binary Load to run it.a}U(QQ(IDue to limited disk space, there's no DOS present on Side 2 of this disk.OO(GTo obtain a directory listing of sa}ide 2, you must first boot a fromjj(3another disk. Otherwise, you will simply see a >:@4, boot error>:@a}4, message.>-@@#>(#[START] TO REVIEW ݠϠF:B2y,"@% F:B2y,a}@A0J-(%}ӠӠŠG0@@@J(ol(dNOTE: A Ю file is not pa}resent on this disk. It contains a Ӯ file only!o(OL(DTo obtain a complete DOS, you must boot a}a DOS from another disk.O( D2:MENU.BAS`6TBCDPFGHIEAOZQRSWULXYMN?[ ? Main Menu ][ Need Line Feeds ?][ Password ][ Or [RETURN][Your Name ][Phone XXX-XXXe}-XXXX][Password XXXX ][Is This Right ? ][ Enter Msg. # ][ SysOp's Not Here !][+-NPRAEDQM?][ # Of Calls ] 13e}Welcome To [OASIS JR ---->[Logoff ?][PW In Use !][ Sent To ][ Post By ] -ӠҠ[ Msg. # ][ ۸ ] [ Me}sg. # ][ Subject ][Want This?]| Read Online | Transfers || Use ext | |[ Filename ][ File Number ? ]e} [SysOp Online][Save Your][ Account?][Not Allowed!][Auto-Log-Off][ Your Stats ][ ] [ ] 34[ e}Last Call ] [ Messages ] [ Level ] [SysOp Command]-NME -PW -PHN -CM1 -CM2 -CM3 -MSG[ Your Name ] [ Passe}word ] [ Phone # ] ain Menureviousexteply -Mail Replyelete۫ ۭ Scan subject OnlyPrint Alle} Msg Text gainuick DL File in Subject Cont. Same Way.[ Msg Base][ OK Nevermind ...]46[ Saving Msg# ]e}Ϡݛ [Enter Base #][ Latest Msg # ]525354[ Hit [RETURN KEY] ][Flash Hit [SPACE] ][SysOp May Break In][ Logging e}Off ][OASIS JR 1988 ][TERM ][LOCAL]^-4^-5^-6^-7^-8[ Phone's Last 4 Digits ? ][ Delete Message? ][ Message Is Goe}ne!][High Access Required Today][ Cannot Delete ! ]7-LVL 8-TME[To Edit, type /L to List Message. ][Then /G#, where #=lie}ne number. ][/S Save Message ] [/A Abort Message][/L List Message ] [/G# Goto Line # ][/C/Mispelled word(s)/Spelled Re}ight/][First MEssage Number]# Filename|Language||Type |Sec |[ File Not Found ! ][ Continue ?][ Double Density ][ e}Your Time Expired ][ Help Menu?][Current Base ][ Describe file ][Word Wrap?][ No More Msgs ][ No Key Pressed ][Text fe}ile DL only][S]Print, [L]ock, [U]ndelete[Width 4O/8O ] [SysOp]9600[ Bad Password ][ Yelling ][Movies need width of e}40, ATASCII ] SUB>*.EXT |[Last Caller][ No Msgs ][ Name In Use!][ Entry Error ][ Time Limit ] Minutes[ Time's Up ! e}][ Skip Bulletin]˛[ Msge Scroll ][Enter Msg to SysOp]Printing...MAIL|||||e}堠||堠ӠҠį̠||砠|115[ FILENAME ? ][modem ][RC ][modem e} ][ext ][bort ][COMMAND ] [ Any Key Begins ][ To Cancel ][ End Of File ][ No Access ]12112212e}3[ Start Transfer ]| modem || modem || RC || bort | 126127129[ Bad UserName]131[ E-Mail To ]e}[ ο ] [ Time Limit ] [Need a Password?]| Hit A Key | 137[ Drive Full ][level]->[Ϡ]142[ Base Fe}ull ][ Uploads ] [ Downloads ] [ DIR ] 148CWD[ REN ] [ DEL ] [ Lock] [Unlk ] Dir Unlck Map Cloe}ckSpDir Cmpct Copy UlDrvRnme Baud Drv's QkDrvDel View Guest DcopyLock Copy Prntr e}CWD Reset[Filename Used !][Need High Access. PASSWORD>[ No New Msgs ]162[ Short Prompts][ Clear Screen ][ Xpert Optie}ons]166[Check Mailbox ] [Change Base ][Ϡ][][   ][ * ASCII * ][Choices: [S],[A] ][[G#],[?],[H],e}[L] ]Control-Pause Cont. CancelATARI's ONLY!d8hesting 1-2-3 l\owow SYSOP GLENDA STOCKS q} 03/26/88>lmlm p)2AllSYSOP 1\OASIS.TXT03/26/88>~Information on the latest version of OASIS BBS sou}ftware.Hit [Q] right here to read online, or to download this text file. 2AllSYSOP 1\OASISNu}UM.TXT03/26/88>A text file with some numbers to OASIS boards that keep up with the latest versions of OASIS.Chu}eck them out. They are also very different, so that you can see how you are able to customize OASIS to suit your self and you}ur users.Hit [Q] to read online, or download. t4elcome xVkaka SYSOP SYSOP no}}thing03/26/88r>this is a test }}ore tests |AllGLENDA STOCKS who is here?03/27/88Y>#Who else has access to this base? pSYSOP SYSOP have fun03/27/88i>Hope you enjoy OASIS JR. ! iMOVIE #0 MOVIE #1 MOVIE #2 MOVIE #3 MOVIE #4 MOVIE #5 MOVIE #6 MOVIE #7 MOVIE #8 MOVIE #9 Goodbye! Call Again soon... 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