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At least one space mustapq}pear between the command 'ECHO' andthe text string.When combined with SpartaDOS X'sparameter passing and/or I/Oredirectir}on, ECHO becomes very useful.It is possible to synthesize otherSpartaDOS commands through the creativeuse of ECHO within bs}atch files.Command line parameters will beexpanded whenever a batch file isexecuted. Be sure to take this intoaccount wht}enever using ECHO within abatch file. The total expanded textstring cannot exceed 48 characters orit will be truncated. Alu}so be sure toplace at least one space between theend of the text string and the I/Oredirection characters (>>). Theredirev}ction characters also take partof the 48 character limit, but will notbe printed with the text string.A couple sample batw}ch files areincluded to demonstrate the usefulnessof ECHO.COM. PRINT.BAT will transferany printable file to your printer ax}ndperform a form feed after the file hasbeen sent. The command line shouldread:-PRINT [d:][path]filename.extWhere the y}drive and path are specifiedif the file is not in the currentdirectory (it is assumed that PRINT.BATis in the current SDX z}search path).SDX's new I/O redirection makes it moredifficult to run Atari BASIC programsfrom within a batch file. BASIC.{}BATshould solve the problem for you. Thecommand line should read:-BASIC [path]filenameThe batch file assumes the progra|}m ison drive A:, and supplies the .BASfilename extention for youautomatically. This is pretty much howMS-DOS starts a BA}}SIC program from thecommand line also. Again, it is assumedthat BASIC.BAT is in the current SDXsearch path. BASIC.BAT cou~}ld easily beadapated to run cartridge basedlanguage programs in a similar fashion.The last file, ECHO.ASM, is a copy oft}he MAC/65 assembly listing for thoseof you who are interested in how thecommand works.ECHO.COM is in the public domain, a}nd Idon't expect any renumeration, but Iwould like to know how widely used itbecomes. I am also interested in seeingsome }of the batch file implementations.You can drop me a post card at: JimJohnson, Rt. 3 Box 277E, Cambridge, MN55008. Or leave} me a message on the St.Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts(S.P.A.C.E.) BBS at (612)774-0135{This is the Echo utility that adds the echo command to SpartaDos. For those familiar with IBM's, echo works in a very similar} way. Echo is used in batch files to echo text messages to the screen and to pass commands to the processor... An interest}ing utility for SpartaDos users. ______________________________________________________________________________ Sherry L}. Snyder L.P.N. Mike Todd - Publications. Tulane Dept. of Dermatology Tulane Dep}t. of Dermatology snyder10@convex1.tcs.tulane.edu dt01mws@music.tcs.tulane.edu New Orleans, Louisiana. } Psychedelic Daydreams ______________________________________________________________________________} clstype %1 >>prn:; the following ECHO command forces; a form feed by sending a Control L; to the printer.clsecho >>pr}n:clsB%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSBSBASIC BATBTECHO ASMBhECHO COMBiECHO DOCBECHO TXTBPRINT BAT