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(c) 19u}901i L222̈́2L222q12L2`ui L2228222v}222 &222)22)21m21m222I21m21m2222I21m21m2w}2`size THLV3M3L38L3L3M3M3M3L3 &N3O3L3)P3M3)Q31mN31mO3R31mP31mQ3R3x}R31mN31mO3R3`Ƣƣ8`E(" L444 4 44 l&44y}44 &4 4` 34 l& 4 4 4 4` 3 4 4 &44 l&z}8 4宍 4 4寍 4 4 4L44}2i ~2i4i444}2i ~2i4444}2i ~2i{}444i84宍44 4444}2i ~2i4444}2i~2i44}2i~|}2i4}2i~2i4iҍ4 4}2i'~2i44~2}22 + 44 4Ȍ44iB6}}B64 4LW6^ 44 24 4L26 4Ȍ44v6v64 4L70 4 4 4 4L684 4 l&~}m 4m 41e1e 4q1 4Р 4L64i 4i1q2 + 4 44 4Lf6 24iu1}4i1q2 + 4 4 2(q1t1Mw1ax1sy1tz1e{1r|1 }1 ~1 1 1 14i}1q2 + 4 4`n1) var+178L7 [177 l&i@7i7} j) q)L<8-Di}sk v2.03 (c) 1990 PSI8 K(La864k-2048k RAM-Disk Handler8F K(L8Written by Nathan Hartwell8k K(L8"(Bank finding routi}ne by Bob Puff)8 K(L8Found: 8 ?(77 3(k j) q) q) +L 9L9Must use SpartaDOS!!8 K(` ,77ILE9L=9%}Syntax: PSI_RD Dn: 9 K(`787771g h-8i102?77777777278}7997L:_1g7 h-k1I/L9L:l1Is l1ISL91m v)7L:l1Ie l1IEL :1m v)7L:l1If l1IFL":} 7L:l1Ix l1IXL:77 7L:7g1I1L:87877e7i77L:8777L=:}7L9877777L:7L:77L:777L:877L:77L:877?77777}787722772822L[;;> K(L; ;e K(L; } ; K(L; ; K(L; ; K(L< } < K(LE<<( K(LV<7iU.7q177U.M7L=877L>7U.M7L=877L>7U.M7L=877L>7U.M7L>877}7L|=72>>7LJ>777m7q1777L>7I L>2 4Lx>: -Disk D%C:%E2i0}>] (@7777```7/| ||   |     |||| | | } | | | | | | ||  | |  |<  |||| | | | | | | | | ||   }| |   || |Leading the 8-Bit to a better to }morrow!PSI RAMdisk 2.03(C) 1990 Portal Systems Inc.PSI RDFormat 1.35(C) 1990 Por }tal Systems Inc.SDOS.ACT(C) 1989 Bill AycockBANK_FIND routinesSupplied by Robert Puff (Thanks Bob!) ***Sha }reware*** As you probably already know, PSI Labsis not a huge software corporation. Assuch, that means we don't really ma }keany money off of quarterly sales oranything like that. We do, however,exist mainly to the generosity of you,the user, a }nd as such, you dictateweather or not new versions arereleased through your donations. If youDO find this product useful ( }And boy,will you!), then a small donation of$25 would be appreciated. If you shouldhappen to donate more, I might be able }to persuade Nate(The Mage) to releasesource code. Now for the... ***DISCLAIMER*** (and Datcla }imer, too!) This product is released on an AS-ISbasis, with no warranties.What you } have before you is about ayear's worth of Nate's best work. Itis VERY simple to use and, in somecases, a lot better than }either theOrion Microsystems RD.COM or ICD'sRD.COM! This RAMdisk handler is afully sectored RAMdisk, meaning youcan even }use a sector editor on it!As far as we know, it will work on thefollowing memory types: Stock 130XEPeterson 320K, 576K a }nd 1088K upgrades.RAMbo 256k.RAMbo 512k upgrade.We're kinda sure on the following:Newell upgrades.If you find that it }works on these two,let us know.Well, now that thats out of the way, Iguess you're wondering, "Hey! How doesit work?!" Wel }l, thats simplicityitself! Command:RD Dn: [/S=nn] [/E=nn] [/X=nnnn] [/F]Whereas:Dn: n stands for the RAMdisk drive } number. THIS PARAMETER IS NECESSARY FOR OPERATION!/S=nn ::is for the starting BANK (a 16k section of }memory) where you would like your RAMdisk to start. Example: RD D2: /S=47 /F } Means "Load RAMdisk handler, using bank #47 for the STARTING bank and use memor }y all the way to the last bank. Also, format the RAMdisk."/E=nn ::is for the ending bank wher }e you would like your RAMdisk to end. Examples: RD D2: /S=2 /E=13 /F Means }"Load RAMdisk handler, using bank #2 as the start, and using ALL the memory all }the way up to bank #13, the ENDING bank, and then, format the RAMdisk." } /S and /E should only be used by users with a REAL grasp of Atari Extended Memory!!/X=nnnn ::is for log }ically reserving the banks of memory that would be considered part of the ORIGINAL 130XE extend }ed RAM. Each of the four switches in this parameter can be one of two values as follo }ws: 0 = Place bank in RAMdisk. 1 = Place bank BACK in XE extended RAM. EXAMPLE: I }f you own, say, BASIC XE and use our fine RAMdisk handler, you must pass t }he /X=1111 to the RAMdisk so as to allow that stingy BASIC XE cart to have } ALL the memory it requires! /F FORMAT RAMdisk! If you do not include th }is parameter, the RAMdisk will not be formatted, just installed. Which means: A) If you have just turned o }n the computer, use the /F to format the RAMdisk for use. B) If you HAD a RAMdisk installed }and you cold-started the computer, don't pass a /F if you wish to have your RAMdisk restored to i }ts former setup, but DO include its starting and ending banks parameter, if necessary.Starting t }he RAMdisk without ANYparameters, (except of course, Dn:,which is necessary for operation)creates the largest RAMdisk supp }ortedby your system.By the way, I have just been informedthat our handler is NEITHER ICD OROrion Microsystems compatibl }e in thatbank selection structure is different.Thats NOT to say, however, that itwon't work with SpartaDOS (Fact is, itwo }n't work with anything BUT!) Also included in this ARC is a filecalled RDF.COM, this is for those ofyou, who, like me hav }e either forgottento format the RAMdisk or would like to"wipe the slate clean", so to speak.Its format (no pun intended) i }s:RDF Dn: /B=nnWhereas:Dn: Of course, the Drive number is n./B=nn nn is the max bank # given to you by the RAM }disk program when you ran it.YOU MUST INCLUDE BOTH OF THESEPARAMETERS FOR THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE!ALSO, THIS PROGRAM } IS FOR PSI-RAMdiskONLY! UNFORSEEN THINGS WILL HAPPEN IFYOU TRY TO USE IT ON A PHYSICAL DRIVE!!Thanx and enjoy!PLEASE }! PLEASE! PLEASE! If you find ANYbugs in this program PLEASE report themto: CompuServe address: 71451,300Mail address: } PSI Labs 1507 Hickory Valley Rd. APT.# C21 Chattanooga, TN } 37421All bug reports that are verified arerewarded with one (1) free update ofthe users choice of our progra }ms!Thanx Again!Before I go, I would like to thankBob Puff for his excellent technicalassistance and Don LeBow for his }intestinal fortitude as we used himas the RAMbo guinea pig!! :) C(8`hihiHHȱȱ`8Hh` .(E…¦ .(`L.(` ?(}"Ff ee&8L`( ?(_Wń児0 &&86.ń児}8儅充FfFf8L`(p B V8l ) Vhhl/)HHJJJJhh`hhl/) `Hh1)`H}h`Hh`Hh` R)IHiDiE B 2)HI B 2)`ԆՄ ؠ0ȑ8)ȑ`0}L)II襢 )iȑȩ-`H z) )hL) l)L* c)L-* l)L) c)L9* s)L) c)LE*ȩ$}&*i0:iȑ`1) LFĆ>%>Ć5%/E)ԵH膇hCI4H