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Versions 1.1 through 1.3 are compatible, but not with r}1.0. If you have 1.0, you should discard it and use 1.4. The reason for this is that 1.0 used the same header as normal Arc s} crunch. Because of possible confusion over this, the header used by AlfCrunch was changed. Since 1.0 had very limited dist t}ribution, this situation should not often arise. For those who wish to be able to detect the AlfCrunch format, the first t u}wo bytes of the file will always be $1A $0F. This version fixes an annoying bug in both v1.2 and 1.3. If you had asubd v}irectory entry amongst the filenames you were crunching, LZ wouldstop at the subdir entry. Also the stack errors will now ca w}use a properexit to Dos rather than re-execution. Enhancements to v1.4 are the addition of time/date support. If youar x}e running under Sparta 3.2, LZ will store the Sparta date/time from eachfile into the header. DZ does not use this informati y}on, it's just there toprovide a reference point. When running either LZ.COM or DZ.COM, Memlo must be under $3000. This z} should not normally be a problem unless you have a lot of handlersinstalled. A cartridge may be present, as it only affect {}s the size of the buffer available to AlfCrunch. Maximum speed will be achieved without a cartridge being present. A fi |}nal note ------------ Well I think this is about as far as AlfCrunch is going to get for now. Idon't really believe th }}ere are any more features to add without modifying thecommand line parameters. So this version (1.4) will be the last forso ~}me time to come. Except for bug fixes (few if any I hope) the 1.x line willnot change. I hope to add command line parameters } similar to ARC and maybeadd the ARC compression methods to finally resolve the compatibility issue. Alfred Program }mer's Aid BBS (416) 465-4182 Running AlfCrunch ----------------- To crunch files, l }oad LZ.COM. The title will be displayed, along with the version which should be 1.4. You will then be prompted for the outp }ut filename. This may be up to 80 characters long, including subdirectory names. If the output file already exists, it }is checked to see if it is anAlfCrunch file. If the first header is correct, then the new files will beappended to it. If t }he header is wrong the program will print an errormessage and exit to Dos. If the file is shorter than the header length(29 } bytes), then it is simply opened for normal output, which erases it. Next you will be prompted for the input filemask. }This is what will be used to select the files. This may also be up to 80 characters long, including any subdirectory names. } Wildcards are allowed. If selecting all files, the mask must end in *.* . Finally, you have the option of turning the }screen off. Selecting this option will speed up the program by 15-20%. Once selected, you will not again be prompted for th }is option. If you do not elect to turn the screen off, the program will continue to present this prompt until it is selecte }d. The program will then select files using the mask and compress them, displaying the filenames as it progresses. When } it has finished, it will prompt you for additional input filemasks. You may either enter another mask or simply press retu }rn to exit back to Dos. LZ and SpartaDos 3.2 -------------------- If you are using Spar }taDos 3.2, you may invoke LZ.COM and specify the output file and input filemask on the command line. The format is: [Dn:]L }Z Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] [Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] ] The square brackets denote optional parameters which may be omitte }d. The first filename is the output file. The second is the input filemask. If you do not specify the input filemask, the }program will prompt you for it. The program will automatically turn the screen off. When it is finished it will prompt you } for more input filemasks. To invoke LZ as part of a batch file, the format is almost identical. The lines in the batch } file would be: [Dn:]LZ Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] [Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] ] Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- Addi }tional Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] input masks The program will read each input filemask, compress the files } selected and continue until all the input masks have been used. You will then be prompted for more input masks. If this is } part of a larger batch file, leave a single return after the last input mask to force LZ to return control back to the bat }ch file. Example: [Dn:]LZ Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] [Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] ] Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] Dn:[path>]filen }ame[.ext] (single return here) [Dn:]LZ Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] [Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] ] Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] Dn }:[path>]filename[.ext] (single return here) At the end of this, you will be left at the Dos prompt. Because of the way } i/o redirection is handled, an alternative form is available: [Dn:]LZ Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- The output fi }le Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- The input filemask Y <- Turn the screen off Dn:[ }path>]filename[.ext] <- Additional Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- input filemasks (single return here) } Notice that the Y was only supplied once. When LZ is run in this manner, it behaves exactly as if you were pressing the ke }ys yourself. If you turn the screen off, then you need only enter the Y once. If you said N, then you would need an N after } every input filemask until you said Y. Example: [Dn:]LZ Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- The output file Dn:[path> }]filename[.ext] <- The input filemask N <- Leave the screen on Dn:[path>]filenam }e[.ext] <- Additional mask N <- Leave the screen on Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] } <- Additional mask Y <- Screen off now Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- Additi }onal masks, but no Y Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- is necessary (single return here) Getting Them }Back ----------------- To extract the files from an Alfcrunch file, load DZ.COM The title will be displ }ayed, along with the version number. The first prompt is for the name of the file to uncrunch. This filename may be up }to 80 characters long, including subdirectory names. Wildcards are not allowed. The next prompt is the output directory }. This is the directory where the files will be placed when extracted from the crunch file. If the directory does not exis }t, an attempt will be made to create the directory. This may involve creating a number of subdirectories to get to the last } one, so care should exercised with this feature. If errors occur during the directory build stage, an error message will be } displayed, and the program will return to DOS. You may specify a wildcard toonly extract certain files or use '*.*' to ext }ract them all. *.* is the default. Auto directory creation is only available under SpartaDos. Under any other Dos, if y }ou specify a subdirectory, you will probably geta single file with the name of the first pathname. Assuming all is well }, you again have the option of turning the screen off while files are being extracted. The program will then extract ea }ch file and place it in the output directory specified. If any errors occur, an error message is printed and the program re }turns to Dos. When all files have been extracted, you will be prompted for another input file. You may enter another filenam }e or press Return to exit to Dos. The situation may arise where the crunch file has been corrupted. This may occur due } to errors during download, or failure of the disk on which the file resides. There are several error messages which are as }sociated with bit errors. Msg: Not An AlfCrunch File! --------------------------- If this message is issued befo }re any files were extracted, then either the first two bytes of the file are corrupt, or else the file was not created by A }lfCrunch. If the message is issued after several files were extracted, then the file has been damaged somewhere in the last } file extracted. You may also get the message which is described next. Msg: File Checksum In Error ----------------- }---------- DZ has detected that the checksum calculated for the filename just extracted does not agree with the checksum } in the header block. Either the header block has been damaged or more likely, the file itself has been corrupted. If the }file is a text file, it may be partially correct. Object file types should be discarded, as it must be assumed they are cor }rupt. Msg: Stack Overrun ------------------ This is an internal DZ error. The file being processed has been cor }rupted, and DZ has exhausted all free memory in attempting to extract the data. The output file produced is incomplete, corr }upt, and should be discarded. Msg: Extra Bytes At Eof, Don't Add To File ------------------------------------------ } This means that the file has extra data at the end which is not valid.This may arise from downloading where the last bl }ock is padded. Do not addnew files to it with LZ as you will not be able to get them back when you runDZ again. You will ge }t the 'Not An AlfCrunch File!' message at that time. DZ and SpartaDos 3.2 ------------------ }-- If you are using SpartaDos 3.2, you may invoke DZ.COM and specify the input file and output directory on the command }line. The format is: [Dn:]DZ Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] [Dn:[path>][*.*] The square brackets denote optional parameter }s which may be omiited if you wish. The first filename is the file to be processed. The second filename is the directory in } which the output files are to be placed. Remember, if any of the directories in the output path do not exist, an attempt w }ill be made to create them. Remember, you can use a wildcard tolimit the files or take the defaultwhich is '*.*'. The }program will automatically turn the screen off, and extract the files. If any errors occur, the appropriate error message wi }ll be printed and control will return to Dos. When DZ is finished with the current input file, it will again prompt yo }u for another input file. You may continue uncrunching files, or simply press return to exit back to Dos. As part of a }batch file, the form for DZ is almost identical to the LZ form. Accordingly, only brief examples will be shown: [Dn:]DZ D }n:[path>]filename[.ext] [Dn:[path>][*.*] Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- Second input file Dn:[path>][*.*] } <- Second output path Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- Third input file Dn:[path>][*.*] <- Th }ird output path (single return) <- Return to Dos The second format is: [Dn:]DZ Dn:[path>]filename[ }.ext] <- First input file Dn:[path>][*.*] <- First output path Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- Secon }d input file Dn:[path>][*.*] <- Second output path Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- Third input file } Dn:[path>][*.*] <- Third output path (single return) <- Return to Dos The third fo }rmat is: [Dn:]DZ Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- First input file Dn:[path>][*.*] <- First output }path Y <- Screen off Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- Second input file Dn:[path>][*.* }] <- Second output path Dn:[path>]filename[.ext] <- Third input file Dn:[path>][*.*] } <- Third output path (single return) <- Exit to Dos Nsq7~0 }V1.4 ALFUNCRUNCH 07/10/88File to decom}press:Output Directory: Processing completeUncrunching: Screen off for speed ? Not an AlfCrunch file!Output Directo}ry Is Too LongOutput Directory Is InvalidError Opening Input FileExtra bytes at EOF. Don't add to fileError writing o}utput fileError reading input fileInput buffer overrunFile checksum in errorError, memlo must be under $3000 {/}sq0Pq z@ { |qLs zݠq z {yz* {r zsq/0 H{Sl `8s zLs ^{ } ~yz qp {} |Lsq z {yztq ^{ } } wr zLsyz qPpq)r z { q Q{Y /莳qp v{ r zLs{zq|z}}z~z z!׭~z}zqĢr zLsq Ar zLsqtq |tqPpɛ Yr zLsPp>: w}r zLsPppȢqp0pp ~LPt0p {{ ՠr zLsr zp zqq q q q Nu0 H{LPtq}qqqqqqqq qqq` xyq{zq|zq}zq~z zq y}z ~z` v! yqqq̀q} s z`*$ x v}qyq~qzqwqxq &xLu}quq~qvq|q{qyq}qzq~qxq x~q*}q~q} x x}qȱ~qLAv}qxqwq~q xq q Dy &xLv xuqyqvqzq{q|qͮqͭqq qq.}qLuqqFfqqq8帅q幅 qLw zLxqqqeqeq8弍}z}q~zqe{zqi|z zqLx yqq&q8帍qq幍qLvmqmqq)*ȱ8q}Ffqmqqmqq`qq)q.q.qqqLw qqq{q|q`mqqmqq}qqq̈́qGq̓q?q{zq|zq}zq~z0 zՠr zhhhhLsqqqq`&eemqmq}`{q|q xwqyqzqȥ{q|q`ȥi淥p %y zLxqq`STACK OVERRUNSTACK UND}ERRUN8ȱ` 4y zLxqΰqίq`8܍qqNqnqq qq܍qqmqqmq}q`q q`q{zq|zq}zq~z0 z`{zm}z|zm~z0͈q륾͇q`q q z ]z`q~zq}}z᭜q}zq~z}z ~z z ]z`q8}zqq~zqqq`K:P3:zzz z`zzz BH}Iz V䭃zzz`  B{zD|zE}zH~zI VH}zI~z(` BHI V`yz {~ɛyzN} qyzL{yz q`yz~L{ B V`{`a` `yzR q Q{ q`HH H H Hzz H{BzJzEhD}K V` H{ z v{` H{ H{` i? iS|qɛ @8`ɛ @팵q`q qɛ @} qyz`Error reading main directoryCREDIR failed for the above pathOutput path cannot be builtCREDIR issued for:*.*}||Lk}|Pp>"ɛ| r| zL|2| zhhLs|Ppp|莧||p@p {@ H{(0Lk}|ʽPp:詛}pp| zp z@*BDpEHIJK V P| zL|@Pp {@ H{(0`L|*.* }`ʽ q> :8` }qɛ `} qʎyz` qɛ8`` qD :!q)"q$yziyz q qD1: q!q"q`.ALFyz q. yz}~ qʎyz`N~ 8~C~q.8~ `PpɛPp>:Pp*?C~Pp.ɛ}. C~`Ppɛ* ?C~ `C~ ` N~ v~C~?8~ ` zq z z =8`Skipping: Err}or During Locate܍{z|z8܍qqq q q`q#q͝qq͜qq}zq~zLq}zq~z z ( zL}xq8}zqq~zqqqLXLZsLNuL qppPp:B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSBSALF1_4 COMBcnALF1_4 DOCBUNALF1_4COM