@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@P!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%} DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L ()   J}L= ( L 0q A    IB JC;? D W } LL  ` W )LA!  ߰")-݆ p" } $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ` }$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL )W>Z   HH)H }p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF }7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L }EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D } .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d } . D  L    p  E` , d)  D L) 0BM݊L݉} ML  N݆ L NLML [ TEqEHȱEqEh 0Gȹ G} HLL GɛL  LFREE SECTORS G) *Gȩ GȽG GȌ*jj >G} C8jJ3j2CD( C202C ԠBX` N 1? l LlD:RAMDISK}.COMLu L1 L ;LHL  T`  `1  ɐ     `TU  } L ? .  t`GBJ ~DEHI B V0dV!}QDEHI VF9 ,0 ,0 s0hhL  L` H hDHEh"}DEL8HI4 0 HI,0 0  9 .G VLO#},0 L4*IJ`llD1:AUTORUN.SYSNEED MEM.SAV TO LOAD THIS FILE.D1:MEM.SAV J y08 B|DEHI$} V0 0`B;DEL`?<0LV`@ʆ v s? F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu  } 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDG*}E J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRES+}SF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEL !N',}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx -}DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL/}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}ED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1}  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}COPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED736 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D1:DIRECK.COMl# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}LLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}C, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}Ξ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  G}JB|,#P#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 ,^ 1 70,0La- B V,#PH},^ 1 70 0L#L!-* 1P* 1 y0Yj383}mm ݭI}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:-)| / 1L!`DESTINATION CANT BE DOJ}S.SYS0 0H{ 24Δ 28/L!/) 2 Π 2 0 ξK}hAΞB,0 J 1 BDEHI,HÝDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-GIVE L}FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O S0 1`BDEPHI V` S0H 1 L!M}0 0 1L~0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL! 70 1L0L<1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥN}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{NAMEO} TOO LONG B VL!` L1I H1EΝDL1|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:222 1 LP}!ERROR- 138ɛ+,' 20*.. өr2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALID HEXAQ}DECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8uR} 9DIRDIR2CIOCIO2ATMPTEMPTBLCMDD1D2DRIVNAMESLOCKSTRTLENGLINEFILEUSEDBUFLEBUFFILEINFILOUTFIT}LAPPNINDEFILENININRETRISTAOUTINXSIOSTATUTEMTKSPBPSDDNTBADDSIOCALLCMPPPU}  @ @@@V} !"#@W}$AU%@@&@'AV(@)@*BDD+BDD,- + ;@,;@,X};@,6.h V`;@,6.h V`eR;@,;@ ,;@,;@,;@,;@Y},;@,e6. *( (*( COPYFILES FAST AND EASY ( (!!(This program is for using( Z}1 disk driveM6-@ AaN!(Source - AcP!6.O* (Path B:,"*6.D1:P!(Targe[}t - AcP!6.Q* (Path B:,"*6.D1:R 6-4T= 6. A`(=@A@\}V,6.D:*.*,@@`ZZ;@($@,;@(,9@(,9@(,;@0,;]}@,9@(,a6/6-@P$P:+I:,&AV,'@P,6;,d.67@,. 67,. .67@,.e""(^}Enter Y to duplicate file:j6-t A~@(;;7@<@,/9*7@<@_},10A3&7@<@,4 DOS SYS)(3 AP3&7@<@,4 DUP SYS)(3 AP3&7@`}<@,4 MEM SAV)(3 AP++7@<@,4BAD AP( dupl(Y/N)? U#@@a}K:0)@;@B(>:,U@:Y,AP6-%@7767$@&@<$@,.7@b}<@,67,.7@<@, AP6-&@@ B(3-@ 68,-c}/68,-3 6-@6-@6-6-@x!A }8,!Ad} B 68,-&&6.7$@&@<$@,;;(INPUT: 7@<@, 7@ <@,e} B @@;8,!@-6-@;6-&@ 68,-68,-f}6- B"A6A#!%@ ( READ ERROR#&@A; @g}6-%@1( ERROR - ; A/,($ERROR AFTER 5 RETRIES, COPY ABORTED./&@ (8,E@Th}@^6-%@h!!%@&A%Ar A (8,*@@i}@6-@"@A0#(Enter destination disk#= 6. A`(=@A@j} -@8," 6- &&6.7$@&@<$@,::(OUTPUT: 7@<k}@, 7@ <@, BA! @@  A"4 @l}@ 6- B @6-%@  A 0 !A@ (Enterm} source disk = 6. A`(=@A@ A4-@&7<,4*A@n} * 4 AP/"@+(Enter destination disk/-@7<,4 AA&&6.7$@o}&@<$@,(LOCK:  B((@5@ (Copy complete.p}-@A % A !A'(Error # $(Indicate Drive type:''(-SS/SD q}-SS/ED -SS/DD -DS/DD:"@@K/)@:@ #Ap Acp"r}@:,Ac  B (~>:%A(, A$XS,40,18,128,1,0bE,40,26,128,1,4lD,40,18,25s}6,1,4vQ,40,18,256,2,4@EXTRACT INFO FROM TABLE^ 6-C:,6-h( 6.N A0(---READ BLOCK---r 6-F:,t}))6-F:%@,$AV%F:%@,6-F:%@,%@6-F:%@,))6-F:%@,$AV%F:%@u},$ PUT NEW INFO INTO TABLE&  6-C:,6-0 D %@P:'AV,N &&%@&F:%@,v}$AVX %@&@b %@l %@P:'AV,v &&%@&AV$F:%@, $ w}) 6.O A0)---WRITE BLOCK--- U!A'5(!Unable to set that configuration!R( drive issued error #Ux} $#3 A3activated if SIOCALL$ already DIM'd#%;@,%6.h Yԩ`# Bturn off TRAP#'y}Ah@:1,'don't ask me why#%Ai%must be 1 through 8$Ap@:,$%AqA(%assume outpz}ut$ 4NAq@d"$+AsP:'AV,+buffer address,$""Ar&AV$F:As,6$%At@{}%short timeout@$.Au.(high byte of timeout)J$AAv@'AwAassume std config|} blockT$6-?:C:,,^$$' 6.$' 6.D:.'-@@8'7<,4 BB'67B:,%@,.7<,L}}' t'67B:,%@,..~'((67B:,%@,.7@ <@,'$*AP@ +6-C:7,,+;$AR~}&AV$P:'AV,;ASP:'AV, +6-%@&%+6-A%$P:'A%,*+;$AV&AV$P:'AV},;AWP:'AV,4+6-?:C:,,>+%%6-F:AV,%AV$F:AW,C++6-F:AQ,(!@*A6+$H+}68,-8,%R+ 6-%f+$.Af@.6-C:7,,.;$Ah&AV$P:'AV,;AiP:'AV},/ 6-8,/;$Ar&AV$P:'AV,;AsP:'AV,/6-?:C:,,&/.F:Ag,!@+( WRITE ERR}OR:.&0/6-%8,:/$ N#6-6@#6. ||||||||||||>N-@HN8,B RN..27$@}&@<$@,B \N&&6.7$@&@<$@,fN 6-Q Q$D:FILECOPY.551nThis is a modification of a program named FILECOPY (I don't know who was theauthor of the original), which allowed you to co }py multiple files simultaneouslyNow it has been modified in order to copy files using a configurable drivelike the XF551, I }ndus GT, Rana 1000, etc.Thanks to Bill Wilkinson for writing those articles about the drive configblock (COMPUTE!, 10/85), }density detection (COMPUTE!, 6/87) and all theother good stuff he ever wrote.The program will prompt you first for the sou }rce drive's density: Single,Enhanced, Double or Quad (meaning DS/DD), and then for the input path. Ifyou are using MyDOS, j }ust type the path where the files to be copied are tobe found. If you are using any other DOS which doesn't support subdirs, } thenjust press RETURN to skip it. If you are using SpartaDOS, edit the programand change all XIO 41s to XIO 44s (SpartaDOS }' XIO code for changing dirs).Next you will have to answer the same questions for the destination (densityand path). Befor }e finally pressing RETURN, you should have already placedthe source disk in the drive, and then the program will start readi }ng the diskdirectory and ask you which files you want to copy. It will automatically skipthe DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files. Aft }er you have selected the files, it willstart reading them, and then it will tell you when to swap disks until itfinishes an }d then starts over again. weeee f o8` f oL%򪈱HhH fh oL%`}`00L: ]Ƞm05 Ƞ0L0L0L0L1L1L41L"1L+1L91L0 HhHL0` BLVJK}BLVH` 0`JD1Eh)0I L0HI BLVHIBLVUT`L1UT`L1UT`UT`BLVS:00}`M2HHLn1 fD1EHI B V Dh ؠM20 ) 0M2L1) 0L1 Press a key.D1E} HI B V 0L%2 %D1E%HI B V 0h`>N2R2O2S2T2U2V2NO2nN2}N2T2O2U2V2T2.U28R2T2P2S2U2Q2`N2.O2N2.O2N2.O2N2R2O2S2N2.O2N2.O2R2mN2N2S2mO2O2`N2.O2N2.O2N2R}2O2S2N2.O2R2mN2N2S2mO2O2`N2R2O2S2N2.O2N2mR2R2O2mS2S2N2.O2N2.O2R2mN2N2S2mO2O2`N2.O2N2.O2N2.O2`R} RTUL3 'D3E(HI B VL4 'D3E(HI B VTUL@4Not}e editor.3D4E HI B VLx4Press ESC when done.cD4EHI B V TL4(D4E)H}I B VTL5%D4E,HI B V TLE5BD5EHI B V 0ɛ3T}7ɜɝ}Ϣ 0 7Lc5 T Lc5L7 TбUTЧU%Lr5m0i73N} 5 5U5 '65T0ڝD6E)HIB V56'6ɛ 6565(5`7U%}`T ` 0` 0`7Јέ7`}`HF7G777hLWpUSԪ)} }i@`]^_T ^ &_ &_e^_eU_eX^_eY_^Uc^_^]I^`` ( ( (*.* %L9}L9L9L:LQ9I don't know how to do more than0D9E!HI B VL93 parms on the command line.t}D9EHI B VL9Sorry!D9EHI B V`! 8:8`! k8ɛ`! 8ɛ`}! 8ɛ`L8`SL":ȱ :ȱ !: h8 :LY:h8 9h8LE:h8L":`k8@0ɛ@D0EHI B V}L<`:0L:E:D:E 0 L:K:D:E 0R000R } 0L ;FILENOTE };: 7;; L+;Ver. 1.4*;!; 7*;*; L];(C) Copyright 1993, 1994\;C; 7\;\;L;CTH Enterprises};u; 7;;L;All Rights Reserved;; 7;;L;By Tom Hunt;; 7;; 𩛢 0 0 $:Le:L$<}ilenote, elp, or xit?#<< 7#<#< 0H 0 0hFfLh( >= 7 > >}) TU֝D5EHI B VTUL>%aD>E,HI B VTULQLh?}0L6B TUL> 'ҝD>E'HI B V TULJ?Your filenote is AUTHORIZED to read:%D?E%HI} B VTUL?hange filenote, rint, xit?uD?E#HI B V 0H 0hCcΏ0L?Pp}LCALC m3TUL @ave or uit? @? 7@@ 0H 0 0hsSLCA !Q0\0]0^%B }JK@D0E V䘢{D0EHI B V֝D5EHI B V䩛 0L@Your filenote has been added to}@@ 7@@ L@the file @@ 7@@ @A0Aɛ 0AALA. 0 0LCA 0 00 0}0R00LAThank you for using FILENOTE.AqA 7AA!𩛢 0LAFILENOTE (C) 1993, 1994A}A 7AALACTH EnterprisesAA 7AALBBy Tom HuntB B 7BB 𩛢 0`TULjBThis filenote} was created by the iBAB 7iBiB(LBPROFESSIONAL version of FILENOTE, and BB 7BB(LBcannot be ch}anged.BB 7BBLCA 0@D0E 0'B JK@D0E V䘭\0]0^0`^]8`LaCFile}size indicates that`CHC 7`C`CLCit doesn't have a FILENOTE.CyC 7CC` 0LCPrinting filenote.}CC 7CC 0LCP:DCE 0LDFilenote for DDE HI B V@D0EHI} B V֝D5EHI B VLCA FILENOTES (C) 1993, 1994 CTH Enterprises By Tom Hunt CTH BBS 419-368-3714 }<Filenotes will attach a permenant note to any file. This note may be a file description, or notes about what version t}he file is, etc. MSDOS users can use the NORTON shell to create file-notes. Those notes are stored as lengthbyte strings i}n a hidden file in the file's directory. The trouble with thisapproach is that you can move the file and the filenote get}s left behind! 1AmigaDos users also have a form of filenotes available to them. Their filenotes are stored right in the d}irectory structure itself. This is a real handy way of doing it, since the filenote will always get cop- ied or moved alo}ng with the file. 2FILENOTE for the 8-bit takes an ent- irely different approach with filenotes.What it does is it APPENDS f}ilenotes on the files themselves. It does this in abenign way. You can use FILENOTE to at-tach notes to BASIC files, ARCed }files, DCM files, MAC/65 files, and COM files. Other types of files can have filenotes attached to them, too. =When ran, FIL}ENOTE will examine the file you wish to attach a filenote to, and if a filenote exists already for thefile, it will display} it. You may edit any pre-existing filenote. If no file- note is found, you may enter a new filenote in, or exit. When e}diting a filenote, press the ESCape key to exit. ,IMPORTANT NOTE: A filenote should be considered a permenant attachment t}o thefile, even if the filenote is empty. Once in place, it is beyone most user's abilities to get rid of it. But then, t}his is really what we want anyway. 0Registration of the PROFESSIONAL ver-sion gets you a personalized version that will al}low you to create filenotes that cannot be edited or changed by any-one but you. This is especially useful to shareware deve}lopers who want import-ant information to accompany a file thatthey distribute. These notes may be viewed by anyone using }the standard FILENOTE, but cannot be changed by them. Suggested shareware donation for the unregistered (standard) FILENO}TE utilityis $5.00. Suggested shareware donation for the registered FILENOTE PROFESSIONALutility is $15.00. ASend shareware} donations to: Tom Hunt 1704 Twp. Rd. 65 Jeromesville, OH 44840 #LOݠ٠ݠ OO 7O}O 0H 0h`} 0pODO ioOiDOLO 7OOOO OO O`=PG>P i:PiG;PL}P =P>P O`PJP iPiJPLP 7P̓PP̈́P PP O`ЍPMP}iύPiMPLP 7PPPP PP O` 0LQFile not found!QP 7QQLCA Q Q5M0M Q}5ʎ Q`  Q Q5MLQM Q5ʎ Q`7-e:Ƞ Fbdl``xh"uesunkk:*6-0?0 Or EOF(1)<>0 Od Do InputSD(1,St2) }Until St2(0)>0 Or EOF(1)<>0 Od If SCompare(St,"BACK")=0 Then Back=ValB(St2) ElseIf SCompare(St,"FORE")=0} Then Fore=ValB(St2)&15 ElseIf SCompare(St,"BORD")=0 Then Bord=ValB(St2) ElseIf SCompare(St,"TBAC}K")=0 Then TBack=ValB(St2) ElseIf SCompare(St,"TFORE")=0 Then TFore=ValB(St2)&15 ElseIf SCompare(}St,"TBORD")=0 Then TBord=ValB(St2)&240 ElseIf SCompare(St,"MASK")=0 Then ; Copy 2nd line into Mask, } ; ignoring any commas L=0 For A=1 To St2(0) Do If St2(A)<>', Then L=L+1 } Mask(L)=St2(A) Fi Od Mask(0)=L ElseIf SCompare(St,"TITLE")=0 Then SCopy(Title,St2}) ElseIf SCompare(St,"SORT")=0 Then If SCompare(St2,"NAME")=0 Then Sort=1 SortDir=1 } ElseIf SCompare(St2,"EXT")=0 Then Sort=2 SortDir=1 ElseIf SCompare(St2,"!NAME")=0 Then } Sort=1 SortDir=0 ElseIf SCompare(St2,"!EXT")=0 Then Sort=2 SortDir=0 Fi }ElseIf SCompare(St,"FONT")=0 Then ; Add our path if no literal ; path ("D:" or "Dx:") is ; given } If (St2(0)>2 And St2(1)='D And St2(2)=':) Or (St2(0)>3 And St2(1)='D And St2(3)=':) }Then SCopy(File,St2) Else SCopy(File,Path) SCat(File,St2) Fi ; Open an}d load font Error=Ignore StopDLI() Close(2) Open(2,File,4,0) If AnError=0 Then } BGet(2,Ch,1024) ChSet=Ch/256 Fi Error=OError Close(2) StartDLI() Fi }Until St(0)=0 Od Fi Close(1) StartDLI()Return; Program/screen setupProc Setup() Graphics(0) PokeC(82,9984) }Poke(752,1) OError=Error Ch=(((Buf)/1024)+1)*1024 ; Title: Print("}Ӡ") P}rint("報") ; Starting point MoveBlock(OldSDLst,SDLst,7) SCopy(Path,"D1:") Get}Defaults() Stack=0 NEXTX=0 NEXTY=2 StartDLI()Return; Get a directory listProc GetList() Byte Done,A,B,C,Ok,}FINALB Char Array St(40) Position(0,23) Print("") Error=Ignore AnError=0 } SCopy(FN,Path) ; Add "." entry For A=1 To 12 Do Names(A)=RELOAD(A) Od NumFiles=1 ; If in root, don't add ". }." entry If FN(0)>3 Then InARoot=0 For A=1 To 12 Do Names(12+A)=PREVDIR(A) Od NumFiles=2 Else  }InARoot=1 Fi ; Open directory... StopDLI() SCat(FN,"*.*") Close(1) Open(1,FN,6,0) Done=0 If AnError=0 Then } Do InputSD(1,St) ; FREE SECTORS line? If St(0)>=1 And St(1)>='0 And St(1)<='9 Then  }Done=1 Else ; Is it in our filter mask? Ok=0 If Mask(0)<>0 Then For B=1 To Mask(0)/3  }Do If (St(11)=Mask(B*3-2) Or Mask(B*3-2)='?) And (St(12)=Mask(B*3-1) Or } Mask(B*3-1)='?) And (St(13)=Mask(B*3) Or Mask(B*3)='?) Then Ok=1 } Fi Od Else Ok=1 Fi ; Add it If Ok=1 Or St(2)=': Then For A}=1 To 12 Do Names(NumFiles*12+A)=St(A+1) Od NumFiles=NumFiles+1 Fi Fi Until} Done=1 Od Fi Close(1) StartDLI() ; Sort it If Sort<>0 Then Position(0,23) Print("}") ; Do this until we can sort no ; more Do ; (Skip our first one or two ; entrie}s (".", and if ".." is ; there)) Done=1 For A=2-InARoot To NumFiles-2 Do ; Where to start? Filen}ame or ; extension? Ok=255 B=1 FINALB=13 If Sort=2 Then B=10 FIN}ALB=10 Fi ; Go through string and ; compare it with one after ; it Do ; S}ame? Keep going... If Names(A*12+12+B)=Names(A*12+B) Then B=B+1 If B>12 Then } B=1 Fi ; Difference! ; 1st character is ":" or " " ; unfortunately in a bad } ; order. We want directories ; ABOVE files. Notice patch ElseIf Names(A*12+12+B)1 Then Ok=1 Else Ok=0 Fi Else } If B>1 Then Ok=0 Else Ok=1 Fi Fi Until Ok<>255 Or B=FI}NALB Od ; If they're not in the order ; (dir(ection)) we want, swap ; them If Ok=SortDir Th}en For B=1 To 12 Do C=Names(A*12+12+B) Names(A*12+12+B)=Names(A*12+B) Names(A*1}2+B)=C Done=0 Od Fi Od Until Done=1 Od Position(0,23) Put(') FiReturn;} Display list on screenProc ShowList() Byte A,B,X,Y Char Array St(40),FN2(40) Put(125) Poke(559,0) ; Title and }path Position(20-Title(0)/2,0) Print(Title) ; If path is too long, end it with ; "..." FitString(FN,FN2,39) Po }sition(20-FN2(0)/2,1) Print(FN2) ; Display in columns X=0 Y=2 For A=1 To NumFiles Do Position(X,Y) St(0)=!}12 For B=1 To 12 Do St(B)=Names(A*12-12+B) Od Print(St) Y=Y+1 If Y>23 Then Y=2 X=X+13 "} Fi Od Poke(559,34)Return; Read a text fileProc Read(Char Array File Byte X,Y) Char Array FType(20),File40(40)#} Byte Array NBs(256) Card Array NCs(256) Byte A,C,EOL,Abort,NB,Screens Card NC ; Open it StopDLI() Error=Igno$}re AnError=0 Close(1) Open(1,File,4,0) FitString(File,File40,35) ; Find the EOL type ; (ASCII/Unix/Atari) EO%}L=0 For A=0 To 100 Do C=GetD(1) If (C=155 Or C=10 Or C=13) And EOL=0 Then EOL=C Fi Od If EOL=&}0 Then EOL=155 Fi If EOL=155 Then SCopy(FType,"Atari Text File:") ElseIf EOL=10 Then SCopy(FType,"Unix Tex'}t File:") ElseIf EOL=13 Then SCopy(FType,"ASCII Text File:") Fi ; Title lines Put(125) Position(20-FType(0)/2(},0) PrintE(FType) Position(35,0) Print("Page") Position(17-File40(0)/2,1) PrintE(File40) Position(36,1) PrintBE)}(1) Poke(766,1) Key=255 ; Reopen it (since we read some) Close(1) Open(1,File,4,0) ; Find position of first s*}creenful Note(1,@NC,@NB) NCs(0)=NC NBs(0)=NB Screens=1 Abort=0 Poke(559,0) Do ; Read/convert/check E+}nd Of File C=GetD(1) If C=EOL Then C=155 Fi If EOF(1)=0 Then If C<>10 Or EOL<>13 Then ,}Put(C) Fi Fi ; Check "E:"ditor's cursor pos. ; If it's low, say "press a ; key" and wait If Peek(-}84)>=22 Then StartDLI() Poke(559,34) Position(12,23) Print("- Press a key -") Key=255 Do.} Until Key<255 Or Strig(0)=0 Or Stick(0)=14 Or Stick(0)=13 Or Stick(0)=11 Od ; Page-up? If Key=14/} Or Key=142 Or Stick(0)=14 Then If Screens>1 Then Screens=Screens-2 NC=NCs(Screens) NB=0}NBs(Screens) Point(1,NC,NB) Fi Fi ; Top-of-file? If Key=45 Then Screens=0 1} NC=NCs(0) NB=NBs(0) Point(1,NC,NB) Fi ; Abort? If Key=28 Or Stick(0)=11 Then A2}bort=1 Fi Key=255 ; Retitle Poke(766,0) Put(125) Position(20-FType(0)/2,0) 3} PrintE(FType) Position(35,0) Print("Page") Position(20-File40(0)/2,1) PrintE(File40) Position(4}36,1) PrintBE(Screens+1) ; Find position of this ; screenful Note(1,@NC,@NB) NCs(Screens)=N5}C NBs(Screens)=NB Screens=Screens+1 Poke(766,1) Poke(559,0) StopDLI() Fi Until EOF(1)<>06} Or Abort=1 Od ; Wait for final keypress StartDLI() Poke(559,34) ; Eat stick entry until they quit ; it Do 7}Until Strig(0)=1 And Stick(0)=15 Od Key=255 If Abort=0 Then Position(9,23) Print("- DONE Press a key -") Do8} Until Key<255 Or Strig(0)=0 Or Stick(0)<>15 Od Key=255 Fi NEXTX=X NEXTY=Y Key=255 Poke(766,0) Close(1)9}Return; Deal with APE PC Mirror change Proc APE() Card C Byte D Position(0,23) Print("Š:}") ; Get stuff from APE Error=APEIgnore Close(1); Open(1,File,4,0);; For C=0 To 1023 Do; D=GetD(1;}) PUT(D); Od; Close(1) ; Pause a moment for APE dir ; change StartDLI() For C=0 To 50000 Do Od NEXTX=0 NEXT<}Y=2 GetDefaults()Return; Main selection / command procedure!Byte Func SelectOne() Byte Ex,A,B,N,Found,L,S Int X,Y=},OX,OY Char Array St(20),St2(20) Card Count X=NEXTX Y=NEXTY Ex=255 ; We want "K:"eyboard input Close(2) Op>}en(2,"K:",4,0) Do ; Print highlighted string ; (or blank) A=(X/13)*22+Y-1 If A<=NumFiles Then St(0)?}=12 For B=1 To 12 Do St(B)=Names(A*12-12+B)+128 Od Else SCopy(St,"") Fi Pos@}ition(X,Y) Print(St) ; Get input Do ; Joystick acts as keyboard N=0 S=Stick(0) If S=11A} Then N='+ Fi If S=7 Then N='* Fi If S=14 Then N='- Fi If S=13 Then N='= Fi If Strig(0)=0 Then N=155 B}Fi ; Click and pause emulation If N<>0 Then Key=0 S=GetD(2) For Count=0 To 2500 Do Od C} Fi ; Keyboard obviously acts as ; keyboard, too! If Key<255 Then N=GetD(2) Fi UntiD}l N<>0 Od ; Unhighlight A=(X/13)*22+Y-1 If A<=NumFiles Then St(0)=12 For B=1 To 12 Do St(B)E}=Names(A*12-12+B) Od Else SCopy(St," ") Fi Position(X,Y) Print(St) ; Movement F} If N=' Or N='- Then Y=Y-1 If Y<2 Then Y=23 Fi ElseIf N='_ Then Y=2 ElseIf N=' Or N='= Then G} Y=Y+1 If Y>23 Then Y=2 Fi ElseIf N='| Then Y=23 ElseIf N=' Or N='+ Then X=X-13 If X<0 ThenH} X=0 Fi ElseIf N='\ Then X=0 ElseIf N=' Or N='* Then X=X+13 If X>26 Then X=26 Fi ElseIf N='^ TI}hen X=26 ; Quit ElseIf N=' Then Ex=2 ; Execute/read/enter ElseIf (N=155 And St(2)<>32) J} Or (N='> And St(1)=':) Then ; Directory entry? If St(1)=': Then ; Reload and previous are K} ; special cases If SCompare(St,RELOAD)=0 Then Ex=0 GetDefaults() ElseIf SCompare(St,PRL}EVDIR)=0 Then N='< Else OldX(Stack)=X OldY(Stack)=Y Stack=Stack+1 SM}Copy(St2,"") L=0 For A=2 To 9 Do If St(A)<>32 Then L=L+1 St2(L)=SN}t(A) Fi Od If St(10)<>32 Then L=L+1 St2(L)='. For A=10 ToO} 12 Do If St(A)<>32 Then L=L+1 St2(L)=St(A) Fi Od P} Fi Fi If SCompare(St,RELOAD)<>0 And SCompare(St,PREVDIR)<>0 Then L=L+1 Q}St2(L)=': Ex=0 St2(0)=L SCat(Path,St2) NEXTX=0 NEXTY=2 GetDefaultR}s() Fi ; Program or text file (other) Else ; Figure out full path SCopy(File,Path) S} L=File(0) For A=2 To 9 Do If St(A)<>32 Then L=L+1 File(L)=St(A) FiT} Od If St(10)<>32 Then L=L+1 File(L)='. For A=10 To 12 Do If St(A)<>U}32 Then L=L+1 File(L)=St(A) Fi Od Fi File(0)=L ; OV}pen it StopDLI() AnError=0 Error=Ignore Close(1) Open(1,File,4,0) If AnErroW}r=0 Then ; Check it A=GetD(1) B=GetD(1) Close(1) StartDLI() ; X}Executable or other? If A=255 And B=255 Then Ex=1 Else Read(File,X,Y) Y} Ex=0 Fi Else ; Do APE stuff APE() Ex=0 Fi Fi ; Drive sZ}election ElseIf N>='1 And N<='9 Then SCopy(Path,"D1:") Path(2)=N Ex=0 NEXTX=0 NEXTY=2 [} Stack=0 GetDefaults() Fi ; Back out of directory If N='< Or N='~ Then If Path(0)>3 Then B\}=0 For A=3 To Path(0)-1 Do If Path(A)=': Then B=A Fi Od ; Get old X/]}Y position If B<>0 Then Path(0)=B Ex=0 Stack=Stack-1 NEXTX=OldX(Stack) ^} NEXTY=OldY(Stack) Fi GetDefaults() Fi ; By-first-letter file selection ElseIf N>='A And_} N<='Z Then OX=X OY=Y Found=0 ; Go through, up->down, ; left->right Do Y=Y+1 `} If Y>23 Then Y=2 X=X+13 If X>26 Then X=0 Fi Fi A=(Xa}/13)*22+Y-1 If A<=NumFiles Then If Names(A*12-10)=N Then Found=1 Fi Fi b}Until Found=1 Or (X=OX And Y=OY) Od Fi Until Ex<>255 Od Close(2)Return(Ex); Jump to DOSProc Go_DOS() [$6C$0A$c}00]; Load executableProc Load(Char Array FN) Graphics(0) Poke(752,1) Put(125) Position(16,11) PrintE("Loading:d}") Position(20-FN(0)/2,12) PrintE(FN) ; Set current path If Path(0)>3 Then ; remove ":"? Path(0)=Path(0)-1 e}Fi XIO(1,0,41,0,0,Path) XIO(1,0,39,4,0,FN)Return; MainProc Main() Byte Done Setup() Do GetList() Shf}owList() Done=SelectOne() Until Done<>0 Od If Done=1 Then Load(File) Fi StopDLI() Poke(752,0) Put(125)q}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSB1SFCOPY551BASB FCOPY551DOCB=FILENOTECOMBFILESEL ACTB`rFILESEL COMBXFILESEL TXTB*FL COMB=FL DOCBgDGOS13 DC3 Go_DOS()Return%zThihiHHȱȱ`8Hh` &E…¦ &`L&` .&s}"Ff ee&8LO& .&_Wń児0 &&86.ń児8t}儅充FfFf8LO& &` Fj` &`p B V8l 0' VhhlD'HHJJJJu}hh`hhlD' `iDiE`HhF'`Hh`Hh`Hh` g'IHiDiE B G'HIv} B G'`ԆՄ ؠ0ȑ8)ȑ`HhL'0L'II襢 'iȑȩ-`H ' 'hL'Hw} ' (hL' 'LK( 'Li( 'LK( 'Lu(Li( 'L(Lu( 'L( 'LZ( 'L( 'LZ( 'L( 'L' 'L( 'L' 'L(x}ȩ$&*i0:iȑ`F' LFĆ>%>Ć5%/E)ԵH膇hCI4y}H0{ ПFull directory name?Z"L.Directory to be used as '}D:'? @ A(5)L.(I( 輿ȱޝL), {^ z/d directory!L@( (0Le-File sourc}e, destination? '( @C۩wڭ8wܭC B8'0 @(ߍeލdz/dDЍ( ? 8' B Bȱޙ'}:>Ȍ(C0J* .B 9'ȱ/.z/d #,ɛȝ9' ߰ B |?,(0L), 'ut(9'3?}&' .'Ƚ9'?z/'{V .Q?'L0 %00)00 @e0i00i0}i00i0i0ȑ00i0i0ȑ00 V0i0i` B(UL1 %1}11111 01111` FormatL1 %111111L21111 ,L2Ȍ181(2(}21LU2D1m11i1m11i1L281181 r2r21L21m11i.1Lg21 1L}28111e1i8111e1i1L2111`L2HHH LW3 0iЌ 0iЌ} 0iЌ 0iЌ 0i Ќ 0iЭ0Э0L30 Ԡ 0iЌ 0i Ќ 0i Ќ 0iЌ 0}iЌ 0iЌ ԭ0Э0Э0hhh@&L3@ԭ002210 :-0i1ip :-0i1i}B :-X M-330i1i33 D-0i1i :-0i1ip :-`L4@ԩ0}Ʈ10 -00`(&L4 %4444Ȍ44444ʹ4L$5(4m44e4i4m}44i4L444444q`LF50E'0D' +0`L`5`40(, =Insert DESTINATION disk, press }0( =Nͻ I) b( 0J0x((ԭ(խ( ( (((L4Drive, new density: A8'ɛ CDrive u}nchanged.(ު90٨Ȍ(L.6 +Lb6'󮮮6: (00000}0L66. ,L6File Selector v.0.46/R ,0E5E'D5D'00 4 +-Ң5 ,L6 FILESEL.DAT65} 45 *0L:5c *c5L75 *͋5L57LU7BACK7P5c R,Lz75 )0L:L7}FORE7}5c R,L75 ))0L:L7BORD75c R,L75 )0L:L7TBACK7٢5c R,L85 })0L:L 8TFORE85c R,L485 ))0L:L=8TBORD875c R,Ld85 ))0L:Ll8MASK8g5c R},L8b5Ȍa5588a5L8Юa55I,L8b5a55b5.a5L8b5.L:L8TITLE8ˢ5c R,L85/R ,L}:L8SORT85c R,L9L9NAME95 R,L>900L9LE9EXT9A5 R,Lh900L9Lq9!NAME}9k5 R,L900L9L9!EXT95 R,L900L:L9FONT95c R,L:͋5L95IDL}95I:͋5L%:5IDL%:5I:L%:55 ,L?:-Ң5 ,55 4E5E'D5D' 4 +5 *0L:}00 100 &00E'0D' + 3c5L7 + 3`L: n+'R D- :-E'0D'0}00 &ii [&00LK;)}Ӡ;! (L~;(}報;U (100 -L;D1:;- , +6000 3`0( P@ }hL; +L)<'< (E5E'D5D'0-Ң/~ ,; ;L<z}/m;{/i-m;-i;LS<0~/L<0Ȍ; ;L< m;z/e{/i-m;-i;L<}0L<0 4L<*.*;ʩ *;LQ=;0LQ=9;LQ=;L>;.}L>Ȍ;. &==;L>; [&8;]..; [&8.I?}Lz>; [&8;]..; [&8.I?Lz>; [&;].!}; [&.I?Lz>;;Lu=L>Ȍ;;I ;I:L>; ;L> 0 [&m;iz/e}{/e;i;;L>0;IL"= + 30LB +LA?'箮? (;8}0;80j?j?;LA ;; ;0IL? ; ; ; [&i im;iz/e{/e} ; [&m;iz/e{/eQL@; ;L@Ȍ;L@ ; [&i im;}iz/e{/e ; [&m;iz/e{/eѮL@;L@Ȍ;L@;L@;L@;L@Ȍ;};I ;M;L?;M0LA; ;LA ; [&i im;iz/e{/e; ;} [&i im;iz/e{/e ; [&m;iz/e{/e ; [&}m;iz/e{/e;;;L@;L_?;ILH? + )` SOU0(disk, press =,(pӮ(A(}0( aB qBaB`LfB} )/ :-R/ &8宅 +/R (B';/~ 1};B &8宅 +B; (BBȌB0BBBLCYBB + BB BLmC B [&8} mBiz/e{/eBBBLCB (BBLCBBi BBLB"/ :-`)=L0( Else}If S0(are(St,"TITLE")=0 ThenNX 0py(Title,St2)/X' ElseIf SCompare(St,"SORT")=0 ThenX& If }SCompare(St2,"NAME")=0 ThenW Sort=1W SortDir=1W) ElseIf SCompare(St2,"EXT")=0 Then}sW Sort=2\W SortDir=1{T+ LD %C 4E5E'D5D'0 +CC *C#}CC 1DDdDL{E *DDIDI DI LuEDLuEDDDL;EDLEDDILELEAtari Text File:}EC ,LFDI LELEUnix Text File:EâC ,LFDI LFLFASCII Text File:EC ,} )C &}8宅 +C (# +LQFPageFL (C &8宅 +C ($ + ( :-} +CC *D煣D 0+DDDDDCȌDD/ :- *DDMDLGDL1GDI} DI L1GD )T M-LUI 3"/ :- +LiG- Press a key -GY (- I,$ @,I @,I } @,I LuGII @,ILHDLH8DDD mD*(mDDDDCDDDD R+I-}LMHDDDȱDDCDDDD R+I @,I LgHD :-} )C &8宅} +C (# +LHPageH (C &8宅 +C ($ +Di (D煣D 0}+D mD*(mDDDDDCD :-/ :- 4 DILF 3"/ :- I,ILI @,ILpI}DLI +LI- DONE Press a key -I ( I, @,ILIC0C0 :- +` L J} +L>J'Š堠J (_5E'^5D' + 3JJPJJL{JJJLaJ00 +6`}")QQD ; Starting poinDQkQ MoveBLJJ0JJ0JJ +LJK:J * }JJ & [&mJmJ8J0͊JLK JJ ͋JLK J [&8 }mJiz/e{/eiJJJLTKLKLK KJ ,JJJ +J (J @,JJI LL+}JJILL*JJILL-JJI L.L=J I,L?LJJLxL *JJJJ JLxLJJL^L}LL *JJLK JJ & [&mJmJ8J0͊JLHM JJ ͋JLEM} J [&8 mJiz/e{/eJJJLLLeMLXM MKJ ,JJJ +J }(JI JI-LM8JJJJJJ0LMJJLQJI_LMJJLQJI JI=LNJJ͒JJ0L}MJJLQJI|LNJJLQJI JI+LUN8J JJJJJ0LRNJJLQJI\LjNJJLQJI }JI*LNJi JJiJ͐JJ0LNJJLQJI^LNJJLQJILNJLQJILNJI JI>LdQ}JI:LdQJI:LHP--J R,L#OJ +6LO--J R,LCOT7TILeT.R }S 4 :-} ) uS``8T4 MyDOS File Selector v.0.4 By Bill Kendrick, New Breed Software 1996 January 13, 1996}About MyDOS File Selector: This powerful program gives you a menu from which you can easily select and run exe}cutable binary programs, read text files and navigate MyDOS subdirectories.Features:- Compatible: + MyDOS 4.5}3 compatible + MyDOS subdirectory support + SIO2PC and APE compatible + APE PC Mirror compatible + Changes the curren}t directory to the file you're loading's path + Built-in text file reader + Understands ATASCII, ASCII and Unix t}ext files N Strips LFs from ASCII files N Page-up command in text reader- Easy to use: + Easy listing navigation + }Joystick or keyboard control + Safe Exit-to-DOS command + "Same directory" (".") entry lets you reload the same listi}ng without going out and back into a subdirectory + "Previous directory" ("..") entry adds the "back" command t}o joystick naviagtion + Always remembers where you were, even when coming back out of a MyDOS sub-directory- }Configurable: + Configuration file + List filtering by filename extension + Wildcards allowed in filters + User d}efined screen colors, font and title colors + Sort listings (by descending or ascending by name or extension) + D}irectories are sorted above filesN = New features for version 0.4Installation and Startup: Simply put this pr}ogram on a bootable MyDOS (4.53) disk. DUP.SYS is unnecessary if you want to boot directly into File } Selector (but the "exit" command will not work unless DUP.SYS is available somewhere). If you wish the menu to} appear at boot time, name it "FILESEL.AR0". (Or if other autorun files exist, rename it appropriately, making }sure it's the last to be loaded.) If you want to load the menu from the DOS menu, be sure DUP.SYS is available. }When the DUP.SYS menu appears, [L]oad "FILESEL.COM" from the menu.Controls: Selecting: Selecting a file is } done with the arrow keys or a joystick. Both the arrow keys (with or without the [CONTROL] key down) } and the joystick directions move the highlight by one selection. Arrow keys with [SHIFT] move the highlight to} the to the extreme (far left or far right of a row, or top or bottom of a column). You can also select files} by their first letter. Press a letter ([A] through [Z]) and the next entry having that letter as th}eir first character will be selected. Loading Programs: Press [RETURN] or [FIRE] on a selection to load an}d run it. Subdirectories: To enter a subdirectory, press [RETURN] or [>] on it. The new directory listi}ng will be loaded. To return from a subdirectory, press [BackSpace] or [<] (anywhere), or sel}ect the ".." directory entry. The parent directory will be reloaded. (The highlight will also be} where it was when you entered the directory!) Viewing Text Files: Any file which doesn't begin wi}th the standard Atari "FF,FF" binary-load file header will instead be displayed on the screen. This }is useful for reading text files. Before the file is loaded, the first 100 characters are tested to f}ind character 155's (Atari EOL), 13's (ASCII CR) and 10's (Unix NL). Depending on which is found first, }any of that character found in the text file will be converted to an EOL on the screen. If CR's are found,} any LF's (character 10's) will be stripped. This should make reading IBM, Mac and Unix text files easi}er. One screenful of 40 column text will be displayed and then it will pause. During the pause, p}ress [ESC] joystick [LEFT] to abort the display and return to the file selection menu, or press any } other key, [FIRE] or joystick [DOWN] to continue reading. Press [UP] or joystick [UP] to reload the prev}ious screenful of text (you can read back to the beginning of the file, with a 256 page limit). Press} [T] to jump to the top of the file. NOTE: Because APE's PC Mirror doesn't support random access of fil}e data, the "previous screen" and "top of file" commands won't work correctly. Changing Drives: Press a num}ber ([1] to [9]) to select the "root" directory of that drive. Reloading A Directory: To reload a directo}ry (useful if the disk was changed somehow) select the "." directory entry. If you're at the "root" of a } disk (not in a subdirectory), you can simply type the number of the drive it's in to reload it. PC Mi}rror Subdirectories: APE PC Mirror subdirectories are supported. APE allows the Atari to access to PC subdirecto}ries by making them "normal" files (and APE itself remembers what dir- ectory you're in). When the Atari t}ries to open a PC Mirror subdirectory, APE recog- nizes this, changes the directory, and returns an error (139). }To access an APE directory, simply try to open the entry on the menu. File Selector will try to read it as a }text file, realize it is an APE subdirectory, pause for a moment (to give slower PC's enough time to change the dir}ect- ory) and reload the listing (which is now the new directory). NOTE: I can often not open APE PC Mirror subd}irectories with File Selector. If you have any sug- gestions as how to remedy this, or if you have the same pro}blems, please contact me. (Mention what model and speed PC you have and what version of APE you're run- ning.}) Quitting: Press [ESC] or [RESET] to exit to the MyDOS menu.Configuration File: When the MyDOS File Se}lector loads, it assumes "D1:" as the current path and looks for the file "D1:FILESEL.DAT". Also, every tim}e a directory is changed or a new drive is sel- ected, a file in the new directory named "FILESEL.DAT" is looked fo}r. It reads it, two or three lines at a time. (Blank lines are skipped.) It interprets the first line as }a command and the second line as data (a parameter) for the command. The following commands are available:} BACK Backgd color (hue*16+lum) Default: "0" (black) FORE Foreground lum Default: "15" } (bright) BORD Border color (hue*16+lum) Default: "0" (black) FONT Set a font for the screen  } If no drive/path is given, the current path (where this "FILESEL.DAT" was found) is us }ed Default: NONE (OS font) TBACK Backgd. color of the title (hue*16+lum) Default: "12 }8" (dk blue) TFORE Foreground title lum Default: "15" (bright) TBORD Border hue of the title  } (shades of this hue used) Default: "144" (bluegrn) TITLE Screen title (ie,"Games") Default:  } "File Selector v.0.4" MASK Extension filter mask See below. (ie, "COM,EXE,OBJ") } Default: NONE (All files) SORT Sort files. The modes are: "NAME" sort by fname } "EXT" sort by ext. "!NAME" sort backwards by filename "!EXT" sort ba}ckwards by extension Default: NONE (No sort) About the Mask: The mask is a set of} 3-char- acter strings (which can option- ally be separated by commas (",")) representing extensions t}hat will be "listable". When the directory ("D1:*.*", for example) is read, only files that have exte}nsions that match one of the extensions listed in the mask are shown (MyDOS Sub- directories are, of cour}se, always shown, no matter what their extension. To show APE PC Mirror directories, you'll need }to specify any extensions that your MSDOS subdirectories have for example, " ", (three blank spaces) which} would show all files and subdirectories that have no extension. If the mask is empty (defa}ult), then all files are shown. The "?" wildcard character is supported. If you wish to list, for ex}ample, all of your MyDOS autorun files on a disk, the mask entry "AR?" can be used. (Instead of listing }ALL possib- ilities ("AR0" through "AR9").) Sample FILESEL.DAT File Using All Commands: -----------------------}--------- BACK 128 FORE 12 BORD 4 TBACK 142 TFORE 0 TBORD 0 TITLE} Games FONT TIMES.FNT MASK COM,EXE,OBJ,AR?,DOC,TXT SORT NAME -----------------------------}--- This will give a dark blue background, light text, and a dark grey border for the menu and t}ext-reader area. The title lines will have a light blue background, dark text, and a shaded grey border.} The screen will be titled "Games" and all files with the extensions "COM", "EXE", "OBJ" and MyD}OS "AR#" (autorun) files (executables), and "DOC", and "TXT" (text files) will be list- ed, sorted by name. }Bugs: A strange bug keeps File Selector from loading certain programs. Try replacing your "DUP.!}SYS" (MyDOS menu) with the File Selector program if you wish to boot up into File Selector and have come across "} programs which won't run when File Selector is an AutoRun file. Please see the section on using PC Mirror regard#}ing any difficult- ies in chaning subdirectories with File Selector.Planned Features: + Online help + File info. d$}isplay + 62-sector graphics viewer + 9-sector font viewerCredits: Suggestion (idea): Michael Kling Program/Docum%}ents: Bill Kendrick Thanks to: All supportersSupport: If you need help, wish to submit ideas, have bu&}gs to report, or want more information about this or other New Breed Software programs, you can contact me '} via postal mail or the Internet: Postal: New Breed Software c/o Bill Kendrick 1530 Armstrong Ave. #47 Novato, CA(} 94945-2574 E-Mail: kendrick@zippy.sonoma.edu World Wide Web: http://zippy.sonoma.edu/'kendrick/ (where "'" is a ti)}lde)08783  4 "'*6 %4 1031i8888 %4H 4"+}0 1 _3 3 1 2 1ɛL 1)1 9)  4)3i33LV0;-7= 2扥 13i 33 2",}L0 2ƉƈL1 183 3έ3 2L0 Ll0ʩ & & & &iHe)ȱ(  L"-}Ȅ887788Ll0%H$H` 3``ʆH@888 & & & & & 1".}i3i@32i 恥ȱȱ ) `8 i@ݥ)Ȣ2Q"/}3Fff &ee8壅 F4 4yi iƜL2`$)2"0} & & & & &8m33eI`@膇H(0iiƆ`8"1} 8 @ Y0I  ƅ`1R@HipB3@B3B@B3A3"2}&ileloader6c by*:$3.',%.(.$",%$3$$($3+@` `JJJJ }4 }4"3}JJJJ }4 }4JJJJ }4 }4` 4 4 4 4)ieiii`eeee`) ʹJJJJ) "4}` 60@R     Y0 60ʭ) +R   h @ Y0"5}\6 5\6)p 0 ȭ Ș 4 4}`,\6J $Ȍ,ȌEs"6}3Ȍ33'`N\6 S @LYH /ԭ ԍЍh@!ԭЭ"7} ԍh@"8}ڢ01΍ 杦 S "9}  LD  C  # C  # DC  #   # (Ȍ }(":} )   Dl ] РCCDDCG G LgLql )   Dl ]`";}]L H@ Y0`HLwlEl    CiE DiFCD C) ȱC  CiC"<}DD  l (ʔFA0 BFL.COM (File Loader V.2.0 '95 written by: Jacek Zuk)There where no doc's added in theoriginal archieve, so a l&>}ittle info:It's made for use with the Polandversion of the IDE harddisk interface.I tried it on a Harddisk connected to&?}a Black-Box, but it seems not to workwhen using that one :-(.The util will autodetect if a floppyis used, or the drive is &@}a harddisk-partition. When started up you canselect a file to run (arrow-keys) andit's also possible to change to another&A}directory, when using a DOS which issupporting that option but it won'twork with Sparta-Dos on a Harddiskconnected to a Bl&B}ack-Box. Maybe MyDOSdoes ???You can select to read a directoryfrom another drive by pressing thenumber of the drive (1 ->&C} 8).Well, that's all i know till know...Sysop FOX-1THUNDERDOME ATARI 8-Bit BBS+31 (0)416-279990 the Netherlands$y@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@*E}P!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % C*F}C$$)ǥ%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J*G})Lr d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%*H} } DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L (*I})   J }NjL= ( L 0q A    IB JC*J};? D W } LL  ` W )LA!  *K}߰")-݆ p" } $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL*L}# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ` }$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL *M})W>Z   HH)H }p h  hyhy D L> L JJ *N}   ! LA*` BF }7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"!*O} GFE@F (!L }EE !E^ ^ E E7*P}EȩEdE/EȩE  D } .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F?*Q} ( .   Z D LL d } . 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Disk Directory ||3. Scan FiW}les =|JX +}0( o$LJ(|2. Quit to DOSA ||4. CHR Tables(4-7)|J 0( o$LK(X}%J+} 0 : : : : B;!I8!I0!I!IIL_K 96 8-!IILqK 8- w9Y}G!IILK ]= 8-!ILK!I ELZI``+}'I 0 : : : : B;!I8!I0!I!IIL_K 96 8-!IILqK 8- w9,ZGraphics Operating System3-The+} Graphics Operating System (G.O.S.) was written for the A.C.E. users![}groups and the Public Domain. This version is pre-f+}inished one. By this Imean that there are more features and utilities th!\}at were not includedbecause of BUGS or temporar+}y setbacks in the program development.There will be two more utilities that!]} are setup to work in a GOS style offormat;+} these are GOSPAINT (a very good paint program) and GOSTEXT (asimple text editor!^}; but powerfull!).We have included on t+}his disk two of the finished programs, GOS_DUP (Desktop utility) and R.O.D.S. (A uti!_}lity program).Total Control System+}s is developing a full implementation of a GraphicsDesktop Operating System, this System!`} will include a WORDPROCESSOR, P+}AINTPROGRAM, DATABASE, TERMINAL PROGRAM, Action! PROGRAMMING CALLS, BASICProgramming calls !a}and much much more!For fut+}her instructions on GOS are provided inside of the program. To viewthem go to the NOTE PAD in t!b}he lower left corner of +}the screen. Once youhave moved you mouse to that spot then click the button (press RETURN) andyou !c}will be shown the in+}structions.This program has been provided by:Total Control Systems4156 Tolowa StreetSan Diego, CA 9!d}2117BBS: 619-27+}0-0111TCS: Above # from 1-4pm weekly (P.T.)Please enjoy it and upload it everywhere!!!eetSan Diego, CA 9 jǀ\BD8:D1:D+}2:D8:111TCS: Above # from 1-4pm weekly (P.T.)Please enjoy it and upload it everywhere!!!eetSan Diego, CA 9$P"T0+}H1HHHHS{S01 P*SS SMSR S SR$S%Sh)g}h+}hh1h0` >YYYBCH]YYYYYYYYYKYaYKYKYLYYYYK)q}X+}99dd`G.O.S. v1.3`! 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