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Cp} 0 .qrqT`8qH q .qҝBLVremHyp.qrq.pqwpLq.spHpPrl ԝBqqqT`Cpr psCpspeil} .qq q`pLpL`Lqe pqorempL,HC1pIwqIi՝`H w rptBuH .qHLpqL} ssp.qqmwBq.mpl HLpT`Ci/ HpyEerrq.pqpp``rpqm`eblowŝB 䬼ϩfixpL H} pt'op" pT`"J>;pUpdLV6.12.94JpCpSmqgxqmpLfUTsswH x32gx.1psCf qmFTEJwThe CTH ShellGX(C) 1994 CTH EnterprisesBy Tom HuntAll Rights Reserved This is in addition to the built-in document}ation. The shell defaults to keyboard and screen enhancements to on. The keyboard enhancements include faster key repe}ats and shorter delays. The screen enhancments include a left margin of 0, and a black background. If you do not want these} enhancements enabled, just use "/N" on the command line when loading shellgx.com. Thus-SHELLGX(Leaves enhancements ON)}SHELLGX /N(Turns enhancements OFF)------------------------------------- Using shellgx.com makes using some program}s safer. Some programs occasionally leave channels open upon exit. Under some conditions, this can lead up to a scrambled d}irectory. Shell.com closes these channels, preventing these types of problems.------------------------------------- }Another feature of using shellgx.com is that it will report an error if a certain type of corruption has occured on your driv}e. This type of corruption isn't reported by cleanup.com, from ICD. The corruption occurs in the boot sector, at offset 18/}19, and at offset 20/21. If either of these .words are greater than the total number of sectors on the disk (found at offset} 11/12), then shellgx.com will report an error whenever you log onto that drive. If this type of error occurs, your only rec}ourse is to get out your dos manual and use DiskRX to correct the problem. If not corrected, the very least this type of cor}ruption will do is to spuriously generate errors, especially when trying to add a file to a directory. The most that it can }do, well, imagine the worst. But the point is that the use of shellgx.com will promptly indicate if/when this type of corrup}tion occurs, thereby allowing you to fix it before it's "too late".-------------------------------------Update 6.12.94V}ersion 1.5. Shellgx.com is for use with x32g/gx.dos, from FTE.-------------------------------------Update 11.21.94}Version 1.6. Shellgx.com was upgraded to version 1.6. This was done to allow a new vector, called vxcomli.2. It funct}ions just like vxcomli, except it allows for searching your path. The vector is at $C001, and you must do an indirect jmp ($}C001) to access it. Also, to tell what version of the CTH SHELL program, if any, is running on the system, you can check $C0}00. Version 1.6 of the shellgx will have an inverse there. Here is an assembler example of what I'm talking about-} LDA $D301 AND #$FE STA $D301; LDA $C000 CMP #' ;Inverse D. BNE NOT.SHELLGX JMP ($C001)} ;VXCOMLI.2;NOT.SHELLGX JMP VXCOMLI;--------------------------------------Create Date 11.23.94Tom HuntrD0:SI.PRGP BLVLoad error BDEHLV mBJKDE HI V0BD }E)HI V0iiiBDEHkI VLPBDEHI V"Le }eeȱeLI l %$ System Information v.2.01 ------------------------- Last revision: 17.X.1996. Copyright (c) 1992-1996 by Draco --------(}-------------------------- Questions, suggestions or bug reports please send, as ever, to: Draco draco@mi.com.pl ------(}---------------------------- The SI is freeware. It means, that you amy freely use & copy it as long as no changes are ma(}de. However, all donations are welcome. GREETINGS & THANKS (alphabetical order) To beta-testers: - Lyman C. Green - (}John Harris - Mike Hochman (FTe) - David Paterson - Tomasz Tatar - WSZ Special thanks to David Paterson for *registeri(}ng* the SI. Special greetings to all friends from the #Atari8 IRC channel. Explanations ------------ MAIN CPU The(}re are three types of CPU your Atari may have: 6502 - all not upgraded machines. 65c02 - mostly in emulators like (} the XFormer. 65c816 - a 16-bit CPU compatible with 65c02. CPU MODE 8-bit native - for the 6502/65c0(}2 8-bit emulation or 16-bit native for the 65c816. COMPUTER Two main types of machines: 400/800 - older one (197(}9-1982) XL/XE - newer one (1983-1985) PARALLEL DEVICES PDI devices ('new devices') those are attached to the system.(} ROM There are three main Atari ROMs: AA - 400/800 ROM, older one AB - 400/800 ROM, newer one BB -(} XL ROM There is neither serial number nor revision date on the 400/800 ROMs. AA and AB types can be distingui- shed(} by individual characteristics of the OS machine code. The XL ROM has an alphanumeric sym- bol of serial number and re(}vision date. There are three known revi- sions: 1) BB 01.00, 17.Mar.1983. (very rare) 2) BB 01.02, 10.May.1983(}. (most XL and older XE computers) 3) BB 01.03, 1.Mar.1985. (last official revision) There is no functional d(}ifference between both last ones, though some programs (like the ENCOUN- TER by Novagen Software) may not run with BB(} 01.03. Known other ROMs: Quartet Mega Operating System (Q-MEG) developed by S.Dorndorf. A German upgrade of the XL(}-ROM. Very buggy. ARGS-OS, another German OS. MTI OS, an American OS for '816 machines. DETECTED MEMORY Line(}ar - total amount of linear RAM available on your machine. 24-bit addressing now. Extended 130XE - extensions con(}trolled by PORTB ($D301). Up to 2048 KB (128 banks) can be detected. Extended 400/800 - Axlon extension controlle(}d by $CFFF. Up to 2048 KB can be detected. Total RAM - summary BASIC rev. A, 400/800 computers, on a cart(}ridge. rev. B, XL/XE computers, mounted internally. rev. C, XL/XE computers, mounted internally. AU(}DIO/VIDEO GTIA present - No, if your machine has the CTIA chip instead. Video mode - PAL/NTSC Max.scanlines - maxi(}mum number of scanlines ANTIC can generate. European computers should have (} 310 here. DOS textmode - size of the DOS text screen. Current display mode - the DOS shell screen mode. Also the(} screen segment and DL addresses are actual for the DOS, not for the SI. DL interrupt - may not be available on emu(}lators. Charset - actual ANTIC character set (for the GR.0) PoKey test - may fail on emulators Audio(} output - mono/stereo (the second PoKey) SID sound chip - present, if $D600 = 1 or $D700 = 1. Mono/(}stereo check not tested yet. Reports will be welcome. DISK SUMMARY The SI knows the following types of disks: fl(}oppy - a floppy disk drive RAM - a ramdisk hard - a hard drive partition or external ramdisk IDE - a(}n IDE hard drive parti- tion, some additional functions will work, like the HARD DRIVE DETAILS. (} If you select this option with the SHIFT/RETURN keys, the SI will retest all connected drives. BENCHMARKS CPU spee(}d - executes about 12.5 mln instructions. On my machine (65XE, PAL) results are as follows: Reg.acc. 587 (= 0.587 MIP(}S) Mem.acc. 296 Int.ins. 278 Gen.ins. 184 Overall 336 or when the SDMA is off: Reg.acc. 780 Mem.acc. (}393 Int.ins. 369 Gen.ins. 245 Overall 447 FP arithmetic - does FP addition, subtraction, multiplication and (}division (8000 times each). The test goes on 2 min. 29.12 sec. (7435 'frames' on PAL systems). Graphics & text - goes (}1 min. 42.48 sec. (5110 PAL 'frames'). Hard disk speed - reads sectors via the SIOINT (or SpartaDOS LSIO) using four(} methodes: Sequential - sector numbers increase with factor 1. Back - sector numbers decrease with factor 1. (} Random - self explaining. Same block - reads the same sector a couple of times. On my drive (WDC AB 130, emulatio(}n mode) results are as follows: Sequential - 43 (55 if SDMA off) Back - 28 (29) Random - 9 (9) Same block - 29(} (38) Results may be various on various drives. E.g. for Maxtor 7345AT: Sequential - 45 (59) Back - 25 (29) Ra(}ndom - 10 (11) Same block - 15 (15) Bars aren't very exact, I'll try to improve them later. OPTIONS Disk config (}get/test - if set to GET, the DISK SUMMARY displays the current density for floppies, otherwise the best density. For (} example, if you have a 720k drive with a Single Density disk inside, the GET will show 90k, the TEST - 720k. 16-bit(} mode - use 65c816 routines to draw the screen, if set ON. Screen DMA - if set to OFF, the ANTIC DMA is switched off, (}when the SI is running benchmarks. Sector I/O - when set to "OS", the hard disk benchmark use standard SIOINT entry,(} otherwise the SpartaDOS LSIO is used. Save defaults - saves options to the SI.DEF file. Tested with: -----------(}- - SpartaDOS X 4.20 - SpartaDOS 3.2 - MyDOS 4.5 - BW-DOS 1.10(D HISTORY ------- Changes made in 2.01 -------------------- 1) Bugfix: in the field "OS type/ '816 oriented" nothin-}g appeared (instead of "no") on non-816 machines. 2) Percent-fields are now 4-byte long (up to 9999% possible).-} It has been changed to prevent crashes on HyperSpeed Ataris. 3) SID (a sound chip from the C-64) detection add-}ed. 4) Sector I/O operations were done through the SpartaDOS LSIO vector, when the SpartaDOS was present. Now i-}t can be forced back to OS SIO. I heard, that the CPU speed bench- mark crashes on some emulators. I am far from goin-}g to fix it, because real Ataris do not crash. So get a real computer, before you report a bug in the SI! Changes made -}in 2.00 (a big rewrite) ------------------------------------ 1) 65c816 support added: the SI now recognizes this CPU.-} DOES ANYBODY KNOW, HOW TO DISTIN- GUISH THE 65C802 FROM THE 65C816? ANY INFO WILL BE WELCOME. 2) CPU and OS in-}terrupt vectors info added. 3) Disk and memory info added. 4) Benchmarks added. The MIPS.COM, FLOPS.COM and RWTES- }T.COM have been incorporated to the SI with some changes and improve- ments. 5) A bug in 'max.scanlines' test - } has been fixed. 6) Some routines have been optimized. 7) Background image has been added 8) VM-support has been - }removed for now. It will possibly be back in a future version. 9) The RAM test now can detect the 65c816 high R- }AM (i.e. past the first 64k). 10) Quick help added. 11) Any window may be closed now with the [Esc] key. 12) O- }ptions added. 13) OS type test has been rewrit- ten. Now should recognize the MTI OS and ARGS-OS. 14) IDE Inter-}face support added. 15) Fast redraw added: on '816 machines the screen elements are drawn faster. 16) Unfortuna-}tely, all mentioned changes, improvements and additions made the SI now require at least 48k machine to r-}un... 17) Due to this reason, the SI is now *relocatable* to use as much free memory as possible. The main b-}inary segment (SI.PRG) is executed by the SI.COM, which is actually a small loader. The SI.PRG format -}description is reachable on the WWW at: http://www.orient.uw.edu.pl/ conradus/atari.html where " " sign stands for the-} tilde. NOTE: memory usage summaries are based on the OS variables; since the XL OS does not test the high RAM nor bank-}-select, values shown in the 'Memory usage' window may differ from the reality. These values are correct under DracOS, a -}16-bit, 816-aware operating system. Changes made in 1.92 (not released) ----------------------------------- 1) Menu ba-}r control has been added. 2) Maximum scanlines test added. 3) Design change. Changes in 1.91 (later release) ----------}---------------------- 1) The speed indicator bug, men- tioned below as fixed in 1.91, in fact still remained in th-}e object code (it has been fixed in the source code only - I forgot to compile it again, sorry). Really fixed-} now. Changes in 1.91 (first release) ------------------------------- 1) The code has been recompiled to higher addr-}esses ($2600 now) for better compatibility with some systems. Problem reported by Tomasz Tatar. 2) MEMLO and ME-}MTOP values are checked before the main segment is loaded. 3) Two stupid mistakes in the Axlon-test have been f-}ixed (no bug reports?!?) 4) A bug in the speed rate indica- tor has been fixed. Due to this bug, the speed rate-} indicator worked wrong on 65c02/65c816 machines. Reported by David Paterson and John Harris. 5) POKEY test has-} been added to detect stereo circuits. 6) One more routine has been added to clearly determinate machine type (-}400/800 or XL/XE). 7) Screen design has been changed a bit. 8) The code has been shortened. Changes in 1.9 ------- }-------- 1) A bug, that caused garbage on the screen, if tested computer hadn't extended RAM, has been fixed.-!} 2) The SI didn't start neither un- der MyDOS nor AtariDOS. Fixed. 3) Some other small bugs have been fixed. 4) S-"}ome routines have been optimi- zed. 5) Axlon-test has been added. My computer hasn't the Axlon-RAM, so if somet-#}hing goes wrong, please report it. 6) Virtual Memory test. Now SI is a VM-application (and it sounds much bette-$}r). See VM.DOC 7) 'XL RAM' is now called 'Linear' (due to hope of the 65c816) and 'XE RAM' is now called 'Exten- -%} ded' (due to no particular rea- son).,,REL1k SysInfo v.2.01 (c) KMK{eee(]R]\XTewbd?dMdZdnddce;RXRuRRkevxK>XaaRRSoYbK1'}4]2`]] 1#gKgsg]m@L\aKeKXXPY%YiX{ZYeXffMffL* UeIJv{XY011(}WHH K   } hh` /H/ԭH ]  1 h 'x{|{ 2    @  1)}Sz{,z{0%IL 8 ȱ IL,w{0 IYL0 IYL,|{,x{ IkL0IkL1*}x{,y{ I}L0 I}Lh/ Lv LY D ` D BJKDE V0`hh }Lө 1+}@exԩ ө@X`H ӭvx өөK ӭ愩K ӽvxh1,}`IIт愑`ϭvxϩϩKϭ愩KϽvx`i H&Q`1-}H&Qx{`H&Q`ӭ⨠ٴee'R`ԩ ٮ ؠ0).Bȑ`)L),1.}{0eI{QS{`iI{QS`@oЩ*Щ ЩXЍ* \*Э =IS0 @ISo)o1/}X`"!Q!"Q /% R`IQ HQ R`HϝQ 010}Q`Q&HQ QL_B* c * R R ; *RR. RRR`IQ`(n/a)JJJJ` I11}Q` ehhL_ ieԨe R`QQ *QQȦ.Q *QQ`e *$J%Je *+12}J,Je *-J.JeeL eԪe'Je *JJe *J` L* @   L*L*H) 13} 0i6h *  0i6`L* @ w @L*@vy!bd @,~{0 w @jpqŅƅUFf14}怐򥀍e ;0eo @ Ii慠yiLrsL*/ib8bJb   *15}{LL*` eLvyHwyvyhwy`c?dMdZddnddd( @oe ; I^_n 16}怦yc(ydydyyԭxy ح }yԩ ݭ yԩ 17} ڭ ! 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Operation Aborted! /62}L ; ` ALA@熩 憭憅熅ȱL)( ;LRSINIT by Craig S. Thom 11/4/873 ;L]\63} ; LLIncompatable DOS abort.z ;L ; 톭 ii)i64}iii醭 LL 9IL^)ii65}LI/LISLxLLIDLLL LLABORT ; L 醭 ʇ 򆥠醭 ʇ 򆥠醭 66}ʇ 򆥠醭 ʇ 򆥠MLzLUnable to configure  /冭 /L4 to0 ;L`LVdouble density67}.F ;LzLssingle density.c ;L~} ;LFormat /冭 /L in /LȋLDD? /L֋LϋSD?68} / LK:ީ W A IYL8L ;L ;L. ABORTED!$ ; 톩内䆅69} LWV ;Lba ; ``4%Documentation for SINIT.COM SINIT is intended for use with SpartaDOS, but it should work equally wellwith DOS XL. It :;}was tested on a 1050 with ICD's US Doubler installed, but Ibelieve the SIO commands regarding density setting are the same w:<}ith all AtariDD drives, so it whould work with them. SINIT works like the internal command AINIT, except that it sets :=}thedensity of the target drive before execution. The command line format for SINIT is the same as that of AINIT, with :>}oneexception.SINIT [Dx] [/D] is the format. The commands in brackets are optional and maybe omitted. The brackets shoul:?}d NOT be typed. The Dx: (where x=1-8) selects the drive to be formatted. If this isomitted, then the default drive is:@} assumed. The /D selects a double densityformat. The default is single density. When both commands are used, they mustbe:A} entered in this order. If the program is unable to set the density for the target drive, this isprinted, but the prog:B}ram does not abort. The user is given the opportunity to review the drive and density beforecommitting to the format, :C}to help keep from formatting the hard drive orwhatever because of a typo. This program was written in Action! using th:D}e public domain runtimelibrary written by Jeff Reister. The SIO technical info came from ICD'sSpartaDOS Construction Set m:E}anual and Ian Chadwick's Mapping The Atari. Craig S. Thom 11/4/878r00R`< Name of util: SET LEFT Version: 0.0 Date: 3-Oct.-1996 Status: Public-Domain Payments: Not Required BH}Copyright: the FOX-1 Address: P.O.Box 16 Zipp-Code: 5160 AA City: Sprang-Capelle Country: the NetherlandBI}s Requires: Sparta-Dos Files included: lenght: --------------- ------- SL.COM -- 0011 bytes BJ} SL.DOC -- 0759 ''This is a real shorty. Run SL.COM fromthe Sparta-Dos command-line and it willset the left columns BK}to ZERO in steadof TWO. This is to init your screen tothe full 40 columns to copy text-filesto E: and make it easier to reBL}ad...You must load it again when reset ispressed... Sysop FOX-1 THUNDERDOME ATARI 8-Bit BBS +31 (0)416 279990 the NethBM}erlands@ @A DSORTDIR Ver 1.40 7-10-88 (C) 1994 by FTe i? ɛL@ DUsage: SORTDIR Dn:[path] [/NTSDX] N : Sort byFO} Filename (default) T : Sort by File Type S : Sort by File Size D : Sort by Creation Date X : Reverse Sort`AAFP} iA iAA A" A ALA" A$ / sAɛLA$ /LD@ȱ ɛA)_NALCADALCATALCAFQ}SALCAXALCALD@LALD0:AEAɛA<\ >>Aȩ*AA.AADAEBJFR}K V& DDirectory Open Failed! 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QUIT ?y# L @ Y(L? ?#L?FJ}ULL?# c1# mp!#*(mq!# ##L@L@LX>`L@## GL'@D@#L ##I*L7G## EL=G#LG##LF`LLG '# #LgG ;@ 'LI/#UTLGSort by isJ}k # or ilenameG} ; G0##ID #IFLG/ F#IFLH##8#G#GG#G#LH f# mp!#*(J}mq!# #:LH## !## !#L]H HZ## c1# J}mp!#*(mq!#Ԧ ##LGLI##8#H#HH#H#LIH # mp!#*(mq!J}# 9͊#LI## !## !#LLI II## c1# mp!#*(J}mq!#Ԧ ##LH##q!p! /#/`42file()I1I*scopy(sort_data(reccount),sub_files(ctrLJ}I '# #LJ ;@ 'LNUTLKJ#J' ; U TLsJPress Escape to AbortJ]J} ; G0##ILJ` HLJP:J IIIȌI##8#J#JJ#J#LNKI# mp!J}#*(mq!ȱI #I)K)K#LK #II>L~KIȌII# L^K K#J}PI c1LK#LKI:L>LIIL>LII# !I# !I# !LK J}K#LL K#LL L#ԅߢI c1LLILILLLII # !I J}# !I# !LL L#LL L#LL L…#ԅIJ} c1IILKN L)M, SPARTINDEXL ; ILML{M< Disk ID Filename SJ}ize Program # M> NLMLM< Filename Size Disk ID Program # M NLM%S%B%ELMPage MJ}I٢M 9LANH ================================================================M ; IL]NI ;LNLiJ}N%S%S%U%EILzN NpIIN` 9ILN HLNIIIII9LNII    ##LJJ} H 0`LN 'rUTLOSelect new Drive #: (1-8)N N G0##1L8O#9LN8#0#`oLIO 'RUJ}TLOSelect what type of Directory:O` ;UTLOS) ShortO ;UTLOF) FullO ; G0##IF #ISLUOJ}#IFLOEOLOEO## GLODO#LP:*.*P # c1}  HEO# # v# J};LEP H 0`t==LlP fP} UTLPWhich Function dit/eleteP ;U TLP%S%S%ELPFile Found--> PfP J}mp!gP*(mq!P 9 G0##IE#ID #ILP#IL"QLdR#IDLgQfP gPL V# mp!#*(mq!V 9UTLWWant to Continue Search? (y/n)V ;TJ} G0##IY #INL)W#IYLOWL`W## iPTLkW##LUTILW UTLWSearch CompleteW ;TLWU J}TLWFile Not Found...W ;  ULW( Want to Search Again ? (y/n) W ; G0##IY #INLX#IYJ}L-X TL-X`tiaL7X LfX# SPARTINDEX DISK ORGANIZERXB UUTLX( J} Xz N##LXU#T 'U#T #LXUTLY(X NUJ}TLJY( Y! N##LYU#T 'U#T #LVYUTLY(J}Y NUTLY!Yet another Disk Indexing ProgramY ; UTLZProgramed by Tim LoweryYJ} ;0X1XL6Z A) Add Files Z( m0X*(m1XLhZB) Add Full DiskZȑW m0X*(m1XLZ C) View FilJ}esZȑ m0X*(m1XLZ D) Save FilesZȑ m0X*(m1XLZ E) Load FilesZȑ䈑 m0X*(m1XL"J}[F) Clear Memory[ȑ m0X*(m1XLJ[G) Sort[ȑB m0X*(m1XLs[H) Print[ȑj m0X*(m1XJ}L[I) Default Drive[ȑ m0X*(m1XL[ J) Directory[ȑĈ m0X*(m1XL[K) Edit[ȑ񈑮 m0XJ}*(m1XL!\L) Exit\ȑ#### ##L\# m0X#*(m1X/X.X#U#T/X.X ;#i#J}#I #IL\###Г#L;\UTL\!Select: Records #: Drive #: \ N`L\~!!w<v< m~!J}*(m!O>ȑN> m~!*(m!@ȑ@ m~!*(m!AȑA m~!*(m!dCȑcC m~!J}*(m!DȑD m~!*(m!KGȑJG m~!*(m!IȑI m~!*(m!NȑN m~!J}*(m!HOȑGO m~!*(m!TȑT` to EL<^# #L^##L^#i#iiۅim#7^J}i8^7^8^#LL^6^5^## O5^6^4^#84^^^#L=_)#i#iiۅim#J}7^i8^7^8^#i5^e6^i8 ȑ#L^#i#ii7^i8^7^8^#iJ} Y( ' Y(# G0##AL_#ML_8#A##i#ii΍7^i8^7^8^#i!#`L_HJ} ԍЭ##h@`L `H ԍЭ__h@`_L)`1%`0$`$`i%`i$`i%`i$`i%`iJ} `# `# ` `$`i%`iԭ$`L``2L` ' \R2#1#0ԍ` &` 9^#`ԭ#I L`LJ}a# m~!*(m!`` `L``La} ȌU TLSa a2 ; L_a`FILia J}'ILya adaca( (jea w( / 4X1#0#8jj#/ `eajRdaca  ``faJ}HDocumentation for SPAINDEX.COMThis program organizes your disklibrary. All files/disks aregiven designations and are filN}edin one area. Simply access thisarea for instant location of anyfile/disk.At the D1: prompt type SPAINDEX(with BASIC N}disabled) and followthe menu.L /