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'? 'I0 'I1 6B 6B2 %*H %h*?? M010? % JJ߰Jװ2 '3ʆ2e}3`? '?`. '? '? ? MLQ ')?3***)1 '0$800%1102 M23򰹺. '? '? ML 'f}2 '33 M2Ұ =DZαѱԱ *9iVi}i A"ȱ88``śꥵŜ䥈 )Πȱнj}ЬȱФ)  8ȑȑ 嗥ii©8``ܗ[ SUPER PACKER V 1.0 ------------------ (SUPERPCK.COM) By BEWESOFT (Jiri Bernasek) INT"l}RODUCTION Finally is there a packer from BEWESOFT! SUPER PACKER 1.0 can pack almost every DOS files, and it can be also us"m}ed as a linker or simple file-format editor. I'll not say that my packer is great or fantastic there - you'll not believe."n}.. But I can present serious facts and numbers: I compared my packer with the best of another packers which I have - Magnus"o}'s Cruncher 5.0. Another packers (FPACK, PLINK) are more user-friendly, but they give bad results (because they are using RLE"p} method only). I packed 10 programs (5 demos, 4 games, and one "serious" program: ATMAS II macroassembler) randomly selecte"q}d from my disk-box with both the packers, and there are results:- With SUPER PACKER 1.0 I was working exactly as described i"r}n "SIMPLE WAY" part of this manual. Every packed programs worked well.- In Magnus's Cruncher 5.0 I used the most common Offs"s}et 4. I must make changes in 4 programs before packing (Inits in the file...), and the Cruncher wasn't able to load two of th"t}e programs at all (because of effects in VBI while loading). This Cruncher isn't very easy to use. And now numbers: The dif"u}ference in length of packed files was in range -5%...+15% (So both the packers are good). Difference in packing time (inclu"v}ding loading, saving etc.) was between -15%...+25% (So Magnus's Cruncher is faster a little bit; but with "Length tests" OFF "w}the SUPER PACKER 1.0 will get more speed). Difference in depacking time (including loading) was between -50%...+10% (So in "x}this point SUPER PACKER 1.0 is better). Another differences: SUPER PACKER 1.0 is more user-friendly, and it can pack "serio"y}us" programs too. (The depacker from Magnus's Cruncher is destroying DOS, so it's good only for demos and games...) My packer"z} is working with almost any DOS (I tested it with SpartaDOS and DOS 2.5), while Magnus's Cruncher is a Boot-disk. SUPER PAC"{}KER 1.0 is not as colorful, as other packers (it looks quite unprofessional), but it still displays colors to the screen a li"|}ttle bit. That's because without of color-effects the computer seems to be locked-up while depacking. SIMPLE WAY "}}How to pack a working program with this packer (the simplest way)...- Start the packer, and oad the program for packing."~} In the left part of your screen you'll see the structure of the program-file.- Set adress of Depacker and its Buffer if ne"}cessary (use - Packer setup). Mostly the default adress (Depacker at $500, and Buffer in screen-memory at $BD00) will be "}OK, so if you are not a programmer - don't worry about this, probably it'll work. In general: Depacker and Buffer area must"} be different, and it must be between $400-$6FF or cca.$2000-$BFFF ($C00-$BFFF for a Micro-DOS). Of course this area can't be"} used by the packed program - see structure of the file. If you haven't any place for Buffer - disable Huffman packing. In "}this case the Buffer will not be used, so you needn't to worry about its adress.- Try to

ack every "Data" segments, and "}then ave the final file.- Test if the packed program works. If is it simply locking up, then it's probably necessary to "}change Depacker adress. COMMANDS The list of possible commands is in the upper-right corner of your screen. In th"}e left part of the screen you'll see structure of the program-file in memory. Use arrows to move the cursor in this "file-map"}", and press a letter key to execute a command. What you can see in the "file-map":Data XXXX-YYYY *1Packed XX"}XX-YYYY>ZZZZ *2INIT XXXX *3RUN XXXX *4Copy XXXX-YYYY->ZZZZ *5End "} *6*1 is a simple data-segment. *2 is a packed segment; the number after ">" is the length of packed data. *3 and *4"} are the INIT and RUN adresses, and *5 is the COPY function (explanation later). *6 is the end of file. The commands:"}isk Directory - Enter drive number and search spec. (or press RETURN for D1:*.*), and you'll see disk directory...oad DO"}S file - With this function you'll load the program for packing. It'll load a file, and insert its contents at the cursor-pos"}ition. When you'll load a file made by this packer, you'll get the same structure including packed segments, COPY functions"}, and Depacker/Buffer adresses, as before saving the file. - Load data-file - This allows you to link data-files (Pictur"}es, texts etc.) into your program. After loading the file you'll be asked for its target adress, and it'll become as a new se"}gment in the file-structure.ave - This will save the final file (including depacker if there are some packed data).

"}ack segment - The main function of the packer. It'll try to pack the segment at cursor-position. You'll see only a single lin"}e on your screen while packing (because of speed). Press HELP to turn the main screen on/off if you want. See "Packing meth"}od" part of this manual for more info.rase segment - This will delete the segment at cursor-position., - Add RUN"}, INIT - This allows you to add RUN or INIT adress to your program. - Insert COPY - With this function you can insert a "}little copy-routine into the program-file. For example: You want to load a segment at $E000-$E0FF (Under ROM-OS). Because it'"}s impossible to load it directly, you need to load it into "normal" memory, and then copy it under ROM-OS. So, change the a"}dress of your segment for example to $8000-$80FF, and then add "Copy $8000-$80FF->$E000" after this segment - the packer will"} make the copy-routine for you. Note that this routine (less than $40 bytes long) will be placed at "Buffer" adress! The copy"}-process is going from begin to end of the memory-block to copy. - Change adress - You can edit loading adress of any se"}gment, RUN or INIT adress, or parameters of COPY. - Packer setup - After pressing the key "M", you can enter some parame"}ters for the packer:- you can edit Depacker adress (Adress, where the depacker will be while loading the packed program)- y"}ou can edit Buffer adress (Adress of buffer for depacking with Huffman method, and for COPY routine)- you can disable some o"}f the three packing methods (Type "Y", "N", or RETURN)- you can also disable length tests (see "Packing method"). - Cle"}ar ALL!, anduit to DOS - Clear enough, I think... PACKING METHOD This packer is using three packing methods: "}Run Length Encoding, Lempel Ziv 1977 (size of data-window is 1kB), and Static Huffman. So, it's working in 3-pass process. "} If you know which methods should be used for your data (for example if you have packed your data many times before while tes"}ting your program), you can disable "Length tests" in setup, and set the correct method(s) there. The packing-time will be sh"}orter then - 50% or even less! But don't think that you can pack everything with "Length tests" OFF! If the length of packe"}d data will be greater than source length after any packing-method, you'll see the message "Can't pack this", and your segmen"}t will disappear! (So you need to load the file again!) - With "Length tests" ON the packing-time is long, but this danger is"} not there. While packing, the slowest method is Lempel Ziv. So, if you want to pack a file quickly, turn the Lempel Ziv m"}ethod OFF in setup. But you'll not get the best results of course! The free memory is only cca. 31kB, but you can pack you"}r programs in this way: Load a segment (or data-file), pack it, then load another one, etc... Or you can append packed file"}s with several parts of your program. If you've selected the same Depacker and Buffer adresses while saving separate files, y"}ou can delete the segment with depacker from every parts of your program excepting the first one. You can do this with anot"}her programs (games etc.) too - you only need to divide them into several small files first... WHEN THE PROGRAM DOESN'T "}WORK... Sometimes it can happen, that the packed program doesn't work. It can lock up with the Depacker at a wrong adress "}(so try to change this adress!), or you can see a nice "color-chaos" on your screen. This colorful effect means that the de"}packer is not able to depack a segment. (It's using checksum to detect errors in the packing / depacking process.) What to do"} now? The simplest way is to leave such a file non-packed, but it's not a very good idea. So, how to get the best possible "}results in this case? First you need to know in which segment the problem is. So, pack the file segment by segment, and try i"}f the program still works. (Load, Pack one segment, Save, Try to start the program, Load, Pack another segment etc...) Then"} try which packing method caused the problem - pack the segment again and again with different packing methods disabled, till"} the program works. And finally pack the file again, but disable the wrong method before packing the problematic segment. ("}Then enable it again.) ----------------------------------- You can make as many copies of this packer as you want, and g"}ive them to your friends etc. But don't make any changes in the program! ----------------------------------- Well, enjoy"} the SUPER PACKER 1.0 ! I hope that you will like it...Jiri Bernasek (BEWESOFT)Prague, 93-11-14 f  ,TASCOLO $$** ATARI 1020 PLOTTER/PRINTER**** 23 JUNE &}1983(**2** REV 2<**F#@@# AP##@@K:Z##@&}@P:dDISPLAY TITLE/OPTIONSn APx//A@A`AA A 0XX1=ALL F&}UNCT,2=PEN UP/DOWN,3=PLATTEN UP/DOWN,4=DRAW RIGHT/LEFT,5=PEN CHANGE,6=RETRYTEST ALL FUNCTIONS TEST(@&}-A&2(@#(@C02(@A99(@(* 1020 FIRMWARE/HARDWARE CHECK (REV 1&}) *# A0(@#(@(@ * TEXT MODE66(@% FULL CHARACTER SET IN 20-CHAR MODE3&}(@#(@C23(@ A A03(@#(@C03(@A&}(@A(@% FULL CHARACTER SET IN 40-CHAR MODE2(@#(@C12(@A A&} A02(@#(@C02(@A"(@,A6(@% FULL CHARACTER SET IN 80-CHA&}R MODEA(@6#(@#(@C3@(@J A A0T#(@#(@&}C0^(@(@h*(@* GRAPHIC MODE*(@r0%(@ LINE TYPE 0 TO 170(@&}|#(@#(@C1-@@<(@L((@D200,0<(@M240,0&}B(@L%@3(@ D440,1000B(@H&(@M0,-20&(@I  A0.&}(@C0#(@.(@$$(@ SCALE 0,31,63,64#(@#(@C2'(@&}M0,-400'(@I#(@S0#(@PS(@M20,-31$(@S31$(@PS&}(@M190,-63$(@S63$(@PS(@ M470,1000$(@S64$(@PS&C&}(@C0#(@.(@9(@C A00,!(@ ROTATE 0 TO 4,(@:((@&}((@M50,-50D#(@S5#(@C3N-@X&(@Q&(@PQb &} A0l(@M240,-50v(@Q4(@ M1000,-220-(@C0#(@- A0&}$$(@ PLOTTING ABILITY(@)(@ M240,-150)(@I/(@X0,20,5/(&}@ X0,20,256@(@H((@X0,-20,6@(@ X0,1000,-1@(@H((@X2,20,11@(&}@ X2,20,-256A(@H)(@ X1,-20,12A(@ X1,-1000,00(@J60,1200(@ R&}1000,-240>(@C1)(@J120,240>(@R0,-240>(@C2)(@J120,240>(@&}R0,-240>(@C3)(@J120,240>(@R0,-240@(@C0((@J60,120@(@ R&}-260,-170 (@ @ -A&*"@'A04(@>:,> H(@&}>:A',R$\+(@H+(@L@f,(@D480,0,(@D-480,0p*(@D&}0,-2 A0* Apz'@@'% D:T1020.A(@H,(@M480,0,(@M-480&},0 A0 A '@@'% D:T1020.B''A PA PA PA#(@#(&}@C0-@(@C  A0 A `77 ERROR #F:A,, DEPRES&}S TO RESTART"F:B2y,"@" @ A2F:Ad,"@G%)@('2 A$'&}'----- DISPLAY PROGRAM TITLE -----$-.'@@'@@98AR@B }&}L)) ! V)) ! `)) ! 堠j&})) ! үҠt)) ! ~    REV 2 &}!!  1> ALL FUNCTION TEST  2> PEN UP/DOWN  3> PLATTEN UP/DOWN  4> DRAW RIGHT/LEFT&}  5> PEN CHANGE/ / $ Q> STOP TEST AND RETURN TO MENU ** " ** &}" | Please Select an Option |** "  )@6-&@H"@&} A# @)!@# A($x A% D8:MENU.FOX A % D:MENU.FOX +&} D:T1020.BAS$og % LMARGRMARGKIPRESTASER@@@@@' ** *} ATARI 1025 PRINTER**** 01 JUNE 1983(**2** REV 1<6-@6-@P16-@*}6-@'6-@',1Z@K:d A n@P:x% A%*}DISPLAY TITLE/OPTIONS''AA ApA A + A  Ap! 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Ҡ)) ! 3'}    REV 1 !!  1> ALL FUNCTION TEST  2> CARRIAGE RETURN$$  3> PA3(}PER UP, FULL SPACE&&  4> PAPER DOWN, FULL SPACE$$  5> PAPER UP, HALF SPACE&&  6> PAPER DOWN, HALF 3)}SPACE/ / $ Q> STOP TEST AND RETURN TO MENU ** " ** " | Please Sel3*}ect an Option |$** " .AdAU)86-&@H=3"@+3+}# A3% D8:MENU.FOXB# @)!@# ApL$V A % D:MENU.FOX` A0% D:AUTORU3,}N.BASj% D:T825.BAS0WCCCCCCCCCCC1C1C1C1C1C1C4C5C12C25EOLMARGRMARGDPLXDPLAZSWDIRINSOUSDVSTACMCM7.}KITIESBCPEABCDYXERTASSBBBBBBBINCNOUTCN7/} 70} !"#$%&71}'()*+,-./012345672}789:;<=>?@d ----- INITIALIZATION -----n--"73}r"u%;@,6.FULLHALF%6-x++;@,;,;@74},;@ ,}#6-A(6-%#6-AF'6-@6-6-'6-@'K: A75}T:@ A, ----- END OF PROGRAM -----@^ +-(}RETURNING TO START-UP MEN76}U?ARJ@^+Ad,@J% D:T835.BASGET A DIGIT )6.>:,$!")4-)4 77})4~)4|$$ )!A 6-&$X----- ANALOG TEST -----]@@9b A l78}+(+( }Now in Analog Loopback Test ...n))(!Press to exit at any time.q(t **@:W,v"AP79}{##(Waiting for carrier ...| A }*F:B2y," ( (aborted)* AE"AP A6%7:}-@A % A  (acquired)( 000##----- PRIMARY TEST LOOP7;} -----6-Ad6-@16-@(  (#(&()(,(/(2(5(8(T( 7<}`6-@l6-@x6-@6-@)6-%@!A")6-@2F:,!@ A7=} 6- @AQ - @ >:,+6-%@7"@9E6-%@Q6-@@#A7>}}-@@+-@&@?-@@i(% m y6-@#7?}} 16-@6-@'6-1 A *6-%@F:,"A ) @A7@}!A 6-&@M - >:%@,'6-%@3"@9A6-%@M6-@F:B2y,7A}Ae@ **@:X,F:,"A ) A A ""----- MODE7B}M ERROR TRAP -----!AR@%6-F:A,*A6A ,   / 07C}  OPTION Ϡ1"F:B2y,"@" A2 A3 A4@@99 -;)7D})(!<-@@= ->))(!| |@ B-7E}@C))(!H# -#(Encountered ERROR: J-"A2--(Invalid 835 Comm7F}andK0"A9-0(Modem does not respondL0-@0(Press to Continue, orM(-@(( 7G} to QuitN 6- 'OF:B2y,"APF:B2y,AGQ A R$$----- SEND MODEM COMMAND ---7H}--\ **@:,f$""----- GET MODEM STATUS ----- **@:Y, 6-F:%@,56-7I}!A''6-@56-&A(56-!@c'6-@56-&@d56-!@1'67J}-@56-&@256-!@'6-@56-&@56-!@'6-@56-&@7K}56-!@'6-@56-&@56-!@'6-@56-&@'6-7L}"'6-@ 6-F:, 6-F:,$990,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,48,57,128,256!!55,56,577M},81,89,155,82,83,391234567890,(TEST)D:T835.A4`CCCCCCCCCCC1C1C1C1C1C1C4C5C12C25EOLMARGRMARGDPLXDPLTIMETIMAZSWDIRINSOUSDV;O}STACMCMKITIESTASERSBBBBBBBBINCNOUTCNSDLISSCRNMA;P} ;Q} !"#$%&;R}'()*+,-./012345;S}6789:d ----- INITIALIZATION -----n--"o990,;T}1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,48,57,128,256r"s++55,56,57,81,89,155,82,2,83,39,203,400uT;@;U},6.FULLHALF%6-2;@,H6. 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