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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu  } 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDG*}E J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRES+}SF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEL !N',}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx -}DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL/}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}ED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1}  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}COPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED736 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D1:DIRECK.COMl# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}LLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}C, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}Ξ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  G}JB|,#P#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 ,^ 1 70,0La- B V,#PH},^ 1 70 0L#L!-* 1P* 1 y0Yj383}mm ݭI}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:-)| / 1L!`DESTINATION CANT BE DOJ}S.SYS0 0H{ 24Δ 28/L!/) 2 Π 2 0 ξK}hAΞB,0 J 1 BDEHI,HÝDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-GIVE L}FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O S0 1`BDEPHI V` S0H 1 L!M}0 0 1L~0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL! 70 1L0L<1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥN}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{NAMEO} TOO LONG B VL!` L1I H1EΝDL1|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:222 1 LP}!ERROR- 138ɛ+,' 20*.. өr2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALID HEXAQ}DECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8uR} .QWKsilver version 0.1 beta - Bug report.Due to the diligent beta-testing of Frank Walters and James Young of the221B BakeT}r Street in Florida, a number of bugs have been exterminated in thelatest version of QWKsilver! Thanks are in order for theU}se two guys ... andnow, the bugs which were squashed!Bugs in .QWKsilver 0.1:-----------------------* Colors wouldn't lV}oad from the setup menu or on bootup.* Error-trapping was rather poor. Whenever an unexpected error occured, it wasn't rW}eported.* A time-date stamp of October 10, 1992 at 00:00 was inserted into all replies in the .REP packet.* The outdateX}d version of Bob Puff's SuperArc (2.0) was mistakenly distributed in the 0.1 archive.New features in .QWKsilver 0.2:---Y}----------------------------* The above listed bugs are now fixed (hopefully! )* Ability to spacebar abort the messageZ}s.* A real-time clock has been installed which will insert the proper time and date into your replies.* Pointer generat[}ion is now done on the MESSAGES.DAT file when reading it for the first time. Regrettably, this takes 3 minutes, but only h\}as to be done once per packet. I am searching for a way to improve this speed.* The ability to read New messages, or sea]}rch for Personal messages (made possible in part by the pointer files)* New commands while reading: Exporting, Updating ^}lastread pointer, Jumping to the end of a packet, reading a previous message, and title listings of the next five message_}s* A help function which explains these commands* Improved quoting, where RETURN will default to a 1-5 quoting range, plu`}s "S" to skip or "Q" to quit.* Importing external files into messages.* When processing a packet, the program will now a}indicate what it is doing (i.e., converting CONTROL.DAT to ATASCII, etc.)* New, updated version of SuperArc 2.4 now distrb}ibuted in QWKS02.ARC@pD܎6 LO%ԩԢ w) t >멶t )    ) w J L$   d} w J ) w J w) t >멿t )  ) w J̠t  t >Πt   > w e}  wԤՅ K  IJ   wԤՅ K > > Qu >z > " Q f} w  I w  J w  >!   w֤   > Ll$ w  I w g} J w ( " w  (L$  wԤՅ K L#  Рt J 0 o k o h} l o0 we Q   o & o C o w0 LA% we Q& wm QC wn QL$@   i} 4 Q QQ 1!  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POINTE }R.DAT CONTROL.DAT!Converting CONTROL.DAT to ATASCIITEMP CONTROL.DATTEMP CONTROL.DATReading CONTROL.DAT ...,, .MSG  } MESSAGES.DAT(򠰮ᠨé ԠϺ MESSAGES.DAT Ӡ } (R)ead messages (P)ost a message!(N)ews (C)omment to sysop (Q)uit CPALL...QN(N)ew, (P)ers }onal, or (A)ll: [New]: A 栧P NP PERSONAL.PTRNo more personal messages!Press RETUR }N: QUOTE   -`*  Message # on "    at   Public, unread Public, readPriv }ate, unreadPrivate, unreadSysop comment, unreadSysop comment, readPassword, unreadPassword, readGroup PW, unreadGroup }PW, readGroup PW, for ALL: [ANSIART]ANSI art ignored.}] * POOF! *P%()op ()nd ()revious ()isting#()eply ( })port ()pdate ()gain()uit ()HelpCommand [Next msg]: R?PQUQATXEPMSGPOINTLMSGPOINT' }ﺠ' 堣 Which one? (1-5) [Next Five]: Press ENTER to use defau }ltsPrivate Msg? [No]: YYeah, sure ...No way!RPost on ? [Yes]: NNo way!Yeah, sure ...}Press ENTER to use defaults. }To: }Press ENTER to use defaultsTo: Subj: TEMP#Reply has been forwarded from area  by Enter your m }essage below. quotes, saves, aborts import text file into message place "/" on column #1'(-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- }=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-)/  Command: S Q IAA/;---* .QWKsilver v0.2 } beta! * .QWK for the Atari XL/XE! *TEMP:     End of messages - Press a key.Enter Conference number(0- [List } 'em!]) : } -   does not exist!# pauses, aborts. Press [RETURN]:(򠰮 }ᠨéDefault settings:(,) Screen Color(,) Text Brightness() Write Verify: }ON!OFF() Message Directory: () Work directory: () Tagline directory: () Tagline display: } NONE ROTATERANDOM() Save D1:QWKSILVR.DAT() Load D1:QWKSILVR.DAT() Quit to mainEnter selection:  }Enter new Msg. Directory name]: D:Enter new Work Directory name]: D: !} Enter new Tagline Directory name]: D:TAGLINESSD:QWKSILVR.DATVQLNothing to quote, "}silly! :)QUOTE Quoting from  to > QUOTE()kip ()uit (#-#) or (RETURN) [1]: S #}Q []: SQ }Quoting complete. Continue ...'(-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-)* "" *[P $}AUSE] - [Press any key]}End of messages. Press a key.What time (HH:MM)? :(N)oon or (M)idnight? [M]:NNoon! Midnight!( %}A)M or (P)M? [A.M.]:PP.M.!A.M.!Enter the date (MM/DD/YY)? :/}Export to (D)isk or (P)rinter? [Printer] &}: DP:DP:Disk filename (Dn:filename.ext) [Abort]: D:'[A]scii (CR/LF) or [*]Atascii (CHR 155) [ '}ATASCII]: AɡүƩ ɡҠ!Insert destination disk and pressRETURN: &Prepare your printer and press R (}ETURN:Now exporting message #O<< This message exported by .QWKsilver 0.2 beta (C) 1992 Ubiquitous Software >> Export date:  )} at System : Location : Phone No. : Message # on From -----> To -------> Date -----> Subject --> Reply to -> *} Message #M-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-'Enter source filename (Dn:filename +}.ext) [Abort]: D: Importing  into your message.Error encountered.Import complete. Continue ...'(-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ,}=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-)D:QWKSILVR.DATError # occurred!Press [RETURN]Error # occured! Press RETURN:P ()op - G -}o to top of packet ()nd - Go to end of packet#()revious - Go to previous message'()isting - Title listing of next fi .}ve%()eply - Reply to current message'()port - Export message to D: or P:&()pdate - Set lastread pointer here$()ga /}in - Read this message again!()uit - Back to message menuo"|""2#b###$l$ $ $ $ A%D%O% 0}(x%2%<%F&P&Z4&de&n&oF'x'''''(( (-(:(G(T((((;)>)Q)^)))"), 1})-). *6-*@*J*T*^*h*r)+|e++++++3,p,,,--$-E-q----!.$.%.& 2}.0.1.:.D.Na/X~/b/l/v/////// 010S0f000#1Y1\11112 R2 W2 z 3}2 2 3+3E3j333 3!4*%444> 5HK5RT5Sj5T5U5V5W 6XI6[6\6f6p6z7 77777G7 4}\7q777777848T8t8$8.888B8C9L9M<9N<9V<9`9j9t9~:,:E:v::::; 5}9;;;;;;<<<^<y<~<<<< < <<5=a===#=&>'A>(J>2>3>4?5Q?<j?=?> 6}?@@A4@B@C@E@F@G7AKwAMANBPBZ(BdsBnBxBy5CTCCCD!D]DuDDDDDEE/E 7}EE"E,E6 F@SFJcFTiF^iFhlFrF|FGGhGrGGG1HrHHHHHHH%I]I&pI0I:IDJ 8}N+JXJbJlJvFKOKKKKKL3L{LLFMMMMN %NN N*0O49O>@OHORO\PfPpPzQ 9}MQQQQQRRRRRR SGS xS S S$ S. S8 SB SL TV 3T` 6Tj >Tt NT~ sT T T T T U :}U U >U AU YU iU vU U U U U( U2 V< VF 7VP ZVZ }Vd Vn Vx V V V V 1W MW iW W W X X 8X K ;}X sX X X X" =Y, JY6 rY@ YJ YT Y^ waH aR a\ af =} ap bz nb sb b b b b b b c @c ec c c cc d7d$]d.d8dBdLdVd`CejPetSe~feee >}e@fmffffg+gagxg{g {g{g{g({g2{g<{gF{gP{gZ{gd{gn{gx{g{g{g{g{g{g{g{g{g{ ?}g{g{g{ggghDh"h,h6h@3iJJiTli^{ihiri|ii-jijjjjj"kXktkkkkk @}k8l&El0{l:~lDlNlX mb-mlOmvmmmmnnnnooLoToooo oo o*o4p>pH A}pR)p\6pThe above data shows the person the message was from, whom it was addressedt}o, the date it was posted, the subject of the message, the reference #, andthe type and status of the message. The message }display can be aborted bypressing the spacebar.After each message is a list of commands:(T)op: Goes to the first messag}e (not listed when reading personal messages) only)(E)nd: Goes to the next-to-last message (not used when reading} personal messages only)(P)revious: Read the previous message (not used when reading personal only)(L)isting: Sh}ows titles of next five messages (not used when reading personal only)(R)eply: Reply to current message(X)po}rt: Export message to disk or printer.(U)pdate: Set lastread pointer to point to this message.(A)gain: Display current} message again(Q)uit: Quit to message menu(?)Help: Displays these commands and what they do.Any other key goes to th}e next message.-Listing the next five messages------------------------------By typing "L" while reading messages, the }titles of the next five messageswill be displayed using this format:# Msg # |From: |To: Subj: } |Conference #: A sample screen might look like this:1 141 |MARY PINCKARD |GEORGE JONES The passing of} an era.|12 144 |POLLY STONE |JAMES MORRIS Virus protection? |13 215 |GREG FOLK |DIANE MASAKI slm}r20.zip |124 217 |LYN RUST |KEN KRUBSACK BBS NAME IN PACKET WIN|125 468 |BOBBY CLARK |ALL } Hello ... |26You will be asked to enter 1-5 to indicate which message you want to jumpto. Pressing} return will display the next five message titles, until youreach the end of the packet.-Export message--------------}You can dump the current message to the disk or printer. If you specify disk,you will be asked for the disk file, and wheth}er it is to be ASCII (CR/LF)or ATASCII (CHR$ 155) format.-Replying:---------When replying, you will be asked if you w}ant this to be a private reply. Type"Y" or "N" here, or press ENTER to default to "No". You will also begiven the option }of moving your reply to another conference, or posting onthe current conference.Next, you are asked whom you wish to addre}ss this reply to, and the subjectof the message. ENTER defaults to the author and subject of the message youare replying t}o.Entering the message--------------------You will be using a 40-column editor. As you enter your messages,Delete/Back}space will back up your cursor one space. No other editing iscurrently supported. Wordwrap is in effect. Upon reaching th}e edge of thescreen, your typed word will wrap around to the next line. The messagecommands are accessed by typing "/" on }the first column."/S" - Saves your message."/A" - Aborts your message. Nothing is saved"/Q" - Quote the message you are }replying to"/I" - Import an external disk file into your message text."//" - puts a "/" on column 1Quoting-------Line}s will be displayed from the message you are replying to in groupsof five. You will be asked to specify a start and end ran}ge to quote from.Type 1-5, or hit RETURN both times to automatically quote the entire range(the first return automatically }selects line 1, the second RETURN selects theend line). Typing "S" will skip to the next portion of the message. Type"Q" }at any time to return to entering your message.Importing---------When you select "/I", you will be asked to specify the} file you want to importinto your message. Use the format "Dn:filename.ext". After the import issuccessfully completed, y}ou will return to entering your message.Saving your message-------------------"/S" will save your message. All your re}plies get saved to a filename withthe extender .MSG. The filename part of the .MSG filename is your BBSID, andis very impo}rtant.---Other messages--------------Other messages that you may enter from the main message menu are SysopComments }and Posts. Posts are non-reply messages. The format is thesame as replies, except that quoting is disabled, and your post }default addressis to ALL. Sysop Comments are private messages to the sysop only, and youwill only be asked to enter the su}bject of your message.---Uploading your replies----------------------Go to DOS, and run SuperARC. ARChive your BBSI}D.MSG file under the filenameBBSID.REP (remember, replace BBSID with the filename portion of your .MSGfilename). Then log }on to your BBS and upload the .REP file to your mail door.---Other features of .QWKsilver 0.2-------------------------}-------(C)onfigure settings from the main menu:Allows you to set the operating parameters of .QWKsilver. These arestore}d to D1:QWKSILVR.DAT, which is accessed when first running theprogram:Screen color: Use the arrow keys to page through th}e colors(V)erify: Toggles the write-verify on or off. (Use OFF for faster diskaccess)(M)essage directory: Allows you }to set the drive number where your messageswill be. Use D1: through D9:(W)ork directory: Allows you to set the directory} where the computer willdo most of the maintenance work. Use D1: through D9:. It is recommended youset this to access you}r RAMdisk if you have one installed in order to maximizespeed.(T)agline directory: Allows you to set the directory where }your tagline filewill be if you are using taglines. D1: through D9: is allowed. (Taglines areexplained later ...)(RETUR}N) Tagline display: May be set to NONE, ROTATE, or RANDOM. NONE meansno tagline is displayed on any of your messages, ROTA}TE goes through eachtagline in your TAGLINES file one at a time, and RANDOM selects a tagline fromyour TAGLINES file random}ly for each message.(S)ave settings to D1:QWKSILVR.DAT: Self-explanatory.(L)oad settings from D1:QWKSILVR.DAT: Self-expla}natory.(Q)uit to main: Self-explanatory.---TAGLINES--------Taglines are witty one-line messages which you may appe}nd to the end of yourmessages (much like the SLMR mail reader for the IBM) ... the taglinesshould be stored sequentially in} a TAGLINES file on your taglinedirectory. You may use a word processor to edit your tagline file,just make sure it is sav}ed in ATASCII format. Here is a sample tagline:---* .QWKsilver 0.2 beta: .QWK for the Atari 8-bit ** "I yam Popeye of B}org. Prepares to be askimilgrated." *Setting the display to ROTATE will rotate sequentially among your definedtaglines. }Setting the display to RANDOM will insert taglines into yourmessages randomly. Using NONE will suspend the entire tagline (}the "---"tear line, the .QWKsilver line, and the stored tagline).---Final thoughts on .QWKsilver----------------------}------I know that this program has been eagerly anticipated by everyone I'vetalked to, so I would like to acknowledge a fe}w names here: RickReaser, and the other Atarians on the FIDO 8-bit conference, for theirhelpful hints and suggestions; Mar}y Pinckard and the Knoxville Atari UsersGroup, for continuing to support the Atari 8-bit; Jim Northrup (sysop ofBlistered &} Offline) and Pat Carter (sysop of Reality Relief) for allowingme to abuse their boards in beta-testing and providing me wit}h the.QWK data which made this program possible! I would also like to thankFrank Walters and James Young of the 221B Baker} Street BBS in Panama City,Florida, for their constructive criticisms and suggestions which havehelped make this program be}tter.The current version of QWKS*.ARC can beobtained from the BBSes listed at the beginning of the doc file, or byFREQ'i}ng 1:3615/40 FIDOnet or 54:1/1 RealNet. If you have any questions,comments, suggestions, or (*GASP!*) bug reports, leave me} a message on the FIDOAtari 8-bit conference, or send netmail to one of the e-mail addresses listedat the beginning of my m}essage.And, of course, if you feel like it, send me 5 bucks, and I'll put you on mymailing list. You will receive updates} of .QWKsilver as they come out!Thank You and Good Night. --- Bobby Clark, November }13, 1992 } }  Lll L"! L"! VL"! l Lq!! 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Your way is irrelevant.He's dead, Jim. You take his phaseN}r, I'll take his wallet.Locutus to Pontiac: Excitement is irrelevant.Silly rabbit! .QWK's are for kids!Backup not found:O} (A)bort (R)etry (S)mash the computer to bits ...Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up.My reality check just boP}unced.All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.--T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E--Unable to locate CoffeQ}e -- Operator Halted![Pause] - [Press any key to continue or press any other key to abort]I'm in shape ... round's a shape R}isn't it?We all live in a yellow subroutine.On a clear disk you can seek foreverAll wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awoundS}?Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch!This tagline is umop apisdnhELP! mY cAPSLOCK kEY hAS fALLEN aND iT}T cAN'T gET uP!Geordi: "Wes, no! Don't drop that antimatter^bottle!&%$@^ NO CARRIERIf I were any lazier, I'd slip into a cU}oma!I was born tired and had an early relapse.I'm not as think as you stoned I am!Lead me not into temptation. I can findV} it myself.YES ... but not with you.The future isn't what it used to be.I is a college student.It's been Monday all week.W}Feeling a little romantic? Go %$@# yourself!I can't remember names so I'll just call you butthead.Take me drunk, I'm homeX} again.I'm not arrogant. I'm just better than you.Reality: an illusion produced by an alcohol deficiency.Monday's are theY} potholes in the road of life . . .Friends come and go, enemies accumulate!Diplomacy is the art of letting other people havZ}e your way!OSS * POLICE TAGLINE DO NOT CROSS * POLICE TAGLINE DO NOT CROSS * POLIDo not remove this tagline under penalty o[}f law.<< Sysop is paging you! Press ALT-H to answer! >>What's the use of being grown up if you can't act childish someti\}mes?I don't like suicide ... it stunts your growth. - Vila Restal, Blake's 7Spock, I've found that evil usually triumphs, u]}nless good is very careful.Hey!^ Don't pick^up th@t phone#$%& NO CARRIERThe next tagline will be TRUE --> <-- That last ta^}gline was FALSEIn every revolution, there's one man with a vision. - Captain KirkMy race was assimilated by the Borg, and a_}ll I got was this lousy T-shirt.If "Q" were castrated, would he become "O"?Hey, Worf! Eat any good books lately? - QLuck `}favours fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise - Cdr. RikerBadgers? We don't need no steenking badgers!'I drana}k WHAT?!' - SocratesYes, it's LOG! All kids love LOG!I live in Iowa. I only work in outer space.The only good cat is a sb}tir-fried cat!If you can't win, the next best thing is to upset the chessboard.So, like, that's my tagline for today, so goc}od day, eh ...<< This Is A Test Of The Emergency Tagline System >>Stop the world ... I want to get off!The healthy released} of emotion is often unhealthy for those around you.Hung Chow: Chinese word for constipation.May the schwartz be with you!e}JUMP! Ten thousand lemmings can't be wrong!Come to Los Angeles, where we'll treat you like a King!Ifyoucanreadthisthenyouf}aresittingtooclosetothemonitorNew Compression Technique: DEL *.* (100% compression!)Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline!If ag}t first you don't succeed, XIO 254,#1,0,0,"D:" ...'Read my lips: Know new taxes!' - George Bush--- You must be taller thanh} this tear line to read this message!REALITY.SYS is corrupt. Reboot Universe? (Y/N)One if by LAN, two if by C(2B ! NOT(2Bi})) = QUESTION - Hamlet, Act III, Sc. 1ERROR- 164: It's dead, Jim ...Vote for Locutus/Hugh '9 of 2 Collective PartyERROj}R- 170: File not found ... should I fake it? (Y/N)Number of msgs: 45863 Last msg you read: 10Bush/Quayle ... ?ERRORk}- Division by zero not allowed!Picard/Riker '92: Make it so!To gain extra time on the BBS, press now:Drop your cl}arrier! We have you surrounded!I yam Popeye of Borg. Prepares to be askimilgated.To boldly go wherever Guinan's hat will m}fit.