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Load as a macro and press OPTION 1-0 to print from 1 to 10 copies. U }ses nested macro technique.1Finished copy #121Finished copy #232Finished copy #343Finished copy #45 }4Finished copy #565Finished copy #676Finished copy #787Finished copy #898Finished copy #909F }inished copy #10vMultiple copy macro loaded, 1-0?COPYMAC.HLP,E: I=13=255Footnote Demo File, Page - TEXTPRO -Version 1.1Keyboard Macro Feature[C]1986byMike Collins and Ronn}ie Riche堠5758031...you can produce footnotes with TEXTPRO This is a demo print file to display the} production of true footnotes with TEXTPRO v1.1. This file may be printed with any printer that recognizes the carriage retu}rn (EOL) character as decimal 13 and the line feed as decimal 10. It is assumed that the printer you are using needs no line} feed after a carriage return. If your printer does need the line feed simply re-define the inverse > character at the top o}f the file from decimal 255 to the value of your printer's line feed character, usually decimal 10. The ability to prod}uce true footnotes is provided by the large footer buffer contained in TEXTPRO[1]. The buffer can be used to store more than} a single line of text and this text can be formatted by you to contain the footnotes you desire for each page. The method t}hat I am using for this document is the following. -I keep track of the current page and line number by using the here's the cursor command. When I get near the end of each page I format my footnotes[2]. -The only rule to remem}ber here is that you want to be sure that all of your footnotes to be set on this page are entered in the footer declaration.} Each line of the footer must end with the carriage return and line feed print keys[3] and the total number of characters us}ed cannot exceed 255. -I have decided that the three footnotes that I have on this page will be the only ones that I n}eed on this page so I can now enter my footer declaration. The easiest way to track the footers is like this: *E}nter the footnote right after the footnote designator and delete it to the buffer. Enter a TAB prior to the entry to provide} the left margin. *Continue with each additional footnote using the SELECT option to append the new footnote to t}he old. *Paste the whole thing back as the footer line using the eplace buffer command.61 [1] Th}e footer buffer can contain 255 characters [2] You cannot use features such as center and block right. Format } each line individually. Turning off the word wrap will help. [3] If you need them.3 Then you simply deduc}t the number of forced returns sent to the printer from the page length and your footnotes will format perfectly. The f}ooter must be redefined on each page to prevent it from printing repetitively. You may also have a standard footer line defi}ned that prints at the end of every page, footnotes or not. This can contain such things as the page number if you wish but }cannot use edge right or centering. This page will use this form of footer/footnote combination. The only disadvantage here} is that you lose some buffer space for your footnotes. This method of producing footnotes requires some organization a}nd can also require corrective formatting if you do major editing on a text file but the advantages far outweigh the disadvan}tages. The method is flexible and allows printing the file with footnotes to either the printer or to the disk[4]. The prin}ter commands used are pretty universal and should work on just about any printer. If you have a paper to write that just has} to have footnotes, you can do it with TEXTPRO. If you are using a format that requires underlining you can also use i}mbedded print keys to underline text within the footnotes. I have not used that feature in this DOC due to the variety of di}fferent printer codes used to implement underlining. Modify the DOC to underline if you wish; it will work fine. You m}ay even decide to print the footers in your printers compressed mode. This can be done also but just be sure to return to yo}ur normal print style before leaving the footer. The number of characters allowed is still only 255. Be sure that you }leave at least one line between the last text line and the first footer line. Adjust the bottom margin if required.60 } [4] The screen will display the footnotes as one paragraph with control codes imbedded. The printer used to prin}t the disk file must match the return/linefeed parameters sent to the disk. Page Good luck using thi}s feature with TEXTPRO.RONNIE and MIKEPS: You can also use this technique to move your normal headers and footers to low}er or higher lines than the top and bottom of page respectively. Just issue an extra CR/LF in the right place and deduct one} from the page length. I used this technique in the footers of this file to deduct two lines from the paging. This helps to} get all the text comfortably on one page.+Page 1 - TEXTPRO - Text Processing for ATARI } KEYBOARD MACRO FEATURE [C] 1986 By Mike Collins and Ronnie Riche } - DOCUMENTATION -TEXTPRO offers the most extensive keyboard macro feature available onthe ATARI computer. }Using this feature the user of the program candesign macros to perform a large variety of tasks. Some of thesetasks }could be mere conveniences, while others can offer more powerfor file manipulation than any other ATARI word processor. }The heartof the feature is the command macro language and the storehouse is the3K macro buffer contained in TEXTPRO.Keybo}ard macros are very easy to understand in concept. Any sequenceof keystrokes that can be entered from the keyboard }while usingTEXTPRO may be designed into a "macro" file sequence and executedautomatically with a single keyboard co}mmand. In this way not onlysimple pieces of boilerplate text but also repetitive and sometimescomplicated command seque}nces can be automated. More than familiaritywith the keyboard macro language is needed to use these featuressuccessf}ully. You must be familiar enough with the TEXTPRO program toknow how to link the features together to design useful mac}ros. Souse the program a little while, then, if there is some feature thatyou think you can set up to run automati}cally, try your hand at amacro to automate it. It is really rather simple once you know theprogram and the procedures f}or typing in macros.There are a few macros that are ready made for use with TEXTPRO. Oneis the STYLE10 macro that contai}ns pre-set formatting environments forpica text. This macro has been enhanced by the addition of some otheruseful feature}s and is distributed in the SUPPORT.001 TEXTPRO supportfile. This is probably the most useful formatting macro to start wit}hsince it is already set up and ready to go.In addition, there are a few utility macros on the boards. NUMBER.MACis the} automatic numbering macro. This one is useful for numberingtest questions or other numbered items created with the f}ormattingoptions of STYLE10.MAC.If you have a RAMDISK you will want XE130.MAC which offers a virtual10 file windowing f}eature using the RAMDISK.A short description of the each macro is at the beginning of eachmacro file. Load them in}to the editor first to be able to read thisinformation.Page 2CREATING AND USING MACROS:To create a macro }for TEXTPRO simply enter the editor and begin typingit in. A macro key is defined to a particular sequence by entering: then is the inverse equal sign entered by pressing }the SELECTkey and holding it down while pressing the equal sign. This is thedelimiter character. is} any combination of text and commands required toenter the desired text or to complete a given task.Lets walk through an e}xample.I often save a file to the #2 drive and get tired of constantlybackspacing over the colon of the D: default} device and then enteringthe 2: before typing the filename. I want to automate this"feature."This is a simp}le one. I go to my macro file in the editor and enterCTRL-S as the macro key. I must press ESCAPE prior to any control key}to get it to print to the screen so I type: followed by With the macro key entered I then enter the deli}miter by typing: to define the key.We have our  }RAMDISK set as D8: and the first thing to do is to savethe file in the editor to D8: so we enter: <8:>This gets the SAVE FILE>D8: command to the command line. Now we canuse one of the special TEXT}PRO features to finish the save. IfSELECT+L is pressed when the cursor is on the command line in a save,load, or load} macro command the name of the last file loaded to theeditor will be printed to the command line minus the load devic}edesignator.Page 4This is just what we want to send to D8: so we enter:+ and to choose the macroc} equate for the RETURN character as the characterto replace. This will be an inverse escape character.The "Change to>" d} prompt will now be on the command line. A commonreplace string for the RETURN character would be the CTRL-M, CTRL-Jcoe}mbination. These are the standard ASCII values for carriage returnand linefeed. This replacement can be helpff}ul for manytelecommunication needs. So let's use this as the replace string. then followed by theg}n and This completes the macro. The only difference to note in thisprocedure is the use of tq}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSB`SAUTORUN SYSBCOPIES MACB'FOOTER TXTBMACRO PRTBMAIL TXTBMERGE MACBNUMBER MACB ROMAN FNTBSEGMENT HLPBSEGMENT MACB SPARTA 23BBSTYLE10 HLPB SWAP1 MACBTEXTPRO 25DBlTEXTPRO 25RB5TEXTPRO CNFB 6TEXTPRO EXTB ?TEXTPRO FNTB ITEXTPRO MACBVTEXTPRO2MACB\TPHELP 0 BaTPHELP 1 BfTPHELP 11 BkTPHELP 12 BqTPHELP 2 BvTPHELP 3 B{TPHELP 4 BTPHELP 5 BTPHELP 6 BTPHELP 7 BTPHELP 8 BTPHELP 9 BTPHELP MN BXE130 MAChe inverse escape character as the RETURNcharacter equate for the search. This equate would also be used tofind the cr}arriage returns in any find operation driven from a macro.The other equates that must be used to search for special characs}tersfrom macros are listed as follows:Inverse ESCAPE -> then Remember that this procedure is used FROMt} MACROS ONLY. If you performthe same function from the editor manually use the actual charactersand not the equates. Tu}he manual procedure uses the left arrow key tosearch the RETURN character since this is its actual value in theTEXTPROv} editor.- MACRO PROTOCOLS -Any macro on the TEXTPRO disk named TEXTPRO.MAC will be automaticallyloaded at startup. If w}the macro file has a macro defined to the @ keythis macro will run immediately after the program loads.A macro sequence cax}n be broken by pressing the key. Executionis halted at this point and cannot be resumed.Macros may be loaded oy}r exchanged at any time without affecting thetext in the editor. If a macro key is mistakenly defined twice in onefile onz}ly the first assignment will be recognized by TEXTPRO. can be used to pause screen listings but cannot be pr{}inted tothe screen and used in a macro. will terminate a screenPage 9listing or print to screen|} operation and return you to the editor.Fonts that are specialized for TEXTPRO have the control charactersreplaced wi}}th a larger set of letter characters or with an outlinefont set. This allows the easy editing of macro files since the ~}CTRLkeypresses are more easily identified. Check for these fonts on thebulletin board or create them yourself. They ar}e very helpful if youwill be using the macro feature a great deal.GOOD LUCK WITH THE MACRO FEATURE...RONNIE and MIKEN}OTES:24222401391
, Dear , I'm looking forward to }seeing you at the C.E.S. in Chicago this weekend. Many new and exciting products will be unveiled which will complement the e}ntire line of computers. Anyway, I'm just looking forward to seeing someone else from at the show.See you the}re,Mike Some features not built into TEXTPRO can be implemented using macros. This macro shows how to program TEXTPRO to do mail merg}e. Just load this file with the command, press the START key, and the program will do the rest. fla
csztg MAIL.TXTLoad Filep~~E:#gfMik}elCollinsa2817 Charles Dr.cChalmettesLa.z70043tAtaripgfJohnlAdamsa354 River RoadcAtlantasGa.z3024}4tCommodorepgfFredlHinglea14 Center St.cMemphissTn.z11066tTRS-80pgfCathylWilliamsa2000 Elmwood }Dr.cMiamisFla.z80999tApplep&This is the NUMBER.MAC macro file. It will renumber strings entered as .n with a following blank space. Enter this at the be!}ginning of each item you want numbered. Enter this macro and press the START key and the numbers will be inserted up to the #!} 50.#TEXTPRO.TEM1234567890abcdefghijklmnopwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTO!}riginal file saved to D:TEXTPRO.TEM1 .n  1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5 5.6 6.7 7.8 8.9 9.!}010.a11.b12.c13.d14.e15.f16.g17.h18.i19.j20.k21.l22.m23.!}n24.o25.p26.w27.x28.y29.z30.A31.B32.C33.D34.E35.F36.G37.!}H38.I39.J40.K41.L42.M43.N44.O45.P46.Q47.R48.S49.T50.SPE!}ED.MAC 00000llllllll~`~~fl0fF68of;00000000f< 800000 0 ~~`0 0`0xff|ff||ffffff`x`ff`x``||~ZZ~ xs6<8<6sx00006~%}||fff|`|vff|xl|||<xx0f<f>p`|ff|<```<>ff><>ff>|p`|ffw8<  xp`lxlf8<f%}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<%}~x|nf8x8$ ԮàР - Commands Entered with key - ...Opens the D:DOCUMENT.TMP file and s)}aves the initial file segment. Use this command only to OPEN a new edit file. bort Edit....Clears the editor and)} deletes the D:DOCUMENT.TMP file. inish Edit...Saves all the rest of the file in the editor and on the original dis)}k file to D:DOCUMENT.TMP. oad File Segment...Continues to load file from the disk. ave File Segment...Append)}s and clears the segment from the cursor position to the top of file. or ...Display this screen(iDOCUMENT.TMP/ZY ~~/CY|Segment appended to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|  ~~/C#|Open Edit File?_Any Key: Aborts|-}DOCUMENT.TMP/CY|Segment saved to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|DOCUMENT.TMP/ZYSegment appended to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|Abort Edit?-}_Any Key: to Exit|}YDOCUMENT.TMP|Edit Abort: D:DOCUMENT.TMP Deleted||Finish Edit?_Any Key: Aborts|-}?SEGMENT.HLP,E:/?,k 3EP`JLHXi˥Yi̩˅i ϥ̅iР Hϑh υͥЅi 1}ϥi ЭФЁ`M:[e[/Bȹe[D:e[:)ȢW ɛ e[/e[ȩDe[Ȍ:[e[1}``L1 S 1 1DYH@ ?h:[ Ky_ ~JBJeD[E VLAJy_ ~J`G F(B1}JeD[ELVL12 1頺 1 < 󹩠j B JKDE V `G FG޹LR)1}L BLV 1h ޻HLWJ 1LeJ8 8L^ 9M_WP` 14[WԠL 1 14[PɠL 1 XG1}ʩ{_` $% g Ep,B{D_E VLH ELELGW|_<~__L $% g Ep+B{D_E VLH ELGLGE:E1}xit to BASICBinary Load> with ICD Extension 2.3bNonexistent DeviceTimeoutDevice NAKSerial Bus ErrorDisk Write Protecte1}dInvalid Drive NumberDisk FullFile LockedInvalid File NameFile Not FoundDirectory Not FoundVerify OffVerify On1}08CCTi~1111 1111FF PIRI RJTJL>3>3I3344FFWFWFqFrF>˅i ϥ̅iР Hϑh >υͥЅi =}ϥi=@@ @Э=?Ф>Ё`M:[e[/Bȹe[D:e[:)ȢW ɛ e[/e[ȩDe[Ȍ:[e[=}``ɢ 1= 1DYH@ ?h:[4 Ky_ ~JBJeD[E VLAJ`G FLL1L12 1/ =} 1 < Թj B JK-DE V Թ`G FGLR)L BLV 1h HLWJ=}1% 1LeJyWP` 14[WyL 1 14[PyL 1E:Exit to BASICBinary Load> with Extension 2.5dNonexistent De=}viceTimeoutDevice NAKSerial Bus ErrorDisk Write ProtectedInvalid Drive NumberDisk FullFile DamagedInvalid File NameF=}ile LockedFile Not FoundVerify OffVerify On_rz1111 11J11FF PIRI RJTJL޹>=}3>3I3344f<+3/j өj +R0B JKD+E V0 BD+EHI A}V +R9j:j.m9j9j:ji:j`0 BLVE: A}  ...loading the RS232 Version of  A}        A}      A}|砠||ӠA}||A}| Keyboard Macro Feature || [C] 1986 || Mike Collins and Ronnie RicheA} |+++(j p${p+%|p+A}6+7+ۍ6+7 }p ~p n=(j(j < F = I@ aLj+j = ,= -=+ = D L >zp} NNkPkRkTkkkopiOk8Uk8 Sk8Qkk`NkOk I >< =Kf =YkLA =>f A} =Yk`'XRUT`H)h)` i@L>8 `xpIxpIxp >< gNN eaypɦ @ypL'>j$j =YkA}@ h =L'>h =L'>zp)zpL>%jɛL>L>),o0 q{m\i^e_a`]Ho^jA} : L >Gk THh = ><8\k]ki\ki]k AL >>?>?L >ʊ >H H?H?H`I\^`~A} }|_    HDuDDD-E4Ek?kA}]k\k =Yk>k?k ;NĠhL =Bk)^) ^>k?kBkвL@ tA8WkXk 8WkNkXkOk WkA}Xk ><8`k内ak凅WkmVkWkXkiXk >< A} NL=`j B8((@k@@k'@@k8@kLkLk@k8@kLA}A`j B(@k@@k'@@k8@kLkLk@km@kiLABkCkXmLki(Yi8WkDkXkEk@BkCA}kCkEkBkDkMki(iLBFkmFki`.]+.`j < A} NL=`jƇƆLA`jƋ^A}^`8eiLA`j^` 懥]k^eiLA\k]kLA`jWk]k8OkOkXkA} > ho*j``j^懥]kLDLD`jƋ^ƋOkLE8eeA}8内包LrILA +@ԩJ01 ‘LIȱ‘`H ԭ<I2 "=)_ @W zJ DLJS zJ ELJP zJ 4ILJ AL=kA}k`8kkkk lFkk >fhdgsaLJ:K\^OPUI_|VCBXZ$#&%"![ ]NM?RA}EYTWQ()'@}FHDGSA {   ` } QpKDgEHIJB}B V0\upupdoeoupup Q0?+K N Q03wp Q0) Nwpwp. 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Oq. Oq AO uq; O OB4}q Ib Oq9jɂ":j@ S = ȩ+ `>?` oLVD1:TEXTPRO.FNTD1:TEXTPRO.MAC0(+@qʒ(D < 3EP`JLH?Xi˥Yi̩=@>˅i ϥ̅iР Hϑh >υͥЅi J7}ϥi=@@ @Э=?Ф>Ё`M:[e[/Bȹe[D:e[:)ȢW ɛ e[/e[ȩDe[Ȍ:[e[J8}``ɢ 1= 1DYH@ ?h:[4 Ky_ ~JBJeD[E VLAJ`G FLL1L12 1/ J9} 1 < Թj B JK-DE V Թ`G FGLR)L BLV 1h HLWJJ:}1% 1LeJyWP` 14[WyL 1 14[PyL 1E:Exit to BASICBinary Load> with Extension 2.5eNonexistent DeJ;}viceTimeoutDevice NAKSerial Bus ErrorDisk Write ProtectedInvalid Drive NumberDisk FullFile DamagedInvalid File NameFJ<}ile LockedFile Not FoundVerify OffVerify On_rz1111 11J11FF PIRI RJTJL޹>J=}3>3I3344f 4l mx< n$%ԩX` ɟ(Hd ȭ ҙhh@J>}ͣhL_*ͣx\ LbLbHDfffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf<~f``~ff~|```|~ff~~f~`~>~ff~~``~fff8<>``nxff8<gNF}kc~ffff~fff~~ff~``~ff~~f```~`~~~ffff~fff~cckwf~~ffff~~~ 0~<~~<NG}8x8fffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf<TPHELP.12,E:=STYLE10.HLP,E:/?STYLE10 MACRO Version 1.2tRK}575803Margins reset: Pick justify 1=on 0=offNew paragraph*3875 *Outline mode, first level-311RL} -Outline mode, second level+314 +Outline mode, third levelo317 oOutlinRM}e mode, fourth leveli15651Indents set: Set lines for page breakd407550 :RN}Enter item to describe:~Enter description:q157512 -----Item: Enter item: Enter description:RO} Unit: Unit of sale: Package: Product packaging: FOB: Deliveredjj Quantity orderedRP}: Enter quantity break: Unit price: $Enter price per unit of sale:Enter for another pricRQ}e level:f3575Yours truly,s575To: Name of company: Street address/PO Box: City, State ZipRR}:Attention: To the attention of:Subject: Subject of letter:mge05
35Mail letter to:a575Attention: ~8: ~8: ~8:~~E:n107580 .n A 1475 RT} a.B 1475 b.C 1475 c.D 1475 d.E 1475RU} e. #~8:̛ vStyle 10 Macro v1.2New Paragraph~~E=. p~~ElEditor dv/fn>LlOoPz?TPHELP.MN,E:1TPHELP.1,E:2TPHELP.2,E:3TPHELP.3,E:4TPHELP.4,E:5TPHELP.5,E:6TPHELP.6,E:7TPHELP.7,E:8TVW}PHELP.8,E:9TPHELP.9,E:0TPHELP.0,E:TPHELP.12,E:=SEGMENT.HLP,E:DOCUMENT.TMP/ZY ~~/CY|SVX}egment appended to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|  ~~/C#|Open Edit File?_Any Key: Aborts|DOCUMENT.TMP/CY|Segment saved VY}to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|DOCUMENT.TMP/ZYSegment appended to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|Abort Edit?_Any Key: to Exit|}YDOCUVZ}MENT.TMP|Edit Abort: D:DOCUMENT.TMP Deleted||Finish Edit?_Any Key: Aborts|V[}?SEGMENT.HLP,E:/?TI Ϡ __ \_______ ̠______Load File to Editor Z]} \_______Load Config File ̠______Menu ̠______Print to Device ̠___________Copy File  Z^} ̠______Save File \_______Save Config File ̠______Load Macro File Z_}̠______Exit to DOS__Run add=ư ͮ֠四 * To append a file in a save, copy, or print Z`}to disk enter a /A extender after the file name. XE Ϡ __ \_______ ̠______Upper/Lowercase Chang^b}e ̠______Background Color \_______Reverses sequence ̠______Change Found String \_______Select^c} Change String ̠______Delete to Paste Buffer \ (Clears buffer) \______Append to Buffer ^d} (Retains Buffer) ̠______End of Text ̠______Find String \_______Select Find String ̠___^e}___Global Search and Replace ̠______Home Cursor ̠______Insert/Replace Toggle \i Ϡ 렭 Select the proper parameters for the servicbg}e you are using. Usually, you would set up to send formatted text to a 40 column screen. The format line is listed below.bh} 037380255255Λ This will format the message for a 40 column display and continuous print of 255 lines. bi} ŠϠҠӡ If your service requires the , combinations instead of the carriage return (the bj}ATARI ST) you can search/replace this after printing. `H Ϡ Using TEXTPRO is easy! Just type the text and forget about the margins. Any time fl}that you end a paragraph press the key. Don't press at the end of each screen line. TEXTPRO will wrap your wfm}ords to the next line automatically. The ARROW keys and the key will work the same way as they do in the standarfn}d ATARI screen editor. To save your file press ̠, enter the name of the disk file and . For the menu screen prfo}ess ̠. To print the copy press ̠ and then . Make sure an 80 column printer is connected and ready!! fp}d Ϡʭ __ \_______ ̠______Restore Default Paramjr}eters ̠______Kill Paste Buffer ̠______Load File \_______Load Config File ̠______Menu ̠_____js}_Fast Repeat On/Off \ (XL/XE machines) \______Key Click On/Off ̠______Show False Spaces On/Off jt} \_______Show Returns On/Off ̠______Print to Device ̠______Beginning of Line \_______Copy Fileju} ̠______Restore Deleted Text (From paste buffer) hT Ϡӭ __ \_______ ̠______Save File \nw}_______Save Config File ̠______Text Brightness \_______Reverses Sequence ̠______Used, Unused Memory nx} \_______Delete to Top of File ̠______Load Macro File \_______Delete to End of File ̠______Print ny}Position of Cursor ̠______Exit to DOS__Run add=ư \ ͮ֠ \______Turn-Off Snz}creen ̠______Word Wrap On/Off ̠______End of Line \_______Turn-On Screen ln Ϡ ̠______Rings Bell ̠______Word Count ̠______Sentence Left ̠_r|}_____Sentence Right ̠______Character Left ̠______Character Right ̠______Character Up ̠______Characterr}} Down Ԡ_____Word Left Ԡ_____Word Right Ԡ_____Paragraph Up Ԡ_____Paragraph Down ̠____Narror~}w Screen Display Ԡ___Widen Screen Display NOTE: To print the _|\^ characters press ape first. r}p Ϡ Commands Available from Macros Only Entered with ԫ̛ v} 򠛛 ____Move cursor left one space ____Erase Λ ____Goto Macro ____Iv}nput Mode ...Special entry mode ____Wait for Keypress ____Print Message ...Persistent ____Pre-Select Macro v} If followed by a Load Macro command will go to selected macro in chain file ____Rename v} Λ ____Print Message Displays until next keypress tf Ϡ Default Print Key Definitions Entered with ԛ _____For Mostz} Printers (Decimal) ___________________________________ _______ESCape (27) _______Double Width On (14) _______Doubz}le Width Off (15) _______Cancel Condensed (18) _______Line Feed (10) _______Carriage Return (13) _______Hard spacz}e (32) ___________________________________ 󠭠 Print keys are defined by entering the iz}nverse key that you want to define as the print key followed by the equal(=) sign and the decimal value you want to send tz}o the printer x Ϡ ̠__Used in the editor returns the printed position of the cursor ~} Ԡ__sends Ԡ__sends ~} __selects BASIC enabled ˛ ԫ____Ramdisk should be set up but no~}t formatted during the boot Û Ϋ____Operates like the SELECT+RESET combination b~}ut BASIC will be disabled by the boot |8 Ϡ __ \_______ ̠______Change Found String } \_______Select Change String ̠______Delete to Paste Buffer \_______Append to Buffer ̠______End} of Text ̠______Find String \_______Select Find String ̠______Global Search and Replace ̠______Ho}me Cursor ̠______Insert/Replace Toggle ̠______Kill Buffer ̠______Beginning of Line ̠______Restore Del}eted Text ̠___________Delete to Top ̠___________Delete to End ̠______End of Line s Ϡ + >default parameter ______________________________________ ↖}bottom margin >58 center text edge right define footer go to linked file define header information line ꆗ}select linefeeds left margin >5 margin release next page, conditional with # >0 page length >66 justify }right 0=off 1=on >off right margin >75 line spacing >1 top margin >5 underline toggle page wait >off col}umns across >80 print page no. starting page number >1 print starting with # >1 =32 =27 =14 =15 =}18 =10 =13 ______________________________________ D Ϡ ____TEXTPRO Help File__________ Π___Commands A-I Π___Comman}ds J-R Π___Commands S-Z Π___Non-Alpha Commands Π___Special Macro Commands Π___Print Keys Ԋ}Π___Special Functions Π___Editor Commands Π___Print Commands Π___File Commands Π___Commun}ications Π___Help for Beginners Π___Segment Help Screen Р___  Π___This Menu ______}________________________________ 2This macro is designed to swap files from the editor to the RAMDISK designated as D8:. Change the 8: to your designator if }your RAMDISK drive # is different. Pressing START will save the file to the RAMDISK and send you to the menu. Pressing OPTION} and 1-9 will swap the editor file with the slot # file on the default menu(should be the RAMDISK). OPTION and 0 will save th}e editor file to RAMDISK and leave you in the editor. OPTION and CTRL-S, CTRL-L or CTRL-V will put the D8: prompt to the comm}and line for save, load or load macro operations. Delete this explanation to save macro space if needed.潙File loaded...鎥}#~8:̛ 1~8:̛ 2~8:̛ * 3~8:̛ ** 4~8:̛ = 5~8:̛ =* 6~8:̛ =** 7~8:̛ == 8}~8:̛ ==* 9~8:̛ ==** 0~8:̛Saved to RAMDISK...~8: ~8:~8:O