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A7<,4B%C7<,4D(/(Can't run a DATA file.9 BC Am}U @@76-?:@$A@,U!A(*A6A B @!(!(n}Can't load this file.?(-(!Press to return to menu...?AdAU F:Ad,@A )Ao}dAU B) @ĠŠƠӛWW;@$@d,;@5$@d,;@d,;@5,p};@,;@,+@%@/0@I0@@c0@@}0q}@@@0@@@7-@,(@ Ǡ7(@N"(@ *r}*issue #17**C(@ september/octoberN(@D"(@ 1995 D(@ INITIALIZING s}-(@-(@ 05 AP5@@ D:CONTENTS:@@t}D@-@N)@)67$@&@,.X@67,.b)@)67$@5u}&@4,.l v@ B$Q@+(>(Cannot read table of contents.A(Q( Checkv} disk:(* disk inserted?(* Drive door closed? 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BRolladice (Game) FU}ELCHK1.BASBMiles per Gallon Calculator FUELCHK2.BASBKilometres per Litre Calculator MULTIFOR.MATBMulti-Form}at WALPAPER.INGBWallpaper Calculator WEDDINGS. BWedding Anniversaries } CATERPIL.LARBCaterpillar Races COATOFAR.MS BCoat of Arms COUNTACT.IONBCount}er-Action (Game) LUDOCHAS.E BLudo-Chase (Game) INFOCAB.BAS BVocabulary Reader for Infoco}m DisksSIDE2.BAS BSide Two Menu Game) INFOCAB.BAS BVocabulary Reader for Infoco;/J^PAQ@`$$******************************$$********* CALENDAR.1 **}*******$$** (INTRO-"CALENDAR MAKER") **$$**** by Norman Williamson ****$$****************************** A}d!!(You must re-mem-ber this,i(A kiss is still a kiss,n(A sigh is just a sigh.x))(!The fun-da-men-tal t}hings ap-ply,(AS TIME GOES BY.( (And when two lovers woo,$$(They still say 'I love you',(On that y}ou can re-ly;++(#No mat-ter what the fu-ture brings,(AS TIME GOES BY. A (}0-(%٠Ơ}ΠҺ0( A`U +AR@1AADCAADUA @--}(%--(%נӠծˠ㩠--(%}--(%ҠҠԧ--(%--(%}䠠--(%--(%㩠ɠҧ--(%}--(%㠦Ω0-(%0( }ARR(JThe present (Gregorian) Calendar was first used in 1582 when Pope Gregory0-(%XIII revised the old Julian C}alendar.0( QQ(IThe Gregorian Calendar then became the standard for most of Europe,butWM(EBritain did not begin to }use it until the reign of George II,in 1752.W A  F:Ad,@A*MM(E}This Program will print,}堠,a monthly4SP(Hcalendar from October,1582 up to any future date you care to enter.S(>Q}Q(IYou can choose the size of the Calendar you wish printed out - 'S'HSS(Kwill fit into an Atari 1O2O,and 'M' or} 'L' will suit the 1O27 and 1O29,orR(an Epson Printer.(\PP(HThe month must be entered as a number from 1 to 12,and} the year must be fRR(Jfour figures greater than 1582,i.e the year when the Gregorian CalendarpY(began.(O(9(Yo}u DON'T need to have a Printer to use this Program).Y Az F:Ad,@A(}ΠӺ(}PP(HI have used this Program to check the Days of Birth of all my family,and.+(#found it to be accurate every time..(}OO(GSo,if you want to know on what day you were born,or,on what day yourQQ(Ibirthday will be next year,(or even i}n the year 2OOO!),you can use thisOO(GProgram with every confidence,because like all computerised clocks and RR(Jwatc}hes,it even makes allowances for Leap-Years! (Remember,a Leap-Year isPP(Hone that is evenly divisible by 4, except at} the turn of the century,63(+when it must be divisible evenly by 4OO).6(hS(KThus,12OO and 16OO were Leap Years, }but not 13OO,14OO and 15OO,and so on.V(hAdAU-@AP A4(>:AS,!PRESS ݠ FOR MAI}N PROGRAM !!A(>:AS, F:Ad,@(A W ++@/(@ CALENDAR.2:(@L(@} nowW(@%(@ %(@-(@ ١-% D:CALENDAR.2hAdAU}'@@d9B7t@dF(>:AS,e(ݠ忩h$" ""*""$ } A 0 A 2@@@@ 6-F:@ ,  A P(%2@}($4NN81,12,76,24,81,12,91,24,102,12,91,36,81,12,68,24,76,12,81,24,91,12,76,36>))68,12,50,24,53,12,}60,24,68,12,60,60HNN53,24,45,24,50,12,53,24,60,12,53,24,50,30,68,36,68,30,102,36,91,30,81,60RNN81,12,76,24,81,12,91,24,}102,12,91,36,81,12,68,24,76,12,81,24,91,12,76,36\))68,12,50,24,53,12,60,24,68,12,60,60fOO53,24,45,24,50,12,53,24,60,12,}53,24,50,30,68,42,68,30,102,36,91,30,102,60p 0,0 D:CALENDAR.10,24,68,12,60,60fOO53,24,45,24,50,12,53,24,60,12,I[\LINEMONTHDAYMONTHMONSIZMDALPYEACENTURLCENTURYRDALEATOTADALASDATVLHLDxx } A  }""******** CALENDAR.2 ********""****************************""* CALEN}DAR MAKER *""* BY OTHMAN ABDUL HAMID *""****************************F11;A ,;@,;@,9}@,KM + A)A ;A@0MA@0P2-@@2(Ҡ}Ҡ͠Z2-@@,(by Othman A. Hamid/(2(_1.(&Enter Figures,press each time1(d<-@@}*( MONTH YEAR <ARnTRAPPING INPUT ERRORxH A`-@@#H @)!@})P:,APT Ap-@!@#T+ @* A,) A)P:,ApUAR@(}R(5For ATARI/EPSON Printers choose :-U(N ( S = Small M = Medium#(N(& L = Large Ϡ} = Another Key;#@@K:0)@;@"@6-@"@w6-@6}"@v6-@@$(>:A%,$((I'm thinking!)""COUNTING DAYS SINCE 1200 A.Df6-6-}'6-36-=#AK-@Q"Y6-%b68,-f c!-A&@@/6-%@}3 Q-A&@A_6-%@c 3!-A&@A/6-%@3 %6-Ae$+}&A,%6-&%''ADDING 1 TO FEBRUARY IF LEAP YEAR"u=!@*'A"P:'A,*'A"P:'A,}K6-%@k68@,-8@,%@u A@,..!@*'A"P:'A,A@6T&!@*'@}"P:'@,46-%@T68@,-8@,%@@JBBTOTALLING DAYS, DETERMINE POSITION OF FIRST DATE IN }CALENDART^ #A6-%%?6-P:@$+'@&P:'@,,,V-@6@Z"^ ^K6-8,%&8,}!@-6-&@KMATCH DATE WITH CORRECT DAYhQ#@@E:QOPEN THE SCREEN EDITOR FOR FORCED R}EAD MODEmC +AR@1AACAArZ-@@@+-@V(&--}------------------------------------Z | #A PRINT CALENDAR ON SCREEN7-@@@#"}/-@3(7 C -@7@6@=-@@6@C-"!@ * 8,%@"(!}!* @!( 6-&@   A8--@ &P:B:,'@,&@@8( }K-@@3( SWITCH ON PRINTER G-@AK 3-@@3(Press alendar or rint};#@@K:0)@;@'"@g!@@$'%#"@ A0# }A0 ATRAP LINES&s @)!@+-@@K(>:AS,INCORRECT MONTH!_-@}APc i(}s @u0g-@@?(>:AS,PLEASE ENTER FIGURES ONLY!S-@APW ](}}g @u:i-@@A(>:AS,ENTER 4 FIGURES(BEYOND 1582)U-@APY _(}i @uDNgg}31,JANUARY,28,FEBRUARY,31,MARCH,30,APRIL,31,MAY,30,JUNE,31,JULY,31,AUGUST,30,SEPTEMBER,31,OCTOBERX30,NOVEMBER,31,DECEMB}ERb2,3,0,4,5,0,6,7,8lUUSunday ,Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday ,Friday ,SaturdayvL-@}@@(& L38 SPACESPRINT HARD COPYZAU@'@<-F}:@,P-@@$Z AFOR EPSONN@/3>:@',>:@3,>:,3 @(>:A%},K@N$,@@"(>:AS,, Ap<AdAU'@@d9B7t@d<$} D:CALENDAR.2@@"(>:AS,, Ap<AdAU'@@d9B7t@d<$ GH++WABXCDYZJWWDNPT } $$ }********.Ţ********$$**** by Norman Williamson ****$$******* LONDON,ENGLAND *******$$* Originally wri }tten in 1989 *$$* (Upgraded 1995 for TWAUG!) *$$****************************** 11;@,;@,;@, };@,i + A@)A ;A@0MA@0_AR@i AP7-(% }נӠ˩Ԡ7 AP(7-(%Ţ7 AP2:-(%Ġ }٠ΠҠǩ7 AP:(7 A: B  B ;) (}&(Ţ)(<RR(JA Facil }ity for 2 to 4 persons to decide who goes first,in any kind ofF:7(/board or computer game,by rolling the dice.:( }K$!(How many Ӡ (2-4)?$(LI#@@K:0)@>6-&@II@N6 @) }!@&(>:AS,,(}6 @YPWJ(BPlease type in your name,and press the Key,when asked.T B W( }ZJ=(5If no name to be entered,merely press - OK ?@(J B0d=-@@3(ӠþŠ }= A@e3-@@3( f--@@-(PRESS PLEASE?g5-@@ }5( h=-@@3(ӠþŠ= A@i--@@-(PRES }S PLEASE?m=-@@3(ӠþŠ= A@n F:Ad,@(As6 (}0("( }͠ƠӠҠ)3(6(xA$(PLAYER 1 - Enter Name please(/4>6.ALGERNONA(}C('(PLAYER 2 - E }nter Name please+24@6.BERTRAMC( @A@D('(PLAYER 3 - Enter Name please+24A6.C }UTHBERTD( @A@C('(PLAYER 4 - Enter Name please+24@6.DESMONDC(K()(ŠŠŠ }Ԭǡ=-@AA K Ap::(2YOU NEED HANDS to hold the DICE cor-rect-ly,88(0You need }hands to show that you're in charge.33(+When you feel you're really gonna beatthem,=:(2Let them drop,and they'll r }oll just per-fect-ly!=(++(#When you hold a brand new dice set, ;;(3You need tender hands to guide them on their w }ay.;;(3You need hands to thank the gods for giv-ing you a(Win-ning hand today!I ""*""$ }I*** ՠĠӢ *** A0 A2@@@@ 6-F }:@ ,$ AP.(%2@($LEE108,12,102,12,91,30,91,12,81,12,91,12,96,12,91,12,102 },24,108,36V;;96,12,91,12,53,30,53,12,53,12,53,12,60,12,68,12,72,48`JJ121,12,108,12,102,30,102,12,91,12,102,12,108,12,12 }1,12,102,24,102,36jFF108,12,102,12,60,30,72,12,91,12,81,12,102,12,91,12,108,24,108,30t99108,12,102,12,91,36,91,12,81,24 },91,24,102,24,108,48~GG96,12,91,12,53,12,53,12,53,12,53,12,53,12,53,12,60,12,68,12,81,60AA81,12,72,12,68,12,72,12,60,1 }2,68,12,72,12,68,12,53,24,91,240096,12,91,12,81,24,102,24,72,24,91,24,68,48 1,0,0,0 Ap<AdAU }'@@d9B7t@d<$0-(%0$X++@%@ A@ }+6-Y-Z$$(@first dice rolling]"@uAp2b#6-H:,#6-P:@$ },g"Apl*-@@*(@qA2@@@A2@ }v6-%@ Apx+-@+(@STOPPED!y! 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(Y/N)EAdAU F:Ad,"A-P}UA@6-F:Ad,1"@C!AdAU'(}1 Ak"@5+# A 5AR-Q}@GA YA@0kA@0'(>:AS,$(󺭠'(VS(KThanks for using -R}my Multi-Formatting facility - I hope you found it usefulV(UH(@Colin Froggatt's idea is on LINE 210, i,e 'Ϡ-S}ı'R AU(SS(KIf you want to use this Program on another Drive,simply alter the figure3#(캢 to IJ-T},or whatever.&()(3 AQ,($Please insert the disk with a D( on it,and ....G(Q A F:Ad-U},@Ax8(-("NOW LOADING MAIN MENU - STANDBY !!8%D:MENU7 (}$(AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED!'(*(4 A-V}7(SS(KIf you were formatting,ensure a disk is in the Drive;type 'GOTO 190', (followed by [RETURN]. (RR(-W}JIf you had pressed ΢ to leave this Program,insert my original disk withMJ(Bբ on it,and type 'GOTO279',andthe-X}n press the [RETURN] Key.M( QQ(IIf you want to get back to a Disk thatdoesn't have բ on it,insert"IF(>the disk-Y} you wish to use and type Πĺբ, [RETURN].I($MM(EIf it is an AUTOLOAD DISK,then type:- 'A=USR(58487)', [RETUR-Z}N] - OK ?+,(TIME AFTER TIME,1(I tell my-self that I'm6$$(So luck-y to be lov-ing you.;(So luck-y t-[}o be,@(The one you run to seeE--(%In the even-ing when the day is thru'F!!(I on-ly know what I know,G$$(The -\}pass-ing years will showI,,($You've kept my love so young,so new.J(And time af-ter time,O##(You'll hear me say t-]}hat I'mT$$(So luck-y to be lov-ing you!^" ""*""$c Aeh APm2@@-^}@r@ w6-F:@ ,| Au(%2@($FF96,36,121,18,1-_}08,09,121,36,108,18,96,18,72,18,81,18,96,18,121,3699108,18,96,18,64,18,72,18,96,18,108,36,121,27,108,54GG96,18,60,36,-`}72,27,64,09,72,54,64,18,72,18,81,18,85,18,81,18,96,36<<68,18,72,18,81,18,91,18,96,18,91,18,81,54,91,18,108,45[[128,18-a},121,18,108,18,96,36,121,27,108,09,121,54,108,18,96,18,72,18,81,18,96,18,121,5488108,18,96,18,64,18,72,18,96,18,108,54,12-b}1,18,60,54GG60,18,47,36,60,24,53,09,60,54,53,18,53,18,47,18,60,27,53,09,60,545553,18,53,18,47,18,60,18,53,18,60,36,64-c},45,60,45 0,0WX9AdAU'@@d9B7t@dbC.(>:AS,ݠ堿-d}@AR@C$-@A $ 6-%"@A@*X -@U@P6@-e}<2@@@ T-@@uX 4;-@@;2$@@@>3-f}-@@u )6-%@3 AH(%2($<AdAU'@@d-g}9B7t@d<$0 (}#(ԠΡ0(>:AS,ro(gHaving learnt how this Program works, do you wish-q}b%DOS SYSb*)DUP SYSb SRAMDISK COMb\AUTORUN SYSb&^MENU bCONTENTS b CALENDR1BASb!CALENDAR2 bXROLADICE b #FUELCHK1BASb 0FUELCHK2BASb1=MULTIFORMATb0wWEDDINGS bTWEDQUIZ b WEDPRINT bFCATERPILLARbUaCOATOFARMS #{COUNTACTION#e2LUDOCHASE #-WALPAPERING# INFOCAB DOC#INFOCAB BAS#SIDE2 BAS#CITZ2LC #CITZ2LC PDF#CITZ2KC AWP#CITZ2TC AWP#CITZ2TX DOC to continue,or would you rather return to Disk Menu?r(EB(:ontinue Program. eturn to Disk Menu.E-r}(((( Please press Key of your choice? F:Ad,"AUA@6-F:Ad,$"@ A $.#-s}"@@ A # A8 A (>:AS,BF,($You didn't press '' or '' did you?6 A<(}F A-t}L! + A !+@V+ (@ok,then perhaps+(@`*(@another time ?*(@j+ (-u}@Šĭ+(@t)(@ )(@~$(@ NCWMENU$ A%D:ME-v}NUD:MULTIFOR.MAT+(@t)(@ )(@~$(@ NCWMENU$ A%D:ME,)*,>ABLOBLOBBLOBDFRETDDLPN1x} $$******************************$$*1y}** WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES ***$$****** Numbers & Names ******$$* (c) Norman Williamson 1989 *$$**** (SAVE as "WED1z}DINGS") ****$$******************************;@,;@, d + A)AR@;A 1{}MA@0_AAXd(--(%--(%נӠծ1|}㩠--(%󺭠--(%ǠӠ#0-(%1}}0(% A(}&(ΠӺ((MM(EMost people seem to know the names for th1~}e 15th,25th,4Oth and 5Oth2SS(Kanniversaries,but do you know that there are names for 1-15,and then for<GD(:AS,}i A_ +AR@1A CA@0UA@0_ A1}--(%--(%Ǡ٠Ӡ0-(%1}0(,)(!Type in a Ҡ,then press the,(.+(#[] Key,to get the Š for .(7-(%that partic1}ular Ǡ٠0(47(3 41 A(PAPER) A3 A4 42 A (COTTON* A1}4 A5 43 A!(LEATHER+ A5 A= 44 A)(FRUIT & FLOWERS3 A= A1}2 45 A(WOOD( A2 A: 46 A&( IRON & SUGAR0 A: A; 47 1}A'( WOOL & COPPER1 A; A4 48 A (BRONZE* A4 A 5 49 A!(PO1}TTERY+ A5 A> 410 A*(TIN & ALUMINIUM4 A> A4 411 A (STEEL* A1}4 A@ 412 A,(SILK & FINE LINEN6 A@ A3 413 A(LACE) A3 A1}"4 414 A (IVORY* A4 A'8 415 A$( ̠. A8 A,4 4201} A (CHINA* A4 A17 425 A#(Ҡ- A7 A64 430 A (PEAR1}L* A4 A;4 435 A (CORAL* A4 A@5 440 A!(٠+ A5 A1}E7 445 A#(SAPPHIRE- A7 AJ7 450 A#(Π- A7 AM6 4551} A"(EMERALD, A6 AP8 460 A$( Ġ. A8 AS9 470 A%( 1}͠/ A9 AVKK(CSorry,I only know of names for the numbers 1 to 15 inclusive,andYA>(62O to 6O (in s1}teps of 5),and then they jump to 7O!A([>;(3Try another number when prompted in a few seconds !>(^ A A1}+%(Š ((+$,&(Š )(,$? A+@4(@1}HANG-ON PLEASE,?(@&(@ ɧ̠&(@&(@ the quiz&(@C(@ 1}1-@A5 C% D:WEDQUIZX? A+@4(@hang-on please,?(@b'(@1} I'LL LOAD'(@l'(@ '(@vE(@ 2-@A6 E% D:WE1}DPRINTL(>:AS,L6.5Ծ堭ݠՠ6-@6-@J-@1}A)-@@"2(7<,F-@@ J '"@@6-@'6-@F:B2y,"@1}$(F:B2y,"@(}( A-6-%@6-%@# - AL(>:AS,}$;(>:AS1},8(#Ӡ٠ƠҠŬŠ;$<AdAU'@@d9B7t@d<$x-@A1} $'$( THE ANNIVERSARY WALTZ'(##(Tell me I may al-ways dance.+(#The An-ni-ver-sa-ry Waltz with 1}you..(&&(Tell me this is real ro-mance,.+(#An an-ni-ver-sa-ry dream come true..((Let this be the an-them1} (To our fu-ture years, ((To mil-lions of smiles# (And a few lit-tle tears.#(" (May I al-ways list-en t1}o'++(#The An-ni-ver-sa-ry Waltz with you!" ""*""$ A 0 A 2@@1}@@ 6-F:@ ,  A P(%2@($4gg121,36,108,181},96,36,81,18,72,36,64,18,72,36,81,18,72,09,60,09,72,09,81,09,72,18,72,36,96,18,81,63>ff108,36,96,18,91,36,72,18,64,36,60,11}8,64,36,81,18,72,09,60,09,72,09,81,09,72,18,72,36,64,18,72,63HGG81,18,53,18,53,27,60,09,53,18,53,27,60,09,68,18,72,27,96,01}9,81,36Rhh91,18,72,18,72,27,81,09,72,18,72,27,81,09,96,18,64,27,72,09,102,54,121,36,108,18,96,36,81,18,72,36\GG64,18,721},36,72,18,60,09,64,09,72,09,64,09,60,18,64,36,81,18,60,90f 1,0,0,0 D:WEDDINGS8,18,96,36,81,18,72,36\GG64,18,720Y >?))AAZBLOTDHP@ 5} %%*******************************%%** 5}"WEDQUIZ" - a Quiz on the **%%***** Names & Numbers of ******%%**** Wedding Anniversaries ****%%**(c) Norman Will5}iamson,1989 **%%*******************************;@9,Z Ad" -"(@ NORMANeb-@5}@92@@@= _2b$g" -"(@ >present:->hb5}-@@92@@@= _2b$j" -"(@ a5}kb-@@92@@@= _2b$m" -"(@ >5}QUIZ>nb-@@92@@@= _2b$sE ++5}@! A:(@ E(@t+ (@ +(@u((@ (u.k)5}((@vK(@ )(@K(@-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+xb -A@6@<25}@@@ b2A +@ A#6-@7-@A A5}?6-%@ !6-@5-@@? A?6-&@ !6-@5-@@? A5}E6-%@ )-@@#3 A A6-&@E a-@A@;2@@5}? a2-@A d + A)AR@;A 5}MA@0_AAXd(--(%--(%נӠ˩㩠5}--(%Ǡ٠Ӡ--(%㠦򠠠--(%5}ά9-(%96- AA (}RR(JNorman challenges you5} to see how many Anniversary names you can fit to the;8(0various numbers.The Quiz has 15 questions.;( A5} A"((AN EASY ONE TO START!)"(( 1. SILVER is:(((A) 15th(((B) 35th(((C) 25th(5}(?( A A  F:Ad,"AUAe6-F:Ad,1"@ A`'6-%@1 5}A-"@c)"@!# Ap- A A(} A@"# (} (2.IRON & SUGAR is:#('((A5}) 6th(,((B) 7th(1((C) 9th((?(6 A A; F:Ad,"AUA@6-F:Ad5},E1"@c A`'6-%@1 A@J-"@!)"@# Ap- A@O A(} A5}T (}( 3. CHINA is:(Y((A) 1Oth(^((B) 35th(c((C) 2Oth((?(h A Am F:5}Ad,"AUAer6-F:Ad,w1"@ A`'6-%@1 A|-"@c)"@!# Ap5}- A A(} A@ (}(4. EMERALD is:(((A) 35th(((B) 45th(((C) 55th5}((?( A A F:Ad,"AUA6-F:Ad,1"@ A`'6-%@5}1 A@-"@c)"@!# Ap- A@ A(} A (}(5. LEATHER is:(((A)5} 8th(((B) 3rd(((C) 2nd((?( A A F:Ad,"AUAe6-F:Ad,5}1"@! A`'6-%@1 A-"@c)"@# Ap- A A(} A@5} (}( 6. CRYSTAL is(((A) 14th(((B) 1Oth(((C) 15th((?( A A F:5}Ad,"AUA6-F:Ad, 1"@ A`'6-%@1 A@-"@c)"@!# Ap5}- A@ (}( 7. PEARL is:(!((A) 3Oth(&((B) 45th(+((C) 35th((?(0 A A5}5 F:Ad,"AUAe:6-F:Ad,?1"@c A`'6-%@1 AD-"@!)"@5}# Ap- AI A(} A@N (}( 8. RUBY is:(S((A) 4Oth(X((B) 55th(](5}(C) 5Oth((?(b A Ag F:Ad,"AUAl6-F:Ad,q1"@c A`'6-5}%@1 A@v-"@!)"@# Ap- A@{ A(} A (}( 9. GOLDEN is:(5}((A) 6Oth(((B) 25th(((C) 5Oth((?( A A F:Ad,"AUAe65}-F:Ad,1"@ A`'6-%@1 A-"@c)"@!# Ap- A A(}5} A@ (}( 1O. WOOD is:(((A) 14th(((B) 5th(((C) 1Oth((?( A A5} F:Ad,"AUA6-F:Ad,1"@! A`'6-%@1 A@-"@c)"@5}# Ap- A@ A(} A( (}%(11. 1st Anniversary is:((((A) TIN(( (B) STEEL5}(( (C) PAPER((?( A A F:Ad,"AUAe6-F:Ad,1"@ A5}`'6-%@1 A -"@c)"@!# Ap- A A(} A@) (}&(12. 6Oth5} Anniversary is:)(( (A) GOLDEN( ( (B) DIAMOND(%( (C) EMERALD((?(* A A/ F:5}Ad,"AUA46-F:Ad,91"@! A`'6-%@1 A@>-"@c)"@# Ap5}- A@C A(} AH) (}&(13. 1Oth Anniversary is:)(M( (A) POTTERY(R((B) TIN(W5}((C) LACE(\ A Aa F:Ad,"AUAef6-F:Ad,k1"@! A`'6-%@5}1 Ap-"@c)"@# Ap- Au A(} A@z) (}&(14. 35th Anniversary is:)5}(( (A) CORAL(( (B) IVORY(((C) SILK((?( A A F:Ad,"AUA 5}6-F:Ad,1"@c A`'6-%@1 A P-"@!)"@# Ap- A P A5}(} A( (}%(15. 45th Anniversary is((( (A) SAPPHIRE(((B) LACE(( (C) CRYSTAL((?5}( A A F:Ad,"AUA u6-F:Ad,1"@c A`'6-%@1 A5}-"@!)"@# Ap- A A(} A PS A;6.'ݠ5}ݠG6-@S6-@J-@A)-@@"2(7<,F-@@J '"@)5}6-@'6-@F:B2y,"@$-6-%@6-%@# - AL(>:AS,}$;5}(>:AS,8(#Ӡ٠ƠҠŬŠ;$<AdAU'@@d9B7t@d<$x-@5}A $5 (}2($You have completed the Wedding Quiz!5(\"@$(CONGRATULATIONS!'(R(&You scor5}ed a maximum of 15 out of 15!!\ A _#"@)"@)"@2( VERY GOOD!5(U( You scored  out of 15!5}_ A V"@)"@)( QUITE GOOD!,(L( You scored  out of 15!V A Q"@)"@ %(5}NOT BAD((G( You scored  out of 15Q A  @(OOPS!(+((You only scored  out of 15!+(5}:7(/(Less than half right ! - Why not try again ?):(" A-@AP  (}(ΠӺ5} (!(Make a choice,please ?!((1. Run Quiz again.(+(( 2. Return to 'WEDDINGS' Program.+(-*("3. Transf5}er to 'WEDPRINT' Program.-(%%(4. Go back to Main Disk MENU. A A F:Ad,"AUA @5}6-F:Ad,5"@1 A%6-+(}5 A'U"@0 A# A0<(@ WEDDING5}SF A@U% D:WEDDINGS U"@& A# A0<(@ WEDPRINTF A@U% D:WEDPRINTW"@$5} A# A0B(@ MAIN DISK MENUL A@W%D:MENU ! A A! A  3 +@ A5}((@now3(@ '(@$(@'$-(@*(@٠!!-$##(F5}rank Sinatra sings ....... !!( Love and mar-riage,!!( Love and mar-riage,$$( They go to-gether l5}ike$$( A horse and car-riage.&&( Dad was told by Moth-er:"""( 'You can't have one,1$$( 5} With-out the oth-er!'6!!( Love and mar-riage,;!!( Love and mar-riage,@$$( They go to-gether like5}E$$( A horse and car-riage.J&&( Dad was told by Moth-er:T""( 'You can't have one,^""( You5} can't have one,h""( You can't have one,r$$( With-out the oth-er!' A" ""*"5}"$ AP0 AP2@@@@ 6-F:@ , APP(5}%2@($121,18,81,18,76,18,72,18128,18,81,18,76,18,72,18::121,18,121,09,128,09,125}1,09,108,09,96,09,81,09,91,18 60,18,57,18,53,18))47,24,53,09,60,18,81,18,76,27,72,36264,09,60,18,72,18,81,15<5}##72,05,64,09,60,15,53,36,81,45F121,18,81,18,76,18,72,18P128,18,81,18,76,18,72,18Z::121,18,121,09,128,09,121,095},108,09,96,09,81,09,91,18n60,18,57,18,53,18x))47,24,53,09,60,18,81,18,76,27,72,3664,09,60,18,72,18,81,2465}4,09,60,18,72,18,81,2464,09,60,18,72,18,81,15##72,05,64,09,60,15,53,36,60,45 0,0pkAdAU2-@5}6?PN2@P@R U(k(àϠҠҠŠàԠz} -@6?P<2@P5}@@ b2v-@APz }$XXAdAU"(>:AS,=( 5}硠Q-@APU X$@dAdAU"(>:AS,I("Ԡ§ç]-@5}APa d$(#_AdAU"(>:AS,D(Ԡ󠱬򠴠X-@AP\ _$ D:WEDQU5}IZIZEDQUIZݠ"(>:AS,D(Ԡ󠱬򠴠X-@AP\ _$ D:WEDQU4# V<NATEN%%********************9}***********%%********** "WEDPRINT" *********%%** Facility for Printing-out **%%** Wedding Anniversary Names **9}%%******* & their Numbers *******%%**(c) Norman Williamson,1989 **%%*******************************;@P,9} _ + A)AR@;AAMAA_A @--(%9}--(%נӠծˠ㩠--(%--(%:}ԧ#--(%(--(%ά-0-(%:}0(2SS(KIn this Program,you can see the full list of the Wedding Anniversary Names7RR:}(Jand Numbers,and you are then given the choice of obtaining a Print-out,<(%(and/or,returning to the Quiz.((A A:} AD_ + A)AR@;A MA@_A@E--(%:}F--(%Ǡ٠ӠӠG0-(%0(K:} ( 1.PAPER 15.CRYSTALP( 2.COTTON2O.CHINAU( 3.LEATHER 25.SILVERZ%%( 4.FRUIT & FLOWERS3O.PEARL:}_( 5.WOOD35.CORALd!!( 6.IRON & SUGAR4O.RUBYi&&( 7.WOOL & COPPER 45.SAPPHIREn( 8.BRONZE 5O.GO:}LDENs( 9.POTTERY 55.EMERALDx''(1O.TIN & ALUMINIUM 6O.DIAMOND}(11.STEEL 7O.PLATINUM(12.SILK & FI:}NE LINEN(13.LACE(14.IVORY A A(ΠӺ(# (Make a selection,please:#(: }# (ee complete List again,#((rint-out the List,((%(uiz yourself on your memory.((4 (eturn to Main: } Disk Menu* A4 A F:Ad,"AUAu6-F:Ad,-"@b A# A- @h: }#"@ A# A#"@G A# A#"@@ A# AT A(6(: }!ՠΧԠӠԠ٠@ AJ AT AP,> A(};(#ȠΠҠҠŬĠ>: }(6(ӠԾ(; F:B2y,"@A< A A =0&(Your PRINTER is switched-off!!0 A:}> A?)(PRINT-OUT COMING UP)( ١@3B1.3& WEDDING ANNIVERSARY NAMES AND NUMBERS13C--3% B:}y Norman Williamson,LONDON,EnglandD1.3&(Copyright NCW Productions [U.K],1989)13F3 1.PAPER 15.CRYSTALH3 :}2.COTTON2O.CHINAJ 3 3.LEATHER 25.SILVERL%%3 4.FRUIT&FLOWERS3O.PEARLN3 5.WOOD35.CORALP!!3 :} 6.IRON&SUGAR4O.RUBYR&&3 7.WOOL&COPPER 45.SAPPHIRET3 8.BRONZE 5O.GOLDENV!!3 9.POTTERY 55.EMERAL:}DX''3 1O.TIN&ALUMINIUM 6O.DIAMONDZ 3 11.STEEL 7O.PLATINUM\3 12.SILK&FINE LINEN^3 13.LACE`3 :} 14.IVORYh 3 3 3 A AP7 +@ A,(@7(@)(@ NOW LOADI:}NG)(@&(@ wedquiz&(@6(@ ( A6% D:WEDQUIZ7 +@ A:},(@7(@)(@ NOW LOADING)(@((@ disk menu((@3(@:} ( A3%D:MENUH(>:AS,H6.1Ծ堭ݠ6-@:}6-@J-@A)-@@"2(7<,F-@@ J '"@@6-@'6-@:}F:B2y,"@$(F:B2y,"@(}( AP-6-%@6-%@# - AL(>::}AS,}$;(>:AS,8(#Ӡ٠ƠҠŬŠ;$<AdAU'@@d9B7t@:}d<$x-@A $ D:WEDPRINTŬŠ;$<AdAU'@@d9B7t@89BCc""ABCDEABP1P2P3P4TXDPPGPPRXJLISD@@@@@>} @ >} !"#*>}** ̮ ***9@,9@,9@,9@,9@,;@,;@,;@,;@>},;@,;@,6. ! #6. $%&b#67@<@,.>:@4,;9@,;@,O-@@> }^68,-Ab ! 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"@6. g A0 A;( - INPUT CATERPILLAR NUMBER ?I A`g )!@>8}A0  68,- ( #-@"@#6. "@6. "@6. "@>9}6. L A1 ( INPUT BET $. A`L )!AA1!  68,- ( @A 6-8,>:}-@#8,",6-8,A68,-8,%$%8, 6-,-@@(68,-8,&8,, 6-A>;}o -AA6@,B2H@-@D H ZA7AioA8F:@ ,j -><}AP6@<2@@@ T-AX jB2HA0[ +AR@>=}%( 7@@IA7Ae[A8@ 6-@&8,@3,6-6 AA >>}>-@*8,@3*4 A> AA_ ++0@E0@@@>?}_0@@@(($8@,(@((($8@,"(@(((>@}$8@,,("@((($8@,R6-%@ @ (>(PRESS TO CONTINUE H A>A}R AH AP A F:Ad,@AH E A`A@1A ; A>B}E A w#-@8,!#6-8,"  (-@A " U+!0@@@;0@>C}@U0@@@'8@,"'( WINS WITH $1@*8@,"1( WINS WIT>D}H $1@*8@,"1( WINS WITH $1"@*8@,"1( WINS WITH $((%(PRESS >E} TO PLAY AGAIN(((PRESS FOR DISK MENU A F:Ad,"AUAPpF:Ad,"@% >F} F:Ad,"@(AR A(>:AS,((( You Ԡ press either &&( or>G} [ESC]!%-@AP % AP`P +@ AZ$(@ ncwmenu$(@d,!(@>H},(@n0%(@ĭ٠Š0(@x%D:MENUp -@6@<2>I}@P@@ ]-@6@y2@P@} $dA+@%@7(@ncw>J} UKA An*-@@*(@PRESENTs6-@6(@ embellishment x>K}6-@6(@'cTpIlR aS'1-@@#1(@ 19859 A` A`>L}! A`5-@A9 " +AR@"(|0@@@70@Q0>M}@@@[ Ae A`y(ΠӺ |(;#(There are five Caterpillars7-@A; >N}I!(in each of the six races.5-@A9 <(?(I A`@(( The speed of each Caterpillar is<-@>O}A@ B*("proportional to its odds,although,>-@AB C(( every Caterpillar has a bad day,<-@>P}A@ C(B( - from time to time!' A`;-@A? B(K (Up to 4 people can play.4-@>Q}A8 ;(>(A(K A`K (Maximum Bet $100,please.4-@A8 ;(>(A(K A`1(HAVE A>R} NICE DAY!!--@AP1 ! A` A`! A`$X +@ A)A ;-@>S}@[(@CTRILR AEm-@@(@by peter tallissYu-@=2$@P>T}%@@@Q-@PmA $@%@q u aq #Ap!-@1%"3A6>U}%7 X6-AV$+F:A,&@,q6-?:A6<BsD<,b??104,104,133,204,104,133,203,104,133,206,104,133,205>V},162,4lFF160,0,177,203,145,205,136,208,249,230,204,230,206,202,208,240,96v7 #Ap@!-@H%"3%A6>W}7 ll72,165,20,73,255,141,4,212,169,215,141,10,212,141,24,208,169,28,141,0,2,169,6,141,1,2,104,64,72,169,21>>141,1>X}0,212,141,24,208,169,0,141,0,2,169,6,141,1,2,104,649 #Ap`!-@G%"5%@%9 ``0,0,0,0,46,>Y}127,255,238,0,0,0,0,238,255,255,238,0,0,0,0,236,254,251,239,0,0,0,3,15,63,63,30::0,62,255,255,255,231,129,0,0,0,0,192,248>Z},254,246,252e BByF:A,&@2B2w@DA@e6-AV$+F:A,&@,9 #Aq>[}!-@%"5A0%%9 31,17,17,311-@e-%%A4@1 $@ A>\}6-@A-@3-@@@?-N(7<@,R V j-@ n>]} |6-&@ AJg -@6? <2@$@@ RA7AedA8@ >^}g$(#{-@+-@@E0@Y0@@s0@@@w {>_} 2#3( PHOTO FINISH(3( CATERPILLAR  WON<#$'NAdAU'@@d9B7t@dKAR>`}@N$D:CATERPIL.LARERPILLAR  WON<#$'NAdAU'@@d9B7t@dKAR<# !y%*:*O912T %%*Bb}******************************%%*********ҮӠ*********%%* The WILLIAMSON Family Crest *%%* Plotted & WriBc}tten by NORMAN,*%%* in 1985, Re-written in 1994 *%%******************************* A 6-@Bd}"@A P +@# A 10@@;@G6-@P(GOLD)',AP@'/APBe}('/@'-@@27Ae7@@S:<10@Bf}@'@1(WHITE)F6-@T6-@EP+-@TA+-@B@EZ Ap  d6Bg}-@c6-@ri+-@c@+-@E@En Ap  s6-@6-@Ex+-@cBh}@+-@r@r} Ap  6-@6-@+-@@+-@r@rBi} Ap  +-@c@+-@r@r Ap  6-@g6-@v+-@eBj}@i+-@x@x Ap  6-@i6-@+-@e@i+-@x@x ABk}p  6-@q6-@+-@i@i+-@x@ Ap  6-@6-Bl}@v+-@@+-@x@x" Ap  ,6-@6-@6+-@@+-Bm}@x@x@ Ap  J6-@6-@T+-@@+-@x@^ Ap Bn} h00@@@'@0(BLUE)r6-@6-@p|+-@i@+-@@ Bo} Ap  6-@u6-@+-@i@u+-@@ Ap  6-@Bp}+-@@+-@@ Ap  6-@6-@+-@u@+-@Bq}@ Ap  +-@@+-@@ Ap  6-@u6-@+Br}-@u@+-@@ Ap  6-@6-@&+-@u@+-@@Bs}0 Ap  :6-@6-@`D+-@h@+-@E@EN Ap  X6-@cBt}6-@Ib+-@c@v+-@e@el Ap  v9,@h@E'/@c@E9/@cBu}@I9,@@E'/@@E9/@@I6-@+-@@+-@e@eBv} Ap  6-@c6-@r+-@c@p+-@e@e Ap  6-@Bw}+-@@+-@e@e Ap  6-@p6-@e+-@c@p+-@Bx}r@r Ap  6-@ +-@@+-@r@r Ap   6-@pBy}6-@r*+-@p@v+-@e@e4 Ap  >6-@H+-@@+-@eBz}@eR Ap  \6-@g6-@vf+-@c@p+-@r@rp Ap  B{}z6-@+-@@+-@r@r Ap  6-@c6-@r+-@c@eB|}+-@t@t Ap  6-@+-@@+-@t@t Ap  B}}6-@e6-@x+-@c@e+-@t@t Ap  6-@+-@@B~}+-@t@t Ap  6-@g6-@v+-@e@e+-@t@x$ ApB}  .6-@8+-@@+-@t@xB Ap  L,@e@y',@f@B}9,@g@K,@h@],@i@o,@@y,@@,@@,@@B},@@V6-@T6-@B`+-@TA+-@6@6j Ap  t6-AB}6-@6~+-@TA+-@B@B Ap  K,@T@B'/@T@E9/AB}@EK/A@B9,@T@B'/@W@E9/@`@B9,A@B'/A@EB}9/A@BK,@`@E'/@d@B9,A@EK/@@BK,@d@E'/@hB}@B9,@@EK/@@BK,@h@E'/@r@B9,@@EK/@@BK,@B}r@E'/@v@B9,@@EK/@@BK,@v@E'/@@B9,@@EB}K/@@B(END OF SHIELD),@@6'/@@49/@@6K/@v@4]/@pB}@3o/@v@0/@x@0/@@'/@@1/@@6o,@x@0'/@vB}@'9/@@ K/@@]/@g@%o/@v@',@g@%'/@i@!9/B}@u@K,@i@!]/@p@o/@r@/@@/@@  ,@@(B}'/@@!9/@@ K,@@!]/@@o/@@/@@/@@B},@@',@@9,@t@%K,@v@$],@x@#o,@@",@@B}!,@@#,@@%,@@',@u@2',@w@39,@y@3K,@B}@3],@@4o,@@3,@@2,@@2,@@0(K,@@',@B}@9,@c@vK,@@v2,@u@'/@x@9/@@K/@@B}]/@@o/@@/@@<]/@@'/@@ 9/@@#K/@@&B}]/@@'F,@@'/@@9/@@K/@@]/@@o/@B}@/@@/@@/@@P,@@'/@@9/@@K/@B}@]/@@o/@@/@@ /@@:End HelmetZ00@@@B}'0(GOLD)_,@X@7',@d@79,@Y@9K,@a@9],@c@9o,@`B}@A,@b@Ad,@f@7',@f@99,@f@AK,@h@7],@h@9o,@hB}@A,@p@A,@r@7,@r@9,@r@An,@t@A',@v@79,B}@v@9K,@v@A],@@7o,@@9,@x@A,@@Ax,@@7B}',@@99,@@AK,@@7],@@9o,@@A,@@9,@@8B}',@P@79,@@8K,@P@9],@@@o,@P@A,@@@o,@PB}@7',@P@A9,@@8K,@@8],@@@o,@@@,A@7',AB}@99,A@AK,A@7],A@9o,A@A,A@8,A@@B},@h@b',@g@d9,@i@dK,@q@d],@e@do,@p@f,@h@gB},@f@f,@e@h',@q@h9,@@bK,@@d],@@do,@@dB},@@d,@@f,@@f',@@h9,@@hK,@@g],@B}@vo,@y@x,@@x,@w@xo,@@x',@x@9,@@K,@B}@],@w@o,@@,@@F',@@G9,@@IK,@x@G],B}@@Ho,@x@I,@@Q,@v@P,@@P',@y@P9,@@RB}K,@@R],@v@Ho,@@I,@x@R,@@F,@@T%-@B}A % A*@@d'B7t@d*$X ,/b$J# +@ A #6-OB}"@ApR-@@Tc(@ PsEiN/-@@%3 =+G+@Q A c-B}@@^c(@ RSNIG/-@@%3 =+G+@Q A c-@@hc(@B} pSeIn/-@@%3 =+G+@Q A c-@@rc(@ rsnig/-@B}@%3 =+G+@Q A c-@@|6-%@ AY +@ A )-B}A(@ U-@APY I-@@1(@interpretationE-@AI B}J-@@2(@ F-@APJ U +@ A )-@=(@B}of theQ-@APU 6-@"@A%b +@ A )-@J(@B}W i ̠ i A Ӡo N^-@@b 6-%@ A? +@ A )-@@?(@B}heraldicm-@@'(@COAT9-@ @ I(@[-@@m(@NB}-@"6(@(c) (p) J-@APN $(#w + A )AR@C0@B}]0@@@w0@@@-#-@@2###(CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTIB}CITY<#.(.(#This is to certify that the Coat ofF#mm(eArms described hereon has been used in centuries past by a personB} or family with the surname:-P#)( ()( W I L L I A M S O NZ#( ((Arms Description:d#O(O(DArgent,aB} saltire between a boar's head erased in chief and threei#))(!mullets in flanks and base sable.n#( ((Reference B}Source:x#''(General Armory of Great Britain#--(%by Sir Bernard Burke (4868/754/O6)#-@A% #6B}-%@ @#! ++@! A #8"(@-(@8(@#/$(@B}thanks for watching/(@#,!(@RETURNING YOU TO,(@#B(@Πˠ*(@>-@B}A%B #%D:MENU D:COATOFAR.MSMSA A@#B(@Πˠ*(@>-@@Dci</-@@/(SORRY YOU CAF}NNOT MOVEH%2@P@@9-@@P= _2@@@s-@@PF}w 2R-@A \ A0$fe-@@@(I MUST MOVE BOTH NUF}MBER  COUNTERST-@APX b A0e$pҠŠӠśz"F:B2y,@" A F}A0ERASE A`ROLL DICEԠҠŠ/ 6. A6.# A0/6-@94NO)4F}NO4NO& A00 A"9ś;4NO)4NO0NO& A0 A;Λ=0NO*0NO*0F}NO$ A. A =ԠϠΛ:0NO*0NO*4NO$ A . A:ԛ " A F} A>6-4BOTH$ AP*"4 A> AP&4BOTH*" A& Ap! 4YOU F}A@! AP! 4OPP A0! Ap$'67<,.x67<,.X' A".'67<,.x67<,.X'F} A"8B24BOTH AP"( A2 A0L&4BOTH*" A& A@V! 4YOU A@F}! A0`! 4OPP A0! A@j'67<,.x67<,.X' A"t'67<,.x67<,.X' A"~2F}4BOTH AP"( A2 A&4BOTH*" A& A! 4YOU A@! A! 4F}OPP A0! A'67<,.x67<,.X' A"'67<,.x67<,.X' A"ҠϠF}Ӡś"F:B2y,@" A  A0ERASE A`ROLL DICEԠҠŠ/ 6. A!F}6.# A0/6-@94NO)4NO4NO& A00 A"9ś;4NO)4NO0NO& AF}0 A0;Λ =0NO*0NO*0NO$ A. A=ԠϠΛ:0NO*0NO*4NO$ A . AF}:ԛ " A0( A2>6-4BOTH$ AP*"4 A> Ap<&4BOTHF}*" A& AF! 4YOU A@! ApP! 4OPP A0! 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WHEN YOU CAN n ii(aNO LONGER MOVE, ANY COUNTERS IN YOUR OPPONENTS MIDDLE LINE ARE MOVED TO SAFETYG} IN LINE THREE.x d(-@@"@(#Ӡ٠٠Ϡ٠R@@dAY@4 )@G} A0 ) +AY) A ==RESTORE 30170:FOR N=0 TO 99:READ X:POKE 1664+N,X:NEXT N 6G}6-?:A,$AA(6A@ %%6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa, u-%@%@('A0G}+ ?%@AQBBAcAuA @  >:A%, A% ''72,138,72,1G}74,156,6,189,176,6,141 ((10,212,141,24,208,189,200,6,141,23 ((208,238,156,6,104,170,104,64,1,104 &&169,7,160,168,162G},6,32,92,228,96 %%169,1,141,156,6,76,98,228,0,164 $$164,164,164,0,52,52,52,52,52,0 --100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100G},100,100 !!0,0,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10" ##10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10, 10,10,10,10,10,10,0,0,0,0  _ +G } A)AR@;A MA@0_AAX ((%( COUNTER-ACTION ((G!} .+(#This is a Board Game for 2 Players..( mj(bThe Instructions are shown on the Screen upon request,or you can haveG"} a print-out if you wish.m( %"(Make your choice:- %( he(](1) Print-out Rules (2) Return DisG#}k Menu (3) Play the Gameh( @)(!Press Key of your choice,please !6(>:AS,@ A mm(e(Turn up G$}the BRIGHTNESS Control on your Monitor/TV:press after entering your Initials). F:Ad,"AUA0G%} 6-F:Ad, '"@0 A'%D:MENU& &"@& A& A 0 ,"@1 A"(G&}}, A105 A( A4(A(>:AS,8 +-@AP !(}+ A0: iG'} A1`5(#Switch on any COMPATIBLE Printer...8(_("THEN press the <> Key,please?i AD F:B2y,"@G(}A1@N  A A2X Z(>:AS,2(Your is switched off!F-@APJ P(}Z A0 IG)}&3 RULES FOR 'COUNTER-ACTION')3/(}I(PRINTER NOW OPERATING VV3NThe WINNER of the game is the first player tG*}o move all their counters from 3their Base Line.3 3 HOW TO MOVE:-3 VV3NPress to throw both Dice - G+} the Computer checks for moves and will +(3 offer options wherever possible.+3 3MOVE OPTIONS:-3 TT3LWhen ofG,}fered,you may combine scores of both Dice,or use them one at a time. QQ3IAlso,at times,you will be able to move your oppG-}onents counter(s) back to f3their Base Line.f3IWhen YOU can no longer move,ALL countersin your opponents middle line aG.}re /,3$moved to safety in Line 3,and so on./3 TT3LThe game continues,with the Computer checking EVERY move,until alG/}l of one =:32player's counters are away from their Base Line.=3 ZW3OYou get the option of another game,if you wantG0} to try and beat your opponent!Z3 --3%* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P#(>:AS,END OF PRINT-OUT&(@(STAG1}NDBY FOR THE GAME!M(>:AS,P %-@AP % A  AID:COUNTACT.IONINT-OUT&(@(STADkUVf11PPLAYERDICDICEBASEHOMEACDIRZCPCLCCTBPDIR1XSPCHSEPMDK3}@2@Ad@ @ @2 @@@@@K4}@@@@BA( !%K5}%*******************************%%*********ӮŠ**********%%***** by Nigel LLewellyn ******%%** PAGE 6 MAK6}GAZINE - ENGLAND **%%*** Typed in by NORMAN,1984 ***%%******************************* ##@@K7}K:;AY A) A;AY@4 A(6-6@1ŠҠ2#6-K8}%@!#6-3G6-%@#-@G@R@S@T@U4((@ K9}( @V5((@ red to play ( @V6((@ WHITE TO PLAY( @V7(@ ΠϠ8K:}y-@ K(@( PRESS TO ROLL DICE Ug,@@#yB2H9vK;}-@@92@c@@K-@ @ ^(@ r-@@Pv :%2K<}A&@@7-@ @ J(@^-@@Pb f 2;K=} F:B2y,@@Y<Z-@ H(@% ZB2HADEK>}̠ŠŠF+%6-P:H:,$@,%@+6-G;-@P;2@P%@@K?}H%%6-P:H:,$@,%@3I;,@@#;2J-@ K@} KE%@2!,@@#3@wEAdAUcΠΠd+!"@*8,%8,"@KA}+ Af&"@*8,!& Ai!8,%8, @! APnf-@ D(@! sorry nKB}o counters to moveX-A\ f @PsK-@ K(@( M R KC}x)@}&"@w*8, @& AP&"@*8,!& A A KD}ŠҠL-@ L(@) WHICH COUNTER DO YOU WANT TO MOVE )@# @I)!@KE}R# AU#6-&@H#6-+$@,%8,@ AUL-@ L(@) KF} **8,AAAAD68,-F:8,%@,&8,8,:68,-8,%@KG}D AD68,-F:8,&@,&8,8,:68,-8,&@D AD68,-F:8,&@ ,&8,8,:68KH},-8,&@ D A:68,-F:8,%@ ,&8,8,:68,-8,%@ 8,8,68,-8,&8,"@KI}*!@& A 8,"@ AˠҠΠA28,"%@G)8,"%Aa)8,"%KJ}AqA68,-@A28,"%AG)8,"%Aq)8,"%AWA68,-@A28,"%Ag)8,"%AA)8KK},"%AgA68,-@ A28,"%@Q)8,"%Aw)8,"%AQA68,-@//%@AAKL}AA#8,"%A#68,-@#8,"%AC#68,-@ AP"#8,"%A#68,-KM}@%#8,"%Au#68,-@( AP,#8,"%@#68,-@/#8,"%@#68,-@KN}2 AP6#8,"%A)#68,-@9#8,"%A1#68,-@; AP@//%@A%A0KO}A5A@E68,-@ APJ68,-@ APO68,-@ APT68,-@]##KP}͠ˠҠԠŠ^_%2@A@@G2@[-A_ KQ}c'6-&@!' Au!!ԠŠɠĠΠ-@@8,"8,' A%KR} "@ @V @P'8,8,68,-8,'68,-8,?6-P:'@ ,%@068,-8,%@KS}?68,- AŠҠK-@ K(@(ȠҠϠՠԠKT}ϠŠ)@# @I)!@R# A#6-&@H#6-+$@,%F:8,," AKU} 6-F:8,,>8,8,8,*68,-8,>68,-8,&@68,-@ @68,-AKV}!(!@* @ (68,-@v&(!@* @(68,-@+!@68,-A@/##KW}ˠƠԠӠĪ0-@@5 "8,' A: ? @QD*8,8,68,-*6KX}8,-8,I06-P:'@ ,%@068,-8,%@N AuWȠĭӠX -@PKY}6@]2@@b%A 8,g-'@ l%A @q-KZ}'@ v8 )2868,-@{068,-8,%@&8,"@0 AP K[}AĠƠŠs +@@@d1B7t@d=AVOA@aA K\}sB2H-@#) @,%/@) ''ApAqArAsK]};-@@1(@ BLUE PLAYER ; A9-@@/(@ RED PLAYER 9 A;-@K^}@1(@ WHITE PLAYER ; A1-@@1(@ GREEN PLAYER '-@@'(@K_} IS /-@@/(@ THE WINNER Z-@@2(@ PRESS ANY KEY D-@@K`}Z(@ TO RUN 6-?:Ad,)@%נΠŠ )-AAg%%Ka}) %'AY@F'B2V*'B2H'A@R/C3-%A%A%A%A%Kb}@ ?AUC 4B2w@נΠ٠(@}AV-@Kc}""(@ ''''' BASE(@ ' '""(@ **) , ./01(@ ' ) 'Kd}(@ ' ) '(@ ' ) '##(@ '''''' ) '''' ''##(@ ' ) Ke} '##(@ ' - '##(@ ' '##(@ '''''' '''' ''(@ Kf} ' '##(@ ' '  b##(@ ' '  a##(@  s##(Kg}@ ' '  e(@ '''''(-@@#((@%@(@Kh}ԠӠ #A !-@@!"' 68,-68,-8,'68,-" 68,-68,-Ki}%"68,-% -@@!68,-@!68,- $;;1,206,123,163,1,207,103,163,1,Kj}208,83,163,1,209,63,163992,78,295,255,2,79,315,255,2,80,335,255,2,81,355,255114,14,93,91,4,15,94,91,4,16,95,91,4,17,9Kk}6,91==3,142,325,327,3,143,324,327,3,144,323,327,3,145,322,327ŠŠ+ (}#A'-@cKl}+"Ad% 173,36,2,141,193,6,173,372,141,194,6,160,180,162,6169,7,32,92,228,238,192,6Km}173,192,6,141,10,212,14123,208,174,252,2,232,240!!238,172,193,6,174,194,6,169""7,32,92,228,104,96,206,197,2#Kn}#173,197,2,141,192,6,76,98,228--@1")A6%- !!104,104,133,204,104,133,203169,224,13Ko}3,206,160,0,132205,162,4,177,205,145,203!!136,208,249,230,204,230,206202,208,242,96U +@@@Kp}d1B7t@dCAADUAAD%%6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV${%@@+%Kq}@@?%@@S%@ @g%@"@{%@#@)5-@@5(@Kr}ncw productions uk,)-@@)(@(1995).*-@@*(@PRESENT3--@@Ks}-(@ ludo chase8y-@@A(@BY NIGEL LLEWELLYN (c) 1984S-@@y(@PREKt}SS FOR INSTRUCTIONS==-@@ =(@HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL PLAY?B3-@@"3(@PRESS KEKu}YS 1 - 4G6-?:Ad,V)@Y"@s A [!! @I)!@RA`y +@@Kv}@d1B7t@dCA@UA @VgAAyAA eM6-&@I#-Kw}@M(@NUMBER OF PLAYERS %@j_-@@/(@ ŠԮA-@@_(@Kx}}Š~hh9@,9@,9@,9@,9@,9@,9@Ky},9@,9@,9@,9@,7 AF:A,&@76-F:A,%@%%6-F:@,Kz}%F:@,$AV/6-F:A,$AV/BByF:A,6-?:A6<$AV,+-@AC"+K{}$AV% $y +@@d1B7t@dCAR@UA @gAADK|}yAADj,($ŠŠӠ/(@( Πj(%THESE INSTRUCTIONS WON'T BE AVAILABK}}LEo-(%DURING THE GAME AND IT MAY BE WISE TOC(MAKE A FEW NOTES!F(o($ԠƠŠŠFOR EACH PLAYERT,($TO MK~}OVE HIS MEN ONCE AROUND THE PLAYT(#AREA AND BRING THEM SAFELY TO HEAD-N+(#QUARTERS. IN THE COURSE OF THE GAMEN(EACH K}PLAYER TRIES TO CATCH HISD)(!OPPONENTS BY SENDING THEM BACK TOA(THEIR 'HOME BASES'.D(c( ϠΠ7(EACH PLAK}YER CHOOSES ONE COLOUR.:(c($PL. ONE = BLUE PL. THREE = WHITEc,($PL. TWO = RED PL. FOUR = GREEN/(2(V( K} Ӡ٠٠ϠŠc)@q-(%}ŠŠӠ0(I(ǠŠŠq(#PLAYERK} MUST THROW A 6 BEFORE HE CANQ*("MOVE A MAN FROM 'HOME BASE' TO THEQ("STARTING SQUARE OF HIS OWN COLOUR.T,($EVERY TK}IME A PLAYER THROWS A 6 HE IST(#ENTITLED TO ANOTHER GO. THE MEN ARER)(!MOVED AS MANY SQUARES AS SHOWN ONR($THE DICE.SK}QUARES ARE COUNTED WHETHERN#(THEY ARE EMPTY OR OCCUPIED.&(N(#ϠŠΠԠ THERE AREV*("TWO WAYS TO CK}APTURE AN OPPONENT :--(V($1) BY RELEASING A MAN FROM HOME BASE?*("WHEN AN OPPONENT IS OCCUPYING YOUR?(STARTING SQUAK}RE.`+(#2) BY LANDING ON THE SAME SQUARE ASS(#YOUR OPPONENT WITH THE LAST MOVE OF`(YOUR GO.7(*( Ӡ٠K}٠ϠŠ7)@R-(%}ŠŠӠ0(R(ϠŠΠԠԮ`*("WHEN AK}N OPPONENT IS CAPTURED HE ISR(#AUTOMATICALLY REPLACED IN HIS 'HOME](BASE'.`(n!(ϠҠĭӠJ($AFTERK} EACH MAN HAS MOVED ONCE AROUNDn(THE PLAY AREA HE WILL ENTER THEq)(!FINISHING AREA OF HIS COLOUR. THEI(AREA IS MARKK}ED WITH ARROWS.q(#TO ENTER 'HQ' PLAYER MUST THROW THER*("EXACT NUMBER OF MOVES ON THE DICE.R(#IF TOO MANY ARE THROWN K}THE MAN WILLQ(( MOVE IN AND OUT OF 'HQ' AND MOVEQ($TOWARDS THE 'FINISHING CORNER'. ONCEQ+(#HE REACHES THE CORNER HEK} WILL AGAINQ(!BE ALLOWED TO TRY AND ENTER 'HQ'.:( (-( Ӡ٠٠ϠŠ:)@i-(%}K}ŠӠ0(B( ŠҠi("THE FIRST PLAYER WHO MOVES ALL HIS0-(%MEN INTO HEAD-QUARTERS IS THE K}WINNER.0(Z(0(%ǠZ(%| BE ALERT WHEN YOU MOVE YOUR MEN, |W-(%| BECAUSE ONLY ONK}E MAN CAN OCCUPY A |W(%| SQUARE. SO IF YOU LAND ON ONE OF | W-(%| YOUR OWN MEN HE WILL BE SENT BACK |W(%| TO YOUR 'HOK}ME BASE'. | W-(%0(W(" ALL PROMPTS ARE GIVEN ON SCREENU(&( K} Ӡ٠٠ϠH( ΠϠŠŠU)@  AP ҠӠ 0,0,K}0,24,24,0,0,0 0,6,6,0,0,96,96,0 6,6,0,24,24,0,96,96 0,102,102,0,0,102,102,0 102,102,0,24,24,0,102,102 !K}!102,102,0,102,102,0,102,102 0,170,84,170,84,170,84,170 0,16,56,124,254,56,56,56 0,56,56,56,254,124,56,16 K}0,16,24,252,254,252,24,16 0,16,48,126,254,126,48,16 ##0,254,198,222,198,246,198,254 0,0,174,170,234,170,174,2K} ##0,254,238,238,238,238,238,254 ##0,254,194,250,226,222,194,254! ##0,254,194,250,194,250,194,254# ##0,254,222,222,2K}14,194,246,254 D:LUDOCHAS.E ##0,254,194,250,226,222,194,254! ##0,254,194,250,194,250,194,254# ##0,254,222,222,2H#|DXREPP O} %%*******************************KK******** Ү ********* 3 REM *** An INTRO.to calculating ***O}%%*** Number of ROLLS required **&&*by Norman Williamson, 1988/95 *%%******************************* AO} m +@ A0)-@K(@WaLlPaPeR cAlCuLaToR]-@ @m(@bY/-@@O}/(@ eRnIe LiTtLe-@AP dM + A0)AR@;AAMAO}An.-@@.(WALLPAPER CALCULATORx5-@@)#-@1(>:@,5 T-@@O}>($ENTER HEIGHT OF ROOM,IN METRES. P-@3@TA0T-@@>($TOTAL LENO}GTH AROUND,IN METRES. P-@3@TA@T-@@>($LENGTH OF ROLL,IN METRES (1O}0) P-@3@TAP6-+'?R,'+', !P:,-P:+,%@,g-@O}@7#-@1(>:A`,5 I-@@7U-@c(>:A`,g g-@@#-@1O}(>:A`,5 I-@@U-@7c(>:A`,g "@A5A-@@1(ՠĠO}Ϡ 6(A( -@AP A-@@1( YOU NEED TO PURCHASE 6(A( ROLLSO}-@AP 6-%@ AZ-@@!I(>:AS,$Want to RUN the Program again? (Y/N)VO};@,Z4Y)4y @ ..(&OK,hold on whilst I load the Disk Menu%D:MENU,_ + A0O})AR@;A MA@0_A@01--(%6--O}(%נӠծˠ㩠;--(%@--(%ҠҧO}E--(%J--(%堠O--(%O}T--(%㠠Y0-(%0(Z A@(O}}\ A (}^SS(KThis is a program to help you to calculate how many rolls of wallpaperh63(+you will needO} when you decorate a room.6(rRR(JYou will be asked to input the height and total length around the room,and|QG(?alO}l these measurements should be in metres,e.g 2.75;13.2;etc.Q A F:Ad,@ARR(J}The height isO} between the skirting board and the ceiling,the length ofQQ(Ithe walls is the total distance around the room,O} doors and,)(!windows to allow for any wastage.,(QQ(IYou will then be asked for the length of the roll of wallO}paper.Most rollsRR(Jsold in the U.K are pre-cut to 1Om by 520mm so you will usually need to,,($enterfor the leO}ngth of the roll.QQ(IThe total number of rolls to buy will now be printed,and is rounded-up to+!(the nearest whole nO}umber.+ A F:Ad,@As (}PP(HPlease note that this is only inteded as a rough guide,and dO}oes not takeSS(Kinto account pattern matches,although it will probably be OK for 'drops' up/,($to 15 inches (whoops! O}I mean 4OOmm)./(**("The 'drop' is the distance betweenTT(Lthe centre of one pattern to the centre of the next,mO}easuring downwards (-@A ((>:AS,1.(&ΠӠ庭1(.+(#(1) Run thO}is Introduction again,or,.(&)&((2) Move on to actual Program.)(03(!(3AdAU: O}F:Ad,"AUApD66-F:Ad,$@@d6B7t@dN$"@1!AdAU$%X$"O}@0!AdAU$$bQAdAU:( ՠΧԠӠԠ٠G(>:AS,Q A0i(>:AO}S,"AdAU4@@dFB7t@df(ݠ堿i$$(ΠӺ$(>:AO}S,?<(4Do you want to use or measurements? ?(%"(Make your choice please !!%(|( (M) METRESO}("((F) FEET%(F( Ҡ堿XAdAUj@@d|B7t@d F:Ad,"AO}UA P 6-F:Ad,$"@7!AdAU$$ `"@V!AdAUM('}STANDBY PLEASE ! LOAO}DING FEET & INCHES`%D:OXOXOXOX.OXO*WAdAU"(>:AS,G( ՠΧԠӠԠ٠J(M(W A O} <AdAU'@@d9B7t@d<$$$(Say,it's only a pa-per moon,((( Sail-ing o-ver a card-O}board sea;))(!But it would-n't be make be-lieve"(If you be-lieved in me."())(!It's a Bar-num and Bai-ley worldO},%%(Just as pho-ney as it can be;))(!But it would-n't be make be-lieve(If you be-lieved in me." ""O}*""$ AP0 AP2@@@@ 6-F:@ , O}APP(%2@($77108,18,108,09,53,09,53,09,53,09,60,18,64,09,72,4577108,18,108,09,60,O}09,60,18,60,09,64,18,72,09,81,4577108,18,108,09,53,09,53,18,50,09,47,18,60,09,72,27 ))81,09,85,27,47,09,53,27,85,09,81O},6377108,18,108,09,53,09,53,09,53,09,60,18,64,09,72,4577108,18,108,09,60,09,60,18,60,09,64,18,72,09,81,45(77108,18O},108,09,53,09,53,18,50,09,47,18,60,09,72,272))81,09,85,27,47,09,53,27,85,09,81,63P 0,0D:WALPAPER.ING77108,18LtINFOCAB - VOCABULARY READER FOR INFOCOMINFOCAB will read, from an INFOCOMgame disk, all the words which canbe used wS}hen playing the game.There will be about 700 to 1000words in each game. Words can bedisplayed on screen or printed outon S}an 80 column printer (to printon a 40 column printer, changeLCT=9 in line 480 to LCT=4).This program has been tested onCS}utthroats, Hollywood Hijinx,Moonmist. All of these games areidentified as "Version F" when the"$verify" command is enteredS}. Ifyou have problems with this programthen check the version letter. Theprogram may not work with otherversions.The maS}ximum length of words is 6letters, so some words will betruncated, e.g. EXAMINE appears asEXAMIN. Thus, some long words maS}ybe hard to identify at first, e.g.SUPERBRIEF appears as SUPERB.(Remember that, when playing agame, you can abbreviate loS}ng wordsto 6 letters to speed up typing!)Some words that appear in the listcannot be used by the player in thegame. ThesS}e are the words thatappear with a space in the, e.g. "ISVE" or "WHO SS". These words areused by the program only.Good luS}ck!e the words thatappear with a space in the, e.g. "ISVE" or "WHO SS". These words areused by the program only.Good luPMN . BUFPCURRENLCINBCCHMCNDLOOBYTADDTABLSIZCOUNPRWORZZSECTOZW}@@ W}%%###############################%%# INFOCAB #%%# Infocom Vocabulary ReaderW} #%%# by Chris Patterson #%%# --------------------------- #%%# NEW ATARI USER FEB 1993 #%%#####W}##########################dO;A(,(67@,.>:,@67A(,.>:,O67@,.'6-@W}6-'6-&&;@,9@,9@,7;@2,76. ????? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZpW};@,(67@,.>:A,@67@,.>:@v,X67@,.>:@,p67@,.>:A(,8;@,$W}-@@("467,.>:,8 AA104,104,104,133,212,104,104,37,212,133,212,169,0,133,213,96**S +'0W}@@@A0@@S@T . #PUT INFOCOM DISK (SIDE A) IN DRIVE,G THEN PRW}ESS T@**'6-@ A0'6-$AV!6-@  A0!6-%# 6- A0W}#6-%%@' 6- A06-'6-%@/ 6- A0!6-$AV/6-%@") 6- A06W}-%)6-%@,**6- & OUTPUT TO PRINTER (Y=YES) *- @#6-4Y#6-@J?!@W}P:: INFOCOM WORD LIST? T**^-&@h:-@#6-%$%- A066W}8,-: rD"6-?:C:,<8,<A$,D68,-@%P:'@,|m"6-?:C:,<8,<@,A6-?:C:,:AS, DISK ERROR F:Aq,, PROGRAM TERMINATED.G'JD2:INFOCAB.BASW}:7%@,,$**J D >:AS, DISK ERROR F:Aq,, PROGRAM TERMINATED.G'JD2:INFOCAB.BAST} 1 +@A@H1A@4-@@4(@ PLEASE F[}LIP DISK'(@'(@ THEN7(@(@7(@ PRESS START( @p2 F:B[}2y,@@P< +%D:MENU.Fa-@@)A@H=-@@PA SA@[}W a @ D:SIDE2.BASD:MENU.Fa-@@)A@H=-@@PA SA@X'--WW~2xx~2~1~1xkkk~1~1rrrr@r(@o o\b--WW~2xx~2~1~1c}xkkk~1~1rrrrc}k~1~1rrrr`$ FF g} g} Underline off = 27,45,0Underline on = 27,45,1BacKSPACE = 8(Double Width On/Off) = Selg}ect 'E' before and afterwards.Bold [INVERSE On/Off] = Select '.' before and after text.(Double Height Off) = Select [Down Ag}rrow](Double Height On) = Select [Up Arrow][Ctrl] [G]1 (NLQ+Roman)[Ctrl] [G]2 (Sans-Serif)[Ctrl] [G]3 (Courier)[Ctrl] [Gg}]4 (Quad Height & Width On)[Ctrl] [G]5 (Quad Height & Width Off)[Ctrl] [G]6 (Green Colour)[Ctrl] [G]7 (Red Colour)[Ctrl] g}[G]8 (Blue Colour)[Ctrl] [G]9 (Black Colour)ight & Width Off)[Ctrl] [G]6 (Green Colour)[Ctrl] [G]7 (Red Colour)[Ctrl] d0 FF2                   k}                          k}        1NLQ + Roman2Sans-Serif13Courier14Quad H/W5 Cancelk}6 Green Colour 7 Red Colour8 Blue Colour9 Black ColourDouble Width Double Width offInverse Text No INVEk}RSE TextDouble Height Normal Heighte Colour9 Black ColourDouble Width Double Width offInverse Text No INVEh+ FF2                   o}                          o}        Citizen-Swift-9 and AtariWriter Plus------------------------------------CITZ2LC, CITo}Z2LC.PDF, CITZ2TC.AWP and CITZ2KC.AWP are files for AtariWriter Plus. Load AtariWriter Plus Load CITZ2TC.AWP (Text File)o} When Printing out File choose options 'H' and 'O' for Other-Printer-Driver and Load CITZ2LC printer Driver.The File CITo}Z2KC.AWP contains information on which keys to press to get the various features of the Citizen-Swift-9 Colour Printer. CITlz