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((-€(-@%%@.(-6-%@2 @57} ( < ( (>A)@…F##… @I)…!@G%@eK (>:…,6…-…&@HU1(}Your bank holds $ˆ1(Place your bet...Z' (>$@„'„4@_@ 6Š-A:„,Š!ˆ6(You don't have that mu}ch money!@ @…d*** LET'S RACE! ***›j (}AR@n%%6‹-F:Aa,$AV%F:A`,s‹%@$}@x,-@@,(PRESS (s) to óôáňô‚#-@#( The Trackƒ,,6Ł."}‡U,6„."U6˘."ˆ(ŁŒ-@@‘}"€“ (€|” ( („– —"€ (€(|(˘›g-@@(|.-@@5({|G-@@}N(`|`-@@g(| #)@Ž#Ž@:S,A`Ľ/‹%@$@)-@@/(œŞ36—-@}6˜-@'6™-@36š-@´_6-H:,$@ 16-H:,$@ H6‘-H:,$@ _6’-H:},$@ ž/-—@()-—&@@/( ż/-˜@({)-˜&@@/( Ŕ/-™@(`})-™&@@/( Á/-š@()-š&@@/( Ă9P:—,@5#6›. Teabiscuit/6œ-@9 A}PÄ7P:˜,@5!6›.Ms.Atari-6œ-@7 APĹ8P:™,@5"6›. GeoffTate.6œ-@8 APĆ5P:š,}@56›.Bobcat+6œ-@5 APČK6—-—%+$?,'6˜-˜%+$?,96™-™%+‘$?,K6š-š%+’$?,Ńc2}%A™32@%A™K2@‘%A™‘‘c2@’%A™’’ҋ%2}G2@i2@‹2@× A€ú.-}@@.(The winner is ›!˙% œ"…6„.won6ˆ-ˆ%Š% A œ…6„.lost6ˆ-ˆ&Š(You „ $}Š (Your bank now holds $ˆ%%(Press any key to bet again...)@ˆ"A @ "Ł}%2@AP@@9-@@P= _2@AU@@s-@Aw ™2@}Ł @ ,™-@AU@F2O:&AU,@@RAfA }&@rA™2@O:&@P,@@-F*2@O:&@%,@@F2@@!}@1 6Ů0@70@@Q0@@s2"}•2@ˇ2@Ů2@;$č**Teabisc#}uit,Ms.Atari,GeoffTate,Bobcat›ü EOD›TEA,ATA,GTA,BOB›'' +@'0@'AR@'$$($}@ A DAY AT THE RACES'-@A $'E-@@$(@b6-@ @E(@%}y.'0-@@0(@ óăďôô âáççĺôô3'##( (c)1987,Scott Baggett8'$$( Press any key to begin='g&}A F:@ ,-AF:@ ,BAF:@ ,g2F:@ ,@@>'›32@P:F:@ ,''}@P,@@h2@F:@ ,$@P'@g@@›2@O:F:@ ,'H:@,,@@(}A' BFB'aF:Ad,AU*AdAU>-@Z2^ a$C'‹%2)}G2@i2@‹2@*}G' BE N B€ D:HORSE3.5'ostt˛-€+}GeoffTate. *****]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]M›SELECTu" DOCUMENTATION FOR HORSE.XMO REQUIRES :1. BASIC -} 2. "DAILY RACING FORM" Run the program. At the "INPUT # OF HORSES" prompt e.}nter 1. Three #s will appear, the first being the class/condition rating for the first call,the 2nd being the c/c rating for/} the 2nd call, and the 3rd being the c/c rating for the final call. Next comes two data lines and a "RUN". 0} ENTERING DATA: 1} You do each horse separately. (ALWAYS! STARTING) with the eighth race back and going towards it's most recent. On the fi2}rst data line you type in the FIELD SIZES of the eight races. Next you type in the CLAIMING TAGS. Next the POSITIONS at the F3}IRST CALL. NEXT DATA LINE: 4} Type in the horse's POSITIONS at the 2ND CALL and finally the POSITIONS at the LAST CALL. 5} The data lines are incremented by ten so TO ENTER ANOTHER HORSE'S DATA you can just change the line numbers6} and type in new data. I alwats change both line mumbers first so i won't accidentally replace another horse's data. 7} SPECIAL SITUATIONS 8} LESS THAN 8 RACES : The easiest way to handle this is to enter wh9}at TRUE DATA you have then supply DUMMY DATA for the missing races. Next you change LINE 10 so that RACES = the # of races t:}hat you have TRUE DATA for. If you change "RACES" the program will remind you to change it back with a sound cue. This is so ;}you won't forget to change it back when you have 8 true races. FILLIES AND MAR<}ES : Change CLAIMING TAGS for these types of races to REAL NUMBERS (add a .1 or some (=}decimal number) ALLOWANCE RACES : >} If you are knowledgeable enough to convert these to a claiming tag then you can do so else DON'T USE THIS?} PROGRAM ON THEM. DISTANCE SWITCHES : @} A sprinter running in a route race will do better at first then if he were in his normal aA}print. A router in a sprint race will do poorer at first. You can adjust the horse's call positions to take this into accountB} or just go ahead and use his actual call positions. I think you will have fun figuring out the best way to handle this situC}ation. LENGTHS BACK: What do youD} do when a horse is fifth by a length in a twelve horse field ? What about third by a neck ? Do you adjust their calls or wE}hat ? Again have fun with this one. TRACK F}CLASS : Some tracks are classier than others. What about a 5000 claiming race at CHURG}CHILL DOWNS compared to one at DARBY DOWNS ? Do you increase the claiming tag of the CHURCHILL race to reflect this and if sH}o by how much ? The answer comes with experience. DAYS SI}INCE LAST RACE : Has the last race been so long ago that you can't go by the C/C ratinJ}gs ? I think 31+ days is a good benchmark. In fact I go thru a horse's past performances and draw a line between races that K}have a 31+ gap. Too many lines and this horse is hurting. If you know the methods of the trainer you can tell if he gets his L}horses ready to run right after a long layoff and thereby go by the c/c ratings or even increase them. M} TRACK BIAS : Each tN}rack has it's own bias. Does it favor early speed or closers ? My program makes adjustments for moves within a race and you O}might want to change these to reflect your track(s) better. The lines to look at are 190 - 240. P} I never let my C/C ratings stand alone. I always supplement them with final timesQ},pace,current form,jockey, trainer, tote board action,etc... Well I hope youR} get that ST or at least some fun out of this program. ChaS}rles JenkinsI…ŁŠŽCu™šjľ2Ę2SET¤DEV¤SUÉÔSĂHVÎFLÇBMÂMAŘTMŇÉSCŇZŃXąYąZQąFLIPÍÍOLDŘOLDŮŘÁÂĂÄVOĚJNËMOÖOFFSEÔŮX˛Y˛ÚX2ĐF˛FIRĹSÔFRÍMÎDŮTIMŇCHŇBYTĹU}FIRE¤FR¤RąR˛RłR´R°RNK¤MOM¤FN¤FONĹHÓSPEEÄĆ̀€ V} W} !"#$%&'()X}*€+€,-./01€2€3€45678Y}9ESCAPE FROM HELL›BY TONY BARNES›(c)1988, ANTIC PUBLISHING›ll"HOW NICE FOR YOU, DEAR" MODIFICATIONS BZ}Y GWEN LENKER (with a little help from her daughter, CAECILE)›  +@AVAR 11€;A ,ł;@$,˛;@[} ,´;@, B Annƒ-@@ @E2@@&ƒ@ƒ'@I ƒk2\}n$xƒ-@@+˜-@@O2@6&˜@@s2@@5&˜]}@@w ˜{ ƒ2ż2@Â$‚w ƒ-@6@^}<2@ @ƒX2@@"@ƒl˜-@@p ˜t ƒw$Œ|ƒ-@@2@;2_}ƒ@@O˜-@@S ˜u2y ƒ|$–o ƒ-@@6@F2`}@€&ƒ@ƒ'@J ƒl2o$ b%2@&@@9ƒ-@@a}@= ƒ_2b$ô A%+‹$@,ů^6„-„%@%P:‰'A,0-@@=(@b}„K6‡-‡%@Q‡ˆT'^ A@ţ$[AR@'A @K-+@&P:B:˛,,,'@@X(c}@˛[$ˆ%ƒ-P:‰'@,6@36„-„%@E-@@R(@„^ƒ@p-@@d}~(@ƒˆ AE'-@@'(@ƒ !c%2@`@@9˜-@@= ˜_e}2c ƒ&… +@A@–1A@–CA@U-@o(f}@ PROMOTED TO:y A … AP%‹'g-@](@>:@4,$HOW NICE, DEAR, BUT WHAT DO YOU äďg}?>:@4,g Ap(x-@@n(@>:@4,5IF YOU DON'T CONTROL IT, WILL IT GET OUT OF HAND?>:h}@4,x Ap)v-@l(@>:@4,3YOU SHOULDN'T DRINK SO MUCH COFFEE, DEAR.>:@4,i}v Ap*{-@@q(@>:@4,8WHY DO THEY CALL IT THE MAINE BRANCH WHEN IT'S IN OHIO?>:@4,{j} Ap+y-@@o(@>:@4,6THAT'S NOT A VERY NICE THING TO BE PRESIDENT OF.>:@4,y Ak}p,c-@@Y(@>:@4, IS THAT ALL THERE IS TO IT?>:@4,c A:""(PRESS TRIGGERl} TO CONTINUEN?16Œ-?:C:hhhŞ­ Ôe  ԝĐ­„ÉĐě`,<A,?6‹-‹%@S) +@AVAR) A€XiŒ-m}@@C2@e&Œ$@@@i2@A&Œ$@@Œb0 A4&Œ'@"P:Œn}'@,0@0la ,Ž Œ/2Q2@[@1a,Žv€Œ-o}@@D+@1&+Œ'@"P:Œ'@,,,b2@P&Œ@Œ€2@A€&Œ@Œ{$$6p}-?:<B‘`<B‘`<@,€/ ,Ž Œ/2Š$źƒ #A!Œ-@@'"¸šC2q}¸@@Yƒ-@š$@] ƒa Œƒ2ÁAA91,4,96,4,108,4,96,4,91,4,81,4r},72,4,91,4,108,4,126,4,121,20› //6€.% ! ) PRESS TRIGGER FOR OUTPLACEMENT Š +@AVAR1A@–s}CA@–UA@g-@@~(@ đňĺóéäĺîôŠ6”-@ nAR@'AV@t}9AW@V(€7”<@7,€7@<”,b”!@6n6”-@_%2@@@G2u}[˜-@@_ ˜SAF:@ ,-T:,"?AYI+@S @ v}-@w#6”-”%@- A W6”-ž%ˇ$+ž ,&ˇ$+ž!,!1”Ÿ 7 !A(*  A5C6‹-@M Aw}W A !EP:ž%?P,!P:Ą%?P,E6Œ-?:› "@&APC$R[6Š-Ÿ%@@'!,žŠ5ƒ-@@ {}W2@@@[ ƒWK'2@`&Ÿ@@71žŸ&@ K @2Ae\5 @2|},žŸ!6Ÿ-Ÿ&@5Ÿ"Ae^ A6,žŸ AUatƒ-@@ ;2@`&ƒ@@}}? ƒI@&O,žŠq2t$čN@w#6‰-‰&@5-@@N(@~}P:‰'@,é^‰ A!-@@>(@P:‰'@, J‰T A^ A ę F:B2y,}"@AëŠ6‚-@$F:AD,"06‚-Dƒ-@@ |2@P:H:,$@@,%@€}@@€ ƒŠ A í0 A6¤-F:A2,0¤!@A@ň?!6”-%+¤ @,&+¤!@,?” )”!}@AP÷ 1”Ž  "@2A0ů# "Au A# A0ü 6”-O6Ľ-@&Ľ@2!,Ž'‚}6-”I+A0%@$+¤!@,,%ĽO,Ž Q%2@!@@G2Q APƒ} A4,ŽM1Ž%@  "@2)@2/,Ž=6Ž-Ž%@GA)M,Ž "@&A$1„} "Au A#@21,Ž%@)9 !A4*  A8%6‹-@/ A9 A .' "@C@D…}',Ž%@0' "@D@2',Ž%@3/ "As6¤-@% A/ A5/ "At6¤-@†}% A/ AB AL‘6Š-Ž%@@'!,Š5˜-@@Iƒ-@@k2@2‡}@@2@@#@@‘ ƒM$$6Œ-?:<B‘(<B‘(<@,NK%2ˆ}G2@K ˜O›ƒ-A$AF@;2ƒ@@u2@AF&ƒ@‰}@&++ƒ!A(,$@,y ƒ›2@Q!!2A%Ž@ŽS'1Ž&@ 'Š} @2A V5 @2,Ž!6Ž-Ž&@5Ž"A [ A4,Ž A`? @&,Š52‹}? A°›ĐM @2,Ž52@A%@@Iƒ-@@M ƒŐ_Œ}%2@9ƒ-@@ = ƒK6Ś-Ś&@_Ś A %Ú A€é4(@}6}Ž-@*6§-@4 A@0AY$(@}06‡-BEŚ!ƒ-@Ś1-@%ƒŽ}A(@E ƒEI-@I‹A€ A€€A0A€A‚0A‚€JyA@'A }@p3AŽEA@WAAxiAY@4m‚y6‰-AOk-@+(@}SCORE=„=-@@Q(@TIME=[A4a,Žk AT&&(@*********** ***Y&&(@‘}* Ż Ż * *^&&(@Ż **** **Ż *c&&(@*** ** ** *h&&(@**Ż **’}** * Ż*Ż Ż*m&&(@*** Ż * *** ****r&&(@*Ż **Ż * Ż** *w&&(@*** *** * ** **“} *|&&(@*Ż Ż*&&(@*****************‚6ˇ-?0ƒ\6ˆ-@6-@'6Ž”}-@36ž-@?6Ÿ-@K6Ž-Af\6˛. óčéćô ěĺáä„-*6Œ-?:›c H´( üx04*üx2˙÷ƒƒ÷˙˙ďÁÁď˙}'6ľ-C:˙Ű000P8|('RAAR'AA$<6Š-?:›<Š<Š<A,F#BR6†-"'!!6Œ-?:›:@@,{67Au,.>:@@,t%67A),.>:@@2 HOW NICE FOR YOU, DEAR Modifications by Gwen Lenker Ever since you moved out on your own, your mother has been ź} worried sick about you. You've tried to explain that you have a good job at Busywork, International (with a dental plan and ˝} everything), but Mom can't seem to grasp just what a hardcopy communications expediter does for a living. So, you've got pe ž}rmission from your boss, Mr. Dedwood, to let your Mom come into the mailroom and watch you collect envelopes, as long as she ż} doesn't get in your way. When you have successfully completed your task in the mailroom, you will be promoted to a new Ŕ}position. The job titles you may achieve, and their corresponding duties are: Shift Lead - Sharpen your pencil at every Á} pencil sharpener in the office. Quality control - Look through every magnifying glass. Supervisor - Set your own p Â}riorities. Branch Manager - Rubber-stamp everything in sight. Vice President - Shut off all the computers you find Ă}running "Leather Goddesses of Phobos" instead of Lotus. If Mom interferes with your work at any time, though, Dedwood sl Ä}aps a pink slip on you, and it's bye-bye, baby! You will, however, be allowed three chances to rejoin the company (at the bot Ĺ}tom, of course), and start working your way back up the corporate ladder. Merely escaping from Hell was a piece of cake Ć}compared with dodging your mother. Mom really means well, which makes her much more dangerous than that evil old Devil. Aft Ç}er each two levels, Mom gets a little bit faster (see the new variable, SPEED, in line 800). You will sometimes need to Č}trample the potted plants in your way to get where you're going, but Mom won't do that - she's too nice. And don't forge É}t to answer the phones! They're what keep you hopping! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ę},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ŠN‘€ Š‘€ČŔcĐ÷ŠN‘€ČČČą€ÉĐŠ‘€ČĐó ĽY ­ 8é  ­ …YŠ…ş ?ŠJŠK ¸ŠA '?„ťĽşĹť$˘ŠDŠ EŠHŠ TUm ´SEC¤DIR¤HDR1¤HDR2¤HDR3¤NAME¤ML¤PATH¤ËLĎHÉCMÄAĚAČLĚLČŘÉSEĂĐÎPIĂÓĚ×ČDČÄJNËXHÉÁOŘSÚSČŚ ĄĚ}Ż˝Ëß(( Í} !"Î}THE NEWSROOM CONVERTER›BY JOHN FRENCH›(c)1988, ANTIC PUBLISHING› ]]€;A),;@2,‚;@,ƒ;@Ď},„;@,…;@ ,†;@@,‡;@,6‚.˙˙ C˘<3_˙6ƒ.˙˙ ¤xg_˙6„.˙˙ ł§ď˙Đ}226†.(hh…Ěh…Ëh…ÍhŞ¤ÍąËI˙‘ˈ÷ĽËi(…ËĽĚi…ĚĘĐĺ`P +6‡.D1:*.*,A>AuPAvA)Ń}##(‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’…##(ü          Ôčĺ           ü##(ü   Îĺ÷óňďďí Ăďîöĺňôĺň   ü##(ü     âů Ň}Ęďčî Ćňĺîăč     ü##(ü                        ü##(ü¨ăŠąš¸¸ Áîôéă Đőâěéóčéîçü##(š’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ƒÓ}$$([1] GR.8 File to Newsroom(%(%([2] Print Shop to Newsroom2$($([3] Newsroom to GR.8 File<(([4] QuitÔ}F~AR'-@@ ;(œYour Choice: F@f@@K:s)@ˆ~@Ő}P‚AR@(>:ˆ,*6ˆ-ˆ&@H@ˆ @)ˆ!@RA@ff6ˆ-@#@xA‚ Ö}@pZ''ˆAAAAd +ÇGR.8 -> NEWSROOM›Č) +A) A×}Ň3( (&(GR.8 File to Load - D1:3@…Ü…4@ Ý! 6.D1:!67B:,%@,.…á5 AP@Ř}5@@ćW+@%@'A@9A H6‰-F:@ˆ,W6Š-F:@‰,đ=6‹-Ů}@6Œ-‰6-Š'6Ž-36-@0= A ő@ A`ú,@ AP,ˆA@  Ú} A0+@%@2JA=("}NEWSROOM Filename to Save - D1:PHJ@……4@ "#6Ű}.D1:PH#67B:,%@,.…#5 A˜@5@@$(@„%;6‹-@6Œ-‰6-ŠÜ}'6Ž-@)36-;6Œ-Œ%&+Œ!AU6Œ-Œ&AV+6-%@'U‘-Ag! 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It also converts Newsroom photos into Graphics 8 picture files that can be used with man}y popular Atari art programs. The BASIC program works on all Atari computers with at least 48K memory and disk. I purc}hased the Newsroom page design program from Springboard Software after reading about it in the July 1988 ANTIC. The ANTIC re}view said Newsroom couldn't use icons from Broderbund's popular Print Shop software or from any other third-party graphics fo }rmats. Well, here's the cure to that problem. Newsroom Converter is a program that will convert any Print Shop icon or Atar }i Graphics 8 file into Newsroom format. Not only that, Newsroom Converter also transfers any Newsroom image into Graphics 8  }format This new access enables you to use Rapid Graphics Converter (ANTIC, November 1985) to switch other types of Atar }i picture files to Graphics 8 format for loading into Newsroom Converter. Or after you convert a Newsroom image into Graphic }s 8, you can change it into a Micro Illustrator file with Rapid Graphics Converter and then transfer it to Print Shop format }with Graphic Shop ($19.95, The Catalogm AP156). GETTING STARTED When you RUN Newsroom Converter, you'll see a men}u screen giving you a choice of converting either a Graphics 8 or Print Shop file into Newsroom format, or converting a Newsr}oom image into a Graphics 8 picture file. The option for quitting returns you to BASIC. NOTE: Newsroom automatically }assigns a two-letter prefix to each type of file saved -- BN, banner; PH, photo, PN, panel; PG, page. This system leaves r}oom for six-letter filenames and doesn't recognize extenders. If you'd like to convert other types of Atari picture file}s into Graphics 8 format for use with Newsroom Converter, this can be done with Rapid Graphics Converter (ANTIC, November 198}5). For best results, convert these other types of picture files into "Graphics Master" format. GRAPHICS 8 CONVERSION } Insert a disk containing a Graphics 8 file and choose option 1. This brings up a directory of the disk and prompts you} to enter the name of the Graphics 8 file to load. The default device is D1: (disk drive 1) so just type in the filename an}d the extender. If the file you want is on another disk, press [RETURN] and you will go back to the menu. You can then inse}rt another disk and select option 1 again. After the picture is loaded, frame the part of it you want to convert by usi}ng the left and right arrow keys. The part of the picture under the framing lines is included. After framing the picture and} pressing [RETURN], you will be asked for a name for the Newsroom file. Enter the name you want without a device or extende}r because "D1:PH" is automatically included. Newsroom Converter will then save the file on a standard DOS disk in Newsroom f}ormat. PRINT SHOP CONVERSION Choose option 2, then insert a Print Shop graphics disk and press [RETURN]. NOTE: T}o load an icon supplied on the Print Shop disk, first load it into the Print Shop Graphics Editor and save it on a disk forma}tted with Print Shop. A directory of the Print Shop disk with each entry numbered will be shown on the screen. You can use }[CONTROL] [1] to stop the screen from scrolling. Now enter the number of the Print Shop icon you want to load. Entering 0 r }eturns you to the menu. Storing the file in Newsroom format is the same as it is with the Graphics 8 files, except you !}don't need to frame the picture. Also, you'll be asked if you want it in Double Height or not. As you can see in Figure 1, "}Double Height is closest to the original shape when printed on paper. Some shapes look all right at normal height and take u#}p less space on the Newsroom Panel. NEWSROOM IN/OUT You can now load your converted pictures into the Newsroom Ph$}oto Lab or Copy Desk quite safely. But I suggest loading the picture into the Photo Lab and then storing it on a disk format%}ted by Newsroom. ****WARNING! Storing anything on your DOS disk from within the Newsroom program can be disastrous! &}Option 3, using Newsroom Converter to transfer a Newsroom image into Graphics 8 format, is similar to option 1 except for rev'}ersing the order of source and destination disks. After you have converted a Newsroom image into Graphics 8, you can ch(}ange it into Micro Illustrator or any other standard Atari graphics format with Rapid Graphics Converter (ANTIC, November 198)}5). And then Micro Illustrator or Micro-Painter files can be converted into Print Shop format with Graphic Shop ($19.95, The*} Catalog, AP156). PROGRAM TAKE-APART Lines 15-17 contain the headers for the Newsroom file. HDR1$ stands for the +}Newsroom header bytes used for Single Height Print Shop icons. HDR2$ represents Double Height. HDR3$ is for the Graphics 8 s,}creen (29 bytes wide x 168 bytes tall). As near as I can tell, the 14-byte Newsroom header is made up as follows: Byte-} Description 1-2 255,255 -- found on most binary files. 3-4 Starting Address (LSB/MSB); usually $A000 hex. 5-.}6 Ending Address (LSB/MSB); varies with picture size. 7-8 File Length in Bytes (LSB/MSB). 9 Top Y coordinate (in t/}his case, 0). 10 Bottom Y coordinate. 11 Left-most X coordinate plus 8. 12 Right-most X coordinate plus 0}8. 13 0. 14 255. The rest of the Newsroom file is picture data. Lines 20-90 contain the main menu. Line1} 100 ENDs the program and returns you to BASIC. Lines 200-298 convert a Graphics 8 file to Newsroom format. Lines 300-32}90 convert a Print Shop icon to Newsroom format. Lines 400-600 convert a Newsroom photo into a Graphics 8 file. I inclu3}ded this option for Atari 800 owners who would like to use the Newsroom images they see on bulletin and user group disks. Al4}though 800 owners can't use Newsroom software, this option will let them use Newsroom images with other graphics software. R5}apid Graphics Converter (ANTIC, November 1985) converts your Graphics 8 file into nearly a dozen other formats. Lines 106}00-1060 give you a disk directory of Graphics 8 files. Lines 2000-2020 contain the subroutine to LOAD or SAVE a Newsroom or 7}Graphics 8 file. Lines 3000-3530 contain the subroutine that frames a Graphics 8 picture and calls a machine language progra8}m (ML$) to reverse the colors of that section of the screen. This must be done because the picture data in Newsroom files is9} inverted. In other words, a blank section on the screen would be saved as 255, not 0. You won't notice any color change on:}screen, however, because the color registers are also reversed. Lines 4000-4050 contain the subroutine to read a sector ;}for the Print Shop DIRECTORY and LOAD operations. Lines 5000-5050 hold the error-handling subroutine. (bio) John <}French of Oklahoma City has been a computer repair technician for 13 years. He began programming an Atari 800XL in 1983. =} (sidebar) WORD PROCESSOR TEXT INTO NEWSROOM In the Houston ACE July 1988 newsletter, ANTIC came across this usefu>}l undocumented technique for loading word processor text in Newsroom. Write some text with Newsroom in the font of your ?}choice, save it, then load it into your word processor. You will see some formatting codes at the top of the file. Delete th@}e sample text and save those codes as a template file for your future Newsroom articles. Just remember that each Newsroom teA}xt panel can only hold 21 lines -- about 800 characters, depending on your font. hhh…Ëhh…Ěh…éh…ęhh…ëĆë Ľę…ÖĽé…׹քŕH)`JJJQlm…ƒ™IN¤C°CąC˛CłC´C¸C1śC3˛A¤IąI˛IłDAT¤I´C6´C12¸ŘINVFĚINTĚDUMMŮML1¤TOP¤BTM¤ML¤SEGLÎTOP¨BTM¨CˇC6łMA¤OUT¤ŮCHPAGĹTEMЀC}€ € D}€€€€@@€€E} !" @ SAVE "D:OKI92LST.BAS":STOP›LIST "D:OKITST":STOP› B00((}™ĎËÉF}­š˛  ÂÁÓÉĂ ĐŇĎÇŇÁÍ ĚÉÓÔĹŇ ö˛Ž°(F ( ™Ăďíđéěĺä őóéîç ôčĺF(! ™Íďîáňăč ÁÂĂ Âáóéă Ăďíđéěĺň2( ( @PG}""(ý™ĹňňďňĄ Ćéěĺ îďô ćďőîäŽZ"( Input file €" A d @€‚‚…€n2 Aƒ ƒ†H}P:2(ƒ 0%C001x A‚ ‚‰‰4(ƒ A0ŒŠ-‚B:‰,–! 6™-&‚B:‰,&Š !6™-B:‰,&Š 6.‰7ŠI}<Š%™,Ş ‹-™6“-@:‰7Š%‹,,´! 6’-“!&‚6’-‡&‚!6“-“&ž“!@•A Č “ ˆ6“-“%@–Ň 6“-“&ˆÜ J}INTL NOW = INTERNAL NUMBER›á6. ć6”-?:C:˜,<“<’u''|;ROUTINE WILL BE RELOCATABLE, SO›?u&&|; ORIGIN DOESN'TT} REALLY MATTER!›@u|;›Au|;›Bu""| PLA ;GARBAGE›Cu| PLA ›Du| PLA ›Eu&&| STA INTL U} ;CHAR INTL #›Fu| PLA ›Gu| PLA ›Hu//| STA INVFL ; INV FLAG - 0 OR $0F›Iu| PLA ›Ju| V} STA DAT+1›Ku| PLA ›Lu,,| STA DAT ;=> TO DATA STRING›Mu|;›Nu| LDA #0›Ou| STA TMP1W}+1›Pu| CLC ›Qu| LDA INTL›Ru| ASL A›Su| ROL TMP1+1›Tu| ASL A›Uu| ROL TMPX}1+1›Vu| ASL A›Wu&&| ROL TMP1+1 ;INTL=INTL*8›Xu|;›Yu++| STA TMP1 ;CHBAS+INTL*8=LOC›Zu| Y}LDA TMP1+1›[u| ADC CHBAS›\u| STA TMP1+1›]u|;›^u//| LDY #7 ;MOVE FROM CHR SET TO›_u&&|X2 Z} LDA (TMP1),Y ;OUR BUFFER›`u| STA BUF,Y›au| DEY ›bu| BPL X2›cu|;›du''|; BUF NOW CONTAINS 8 BYT[}ES WHICH›eu|; MAKE UP CHARACTER›fu|;›gu--| LDY #15 ;TOO COMPLICATED TO›hu''|X4 LDA #0 ;EXPLAIN..\}...›iu| LDX #3›ju|X3 LSR BUF+4,X›ku| ROL A›lu| DEX ›mu| BPL X3›nu| EOR IN]}VFL›ou| STA (DAT),Y›pu| DEY ›qu| CMP #8›ru| BCS X4›su|;›tu|X6 LDA #0›uu| ^} LDX #3›vu|X5 LSR BUF,X›wu| ROL A›xu| DEX ›yu| BPL X5›zu| EOR INVFL›{u| _} STA (DAT),Y›|u| DEY ›}u| BPL X6›~u|;›u| RTS ›€u|;›u| .END ›€D:OKI92LST.BAS`}''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''', CC6ˆ-?:‡<@0<@$?@ABCDEF!ƒ}GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV!„}W\ 6€-(6‚-€%€6ƒ-‚%€"6„-‚%‚*6…-„%€26†-…%€:6‡-†%€B6ˆ-‡%€J6‰-…%…R6Š-†$‰\ A‡P@‹-€B:Œ,"@:Œ7‹<‹!…},,!A(@6Œ7‹<‹,.>:@:Œ7‹<‹,,&A(,-6-Ž%‡$+‹&€,$6-‘ ’- ƒPŒ7‹<‹,  ‹ $B “ ƒ? ƒMP:@5$+!†}”%ˆ&,%€'‚,,P:6@5$%€'‚,B$? • –< ƒMP:•%@u$%€'‚,,P:—%˜$+”%ˆ&,%€'‚,?$; •–8 ƒMP:•%™$!‡}%€'‚&–,,P:—%@v$%€'‚,;$ B “ ƒ? ƒDP:@5$+”%ˆ&,%€'‚,,P:6@5$%€'‚,B$ ? • –< ƒDP:•%@!ˆ}u$%€'‚,,P:—%˜$+”%ˆ&,%€'‚,?$ ; •–8 ƒDP:•%™$%€'‚&–,,P:—%@v$%€'‚,;$v BR š€C 6Œ.›6!‰}‘-ˆ"6Ž-œ%…&‡$'‚$B:Œ,& ,6-‚6 BR<6-€@ –C$řI 6ž-(}-ˆ1(Is this an overlay--ŮŻÎ5 Ÿ=" %‡C6ž-€I !Š}Ą%‰ý  &„ ˘ Ą BŢG  ‰ B)(} ĆŐÎĂÔÉĎΠÍĹÎŐ,(26-€86Ł->6¤-AGŞ€ß: “ ƒ ƒL0!‹} ƒC0' ƒQ11 ƒS1: ƒHă= “"ƒ ƒL0 ƒJ1* ƒQ•–4 ƒS1= ƒH>( Ádd Labels.(((!Œ} Âox Creation.+(;( Äraw Lines.>(ˆ$!(Graph Parametric Ćunction$(‰ (ł-D Graph of Function (”7(Çraph Polar !}Function"“"ƒ%(7( Óet Location.œ  ‚ Ÿ°6Ą-B€"Ľ Ąą "Ľ%€6Ł-€ Ą˛ "Ľ%ƒ6Ł-‚ Ął6Ą-A!Ž} @´ "Ľ%†6¤-€ Ąľ"@Q6¤-ƒ Ąś" %€*“"ƒ œ$”ˇ "Ľ%…6¤-‚ Ąż "Ľ%„ AvŘ ˘ !}Ac $."a6œ-AU6 -@‚#6§- %ˆ/6¨-A;6”-A‘I›;Š%Š,Š9¨,U6Ş-ARa6š-BD™0"e 6-€6’-…!}6Ť-‰!6–-B-6”-A‘56Ľ-Š%…A6˜-@uM6™-@vY6Ÿ-Be6˘-B3"6­-Aa6Ž-C ™™™Q"6Ż-B!‘}’"°;Š%Š,Œ;Š%Š,Ä"+AR€+(} PLOTTER TYPEÎ"( ą ATARI 1020Ř"( ˛ TANDY CGP115â"( !’} ł MANNESMANN TALLYě"- Ÿ6-&@H €)!ƒ# ˘- A‰#A‡&€ # Bƒ ƒˆP:(# B!“}€V B€˜: 6-ą%Ž6-˛ ’Ź:J%‹-ƒAfƒ$+€%+Ž Š,%+Ž ‰$ƒ,,26-˛&Ž$G:‹,?6-ą%Ž$E:‹,C ŤG ‹J$PF 6-œ%…!”}6-§&‰ ’QF, (}-‰%‚Ł",(Custom LabellingSF! 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After entering the equation you are asked for the followingaximum diameter: This is the maxim%ë}um distance from the origin which will be plotted. inimum Angle and Maximum Angle: These values are the range of values thro%ě}ugh which the variable "T" will be carried. The graph will now be drawn. You will be asked if you want grids when the graph%í} is done. These are somewhat different than normal. The grids show the distance and angles in 15 degree gradations. The net%î} result is a look similar to a dart board.t the end you will be asked if you want to print the title which is simply the fo%ď}rmula.or Parametrics you have to enter two equations based on "T". The first defines the "X" value and the second defines th%đ}e "Y" value. An example might be=SIN(T)+COS(5*T)IN(5*T)-COS(T)f you define X=T then the parametric form reduces to the more%ń} usual Y=F(X).he questions are slightly different. You are asked for the minimum and maximum values of "T" then the Minimum%ň} and maximums for Y and X respectively. These latter items are used to set the limits on the graphing area. or both polar a%ó}nd parametric graphs an overlay simply means not printing axes. It can also be used to print a total polar graph with highe%ô}r resolution. For example you could plot one graph from 0 to 180 degrees and then the same graph with angles of 180 to 360.%ő} This would double the resolution of the graph. The normal graph uses 319 steps for the graph. Scaling is always based on t%ö}he current information you provide.n setting the location for Tally plotters you have the choice of ensuring round circles o%÷}r of allowing full utilization of the paper. For polar graph types it would probably be best to ensure round circles.hree D%ř}imensional functions of the form Z=f(X,Y) may be graphed. The program uses an oblique projection for the graph so accurate %ů}measurements may be made from the resultant plot. The information requested is as follows.unction definition: Simply enter a%ú} function using X and Y as variables.in X and Max X values: These are the limits through which X will run.in Y and Max Y va%ű}lues: same as X values except for Y axis.in Z and Max Z values: These variables simply determine the minimum and maximum fo%ü}r the Z axis. Values outside the range will still be plotted IF THEIR LOCATION IS WITHIN THE PAPER AREA ASSIGNED. Thus a Z %ý}value of -1 could very well be plotted even if the Z axis limits were set to 0 and 20. The area assigned extends to a Y valu%ţ}e of 191. This allows the X axis labels to be properly placed on the graph. This limit may be changed by altering lines 221%˙}20 and 22320. In no case should a value higher than 199 be used however.umber of Y segments: The program displays the graph&} by sweeping horizontal elevation lines for various constant values of Y with varying X values. This variable determines the&} number of such lines. Values such as 50 are usually high enough.-axis length: This variable is used to reduce the relative&} length of the X axis if the standard length is considered to be too long.ngle of Y axis: Angles from 1 to 359 are allowed.&} This angle represents the viewing position of the plot. Angles above 180 are from the back side of the function.how Hidden&} Lines. The hidden lines may be suppressed or shown. Normally you would keep them hidden.orizontal lines only: The normal us&}e is to use only the horizontal elevation lines. You can however have lines swept at constant X values as well. This gives &}the graph a checkerboard look which can be visually quite effective but may make taking measurements off the graph more con&}fusing.umber of X segments: If you decide to have a checkerboard look then this is the equivalent to the Y segment number. &}xes: You can have no axes or a full 3D box or simply the primary axes. The primary axes consist of 2 Y axes, 1 X axis and 1 & }Z axis.OTE: A detailed plot takes a long time. Use of BASIC XE or BASIC XL from O.S.S will dramatically speed up the proces& }s (as much as 6 times). My top recomendation is Basic XE on an XE130. Basic XE is a Cart and Disk. The file BASICXE.OSS mus& }t be moved from the Basic XE disc to the enhancement boot disc. To make room one of the other files on the disk must be rem& }oved and put on a blank disk for future use. 56€.D6€7AQ,.€S6€7@,.€s6‚-?::Œ,*}_>:@0,'6ƒ7‡<‡,. /6‡-‡&„9 APV‡"‰AP`+ (>:Œ,6‡-‡%„!6ƒ7‡<‡,.>:Œ,+ APjD€AR„*}6-‡&-ˆ@D(Press  ÓÔÁŇÔ  To Continuet,‡-„@  ‡,F:B2y,€A@~4-‚@(†7„<@9,1*}BB†@d4$ˆ1-Ž@1(Please Wait - Processing Text’X ‡-‚€!6-C:7‘$‡%„<‘$‡%„,,C6’-C:“7A$‡%„<A*}$‡%„,,T6Œ-?:”<<’<•<‘,X ‡œ' 6‰-–6-Š A'6—-–%@ŚK 6˜-C:“,$Œ-—A"%—@@96-?:™<˜<Œ<@&*},G6˜-˜%@&K Œ° 6‰-š6-‚ A$şJ$@ˆ‰&AV$P:‰'AV,;@‰P:‰'AV,G@‡J$Ä`*}AAH'AˆA89AABKAAˆ]BB†A’`$Î( Œ-Ž…-‚Œ!(†7„<@9,*}% Œ($Ř-6›. ENTER TEXT -Š@* A-$â16›.NEW FONT$-@"@. A1$ě56›. PRINT LABELS(*}-@@2 A5$ö46›. NEW GRAPHIC'-@!@1 A4$56›. 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You can use any Print Shop image except those on.r} your original Print Shop disk. (These won't work because they use a different data format.) My five-year-old daughter.s} bet me I couldn't make my Atari 800 produce fancy name stickers for her and her sisters. "They must have pictures," she sai.t}d. I'm no artist, so spending several evenings designing bit-mapped graphics was not my idea of fun. But why not use Br.u}oderbund's Print Shop graphics? With a virtually unlimited selection of images, at least one of them had to be acceptable to.v} my juvenile taskmaster. The resulting program is Designer Labels, which lets you create and print your own customized P.w}rint Shop labels or stickers -- each one with a graphic image and as many as seven lines of text in a standard or redefined f.x}ont. Designer Labels will work with any image from the Print Shop Graphics Library disks. You may also use pictures cre.y}ated with KoalaPad or Micro-Painter and converted into Print Shop format with Graphic Shop (The Catalog). Uses for Desig.z}ner Labels include return address labels for local businesses, bookplates, canning labels, emergency telephone number sticker.{}s, and, of course, hundreds of children's name stickers -- all brightly colored and stuck on most walls in my house. MAK.|}ING LABELS Download PSLABELS.BAS with XMODEM. When you RUN Designer Labels, the title screen is displayed for about.}} 40 seconds while the machine language routines are installed and the buffer strings are initialized. You are then prompted .~}to select a printer type. Let's create a test label to see how the program works. You begin with a blank label image sho.}wn at the top of the screen. The edit menu has five choices: 1. Get a NEW GRAPHIC image 2. ENTER TEXT for t.€}he label 3. CHANGE TEXT font 4. PRINT LABELS 5. EXIT from program Press [OPTION] to highlight NEW GRAP.}HIC, then press [START]. At the prompt, insert into drive 1 a Print Shop Graphics Library (or compatible) disk. Type in the.‚} name of the graphic -- for example, KNIGHT from the Print Shop Graphics Library I. Press [START] again and the icon is disp.ƒ}layed in the label image area. If the icon is not on the disk, a "Not Found" message is printed and you can try again. .„}To add text, select ENTER TEXT from the edit menu and type the text as you want it to appear on the label. This is a "what y.…}ou see is what you get" operation. Upper and lower case letters, numbers, punctuation signs and graphic symbols are all vali.†}d text characters. Hold down [CONTROL] and use the arrow keys to move the cursor within the text input box. Press [TAB].‡} to center the current text line in the box. [CLEAR] will blank the current text line. [DELETE] gets rid of the last text ch.ˆ}aracter entered. When you're satisfied with the text layout, press [ESC]. This starts a machine language routine that trans.‰}lates the characters into the appropriate bit maps and displays them in the Graphics 8 label image. DEFINE YOUR OWN .Š} The label is almost done, but we can add another touch. If you have a disk with redefined character fonts such as Instedit (.‹}The Catalog), you can use it with Designer Labels. The font files must have .FNT as the filename extension. Select the NEW FO.Œ}NT option, insert the disk containing the fonts and type the file name (only the first eight characters -- the .FNT will be a.}ppended automatically). If you don't want a new font, the default is the internal ROM character set. This set can also be a.Ž}ccessed by entering INTERNAL as the new font file name. The last step is to print your creation. Select PRINT LABELS, m.}ake sure your printer is on, and insert the label forms into the printer. The program spacing is set for a standard 1 X 3 1/.}2 inch label size (about $7 for a box of 1,000). Enter the number of labels to print (maximum of 99) and press [START] to be.‘}gin. You'll probably need to play with the print head positioning so that the labels have proper spacing. If you print .’}a series of different labels, make sure to readjust the printhead for each set or the spacing may be incorrect. My Prowriter.“} requires about 14 minutes to print 99 labels. All done? Now you can EXIT PROGRAM from the edit menu to return to BASIC.”}, or go on to create some more new custom labels. MANUFACTURERS PRINT SHOP LIBRARY Volumes I, II, III Broderbund So.•}ftware 17 Paul Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 479-1170 $24.95 each GRAPHIC SHOP The Catalog AP0156 $19.95 INSTEDI.–}T The Catalog AP0117 $15.95 (bio) The two previous Antic articles by DuPont research chemist James Pierson-Perry o.—}f Elkton, Maryland have been a lot more science-oriented than this one. We published his Molecular Weight Calculator in May .˜}1986 and Response Surface Mapping in December 1986. ,4