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KALAGHER 50 ; 60 ;ANALOG #17 MARCH } 1984 70 ; 80 SL = $C0 90 SH = $C1 0100 STL = $C2 0110 STH = $C3 0120 ENL = $C4 0130 ENH = $C5 0140 } BLL = $C6 0150 BLH = $C7 0160 CIO = $E456 0170 ICCMD = $0342 0180 ICBAL = $0344 0190 ICBAH = $0345 0200 ICAX1 = }$034A 0210 ICAX2 = $034B 0220 ICBLL = $0348 0230 ICBLH = $0349 0240 ROWCRS = 84 0250 COLCRS = 85 0260 CRSINH = $02F0 0}270 *= $1D7C 0280 MENU JSR OPENSC 0290 JSR HEADER 0300 JSR OPEDIR 0310 GG JSR GETDIR 0320 BMI FOOT 03}30 JSR DIRSCN 0340 JMP GG 0350 FOOT JSR FOOTER 0360 JSR CLOSE2 0370 JSR CLOSE3 0380 JSR SETUP 0390 } JSR OPENK 0400 JSR GETLET 0410 JSR CLOSE3 0420 JSR FINDNA 0430 JSR OPEFIL 0440 GETFIL JSR READ2 045}0 JSR INIT 0460 JSR CHKFF 0470 JSR STRAD 0480 JSR READ2 0490 JSR ENDAD 0500 JSR BUFLEN 0510 } JSR GETDAT 0520 BMI JSTART 0530 JSR JINIT 0540 JMP GETFIL 0550 JINIT JMP ($02E2) 0560 JSTART JSR CLOSE2 05}70 JMP ($02E0) 0580 R RTS 0590 INIT LDA #R&$FF 0600 STA $02E2 0610 LDA #R/256 0620 STA $02E3 0630 } RTS 0640 OPEDIR LDX #$20 0650 LDA #3 0660 STA ICCMD,X 0670 LDA #6 0680 STA ICAX1,X 0690 LDA #B1&}$FF 0700 STA ICBAL,X 0710 LDA #B1/256 0720 STA ICBAH,X 0730 JSR CIO 0740 RTS 0750 B1 .BYTE "D1:*.}*" 0760 FNAME *= *+18 0770 .BYTE $9B 0780 BAL .BYTE 0 0790 BAH .BYTE 0 0800 OPEFIL LDX #$20 0810 LDA #3 0820 } STA ICCMD,X 0830 LDA #FNAME&$FF 0840 STA ICBAL,X 0850 LDA #FNAME/256 0860 STA ICBAH,X 0870 LDA #4} 0880 STA ICAX1,X 0890 JSR CIO 0900 RTS 0910 GETREC LDX #$20 0920 LDA #7 0930 STA ICCMD,X 0940 } LDA SL 0950 STA ICBAL,X 0960 LDA SH 0970 STA ICBAH,X 0980 LDA BLL 0990 STA ICBLL,X 1000 LDA B}LH 1010 STA ICBLH,X 1020 JSR CIO 1030 RTS 1040 READ2 LDA #BAL&$FF 1050 STA SL 1060 LDA #BAL/256 1}070 STA SH 1080 LDA #2 1090 STA BLL 1100 LDA #0 1110 STA BLH 1120 JSR GETREC 1130 RTS 114}0 BUFLEN LDA ENL 1150 SEC 1160 SBC STL 1170 STA BLL 1180 LDA ENH 1190 SBC STH 1200 STA BLH 12}10 CLC 1220 LDA BLL 1230 ADC #1 1240 STA BLL 1250 LDA BLH 1260 ADC #0 1270 STA BLH 1280 } RTS 1290 STRAD LDA BAL 1300 STA STL 1310 LDA BAH 1320 STA STH 1330 RTS 1340 ENDAD LDA BAL 1350  } STA ENL 1360 LDA BAH 1370 STA ENH 1380 RTS 1390 CHKFF LDX BAL 1400 INX 1410 BEQ TEST2 1420 !} RTS 1430 TEST2 LDX BAH 1440 INX 1450 BEQ ITSFF 1460 RTS 1470 ITSFF JSR READ2 1480 RTS 1490 GETDAT"} LDA STL 1500 STA SL 1510 LDA STH 1520 STA SH 1530 JSR GETREC 1540 RTS 1550 CLOSE3 LDX #$30 1560 #} JMP CLB 1570 CLOSE2 LDX #$20 1580 CLB LDA #$0C 1590 STA ICCMD,X 1600 JSR CIO 1610 RTS 1620 GETDIR LDX $}#$20 1630 LDA #5 1640 STA ICCMD,X 1650 LDA #FNAME&$FF 1660 STA ICBAL,X 1670 LDA #FNAME/256 1680 %} STA ICBAH,X 1690 LDA #18 1700 STA ICBLL,X 1710 LDA #0 1720 STA ICBLH,X 1730 JSR CIO 1740 RTS &} 1750 OPENSC LDX #$30 1760 LDA #3 1770 STA ICCMD,X 1780 LDA #B4&$FF 1790 STA ICBAL,X 1800 LDA #B4/25'}6 1810 STA ICBAH,X 1820 LDA #8 1830 STA ICAX1,X 1840 LDA #0 1850 STA ICAX2,X 1860 JSR CIO 1870(} LDA #1 1880 STA CRSINH 1890 RTS 1900 B4 .BYTE "E:" 1910 WRITES LDX #$30 1920 LDA #$0B 1930 STA I)}CCMD,X 1940 LDA STL 1950 STA ICBAL,X 1960 LDA STH 1970 STA ICBAH,X 1980 LDA BLL 1990 STA ICBLL,*}X 2000 LDA BLH 2010 STA ICBLH,X 2020 JSR CIO 2030 RTS 2040 HEADER LDA #1 2050 STA ROWCRS 2060 +} LDA #10 2070 STA COLCRS 2080 LDA #B5&$FF 2090 STA STL 2100 LDA #B5/256 2110 STA STH 2120 LDA #,}16 2130 STA BLL 2140 LDA #0 2150 STA BLH 2160 JSR WRITES 2170 INC ROWCRS 2180 RTS 2190 B5 .B-}YTE " Disk Menu " 2200 NUMKEY .BYTE "A" 2210 OFFSET .BYTE 0 2220 DIRSCN JSR CHKSYS 2230 JSR CHKFRE 2240 LDA.} #FNAME&$FF 2250 STA STL 2260 LDA #FNAME/256 2270 STA STH 2280 LDA #10 2290 STA BLL 2300 LDA #0/} 2310 STA BLH 2320 INC ROWCRS 2330 LDY #6 2340 LDA NUMKEY 2350 CMP #78 2360 BCC FIRCOL 2370 0} LDY #24 2380 LDA ROWCRS 2390 CMP #16 2400 BNE FIRCOL 2410 LDA #3 2420 STA ROWCRS 2430 FIRCOL STY 1}COLCRS 2440 LDA NUMKEY 2450 STA FNAME 2460 LDA #45 2470 STA FNAME+1 2480 JSR PUTBUF 2490 JSR WR2}ITES 2500 INC NUMKEY 2510 RTS 2520 CHKSYS LDA FNAME+10 2530 CMP #83 2540 BNE NOTSYS 2550 LDA FNAME3}+11 2560 CMP #89 2570 BNE NOTSYS 2580 LDA FNAME+12 2590 CMP #83 2600 BNE NOTSYS 2610 PLA 26204} PLA 2630 NOTSYS RTS 2640 CHKFRE LDA FNAME+1 2650 CMP #$20 2660 BEQ NOTFRE 2670 PLA 2680 PLA 25}690 NOTFRE RTS 2700 FOOTER LDA #20 2710 STA ROWCRS 2720 LDA #4 2730 STA COLCRS 2740 LDA #B6&$FF 2750 6} STA STL 2760 LDA #B6/256 2770 STA STH 2780 LDA #31 2790 STA BLL 2800 LDA #0 2810 STA BLH 287}20 JSR WRITES 2830 RTS 2840 B6 .BYTE "Press the letter" 2850 .BYTE " of your choice" 2860 OPENK LDX #$30 28}870 LDA #3 2880 STA ICCMD,X 2890 LDA #B7&$FF 2900 STA ICBAL,X 2910 LDA #B7/256 2920 STA ICBAH,X 9} 2930 LDA #4 2940 STA ICAX1,X 2950 JSR CIO 2960 RTS 2970 B7 .BYTE "K:" 2980 PUTBUF LDY #0 2990 LD:}X OFFSET 3000 LDA (STL),Y 3010 ORA #$80 3020 STA NBUFF,X 3030 INX 3040 INY 3050 INY 3060 P1;} LDA (STL),Y 3070 STA NBUFF,X 3080 CMP #32 3090 BEQ P2 3100 INX 3110 INY 3120 CPY #10 3130 <} BCC P1 3140 LDA #32 3150 STA NBUFF,X 3160 P2 STX OFFSET 3170 INC OFFSET 3180 RTS 3190 LETTER .BYT=}E 0 3200 FINDNA LDX #0 3210 L1 LDA NBUFF,X 3220 INX 3230 CMP LETTER 3240 BNE L1 3250 LDA #68 3260 >} STA FNAME 3270 LDA #58 3280 STA FNAME+1 3290 LDY #0 3300 L2 LDA NBUFF,X 3310 STA FNAME+2,Y 3320 ?}INX 3330 INY 3340 CMP #$20 3350 BNE L2 3360 DEY 3370 LDA #46 3380 STA FNAME+2,Y 3390 IN@}Y 3400 LDA #42 3410 STA FNAME+2,Y 3420 INY 3430 LDA #$20 3440 STA FNAME+2,Y 3450 RTS 3460 GA}ETLET LDX #$30 3470 LDA #7 3480 STA ICCMD,X 3490 LDA #0 3500 STA ICBLL,X 3510 STA ICBLH,X 3520 B}JSR CIO 3530 CMP #65 3540 BCC GETLET 3550 CMP NUMKEY 3560 BCS GETLET 3570 ORA #$80 3580 STA LETC}TER 3590 RTS 3600 SETUP LDA #R&$FF 3610 STA $02E0 3620 LDA #R/256 3630 STA $02E1 3640 RTS 3650 ND}BUFF = * 3660 *= $02E2 3670 .WORD MENU 3680 .END IB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  C_ERAO@A(@ 1 +F}AR@1-@ @(ŭƭŭ!!( 頠(!!( 򠠱G}2((( ---- Softside presents ----7-@A <\ +AR@1-@@@( AH}ROUND THER-@@ \(WORLDFR +!-@@5-@&@N(R G"I};@@,"AR@H-@@"Je-@B:,?-@&B:,%$@@%$@M(7<J},a-@@e L   N,,O-@AP P##6. K} Q-@@/-@&@%M-@ &$@&@m(7@<$@&@,-@L}@   Y-@A d AeSS(K As captain of the interstellar craftPalomino, returninM}g from a long jour-fQQ(Iney, you find yourself face to face with a gigantic black hole. MovinggSS(Kcloser, you find N}something even more unique-a ship sitting on the vortex'shMM(Eedge, unaffected by the immense grav- ity. It is Deep-SpacO}e One, theiqD(EarthR}. The ship was assumed lost, andit's crew presumed dead.P AZ A](nRR(J As the Palomino makes a pass over S} the vessel, the silent, dead appari-oSS(Ktion suddently springs to life! Lights go on all over the Cygnus; herpPPT}(Hdocking bay beckons to the smaller ship. The Palomino lands, and youqSS(Kstep into the legacy of a ship of roboU}ts, a ship controlled by its onlyr++(#human survivor, Dr. Hans Reinhardt.sk(a(V Your mission is to escape from the V}Cygnus, and inform the world of your discovery!k At] A(Z(EThree main (non-human) characters in this advW}enture need explaining.](upp(h is a ten-foot scarlet robot whose main purpose is to destroythose who opposX}e his master.vc(`(U is your friendly mechanical partner, and will help you where possible.c(wRR(JĠY} (wherever he may be hiding) is a battered ancestor of Vincent's,xhh(`and is the only survivor who knows that the hZ}umanoid robots are actually lobotomized crewmen.y A A(//(& In this adventure I will become your[},,($eyes, ears and hands. You will tell**("me what to do with simple two word//(&commands such as GET AXE or GO S\}TAIRS.,,($To move, type the direction you wish--(%to go in, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH or WEST,//(&or simply type the fi]}rst letter of the--(%direction, N, E, S or W. To obtain a++(#list of what you are carrying, type(INVENTORY o^}r just I."(, A1 A4(6//(&My vocabulary is limited, so I may not@,,($understand everything y_}ou tell me toJ,,($do. If one way of wording somethingT++(#does not work, try another. People^,,($having trouble ar`}e usually trying toh))(!do something beyond their (or my)r( capability.|(HH(@Some useful commands: LOOK, GET,a} DROP HELP(( -@@#(Run from isk or ape Qb}F:Ad,"@X*-@@#B(Running D:BLKHOLE1Q% D:BLKHOLE1 F:Ad,@EA0&-@@#c}0''(Hit when tape is ready :AdAUD5 A -@@#!! d}AdAU F:Ad,"AUA0$L +V$$( ˠŠ[))e}(! (c) 1981 SoftSide Publications]//(&j$' D:BLKHOLEf}(song),D:FACE.OBJ,0+Fc}~vLP^PLLLCLSGAALLDFTFCSBBGKPPWMCDMSDDOOHZVNMEADASTORZZL2CMV1N1 h}V2CHRN i} j}@ !@"#$%&'()*+, k}-./0123456789:;< l}@=> V2 20-Jan-81 +@-@@10@@C-@@U(@ m} THEo(@ BLACK(@ HOLEG-@@ 50@G-@ n}@g(@ /(@ K(@ _-@@c g e((I'M IN o}SPACE FLYING HOME TO EARTH.fNNI'M ABOARD THE U.S.S. PALOMINO DOCKED IN A BAY ON THE CYGNUS. THERE'S ANgQQI'M IN A DOCKI p}NG BAY JUST OUTSIDE THE PALOMINO. THERE'S AN OPEN DOOR TO THEhiiI'M IN A SMALL ROOM THAT LOOKS LIKE A RECEPTION AREA. A q}LONG CORRIDOR STRETCHES TO THE SOUTH.i66I'M IN A LONG CORRIDOR WITH DOORS ALL AROUND ME.j::I'M IN A LONG CORRIDOR. r}TO THE EAST ISA LONG TUNNEL.k!!I'M IN A LONG GLASS TUNNEL.l55I'M IN AN AIR CAR. ON THE DASHBOARD ISA BUTTON.m@@I'M I s}N A LONG GLASS TUNNEL. TO THE EAST IS AN ELEVATOR.nI'M IN AN ELEVATOR.oOOI'M IN A HUGE ROOM THAT APPEARS TO BE THE t} BRIDGE OF THIS SHIP. ALL AROUNDpEEI'M IN THE CYGNUS' ENGINE ROOM. THE DRIVE SYSTEM HUMS SOFTLY.q__THIS IS THE ROOM T u}HAT CONTROLS THE HYDROPONIC SYSTEM WHICH GROWS ALL THE CYGNUS' FOOD.rOOI'M IN THE HYDROPONIC GREENHOUSE. TREES AND v}PLANTS ARE ALL AROUND ME.sbbI'M IN A LOW CORRIDOR. TO THE NORTH ISA DOOR. A SIGN BY THE DOOR SAYS Ӡ̠ٮt w}QQI'M IN A DOCKING BAY. TO THE NORTH IS AN OPEN DOOR LEADING TO A SMALL SHIP.uPPI'M IN A SMALL SHIP AND I'M FLYING TH x}ROUGH SPACE TOWARD THE BLACK HOLE.vQQI'M AT THE EVENT HORIZON OF THE BLACK HOLE AND I'M BEING SUCKED THROUGH IT.w;;I HA y}VE COME THROUGH THE BLACK HOLE TO A NEW UNIVERSE.xPPI AM IN A LONG NORTH-SOUTH CORRIDOR. THERE IS AN OPENED DOOR TO THE E z}AST.y__I'M IN A DIMLY LIT ROOM. THE STRANGE HUMANOID ROBOTS APPEAR TO BE GETTING REPROGRAMMED.zI'M IN A LONG CORRID {}OR.{EEI'M IN A ROOM FULL OF ROBOTS. THEY SEEM TO BE PLAYING GAMES.|AAI'M IN A NORTH-SOUTH CORRIDOR STANDINGSOUTH OF |}AN ELEVATOR.}I'M IN A SUPPLY ROOM.~DDI'M IN A NORTH-SOUTH CORRIDOR WITH A SMALL PATH LEADING EAST.\\I'M IN A LAR }}GE BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED DINING ROOM. MMM . . . IT SMELLS DELICIOUS.kkI'M IN A AREA THAT APPEARS TO HAVE ONCE BE ~}EN THE CREW BARRACKS. THERE ARE CABINS ALL AROUND ME.I'M IN A CREWMAN'S CABIN.I'M IN A CREWMAN'S CABIN.I }'M IN A CREWMAN'S CABIN.I'M IN A CREWMAN'S CABIN.I'M IN A SMALL ROOM.PPI'M INSIDE THE SHIP. IN FRONT OF ME }ARE A GREEN BUTTON AND A DISK DRIVE.AAI'M STANDING IN AN ELEVATOR. IN FRONT OF ME IS A HUGE ROOM.FFI'M STANDING SOUTH } OF AN ELEVATOR. TO THE WEST IS A LONG TUNNEL.gg0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,3,0,5,0,0,0,4,5,6,5,0,33,5,7,26,0,0,0 },0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0hh0,36,0,8,0,0,0,0,36,0,35,0,12,0,35,0,0,0,12,13,11,12,12,12,0,14,0,12,0,0,0,0,20,13,0,0,0,0,0,0, }0,0aa34,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,14,21,22,0,0,0,0,0,0,20,0,0,20,23,0,0,0,24hh0,0,0,22,0,0,36,0,2 }8,26,22,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,24,27,0,0,0,26,0,0,0,0,0,24,29,33,31,32,30,0,0,0,28,0,0"bb0,0,0,0,28,0,0,28,0,0,0,0,0,28,0,0,0,0,2 }8,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,11,0,0,0,0,10,10,0,24,9,0,0,ZZA SMALL GUN,8,2,A FLOPPY DISKETTE,9,11,FRUITS AND VEGETABLES,10,14, }MAXIMILLIAN,11,111QQDR. HANS REINHARDT,12,11,AN EVIL-LOOKING ROBOT,13,22,AN ELECTRONIC KEY,20,06ZZA BIO-SANITATION BATT }ALION (B.O.B.) ROBOT,14,25,FUEL SUITABLE FOR THE PALIMINO,15,25;ggSPARE PARTS NEEDED BY THE PALIMINO,16,25,A BLASTER,17,30 },AMMUNITION,18,31,ALL SORTS OF FOOD,10,27@FFA VITAL INFORMATION (VINCENT) ROBOT,19,23,A HUMANOID ROBOT,13,21EAAAN IDENT }IFICATION PIN,21,2,AN IDENTIFICATION BRACELET,22,21II,YOU COULD SHOW YOUR I.D. PIN...,,,,,,WHY NOT PUSH THE BUTTON?,,,,, }YYLet's get some food. I could go for an apple.,How about showing your I.D. bracelet?GG,,,,,,,,,We need things to repa }ir the Palomino.,,Let's eat!,,,,,,EEWhy not load the diskette?,,,There's no diskette for the drive.eeThe drive hummed } a few seconds then itprinted: Ԡ͠ˠŠśVVThe blast-off program hasn't been lo }aded.,There is no fuel for the palimino.))The parts the palimino has are bad.llGO,GET,LOOK,INVEN,PUSH,DROP,HELP,LOAD, }QUIT,PRESS,EAT,SHOOT,THROW,OPEN,CLOSE,SHOW,NORTH,EAST,SOUTH,WEST]]UP,DOWN,BUT,GUN,DISK,FOOD,MAX,REIN,ROBOT,BOB,FUEL,PARTS },BLAS,AMMU,VIN,KEY,PIN,BRAC,DOORz6-@6-@#'6-@36-@6?6-@K6-@8W6-@Pc6- }@o6-{6-@6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6- }6-6-6@6-6@6-(6-46-@6-L6-X6-d6- }q6-6@}6-6-;A,9<@,;$@5,9<@,;AD,;$@,;$@ },;@u,;@,;@,;@,F #AP-@/-@@3">68<,-B F \ }-@"\67$@5&@4<$@5,.# j&67$@5&@4<$@5,. }*";68<@,-?"P68<@,-T b-@f"j --@")67B:,%@,.- e-@ }">67$@&@<$@,. a67$@&@<$@,.e e-@">67$@& }@<$@,. a67$@&@<$@,.e U +'0@@A0@@@ }M#A%Q"U(k"@O(;OPEN DOOR TO THE SOUTH AND A SIGN TO THE NORTH WHICH SAYS:k(Ϡ }̠6"@(6(IN FRONT OF ME IS A RED BUTTON.Y"@7(#SOUTH AND A SIGN TO THE NORTH WHICHY(SAYS: } Ϡ̠V"@V(BME ARE ROBOTS WORKING DILIGENTLY AT THEIR TASKS. THEY IGNORE ME.N 6.'68 }@<@,-D68@<@,-N B"@%Ae66--@68<@ },AP3"6-@(3(ĠŠɠź$$(7$@5&@4<$@5, % Ap) }\-@"8<@,"%(:(ĠŠɠźR(ALL SORTS OF THINGS\ Ap* ..("(Ӡ }ź.6-8D"@(EAST:68@<@,-@ D A@=@"@(WEST668@<@ },-@@ A@B0-@@08<,"A L#6-#(, Q, 7$@< }$@,4 ,6-@R6*7$@&@<$@,4 66-@V3'(7$@&@<$@&,36- }@` j"(UNKNOWNt (. BS +'0@@A0@@@ }S-@@*@*@*+(,*6-@Q"@8($I HAVE FAILED TO ESCAPE FROM CYGNUS.G( I AM } DEAD.Q A!+(,A @4"(I HAVE ESCAPED FROM CYGNUS4( AND SURVIVED!;"@1(I CAN NOW HEAD HOME } TO EARTH.; A!4#(I CAN BEGIN A NEW LIFE IN A4( NEW UNIVERSE A!..(&I WAS DESTROYED IN SPACE SO I AM } DEAD.4H(((WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY AGAIN,E7@<@,4YH%> + X((ԠĠɠ  }'6..6.:6-F6-UB:,"X$ >-@B:,!7<,0 :67B:,%@,.7<,>  6 }. 2B:, @(67B:,%@,. 2 A0% )B:,!@)6.7@<@, D-@447$@ }&@<$@,:6-D A0P   6-6. A0` 0!B:,%@B:,*@-6-0$ } 6.7B:,%@:AS,С No more robot!`''"6-&@' Be'6-&@j'4"*" }4(I'm out of ammunition.t' A06-%@y'!!!@`*"@B0~'!!"*"B  }' B'.$(I don't know how to do that.. B'#(Nothing happened.# B'!!!@)!@B }'"B 'A"@*+(,7(Maximillian won't let me pass!A B'78<,"-(I can't go }that way!7 B'6-8<, A<("@A(@B(Q"G(I don't know wha }t a >:@4,>:@4, is.Q B(++"@)"@)"@B0(:$"@*8@<@," }06-@: B@(P!@+(I can't carry any more.F(Ժ DROP SOMETHING.P B(:$"@*8@ }<@,"06-@: B`(*-@*8<@,"B@(  B (B8<@,"6@8( }I'm already carrying it.B B(28<@,((I don't see it.2 B(@B(Y6-@ }AP&6@O($I don't have a blaster to put it in.Y B(Q6-@,68@<@,-G(My bl }aster's reloaded.Q B(M#!@* @*@C(He looks pretty mean to me.M B(Q"@G(3H }e's too heavy to carry and too stupidto follow me.Q B)++"@)"@)"@B )6-%@)# }68<@,-6@#(OK.")"@6-6@,)"@6-6@6) Bh)@Br) }t( I'm carrying:!6-/-@G8<@,"6@h(7$@5&@4<$@5,t6-@) " }(NOTHING)( B)@B) B0*@B :*"BD*L68 }@<@,"*8@<@,"6@B6-@L B`X**-*8<@,"BP]*  B }b*>8<@,6@4(I'm not carrying it.> Bl*'@*@'6-&@q*68<@,- }(OK.v*&"@*"@&6-6@*&"@*"@&6-6@*+(,)+(,)B*Y6-@ }AP*6@*66-@@ APY6@*B*K+)",*"@$(VINCENTA68@<@ },-@K B*) (BOB)68@<@,-@*%( takes the fuel and parts and;(repairs the ship.X6 }8@ <@,-u68@<@,-6-6@* B*@B*V #A-@ }"# *4L(How should I know what to do?V B*( B*@B+*@  ( L }oad a what?* B +;@41(There's no disk drive for it.; B+E6-@  AP&6@;(7@ }<@4,E B+Z 68@<@,-.6-&@C(7@5<A),P6-6@Z B\+@ }Bf+ A +@B+-!@# Don't be pushy!- B+@B+># }@*@*@44( What button?> B+5"@4+(,+(7A0<At,5 B+%"@46 }-@% A+A"@+(,+(7Au<A,76-A BP+"@6-6@+A"@ }+(,+(7A <AC,76-A B`+"@6-6@++"@*+(,!6-6@+ A, }'"@*6-' A,G"@+(,*+(,=(Therefore, I can't blast off.G B,?"@6 }-6@)6-6@56-@? A, B$,@B.,-"#( What's a ?- B }8,2@((Don't be ridiculous.2 BB,_=8@<@,6@*8@<@,6@U(I'm not }holding it._ BL,H!8@<@,"6@>68@<@,-H BpV, 68@<@,- }j,Q6-&@3(Chomp...Chew...Gulp...!G(MMM . . . GOOD!Q B,!!@)"B,26-@ } AP&6@26-,26-@ AP&6@26-,A+(,*+(,7(#I have nothing w }ith which to shoot.A B,I"*"?(!I don't have any ammunition left.I B,G 6- AP  }"6@=(I can't. I'm holding it.G B,a"@6-@% AP+"W(>:AS,С the robot }vaporized.a B0,"@B,"@B`,' (I don't see it!' B,Y"@?(>: }AS, С the shot bounced off himO( harmlessly.Y B0,- @#(Don't be crazy!- B,*-@ }*8<@,"B ,  B -F68<@,-F(>:AS, С THE  VAPORIZED. -' }"6-&@' B@-6-&@-4"*"4(I'm out of ammunition.-6"@*"@! }668@<@,--"@6--"@6-- B(-}-@@)A }@d7(>:AS,K-@@O aA@u-@@y } --Q)(!That was foolish! T }o protect hisQ(#master, Maximillian attacks me with2-e+(#a pair of razor-sharp rotary bladesL(which extend from his ch }est.[( I am dead.e A!P-@BZ-!!"@*"@B0d- Bn-K6-@ AP& }6@A(Vincent isn't with me.K Bx-T,($Vincent attacks Maximillian with hisT(#lasers, which bounce harmles }sly off}-R,($Max. Then Vincent closes in. When heR(!is close enough to Maximillian, a-hN(Ftiny, propeller-like drill p }ops out ofVincent's front. It cuts throughh(Maximillian's chest -R( shredding his;(!innards. Maximillian falls loud }lyR(through the floor.-T 68@<@,-=68@<@,-@J6-6@T B-@ }B-/@#%(Don't be foolish!/ B-`6-@  AP&6@V(+I don't have any key to unlo }ck the door.` B-Y@$*@%O(1There are no locks around here which fit my key.Y B-* ( }It's already opened.* B-~!(OK. The door is unlocked..6-6@:6-W68@$<@,-@%t68@ }%<@,-@$~ B.@B"./@#%(Don't be foolish!/ B,.[6-@  AP }&6@Q(&I don't have any key to lock the door.[ B6.Y@$*@%O(1There are no locks around h }ere which fit my key.Y B@.- +(,#(It's already locked.- BJ.e(OK. The door is locked.+6-H68 }@$<@,-e68@%<@,-T."@%6-6@^. B|.@B .!! }@!*@"B .QQ+"@!*+"@)"@,,)+"@"*+"@)"@,,B0.'(That won't }work here.' B._"@)"@%6-@!/ AP<6@U(I'm not carrying it._ B._"@ })"@%6-@"/ AP<6@U(I'm not carrying it._ B.!!@*@B`. }BX. 68@<@,-@=68@<@,-@(@The door between the Palomino and the docki }ng bay is now opened.6-6@ Bp. 68@<@,-=68@<@,-(AThe door betwee }n the docking bay and the Palomino is now closed.6- Bp.p",68@<@,-@I68@ }<@,-@p("The door between the drone and the.K"4( drone docking bay is now opened.A6-6@ }K Bp.d 68@<@,-=68@<@,-d("The door between the drone and the.>(( drone do }cking bay is now closed.46-> Bp.)"@6-) B."@6-6@.)"@ }6-) B."@6-6@. B./%(I don't know what that means./ B N }@B*Nf'(>:AS,>:AS,>:AS,OP:H:,$@,%@!@\6-6@f A 4NND( }:AS,HA BURST OF LASER FIRE WHICH COMES FROMAN U }NKNOWN SOURCE DESTROYS MY GUN.x68@<@,-6-:R6-6@ AU@B0V }"6@AV[6-6@[(FA humanoid robot fiddles with some controls, then walks away. As heVQ*("walks, }he drops an electronic key.G68@<@,-@Q AY@B@Y @`AY[ ( }2( A HUGE METEOR BREAKS THROUGH THE[($CEILING! EVERYTHING SUDDENLY BECOMESYSS(KCOLD AS THE VACUUM ENTERS THE ROOM. I C }AN FEEL THE PULL OF THE VACUUM ON MEY++(#AS THE PRESSURE BEGINS TO EQUALIZE!Y))8@<@,"6@B0PZ<2 }(*I AM SUCKED UP INTO THE VACUUM AND I DIE.< A  Zc5(-I GRAB ONTO BOB AND HE CARRIES ME TO SAFETY.A6-@U- }@A Y c A]!!@*@BP]b"@4( I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE SHIP!H-@ }APL X6-@b A]K-@AP KP:H:,$@,%@!@B@@] +' }0@@A0@@S-@@|($MY SHIP CRACKS UP IN THE BLACK HOLE. A ]6 }-@ Aa@3B`aAat6-6@t(^Several humanoid robots are carrying a body-li }ke object. They place it in some kind of tube,a1'( and it's ejected into space.1 Ae@BpeP }+(,)(TO THE EAST IS AN AIR CAR.F68@<@,-@P Ae* 68@<@,-* Axi }@ BiM&(TO THE WEST IS AN AIR CAR.C68@ <@,-@M Ai* 68@ <@,- }* A`m@)Bjm 68@<@,-@m(HMaximillian appears from behind a partitian, seemi }ngly from nowhere!z6-6@ AHq@BRq6-6@ A 0u@"B:u""8@ }<@,A?u5((ĠŠɠź5(AN EVIL LOOKING ROBOTDu+ A0+@)@A`Nue6 }-@ AP06@)"<6-@F APe6@)"A`Xu'"6-&@' } BP]u6-&@bu//(>:AS,С The robot vaporized.lu4"*"4(I'm out of ammunition. }vu* 68@<@,-* Ay@$B "y2((TO THE EAST IS AN OPEN DOOR.2 A,y/%(TO }THE EAST IS A LOCKED DOOR./ A}@B 0 }<2(&IT'S THE EASTERN END OF A LONG TUNNEL.< A}8.( }&IT'S THE WESTERN END OF A LONG TUNNEL.8 A} A D:BLKHOLE1llllllllllllllllllll&&6-?:<@ f&H;7HjD:W&&X&Y&Z& L+ 5V&&&&b& &c&© s2 -LS*V&˜ $' ;5&0 }& s2&& a+LS*Ņ& & s2 -ԅ& & s2 - n- *`RUNTIME ERROR AT LINE &&L*B, } Q,L&` $'' &L&PROGRAM STOPPED&&Ńł ȱ`iL.'HH *L/ * $/  }) }. s2 }.8ȱ 'hhL}.ʥ`'i'88冕8冕憘 Ɔ`}Ɔ`u`Huh` L*L( L*L( ) k. +( }k. ' * }.L* ) k. ' w, +( k. ' + ' * ' + s2 w, }. *L* ) ' ' w, +( }k. ' + ' * ' + s2 w, k. C( }. *L* ' * .L/` ) * k.Lk. ) $/ k. + ( k. ' w},L( ) ' w, ' k. + (L( . 4/ s2b&i b&c&ic&L}.W&X&Y& * s2 s2},Y&eW&iX&`Y&8Ld& k. .Y&`ʔȱȱȱ *Șe惠 }惨7r*7s* LS*jemI6mJ6 k.вHHhh```}L*ʱ` L++ &JL&J *HHl JLw TO BOOT FOR DOS TO RERUNp B V8}B,` p+ȱL*&&8I6J68凅刐SJj)ee`ффii}L+8L+ Ld&uuuL*8` Q,L*iL*豂Hȱh`p B,L*C},HB, BHIC, .5 |-Z&h`8` w,L, w,#` w,0 w,0L, w,0` w,0L-L,}`޵` `Ȕ`ʔ惥u`B, BHI }DEH .5 |-HyZ&Z&hL* Q, |-Z&`B,JJJJ`Q-,- ,- -0 -L* -L*` -H -h 0 -`}LQ,8 0ƅ`66&L-HH` B VhH)Kh)0 IJ'D.EB .5hL*S:D,L*TUVL* 1.`B},D,LQ, |-Z&8ɰɅ Q,`ʱȱȱ`ȵȵL*L* . }. }.ʥ }. k. .} }.L4 . k. $/ $/ *uȱuȱu * * k.0 ,L4 ȱL* ,L/ʵ`ee}Ld&HHhh`ؐHH *L/ *HH $/ $/6 + )hh }. }. 'hh }}.`HH *% *HH 2L/ * . 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K}#!#!#! #! #> #>|! # >#>#! #>> > > # "L} "蠠"HELP *"Move:""| |"M}|DD |"|DD |"| |"!" To: " "| | "N}| DD| "| DD| "| | " ">$:(*">%+*G:::++GO}:: :+-G::: +=G:::++ "j:&F"j:'LF"j:MrFP}! "j:sF!"j:F!"j:F::"*+ "j:&F+"j:'LF+"Q}j:MrF+! "j:sF+!"j:F+!"j:F+&uuuuuuuuuuualf the time...",,($How about some muU BLOCK PUZZLE by Rassilon (c) 1987The object of the game is to sS}lide theblocks around so that the large blocknamed 'D' is moved to the other side ofthe frame. The starting position of'D' iT}s: ----- Move it to: ----- :aabbc: : : :DDe f: : DD: :DDe g: : DD: U} :hhiij: : : ----- ----- All imput is done with the keyboard. Simply choose the block to moveV} byusing the corresponding letter. Thedirection is input by using the arrowkeys on the keyboard. There is no needto hold doW}wn the control key whilepressing the desired arrow key.Helpful hints will be displayed duringthe play sequence if the HELP feX}atureis left on. To change the HELPfeature, simply press the HELP consolebutton. After the next move, thefeature will be toY}ggled. While theHELP feature is on all moves will costyou two points.If you really want to cheat, then press'CONTROL-HELP' aZ}nd after the next move,all helpful hints will be displayed. When this feature is used, it can notbe turned off and all moves [}will costyou 3 points.The move that you are about to take isdisplayed on top of the frame. Yourcurrent score is diplayed at \}the bottomof the frame.The only way to keep your score low isto keep the HELP feature off and getthose one point moves.The lo]}west possible score is not knownto Rassilon, but he has been able toget a 256 as his best scrore.Rassilon SoftwareRD #1 India^}n Hill RoadShrub Oak, New York 10588-9728914) 528-1743All rights reserved. The programcalled BLOCKS and the associateddocume_}ntation file are the exclusivecopyrighted property of RassilonSoftware. Any reproduction in any formis prohibited without th`}e writtenconsent of Rassilon Software.<@4<@-@M(@Z d6-@@"6(@}n-@@xT!(@cPuR cVa3-@@T(@ S-@ }@%(@BY7-@@S(@WOODIE MORRIS-@@k(@PRESS:)-@}@:(@ӧL-@@k(@ TO SELECT COLORSX-@@&(@ħ8-@@}X(@FOR DEFAULT COLORSX-@@&(@Ч8-@@ X(@FOR PAINTING LIST}7)@7@h*@*@:P,A"@:P,AP$ AP@$6-""6}@A0)A6%6-%@) A A0 ԠҧӠŠ Ap A}-@@!0-@0(@ " -@@,$6d-@@}1(@ TYPE NAME OF C-@@d(@ YOUR PAINTING@O-@@)-@@9(}@= O-@@JL6-#-@@3(@?AUL)@T7%+AU}*!A",)"@236-&@7 ^@AU#-@%@4(@>:,@67,.>:,h r3-@}@ 3(@DO OVER ? 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It will draw an 8x8 graph in the top left c*}orner of the screen. This is what you use to draw your new character in. I highly recommend having a sketch already made*} on graph paper. It's MUCH easier that way! Anyway, you start at the top line, and in each bit you want to turn on, en*}ter the letter X. To move around each line, use the arrow keys, WITHOUT the CONTROL key. If you make a mistake and enter*} an X in the wrong spot, use the BACK ARROW to go to that box, then hit the BACKSPACE key to delete it from the grid and *}memory. When finished with a particular line, hit RETURN and that line is saved. After hitting return, there is no way t*}o get back to that line, so be careful! When you hit RETURN after the last line, you will be asked for the specific cha*}racter you wish to replace. Enter the exact character, NOT its ASCII code or anything else. The program will do that. It*} will then change the character, which takes about 30 seconds. Afterwards, it will display a DATA line that you would us*}e if you wrote the program to re-define the charcters (see below). Things to note: Use the left and right ARROW *} keys to move around each line. Enter an X in each spot (bit) you wish to turn on. To delete an X, u*}se the ARROW key to get to that spot, then hit the BACKSPACE key. Hit RETURN only after you know th*}e line is error-free. Now, an attempt at a little character re-definition information... A character is roughly equal *}to one byte of memory, made up of 8 bits. Depending on which bits are set to "on", you can create different shapes for wh*}ichever characters you want. When you enter an X in this program, you are setting that BIT to on. There is an easy way t*}o re-define the character set, and it was printed in the February, 1984 issue of Antic. This is what I used to help create*} this program. At the end of the program that was in Antic, you need DATA statements that hold the information needed to*} re-shape the character. The first number is the character number (different from its ASCII code) and the other 8 numbers*} tell which bits to turn on. When you run my program, it will supply you with the DATA statements for each character you*} create. You then take down these DATA statements and put them in the program out of Antic. So, my program will re-define*} one character at a time, but you can do as many as you want with the Antic program, using the DATA statements from my pr*}ogram! Got all that?! The following program was in Antic, written by Chris Chabris, and will re-define the Atari charac*}ter set: (you may use your own line numbers, of course) 10 CH=PEEK(106)-8:CH=CH*256 20 FOR LOOP=0 TO 1023:BYTE=PEEK(573*}44+LOOP):POKE CH+LOOP,BYTE:NEXT LOOP 30 RESTORE 100 40 READ NUM:IF NUM=-1 THEN (END, RETURN, GOTO, whatever) 50 NUM=NUM*8:*}FOR LOOP=0 TO 7:READ BYTE:POKE CH+NUM+LOOP,BYTE:NEXT LOOP 60 GOTO 40 100 DATA (from my program) 110 DATA 120 DATA 130 DA*}TA ...and so on... 200 DATA -1 If you have any questions, refer to Antic, February, 1984, or leave me a message and I'*}ll try to help. Enjoy! Tom Bellucco YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY(N"#v MCHLINNUCHALOOBYTDUA 6@@AU@A A.}R @ @ @a@CHARACTER SET RE-DEFINERBY TOM BELLUCCO,,RELEASED INTO PUBLIC DOMA.}IN ON 3/10/86&&YOU DEFINITELY NEED CHARSET.DOC! Q9@,;@,!(}3-E@Q6-.} @0"6-@"@6-@"@6-@"@6-@.}"@6-@"@6-@"@6-@"@6-$7( .}Working...)6-F:A,&@76-$AV(4-A#(6-F:BsD%,0%4 c##@@.}K:d'6-(}'-n(x(| | | | | | | | |(.}(| | | | | | | | |((| | | | | | | | |((| | | | | | | | |.}((| | | | | | | | |((| | | | | | | | |(.}(| | | | | | | | |((| | | | | | | | |(,6-6-@.}6 -(@B)@"@B*6-%@6!@B6-@J5"@C6-&@) 5.}6-Tb"@)"A  (X* @ <6-%+@#,J6-%@V!@b6-@Y2"A&.}(  @ 26-&+@#,^`"AU68,-$6-26-%@>6-L6-%@`!@A.}h Al-@;( What character is this replacing?[@:,@2*@:,@l6-@:,&@2.}(@:,@*@:,A'(6-@:,0@:,*@:,@106-@:,%@d 6-6-$@(-.}@$%%8,( =(Ok, that one is done!=(The DATA statement will be:7(DATA $-@0.}(,8,4 7(5(Want to do another54Y)4yAM.(&Program completed. New characters nowM(inst.}alled. Give it a try! 6-'AVAV D:CHARSET2.BAS.},6