@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr 10 POKE 709,8:POKE 710,0:POKE 712,0 20 ? CHR$(125) 30 ? "PRVRT1.CRE and PRVRT2.CRE make up a two-part file which can be u}sed to" 40 ? "recreate 'PERVERT.CMP', a utility to reformat PERCOM-formatted disks so all"; 50 ? "empty sectors contain ze}roes. This allows much faster copying when using" 60 ? "a sector-by-sector copy utility such as SCOPY or DOS 2.6f, which} don't copyempty sectors.":? 70 ? "To create PERVERT.CMP, first ENTER PRVRT1.CRE and RUN it. When done, you" 80 ? "will} be directed to 'Press [RETURN] 3 times'. Doing so will clear PRVRT1.CRE"; 90 ? "out of memory, ENTER PRVRT2.CRE and" 100 ? } "RUN it. A new file, PERVERT.CMP, will now be present on your disk. It can be"; 110 ? "run by using the 'L' option from DOS } or you can rename it 'AUTORUN.SYS'" 120 ? "so it will self-boot. It can be run with or without the BASIC cartridge." 1 }30 ? " S. L. Harrison [74435,451]";:POSITION 2,21:END 140 REM PERVERT was written in BASIC with machine language } subroutines, and compiled with the ABC Compiler from 150 REM Monarch Data Systems, by S. L. Harrison [74435,451], May 14, 1 }984 h    ˰ 8  N   Lm E  ,  [ `LQ ,/ 8 ~/  Ơ? ѩ&_A 97`AK&&L&M&N& + 5J&&&© M2 -L*J&˜ ' 5&0& M2&}& $+L*& & M2 H-ƅ& & M2 H- 1- *`RUNTIME ERROR AT LINE &&L*, ,L&}` '' &L&PROGRAM STOPPED&&Ńł ȱ`iL 'HH Z*L/ * . M2 + Q. .} @. M2 @. ' M2 + @. 'hhL@.ʥ`HHhh`8L'u}`Huh` L*L' L*L' ) .. ( .. ' * @.L}* ) .. ' :, ( .. ' + ' * ' + M2 :, @. *L* ) ' ' :, ( .. ' + ' * }' + M2 :, .. /( @. *L* ' Z* Q.L/` ) * ..L.. ) . .. + ' .. ' :,L' ) }' :, ' .. + 'L'K&L&M& ) M2 M2,M&eK&iL&`M&8LV& .. }Q.M&`ʔȱȱȱ Z*Șe惠 惨65*66* L*jem#6m$6 ..вH}Hhh```L*ʱ` +⅄* &JL&J *HHl }JLw TO BOOT FOR DOS TO RERUNp B V8,` 3+ȱL*&&8#6$68凅刐S}Jj)ee`ффiiLL+8LL+ LV&uuuL*8}` ,L*iL*豂Hȱh`p ,L*,H, BHI, 5 ?-N&h`8`} :,L, :,#` :,0 :,0L, :,0` :,0L,L,`޵` `Ȕ`}ʔ惥u`, BHI DEH 5 ?-HyN&N&hL* , ?-N&`,JJJJ`-},- +- -0 -L* t-L*` -H t-h 0 -`L,8 0ƅ`66&L-HH` B VhH)Kh})0 IJD-EB 5hL*S:,L*TUVL* -`,,L, ?-N&8ɰɅ ,`ʱȱȱ`ȵ}ȵL*L* Q. @. @.ʥ @. .. Q. @.L3 Q. .. . . Z*uȱuȱu * Z* .. }0 j,L3 ȱL* ~,L.ʵ`eeLV&HHhh`ؐHH Z*L!}/ *HH . .6 +i i .i i @.hh @. @. 'hh @.`HH Z*% *"}HH `2LQ/ Z* Q. LV& .6 + .. +` Z* Q.ޠ .. `2 +L/ L0H, B Vh`ҩ2ҵ ҵ#}  *L*H,BHI 5,h,LM2,DuEu *,IHKJBH 5h$} *L* -,H`B 5h`00LM2L*L* +`H *hLM21HZH e%}HHƆeiH Q.lꦆ M2Օ`0  L,`8`1-1- R- M201LM21&}01`K2 * Q.J2L2 M29 Ɔ채+K-J2L7280L2 .9K22K2LV& L2, Y2 . Y2 Y2 +'}, M2 +ƆеJ2 +`ʕ`66`HHH66666uuuhhhL(}* +愵 ' + 'I M2 380/66&&&`uuu` 3 3)}Ј 3 * +` 4B3C3 .A3B3A3B3C3 LV&ȥC3iA3B3 4`L$+3B3*} 3`LV&C38A3ƅ3 ȱC3A3B3` 3L33L3H 4 G3h`1+ %  +}88L 4 * *` * *`  * *` 4$' 4"0 40 4L, {4L, t4L,L,}M2LM25 M2 Q. .5555`H,? ,,HI5D55E5B 5H5h` VLV&5` -}45 M2555 M2L5 45LV&55, 555 M258e555 M2K2L1 .} 'L*hh iL* 5LD3 5L$+5B3&&ȱ0 6L5 6#6$6&& L5&&`/}i`K&&L&M&` 3+ȱ&&%8e慱HȱhױM&iK&iL&L*, B0}H Vh M2L*,&BH 5hN M2 *L M2ML*,%BNLMH 5hL*)*Z*w***`2`2+:,2+,,,j,Y1},~,c,r,S,*$++++,,,1-.H----.`..0////D331000 1)&0001K0k04444{4t40&K'G(m(()0)])5555$155}1g12}53%636&6661 9 9 9( 92 9< 9F,9PK9Ze9d9n9x99#:E:Q:::4;@;f;j;;;$<O<`3}<q<"<,<6<@>>R>y>}>>> ???j??&?0?:?D@4}N(@X1@bI@lc@vd@}@@@@@@@%A?ADA_A5} "per/vertA UTILITY TO CONVERT FORMAT DISKS TO FORMAT6} BY s. l. harrison8@8@8@8 B8B8B88DB8@87}B8B88DB8}8}EB9@9B9B99DBa8@n9@9`hhhͥYi̥Xiː̠ ˘8}` i@@8 `8 ɀ0ɠi@8A9a 8 B8a1 hhhh h9} hhhhhh0 Y  iP`Ab*v** R*}-:}$ $ | Press [ESC] to terminate |$ ;}$ | [SPACE BAR] to Pause/Resume |$ "U| |<}U"("("=}ing<""ԢӮ̮Y=8M=$>}=R!=* = "00 d= "0  d ""?}>Read88D.R@J89D.8D.J8D8D=8D9D= R>"Writ88D.PJ8D8D=8D9D=@} y>89D.8D.JM=% "DONERRINSERT DISK TO BE PERVERTEDU IN DRIVEA} 1 ENTER START SECTOR 0018GAI88D/?2?8&?$8F0;8F9< 8F 9j?B}}&?%8D,8D, ?}88D, ENTER END SECTOR 7208GAI88D/&?C}&?$8F0;8F9< @}&&?%8D,8D, (@}&88D,R+a&?$D}8E5&?%+s@8g@$8@g@%+ "  PRODUCED USINGE}COPYRIGHTED SOFTWARE PRODUCTS OFmonarch data systemsCOCHITUATE, MA 01778v*+4F}K:786+&llllllllllllllllllllYj383}mm ݭ( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Documentation For % % % % Auto-BooteH}r And Quick Menu % % by % % Keith Ledbetter % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%I}%%% The Auto-Booter =============== The Auto-Booter is a special boot utility which allows you to specify any binary loaJ}d module that you would like loaded at boot-up time. Auto-Boot works with any DOS 2.0-type DOS in either Single, Double, or 1K}050 (DOS 2.5) densities (NOT with Sparta-DOS!). Note that you should not specify a program for auto-booting if it uses DOSL}, since no DOS is loaded into the machine with Auto-Booter on the disk. While this utility was written mainly for load modM}ule boot-menus, it can load any type of binary file. The program MAKEBOOT will install Auto-Boot on a disk. Auto-Boot isN} installed on the first 3 sectors of the disk, like any DOS, and therefore can be written to any disk you have, EVEN IF ITO} ALREADY HAS FILES ON IT. (In fact -- it MUST have files on it. See below.) To install Auto-boot, do the following: - P}Do a binary load of MAKEBOOT (or whatever name you called it). - MAKEBOOT will inform you to place the disk that yQ}ou will be writing Auto-boot to into drive 1. Do this, then hit any key. - Next, since Auto-boot works with R}disks formatted with many different DOS's, you must tell MAKEBOOT what density the disk is. This can be either SS}ingle, Double, or 1050 (DOS 2.5) format. Press the corresponding key for your disk. - MAKEBOOT will then show yT}ou a listing of all of the files on that disk, along with a letter or number printed beside each name. Now, U}all you have to do is press the number/letter of the file that you want Auto-Boot to load at boot-up time. V} After pressing a key, Auto-Booter will be written do the disk, and the program will re-start, allowing you to do more than oW}ne disk at a time. Once you are finished, just simply re-boot the system. Note that you can run MAKEBOOT and simply changeX} the file that you have marked for boot. If, for example, you have FILEA loading at boot-up time and would like to change tY}o FILEB, just run MAKEBOOT, press the letter/number of FILEB, and FILEB will now boot! The Ultimate Atari Quickloader Z}Menu (QKMENU) ========================== THIS MENU WILL NOT WORK UNLESS YOU HAVE WRITTEN AUTO-BOOT TO THE DISKETTE!! Q[}KMENU is a binary loader menu that will work hand-in-hand with the Auto- Boot routines. Because of the very low location of \}Auto-Boot in memory, this menu should load about 99.99% of ALL binary files. To use QKMENU, simply copy the file to a disk]} with your favorite games on it. Then, run MAKEBOOT (see above) and tell it to boot QKMENU.SYS (or whatever name you called ^}it). Features of QKMENU: ------------------- - Any file with an extender of .SYS will not appear on the menu. So_}, you should name QKMENU .SYS so that it will not show up. - Automatically disables BAS`}IC in the XL machines - no need to hold down OPTION! - Files are displayed using the ENTIRE 11 positions of a}the file name, and any 0's (zeros) in the name will be replaced by spaces on the menu. So, a file named "LIVb}E0WIR.E" will appear as "LIVE WIRE" on the menu. - Handles up to 32 filenames per diskette! - To load another c}game, simply hit SYSTEM RESET and the menu will be re-loaded (re-disabling BASIC). Unless, of course, the game thd}at you are running steals the Reset Vector. Tips On Installing QKMENU ------------------------- There are pros e}and cons of having a menu as a file like this. The dis- advantage is that you will use a few more sectors per diskette than f}most "boot" menus. This is because boot menus normally "steal" 4 or 5 of the catalog sectors to hold their code. The advang}tage is that you can install Auto-Boot / QKMENU to ANY disk, no matter what is on the disk, with no worry about destroying dh}ata or having "garbage" in your catalog sectors: [1] If you have a disk with DOS.SYS and/or DUP.SYS on it that containsi} games (normally with an autorun.sys menu), do the following: - Boot up and go to DOS. - DELETE DOS.SYj}S and DUP.SYS (since you no longer need DOS!), and also delete the autorun.sys menu (if present)k}. - Copy QKMENU.SYS over to this disk. - Run MAKEBOOT and tell it to boot QKMENU.SYS. [2] Ifl} you have a disk that already has a "boot" menu on it (like "Quick Loader" or my old "Quick Boot Menu"), then jusm}t: - Copy QKMENU.SYS over to this disk. - Run MAKEBOOT and tell it to boot QKMENU.SYS. [3]n} If you are starting with a fresh disk, just: - Boot up your favorite DOS and format the new disk in eito}her single or double density. - Copy QKMENU.SYS over to this disk. - Run MAKEBOOT and tell ip}t to boot QKMENU.SYS. Piece of cake!! Interfacing to Auto-Boot ======================== If you aren't theq} hacking type, then you can skip this section. The following will tell you how to interface with Auto-Boot, in case you are r}like me and want to write your own menu. There is only one minor rule that you must follow if you want to write a menu thas}t uses the Auto-Boot routines. This is that the Auto-Boot routines are at locations $0700 thru $086F, so your program must not}t use this area of memory (I TOLD you it was simple!) There are only 3 zero-page locations that you need to know about tou} use Auto-Boot in your own program. These are: $0709 - This location contains the current DENSITY of the disk v} just loaded. 0=Double Density, 128=Single Density. This should not be modified by w}your program, but you will need to check it to see what density to read the catalog sectors in.x} $070A - This 2-byte location contains the STARTING SECTOR of the file to boot. $0714 - This is they} "warm-start" entry point of Auto-Booter. Jump to here after setting the starting sector, and tz}he load of the file will take place! Examples ======== Assembler: ---------- DENSITY = $0709 {} ;Disks density STSECTOR = $070A ;Start sector AUTOBOOT = $0714 ;Entry Point <..... ..... proc|}ess the menu and get the starting sector of the requested file ..... .....> LOADIT LDA SECTOR ;lo byte}} STA STSECTOR LDA SECTOR+1 ;hi byte STA STSECTOR+1 JMP AUTOBOOT Action! (with run-time ~}module only!) ======= Byte Density =$0709 ;Disks density Card StSector=$070A ;Start sector Proc Auto_Boot = $0714 () } Proc Loadit() StSector = Sector ;Set up start Auto_Boot() ;Go load it! Return Proc Get_Selection() <.....} ..... process the menu and get the starting sector of the requested file ..... .....> Loadi}t () Once you jump to the loader routine, control will NOT be passed back to your program. But, before running the pro}gram just loaded, the Auto-Booter does the following things: - Resets the character set to the system ROM set. -} Resets the background color of the screen. - Resets the stack, so don't worry about jumping out of a s}ubroutine. Hope you enjoy it - And happy gaming!! Keith ̠Šśblg;A,g6.PG/  - ӢjCDCCDD c H(i  F   } L  Ed0W ESȱEYȱESAECE0& 0i    Л }ІȌ 0x01"/! L:ݣ L:  }  F c= FC ȱC L`ii`CD`CiCDi }D`FEF`EiEFiF`R@ Y8`LYiii` }H`pp`B0G0B0Ax4(%5,4)-!4%!4!2)02% }33.5-"%24/,/!$0!'%/&"9+%)4(,%$"%44%2'2!30 }!" P !`||8x88|p ||||0L- D0L-) ` K0L- *,`ȱ`` 0ȥ`H}hƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ S1`ȱѢĦ`}膡` 9 10 11 19 20 25r y e [|L#" > @ ,Blv1 11(d#h }U~"%1k-1zXp2<[}m4eR1PLAMM(24       02}               }   P2 50 "  012340D  !"#$0 !"012  +01+  012! } ! 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MACHINERY?ȑ mG>*(mH>L?SUGAR?ȑ刑 mG>}*(mH>L@COAL@ȑ mG>*(mH>L5@LEAD@ȑ0 mG>*(mH>LZ@CORN@ȑU mG>*(mH>L@POR }K@ȑz mG>*(mH>L@OIL@ȑ mG>*(mH>L@IRON@ȑÈ mG>*(mH>L@CARS@ȑ舑 !}mG>*(mH>LAFABRICSAȑ F> mG>*(mH>ȱz9y9`71 LFAAA@ABABALABA K>z9y9AA@A +1"}LABA`BALQAc` LAA͌ALAA >0LA( A ]-ALA`LA >0LB##} PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE A ]- -/2.2` 0 17L9BT 03BU 05B4B1B1B2B -1B1B $}-3B5B4B >01BIL[B2B`0 LBw9x9B -BBILBLBBw9x9iw9mBx9iBB %}-LBw9x9B`ZL C P-L"CD:RAILKING.DATC -e1 .g1 .h1 .CCLBEC m9*(m9&} .C m9*(m9 .C m9*(m9 .C m9*(m9 .C m1'}*(m1 .C{9 .C9 .C9 .C m9*(m9 .C m1*(m1(} .C9 .C *,CC *,iDDCLDDC3 .C3 )}.CLDC *,CC *,i&E&ECL0LHRAILKINGH ]- >0LIbyI ]- >0L(I David H. NealI ]- >0LLICOPYRIGHT 2}1985I= ]- >0LIWRITTEN IN ACTION!, COPYRIGHTIa J-LIBY OPTIMIZED SYSTEMS SOFTWAREI ]- >0LIRESTOR3}E OLD GAME? (Y/N) I ]- 6B/2.2 A.2IY /2ILJ JE`.2IY /2I.2IN /2ILH >0LJJNUMBER OF PLAYERS4}? 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It will also work with Antic "E" files such as those produced by MicroPainter but with lower quality results. The RL}E format was originally used on the TRS-80 color computer and it reflects that machine's limitations: hi-res screens are a} maximum of 256 by 192 pixels. An Atari screen is 320 by 192 pixels, so the sides must be cropped to fit. RLE maker does t}his automatically, removing 32 pixels from each end of the scan line. Be sure to take this into account when selecting/cr}eating screens for conversion. They cannot go wall to wall. You will be asked for a FULL FILESPEC (e.g. Dn:XXXXXXXX.PI8}) for the input file. The output file name is chosen for you by the program; it consists of the original name with an .RL}E extender appended. It will be created on the same drive as the input file. The only function of the program requiring} explanation is the "Invert Luminances?" question you will be asked when the input file is opened. In developing this prog}ram, it it appeared to me that the VIDTEX format defined foreground and back- ground differently from Atari. Therefore, }to make the RLE picture display properly, and not in inverse, (as compared to the Atari original) the foreground and backg}round must be swapped. RLE maker do this for you if you answer "Y" to this question. This program is SLOW, even though i}t was optimized in BASIC and then compiled. This is mostly due to the use of the LOCATE function to determine the pixel v}alue for each position of the 256 x 192 matrix. Please be patient. You may test prospective uploads by running the we}ather radar utilities in this SIG, or by tricking VIDTEX as follows: 1. Boot VIDTEX and configure as half duplex. If} using an 850, turn your modem off. 2. Copy the .RLE file into the buffer using SELECT-K. 3. Display the file to th}e screen by typing SELECT-D. As much of the file as fit in the capture buffer should be displayed in graphic }mode. Michael Schuster [70346,1745] tttttttttttt 6-( A回6-+(*(, A6&a=87b=K&&L&M&N& + 5J&&&© M2 -L*J&˜ ' 5&0& M2&}& $+L*& & M2 H-ƅ& & M2 H- 1- *`RUNTIME ERROR AT LINE &&L*, ,L&}` '' &L&PROGRAM STOPPED&&Ńł ȱ`iL 'HH Z*L/ * . M2 + Q. .} @. M2 @. ' M2 + @. 'hhL@.ʥ`HHhh`8L'u}`Huh` L*L' L*L' ) .. ( .. ' * @.L}* ) .. ' :, ( .. ' + ' * ' + M2 :, @. *L* ) ' ' :, ( .. ' + ' * }' + M2 :, .. /( @. *L* ' Z* Q.L/` ) * ..L.. ) . .. + ' .. ' :,L' ) }' :, ' .. + 'L'K&L&M& ) M2 M2,M&eK&iL&`M&8LV& .. }Q.M&`ʔȱȱȱ Z*Șe惠 惨65*66* L*jem#6m$6 ..вH}Hhh```L*ʱ` +⅄* &JL&J *HHl }JLw TO BOOT FOR DOS TO RERUNp B V8,` 3+ȱL*&&8#6$68凅刐S}Jj)ee`ффiiLL+8LL+ LV&uuuL*8}` ,L*iL*豂Hȱh`p ,L*,H, BHI, 5 ?-N&h`8`} :,L, :,#` :,0 :,0L, :,0` :,0L,L,`޵` `Ȕ`}ʔ惥u`, BHI DEH 5 ?-HyN&N&hL* , ?-N&`,JJJJ`-},- +- -0 -L* t-L*` -H t-h 0 -`L,8 0ƅ`66&L-HH` B VhH)Kh})0 IJD-EB 5hL*S:,L*TUVL* -`,,L, ?-N&8ɰɅ ,`ʱȱȱ`ȵ}ȵL*L* Q. @. @.ʥ @. .. Q. @.L3 Q. .. . . Z*uȱuȱu * Z* ..}0 j,L3 ȱL* ~,L.ʵ`eeLV&HHhh`ؐHH Z*L}/ *HH . .6 +i i .i i @.hh @. @. 'hh @.`HH Z*% *}HH `2LQ/ Z* Q. LV& .6 + .. +` Z* Q.ޠ .. `2 +L/ L0H, B Vh`ҩ2ҵ ҵ}  *L*H,BHI 5,h,LM2,DuEu *,IHKJBH 5h} *L* -,H`B 5h`00LM2L*L* +`H *hLM21HZH e}HHƆeiH Q.lꦆ M2Օ`0  L,`8`1-1- R- M201LM21}01`K2 * Q.J2L2 M29 Ɔ채+K-J2L7280L2 .9K22K2LV& L2, Y2 . Y2 Y2 +}, M2 +ƆеJ2 +`ʕ`66`HHH66666uuuhhhL}* +愵 ' + 'I M2 380/66&&&`uuu` 3 3}Ј 3 * +` 4B3C3 .A3B3A3B3C3 LV&ȥC3iA3B3 4`L$+3B3} 3`LV&C38A3ƅ3 ȱC3A3B3` 3L33L3H 4 G3h`1+ %  }88L 4 * *` * *`  * *` 4$' 4"0 40 4L, {4L, t4L,L}M2LM25 M2 Q. .5555`H,? ,,HI5D55E5B 5H5h` VLV&5` }45 M2555 M2L5 45LV&55, 555 M258e555 M2K2L1 } 'L*hh iL* 5LD3 5L$+5B3&&ȱ0 6L5 6#6$6&& L5&&`}i`K&&L&M&` 3+ȱ&&%8e慱HȱhױM&iK&iL&L*, B}H Vh M2L*,&BH 5hN M2 *L M2ML*,%BNLMH 5hL*)*Z*w***`2`2+:,2+,,,j,Y},~,c,r,S,*$++++,,,1-.H----.`..0////D331000 1)&0001K0k04444{4t40&K'G(m(()0)])5555$155}1g1}53%636&66618+9 99?9<9F9P9d9n9x9::B:V:X:f:v:::::::6:T ;r/;|0};O;;;<^<<<<=E=&H=0X=a=}@8C8F8I8L8O8R8U8X8[8 ^8Ga8Y}d8_g8j8m8p8s8v8y8&*|N9|8B9$f98Z9$"869}x988P9888988988:8}8:888B:88V:88f:v::}?N4 File error #Z9%B9%*88@8 8 }8 8  8hhhLV.J 4+8@8@8 A&} Š}% # The NIGHT SHIFT BBS (718)816-7792?Input Gr.8 filespec}8GAI88D/8F:98F:9<?48D7*><88D/2<$8F.=^<8 2<%88DC8}.RLECOutput file = 8D?48D784K:7Invert luminances??86-y }<8 8X*?8888*H888 X=+ҩ+&nn}nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn;A,F&;@9,;@,;@,.6.=67A,.F67,.116.'!#%(*-/259<@DHLQUHOW TO USE YOUR R:VERTER WITH HOMEPAK Good News! It is now possible to use your R:Verter Modem adapter system with Russ !}Wetmore's excellent HOMEPAK software system. Actually, it was possible all along, we just didn't know it! According to Russ!}, this isn't the best solution, but it will get you online with HOMEPAK until a better one comes along. The method detaile!}d here DOES work, but some error checking is not available. YOU WILL NEED: HOMEPAK (please buy it, don't s!}teal it) R:Verter cable and software Download the following files from SIG*ATARI, section DL2. You should be abl!}e to use the RTERM program that came with your R:Verter. Versions 2.0 and higher support XMODEM protocol. HTCUST!}.XMO (HomeTerm customizer by Russ Wetmore ) HTCUST.DOC (Documentation for HTCUST program ) RVHAND.XM!}O (re-assembled R: handler for R:Verter) After you have the files, rename them as follows: HTCUST.XMO --> H!}TCUST.OBJ RVHAND.XMO --> RVHAND.OBJ HTCUST.DOC --> no change The first problem with getting R:Verter!} to talk to HOMEPAK is that the R: handler supplied with the R:Verter is too big. Well, really it is not too big, it just !}resides too high in memory. Your file RVHAND.OBJ is a re-assembly of the file RHAND1C.SRC supplied with the R:Verter, but !}starting at a lower address ($1D00). STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Make a copy of your HOMEPAK master disk. Us!}e the "J" option from ATARI DOS for an exact copy. 2. Load the program HTCUST.OBJ that you downloaded. Use !} the "L" option from ATARI DOS. Follow the screen instructions (and read the .DOC file if you need help). "} Set the #1 option (OTHER R: HANDLERS) so that the menu box says "other..". Press START and your copy "} of HOMEPAK will be updated. 3. Reload DOS. We're going to do some maintenance on your updated HOMEPAK "}disk (not your master copy please!). Do the following: a). Rename AUTORUN.SYS to RUN.SYS "} b). Delete HOMEFIND.OBJ c). Delete HOMEFIND.SET This will give space for the new handler (and"} HTCUST.OBJ if you want to put it here), and still leaves HOMEWORD present for creating textfiles to upload"}, etc. 4. Now copy the file you downloaded called RVHAND.OBJ to your updated HOMEPAK disk. After you have "}it copied, rename it to be AUTORUN.SYS. 5. FINAL STEP! Append the RUN.SYS file (see step 3) to the"} AUTORUN.SYS file (step 4). Use the "C" command to DOS and enter the following parameters EXACTLY: "}RUN.SYS,AUTORUN.SYS/A When this has been done, AUTORUN.SYS should be about 50 sectors long. If everythin" }g is correct, you can delete the RUN.SYS file. That's all there is to it. You should now have a copy of HOMEPA" }K that will work with your R:VERTER. The disk also has HOMEWORD on it for your text editing requirements. If you need to " }use the HOMEFIND program, you'll have to use a separate disk for it. Just remember that it is not on your HOMETERM disk wh" }en your selecting from the startup menu. If you have any problems, leave me a message here. If you can't donwload the " }required files for some reason, get in touch and we'll work something out. THANKS TO: The people at Advanced Interface D"}evices for producing the R:Verter and its software, expecially Herman Price and Royce Powell for pu"}tting up with my phone calls. Russ Wetmore and Batteries Included for a superb system of software"} known as HOMEPAK. 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A @ A P -8,(* A" ( 4 -(*<}  2&6-* 42 -68,-  -8,68,-8,  -68,-8, *=}$ check dice __________ 6-   A0p     / "-( %6-*>}) /6-  "6- $ straight check______________ 6-6- -8,"6-%*?} "*+8,8,,6-(A@.6-%A6-%6.STREY4T.6-?:, -(Straight! *@}$three of a kind check_____________________ 6- 6-%!AQ8, AP0 "*A}6-A APp 6-$1 6-%(6.THRIY1 AH5V EY3 KAY2ND16-?:,/ -( 3 of a kind. -/( poin*B}ts.68,-8,&6-& 6- $pone's five's checkz__________________8,"*8,"A`p*C}" 8,!-"(8, ones.# 8,!-#(8, fives.6-%8,$%8,$6-&+8,%8,,6- *D}$X tallyb _____g l% -( Subtotal = !6-% 8, * A6-$76.ROH4L*E} AHGIH4N?!6-?:,'-7( Roll again? -((up=yes, down=no)R:&,"Aq% Aq09 6-6.YEH*F}2S6-?:,$-,(26-6 9$R:&,Aq * 6-6.NOW66-?:,#-*(.68,-8,%-@2*G}$(8,*6-. $@ delayJ _____T - $^ Ninit game*N_________4N6-*H}6-@'6-@36-@?6-@K6-@W6-@c6-@o6-@{6-@ 6-@6*I}-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@>N6-@ 6-@!'6-@#36-*J}@%?6-@&K6-@'W6-@3c6-@Ho6-@P{6-A6-AU6-A6-A6-A*K}HN- 6-6-A6-!6-'6--6-RNW6-A6-A'6-A36-A?6-AK6-AW6*L}-A \NW6-A6-A '6-A036-A@?6-APK6-A`W6-BPfN'6-Ap6-A'6*M}-B pN<<;@0,;@@,;AV,;@e,;A ,zN<<9@,9@,9@,9@,9@*N},N -68,- N867<,. !67@@,. 867@<@@,.N867<,. !67A ,. 867@*O}<A ,.N @K: $NUcollect player infoU___________________V+AR0*P} V?66.,FAY4V THAW3ZUND - - - /HAW3 MEH4NIY PLEY6RZ??6-?:,V8 -(堠"-8(How many players?*Q}V )6-&"V )!@B @,V -( players6V 6- @V#+AR0#-JV&6.*R}EH5NTER YOH3R NEY6M&6-?:,TVP(&(Enter name of player .*3B:,!F(Too long, bub.P B!^V67$&<$*S},. hV 6- +0rV6 -"267$@e&@d<$@e,.6 |VaRude Routinea________*T}______aH:,!?$a!6-P:$H:,%,!"BP0a8&6.7$@e&@d<$@e,/6-?:,56-8$a*U}0uOBNOX$ DATA:u___________Du BOY3 - AA5R YUW2 STUX3PIXDNuDHIH3S IH4Z EHKSAY3TIHNXXu11AA6R YUW2 PLEY3IHNX *V}WIH5TH EY4 FUH4L DEH5K?bu((/HAA4R /HAA4R /HAA4R /HAA4R /HAA4Rlu/HAA4 /HAA4 /HAA4 /HAA4vuBBDHIH4S GEY2M MEY5 BIY4 DAH3*W}M BAH6T YUW3 AA3R PLEY4IHNX IH4T.uGIH1V MIY3 EY3 BREY4Ku>>KEHR TUW3 JOY3N MIY4 FOH6R EY5 BAY4T? GEH4T IH4T? BAY4T?u*X}##YAW4 AY2 AHM /HAE4VIHNX FAH2NuDHIH2S IH6S SWEH3Lu66/HEY2EY4 MOW4TER MAW3TH - YUW6 TAO1K TUW3 MAH4CHu,,UX1UX2UX3*Y}UX4UX5UX6 WIY1IY2IY3IY4IY5IY6uAY6 KAE2NT STAE2ND IH6Tu/HAA4 /HAA4 /HAA4R /HAA4Ruu ________________________*Z}__ D:SAM5000( SAM5000 ___________________________________ 5000 is a dice game for 2 to 4 play- ers. The object is to.\} get 5000 points. If more than one player gets 5000 or better in a round then the highest score wins. Each player b.]}egins their turn with 5 dice. Once a dice is used for scoring, it is no longer available. If one manages to use all 5 d.^}ice, one may continue with 5 new dice. To accumulate points, the player must first 'get on the board' by getting ._}500 points (anything less and the score remains at 0). Whether a player is 'on the board' or not, a bad roll will.`} cancel any points accumulated in that turn. Here's how the scoring works: Straight = 1500 points .a} Three ones = 1000 points Three of a kind = 100x number Ones (separately) = 100 points Fives (sep.b}arately) = 50 points (A straight is either 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6 and must be accomplished in one roll. You can.c}not accumulate a straight. The same holds true for 3 of a kind.) Keyboard input is used at first to get the names of t.d}he players; all other input is via joysticks. Press the fire button to roll dice. Then, if the roll is good, posi.e}tion the cursor to the dice you wish to keep and press the fire button (you may 'unkeep' a dice the same way). When you a.f}re done selecting, point the joystick to the right to indicate that you are done. To load SAM5000: _______________.g}_____________________ 1) Boot in with your SAM disk with Basic installed. 2) Install disk with SAM5000 and .h}simply run it (SAM5000 doesn't require Reciter or Knobs). ____________________________________ .i} ,