@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr  WEFAX Weather Satellite Facsimile by CHARLES JACKSON Antic Program Editor Tune in a weather satelli}te and downlink a few pictures from space! A standard shortwave radio plus this issue's WEFAX Decoder software and WEFAX Int}erface board are all that your Atari needs for receiving and displaying Weather Facsimile pictures from the satellites of the} US and other nations, as well as facsimile photos from newswire services. This Weather Facsimile system is the most amb}itious project ever published by Antic. It required more than six months of intensive research, programming and hardware tin }kering. But the result is the most versatile and friendliest weather satellite software available for the Atari 8-bit and ST } computers. The reason this project turned out to be so demanding is that its success depends on many factors -- includi }ng software, hardware and the forces of nature Especially important are what type of radio and antenna you use, and the area }you live in. You need a shortwave radio capable of receiving SSB (single side-band) signals. Inexpensive "all-band" por }tables with telescoping antennas will not suit our purposes. We developed these programs using a Radio Shack DX-302 attached} to a 25-foot longwire antenna. But for good results, you should use the best receiver and outdoor shortwave antenna you can} afford. Also, even if you type in the program perfectly and build the interface circuit without a hitch, you could be o}ut of luck if you live in an area with poor shortwave reception. WEFAX signals are clearest in suburban and rural areas. If }you live in the center of a large city, you may have trouble receiving a clean WEFAX picture. PROJECT ELEMENTS Befo}re you can use the Decoder programs, you'll have to build the WEFAX Interface described in this issue. The interface is a si}mple circuit that can be built for under $20. WEFAX.EXE is for 8-bit machines, WEFAX.TOS is for the ST. Copy WEFAX.EXE t}o another disk and rename it AUTORUN.SYS, then follow the instructions in the accompanying articles. Listings 2 and 3, F}AX.M65 and FAXA.M65, contain the MAC/65 source code for WEFAX.EXE. You do not need to type in these listings to use the WEFA}X program. Listing 4, WESIM.BAS, is a BASIC program that simulates a WEFAX signal. If you've never heard a WEFAX signal}, this program will create one for you. Listing 5, WETST.BAS, is a BASIC program that helps you test your WEFAX Interface ci}rcuit. The ST version of WEFAX Decoder is WEFAX.TOS and you'll find the article explaining it in this issue's ST Resourc}e section. THANK YOU! Finally, Antic would like to thank all the people who helped us with this project, including:} Dr. Ralph Taggart, Dr. Marty Goodman, CompuServe Vice-President Sandy Trevor, Vic Moore, Jim Grubs, Chris Elmquist and Wa}yne Day. Special thanks to the staff of the San Francisco Area Office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration}, including William Pettyplace and Jan Null. SUGGESTED READING If you want to learn more about Weather Satellite t}ransmissions, here are some of the best sources to get you started: The New Weather Satellite Handbook, by Dr. Ralph Ta}ggart. This is the definitive text on WEFAX. Formerly out of print, an updated edition of this popular book is available fr}om the author for $12.50. a  HII  INdh  `h  `n)8jHniPoijIjFIjFIjh` a @AK8 QAQK < > - !}+D:WEFAX. D:PICTURE (F)ULL OR (M)ICRO? SAVING WEFAX PICTURE LOADING PICTURE SAVE WEFAX "}1 OR 2? &! LOAD WEFAX 1 OR 2? pppI#O#Fx A$!((x*ǍXLm-!'  0(`O#} ȭ ii i@ i `xI `M)    i  i  )  8     )$}  8 逍    )    i  i (` 8()xii8`%} 8xIii ʼnň I 8`G F K J 88R Q O&} P U N T `,M N I1(N T T `J iJ K i)*K K M J L NN N S T i'}i`N S T K J P Q R P `O P F iF G iG Q i@Q R iR Q R G I F H U `Pҩ(}ҍҭb ҭc ҩ…`U `HHU   ) )hhh@ P BD*+ EHI V`PBJKL)}+P:D+E VP B?D EHI V䩯   ; + i  i 8    ٢P B V`P B*}DD EHI VP BHD EHI VH  I    *8@+,8      ө +} *`/ (  8  (!1$0 4"/`   /8 i  i,} 8ޭ H ,  h ,  `H)JJJJ ,h)i0 ` O W, e L ,- M  W, j -}b c  W, s d 8 x `PARK<>+-123ICLS---.#.7.b.K.y...+)(0. , ,@BJ.}KL-K:D-E VU a(@B0D-EHI V0-@-L- -L- P-HO-H`-.U *L+T `U /} J K L)U *`O O O L,8L L M M L,L iL M iM L,8b b c c ,L*b ib c ic ,L0}*Z b [ c ` L a M ,L*X b Y c ^ L _ M ,L*V b W c \ L ] M ,L* * 8 x ./@B0D1}-EHI V0-ML/FL/L, 8 x 0BJKD E V 0 B VL,(!)!  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'6-+ E6.y = yes / n = no...I  ;6-A%6-@wh}'6-Ad/%;AU )F:,"@:+,#AU) % 1F:,"@:#,#AU' -6-1  i}F:%,! %( / +%%%'%/%2 G6.you guessed it ! $6-( .,G(j} < > ,(6-  ,'(-6-1 7,>(A $  ,(6-$ Aq`F 4  k} %6-$ 06.puzzle prize: 4 P N 6- -% ($$ 26-%$+",@6-%$+",N6-%$+",n l} - %  x #")"*")"*"# A' Ab N6-A'@)6.the winner is - 1 9,%m}C!*!J(N   !*!(   !*!(  6.it's a tie!    6-  %ěn} 4 $-6 2%$ ,-0 4  2% $ ) +% 6- 6-%# ) % b46.*BONo}L*T???TAXBONL*T???L6-P:H:,$@,%%\6-P:H:,$,%b6-  %%% J -p}6-6-%$-6*,6(7<,@2J2 ' 6-%6-%"%!6-'6-  6-%"%q}6- ?76-$$+!&,%$+!&&,%$+!&&,%$+!&&,; ?  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YOU RECEIVE A !6-'-9($' G6.REF}UND!M6-Q W %R-B:,6-@:7<,,$-%0(>:%,66-: B-%R(@>:,1-62}"2& * . 1$Q 6-$  %6-$! 16-%'$+",A6-%'$+",Q6-%'$+", % 6-} ,A"%$B:,!)", $%7 ,( FOR 1 PLAYER#,7( 'L*T' MEANS:% ,( luck} time %6-N ,!(PUSH YOUR BUTTON'-B(TO END THE SUSPENSEJ6-$N % ,( good luck }%6-) --%, %6-) ? -%,  %%%16-AP@76-?%$F:@},!$@wA(M6-P:H:,$,%6.-#6-%) %/ %76.+=6-C %I %M B ,(  }!,1( $$5 ?2B$T:,")T:,"' $%$52%6-  %15"%AQ }=6-&$$+",#6-&$$+",36-&$$+",= AQ036-%$$+",#6-%$$+",36-%$$+", A 6-$} - %! % 1@w76-=6-A p7 $/( ENTER NO. OF PUZZLES (1,2,OR 3) 76-$z % } )! % $ 6-6-% S $3(ENTER NAMES OF PLAYERS |.....|96-= E(1.IO6-}S  B:," %3 (2.6-% #(3.'+ 36-% 6-6-% 8Q 6-%6-6-6}-#6---%668,-: D-%M68,-Q B$ -%68,- $6-$%La $3(ENTER PUZZLE NO. } (UP TO 3 ROWS)6(U( |..................|]6-%a VE $( 1.!6-%' $3( 2.7?6-%}E $`+( 3. 6-%'6-%+ Y $ (ENTER THE CATEGORY#(8( |............|;(C-%IM}Y6-Ac  6-6-% H+%%(.(Ԡ׮66-$: H!Ac@_( }((NO. OF&( PUZZLES__: )(;( PLAYER__1: M( __2: _( __3: Z(( PUZZLE__1: *( __2}: <( __3: ?(Q( CATEGORY : T(W(Z(h!(Press Ԡ if all OK...$(B(Press to repeat...J6-$}V6-Ad\!h6-Ab  @ +%%%%+,@( WHEN EVERYONE K 6- ,%&}( is ready,6-0 8,%K(  F:,"  Ad X~~;@,;@,;@,;@},;@,;@,;@,;@B,9@,9@,9@,b6-6-@'6-@36}-@?6-@K6-@W6-@c6-@o6-@{6-@ 6-@6-$6-$6-$6-$}6-$6-$lg 6-$6-$6-$#6-%+6-$36-%;6-%G6-AS6-A(_6-Ag6-%vo 6}-%6-%6-%#6-$+6-$36-%?6-AK6-A3W6-A4c6-A6o6-B2yQ+ 6-6}-6-#6-)6-/6-F6.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L %Q(9( wheel of fortune#6-) %1%9%C 6-}%2% %%6-$) 1-9-C2=2%6-  #6-' + 3-=2M}2%6-  #6-' + 96-&@5= C6-G M %12%6-  #6-' -6-1 } 2M 6-  6- ! %12A"=2%M2AE ! 6-$  !"}A&07'( COPYRIGHT 1984 BY JBW,INC.+ 16-7 $ D:WOF.BINOINNūpELPELEPHANOCONDWD}HABEAND TITHREEEOUPROWS'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AXBONL*T?}}}````````````````````````````````:@4,P Ap'(@ 32200 RETURN' Av A; N_WL@@(# +@A1A }R@CAdAUU@@g@@8j((# HIT Ġ TO READ DOC/INSTRUCTIONS2#CI:, } BP(C(# HIT Ҡ TO RUN WHEEL OF FORTUNE-<#_,@@3(@WHEEL OF FORTUNEE,@@_( }@ DOCUMENTARY.F#z%6-P:H:,$@,%@AA$@%@]A$@%@zF:Ad },"@XAP#BI:, BP-F:Ad,"@@?AdAUB%Z#AdAU A0#s + }-@.( AKRUD1(s(< This is a Revised DOC. The first waslonger than the GAME! #h(I hope Clari }tyh(Lis not destroyed by Brevity. If you dohave any problems or questions, PLEASE#k#(leave me a message or call!k(B } The GAME was my first 'major work'. It is not flawless. I would #lR(Jtherefore also appreciate any constructive crit-ici }sm from you 'old pros'.l( It is, of course, #aa(Ymodeled after the TV game show, 'Wheel of Fortune'. Since my who }le family enjoyed the#kk(cshow, I thought it would be neat to beable to make up our own puzzles to baffle each other wi }th.#e(-(" John (Jay) Williams 70707,6300(Q( (Mass) 617-987-0943[ Ape A#a-@@" }8(ԠΠϠŮ J-@@!O(aAdAU#F:Ad,"@$# A#U A }+( Myriad Routines....(K( This Documentary!U A #5 +/( RADW & NLSS2 }(5$$i((( Initialization & Title+(U(% M.C. Input & Review| Turn Loop_ Api A$F$( } ŠΠ'(F( Setup Puzzle Screen$l"( Directions for Turn?( Get Player's TurnQ( } 'SPIN'l( Select a Letter$p( Timer<(# Print stick-selected lettersY( Search for Lette }rp( Disposition$h(( 'none found'|'already up'J( 'you win'|'vowel cost'h( 'try solve?', e }tc."$n!( 'state your guess'I(# 'you guessed it!'| Reveal...d( 'the winner is'n Ap,$e A }*( Ҡ-(@( Spinnere( Get result|Give direction1$o( VALUE%( BONU }S:( LOSE TURNI( TAXo(! 'FIN' (Finish Spinner Loop6$i(( ??? ('Surprise')|1 PlayerR(% } ??? more than 1|Compare scoresi( PLUS|REFUND;$"( LUCK TIME" ApT$L6- AB($ }: M.C.: Puts in the puzzle(s)L AY$H6-%@+(1-@B( NTUTOSE(H$^$V+(# } PLYR: Solves the puzzle(s)S(# Max.: 1 M.C. and 1-3 PLYRsV(h$q,($1st INPUT: Ϯ (1,2,or 3)q(?- }One advantage of 2-3 puzzles for 2-3 PLYRs is that eachr$q( gets a(( turn going first.q(C- Note: when given } No. of puzzles are done, GAME returns to |$l+(#TITLE and Scores revert to 0..(X(%2nd INPUT: Ҡ (5- }digits max.)l(- Note: PLYR $nD( will not have to }repeat Ϯ or ҠP Ap%/ A,( ǠŠ/(&%SP(HPLYRs use 1 or 2 j }oysticks (Note: EITHER performs the SAME FUNCTION)S(0%n,($To 'SPIN': Pull stick straight back./(n(9To 'SELECT A LET }TER': move 1st right, then left or right :%m@(8to 'move' letters from A-Z or Z-A. HIT TRIGGER TO INPUTC(m(%To 'SOLVE T }HE PUZZLE?': move right orD%o)(!left for ٠ or Π - HIT TRIGGER,(o(=NOTE: If PLYR has selected 'Y' and stated his g }uess, M.C. X%;1()must hit ٠ or Π on the keyboard...; Ap%3 A0( ŠŠ٠3(% }U(: Top Left(0(: Center3(R(: (and Scores) BottomU(%if(^: Top right (depends on } length of puzzle and reduces as letters are found)i(%ll(c: Bottom right (counts of '5' to SPIN or SOLVE / d }elay of about 20 sec-onds & count of '9' to %T(SELECT A LETTERJ(.NOTE: 20-second delay ends when stick moved...T A }p%o A2( ǠŠ̠5(o(4: Gives a VALUE to a potential found letter. %ll(d(E }x: If VALUE=$200 and the letter selected is found, you win $200 times the # of letters found)%li(aException: if lette }r selected and found is a VOWEL (A,E,I,O,U), $50 for each one found...l(&SS(KIn either case, if letter is found, } SPIN again. If not, Lose Turn (except &V.(&if only one PLYR, lose 10% of winningsV(# = BONUS - Receive a Bonus VALUE }&A-(%($1200-2000) (don't buy a vowel now!)7 ApA A &G(̪ = LOSE TURN(D(% = Pay 25% of winnings / L }ose TurnG(*&kk(b = 'Surprise'. If only one PLYR, Bonus, Tax, or 'LUCK TIME'. If more than one, Bonus, Tax, 4&c( } LUCK TIME, ORc(ILose Turn (depends somewhat on scores) : Bonus here gives a VALUE of>&f+(#$300-500 AND an instant t }ax refund!.(R(LUCK TIME: Win or Lose $100-500\ Apf AH&T'( ǠƮΠƮú*(T(% Initiall }y, you may wish to have thisR&ol(d(already LOADed) DOC combined with thegame. If so, think of this DOC as 'ADD', }here, then:o(\&Y$(- Ԡ D:WOF.ADD / TYPE '(=(- Ġ D:WOF.BIN@(V(- D:WOF.ADDY(f&k&(- Š D:WOF. }CMB ('CoMBined')I( (Save to a diff. disk)L(k(- Make a NOTE to 9000p&Y"( after LOADing WOF.CMB...4-@ }@!E( LAST PAGE...O ApY A D:WOF.DOC$VA$V&Q\&Qf&'f&'f&'f&'f&'p&Fp& }Fp&F6-@w'6-Ad/%;AU )F:,"@:+,#AU) % 1F:,"@:#,#AU }' -6mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm@,/ A67@,.5 Ap@5@@-@ ;XENOVOUS DISASSEMBLER USR ROUTINES;WRITTEN BY MIKE BAYER;THIS CODE WRITTEN FOR THE MACRO;ASSEMBLER (AMAC);ACTUAL PROGRAM} IS STORED IN DATA;STATEMENTS IN BASIC PROGRAM;BUT THIS LISTING CAN BE HELPFUL IF;YOU WANT TO MAKE ANY IMPROVEMENTS;;PLE}ASE EXCUSE MY LOUSY ASSEMBLY;LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES!!!;;TABLO EQU 212 ;USR LOCATIONSTABHI EQU 213CODE EQU 1536 ;TEMPORARY} ORG 20000;THIS SUBROUTINE TAKES THE OPCODE AND;RETURNS THE MNEMONIC, ADDRESSING ;MODE, AND NUMBER OF ARGUMENT BYTES PLA} ;NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS LDA #LOW TABLE ;LO AND HI LOCATION STA TABLO ;OF DATA TABLE LDA #HIGH TABLE STA TABHI PLA ;OTHER }USR DATA (OPCODE) PLA STA CODE LDY #0LOOP LDA (TABLO),Y ;LOOPS THRU ALL CMP CODE ;THE OPCODES TO FIND BEQ DONE ;T}HE RIGHT ONE CMP #255 ;UNKNOWN CODE? BEQ DONE LDA #6 CLC ADC TABLO STA TABLO ;STORE ADDRESS OF CORRECT LDA #0 ;CODE} IN USR LOCATIONS ADC TABHI STA TABHI JMP LOOPDONE RTS;THIS SUBROUTINE CALCULATES THE;ABSOLUTE ADDRESS FROM A RELATIVE};BRANCH INSTRUCTION PLA ;# OF ARG PLA ;HI BYTE OF USR PLA ;LO BYTE OF USR-BRANCH OFFSET STA CODE PLA STA TABHI ;TABLO} AND HI USED TO PLA ;STORE ADDRESS STA TABLO LDA CODE BPL POSNEG LDA CODE ;NEGATIVE BRANCH EOR #255 STA CODE IN}C CODE ;GET THE ACTUAL OFFSET LDA TABLO SEC SBC CODE STA TABLO LDA TABHI SBC #0 STA TABHI ;SUBTRACT IT RTS ;GOODBYEP}OS LDA TABLO ;POSITIVE BRANCH CLC ADC CODE STA TABLO LDA TABHI ADC #0 STA TABHI ;ADD OFFSET RTS ;GOODBYE; THIS IS OB}VIOUSLY THE DATA;OPCODE/MNEMONIC/ADDRESSING MODE/BYTES;(SEE THE BASIC PROG. FOR ADDRESSING;CODE TRANSLATION)TABLE DB $69,'}ADC',1,1 DB $6D,'ADC',2,2 DB $65,'ADC',2,1 DB $61,'ADC',4,1 DB $71,'ADC',3,1 DB $75,'ADC',6,1 DB $7D,'ADC',6,2 DB $79,}'ADC',5,2 DB $29,'AND',1,1 DB $2D,'AND',2,2 DB $25,'AND',2,1 DB $21,'AND',4,1 DB $31,'AND',3,1 DB $35,'AND',6,1 DB $3D},'AND',6,2 DB $39,'AND',5,2 DB $0E,'ASL',2,2 DB $06,'ASL',2,1 DB $0A,'ASL',7,0 DB $16,'ASL',6,1 DB $1E,'ASL',6,2 DB $9}0,'BCC',2,1 DB $B0,'BCS',2,1 DB $F0,'BEQ',2,1 DB $2C,'BIT',2,2 DB $24,'BIT',2,1 DB $30,'BMI',2,1 DB $D0,'BNE',2,1 DB $}10,'BPL',2,1 DB $00,'BRK',2,0 DB $50,'BVC',2,1 DB $70,'BVS',2,1 DB $18,'CLC',2,0 DB $D8,'CLD',2,0 DB $58,'CLI',2,0 DB }$B8,'CLV',2,0 DB $C9,'CMP',1,1 DB $CD,'CMP',2,2 DB $C5,'CMP',2,1 DB $C1,'CMP',4,1 DB $D1,'CMP',3,1 DB $D5,'CMP',6,1 DB} $DD,'CMP',6,2 DB $D9,'CMP',5,2 DB $E0,'CPX',1,1 DB $EC,'CPX',2,2 DB $E4,'CPX',2,1 DB $C0,'CPY',1,1 DB $CC,'CPY',2,2 D}B $C4,'CPY',2,1 DB $CE,'DEC',2,2 DB $C6,'DEC',2,1 DB $D6,'DEC',6,1 DB $DE,'DEC',6,2 DB $CA,'DEX',2,0 DB $88,'DEY',2,0 }DB $49,'EOR',1,1 DB $4D,'EOR',2,2 DB $45,'EOR',2,1 DB $41,'EOR',4,1 DB $51,'EOR',3,1 DB $55,'EOR',6,1 DB $5D,'EOR',6,2} DB $59,'EOR',5,2 DB $EE,'INC',2,2 DB $E6,'INC',2,1 DB $F6,'INC',6,1 DB $FE,'INC',6,2 DB $E8,'INX',2,0 DB $C8,'INY',2,0} DB $4C,'JMP',2,2 DB $6C,'JMP',8,2 DB $20,'JSR',2,2 DB $A9,'LDA',1,1 DB $AD,'LDA',2,2 DB $A5,'LDA',2,1 DB $A1,'LDA',4,}1 DB $B1,'LDA',3,1 DB $B5,'LDA',6,1 DB $BD,'LDA',6,2 DB $B9,'LDA',5,2 DB $A2,'LDX',1,1 DB $AE,'LDX',2,2 DB $A6,'LDX',2},1 DB $BE,'LDX',5,2 DB $B6,'LDX',5,1 DB $A0,'LDY',1,1 DB $AC,'LDY',2,2 DB $A4,'LDY',2,1 DB $B4,'LDY',6,1 DB $BC,'LDY',}6,2 DB $4E,'LSR',2,2 DB $46,'LSR',2,1 DB $4A,'LSR',7,0 DB $56,'LSR',6,1 DB $5E,'LSR',6,2 DB $EA,'NOP',2,0 DB $09,'ORA'},1,1 DB $0D,'ORA',2,2 DB $05,'ORA',2,1 DB $01,'ORA',4,1 DB $11,'ORA',3,1 DB $15,'ORA',6,1 DB $1D,'ORA',6,2 DB $19,'ORA}',5,2 DB $48,'PHA',2,0 DB $08,'PHP',2,0 DB $68,'PLA',2,0 DB $28,'PLP',2,0 DB $2E,'ROL',2,2 DB $26,'ROL',2,1 DB $2A,'RO}L',7,0 DB $36,'ROL',6,1 DB $3E,'ROL',6,2 DB $6E,'ROR',2,2 DB $66,'ROR',2,1 DB $6A,'ROR',7,0 DB $76,'ROR',6,1 DB $7E,'R}OR',6,2 DB $40,'RTI',2,0 DB $60,'RTS',2,0 DB $E9,'SBC',1,1 DB $ED,'SBC',2,2 DB $E5,'SBC',2,1 DB $E1,'SBC',4,1 DB $F1,'}SBC',3,1 DB $F5,'SBC',6,1 DB $FD,'SBC',6,2 DB $F9,'SBC',5,2 DB $38,'SEC',2,0 DB $F8,'SED',2,0 DB $78,'SEI',2,0 DB $8D,}'STA',2,2 DB $85,'STA',2,1 DB $81,'STA',4,1 DB $91,'STA',3,1 DB $95,'STA',6,1 DB $9D,'STA',6,2 DB $99,'STA',5,2 DB $8E},'STX',2,2 DB $86,'STX',2,1 DB $96,'STX',5,1 DB $8C,'STY',2,2 DB $84,'STY',2,1 DB $94,'STY',6,1 DB $AA,'TAX',2,0 DB $A}8,'TAY',2,0 DB $BA,'TSX',2,0 DB $8A,'TXA',2,0 DB $9A,'TXS',2,0 DB $98,'TYA',2,0 DB $FF,'???',2,0}ΠiJK3ABOPAUARGSTARFINISADOARGBYARCOUNLNAADSFLAEGOF "A%}@@yBBQ BD B" B&@I&}@@o@! +'AA@V'AB@t}UU;@,;@,;@,;@,9@,;@8,;@ ,AAR@ A) A0/} }AAR /-@@/(XENoVoUS Disassembler%-@@%( Version 1.0-@@}*  SOURCE FILE*-@@(*  DESTINATION*-@@-J OFFSETF(2(skips X number of l}ocations before disassembly)J2= @@=@@7 <))@)@})TWO 255'SF-)@)@-6-%AV$H-)@)@-6-%AV$K 6-PMA}IN LOOPdn@)@6.=:,%"66-?:B<,@ A0x6-&@ AA-%@%}@,67&,.>:F:,,0 A6-F:%@,(6-F:%@,("AX-@)@467B:,%}@,. 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Machine Language routines are not in memory!.f(c(X This demo cannot RUN without theseroutines. 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ANOTHER WRIGHT-ON PRODUCTION,(-@6 F<}2@ @-@@   "-@@6$ 0& * 6-3$ D:F=}SLIDSHOW@-@@   "-@@6$ 0& * 6-3$ D:D DISK CONTENTS - Front Side of Disk1. DISSOLVER CRE. Creates BASIC sub-routines for spiral or sweep dissolvesof any graJ?}phics mode screen. Excellent!Refer to magazine for "how to use".(Fred Pinho, ANTIC 1/86, p18)2. DISSOLVER DEM. A clever J@}demo of the"Dandy Dissolver". (Fred Pinho, ANTIC,1/86, S*P*A*C*E mods)3. FACE. "Face of the Galaxy" - Musicwith graphicJA}s. (Gary Gilbertson)4. FADER II. An enhanced ML Hi-Res picloader with dot-by-dot "lapse-dissolve"effects. To use: TransfJB}er to a picturedisk & rename AUTORUN.SYS. Compressedpictures (ie, KoalaPad, Micro Illustr.)must use a ".PIC" fn extender. JC}Normalpictures (ie, Micro Painter, any 62sector pic) use ".*IC" fn extenders.Reboot with this pic disk to view your"slideJD} show". Press OPTION to hold apicture on the screen; START to skipthe pause between pics; or SELECT to goto DOS. (PatrickJE} Dell'Era, ANTIC 5/85)5. FADER MOD. Use to change FADER II'spausing rate. Self prompting. BASIC.(Patrick Dell'Era, ANTICJF} 5/85)6. 3D GRAPHICS. A 3-D graphics editor.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC 10/85, JC mods)7. G.U.P. The Graphics Utility PackageJG}is a ML program which will speedup yourBASIC graphic commands & adds ten newones: circles, squares, patterned fills& more!JH} Read the magazine article forfull tutorial/instructions. For bestresults rename to AUTORUN.SYS & rebootto load. If loadedJI} from this menu, youmust press RESET upon load completion.(Darek Mihocka, ANTIC, 6/85, p45)8. G.U.P. DMO. A demonstratioJJ}n of someof G.U.P.'s capabilities. Load G.U.P.(per above) prior to running this demo.(Darek Mihocka, ANTIC, 6/85)9. HORSJK}E. A galloping horse demo usingcharacter graphics. (B.R.A.C.E.)10. MILOADER. Loads/displays Micro-Illustrator (KoalaPadJL}) pics. (ANTIC&JC)11. MUSICIAN. A "Music construction"program. Integral command list. Allowsediting of last note only! TJM}his versionis not compatable with the original!(A.Giambra, ANTIC, 6/85, pg37, JC mods)12. LAURA. Demo tune for The MusicJN}ianabove. Load "LAURA" to hear it play orto edit. (ANTIC disk, 6/85, JC mods)13. PENCILS. A sharp GTIA demo! (GreggTravJO}ares, ANTIC disk, 6/85, JC mods)14. SLIDE SHOW. A BASIC demo using theAtari to present computer "slides".(Steve Wright, JP}from B.R.A.C.E. disk) DISK CONTENTS - Back Side of Disk(NOTE: These programs should be loadedw/o BASIC to insure propeJQ}r operation.)1. FUJIBOINK. Famous Atari demo with abouncing multi-color "Fuji" logo.(Park '86)2. MCP. Multi-Colored PJR}layers demo.Brilliant colors. ML. (ANTIC 2/86)3. SPLASH. Splash colors on a Gr.7+screen. ACTION. (ANTIC, 4/85)4. SWAN.JS} Another sharp Atari demo withflying swan & twirling Fuji. (Park '86)5. VIEW 3D. Create 3-D wire frame picsin Gr 8/7+. JT}Magnify, shrink, rotate, &shift viewing position fairly fast. Seemagazine article for details. ACTION.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC JU}6/85, p37)6. HOUSE.V3D. A sample VIEW 3D image.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC 6/85)rticle for details. ACTION.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC HM