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For contri}butions of $10 and above, one will receive the Daisy-Dot II disk and full printed documentation}. Send all correspondence to: Roy Goldman 2440 South Jasmine } Denver, CO 80222 INTRODUCTION Daisy-Dot II (DDII) is a complete environment for }printing near letter quality text with Epson and Star compatible printers. Based on the origina}l Daisy-Dot, the tremendous quality of DDII's output and the many new formatting features infinitely } improve the printing capabilities of your Atari 8 bit system. The DDII system consists of three indepen}dent programs, written in C with machine language routines. The DDII Print Processor (DDIIPP) }is the main program, from which text files are printed out. The DDII Font Editor (DDIIFE) is a full-featured }editor for designing and editing DDII fonts. The DDII Font Utilites program (DDIIFU) converts }standard Atari fonts to DDII format (the original version of this utility was written in BASIC by } Robert Lee) and also creates italicized versions of existing fonts.\n \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT I}I\rPage 2\u\l COMPATIBILIY DDII supports the following system configurations: } -- Atari 400/800/600XL/800XL/1200XL/65E/130XE with minimum 48K -- Epson EX/FX/JX/LX/MX III/RX 9 pin p}rinters -- Star Gemini/SG/NP/NX 9 pin printers -- DOS 2.5, SpartaDOS, SmartDOS, MyDOS, and} most other DOS's DAISY-DOT II PRINT PROCESSOR The DDIIPP prints out text files in near lett}er quality using a variety of proportional fonts. DDII uses a special technique of making two }passes for each printed line. After the first pass, the page is advanced minimally and then a second pass fil}ls in the gaps. This varies from standard double striking in that each pass is not identical, }but is a different set of formatted text. The result is high density text that is difficult to } distinguish from that of a typewriter or laser printer. Many formatting features are available from a menu o}r can be implemented through commands that you type inside the text file. These powerful option}s include the ability to select the pages of a file to be printed, set the number of copies, chain text } files together, change fonts within a file, set graphic density, change horizontal spacing, center li}nes, fully justify text, block text to the right, underline text, print double-width text, prin}t in boldface, set proportional tabs for tables or charts, and include pictures within your text. } DDIIPP will work with almost any word/text processor, including PaperClip, AtariWriter Plus, Xlent's First} Word Processor, and the public domain Textpro, which is available through user groups, BBS's, }or from me for $5 (to cover costs). RUNNING THE PROGRAM Included with DDII is Atari DOS 2.5.} If you wish to use a different DOS, copy the desired DOS files to the disk. The DDIIPP is on} Side 1 of the DDII disk as an "AUTORUN.SYS" file. When booting, after DOS loads, DDIIPP loads automatically.} After loading, drive 1 is scanned for either of two printer configuration files. Two files exi}st on your disk under the name "STAR.CNF" and "MX.CNF". If you are using a Star Gemini/SG, ren}ame "STAR.CNF" to "STAR". Some newer Star printers are 100% Epson compatible; experiment, and if this is } the case, configure DDII for standard Epsons and NOT for Star printers. If your printer is an Epson} MX III, rename the "MX.CNF" file to "MX". DDIIPP searches only for files with \u12/87}\cDAISY-DOT II\rPage 3\u\l these names, and disregards their contents. Thus, any file with }the correct name will work. If neither of these configuration files is located on the disk, DDIIPP will confi}gure itself for Epson EX/FX/JX/LX/RX models. If you are using a different Epson compatible, ex }periment to see which, if any, configuration suits your printer. The DDIIPP file may also be l }oaded with the 'Binary Load' option from DOS menus or in command form with SpartaDOS. FONT EN }TRY When the DDIIPP executes, you are first prompted to enter the name of the DD font you wish } to print the text file with. Enter 1-8 for a directory. Type in the "Dn:" if the font is on a  } drive other than 1. The ".NLQ" extender doesn't need to be typed in. If a file other than a DD font is en}tered, DDIIPP responds with Error #999 (this occurs in all DDII programs). DDII fonts are enti}rely compatible with fonts from the original Daisy-Dot. New fonts may be created or existing ones edited } with the DDII Font Editor. Atari fonts can be converted to DDII format or existing DDII fonts can }be italicized with the DDII Font Utilities program. The following fonts are included on Side 1} of the DDII disk:\c\farciform\ARCIFORM.NLQ!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmno}pqrstuvwxyz|\fblock\BLOCK.NLQ!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|}BORDERS.NLQ\fborders\!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN\fbroadway\BROADWAY.NLQ By B. Sheppard!"#$%&'()*+,-./0}123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\fgatsby\GATSBY.NLQ By C. Gross!"#$%&'()*+,-./0}123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\fohio\OHIO.NLQ!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@}ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\foldeng\OLDENG.NLQ By C. Gross!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@}ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\froman\\l \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT II\rPage 4\u}\l\c\foldwest\OLDWEST.NLQ!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\}froman\ROMAN.NLQ!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\fsaloon\SALOON}.NLQ By C. Gross!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\fsanserif\SANS}ERIF.NLQ!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\fscript\SCRIPT.NLQ!"#}$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\fsub\SUB.NLQ!"#$%&'()*+,-./012345}6789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\fsuper\SUPER.NLQ!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABC}DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|\froman\ \lTEXT FILENAME ENTRY After } the font loads into memory, you are prompted for the text file you wish to print. Enter 1-8 for a correspond!}ing directory. Again, include the "Dn:" if the file is not on drive 1. No extender is assumed"} nor appended to your entry. The specified file is not accessed at this point. WHAT IS A TEX#}T FILE? Text files used by DDII should be preformatted with a word processor through a "Print $}to Disk" function. This is different from saving the file in that when saving a file, the text is %} stored exactly as it is in your word processor's buffer (no margins added, lines aren't divided according &}to margins, etc.). However, when printing to disk, the resulting file is perfectly formatted, j'}ust like output to the printer. The following are instructions for printing to disk with common word/text (} processors: PAPERCLIP - Use the [CTRL] [SHIFT] [O] (letter O) command. At the pro)}mpt for the output device, enter the name of the desired output file. Answer 'N' to the prompt about sending *}control characters. Answer the remaining prompts however you wish. \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT I+}I\rPage 5\u\l ATARIWRITER PLUS - First select item 'P' from the main menu to print. When i,}t asks if it should print to the printer, reply 'N'. Type in the name of the desired output disk file (with t-}he "Dn:". Next, select item 'C' from the printer selection menu, the Atari 1027 (no matter wha.}t printer you really own). Answer the following prompts as desired. XLENT'S FIRST WORD PROCES/}SOR - Select the print function from the main menu. Reply 'D' when it asks whether to print to 0} printer, screen, or disk. Type in the desired filename and enter the following prompts as desired. 1} TEXTPRO - Use the command [CTRL] 'P' and type in the filename for desired output. Make sure you type "2}Dn:" with the filename. The DDIIPP prints only the 91 standard keyboard generated characters. 3} Any control or inverse characters are ignored. If the selected file is not a text file, DDII will most likel4}y not even attempt to print it. Check the Question and Answer section for more text file tips.5} GLOBAL FORMATTING Once a font has been loaded and a text file has been specified, 6} the global formatting menu is displayed. The menu is used to change the format, or appearance, of the o7}utput. Formatting options selected from this menu remain fixed throughout the entire printout 8}unless changed locally by commands that you include within your text, as discussed later. The 9}first letter of each available option is highlited. Press the corresponding letter to change the option. The:} current value is displayed to the right of each menu option. The following are all the format;}ting choices available from this menu: [F]ONT Press 'F' to change the current<} font. From the prompt, pressing 1-8 and [RETURN] will display a disk directory of the corresp=}onding drive. To retain the font in memory press [RETURN]. Otherwise, type in the name of the desired font; >}it will load into memory. [T]EXT FILE Press 'T' to change the text file to be?} printed. Enter 1-8 and [RETURN] if a directory is desired. Press [RETURN] at the prompt to r@}etain the current filename or type in the new one. \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT II\rPage 6\u\l A} [D]ENSITY Press 'D' to cycle through the available graphic densities. If you are using a noB}n-MX Epson or Star printer, four densities are available: single (density 1), double (2), double draft (3), C} and quadruple (4). If DDII is configured for an Epson MX printer, only single and double densitD}y are available. Density is the term for describing how close together dots are printed. SingE}le density allows a maximum of 480 dots per line. Double density can accommodate up to 960 dots per line. DouF}ble draft density is also based on 960 columns per line; it is faster than normal double densitG}y, but can't print consecutive adjacent dots. Quadruple density prints up to 1920 columns per H}line, but it too can't print adjacent dots in the same row. Because density affects the distance between eachI} column of dots, the size of characters and the amount of page space used varies. For example,J} double density text is twice the width of and takes up twice as much horizontal space as the same text K} printed in quadruple density. Likewise, single density text appears twice as wide as double density L}text. For most practical purposes, you will want to use double density (density 2). This densM}ity, which is the default density, provides the most feasible size and accuracy for the majority of N} tasks. The main body of this documentation is in double density. Single density is a good choice when vO}ery wide characters are desired, or maybe when you want to fill up a page with text formatted iP}n 40 columns. Double draft density is a good choice when you need a quick prinout, as it is twice as Q} fast as regular double density. Quadruple density can be used for fitting a bunch of characters on oneR} line. Quadruple density works best with fonts without much detail, such as Sans-Serif or BlocS}k.\C\d1Single Density (Density 1)\d2Double Density (2)\d3Double Draft Density (3)\d4Quadruple Density (4) T} \d2\l[S]PACING Press 'S' to change the character spacing, or the number of blank columns beU}tween each character. This value can be anywhere from 0 to 20 columns. Enter the new spacing value and V} press [RETURN] or press only [RETURN] to keep the current value. In general, a spacing value of 2 tW}o 4 is most practical. The default spacing value is 2 columns (as is the main body of this docX}umentation). ...-@p A`@@6-?:<<<%@y<<%@y<%@y<<%@y \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT II\rPage 7\u\l\C\s0Spacing Of 0 Columns\s5Spacing Of 5 Columns\sKSpacing Of 20 ColuZ}mns\s2 \lSee the local formatting commands for more spacing options. [A]LIGNMENT [} Press 'A' to cycle through the four text alignment options: block left, block right, center, and justific\}ation. Block left is the default and standard alignment mode. Text is not adjusted in any way]}; it is printed as it is in the text file. The main body of this text is blocked left. When a^}lignment is set for centering, the text of each line, beginning with the first non-space character, is proport_}ionally centered. The center of the page varies with the setting of the right margin, as expla`}ined later\cEach line in this block of text is centered.Note that these lines are perfectly centered,because DDII centeria}ng is proportional. \lBlock right, also known as flush right, adjusts each line so that the rib}ght margins of all lines (and not the left) are even. The right margin is also controlled from this menu, as dc}iscussed later.\RThis text is blocked right. Note how the right margin is evenbut the left margin is jagged}d, just the opposite of text printedin block left mode. \lThe fourth alignment option is margin justificatioe}n. In this case, blank columns are added to each space character embedded in a line so that bof}th left and right margins are even. DDII's implementaton of this feature is known as micro-justification g} because the space is distributed evenly throughout each line. \jThis section of text is fully justq}B ARCIFORMNLQBAUTORUN SYSB BLOCK NLQB BORDERS NLQBBROADWAYNLQB%DDII DMPByDDIIDOC 1 BiYDDIIDOC 2 BGATSBY NLQBMX CNFB OHIO NLQBOLDENG NLQBOLDWEST NLQB READ ME B ROMAN NLQB"SALOON NLQB 2SANSERIFNLQB>SCRIPT NLQBLSTAR CNFB MSUB NLQB WSUPER NLQB aFLOROMANDOCBlFLOROMANNLQBzPREZ NLQBRUNIC DOCB RUNIC NLQBULTIMA DOCB ULTIMA NLQBULTIMA TXTified, with both the left and right margins even. Note that the extra space needed to adjust tr}he length of each line is distributed equally between words. \lSee the local alignment commands}s for instructions for combining different alignment modes. [B]OLDFACE Press t}'B' to toggle boldface print on or off. When boldface is on, DDII makes four passes for each line instead of u}the usual \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT II\rPage 8\u\l two. The page is advanced minimally betv}ween each pass. Essentially, each line is printed twice. The default setting is off.\c\BThisw} text is in boldface. \b\l[W]IDE Press 'W' to toggle double-wide printing on or off. This x} feature works in any density to make the text twice as wide. The number of columns of space is ny}ot doubled. The default setting is off.\C\WThis text is double wide.\w \L[R]IGHT MARGIN z} Press 'R' to cycle through the eleven possible sizes of the right margin. The right margin can {}be anywhere from 0 inches to 5 inches in half-inch increments. The default right margin is 1 i|}nch. The left margin of your text should always be determined by the word/text processor, as D}}DII has no provisions to adjust it. The right margin controls how long each line of text may be; if ~} a line exceeds the right margin, the extra part will be truncated. Make sure that the right margin is s}et so that none of your text is cut off. Also, block right and justification alignment modes a}re based on the right margin settings. The center of the page also varies with the right margin. If } the margin is between 0 and 3.5 inches inclusive, the center stays as the exact center of standard 8.5 }inch wide paper. If the right margin is larger than 3.5 inches, the center is determined as th}e position halfway between the left edge of the paper and the right margin. A right margin set}ting of 5 inches positions the center for 3.5 inch address labels. You can easily design text from a } word/text processor to be printed as labels from DDII. First, make sure the left margin is either non-}existant or very small and that there is no top margin. Second, plan the label around the fact} that, with standard form-feed labels, each label can hold five lines of text, plus one blank line is needed t}o set the correct position for the next label. Third, when inserting the labels into the print}er, position them at the left side of the printer guide. \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT II\rPag}e 9\u\l [P]AGE SELECT Press 'P' to cycle through the options of printing all pages, } just the odd pages, or just the even pages of the text file. The default setting is to print all pages}. In general, DDII keeps track of pages based on 66 lines per page, so set the margins and pag}e length from your word/text processor accordingly. 66 lines, with DDII's fixed line spacing o}f one-sixth of an inch, exactly covers the length of a standard 8.5 by 11 page. Note that DDII's page count i}s completely independent from page numbers within a text file; the first 66 lines in the text f}ile always constitute the first page, the next 66 lines always determine the second page, and so on. } As explained later, other methods are used for determining page breaks when graphics are included withi}n a text file. The odd and even settings can be used to print text on both sides of a sheet of} (thick) paper and allow for printouts similar to the format of a magazine or book. First, print out } only the odd pages of a specified text. Next, remove the printed paper and feed it back into the print}er so DDII will begin printing on the back side of the first printed page. Then print the even} pages and you're done! The page select settings can also be used for printing documents in do}uble columns. Create your text from a word/text processor formatted for only one column. Adjust the margins }based on the density, font, and spacing you wish to use so that the text will have a width of a}pproximately half a page, or 4 inches. Print out the entire file to disk. Next, while keeping the line width} the same, change the margins in your file so that the text will begin where you want the left }margin of the second column to be (a little past the center of the page). Again, print the entire } file to disk. From DDII, set the Page Select to odd pages only, and print the first file. When it is com}plete, feed the paper back to the top of the first page. Set the Page Select to print even pag}es and print the second file. [L]IMITS Press 'L' to select pages of a text file to print by }specifying a starting and ending page. You are first prompted to enter the first page. Type i}n the page number, from 1 to 99, and press [RETURN] or [RETURN] only to retain the number in memory. In } the same manner, enter the ending page. The last page must be equal to or greater than the first pa}ge. If you set the last page greater than the total number of pages in a file, DDII will just }stop printing at the end of the text. The default first page is 1 and the default last page is 99.} \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT II\rPage 10\u\l [C]OPIES Press 'C' to change the number o}f copies to print. Press [RETURN] to keep the current value or type the new value, from 1 to 9}9, and press [RETURN]. Each copy follows the guidelines set by the page selection and page limit options. Th}e default setting is 1 copy. PRINTING Once you are satisfied with all the set}tings from the global format menu, you can prepare to print. Make sure that the text file to b}e printed is in the correct drive. Also, the TOF (top of form) of the page should be correctly set on the pri}nter. To do so, advance the paper so that the page perforation lines up exactly with the top o}f the ribbon. To begin printing, press [START]. While printing, the screen is turned off. To} abort a printout, hold down [SELECT]. After the printout is complete (or was aborted), you are } returned to the global format menu. EXITING DAISY-DOT II To exit DDIIPP and go to DOS, pre}ss [CTRL] 'X' from the global formatting menu. Before quitting, you are asked if you really wa}nt to exit. Reply 'Y' or 'N'. LOCAL FORMATTING COMMANDS In addition to global formatting, D}DIIPP also recognizes 17 commands for local formatting within a text file. By typing in these }commands into the text, formatting can vary throughout a text file. All DDIIPP formatting comm}ands must be preceeded by a backslash ('\\') in your text. From DDIIPP, these commands are not } printed but instead instruct DDIIPP how to format the text. To force the inclusion of the actual backslash c}haracter, type in two of them for every one you want in the output. For example, if you want D}DIIPP to print "\\\\\\" your text file should be "\\\\\\\\\\\\". Upper and lower case are trea}ted the same for all commands. Check the Question and Answer section at the end of this docume}ntation for more tips on including commands within your file. \u12/87\cDAISY-DOT II\r}Page 11\u\l The following is a list of all DDIIPP local formatting commands with examples of} each. Anything enclosed in brackets ([ ]) represents the parameters of the command. The brackets should } not be typed as part of the command. In the command descriptions, note the difference between } commands that affect the entire line and the commands that only affect text following the commands}. If a command is described as affecting the current line and all following lines, then all te}xt on that line, even the part of the line preceeding the command, is affected by the command. If the command} is described to affect any text following the command, it only affects the text that follows t}he command in the file. \\F[Dn:FILENAME.EXT]\\ - CHANGE FONT When DDII encounters this comma}nd, it loads and changes to the specified font for all text following the command. The font mu}st be in the correct drive when the command is reached. If not, or if any other I/O error occurs, the font in} memory is retained. If the font is on drive 1, the "Dn:" may be omitted. Also, the } extender doesn't have to be included if the font has an extender of ".NLQ". The filename may be in eith}er upper or lower case. DDII can switch fonts at any point in the text, even in the same line.} EXAMPLE: YOU TYPE: DDII \\fscript\\can \\foldwest\\combine \\fsanserif\\multi}ple \\fohio\\fonts. DDII OUTPUT: DDII \fscript\can \foldwest\combine \fsanserif}\multiple \fohio\fonts.\froman\ \\D[1-4] - CHANGE DENSITY This command sets the graphic dens}ity for the current line and all following lines until changed. Only densities 1 and 2 are ava}ilable to MX users. EXAMPLE: YOU TYPE: \\d1Single Density \\d2D}ouble Density \\d3Double Draft Density \\d4Quadruple Density 96-ASB6kDAISY-DOT NLQ FONT brrbdd @@@@((*,(8*l8(h(( D @!}@hఔ@T䤴@ &F L (l*@x@\Ѐ@||x!}||x ((((((HHH00HHH(|(H00000000H   000000   @!} @ ||||xxB~@@ B&fD L`  D(|l(H@xH ">~!}(|| $(j"D<<8 8||HxxP @ 8p hb򲺚$@D0<,@ !}d||@ ( xfffflllllllm(D0H(llllll(̄D(H0 @`@ ||!}RB x` D   @r:p0  p |||¢ Dx@@ !}D8x D ( @ ||ʊ.Lx@ (H !} HD P @0@!}~B  |||x0P P@`||!}J>xtb D@b򲒚lT0 H`@ !}`p8 `"`0xx,D`p x2.B `p8L@@ B~>>B@@!}||<@B&ʈD H0 `@Ȁ @ @  @  @!}@  , ,,     << !} 88(((( >>@@ <<|`  !!!!!998>   ^^^ !}    <<  < <<<  !} <<  !!???((((( (((((???!!  <<  8((((,,$$!} $   8<<<   08 0 888   4 $  119 !} 0   $$,(800 $"AU+6-&@B(chord cancelledL A V APC6-&+!,!@: ' ,,"AT9(chord off erasedC AP( note cancelled6 A%6-@:7,,6!AS)+!*(,A$DAISY-DOT NLQ FONT<<<<(||((||($@H@$H @\8tDL0dȈ \޲D )} ̌8|D8|ĄD|8x0 $<$T8|8T<<888p 0`)}||||x x@@FNʚbbL0@DT֒llHH悂 <||\Lx )} 0`llllHHdt||`x"""$$$""#$%&<$f8(lD((((((((f$<Dl(8@@ʚ``)}@4@||rrx0p~~~~||llH||DDx||x)}||\\x  8(DD00HH @` 0 `~@`)} `@ ``00 ``00 ||||xx``@||||xynnLDd沒LL@ 0 )} ̛ )}00`p8`0 @@@@@@@@..**>,, <<"">)}<<>""6<<$$>""<<>**:<<04~~ | >""??>==?>> ><<<<<)}?>>""$$ >>> >>> ><<<<<<<<>>> ><<<<<>""><<<<???"">???<<)}>""???<<???>>> <<< :**.44,, <<>>>>8<<<<<>>>><<<<<<<8 >>>>>>><<<<<<<)}<<<866>>66$<<<<$==>??>8==?>>&&..::22 00 M AW A6-?:B, (EDAISY-DOT NLQ FONT   $@@ @$H  &FƄ-} DD rd`(8D0HD8H0 P ZZ P@@ 88p p  -}  @  @@ 8|DD|8xxxx|~ FFrdd DDllH 0-}@00P 梢"""$$ 88TTT\0x8 llllH||H db||D `x-}ffflllllo (((DDD000HHH (((((((((((((((((((( DDD(((HHH00 @@``@@ -} J<<PP ||@@ ||bJ  4T  8|D"0x ||l|8|x0 8|D20x($p-} J|| | 8|D0x J<| ||  |@B~|@||x RRRJBBF-} ||&" |000   ||| |``  `b|@ 0 @ |@ 0 |@` 0 8|DD|80x( -}x0 ||``@ 8|DE}80x( x0 ||bb@ h䢲 .( \  Šr-}D T"*$d xxx0p ~|||<< D@ 08 L@p 0X `-}`  BĔ @@ @@  @@ @-}@  $<>  $<< " $8$80 """$ 4 ""   -}*"2$( 0 0$ ||@x  $$%%%!>   <  |~ ,(-}4 >><<  <<  <<< < """""$<< 88 $$$$??!( $$$$$(??-}  << :***,00 , "<<<< $8888 "<<<< ""-}""$$$$ $89>> ""&"*"2" @ 6-?:<BsD%<%<@,: Z++176,176,184,184,24,128,@DAISY-DOT NLQ FONTz||@@@@@@$@H@$H@P$HDH(D P@1}䤔Č8DxD8x H0x0H p p <8 @ @||1}| f̛̄l̛̄  @0P怂줤|1}ll̴̛v|䔔"""$$$""#$%&(D0H((((((((D(H0`@2}|r  2€2 4Ԑ4 |l̛ |̛ || |Ƅ̛2} | | ||||  |L Ĝ2}| |``|@  @ ||Ą  || | |2}| |d" f섄 | || pp2}p @ p  DD̄̄ @@ ̄Č2}@ @ @@@@$ ***(,$$$$$<"""""$$$$$<""""4<$$$$$$"2}""""<$$$$$*****<$$$$$4|)))) 5%%%%5 " "$ $<$<$!> | $8,$|2} "< "" "$<$ $<$ $< "< "$<$ $<"""""<$$$$$< """""!?%$$$$<"""""0<$$$$%?!"" $<$ (*** 2}44$$$$$, """ """ <$$<$ (( 0((0 *((* 0, 0 ,0 """"$$<<$$ )( 1 2 }0 2"*"0&$$,$4$$@(s=6.3h ! ԍЌнн н#LU67@4,.>:@4,s6-?:6""$ "> "" "< << "> < """": }$$ ? ?!   ?  !?"> <  *****$ , ""  < >"8< 0:!}((0  8$ $8 0   0 ""66""$$ !!0 0 !  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(ANTIC&JC)11. MUSICIAN. A "Music construction"program. Integral command list. Allowsediting of last note only! THDAISY-DOT NLQ FONT        NN}         NO}         NP}    NQ}  NR}            NS}  NT}  NU}      NV}         L:DAISY-DOT NLQ FONTЛ P P@  P@`p0 P ````RX}``@@@@`@@@@ 00 @@@@@ @ @pp0P@PPpPPP RY}ЀPPPP p0PPPP @ppPPPPPpPPPP @@ @@@@@@ @  @RZ}@@@p@PPЛpp@@@@pPPPPppPPP@@@p0R[}@@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @ pp𠠠@pR\}p0𠠠@ ЛP0PPPP  @ @ @@ 0@0@R]}0P@ @ @@pp@@@@pPPPPppR^}PPP@@@p0@@@@ @@@ @@@@R_}@ @ pp𠠠@pp0𠠠@ ЛP0PPPPR`}  @ @ @@ 0@0@0PP:This font is a modified Daisydot II font. Originally, it was ROMAN.NLQ.What has been changed is listed below. Basically, Vb}if you program, andstart with an outline type of flowchart, you can now spruce it up withsome special symbols to draw attenVc}tion to certain steps!CHARACTER SYMBOL DESCRIPTION--------- ------------------ ! Process symbol: used Vd}to designate subroutines or routines in a program, or a program in a system. " DeciVe}sion symbol: Used for the infamous IF tests we do. # Print symbol: Designates printed output from a program. CVf}an be used to designate a print routine in a program. $ CVg}onsole symbol: Used in systems charts to designate console input to a program. Can be used to mark input to a program. %Vh} Page symbol: Used for marking continuation to another page. & Disk symbol: Used to designate disk I/OVi} on systems charts. Can be used to delineate disk I/O routines in a proVj}gram.I did this a trial font. It's here for your use if you wish. Otherspecial characters could have been used for theseVk} definitions, I suppose,but....Ennyhoo! Enjoy. Larry FridayTCDAISY-DOT NLQ FONT~""""""""""""""""~"QQ"$BB$@ Zm}|$BB<(DD8 xx~~@@@@8DZn}xD8x H0x0H p p <8 @ @8DD8xxBBBZo}FfDLDDlHH  @0P"""䠀$|PLx  @llHHZp}d|`x""$$"#%&(D0H((((((((D(H0@`@ @|*rx0p ``Zq} 0PP0 lH|xț |x 0 0 |xZr}   (Ƃ0H  B  B@  @Zs} @ @ ||xx `@ |~xx b@F L ț Zt}   00 880 00 0ƪƂ00 @  @Zu}†‚ @@ @ @@@@ ****(4 """Zv}"$$""""$$ """"$$**** $ ~@@  :!-----   Zw}""< >6""$ "> "" "< << "> < """"$$ Zx} ? ?!   ?  !?"> <  *****$ , ""  < >"8< 0((0 Zy}  8$ $8 0   0 ""66""$$ !!0 0 !  "&"*"2"&$ XfDAISY-DOT NLQ FONT  . . `DH `h* @P,@^{} @2*@T 0LD8xD8x@ x @@ @ <|  ^|} @8DD8xx@@Fb@DlH  @(H  8D^}}8P  @llHH @D8@$(p&&&ddd&&'def(D0H (((((((((D(^~}H0@`@@ <@>D8xBBBx ` 0PP0 ` T 8Dx D8^}x 8Dx   ^}(Ƃ0H  @  B@  @ @ @  8DD8xx `` 8^}DD9xx bd @"D   00 ^}  ((†H00H @  @ †† @@ @ ^}@@@@  (DPPPP<  @@@@8 " 8@@@@D  8@@@@^} "8PPPP4~ $%>8EEEE~@ ""@@@<""  "`D@^} > >>@|@@<@@@< >""@|@@@@<   8@@@@@8 ?$$ADDDD8 $$?8DDDDA>"^} @|@@@@0*$PPPP@ @@D@@@ <>@xD|@ 00@`PP`@ 00@pLLp@ ""^}@D``D@  @aQ P`@" &D@H@P@`D\:Docs for RUNIC.NLQThe Elder Frisian Futhark Runic Alphabet is the most common scriptrune. Note not all letters of our alphab}bet have runic equivalents there is no C, V, or X. The runic alphabet also has letters we don't have. The following letters ab}re slight changes from what you are use to. NOTE ALL LETTERS ARE UPPERCASE ON THE KEYBOARD EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. UPPERCb}ASE RUNIC LETTER LETTER Q Qu E EA A b} Short A G Soft G K Soft K C Hard K LOWERCASE b} LETTER a Long A e EO g Hard G i b} IO n NG s ST t TH y YR`zDAISY-DOT NLQ FONT|Ƃ|Ƃ||Tt888tTT\888\T|||f}| @@ @@||||BBBBFΚfFΚfDƒlDƒl8hf}8h梢梢|L|Lllll`x`xffff5765768lƂ8lƂ$$$$$$$$$$$$l8f}l8@`@` PH( PH( j` @@BB$$$$BBDD((((DD@ @@ @f}@@@@((PPPPBB$$$$BBDD((((DD @@ ((f}DDD 00HH""" $$((DDD @@ @@ P@ @P``` @@ @@ f} hhNNNN @B"$"BABD$DB@ @@ @@ @~~@ @ hhHH@ AQ f}@` @@@@ @@@@ @@  @@  ``@@@@@ f}@@ @@  @@@@ @@`0 `0 0`00`0 HH$$ @f}@HH @@@@@@@@@@@@BB$<$<$BBTT((D((TT"$$"@D$f}(($D@f((D((A@BB@Af}B@@B ((HH00O@@??@@@~~dZUsing the reference card from Ultima IV, I have created this font for usewith Daisydot II.All uppercase and lower case lej}tters are the same. The exceptions arelisted below:CHARACTER DEFINITION--------- ---------- Q, q j}TH sound [ EE ] NG \ EA ^ STAdditionally, the dollar sign ($) is rej}placed with a mutant "g" for gold-piece, since gold is the standard of exchange in the game. This font alsoapplies to Ultij}ma III, Exodus. If you are having a hard time of UltimaIII, get the editor that can be found in Library 1 of the Atari 8-bij}t SIGon CompuServe.Enjoy! Larry FridayPS - Run ULTIMA.TXT thru Daisydot to see the font in action. The text fileusj}es ROMAN.NLQ in D:, so feel free to alter that to your favorite font.hGDAISY-DOT NLQ FONT||@@@@@@ 8 " P@` @n}8DxD8x H0x0H p p <8 @ @8DD8xxBBn}BFfDLDDlHH  @0P"""䠀$|PLx  @llHn}Hd|`x""$$"#%&(D0H((((((((D(H0@`@ @|*rx0p@n} @T(x0H P D((DH00H0@@0 @ P @@ @D((DH00Hn}`@ 0P @@0А``0 @  <  @ n} (@HH0P @P `H > |@@ 0@@0 @  0@@0 n}@   @@   0А @H8 @  @  @@` `@llH@ @@@n}@@@@ DD D  D D((DHH@ @T(x0H P D((DH0n}0H0@@0 @ P @@ @D((DH00H`@ 0P @@n}0А``0 @  <  @  (@HH0P @P `H n}> |@@ 0@@0 @  0@@0 @   @@   0Аn} @H8 @  @  @@` `@l-\fD:ROMAN\This is a test document printed using the font "ULTIMA.NLQ" for Daisydot.From here on, the font is Ultima.\fD:Ur}LTIMA\The object of the game is to become the Avatar of 8 different virtues. Asyou travel, you can add companions and collr}ect gold. Pay for items atshops by asking how much. The shopkeeper will tell you "2500$", forexample. You'd better have r}the money, too!\fD:ROMAN\That's an example of the font. p>