@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr  MMG BASIC Compiler notes: This won't work * Solution ==================*================== } * DIM EOL$(1) * ? "help": ? "me" EOL$=CHR$(155) * ? "help";EOL$;"me"* __________________*_______________}___ * ON (X+1) GOTO 1,2 * Y=X+1 * ON Y GOTO 1,2 __________________*______________}____ * INPUT #1;A$,B$,C$ * INPUT #1;A$ * INPUT #1;B$ * INPUT #1};C$ __________________*__________________ * DIM A$(20) * Either: A$="X" * DIM A$ }(10) A$(10)="X" * A$(2)=A$ * Or: ? A$ * A$="XXXXXXXXXX" __________________*____________ }______ F$F 5$/L /lF@jj(LNkle$$%8(k()` R 8 ELO Ri)^>jf | NrC s The Microbits Peripheral Products MPP-1000C modem is unique to the Atari computer as it is designed to operate from the se }cond joystick port rather than from a standard RS-232 interface like that found on the Atari 850. The benefit of this is  }obvious, the expensive 850 interface is not required for operation. However, because of the need for a special software d}river to make the joystick port function as an asynchronous communica tions port, it will only work with the Smart Termina}l software provided on ROM cartridge with the modem. The MPP terminal software provides for two types of up or download} protocols. The first method is simply to save a downloaded file to a memory buffer by using the OPTION key to manually o}pen and close the BUFFER. The second option is to select the X-MODEM protocol. X-MODEM automatically corrects any transmi}ssion errors that might occur because of a bad connection, random phone noise, etc. This is similar in function to the TS}COPE protocol used on this SIG but it is NOT compatible. Because of this incompatibility, the only way an MPP user can dow}nload from the Atari SIG is to manually download to a buffer or a disk drive with no error checking. Although this is no}t as convenient as X-MODEM, most files on this board can still be downloaded in the following ways. A standard basic fi}le can be download ed by selecting the BROWSE function in one of the XA databases (please see other help files on using t}he ACCESS portion of the SIG for more help on these functions or obtain the Compuserve guide to Special Interest Group/For}um by ordering through Feedback). After presenting a description of the file three options are presented; Read the file, }Download the file or return to menu. Pressing will force a description of the next file in the database. To down}load the file press . Three messages will appear on the screen. The last message will end with three periods. When you } see the three periods press the