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USE LYSOSOMES}V(&TO INCREASE ENERGY FOR WASTE DISPOSAL.` A z-@APA%;2@@W2@}@@[ }22@Y (}-@@D($LOW EXP}ORTS HAVE LED TO INSUFFICIENTY(NUTRIENT SUPPLY.-(#(WATCH THE EXPORT METER!!- A -@@D2}H:,$AU@@q2@H:,$AU@@u 22}@c (}-@@A(!THE CELL TEMPERATURE HAS EXCEEDEDc(SAFETY LIMITS, RESULTING }IN A.$(BREAKDOWN OF ALL OPERATIONS.. A  -@0@6@D2$@ @@h2@}$@P@@l 22@b (}-@@}B("THE CELL WAS NOT ABLE TO REPRODUCEb(WITHIN ITS NORMAL LIFESPAN.+(!(BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!+ A W-}@@3-@PAP@O2@@S W G%2G2@}R (}-@@9(CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVEO(DIVIDED THE CELL!R(**(YOUR SCORE} IS:+A0&,$@P-@@"+(PLAY AGAIN (Y/N)?8)@A6.>:,P4A %%0Y*0y*0}N*0nA \4Y)4y#A5AGAYA\%(?:B,}$* UPDATE METERS *.-@@(6-8<@,-@"&@$++'@P:'@,,*+!@,,%P:'}@,%@P:+&@ ,'@,$@%@&@$+"@,8 (h@P:+F:@,&@,'@},$@%P:+'@&P:'@,,$@,%@o(@P:+F:@,&@,'@,$@%@%@}$+ @,Bj (Y@P:+F:@,&@,'@,$@%@%@$+!@,] g Aj$L}* MOVE MITOCHONDRION *V2#O:&, @*O:&, @/6-@2$`L6-%+N:&,,B2Q$?6-?:C:,<AV}%N:&,,L6-%N:&,j$t""* RESPOND TO MITO POSITION *~P$6-8@<@,'@$PA`ApA}AA$W568@<@,-8@<@,%$?A6-@M6-@W A Z568@}<@,-8@<@,%$?A6-@M6-@W A Z$R-68@<@,-8@<@,%96}-@E6-@O A R$R-68@<@,-8@<@,%96-@E6-@O A R$R-68@}<@,-8@<@,%96-@E6-@O A R$* GRAPHICS DATA *%%255,192,192,192,192,196,}213,255%%255,192,128,128,128,196,213,255%%255,192,160,160,160,164,213,255%%255,192,200,200,200,200,213,255%%2}55,192,194,194,194,194,213,255%%255,000,000,000,000,068,085,255 %%255,000,128,128,128,132,085,255%%255,000,032,032},032,036,085,255%%255,000,008,008,008,072,085,255(%%255,000,002,002,002,066,085,2552%%255,003,003,003,003,071,087,2}55<%%255,003,131,131,131,151,087,255F%%255,003,035,035,035,039,087,255P$$255,03,011,011,011,067,087,255Z$$255,03,}002,002,002,069,087,255d* CELL DATA *n((28,255,129,189,129,171,129,255,255x%%36,32,112,94,145,239,130,190,96$$}36,12,30,62,127,255,255,127,62!!20,32,160,64,16,40,160,64,0!!20,6,15,23,42,84,232,240,96* INIT C VALUES *%%}64,20,64,36,104,36,104,20,82,28MM0,0,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,0,0,50,50,10,10,35,35,20,20,0,0,15,15,50,50* DRAW SCRE}EN *AA'AA9A@VKAA]A#@oA@A }B2U@@@&&( CELL MATES (| | AGE:,,($|} || | ''(| | | NUTRIENTS|++(#|  | | `eeeeeeeee`ej |++(#|} | ))(!|  | | IMPORT PRO.|++(# | `eeeeeeeee`ej |""}@A,B2H@d'B2IA9B2PAKB2Q@d]B2R@oB2S@}B2T@62-@ 6@.6-?:C:,<@,2 @++(# J++(#| INT}ERNAL TEMP | | EXTERNAL TEMP |T++(#| `eee`eeejeeej | | `eee`eeejeeej |^++(# h++(#|} RIB. ENERGY | | RIBOSOMES |r++(#| `eeeeeeeeeeej | | `eeeeeeeeee`j ||++(# ++}(#| EXPORT ENERGY | | EXPORT PRO. |++(#| `eeeeeeeeeeej | | `eeeeee`eeeej |++(# }++(#| WASTE ENERGY | | WASTE |++(#| `eeeeeeeeeeej | | `eeeejeeeeeej |++(# }++(#| PRO. ENERGY | | PROTEIN LEVEL |++(#| `eeeeeeeeeeej | | `eeeeeeeeee`j |,,(#}$AV!AR@$$* INIT C *6-@d6-!6-@ '6-1#APE-@@}K"\68<@,-m68<@,-q }6-$* MIN & MAX ** SEND I & J *%%* OUTPUT: I=MIN(I},J) J=MAX(I,J)(8<, %68<,-($&(8<,!A%68<,-A($0$:* DEATH OF CELL *D}-@H@`#B2H7B2IA&SB2P'@%@HoB2Q'@%@Vs H:},A`NPF:A,!@*A@F2@P A`XPF:A,!@*A }@F2@P A`bPF:A,!@*A@F2@P A` }lPF:A,!@*A@F2@P A`vO#-F:A,@6@/A }K2@O (%2($ D:CELLMATE A@ A\CELL MATES instructionsHow complex is a living cell? Is it a static structure, or a dynamic system? How do symbiotic orga }nisms make all cellular life possible? Find some answers with this fascinating bio-simulation. There is more going on in }side a living cell than meets the eye. Even the most powerful microscopes have not yet revealed the entire story - the secre }t life of the cell. Ask most people what they know about this basic life unit, and their reply, if any, may invoke a static }picture of the cell and its interior: the cell wall, the nucleus, and "a bunch of little floaty things." But when biologists } look closer at these little floaty things, they see participants in an incredibly complex, wonderfully cooperative, and dyna }mic ecosystem; for the metabolism of a living cell involves some strange and alien participants who apparently learned to liv }e together millions of years ago. Directing this metabolic dance, communicating with each cell part through encoded molecule }s, is the nucleus. Some of the participants - called organelles - possess their own DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and reproduc }e themselves independently from the nucleus. Together, they are all Cell Mates. What if you could place yourself at the }center of this dance - consciously balancing the entire system moment by moment? There may be no better way to appreciate ju }st how dynamic and basically cooperative this system is. We can't literally perform such a miracle, but we can give you Cell } Mates, a simplified computer simulation that places you in the role of the nucleus, the cell's "choreographer."THE MAJOR }PERFORMERS AND YOU: Plant and animal cells each have a somewhat different cast of dancers. But in both cases, each kind }of organelle has a specific role to perform. In animal cells, some organelles, called ribosomes, manufacture various protein }s. Another group, the Golgi apparatus, "packages" these proteins for internal use or secretion (export). Lysosomes are the }garbage collectors. And tiny mobile chemical plants, called mitochondria, supply energy for all of these activities. Alt }hough these organelles perform the cell's main functions, there are many other participants performing minor, but essential p }arts. Because of the difficulty in portraying all of the cell's diverse components, these minor players are beyond the scope } of Cell Mates. In Cell Mates, you direct the show, allocating energy to these four essential functions: protein product }ion, waste disposal, ribosome production, and protein export. Your goal is to direct these functions in such a manner that t !}he cell is able to divide - effectively producing two new cells in its place. When the cell divides, you receive a total sco "}re. The less time you take to reach cell division, the higher is your score. You must meet certain requirements before t #}he cell can divide: You must double the supply of protein as well as the number of several internal components (such as the $}ribosomes); and you must support the larger family of surrounding cells by exporting protein. After displaying the title, %} the program presents the actual playing screen. This screen contains a graphics representation of the cell in the upper lef &}t corner, and 12 indicators that show the status of the various processes in the cell. You can gauge your progress by viewin '}g these indicators. Some of the indicators contain areas highlighted against the background color. To maintain and eventual (}ly reproduce the cell, you must manipulate the cell's life processes so that the pointers remain in these "safe" areas. Indi )}cators that contain no distinguished area show the actual level of energy going to specific activities. We have incorpora *}ted a delay factor into the simulation, representing the real-world lag between the initiation of an action and its effect. +}This delay is not constant - it varies with internal and external conditions. Because of this built-in lag, any action that ,}you take does not immediately show up on the screen indicators.DIVIDING ENERGY: This simulation focuses on the five mo -}st important cell components: the mitochondria, the nucleus, the lysosome, the ribosome, and the Golgi apparatus. MITOCH .}ONDRIA - In animal cells, mitochondria produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - life's most available source of chemical energy /}. Similar organelles in plant cells - the chloroplasts - actually perform photosynthesis (the conversion of light into energ 0}y). All of the cell components, including the mitochondria themselves, use ATP as their energy source. Without this substan 1}ce, the cell would not be able to carry out any activity. Mitochondria manufacture ATP by combining products of available nu 2}trients with oxygen (and emitting carbon dioxide as a waste product). Thus, when cellular biologists talk about respiration, 3} they are talking about a process that occurs inside the mitochondria. The amount and quality of available nutrients directl 4}y affect the amount of ATP that the mitochondria can produce. Mitochondria are mobile, and can move to the areas of the c 5}ell where energy is most needed. Most animal cells contain anywhere from one to hundreds of thousands of mitochondria. For 6}the sake of simplicity, our cell representation contains only one. To increase the energy allocation to any of the cell's co 7}mponents, simply move the mitochondrion to the corresponding organelle symbol by pressing the appropriate key. Once the mito 8}chondrion reaches the designated organelle, it automatically starts producing ATP. The mitochondrion does not manufacture AT 9}P while it is in transit between cell parts. NUCLEUS - The nucleus is the cell's control center - the "central computer. :}" It sends signals in the form of encoded molecules to each part of the cell, telling it to carry out various operations. I ;}n addition, the nucleus carries genetic information in its DNA that determines the form of new cells resulting from cell divi <}sion, or "mitosis." Again for simplicity, we have symbolized the message-sending activity of the nucleus with one example: =}the message to increase production of ribosomes. Of course, the nucleus requires energy each time it sends a message. To >} allocate more energy to the production of ribosomes, press N. The mitochondrion responds by migrating to the nucleus. Once ?} the mitochondrion reaches the nucleus, it begins producing ATP. The increase in energy shows up on the screen indicator lab @}eled RIB.ENERGY (energy for the ribosome-production message). As you allocate this energy, the RIBOSOMES pointer shows an A} increase by moving to the right. If you direct the mitochondrion away from the nucleus, the RIB.ENERGY indicator shows a de B}cline, and the RIBOSOMES indicator ceases to increase. Ribosomes do not live forever. They die occasionally, and become C}part of the cell's waste. You need to replenish your supply of ribosomes to maintain their numbers. RIBOSOMES - Ribosome D}s produce protein. These tiny organelles are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum - a convoluted membrane extending out fro E}m the nucleus. The ribosomes assemble various proteins according to patterns supplied by the nucleus. Although we symbolize F} the ribosomes in a discrete corner of our cell, in reality they are more evenly distributed. Protein is the cell's prime G} material. Before a cell can reproduce, it must double its original supply of protein. The speed at which ribosomes produce H} protein depends on the total ribosome quantity. If you need to produce protein at a faster rate (to keep up with the protei I}n exportation rate, for example), you must increase this quantity. (See the Nucleus section above for directions on increasi J}ng the ribosome count.) Press R for Ribosomes to allocate energy to the production of protein. This signals the mitochon K}drion to migrate toward the ribosomes (upper-right corner of the cell area). Once the mitochondrion reaches the ribosomes, t L}he PRO.ENERGY indicator shows an increase as the protein energy level ascends. This increase in energy shows up in the PROTE M}IN indicator. But, as we stated, to achieve the desired increase in protein, you may need to increase the number of ribosome N}s first. LYSOSOMES - The lysosomes are the cell's housekeepers. They carry degradative enzymes and travel around inside O}the cell collecting and digesting larger chunks of waste composed mainly of worn-out cell parts. This waste is always accumu P}lating, so you must frequently budget energy for lysosome activity. As the amount of waste in the cell increases, the WAS Q}TE pointer moves to the right. The only way to reduce the level of waste is to increase the amount of energy allocated to wa R}ste disposal. To do this, press L for Lysosome. In response, the mitochondrion moves to the lysosome symbol at the lower-ri S}ght corner of the cell. Once the mitochondrion arrives, the energy level shown by the WASTE ENERGY indicator increases. Aft T}er the energy reaches a sufficient level, the amount of waste starts to decrease as the lysosomes do their job. GOLGI APP U}ARATUS - Your cell is also in the import/export business. Few cells can survive without the aid of other cells, so you must V}not only support your own cell, but those cells surrounding you. You must supply these cells with the protein they need for W}their existence, and in return you will receive protein from them - some of the nutrients vital to the production of ATP. Th X}e Golgi apparatus is responsible for exporting protein to other cells. As a secondary role, the Golgi apparatus spends a sma Y}ll percentage of its total energy packaging up waste and sending it out of the cell. If you fail to export sufficient protei Z}n, both the level of imported protein (IMPORT PRO.) and the nutrient level (NUTRIENTS) decline. To increase the amount of [} protein that you export, press G for Golgi apparatus. The mitochondrion responds by moving towards the lower-left corner of \} the cell area to the Golgi apparatus symbol. Once the mitochondrion reaches the Golgi apparatus, EXPORT ENERGY begins to sh ]}ow an increase. If you have a supply of protein, EXPORT PRO. also shows an increase. The rate at which you can export de ^}pends entirely on how much protein is available. As you export protein, PROTEIN LEVEL declines. As the protein level decrea _}ses, EXPORT PRO. starts to decrease. All of the protein you export must come from the protein you have produced. ADDITIO `}NAL FACTORS - The AGE display indicates the passage of a relative amount of time. The AGE counter does not represent any rea a}l time frame - to make the simulation playable, we have accelerated certain aspects of the cell's metabolic system, while slo b}wing down others. The older the cell gets, the harder it must work to produce protein (or ribosomes). You may also notic c}e that the average amount of nutrients and imported protein also drops off with age. Many factors affect an individual cell' d}s lifespan - too many to explain here. But every living cell has a built-in "time limit": The cell must reproduce within a e}specific period of time, or it will die. Our model reflects this basic fact. The NUTRIENTS indicator shows the cell's cu f}rrent food supply. The mitochondria use these nutrients to manufacture ATP. In order for the cell to reproduce, the pointer g} must be in the highlighted portion of the display. The IMPORT PROTEIN indicator shows now much protein is available from q}?BCAPATARIBASBeCELLMATE Bs CELLMATEDOCBROOM 1 BROOM 10 BROOM 11 BROOM 12 BROOM 13 BROOM 14 BROOM 15 BROOM 16 BROOM 17 BROOM 18 BROOM 19 BROOM 2 BROOM 20 BROOM 21 BROOM 22 BROOM 23 BROOM 24 BROOM 25 BROOM 26 BROOM 27 BROOM 28 BROOM 29 BROOM 3 BROOM 30 BROOM 4 BROOM 5 BROOM 6 BROOM 7 BROOM 8 BROOM 9 the surrounding cells. This protein contributes to the cell's protein level. In order to reproduce the cell, you must move r} the pointer to the highlighted area. The INTERNAL TEMP indicator shows the cell's current temperature. The optimum temp s}erature is directly at the center of the indicator. The highlighted area is the safe zone for the cell. If the pointer leav t}es this area, the cell dies. Even if the pointer remains in the safe zone, high and low temperatures (relative to center) af u}fect the efficiency of every metabolic operation. Most individual cells have little control over internal temperature whe v}n the external temperature goes outside a life-supporting range. Therefore, the "generic" animal cell that we depict in this w} simulation depends on the temperature of the tissue of which it is a part. If the cell doesn't adequately perform its part x}in this tissue structure - neither maintaining itself, nor supplying needed protein to the surrounding cells - its external e y}nvironment tends to degrade. This can cause a drop in external temperature, as well as a shrinking nutrient supply. Normal z}cell activity usually maintains a safe internal temperature. If the energy levels for ribosomes, export, waste, or protein i {}ncrease, the internal temperature also increases slightly. But it is more important to ensure a steady external temperature |}by exporting enough protein to maintain the health of the entire tissue. If the external temperature does become excessive d }}ue to high mitochondrion activity, you can press M to send the Mitochondrion to its neutral, inactive corner. Of course, ~}the external temperature sometimes goes outside a safe range no matter what an individual cell does. It if remains outside t }his range, the cell will die - which, as they say, is Life.LIFE GOES ON: A BASIC computer program can only "scratch th }e surface" of a living cell's complex nature. While being purely fun to operate, Cell Mates should also serve to awaken your } curiosity about this fascinating subject. Perhaps just knowing that your very life depends on the activity of microscopic c }reatures with their own separate genetic identities will contribute to your curiosity. As biologists continue to unravel the } mysteries of cells in general, and organelles in particular, you may be in a better position to understand and appreciate th }is new knowledge.CONTROL CAPSULE:M - Move mitochondrion to home position - upper-left corner of cell area.G - Move }mitochondrion to Golgi apparatus - lower-left corner of cell area.L - Move mitochondrion to lysosome - lower-right c }orner of cell area.R - Move mitochondrion to ribosomes - upper-right corner of cell area.N - Move mitochondrion to nucl }eus - center of cell area.Q - Quit option - exit simulation.Program from Home Computer Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 6.AWy!Uijt!jt!zpvs!ivncmf!pggjdf!xifsf!zpv!!!tmbwf!bxbz!jo!zpvs!djwjmjbo!jefoujuz/!!!Zpv!tibsf!uijt!tqbdf!xjui!uif!mpwfmz!!!!hjsm }!qsphsbnnfs!Mpjt!Kbof/!!B!ebsl!!!!!!ibjsfe!cfbvuz!xjui!b!ubmfou!gps!hfuujoh!voefs!gppu/!!Zpv!cvnq!zpvs!ifbe!bhbjotu!uif!Nfmp }ot!uisv!Pwbmujof!gjmf!esbxfs!bt!zpvs!izqfs.ifbsjoh!efufdut!ofxt!uibu!!!!Lpn!P(Epsf!jt!cbdl!xjui!ijt!fwjm!!!!!!!!usjdlt/!!Zpv }!nvtu!uijol!pg!bo!fydvtf!up!hfu!sje!pg!Mpjt!tp!zpv!dbo!gmz!joup!!!!!bdujpo!bt!uif!Nbo!pg!Njdspdijqt+un+..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DBQUB }JO!BUBSJ"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nbzcf!jg!zpv!ufmm!Mpjt!ifs!dbu!jt!po!!!!gjsf////!!Innnn///!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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ANOTHER WRIGHT-ON PRODUCTION,(-@6 F<}2@ @-@@   "-@@6$ 0& * 6-3$ D:F=}SLIDSHOW@-@@   "-@@6$ 0& * 6-3$ D:D DISK CONTENTS - Front Side of Disk1. DISSOLVER CRE. Creates BASIC sub-routines for spiral or sweep dissolvesof any graJ?}phics mode screen. Excellent!Refer to magazine for "how to use".(Fred Pinho, ANTIC 1/86, p18)2. DISSOLVER DEM. A clever J@}demo of the"Dandy Dissolver". (Fred Pinho, ANTIC,1/86, S*P*A*C*E mods)3. FACE. "Face of the Galaxy" - Musicwith graphicJA}s. (Gary Gilbertson)4. FADER II. An enhanced ML Hi-Res picloader with dot-by-dot "lapse-dissolve"effects. To use: TransfJB}er to a picturedisk & rename AUTORUN.SYS. Compressedpictures (ie, KoalaPad, Micro Illustr.)must use a ".PIC" fn extender. JC}Normalpictures (ie, Micro Painter, any 62sector pic) use ".*IC" fn extenders.Reboot with this pic disk to view your"slideJD} show". Press OPTION to hold apicture on the screen; START to skipthe pause between pics; or SELECT to goto DOS. (PatrickJE} Dell'Era, ANTIC 5/85)5. FADER MOD. Use to change FADER II'spausing rate. Self prompting. BASIC.(Patrick Dell'Era, ANTICJF} 5/85)6. 3D GRAPHICS. A 3-D graphics editor.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC 10/85, JC mods)7. G.U.P. The Graphics Utility PackageJG}is a ML program which will speedup yourBASIC graphic commands & adds ten newones: circles, squares, patterned fills& more!JH} Read the magazine article forfull tutorial/instructions. For bestresults rename to AUTORUN.SYS & rebootto load. If loadedJI} from this menu, youmust press RESET upon load completion.(Darek Mihocka, ANTIC, 6/85, p45)8. G.U.P. DMO. A demonstratioJJ}n of someof G.U.P.'s capabilities. Load G.U.P.(per above) prior to running this demo.(Darek Mihocka, ANTIC, 6/85)9. HORSJK}E. A galloping horse demo usingcharacter graphics. (B.R.A.C.E.)10. MILOADER. Loads/displays Micro-Illustrator (KoalaPadJL}) pics. (ANTIC&JC)11. MUSICIAN. A "Music construction"program. Integral command list. Allowsediting of last note only! TJM}his versionis not compatable with the original!(A.Giambra, ANTIC, 6/85, pg37, JC mods)12. LAURA. Demo tune for The MusicJN}ianabove. Load "LAURA" to hear it play orto edit. (ANTIC disk, 6/85, JC mods)13. PENCILS. A sharp GTIA demo! (GreggTravJO}ares, ANTIC disk, 6/85, JC mods)14. SLIDE SHOW. A BASIC demo using theAtari to present computer "slides".(Steve Wright, JP}from B.R.A.C.E. disk) DISK CONTENTS - Back Side of Disk(NOTE: These programs should be loadedw/o BASIC to insure propeJQ}r operation.)1. FUJIBOINK. Famous Atari demo with abouncing multi-color "Fuji" logo.(Park '86)2. MCP. Multi-Colored PJR}layers demo.Brilliant colors. ML. (ANTIC 2/86)3. SPLASH. Splash colors on a Gr.7+screen. ACTION. (ANTIC, 4/85)4. SWAN.JS} Another sharp Atari demo withflying swan & twirling Fuji. (Park '86)5. VIEW 3D. Create 3-D wire frame picsin Gr 8/7+. JT}Magnify, shrink, rotate, &shift viewing position fairly fast. Seemagazine article for details. ACTION.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC JU}6/85, p37)6. HOUSE.V3D. A sample VIEW 3D image.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC 6/85)rticle for details. ACTION.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC HM