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M}oooooo"                   N}                             O}                    P}                              Q}                         R}                             S}       8L8 8L8S:@9E:E9H '9 H9I9 8 '9h)0IC A xxSSSSSSSSSSS1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S2S2PICMS7S7IPNS8SSSPDEQNMTWBLKDP1Z1ARRU}YNELAS2CLL1CDIJDRDPIL2BLUTCVCODEIV1IVAOCLZS2S3S3UOUIKMMIWZNLHTRECGSAZZZV}ZJ@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@W}@@@@@@ @!AAPAe@AyAwBAP @X}AR @!AC"Be#B$@A%&A'!A()*/GG+v,HH-@"Y}.B/@ 01A2 A3A49)5/66A6eA78I9L :V ;`? @AB@C@(D@2E@5FAtG@H@IJKLM[}NOPQRSTUVW@ XYZ[\\}]^_`abj6-@6-&"6-%*6-%26-%:6-%B6-%J6-%R6]}-%Z6-%b6-%j6-%_ 6-%6-%6-%#6-%+6-%36-%;6-%C6-%K6-%S6-%_6-A^}6-AP6-Ae!6--6-Ay96-AwE6-BQ6-AP W6-c6-ARi6-u6-AC6-Be_}6-B6-O59,;,9,9,;,;@q,;,;$,=6-%I6-BO6-PP;,;,9,`}9,9$,;$,9,9,;,;,;,;,;@R,Y+AA*6. -(>6. Using a(n)Ya};,;,;,;,;,s-@ 68,-?P)68,-868,-?Ps6.4over whichis an old chandalier hangingb} from a wireK 68,- 6. 36.It's already open!;6-%C6-%K6.} @@6.6keyaxematstrknicubredgreblc}unotclowanbomgloboxwhilensap hR6.Hlooexaseareagettaksteremdroputthrkilattopeunlbredesslasmapusmovpullifsli\ B ` d}h6-%G6.382745444249434425(6-AtG6.=:P:B$H:,,%B,iQ6.GYou vaguely can see numbers on the e} orb, but you can't make them out.i6.That didn't work.%6-P:$H:,,%%")"@0# -$68,- f}  (6-a( Entrance.a(JThere are passages to the N,S,E,and W. Above you is the door from which &"( youg} entered the mansion.&  8,AA  6-8%,*8,AHnn(fSince you don't have th}he sapphire, leaving would be pointless. If you want to quit, type 'quit'.  AA(d( Gi}reen Room[(BOn the east wall is a door, in the middle of the room is a rug,d68,-;8%,*8,";(#There's a j}box lying amid the glass.  68,- 8,A(8,)+8,*8,,(4dooA#8,"*8,#k}4dooA.$8,*4box*8,"*8@3,*6-.  4e6- A@[8,*4cha*8,"U(7You cal}n't really break the chandalier -but that wire...[6-"8,*4cha6-" AD4rug*8,(>($**This gamm}e designed by Jon Snyder**D6-!!8,*4wir*8,"AR8,*4cha*8,"L(.The crystal chandalier is probn}ably an antique.R6-Q8,*4rugK(4Don't bother, there's no trap door under the rug!Q6-  A!o}(  !8,"A4kniA( 6- A dd(\ Nice throw! The chandalier falls tp}o the floor-out of the glass pops a small box N 68,-68@3,-!6-D6.on it are fragments of glassN Aq} . 8,(It's in pieces.$6-. AE / 8,"(It's too high!%6-/ AE!(  !8,"Ar}J4axe*8,"1( The door is gone.:68,-@6-J A( A3 8,#(It's been pulverizs}ed)6-3 A01 8,"6-'(It's jammed shut1 A0"  (-68,-" ^(Closet^(KYou'rt}e in some kind of closet.You see a coat on a rack. Above the rack is a ]Y(Qshelf. There is a pair of boots on the flooru}. The only exit is to the west.] # 8,A-=8,*4she*8,"7(On the shelf is a redorb.=6-2#v}8,*4red*8,"6-# 7<8,*4coa6(It isn't that cold around here!<6-9Q8,*4coa*8,"K(-In ow}ne of the pockets are a pair of gloves.Q6-<18,*4boo+(You don't need them.16->%+8,*4glo*8,",!x}6-% A- 4w 6-66-6#6-- Auw  Ax  (a( Living Rooma(HYou've entered an y}old living room, in which lies a reclining chair,sofa,:+(# fireplace, and desk. The air is6(musty.:  68,-z} 8,A8,*4desA(8,*4fir"( It is bare.(6-4staA98,*4c{}ha3(It's a brown vinyl recliner.96-8,*4desA"8,*4cha6-" AA8,*4sof;($Y|}ou move the sofa, but find nothing.A6-* 8,*4mat*8,"*8,"&6-*   A 8,(6-6 }}8,"68,-,(You open the desk.6 A Ae8%,"*8,"L(2With great difficulty, you move the ~} bulky chair.[68@,-e A>(It's been moved.6-(8,">(Matches lie here. A9 6-}8,"/(You'll need a lit match.9 A@H(( It's a regular type wooden desk..6-78,"H( It's closed.O 8},I(:Inside the opened desk,an inscription reads: 'Code- R,G,B'O6- A,"( You see a pack of matches, A}  (6-A( Storage Room8,"A(In one corner is a metal strip.EA(9In one corner a pipe runs to a}n open- ing in the ceiling.E  8,A9)+8,,%+4str)4met,%+8,","/6-9 Aw78,*}4pip1(It is a sturdy metal pipe.76-:8,*4pip4(It'd be too much of a hassle.:6- "6-66- } A_8,*4pip[(DWith great effort, you snap the pipe. It's some sort of acid...AHHH!_   A@d }6- (?(.You are in a small, enclosed area. It is dark.G-P68,-T `6-@d E 8,AJ8},AO18,*4axe*8,"*!#6-' 1 A Q'8,"*8,'(You detect an axeT# "6-6- #} A^  A@R(68,-\(Kitchen\(HIn front of you is a cabinet, which holds a sink a}nd a long drawer. To'#(your side is a small table.'  8,A98,*4cab3(You can't open this c}abinet.96-"8,*4dra6-" Ae8,*4dra/(There's a keyhole on it.;6-@O8@9,*8,"}e(In it is a knife..$8,*4kni*8@9,*8,"*6-. :8,*4sin4(It's just a regular old sink.:6}-B8,*4mea<(%The meatball wouldn't be very useful.B6-c8,*4tab](FA close examination of the table r}e- veals an old, dried up meatball.c6-R8,*4meaL(5Dried up meatballs cannot smashed to make hamburger!R6-}  A8%,"( A> 8,"68%,->("Using the key,you open the drawer. 8,"( It}'s locked. A0@( [(BedroomW(CThis bedroom features a large water- bed, along with a nightst}and.[  8,A+ 4bed!(Use 'waterbed'.+ A&&8,")+0nig*0sta,A0!V 6-V(H}This simple yet stylish nightstand has no drawers. On top of it is a #1( bulbless lamp8,"1( and a clock.&8}8,*+4lam)4nig,2(Imagine the mess!86-)G8,*+4nig)4wat,A( All you'd find under it is dust.G6-*}<8,*4dus6(I figured that you'd type that!<6-+?8,*4wat9("We don't need a flood around here!?6--#}8,*4clo*8,"6-# 0  A: $(;^(Dressing room.^(CIn this room is a dresser and an op}en closet, in which is clothing.< ? 8,AQAD8,*+4bot)4low,>(You don't have the right key.D}6-HN8,*4cloH(1Just the regular- sport shirts, ties, and slacks.N6-I4cloAiK''+0shi*0tie}*0sla,ApL0 8,*(It is a generic name brand.06-M, 8,&(You look fine as it is.,6-NB8,*4d}re<(%It's top is bare.There are 2 drawers.B6-P,"8,*4not*8,"*8$,"(6-, S8,"AT1 4d}ra+(Specify! e.g. open bottom16-X4upp)4topAY<4low)4bot6(The bottom drawer is locked.<6}-\  AU] 8,"( A_2#(Inside the drawer is a note,68,-26-a AlAF}(mk( Guest Roomk(SYou've entered a posh guest room, com-plete with carpeting, 3 sofas, and heatersn>>(6 running} along a side wall. On the wall is a painting.o- 8,-(Beside the painting is a safe.p { 8,Ac}8,*4cor](FThe cord runs to a hole beneath the painting. A hookup of some kind.c6-/8,*8,*4cor/(The} cord is broken.68,*4pai0(You must enjoy vandalism.66-.8,"*8,*4saf(( What safe?.6-L8},*4sofL(5One is beige,another brown, and the third is plaid.< 4sof6($Use the color of sofa--ex. get brown<6}-(8,*4cub*8,*8,"$6-( S$8,*+4bei)4pla)4bro,M($You move the sofa, but find nothing.S6-}A8,*4pai;($A Painting won't prove to be useful.A6-68,*4pai0(It is a pretty landscape.66-"}8,*4pai6-" AG AP) 8,(It's been moved.) AP'(You move the painting.'68,- } +8,,%+4hea, AUa 6-a(SUnderneath the long heater is a small cord which runs the length of the heater.}D8,*4pai5(Behind the painting is a safe.>68,-D6-:8,*4cor4(It'd be too much of a hassle.:6-},+8,)4cut,*4cor"6-, A'8,*4saf*8,6-' A'8,*4saf*8,6-' Aw} A' 8,!(Empty.6-' A0*("A small, compact cube lies inside.06-  A- 8,}#(It's already broken!- Ae!(  !8,"A@ 4kni-(The knife slashes the cord.668,-@ }Ae( Ae 8,( Au+(Code 4!68,-+ A!(Code incorrect.! Au}O 8,E(6click. The safe opens! There's some- thing inside it.O Aii(abweeepbweeep! An alarm! You hear the} flapping of the guardian.You feel for your head. It's gone!  Au4  (9b( White Room^(GThis roo}m is totally white-except for a small hole in one of the walls.b C 8,"6- A!@D H8,A!J@}+8,)8,,*4hol:(Are you always this strange?@6-M58,*4hol6-/(The hole is square56-OH8,*4}holB(+I've never heard of anyone taking a hole.H6-R  A!\ 8,"68,-]l(l(aA reaction occurs}-a beam of light flares from the hole.The room glows, then fades to normal.^P 8,F(5The cube flashes brightly, t}hen re- turns to normalP A!amZ(RThe cube begins to vibrate- you drop it. The cube then explodes and van- ishes.}c68,-m A!A(6-Z(Restroom2(This is the restroom,completeV(with sink, cabinet, and to}ilet.Z )8@0,)(The cabinet is open. 8,A"8,*4cabA"F8,*4toi6(What} were you expecting to see?<6-F A":"*4shi)4cra4(That's what I thought.:6-!!8,")8@0,"}A"@2 4deo,(No deodorant can help you!26-2 4too,(You'd ruin the toothbrush.26-4gre*8},"6- < 4flu6($Fluuush! Wow, you're really amazing.<6-@+8,*4raz,)4sha:(There's no shaving} cream!@6-8,*4cabA"p 6-  A"8@0,A"6,($The closed cabinet is made of m}etal.6 A"$ 6-8@0,($ A"(You open the cabinet.`%(In it is a toothbrush, razor,4( deo}dorantC68@0,-L8,"`( and greenorb.( A"`  $(e C(Red Room8,"C(%You see a whi}teorb lying on the floorf : 8%,4(#There is a chute leading down here.:6-g ,8%,",(One wall is red paneling}.h  o  68,- t 8,A$y ,"*8%,6-66-6" , A%~ 8,")0boaA$5 / 8%},%(It's already broken!/ A$5 !(  !8,"A$5 Q 4axe6($You destroy the board with your axe.A}68%,-G6-Q A$5 4(4kni4(The knife isn't strong enough. 8,*4panA$ 8,")0pan}A$U 78%,"1(There is a board nailed to it.76- 8%,"A$ #8,*4whi*8,"6-#   } A$ c8%,"Y(FThere is a long board nailed to the paneling which prevents opening.c A$ <8%,"2}(There's no paneling to be seen!< A$ `E(=The paneling slides open, revealing a chute leading downward.P68%,-}V6-` A$ (  (6--$68,-(  Y( Small Room.Y(AYou've entered a small room.The only exit is }a chute leading up. 68%,",(In one corner is a flask.6 A% e4(,There are bits of broken glass on the floor.}=8,"_(Among the glass is a blueorb.e6-   + -68,-  +8,A% A%0 '  } 6-66-'' A$ HB(:You can't make it up the chute with that much of a load.H6- 08,*4fla*8%},"&68%,-0 A% X8,"*4fla*8%,"R(0The chain firmly holds the flask to the floor.X6- !8,)}8,!4flaA% * 8,*4blu*8,"*8%,&6-*  )8,*4cha( #()6- P8,*4chaJ(}3The chain runs through the wall. You can't get it.P6-   A% SC(;You smash the flask, and out of it pop}s a small blueorb.I6-S A%# 48%,"*(There is no flask here!4 A%$ h^(VThe glass is darkened by some t}ype of substance. There is a chain around the flask.h A%( AF(- B( Blue Room.B(+You see a large bl}ue door on the east wall.. - 8,"-(There's a bomb on the floor./  7  68,- 8,A&< #8,*4bo}m*8,"6-# @ 0dooA&@A ' 8,!(The door is thick.'6-F $ 8,(It won't budge.$6-K " 8,}( 8,"(P   A& +  (-68,-" +68,- QQ(IIn front of you are huge metal bar}s which block your eastward movement. O "8(*There is a big metal door in front of you.?8,O( It is open.  }  8,A0 Q*8,"*+8,)8,,*+4bar)4doo,K(Your effort would be futile.Q6- 8,*8,( })8,"A0@ X 4e1(!You are carried away by a strange<(force.J-AN X A5   A0} D(( }Westward movement is blocked by@(a large stone wall.D +  68,- 8,A1- a8,)8,!4wal})4stoU(/It is very thick, probably impossible to break.a6-@0   6- A1 %@T6-6-(}%6- k( Opaque Room"8@2,"k(DA section of the floor is opaque-you detect a red glow from beneath 0 8,"}0(it. On a side wall is a switch. H 8,B(3Here lies a beautiful ruby staircase leading down.H6-  -}68,-  %$+8,", %8,A2 B8,*4sta<(%It is an awesome, sparkling red sightB6- -8,})4fli-4swi*8%,"A2 "A5 "*8,"A7   A2 F 6-8,"<(%Ouch! The} switch is too hot to touch.F A2% n(( You flip the switch. It seems ton(Arecede into the wall. Meanwhile, the opaq}ue floor section parts, G.(&revealing a glittering ruby staircase.768,-=6-G A2% @@(6-6-}%--668,-: @6- ^(Trap Door Room.;(In front of you is a trap door.H8@5,X( It is open.^6}- ( 8,"((On the floor is a wand.    8,A5 +++8,)8,,*+4doo)4tra,A5 #8,*}4wan*8,"6-#  "*8@5,A2 Y#8,"*8,*+4tra)4doo,S(+It's a bit hard to open up a boar}ded door.Y6-   A5  8,(6- ( 8,"( (8,A5 A5u; 4axe1(E}ven your axe can't smash this!; A5%4met)4str6-% A6 ( A5  68,-  A5uiJ(}BUsing the metal strip as a crowbar, you tear open the trap door.P6-Y68,-_6-i A5A(oo(}fGreenhouse. This small greenhouse on the outer tip of the mansion is empty except for clumps of dirt RN(Fon the cem- e}nt floor. It seems that Izor took his plants with him.R  8,A6$Z8,*+4dir)4clu,T(3You didn'}t come to the mansion to collect dirt.Z6-)*8,*4dir$( Dirt is dirt!*6-8  A6t4 6-6}-(!-*68,-. 46-y.( Gray Room.*(This room is empty..  8,A7"A2}"AB4wAA  A7<  (>n(Office.[(GThis room evidently used to be an of- fice. T}here is an old desk in onen( corner, alongA/+(# with a wastebasket on the floor./ K 8,A9P"8,*}4was6-" A9U#8,*4len*8,"6-# Z`8,*4des8(!The drawers have all been pulled.Z(There'}s nothing on top of it.`6-_V8,*4wasP(9Think of how you'd look carrying a wastebasket around.V6-  }A9& 8,( It's empty.& A9%7-(%There's some kind of glass lens in it7 A9%) 8, ' 6-6}6-6) A7-(%You can't walk through the green door7 A7. 6-6-6-(!-*68,-.  8},6- AA g](UThe room is dark, but you can see a passage leading upward, and a room to the east.g AA o}o(gA passage leads upward. There is a room to the east, and you now can see a passage leading downward.  }8,AAJ "6-66-@(%You start going upward. A light glowsJ AAe"*8,AE"4eA7}'4 8,.(You see a passage leading down.46-,  AAE:(You are elsewhere.(-A, 0 : A"}h;  (-$68,-( /6-656-;6-m_[(SChest Room. A small chest lies in the center of this ro}om. The only exit is upward._ w 8,ABy"A7|0cheABu~J 8,((It's just a wooden} chest..6-;8@7,J( It's open.8,*8@7,(6-F8,)8,@(,The chest may be small, but it wo}n't budge.F6-b8,*8@7,"&68@7,-X(-You open the chest, but find nothing inside.b ABF 8,}@(1Why would you want to destroy such a nice chest?F6-  AB+(Bhhrzzz.68%,-!6-+ ABu(}A2(}6-"6-6(6-i&(You've entered the Room of thei(>Sapphire. This vast room is bathed in a shimmer}ing blue light.HH(@The soft glow reflects from the glit- ter that adorns the walls.&&( In front of you are curtains.} -68,-   8,AE"AA8,"*8,"AE@F4cur*8$,"3(You }pull the curtains...<68,-F AE[#4cur*8$,"*8@@,".68$,-K(You open the curtains...Q6-[ A}EO4cur*8$,"*8$,"I(%The curtains are held back by a forceO6-4cur*8$,6-(>*8,*}+4shi)4sap,*8,"*8%,06-4 > AF  AEb-@R#A AK-A0A2}?%+'@P,QU Y _"bBB(:What you've been searching for! The SHIMMERING SAPPHIRE! AE`nM}(EYou grab the precious sapphire. Now, you must quickly return to the n(entrance and escape- before:( the ar-*(}rival of the Guardian06-: AE`#A(AR#-@(- -.(CONGRATULATIONS!8-}%< @ q(q(f Take a bow. You've successfully found and returned the Shimmering Sapphire to your kingdom.}J(.( Time of completion:  nakrods.:AR@6-J AE 6.6-B:,!6. !6-&=}"*8,6-&4(The match has burned out.=68,- B:,!6.@ -68,- !68,-)-268,-}6 <6-@ 8 6-68,-6- 6-%#(4( Your move...8P-B:,8+@:7<,,!@d,*+@:7<,, @},P67<,.>:@:7<,,%,%  AP5B:,!%6.7<,; -B:,!%#7<,4 26.7%<%,5'; %} --@r 47<%,#'- APp  AP 4a6.1 4n8,"68,-%6-%+!}16-3 4s8,"68,-%6-&, 636-6% 4e8,"68,-%6-% 4i6- B%} 4w8,"68,-%6-&#4n)4s)4e)4w#6-4u)4up6-4d)4down6-}"APPC 6-&68,-  6-$C(The monster has recovered.1!8,")8,")8,")8,"'6-1 A}$  68,-+!,%+ %,"68,- +!%,%+ %," 68,-"!@U* @q"68,-}!%* %68,-!%* %68,-!%* $68,-?7<,4fuc(/(Not in your lifetime.56}-? AP% 4fuc( Your a sicko.%6-9 4go (3(No need to walk within a room.96-:"*4shi)}4pis4(No- It attracts flies.:6-L4eat)4dri<( Yuck! Even the monster wouldn't F(that!L6-,B:,} *+8,,%+4l,"#6-,68,-H4quit(Sure 57<,4y)7<,4YD( ***BOOM***H 88,*4str}2(It's shaped like a crowbar.86-E 8,?+4kni*8,",)+4key*8,",)+4wan*8,",E6-t+4lig)4}bur,*4mat+6-@>8@,"*!S(P. It's lit._6-@t68@,-@98,*4mat*8,"5(} You have  matches.9 =4sit)4lie7(You don't have time for that!=6-;"4lig*4mat*+8,) ,};(You have no matches...8,")+0red*0blu*0gre,AQ 0red)8,AQ 8,"(6-%  }8,"(7<,6-% AQ 0gre*8,AQ 8,"(6-% 8,"(7<,6-% AQ  }0blu*8,AQ 8%,"(6-8%,"(7<,6-B8,*4clo*8,"<(The clock reads  } nakrods.B6-7 4orb1(Tell which orb,e.g. 'get white'76-) 4jum#(Control yourself!)6-=1(%T }here's nothing spectacular about it.76-=6-( 4kis"(A true romantic.(6-`!A$\(HYou hear flapping }-the Guardian. You feel for your head- it's gone!` #8,*4not(195204#6- : 4clo4("There's no ne}ed to close anything.:6- I8,*8,"*4len%AU3-AP7 CAUI6-118,")+4box,%+}4lat, )8,"AQE= 6-8,"3(In the open box is a button.= AQE/ 8,"%(The latch is broken./ }AQE$$(There is a latch on the box.8,")0boxAQP? 6-8,"5(It won't open for some reason.}? AQP 8,"( AQP3*("The box opens, revealing a button.368,-@!+4pre)8,,*4but*8,.68},-(8,:([CLICK]@6- [8,*4cub*8,"U(7This heavy object seems to possess an inner brilliance.[6-!?+4}lig)4bur,*0mat9(You cannot light a ?6-#W8,*4bom*8,"Q(3This type of bomb explodes on impact- Use} it wiselyW6-%!!8,*4bom*8,"AQ&C8,*4bom*8,"?(!You hit the bomb- BOOM! - stupid!C (/4}ent)4lea)(Type direction./6-)0wav)0wanAQe*@ 6-8,8,"6(You don't have a wand.@ }AQe+)  (Nothing happened.) AQe," (BYE!6-6-" A0-0giv*0traAQi/*$(There's} no one to trade with*6-0SS(Gexcept the monster, and he wouldn't make a very good trading partner.1( 4hel"}(Help yourself!!!(6-2B8,*4lam<(%Lamps without light bulbs are uselessB6-398,*4whi*8,3(This o}rb is pure white.96-4( 4hit$(Use attack or kill( 58,Ay65 A4hid/(Hiding wastes ti}me!56-7$F[ 0thr[(IIt's not a good idea to drop a bomb near your feet. If you want to dis-GK 0thrA(/p}ense of it, I'd recommend that you throw it!G6-K H64bom*"&((at the monster),6.6 AeIP7(/͡ T}hat proved nothing. You wasted the bomb.@68,-F6-P AQud,( 68,- #8, ,68,-e26-+&,$%}+%, (6-P:'%,2 AegSS6-+%$+")"@%,%$+",%$+")")"@&)"@),%$+")",,'hF( }Corridor F(.You're in a corridor which has many outlets.i3 "*)(You see a LARGE MONSTER.3 Af%k n} 8,AeZ$+8,,%+4mon,%+",%+","T(+There is a key on a chain around his neck.Z6-)"Ae }4swiAf<8,*4key((It'd be suicidal!.6-<68,-8,&668,-8,&8,(!% 6!}8,"AeV8,*4mon6(You try to smash the monster...D68,-8,&M8,!V68,-( 8,"((The monst"}er advances...! 8,"!(He looks at you.w28,!*8@(, @ *8@,"@w(@You swing...The beast q#}uickly dodges but is nicked. It cringes.Y 8,"S(BStill shaken, he begins to regain his feet. He looks pretty angry.$}Y6-U 8,"U(DBlood runs from your mouth as the beast swipes you with his paw.< 8,"6(%You stagger to the%} ground from a blow<6- Af&, 8, (( A final blow...,  4axe*8,"Aff&}4bom*8,">(%͡ The beast falls. He's stunnedG68,-V68,-@b6-@f (68,-8,& Ae'}^5(-He vanishes. A key falls to the floor.Bzzh...=6-&F68,-O68,-X68,-^6-   Q 8, 6(}8,-8,%#8, G(You swing...The beast dodges...Q Aeu8,"*8@(,!@_(;You mightily swing the a)}xe, chopping the beast's head off.k6-u Ae Ae* "'(He sees you and growls.*$=:(#He is*} stunned but he'll recover in  nakrods.=$: 6-6-%!$(7(Your load is too heavy:$+6-%A:7<,,+}(-Taken-(68,-+$ -$ 6-P:+&,',%07<%,4*8," 68,-)68,-,'0  , (You do,}n't have that! 5= 68,-(Dropped.)6-&A:7<,,/6-90thr= 6ff(\Tell which object you want to break -}or kill-e.g 'break cart'; I will then prompt you with 7VR(JOf course, you'll have to get the thrown object if you wa.}nt to use it.V ; Ae@8,"AIE% - !6-A:7<,,% G  AIk AElE)8/},"*8,"*8,"*7$&<$,4/6-56-;6-E AGm 6-%$o!68,-?P!68,-?Pq 6- AQu0}t'AR(Routes: ' AwO"*"6* 68,-O(/An invisible force blocks westward movement.x1}(Dropped objects:y> #B#B-#"38,"*8,">(|C  6*!6(:(Walls block south2}erly movement.C68,-}= !* (4(Walls block northerly movement.=68,-AR$8,"*(N 3}8,"*6(S LD8,")+"*8,"*",)+"*",)+"6@*"6@*8,,L(E <4+8,"*6,*+4}6)",)+"*",)+"6*"6,<(W ;2")+"*",)+"*",)+"*",)+"6*",;(Up  "(Down ( 5}AU4!" 6--68,- " 8!A$ 9! "66- >! "6- C! "6- H! 6}"66- L!6AE M! "66- R! "66- W! "6- \! "6- a! "*7}"6- f!"*"66- k!"*"66- p! "*"6- u! "*"6- z! "*"6-8} {! "66- Au|! "6- Au}! 6-6-'' Ae~!"A! 6- ''9}AA$AAAAAAPA!A&A"AA6A9A1A0:}! APe** 4#(I didn't catch that.&'* *  "$*V 8,"P(?Are you sure that's around? If it is;}, it's impossible to carry.V %*+ 8,"%(You can't open that!+ %*+ 8,"%(That is unnecessary.+ %*M <}8,"(G(3You can't kill an inanimate object, so calm down!M %*$ 8,"( Don't bother.$ %+8,*B:,!=} B+; 4lis5(#All you can hear is your own steps.; %+2 4sme,(It smells like a7}"*"-(I don't understand ''.;68,-8,%+Q 8,6-%!Q(4Not everything in this mansion needs to be ?}smashed! +,")")",(You can't go that way!>+$H+/(/($You see nothing special about it. IfI+f B9(th@}e7:@:7<,,%,+, B:,!6.7<,.,2-$B:B},!%7<%,4('2 B5/,  B@G,48P:+&,'%,," 68,-* Bu4 BPL, 4met6- BC}5M,!!(You aren't carrying that!V,$o,+"%*"(ͮ No luck.+68,-p,$,(AR(((You are carD}rying:,7 #B#B-#",8,"7(, ,, 8,",(You are wearing the gloves.,F8,"*E}8,"F(.The cube is mysteriously attached to the box.O-AR' t@A-AP A('}WHATEVER YOU JUSTF} DID WAS A MISTAKE!y@v#(*** You have died... ***&()(N( Hit to play again, anyd(other key to end.vAG}dAU~@:F:Ad,"@3'-AdAU0: @@.+F:Ad,AU*F:Ad,@3.@ BH}eRddkey,axe,matches,metal strip,knife,cube,redorb,greenorb,blueorb,note,clock,wand,bomb,gloves,box Rwhiteorb,lens,*I}Sapphire*D1:IZORADV.TXTes are not in memory!.f(c(X This demo cannot RUN without theseroutines. See article Documentation for the MICROLOADER MENU, MAKELOAD, and MAKEXL proK}grams by Glenn K. Smith L} 70357,1136 First of all, I would like to say that I had fun writing these progrM}ams and I have decided that I will never write another one like them again. Currently there arN}e three programs. The programs MAKELOAD and MAKEXL are the programs that you use to write BOOTFILE.OBJ O}boot sectors to your disks. The MENU program is a simple menu program that will display the first 32 files on P} a disk, and allow you type in the number of the binary file you wish to load. The combiQ}nation of the loader and menu programs are almost identical to the MICRODOS XL programs from Analog, but R} fix a couple of minor bugs. They also eliminate the necessity to lock files and have the .OBJ tacked on to them.S} You can now load up to 32 files instead of the eight that the MICRODOS XL program limited you to. T} HOW TO CREATE A BOOT DISK. U} There are 3 or 4 steps in creating a BOOTFILE.OBJ boot disk. Step 1: FormaV}t a disk. You can only use single and enhanced densities. No DOUBLE density disk will work!! SW}tep 2: Run either the MAKELOAD or MAKEXL programs. The programs are identical, except for the loader program whichX} gets written to the disk. The MAKELOAD program creates a disk that should work with all AY}tari computers. The MAKEXL program creates a disk that should work with XL/XE computers only. Z} Both loader programs require that no cartridges be plugged in, and that a file called BOOTFILE.OBJ exists on[} the disk. Step 3: Copy MENU.OBJ to your disk and rename it BOOTFILE.OBJ. If this file is not \}present (any binary file can be called BOOTFILE.OBJ), the loader program will not work. ]} If you booted the normal loader, then you will get a message stating that the file BOOTFILE.OBJ is not on the^}n disk. If you used the XL/XE version, then you will just get a lot of BOOT ERROR messages (it would ha_}ve taken more than 3 sectors to have error messages that are meaningful.) Step 4: If you are u`}sing a fresh disk, and my MENU program then you will have to copy the files you wish to load from the ma}enu program to this disk. Otherwise, you should be finished, and can now try out this disk. b} TROUBLE SHOOTING!! So far I haven't encounteredc} any files that don't load. However I'm sure that you'll come across one someplace. If the program in qd}uestion won't load, try using a different loader (i.e. If you used the MAKEXL version, try the MAKELOAD e} one, and visa versa.) If the program still won't load, then try if from DOS. The program mighf}t not have any INIT/RUN vectors. The loader programs will only work on binary files that contain one or g} both of these vectors. Most files contain the RUN vector only, however some contain both. If q}-BEYELAND M08BFORK M05B,GREATLKSM03B@ISLANDS M04BTIZADV TXTBSJLOADER DOCB>LOCMAP TXTBMAKELOAD BMAKEXL BMANSION BASB MENU OBJBMENUDEMOAPPBMENUDEMOM65B/NOGOOD MAPBCPUGET M01BWREAD ME B^README BcREADME BASBgSPECS M07B{WASH M02BXLAND M06the program will load from DOS, and not from either loader program, then leave me a message stating the name of r} the file, and which loader(s) you tried. I have tried to make sure that they would load everything, but Is} have a limited sample of files to try. TECHNICAL JUNK!! t} There's not much I say about the loaders, except to let you know where they reside in ram, and what areas you u}should try and avoid if you decide to write your own menu program or other BOOTFILE.OBJ program. v} MAKELOAD: This program resides at $0680-$780, and uses $800 as its sector buffer for reading stuff from thew} disk. It also uses several zero page locations. MAKEXL: This programs loads in at $6038, and relocatx}es its self to $CE00. It uses $CD00 as its sector buffer. For those of you who may have noticed, the loy}ad location of $6038 has a double meaning. If you reverse the numbers to $38 $60 (lsb/msb) you get the z}code: SEC RTS {} What I decided to do, was allow the boot address of my loader to also become |}the code that tells the computer that a BOOT ERROR has occurred. Thus, whenever you boot with a cartrid}}ge or forget to name a file BOOTFILE.OBJ, the program will exit through $603A, which contains the boot address of ~} the loader in the lsb/msb format. Neat huh? I saved a few bytes of code (and I needed all I could get!)} MENU: This is a simple menu type program. It loads in at $880 and uses $C00-$1C00 as a filename buff}er. It also uses $2000-$23FF as the spot to hold the redefined character set. The main point of this pr}ogram is to allow you to run more than one file from a loader disk. Since all the work is done by the l}oader programs, the memory locations used by this program can be reclaimed after you have made your selection. } In other words, after you choose your file to load, this program will be wiped out!! } WRITING YOUR OWN BOOTFILE.OBJ If you decide you don't like my menu program and want } your own, you can still use the loader programs to load the binary files. When I wrote the} loaders, I decided to maintain compatibility by using the same memory locations for each program. } The loaders themselves are 384 bytes long (3 sectors). I used only three sectors because when you }format a disk, DOS reserves the first three sectors for its own DOS loader routines. } Of the 384 bytes, only 120 or so are for loading files. The rest of the bytes are used for searching for the } BOOTFILE.OBJ, turning off basic (XL/XE computers), clearing the cursors, error messages (MAKELOAD), moving} the operating system (MAKEXL), and general overhead. I have included a brief description of t}he memory locations you will have to worry about. I have also included the memory locations that the me}nu program uses (only the important ones). INDEX=$0000 Used as a pointe}r to the sector buffer. It contains the offset for the file. If the f}ile to be loaded is the second file in one of the directory sectors, th}en this will have then value of $10. If it is the third, then it will have a value } of $20, and so on. LENGTH=$0001 This contains the number of data bytes } for each sector being read from the disk. Initialized to 0. SOURCE=$001C This con}tains the start address of a binary file. DEST=$001E This contains the ending ad}dress of a binary file. Both SOURCE and DEST are used for other things, but th}ey are only used for storing the binary files in their correct memory locations by the loader programs.} LOADED=$001A This is used to determine if the loader programs loaded ok. It will } contain a $4C which is an "L" in ASCII. } DOSINI=$000A This location has the address of the actual loader.} It is moved to $02 by the menu program so that programs that jump thro}ugh the RESET vector will work correctly. The menu program stores the} value of $64 in $0A and $DF in $0B. $DF64 is a CLC RTS found in the FP} rom area. LOADB=$0015 This is the address of the sector buffer being used by the} loader programs. It is copied from $304 and $305 by the menu program. } LOADV=$0002 This is the address of the loader. It is moved from DOSINI by then me}nu program. The menu program exits with a JMP ($0002) to call the loade}r. If you wish to call the loader from other programs, you must make sure that sector buffer c}ontains the sector contains the file to be loaded, and that INDEX has the offset to that file. } You should also set LENGTH to 0 to make sure that it starts loading the file at the correct location. } Well, that's about it. I plan to put all three programs into one large one, so that it will be} easier to create loader disks. But until I get around to it, you'll have to make do with these. }  !"#$%&- Lords of Conquest From Electronic Arts For the 8-bit Atari Maps, Bugs, an}d Observations.... By Craig Kerns MAPS------------------------------- Included in thi}s ARChive are eight maps to be used with Lords of Conquest (LOC). These files have a filename extension of .M01 thru} .M08. Transfer these files to an Atari DOS formatted disk if they weren't put on one when you extracted them. } Don't change the extensions. I have no particular philosophy when designing a map, I just start with} an idea and work from there. Sometimes the maps turn out good, sometimes they're a duds. These are just some of my} favorites. My only rule is to make them either 24, 36, or 48 territories so they can all be used with 2, 3, an}d 4 player games. BUGS------------------------------- The major bug I've found with }LOC has to do with the DOS that is used with the game. Whenever you're in the Map Maker mode, and you try to s}ave a finished map, the LOC DOS does not update the personal data disk as to which sectors have been used up to save } your map. So if you save another map to the same data disk, the DOS thinks those sectors are still available an}d writes the new map data over the previously saved map data. Then whenever you load either of the saved maps,} you get the same map (i.e. the latest saved data). This could go on for up to 20 maps, all with different nam}es, using the same data from the last saved map. Confusing? Yes, I guess! Especially if you don't know it's h}appening and work for long time on a map only to have it wiped out the next time you save a different design. } After thinking I was going crazy after this happened to me a few times, I decided to get a sector editor out and see} what was going on with the data disk. Sure enough with the help of DISKEY I could see what was happening and }devised a way to get around this flaw. So here goes... Step 1. Set aside two Atari DOS formatted disks}. These we'll call 'DISK A' and 'DISK B'. Step 2. While you're in the LOC Map Maker mode, save your f}inished maps to DISK A as map number 1 ONLY. You can use any name you like. Do NOT save ANYTHING to DISK A ag}ain until you have completed Step 3. Step 3. After you've powered down, boot DOS and copy the file on} DISK A to DISK B. The filename on DISK A will have a '.M01' extension. You can rename it on DISK B to any of} 20 extensions (.M01 thru .M20), just be careful not to duplicate an existing filename EXTENSION. } Repeat Steps 2 and 3 EVERY time you make a new map. This is a hassle if you want to create more than one map in a} single session, but it works, and the maps on DISK B can be loaded correctly by both the Map Maker and the Gam}e. A word of WARNING! Unfortunately this same bug shows up when you save an unfinished map (work file) or w}hen you save a game in progress. So finished maps, work files, and saved games all could be pointing to the sa}me information on a personal data disk. Whatever data was there from the last save would show up on the screen.} This makes for some real interesting effects when you know what's going on, but otherwise just adds to the confusion} factor if you don't. Saving a game or work file to DISK A and copying to DISK B as in Steps 2 and 3 above wil}l let you get around the bug also. Work Files use extensions of .W01 thru .W20, and Saved Games use .G01 thru }.G20. NEVER save anything directly from LOC to DISK B or you run the risk of losing data and getting the fil}es on that disk scrambled. ALWAYS save to DISK A and transfer the file with DOS. ---------- Several time}s I have had the screen go black in the middle of a game. The game is still going (I can hear it), but I can't get th}e picture back without rebooting. One time I managed to fumble around and actually save a game to disk, but wh}en I reloaded, I found that in all the fumbling I'd moved my stockpile to a vulnerable territory and it had bee}n captured. Oh, well. ---------- Also, several times I've been at the title screen when first bootin}g, and when I pushed the joystick button the game would load no further. The music stopped, the picture just sat ther}e, and I was forced to reboot. It's bad enough to have to sit through the seemingly endless loading process wi}thout having to do it again for no apparent reason. ----------- Sometimes a map that I've created wil}l check out okay with the Map Maker, but causes a problem when used with a game. After this map is loaded and }the time comes to choose territories, the screen display goes bonkers. I've included a file in this ARChive call } NOGOOD.MAP. If you feel like trying it out, change the filename extension to a valid one, load it into a game, sta}rt choosing territories, look at the display mess, and then reboot. I don't know a fix for this, except to mod}ify the map and see if you can get a working version. ----------- During a three player game the colo}r of the screen at the bottom changes between a players two attacks. The player is still in charge but since th}is color denotes which players turn it is, this can be confusing. I don't know if this happens during four player } games. ---------- I noticed one other thing, while not a bug really, it's just something interest}ing. Once, while the computer was taking its turn, it tried to move a horse and weapon to a territory it could}n't reach. Kind of weird I thought. I know I've tried it, but figured the computer knew better. OBSER}VATIONS------------------------ Overall, despite the bugs, I find LOC an enjoyable game. I'm an old} RISK fan and find this an interesting variation that takes more that just brute force and luck to win. I'm }generally playing against the computer on the Expert level, and using Difficulty Scale of either 4 or 5. I p}refer a Resources level of low, but sometimes play high for a change of pace. Usually I play for 6 Cities to} Win, just because in the middle of games I kept forgetting how many I'd chosen. So I decided to standardize i}t a little for myself since there is no way of finding out once the game begins. I usually play on a High Ch}ance Level. The computer is too much better at figuring out how to move stuff around and get the advantage in }the Medium Level. However, I wish the computer would take a chance once in a while on the High level. It won't attac}k unless it has a tie or a higher force point total. I've managed to pull a few games out with a last gasp att}ack (usually on the stockpile) even though I was behind in force points. I guess that's it. } I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has any observations of their own about LOC. You can leave me } (preferably) GEnie Mail (C.KERNS) or also EasyPlex on CI$ (ID 74726,3624). @A@467,.>:,"(\`c4 `0a aRa a ` ʎ bW S03I ⩔ `a a `LwЭ`aL`}.a aV TU` BDEHLV} BOOTFILE.OBJ BOOT DISK MAKER INSERT A NEWLY FORMATTED DISK INTO  }DRIVE #1 -- THEN PRESS SELECT DISK DRIVE ERROR ENCOUNTERED!! INSERT DISK TO BOOT INTO DRIVE #1  THEN PRESS S}ELECT#lXj?^ʎӎ j ?؅ALi 0&  `i׬ qʠ,}ө 4, эBDEHLV}~Lc     }  }) ~!~   S0 `Lll}NO BOOTFILE.OBJE:}REMOVE CARTRIDGE}LOAD ERROR}`( song cleared 0 A%>-@PB 1 6- Ap AP' A1 A `c4 `0a aRa a ` ʎ bW S03I ⩔ `a a `LwЭ`aL`!}.a aV TU` BDEHLV} BOOTFILE.OBJ BOOT DISK MAKER INSERT A NEWLY FORMATTED DISK INTO  !}DRIVE #1 -- THEN PRESS SELECT DISK DRIVE ERROR ENCOUNTERED!! INSERT DISK TO BOOT INTO DRIVE #1  THEN PRESS S!}ELECT8`ή?XjI ` jʎӎ `?A `xʎ `(a ͍i |Ά0 a!}`iݬ q````` `ؠ ',`E: ,BD`EHLVJBOELIFTOOBͽ͍}͌~L!}@Π͑ iΐ  Φ i΅ i͙ iΐ }) ~~͌   S0̈́!}`llLt`,F&;@9,;@,;@,.6.=67A,.F67,.116.'!#%(*-/259<@DHLQU   D ZPPS 6-+@30@%}@EAR@W-@@s(@THE OFA(by Jon Snyder)-@@ %})(@*izor*Z-AP dl;@,&6.Press Š*+6AB6-AdTAR@%}l(The Mansion of Izori.(.(#There are 8 simple rules to follow.nq(q(f(1) This game accepts 2 word inputs.The%} first word is a verb, thesecond a noun. ALWAYS includes++(#a between the noun and verbx))(!ex. 'read let%}ter' - 'push car'.p(p(e(2) An exception to #1- if you wouldsay, for example,'destroy bat',the computer will res%}pond:KK(C'Using a(n)>' Simply type inwhat you wish to use: ex. 'sword'r(r(g(3) Type n to go north,w to go wes%}t,etc. It may also be possible togo up('u') or down,type 'd'. AU( ( - F:,@3AG%}X(U(J}(4) If you wish to repeat the samecommand you just typed, type 'a'.X(99(1(5) To check inventory (wha%}t you own)type 'i'."("((7) To Quit,type 'quit'I(I(>(8) This game accepts both UPPERCASE and lowercase pr%}int.I(I(>(6) Typing 'l' or 'look' redescribes the room you are in.s(s(hCommands: Slide,Open,Take,Search, %} Smash,Kill, and many variants of these- e.g.'Get' for 'Take'.ee(]Plus many other commands, which may get witty fe%}edbacks. Experiment with them. GOOD LUCK!AU(( F:Ad,@3A`aA@(}%}a(@ Many years ago, the elder Izor stole the Shimmering Sapphire,a 96(.beautifully shimmering gem, from your kingdom.9&}(R)(! Now, you've discovered an oppor-R($tunity to get it back, for King IzorPP(Hhas left the underground mansion t&}o live elsewhere. But you also know RR(Jthat in 325 nakrods, Guardian, the king's favorite servant, will return""&}(to retrieve this treasure.o(o(cRacing against time (the deadly Guar- dian is never late!), you must find the Shimm&}ering Sapphire+( and return it+(to your kingdom.#AU(#( to begin.F:,@3A5(&}}isk or ape?7F:,"@X!( Loading...-AU7 AU0F:,"@E!( Loading...-AU05 &}AE]-@@9(A hint: find the matches in theJ( Living Room.M]% D:IZADV.TXTD:MA*.*$t ~ !! ! !!!!!9!>!V!y!~!*}!!!!!!!!! #####&#*#.#:#=#?#C#r#z#~###############8  *} #`  1##f ! !"!%!!]# | !!&!!##nt!![#!> #W##* }#gj#c#k#w#####;.## ` LL R?? d߅ Z / 3 p / * } /  0L M & ' ʘi   SL 0  & ' * }  qĩUP L / M M :I M L     !"/ I / * } U L &i d Z 3  \ / D l, / 4"/* } U ,čD E 0 BHILVUT` /01   `I` Iɛ~*}ʆ C  ޕ  ҢI0Hehe`i` 8` / < `~HЭ *}h` 42350~0123456789 01) Loading FILE NUMBER:Drive Error -- Press RES*}ETLOADER or LOADXL required!} #%')+-//-+)'%#! 3579;=??=;97531 CEGIKMOOMKIGECA SUWY[]__][YWUSQ(100Desk NUM2 NUM3 NUM4 NUM5 NUM6 NUM7 90C0N1111 2 NO INFO ITEM1 ITEM2 ITE.}M3 ITEM4 ITEM5 ITEM6 ITEM7 ITEM8 ITEM9 ITEM10ITEM11ITEM12ITEM13ITEM14.}ITEM0115ITEM16ITEM17ITEM18ITEM19ITEM20ITEM21 QUIT MAKE AS W.}IDE AS YOULIKE 123 TO THE LEFT   TO.} TH1v2E RIGHT  DON'T DO THIS 0+0  .} 0 52REVTRI , FEI>D8:SYSEQU.M65(>D8:DMACROS.M652;Diamond Menu Example<F;Programed by Kevin PackardPZ02}dn;MENU BAR DEFINITIONx';The top display line of menu items(;is defined. Up to 8 menu selections%;can be define2}d at one time. The;first is for .ACC.;255 show end of selection;$9B show end of menu barMENU ADesk A2}= ANUM2 A= ANUM3 A= ANUM4 A= ANUM5 A= ANUM6 A= ANUM7 A==%;MENUTREE defines whe2}re the items"&;under each selection can be found,;in memory6 MENUTREE@ MENU1=MENU2=MENU3=MENU4J MENU5=MENU6=2}MENU7T^!;Define options under menubarhr!;One item under first menubar|$;selection. This will contain a(;list2} of ACC and width and placement;are predefined.)MENU1 A NO INFO A;; Must be 10 Chr.(;The remaining may have 22}2 items and';must define position on the screen;and width MENU2-;define x-position,width,number of items,;0 2}for each item;Width is number of char.+2* ============' ===========2 };List menu items ==AITEM1 A=== ==AITEM2 A===& ==AITEM3 A===0 ==AITEM4 A=2!}==: ==AITEM5 A===D ==AITEM6 A===N ==AITEM7 A===X ==AITEM8 A===b 2"}==AITEM9 A===l ==AITEM10A===v ==AITEM11A=== ==AITEM12A=== ==AITEM13A2#}=== ==AITEM14A=== ==AITEM15A=== ==AITEM16A=== ==AITEM17A=== 2$}==AITEM18A=== ==AITEM19A=== ==AITEM20A=== ==AITEM21A=== ==A QUIT2%} A===X;X; ';REPEAT FOR REST OF MENU SELECTIONS  MENU3  ===== $ ==AMAKE A===2&}*$ ==AAS WIDE AS YOUA===4$ ==ALIKE A===>X;H MENU4R =====\ ==A1A=2'}==f ==A2A===p ==A3A===zX; MENU5 = ==== ==ATO A=== 2(}==ATHE A=== ==ALEFT A===X; MENU6 = ==== ==A TOA===2)} ==A THEA=== ==A RIGHTA===X; MENU7  = ==== ==A DON'T A==2*}= ==A DO A===$ ==A THIS A===.X;8'X; An 8th menubar item can be added.B*X; When I did, w2+}hen pointing to the 1stL(X; Menu option the whole bar would beV0X; inverted. Try it and see.. add MENU8 here`5X; Don't fo2,}rget to change MENU and MENUTREE above.jX;t!X; START PROGRAM AND WAIT TILL~X; QUIT IS CLICKED ON.X; START INIT2-} SETMENU MENU=MENUTREEWAIT EVENT QEVENTTYPER> HWAITQEVENTTYPER> HWAITQEVENTTY2.}PE R> HWAIT EXIT (EXECDESKTOP 2X;<X;FP START$A@ -@0@0KzLLUUU@ HUUTU*)003335s1s733UU U%UUU"fd&fLTLUUU UU60}      61}    62}63}(hH330b%n?X264}d w]UUUUAT65}U3oooooooooooooooooooo66}xooooooooxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooqopooooooooopqo67}opqooooooosoooqopoooopoooooopooooooooopoooooopoooooooooo68}ooopoooooopooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo69} ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooopooooooooooooopoo6:}oooopooooooooopoooooopoooopqosooooooooo qopoqopooooo6;}oooo pqooooooooooooooooo oooxooooooooxoooooooooooooooooooooooo6<}oooo          6=}               6>}                  6?}                    6@}               6A}              6B}     e, KoalaPad, Micro Illustr.)must use a ".PIC" fn extender. 4AzLLUUU@ HUUTU*)003335s1s733UU U%UUU"fd&fLTLUUU UU :D}!        :E}   :F}$! "$#!#"!$ !#:G}(hH330b% O:H}Vghpox7tx GbVpUUUUAT:I}U3ooooooooooooooooooooooooo:J}oooooooooopoooqoooooooooooosooooooooooqoooooopoooooooooooooo:K}oooqooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooqooooo:L}ooooooooooooooooooooooo p ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:M}oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooo:N}oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorooo o:O}oooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo!ooop"oooooooooooooooooooo$ooooooooo#oooo:P}o ooooooooo               :Q}                      :R}                       :S}                      :T}                  :U}                   :V}         8A}The LOADER.DOC file is formattedin 80 columns for printing to aprinter. I used a cr/lf combinationin order to work with >X}those printersthat require a lf after a carriagereturn. If you get double spacing,turn off the lf on your printer.Also, >Y}to use MENU.OBJ, rename itBOOTFILE.OBJ and save it to yourboot disk. And you don't need afreshly formatted disk for thema>Z}ker programs, just a formatteddisk (not double density).The MAKELOAD file writes the loaderthat works with all Atari comp>[}uters,and the MAKEXL writes the loaderthat works with XL/XE computersonly (including the 1200XL I hope!!)If you have any>\} problems, just leaveme E-mail, and I'll see what I cando. Glenn Smith >]} 70357,1136< EXAMPLE DIAMOND MENUKevin PackardWhen I started to write programs that ran under the Diamond OS, I needed a menu program tB_}hat I could change and try different things. This is that program.MENUDEMO.M65 is the source code.MENUDEMO.APP is ready tB`}o run using the Diamond cartrage.The menu was not ment to do anything. It is just an example of some of the things that caBa}n be done.I should explain, I am just starting to program in Asembly Language. I guess that means I don't know what I'm dBb}oing half the time. So I may be wrong in any assumptions I make. I am trying.@OA OO(GTHE MANSION OF IZOR, as well as all My other games, including SYNTRON(andFd} AROP, is free.M(M(BIf, however, you are dying to send me money, I won't turn it down.(( My address:!(!(Fe}4450 Mobile Drive #210#(Columbus, OH 43220(R(R(GIf you have any comments or questions about my games, feel free toFf} send-II(Ame email. I'll try to answer whatever I can. -JON SNYDER 1/24/91 D:README.DOCDczLLUUU@ HUUTU*)003335s1s733UU U%UUU"fd&fLTLUUU UUJh}"(0 "         Ji}    Jj}"!" !# !$# "!) $#) *%$*+&%+'-,.Jk}&(./0'/#*$)$%+*%,&+&-&,.&-'/('0.(/(hH330b%lJl}Rrz,&?<JFl \2.|n3^eUUUUATJm}U3Jn}ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooJo}oooooooooooooooooo#oooooooooooooooooooo ooo!oooooooooooooooooJp}ooooooooooop)oooooqoooooooo$o"oooooooooooooJq}ooqoqooooooo*oooooooooooooooooo%oooooooooooooooooooooooJr}oooooooooo+ooooooo(oooooo ooooooooooo&oo'o0ooooooooooooooooooooooJs}oooooooo ,ooooooooooo oooooo-oo./ooooooooooo oo oopoopooJt}        Ju}                        Jv}                           Jw}                     Jx}                               Jy}                          Jz}        HAzLLUUU@ HUUTU*)003335s1s733UU U%UUU"fd&fLTLUUU UUN|}*,-+./+/0&0       N}} ""!("'"*)+&%'#&N~}%$&   $  $% ! !$"# $'!#"'!$#!% &$+'%N}("#)+&)'*('+)+*)'&-,.-/.0/(hH330b% N}_]|\ lT9lLQ#N=UUUUATN}U3oooooooooooooooooooooooooN}ooooooooooooooooooooooooo,oooooooooooooooooooooooo-oooooooooooo*oooooooN}ooopooopooooooooooooo.ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosooooooo(opooooooooo/ooN}poopoooooooo)ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"oooooooooo'qo+ooooooooooN}ooooooooooooooooooooo0oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo#oooop&oooooooooooooooo!ooN}ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo%oooooooooooooooooo oo$oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooN}ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oqoooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo oooo ooo ooooN}ooooooooooo                    N}                          N}                      N}                       N}                     N}                   N}       LAzLLUUU@ HUUTU*)003335s1s733UU U%UUU"fd&fLTLUUU UU R}        R}   R}  &$"%#$!#$"!%&!"##!*)'($!R}&(0'&0,*+%,)+%-,.*)0(-+*/0,.+/-+0-.'/,(-(hH330b%1R}9"UL 6Bkhq?W$!rP6\ UUUUATR}U3oooooooooooooooooooooooooR}oopoooooqooooooooqoooooopqooooooooooooooooooqooooooooooooooooooR}oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'oo&ooooooooooooooooooR} o oooooo0o(oooooooooooooooooooooooooo/ooo$ooooooooR}ooooooooooooooooooooo-ooooooo ooooooo,oo"ooooooR}ooooo.ooooo!ooooooooooooooo#oooooooooooooooooooo oooooooR}oo+ooooqoo oooooooooooooooo*qpoooooqooooooooqoooooopoooooooooooooooo ooooR}ooo)oooo%                        R}                         R}                          R}                              R}                         R}                            R}             PA