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UA Uݠ  t ! t " t- # tT $ t}g % t & t ( t֠ ) t젃 E t F t G t 9 t4 : tN ; te }= t > t ? t A t AU@2@I@PA`@AAA>P?P}K$PRINT REPORT (RINTER, ISK, OR O) NNPP:YDFILENAME(Dn:file.nam)Y financial calculation 1 investmen}t2 K  INVESTMENT PROGRAMS: 1.future value of an investment# 2.future value of regular deposits$ 3.regular de}posits for future value& 4.regular withdrawals from investment# 5.initial invest. for future value$ 6.minimum investment for }withdrawal& 7.nominal interest rate on investment 8.effective interest program 9.earned interest tableKERROR LOAN PROGRA}MS: 1.principal on a loan 2.regular payment on a loan 3.last payment on an loan 4.remaining balance on a loan 5.t}erm of a loan! 6.annual interest rate on a loan 7.morgage amortization tableKERRORV This program calculates the future val}ue of an investment when interest is a factor. RYou must provide the amount of the initial investment, the nominal interest r}ate, Qthe number of compounding periods per year and the number of years of investment.= $Y= $\This program computes a fut}ure value when deposits are made regulary. All deposits are equalO. You must provide the amount of each deposit, the number o}f deposits per year,3the number of years, and the nominal interest rate.= $Y= $[This program calculates the amount require}d as a regular deposit for a stated future value.V You supply the future value, the nominal interest rate, number of deposits} per year, and the number of years.= $Y= $ RThis program calculates the maximum amount which may bewithdrawn regu}larly from an^ investment over a specified time period. All withdrawals are assumed to be equal. You specify\ the amount of t}he initial investment, the nominal interest rate, the number of withdrawals "per year, and the number of years.AMOUNT OF EAC}H WITHDRAWAL = $YAMOUNT OF EACH WITHDRAWAL = $^This program provides the investment necessary to provide a stated future va}lue in a specifiedW time interval. You enter the future value, the years of the investment, the number of #T#j#####3$}^$$$$%)%E% W%({%2{%3%4%5%6&7I&8`&9g&:&;&<&d&i7'n_'sy'x'}'''''(}$(E(,(1(6(;)@/)EI)OV)V)Y)^) *.*I*c*}**F++,q,$-)9-<-^-y----v.}.Z//L0v0y0000011,2s22M3l3o3 3334(4!B4#4& 5+5:5?k6D 7I 7l#}7qE7v`7{z777Z889u99::4:O:i:::;;< <<4<9<>f_>k>}p6?uR?U?????@@@5AAABB 5B PB jB B B MC C) C3 D8 'D= 9DB ZDG DI DL EM 3EN} BEP TEQ ER 1FS FT FU GV rGW GX HY aH[ H] H` He It Iy Jz .J{ J| 6K} K~ K L +L .L 3L:L\LwLLL}MMMBNNNNNOO5O OPYP#P(Q-/QP2QUTQZoQ_QdQfQiQnRpRq2Ss_SS+TT}TTTUU6UPUUVIVWCWW8XOXRXtX"X'X1X6Y;YJYOEZTZYZ|ZZ [%[?[[}[\\\\ ]M]] ^(^+^M^h^^^^L___&`~1`J`^`r```:aRaaa aP}obxb}bzcc_ddd!e7eneeef'fqfggh/hWhfh"h@h Nh%N&i(Nni*Ni/Ni4Ni9Ni>N}jCN%ja@jajajaka'ka?kackakakkŠ@##(󠧭J##(堠. FINANCIAL CALCULATION PROGRAM INVESTMENT PROGRAMS1.....Future val}ue of an investment2.....Future value of regular deposits3.....Regular deposits for future value4.....Regular withdrawals }from investment5.....Initial investment for withdrawal6.....Minimum interest rate on investment7.....Nominal interest rate} on investment8.....Effective interest program9.....Earned interest table LOAN PROGRAMS}1.....Principal on a loan2.....Regular payment on a loan3.....Last payment on a loan4.....Remaining balance on a loan5...}..Term of a loan6.....Annual interest rate on a loan7.....Morgage amortization table A few short notes on the }operation of the program. Hitting return twice will return you to the Menu screens. If you make a mistake enterin}g data, press return twice and you will return to the menu screens. You can write data to a disk file, then use a word }processor to format the data to use in a document.Enjoy Gordon Granec CI}S 71511,2713 !"#$%@&@' --HGJ J AA FT5VTBV TZVSVSV TBVTEVT4V TH5V{ FF                   }                          }        Header page @ GEMPDR.DEM by 7Jackson Beebe1For Gemini printers/AtariWri }ter PlusA printer demo file of Geminifeatures, and their use by CONTROLcodes within a document. (Also see mother file }GEMPDR.DOC) 7====== Instructions ======1 1. Bootup AtariWriter Plus from a cold start. 2. LOAD GEM }PDR.DEM into ATWP. 3. Choose the PRINT option. 4. When prompted for printer type, insert a disk containing both } GEMPDR and GEMPDR.PDF and answer the prompts with: H (OTHER) O (OTHER) GEMPDR 5. Print }the file. 6. Compare the text in memory (on your screen) with the printout for examples of use of CONTROL } codes. ======= 2EXAMPLES1 =======Here's pica 2now condensed1 now back.Here's 4SUPERscript9 and back.He }re's 5SUBscript9 and back.Here's 7Emphasized1 and back.Here's 8Ilalics9 and back.Some 78Emphasized Italics1 an }d back.Here's 25condensed subscript91 and back.Try 2elongated condensed1 and back.Pica 6now Elite 2and conden }sed1 and back.6Elite also 8with Italics91 and back.This is blocked right. 1These sentences are Justified, meanin }g they are evenly distributed across the page from the left to the right margin. Un-justified is also called ragged right. Th }is does not work with proportional. 0 &6-M:$%$%$, 6-'6-'6 N/+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\+ ++ GEMPDR.DOC by Jackson Beebe ++ } +\+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/ Ver 1.06 2/13/88Documentation for} printer driver files that configure Gemini 10/15/X printers for use with AtariWriter Plus word processor.The accompanying }printer driver files are named: GEMPDR and GEMPDR.PDFThis is a documentation file for GEMPDR.ARC a collection of} files, docs and demo. This doc file was created using an ASCII SAVE (CONTROL S) from Atariwriter Plus. This means it has no }header of configuration codes, but is all text. It has ATASCII carriage returns but contains no CONTROL characters. You may C}OPY it to your printer from DOS, or print it from a word processor.If you unARC GEMPDR.ARC using the program ARCX.COM, it w}ill yield the following files: GEMPDR Gemini driver 1 of 2 GEMPDR.PDF " " 2 of 2 GEMPDR.DOC }This file. GEMPDR.DEM AWP file w/ demo's.==== Installation Instructions ====Copy the two printer driver files GEM}PDR and GEMPDR.PDF, onto the data diskette you keep your documents on.When you first print a document, answer the print pro}mpts: H (OTHER) then: O (OTHER) then: GEMPDRThat's all there is to it. The custom printer driver will load in}, and stay resident until you shut off, or reboot ATWP. This only needs to be done when you first boot up ATWP. This printer} driver will configure a Gemini printer to respond properly to CONTROL codes sent by AtariWriter Plus to select various fonts} and features.In everyday use, I rename these files using the RENAME option of DOS, to a shorter, simpler name as G, or GEM}. These shorter names are easier and quicker to type at the prompt.==================================== REFERE}NCE====================================The Gemini printer driver is configured as follows:Font #1 PICAFont #2 CONDE}NSEDFont #3 PROPORTIONALFont #4 SUPERSCRIPTFont #5 SUBSCRIPTFONT #6 ELITEFONT #7 EMPHASIZEDFont #8 ITALICS }ONFont #9 ITALICS/SS/DBL OFF==== Main Menu Option G ====From the main AtariWriter Plus menu, you can reach the} Global Format screen by using Option G. Once at the Global Format screen, choosing Option G allows you to specify or change }fonts. By typing in the number of the fonts above (1-8), you will print the entire document in the selected font or style.I}n most instances, changing fonts will sucessfully change the printout. Some choices cancel others, but to be safe, I set up F}ont #9 to turn off italics, sub/superscripts, and double strike. If you find a problem in switching from one font to another,} call font #9 during your switching instructions. When Proportional font is selected, you must turn the power off and back on } at the printer to change to another font. ==== Control Codes in document ====During the creation of a document, you ma }y insert control codes right in the text to select/deselect these features and/or fonts. This is easily done by holding down  }CONTROL and typing G then the number of the font/feature you want, followed by the text you wish to appear in the special fon }t. To return to the prior font, use another CONTROL G and number. Don't panic, this is actually easy. Believe me, thousands o }f users of the big famous word processors do this many times each day. If they can do it, you can learn it. Experiment by wri}ting 5 or 6 sentences, and printing them out.Printout GEMPDR.DEM and compare the examples on your screen in AtariWriter Plu}s, with the printout.==== Built-In Features ====AtariWriter Plus has several built-in features accessible with key}strokes within a document as, Bold (double strike) and Elongated print. These are selected by inserting SELECT E before and a}fter desired text to appear in Elongated font, and SELECT . (period) before and after text to appear in Bold font. These may} be combined with each other, and other fonts as:SELECT E with CONTROL G 2 yields a font made up of elongated plus condense}d print. Try CONTROL G 7 with CONTROL G 8 for emphasized plus italics. (Your G's and E's may be lower case.)All the feature}s such as margins, spacing, justification etc. may be controlled from within the program. See the ATWP manual.NOTE: The SEL}ECT ARROW KEY feature of ATWP will NOT work with Gemini printers, as they will not perform reverse line feeds. All other feat}ures should work normally, including Headers, Footers, and automatic page numbers.==================================== } Demo Program====================================For a demonstration of all these features we have talked about, bo}otup ATWP from a cold start, and load the accompanying file: GEMPDR.DEMTo print GEMPDR.DEM, load the custom pr}inter driver GEMPDR before printing. See intructions in the demo file.==================================== SU}MMARY====================================There are many fine features available in AtariWriter Plus that many users have n}ot utilized, owing to a lack of a dedicated printer driver, and the knowledge necessary.Read the ATWP manual on creating a }custom printer driver by installing BASIC and booting the main program disk, while holding down SELECT until you see the prin}ter driver menu. At this menu you may customize GEMPDR by installing a disk containing the two files, and typing L at the men}u several times. When prompted for the printer driver to load, reply: D1:GEMPDR using the correct disk drive notation. You }may use the up and down arrow keys and RETURN to view or alter any of the current settings in GEMPDR. Study it with your prin }ter manual to learn how this all works, or simply use it as it is. Enjoy!------------------------------------Jackson Beeb!}ePrairie Data Fields807 W. Hill StreetUrbana, IL 61801or 72550,317 on CompuServe byex--HGJ J #}A AA FT5VTBV TZVSVSV TBVTEVT4V TH5V Au0U11LLlL{L&LLLQL#L'L(LLL)L*L+L@L%}¯LLLL,L-L.L/L1L2LL3乣L4L5LLLL6L7LL8L9L:L;LL?L@LALBLCLDLELFLGLHLILJ&}LKLLLMLNLOLPLELQLRLSLTLULVLWLXLLYLZL[L0L]L^L_L`LaL7L-LgLLELbLcLdLeLfJp`B@'}B$A:)nnovators  0#0 -!"/3    @ `F(}iGiii$i%i// / @/  01/`01`ppp)}B@A ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` L L ` *}0`LLL`* ` `H șz?īLĮȌl l~}0爌l lLĮ z?l lɛL+}īLîȩz? h` ` 7 `ijk` -"  q q g`ijk`` `,}LKMNO BLV䮸LMN%B V ұ` 믮DEJKB V ұ` *L&B V-}p ұLMNp` 믮BJKDE V ұ` 믩JKBDE Vp ұp`}轑}.}`} F}`lj;k+*opui-=vcbxz436521, nm/reytwq907~8<>fhdgsaLJ:K\^OPUI_|VCBXZ$#&%"![ NM/}?REYTWQ()'@}FHDGSA {    } ~ 깠Y)Щ t`0}Щ t~` l 깠YNɛ) }ɛ ){a ` `Щ t l`p -?Щ t g w gp1}`Hit Any Key -->@@No@@Yes@@|Internal I/O ERROR | @|à| @ Cont2}ents TRUE ARC'D Method @ Stored @ Packed @ Squeezed @ Crunched @ Alfcrunch@ Unknown@ Squashed@3}` - * g V - + g``BU6` * @xyzt?uB V0, +z?+iЩ tWЩ4} t w CL+{?z? - g - g? n?ԭ? ? n?ԭ? {?Щ tLI5}Щ tLIЩ tLIЩ tLIЩ tLI ׅЩ tLIͅЩ t * m?m?6}m? 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This version 2.0 has been revised to\} do batch SUPER ARCmate. It works with the beta version of Robert Puff's SUPER ARC, which is being tested by Genie subscribe]}rs.The instructions for operating GLU.COM to do batch ARCing, are exactly the same. The only change comes when you actuall^}y execute your batch file. For example:-D1:ARCThat command would execute the batch file called ARC.BAT. The batch file w_}ill run ARC.COM (SUPER ARC) and display the menu. You may only do a few things on the SUPER ARC menu:[1] Press [A] to begi`}n ARCing. The batch file will supply the .ARC filespec and the filespecs to be ARC'd.[2] Change parameters - Screen a}OFF or ON - CRUNCH only YES or NO - ARC with QUERY YES or NOYou may not choose any other options from the SUPERb} ARC menu. If you change any of the parameters listed above, then you may only press [A] to begin ARCing. Also, if you chosc}e ARC with Query, then you may only answer Yes or No during the queries.Don't be confused. Basically, you run GLU.COM and d}create your ARC.BAT file, just like you did before for ALFmate. When you run your ARC.BAT file, you can just press [A] for Ae}RC and the batch file will take over.I like the way that Bob's program handled the batch file, because it does give you a cf}hance to select the parameters mentioned above and still use the batching. Just be sure you do not select any other options g}while batching. Do not do any directories, or password encryption, or anything not mentioned above.I hope that the officiaq}?BFINCAL CTBB FINCAL DOCBGEMPDR BGEMPDR DEMB0GEMPDR DOCB"GEMPDR PDFB7$GLUCOM02COMB[GLUCOM02DOCBsINFORMEREXEB.vINFORMERM65BJUKEBOX2OBJBJUKEBOX2TXTBKICKER OBJl version of SUPER ARC will be using the same format, so that the GLU.COM 2.0 can be used for ARCmate.For GLU.COM support cr}all these BBS'617-767-0760 PCP MABOS508-559-6844508-580-8722@/(@ PLOT AND DRAWTO -@A@  ,`L\10i1i01T U *** I8吨呢HJJJJ !t}h) LpLb i` `L8 `p`Ba!@ (֭嚀ֲ€!u}ﮮ`AdAUj F:Ad,"AUA0tAdAU~$ 6- 0100 ; THE INFORMER - SOURCE CODE0110 ; BY MATT LOVELESS & MIKE EGGERS0120 ; (c)1987, ANTIC PUBLISHING, INC.0130 .TITL%w}E "INFORMER II -- Internal status line"0140 *= $06000150 ;0160 SETVBV = $E45C ;Sets VBL vector0170 XITVBV = $E462 %x};VBLANK exit rtn0180 SDLST = $0230 ;Vector to D/L0190 CONSOL = $D01F ;Console buttons0200 ROWCUR = $54 ;Cursor row0%y}210 COLCUR = $55 ;Cursor column0220 SHFLOK = $02BE ;CAPS/LWR status0230 INVFLG = $02B6 ;Inv. video flag0240 MEMLO = $%z}90 ;BASIC low mem.0250 HIMEM = $02E5 ;System high mem0260 CASINI = $02 ;Cassette boot0270 ; init. %{}vector0280 BOOTF = $09 ;Boot flag0290 .PAGE "Setup system vectors"0300 ;==========================0310 ; Put INF%|}ORMER online.0320 ;==========================0321 STARTCODE0330 SETUP0340 LDA #SETUP&255 ;high byte of 0311 ; %}} init. addr.0350 STA CASINI0360 LDA #SETUP/256 ;low byte of0370 ; init. addr.0380 %~} STA CASINI+10390 LDA BOOTF ;Cassette boot?0400 ORA #$020410 STA BOOTF0420 LDA #$04 ;Check [OPTION]%}0430 BIT CONSOL0440 BNE ON0450 ;0460 RTS ;If [OPTION]then0470 ; don't set VBI's0480 ;%}0490 ON0500 LDX #DOLINE/256 ;Hi VBL vctr0510 LDY #DOLINE&255 ;Low byte0520 LDA #7 ;Use def. vector0530 %} JMP SETVBV ;Set VBLANK vctr0540 ;0550 ; (The RTS instruction0560 ; of SETVBV will return0570 ; %} control.)0580 ;0590 .PAGE "Build a new INFORMER line"0600 ;0610 DOLINE0620 LDA SDLST+1 ;If Hi byte of0630 %}; DLIST vector0640 CMP #DSPLST/2560650 ; is the same as0660 ; hi byte of %}mine0670 BEQ MAKELN ;then DLIST is0680 ; still setup.0690 ;0700 ;Setup new DISPLAY-LIST header0710 %} LDA SDLST ;Set DLIST JuMP0720 CLC ;to jump to0730 ; ;current-DLIST+30740 ADC #3 ;t%}o avoid0750 ; BLANK-8-LINES0760 STA JMPADR ;instructions.0770 LDA SDLST+10780 ADC #00790 %} STA JMPADR+10800 LDA #DSPLST&255 ;Reset DLIST0810 STA SDLST ; vector to0820 LDA #DSPLST/256 ;point to08%}30 STA SDLST+1 ; my header.0840 ;0850 ; Create the informer line0860 ;0870 MAKELN0880 LDA ROWCUR ;Print cur.%} row0890 LDY #RSPOT-MESSAGE0900 ; (position in status line.)0910 JSR CONVRT0920 ;0930 LDA COLCUR ;Print%} column0940 LDY #CSPOT-MESSAGE0950 JSR CONVRT0960 ;0970 ;Find the CAPS/LOWER0980 ;and INVERSE modes.0990 LD%}A SHFLOK ;Get CAPS/LOWR1000 ; status, convert1010 CLC ;into an index1020 ROL A ;betw%}een 0 and 21030 ROL A1040 ROL A1050 TAX 1060 LDA SHFTBL,X ;Get visual1070 ; representati%}on1080 ORA INVFLG ;Check INVERSE1090 EOR #$80 ;Toggle inverse1100 ; if necessary.1110 STA %}LSPOT1120 ; Put free RAM on screen1130 SEC 1140 LDA HIMEM ;subtract MEMLO1150 ; from HIMEM116%}0 SBC MEMLO1170 TAY ;save it in Y1180 LDA HIMEM+11190 SBC MEMLO+11200 LDX #$001210 LOOP1220%} PHA ;save for later1230 LSR A ;SHIFT HIGH1240 ; NIBBLE DOWN1250 LSR A1260 L%}SR A1270 LSR A1280 JSR CB2AH ;Convert binary1290 ; to ATASCII hex1300 STA FRESPOT,X ;& displ%}ay it1310 INX 1320 PLA 1330 AND #$0F ;mask hi nibble1340 JSR CB2AH1350 ;1360 STA FRESPOT,X1370 %} INX 1380 CPX #$041390 BEQ RETURN1400 ;1410 TYA 1420 ;1430 JMP LOOP1440 RETURN1450 JMP XITVBV %} ;go home1460 ;1470 .PAGE "Convert binary to printable hex"1480 ;===============================1490 ; CONVERT BINAR%}Y TO HEX1500 ; (Mike made me do it)1510 ;===============================1520 CB2AH1530 CMP #$0A ;Digit 0 thru 9%}?1540 BCC NUMBER ;YES!!!1550 ;1560 CLC 1570 ADC #$97 ;Make it A-F1580 RTS 1590 ;1600 NUMBER1610 %} ORA #$90 ;Make it 0-91620 RTS 1630 JMP RETURN ;UNCONDITIONAL!1640 ;1650 .PAGE "Convert binary to print%}able"1660 CONVRT1670 LDX #4 ;Max 4x10 values1680 LOOP21690 CMP MAXTBL,X ; <= to value?1700 BCS FOUND %};Yes1710 ;1720 DEX ;No, next check1730 BNE LOOP21740 ;1750 FOUND1760 SEC 1770 SBC MAXTBL,X ;Pu%}ll off tens1780 ORA #$90 ;Make digit1790 ; printable1800 STA MESSAGE+1,Y1810 LDA CHRTBL,X ;%}Print tens1820 ; digit1830 STA MESSAGE,Y1840 RTS 1850 .PAGE "Tables and message line"1860 ;=%}=========================1870 ; DATA AREAS AND TABLES1880 ;==========================1890 DSPLST1900 ; Prints INFORME%}R line1910 .BYTE $70,$60,$10,$421920 .WORD MESSAGE1930 .BYTE $01 ;Goto to old DL1940 JMPADR1950 .WORD %}01960 ;1970 SHFTBL1980 .BYTE $61,$21,$40 ;"A","a",""1990 MAXTBL2000 .BYTE 0,10,20,30,40 ;Tens2010 ; %} table2020 CHRTBL2030 ; Printable tens:2040 .BYTE $90,$91,$92,$93,$942050 ;2060 MESSAGE2070 .BYT%}E $80,$A9,$EE,$E6,$EF2080 .BYTE $F2,$ED,$E5,$F2,$80,$D62090 .BYTE $AD,$EF,$E4,$E5,$9A,$802100 LSPOT2110 .BYTE%} 0 ;Mode2120 .BYTE $80,$D6,$B2,$802130 RSPOT2140 .BYTE 0,0 ;Row2150 .BYTE $80,$80,$A3,$802160 CSPOT21%}70 .BYTE 0,0 ;Column2180 .BYTE $C2,$80,$A6,$80,$842190 FRESPOT2200 .BYTE 0,0,0,02210 .BYTE $802220 %} *= $02E02230 .WORD STARTCODECFOSOSICIDLDHDLDH$$pppppppppEYAH)} )})})})})}#)}i?I?,ln&#+9 ?O^`>Bm`OPoPxS᰷^5`>4ݷ)}{KW{K{J[KS^z3`OPgix4ݷ[Mȗ@{Mҷ[MNP{Mp[MݺM\NxMW{MM`OP)}oPxmWs4<ր    )} >M[T[]L*>QPLWQR*>M[T[]L*>N[M[L*>ML_NL*`GgxWsWsWs[)}쐄 z v ^Wc>4*zT^c6hc;[TcWc54*v^c4*WXggg߸`1Ggx W^`W{PW{O`)}|N|M|K|Jx|L^`W{RzQS-h/N`GȗoPx[P{PpO[N4W{O[MOOO{P[MP{PpOWP{PWO{O `Gg)}0x۷`Wg0x4S᰷8ᰐ WsW\s[찄Wss `Gg0x ^`4>[J`Gwg0xWsJ WsJ r)}tW{WsWc[hȗc8[gc7Wc,y@0?[W{[V{VJ^`wإ^`h ^`)}hإ@P^z஧Zp^zzzBZzAV^`h०^`hJ^`wإ஧[{W[{V UUTU?f2}UUUUPUqÎUU>UUPUUUUUPUU2}U>UUPUUUUUPU8UU>UU@TU2}UUU@@UU>UU@UUUU@U2}U>UU@UUUUUU@UUUUUU@U2}UUUUU@UUUUUU@UUUUUU@UUUU2}UU@UUUUUU@UUUUUU@UUUUUU@2}UUUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUm2}UQUTEUQQPUPQU@U2}UQTQU@UUPTTQmUUUUUQUUUUUUUU2 }UQUUUUUTUUUUUUUUUUTUUUUUUUUUUUPUUU>U2 }UUUUUUU@UUUUU@UUUU>UTDTTDUUUUU2 }TDUUUU>UTDUEDUUUUUUTEUUUUU>U2 }UUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUU>UUUUUUUPUUUUUU2 }>pppO+O02}O@2}AI"#["*#` -JL -JL!H fJ {p h` 5J H fJ2}hZJ bJHVJ^JhL& 0DT  @{` $J $ $J & $ ]&Y (2}J ) $J $ $LfJ$ $ W (W ' z8Z7e0+M 0a[# #"# ##  2}      #      #    #U22 X )!%[CU]gU   2} k{nhhkdk {  #}}%).22.)%|%*ׇ||KZZK|N $t GKKGҁG2}xUX^bb^YUUY  :}  ׇ--''   U-75)' 59952}5   :} ׇ$$ '++''..((0440ҁ0 ,/3663/,2}:}, ׇ::55FOOF\D3!3(6C=>>88366..  qktqh}  ׇ~xu} 2}ׇU=5-.kuU==/.[\a[U--55))3:UHH;A affaa3:VVJJ 2}pgg[[x pII77~~H{ $tUE7&**3:**))U( 2}II??DBTTBDRB&PLU>==2A9 MPONWPRJD>?3654:674351WSSWJLBA VY]``]YV:}V ׇUY_b]Z2}UYXU]YZZULUdxkUN<@@<<?GNj뀎  q2}$$ EIIEE?DNjU/485:FF:>:FF:@@44UZZUU3:FFBBOSSOO?DNj!!2 }  U24+-\]Y\{  #DD@@4;;4ހ42!}QZWN4=@7}3  ׇIMMID@@D037::730:}0 ׇ##rzzrr  22..BFFBB$$ 2"}?DNj * * "*' - .*' - ;*' - G*2#}' - Q*' - Y*' - La*X^' - Li*V_' - Lp*n8tU`x*2$}n8tUb*Ub, -Ĉ*Ub* /Đ*Ub) 1ė*UaL' 3V_L' 53B32%}W^L' 6k3B5( 6k'>'3B6( 6k'>(3B8) 6l(>)3B9+ 6l)>*3B;- 5l*>+3B=. 5l2&}+>,3B> Z$0 5l,>/3B@ Z$2 5l->13BA Z$3 5l.>11>1d3BAH Z$/>10>1d3B?H(712'}>1h3B>H(71>1h3B$B(1<;AM?TLD@DD3A4MCQAWJx(2,}. 8<=#=w>$I(1<;A3A4MCQ@WKx(. 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