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B V ? }" Lo0BDECHDI VɛLOEɛ L^L;}>ȩȩ` dBDEoHI V?L^ }'$ Pȱ Aȱ Tȱ H ȱ ɛL <} [ dl }$ O ȱ N?FC [ Incorrect argument. TryPATH ON or PATH OFF dLLLP)` =}` m`LThis Program Only Works WithS 2L BDEH V BDEH >}Vl n o [ d ~ȱ  [ Verbose Path Displayby Craig S. Thom 11/1/87Toggle with PAT?}H ON or PATH OFF ml pCpBBH     ) 5( Wv \+e̥̅@}i͠mȱm \̑ϥpZ[L̩@ͭέϩЩp` - Musicwith graphichShort documentation for VPATH.COM First of all, I would have called this program PATH.COM, but there wasalready a PATH B}.COM out there. VPATH, short for Verbose Path, provides an alternate command line forSpartaDOS users (version 3.2 or h C}igher). It also adds two new commands, PATHOFF and PATH ON, and, when enabled, will print the current path at the commandl D}ine prompt. For example, if the current directory is UTILITY on drive one,the prompt would beD1:UTILITY> Yes, this i E}s a feature of COMMAND.COM, the new advanced command lineprocessor written by Keith Ledbetter that is a part of ICD's Sparta F}DOS Toolkit. This program lacks any of the other features of that program and is in no wayto be considered a substitute. I G}t is just something that I wanted to do. The break key is disabled while the processor is waiting for input, sincethin H}gs were getting messy with the break interrupt and this was the easiest wayout. I'd like to thank Keith Ledbetter of I I}CD for the idea, and it was a realchallenge not to disassemble his code and see how it works. I also used hisprogram reloc J}ator to make this one raise memlo just a little over 600bytes. In addition,I'd like to express! (heh) my appreciation for t K}heefforts of all the folks a ICD. The SpartaDOS manual (along with IanChadwick's Mapping the Atari) provided me with all t L}he necessary technicalinformation in a relatively clear fashion. Craig S. Thom M} 11/1/87s not compatable with the original!(A.Giambra, ANTIC, 6/85, pg37, JC mods)12. LAURA. Demo tune for The Music PP MV LLHPe %P i&P H $P h LHP ȱ KYɛJYL}PJY MVBKDYEHI VLDVKYO}LLVKY.%ɛLP.KYAKYRKYCKYKYLYYBKDYEJ VLXBƝDYEHIY VLP}QYHPQ}DDI}EELPƅY B VYLXDKYYKY:KY KY .KY KY KYY(YQ})Yɛei MV BKDYEHI V D ݢ9Y ݢ?Y ݩEYFYIYBKDYEJ VLX MVK R}wYBKQRDYEHI VIYLULXKY MVL2VLYLUIY-W=WYmEYEYmFYS}FYKDYEHI VLXKY. wY LRKYYXYԍ*YYY+Y ٢3Y ݭZYԍ,Y ٢!W ڢ3T}Y fڢ3Y VRS iYY3Y ݢ?Y fڢ?Y ݭ\Y)ԩ ؠ0Yȱ)YN]Yn\Y\YJJJJmWzWYzWYU}zWY]YiPd8dԩ ؠ0Yȱ)Y^YN_YjN_YjN_YjJJԩ ة0Y0Yȱ)Y_Y 8 ԩpLSԩaYV} ؠ0Yȱ)STY:Y`Y)WY`Y)JJJJWYaY)WYaY)JJJJWYbYԭcY ٢-Y ݭdYԩ ٢W}!W ڢ-Y fڢ-Y V iYY-Y ݢ9Y fڢ9Y ݢ-Y ݢ3Y `ڢ-Y (ۢ'W VsYY%X}Y BwDYEMHI V8TUGYOHY,Y+YHY*YGYLWUBDEGYHHYI VLX8*YGY*Y+Y}YHY+Y,Y,YLTBDE*YH+YI VLXLQ" YEYԭFY V iYX9Y V iY YZ}?Y V iYY9Y ݢ?Y UV `ڢ9Y (ۢ'W VsY#Y%'Y BDXE:HI V B V[}YL(QJYLP` BrVD~VHrVE~VILVXWXfXXXjN' iY0) iY0),iYʱ\}iY0,iYʱiY0` sY0VW.LVȢ)sYʈL W0vY.uY )YL W)tY`BU6A((]}((((((((( Stored Packed SqueezedCrunched Alf'ed ??  !JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec0123456789ABCDEF^}WHATIN.COM By Rick Ellis ShareWareVersion 1.5 WX 9/29/88 Copyright 1988Written using Mac/65 by OSS.Name _} Len Sizenow SF Storage Date Time CRCEnter '.ARC' filename, RETURN to end.Not an file.File`} : ԩ ؠȱ0 XLXX MVYL2VҠXYǠˠɯϛ-------- ---Total P lWHATIN.COM V1.4 Dox.By Rick Ellis September 1988Changes in V1.5 There is only 1 programming change, Whatin now wilb}l read AlfCrunch files properly. It always would read them, but it did not list the file as being "Alf'ed" and it reported anc} error 136 at the end of the file. These little nusiances have now been cleared up, and it will correctly tell you what is ind}side an AlfCrunch file. There is also a distribution change, and to read about that, turn to then end of this document.e} Finally, there is 1 bug correction. In V1.4 if you hit the break key when it is asking you to type in an ARC filenamef}, it will sometimes lock up, sometimes try to read a garbage filename, etc. That little problem has now been corrected also.g}1 What is Whatin.Com Whatin.com is a program that will display the contents of an ARC or ALF file. What it displaysh} are the file names, lengths, compressed sizes, shrink factors (SF), the compression method, the date and time that they werei} compressed, and the CRC associated with each of the files. This is very helpful if you have ARCed many files into one j}big file, and have forgotten what you put in it. Or if you have downloaded an ARCed file from a BBS, and you would like to kk}now how much room the unARCed files will take up on your disk. By knowing the original sizes of the files, you can determinel} the amount of disk space necessary.2 How to use Whatin.Com To use WHATIN.COM, you have to L)oad it from DOS, and it m}will ask you what file you want it to read. Type in the file name and it will read the file, and display the information. Yn}ou may leave off the '.ARC' extender from the filename, the program will automatically add it. (note, the program will not ato}tach a '.ALF' extender for ALF files, you must type the .ALF in manually) If anything goes wrong during the process, you wilp}l receive an error message, otherwise you will get the listing of what is in the file. After the program is finished with thq}at file, it will ask if you want to look at another. If you want to look in another ARC file, just type its name and go, if r}you are done, simply type a return, and you will be returned to DOS. If you attempt to read a file that is not an ARC fs}ile, the program will also inform you of that fact. If you are using DOS XL or Sparta DOS, keep Whatin named 'WHATIN.COt}M' and you will be able to pass a filename to it on the command line. Ex, WHATIN XYZ, and the program will start reading thau}t file and displaying the information. If you use one of these DOSes, and the file you want to check is on the default drivev}, you don't need to type in a drive unit, otherwise, you must include one. To read more than 1 ARC, without reloading WHATINw} for each one, when using DOS XL or Sparta, just type 'Whatin' on the command line without any filename. The program will asx}k for one, and when done, you will be given the option to read another file or exit. You may also, if you have many .ARy}C files that you want to read, give Whatin a DOS wildcard pattern, and it will read all the matching files. For example, if yz}ou had several .ARC files beginning with F, you could give it the filespec F*, and it would read them all in sequence. It wil{}l add the .ARC extender for you, so you do not have to put that in. If you wish to type an extneder in, Whatin will allow tha|}t, and will not modify it.3 - Miscellaneous. The output of this program is too long to fit on the standard 38 column }}screen line of the Atari, so I did the best I could. If you have an 80 column adapter, the output will be in a much better f~}ormat to read. This program should work with all 80 column adapters that re-do the E: device. It uses only legal calls to t}he OS, so it should be compatible with all adapters, Atari computer versions, and DOSes. There is one small DOS incompatiabl}ity that came about as a result of the wildcard addition. When you do a directory read from BASIC (open #1,6,0,"Dx:*.*", inp}ut #1;A$, ? A$, etc) the directory listing must be a DOS 2.0 type directory. Most DOSes will return a DOS 2.0 type directory} when the disk is read in this method, but since I dont have every DOS around, I cant be sure of all of them. If you find it} will not work with a certian DOS, then just use V1.3 for that DOS, as it dosent support wildcarding.4 How it works. }WHATIN.COM works by reading the header bytes placed at the beginning of all the files in an ARC file, and displaying the info}rmation contained there. Because of this, if there is a long file in the ARC, it can take a long time to get to the next fil}e. WHATIN.COM must read through all of the bytes that make up the current file, before it can start on the next one. So be }patient if it seems that the program is reading a lot, it is.5 Extras. Please, if you notice any bugs, or anything th}at seems to go wrong, leave me a message on either CCIB - 703-866-3739 or on Gallifrey - 703-641-9769. Please try to remembe}r exactly what you did to cause the problem to happen, write it down even, because without that, I can't figure out what caus}ed it. This is not to say that I am sending out a program with bugs in it. I have tried to test it every which way I can, a}nd I think it is quite well debugged. But, there can always be that errant bug that only occurs when something happens that }I did not even think to try. Ok, now about the distribution change I spoke of before. I am trying something new here, s}o here goes. Whatin.Com is distributed on the ShareWare concept. That means that I allow you to use this software with} the expectation that if you find it useful you will give me a small donation for having wrote it for you to use. You may al}so freely give away copies of this software, provided that it is distributed in its orginal, unmodified form, and that the pr}ogram file and this document file are kept together. After a use period during which you decide if this program is useful to} you, you are obligated to give me a small donation to make up for the time I have put in on this little piece of art. I sug}gest a $5 donation as sufficient, but if you feel it is worth more, I will accept larger donations.Send donations, question}s, comments to: Richard L. Ellis P. O. Box 332 Arlington, VA 22210-0332 Make checks payable to Richa}rd L. Ellis, and so the mail will find its way to me, please include my initial in the address. This program was writte}n using MAC/65, the macro assembler from OSS. Its use is at the users own risk. This file is ShareWare, 1988 Rick Elli}s.