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With this simulation, you'll start paying atte į}ntion to every breath you take and every beat of your heart.›› The heart and lungs play an extremely vital role in human ex ā}istence: they supply life-giving oxygen to body tissues. If these two organs do not perform their job properly, you may end ć} up looking at the clouds from the other side. Sometimes, to appreciate just how important this system is, we have to stop a ä}nd attend to how it works.›› Vital Signs is a program that provides a simplified simulation of the circulatory system. The å} many processes that occur in a living human body are far too complex for a computer program to handle. For this reason, we ę}have concentrated on a few key biological factors.›››THE HEART:›› The heart is responsible for pumping blood through the bo ē}dy. The blood carries - among other things - life-giving oxygen. The heart is really just a very complex pump. If we were č}to follow the path of a single blood cell through the body, the trip might go like this:›› The blood cell's journey starts é}in the Right Atrium - one of four chambers in the heart. From here, the blood cell moves to the Right Ventricle (the second ź}chamber), which then pumps the cell out of the heart and into a network of tiny capillaries in the lungs.›› In the lungs, t ė}he blood cell picks up new oxygen and passes its load of carbon dioxide back into the small air sacs surrounded by the networ ģ}k of capillaries. From the lungs, the cell returns to the heart again, this time entering the Left Atrium (the third chamber ķ}). The Left Atrium sends the cell into the Left Ventricle (the fourth and last chamber), which is responsible for pumping fr ī}esh oxygenated blood cells to all organs and tissues. From here, the cell either goes through the upper circulatory system ( ļ}arms and head), or through the lower circulatory system (addomen and legs). After its journey through the body's tissues, th š}e blood cell returns to the heart's Right Atrium for another trip.›› If you listen to your heart, you will hear a short, ha ń}rd "lub," then a long, soft "dub." The first sound is the heart contracting, pushing the blood out to the lungs and the rest ņ} of the body. The "dub," or second beat, is the heart relaxing, filling with blood for the next cycle.›› The rate at which ó} the heart beats is controlled by a natural pacemaker (or an artificial pacemaker surgically installed in people with heart p ō}roblems).›› In this program, you are the pacemaker. You can vary the heart rate from 0 to a maximum of 200 by using four k õ}eys on the keyboard (See the Control Capsule). Two keys increase or decrease the heart rate by one, while the other two key ö}s increase or decrease the heart rate by five.›››THE LUNGS:›› The lungs are less complex than the heart, although they perf ÷}orm an equally essential role in the circulatory system. When you breathe in, your lungs fill with air. As blood circulates ų} through the lungs, it picks up oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide, which you exhale.›› Two major factors determine how mu ł}ch oxygen is transferred to the blood from the lungs: Respiration Rate and Air Quality (how much oxygen is in the air in pro ś}portion to other gases and pollutants).›› The Respiration Rate is the speed at which you breathe - the number of breaths pe ū}r minute. As you breathe faster, more oxygen is placed in your lungs to be absorbed by the blood. Using two keys on the key ü}board, you can increase or decrease the Respiration Rate from 0 to 30 breaths per minute.›››BODY TEMPERATURE:›› The amount ż}of oxygen that the blood supplies to cell tissue determines the amount of energy available in the cell tissue. As you may kn ž}ow, this process of receiving and expending energy creates heat. This is why our bodies are warm. The more energy we expend ’}, the more heat we generate (although our bodies usually regulate this temperature within a certain range). If the blood doe}s not supply enough oxygen to the body tissues, then we create less heat, sometimes lowering the body's temperature below a t}olerable level. If we have too much oxygen in our blood, then the body tries to burn it off, creating more heat and raising }the body's temperature. The body automatically regulates its temperature by controlling the heart rate and respiration. In }this program, you are in charge of this process.›› Body temperature can also be directly affected by the amount of blood fl}owing through our veins. The blood acts as a coolant; the capillaries in and near our skin as a radiator. The body can be c}ooled off by an increase in the flow of blood through these capillaries, or warmed up by a decrease in the flow of blood.›› } When the body starts to overheat due to exertion or a high external temperature, sweat cools the surface of the skin (the ra}diator for the blood). While the degree of sweating is not a direct factor in this program, it does have a limited influence} on body temperature. When you choose either the Running or Swimming activities, the program simulates the heating of the bo }dy as energy is expended, and then the cooling of the body as the sweat glands start doing their job. You can see this proce }ss on the control-panel bar graph labeled BODY TEMP. The temperature increases for a little while, then it decreases as the  }sweat glands start working. The temperature graph ranges from 90 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit.›››PERCENTAGE OF OXYGEN IN THE BL }OOD:›› As mentioned earlier, the heart rate and the quality of the air control the amount of oxygen in the blood.›› Anoth }er factor that determines the amount of oxygen in the blood is blood pressure. One method to increase blood oxygen is to inc}rease the blood pressure. The higher the blood pressure, the more quickly blood flows. Consequently, higher blood pressure }causes blood to receive oxygen from the lungs at a quicker rate. This program performs this function automatically. If the }oxygen level drops below 50 percent, the blood pressure automatically increases to compensate. If the oxygen level exceeds 5}0 percent, the blood pressure drops.›› If the blood pressure gets too high or too low, you will need to increase or decreas}e the oxygen level through the heart rate, the respiration level, or both to prevent the blood pressure from reaching more da}ngerous levels.›› The oxygen level in the blood also has an effect on the body's temperature. A high oxygen level increase}s temperature, while a low oxygen level decreases temperature.›››BLOOD PRESSURE:›› Blood pressure is the amount of force ap}plied to the blood to push it through veins and arteries. High blood pressure can be quite serious if it persists over prolo}nged periods, and fatal if it's high enough over a short period. Although low blood pressure is not considered detrimental (}it simply means the heart has to work less), extremely low pressure can be a problem.›› As mentioned earlier, the oxygen le}vel in the blood can affect blood pressure. The heart rate and the level of activity also affect blood pressure. Strenuous }activities such as running or swimming increase blood pressure. Other factors affecting blood pressure - such as tension and} disease - are not included in this program.›› You can control your blood pressure directly by changing your heart rate, or} indirectly by altering your respiration to change your blood oxygen level. The bar graph on the screen depicts a blood pres}sure range from 75 to 175. This value reflects the systolic pressure (or the pressure resulting as the heart contracts). Th}is could be expressed, for example, as 120/xx or 120 over xx, where xx is the diastolic pressure (the pressure from the expan}sion phase of the heartbeat). For simplicity, the program displays only the first number.›››USING THE SIMULATION:›› After }the title screen, you see a control panel. The control panel is divided into several sections. In the upper-left corner is  }a graphics representation of the circulatory system. Below that are your Activity, Air, and Exit options. The area below th!}ese options is used to display the Activity and Air menus.›› The bar graph in the center of the screen displays the body's "}blood pressure, the percent of oxygen in the blood, and the body's temperature. The height of these bars indicates their cur#}rent level.›› Pressure - Range is 75 to 175 (125 is normal).› % Oxygen - Range is 25% to 75% (50% is normal).› Body tem$}p. - Range is 90 to 107 (98.6 is normal).›› To the right of the bar graph are the Heart Rate (Rate) and Respiration Rate (R%}esp) indicators. These numeric readouts indicate beats-per-minute for the heart and breaths-per-minute for the lungs.›››OPTI&}ONS:›› You can select two options from the control panel. With the first option, you can alter the Activity level, thereby'} changing the demand for oxygen and affecting the body temperature. You can also select an Air Quality, which determines how(} much oxygen is in the air you breathe.›› ACTIVITY - Your body's level of activity determines the amount of oxygen it actua)}lly uses. As you increase your activity, your body burns more oxygen. This means that you need to breathe faster to get mor*}e oxygen to the lungs, or increase the heart rate to get more oxygen-carrying blood to your tissues, or both. You can select+} the activity level for the simulation with the Activity option (1) from the on-screen control panel:›› A) Sleeping› ,} B) Resting› C) Normal› D) Walking› E) Running› F) Swimming› G) Random›› Option G causes the prog-}ram to randomly change both the Activity level and the Air Quality. Your task is to regulate the Heart Rate and Respiration .}Rate to maintain a balanced system. If you are not careful, you might encounter a "blood clot," which will send your blood p/}ressure soaring, or "lung cancer," which will reduce the amount of oxygen that your lungs are capable of supplying to the blo0}od. The blood clot will be cured after a random amount of time, while lung cancer will be corrected after 50 cycles (beats o1}f the heart simulator) through a lung transplant.›› In Vital Signs, it is possible to get (simulated) lung cancer if you ar2}e using the Random option from the Activity menu. As established by research, the chance of getting lung cancer increases wi3}th a decrease in Air Quality.›› AIR QUALITY - the amount of oxygen in the air determines the amount of oxygen placed in you4}r lungs with each breath. Four types of Air Quality are available:›› A) Good air› B) Smoggy air› C) Smoking a5} cigarette› D) Smoking a cigarette with smoggy air›› You can select the Air Quality with the Air option (2) from the c6}ontrol panel.›››KEEPING SCORE:›› As long as you maintain the system in a healthy condition (no warning lights), your score 7}increases at a rate relative to your level of Activity and the Air Quality. Each healthy beat of the heart can add between 08} and 5 points to the score. The higher the level of Activity, and the worse the Air Quality, the more your score will increa9}se. (When you are sleeping in good air, the score remains constant.) If, however, a warning light flashes in one of the thr:}ee bar graphs, your score will decrement 40 points with each flash. You receive a final score display at the end of the game;}.›››STAYING ALIVE:›› Most of the time, if all goes well, our bodies take care of themselves - automatically regulating the <}entire cardiovascular system. Vital Signs provides a hint of what it would be like if we had to control this process conscio=}usly, every minute of our lives. So take advantage of this "lifelike" simulation to learn more about a system that most heal>}thy people take completely for granted.›››CONTROL CAPSULE:››E - Increase respiration by 1.›X - Decrease respiration by 1.›A -?} Decrease heart rate by 5.›S - Decrease heart rate by 1.›D - Increase heart rate by 1.›F - Increase heart rate by 5.›1 - Sele@}ct Activity option menu.›2 - Select Air Quality menu.›3 - Exit the program.›››Program from Home Computer Magazine, Vol. 5, NoA}. 5.››ry Gilbertson)››4. FADER II. An enhanced ML Hi-Res pic›loader with dot-by-dot "lapse-dissolve"›effects. To use: Transf YZŖh1}1BLANK¤ACØARØA¤CČCSEŌÉŚĮÄŠOŲŌSĆA°R±PĆOĆTĆA±CNŌTTĮHŅA²CĻRÓR²LĆTOŲPĮTŠBĆAŃLŚLCĆĖPĀAAøOĀT±OÄŁ€@@C}€ D} !E}"#$%&'()@…d* VITAL SIGNS *›Č* HOME COMPUTER *›Ņ*INITIALIZEF}*›Ü.@.@@K:ę6€;@,6€. 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