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F !!G(!(3 3F> >IIES S\\D}        ((    ((       },+(':F:.%2 ." )18;9&1:$M}a%s4{HzZmp]Wb\c=k(iS:$<8=8bybz * /31+}    #+23 1*$!.22 * /31+   }    }               }       }    }   }} $ ', '(    ((      } $ ', '(    ((      }-%!6-&#-6-%# A$68<,-68<,-$68<,-)6-%@ Tips'N'Traps ============ by Jim Stevenson and Barry Burke - NOVATARI Hello, again! Well, here we go with another T}ips 'N' Traps column. It's been a pretty big success. The message bases on ARMUDIC 703-569-8305, and JOE'S ATTIC 703-471-1}809 have been used to their fullest capacity, and are still growing. Keep up the good work adventurers! Jim Stevenson (70}3)378-4093 and Barry Burke (703)830-1978. ZORK 1 Q. How do you get the thief's bag aw}ay from him? I already tried "STEAL" but it didn't work. Also, how do you get past the grating? } -"The MADD HACKER" A. He won't give it up as long as he is alive. Your best chance of killi}ng him is to catch him at home, but don't be in too big a hurry to find it. To open the grate you just unlock it with the k}ey. Of course, you have to be on the side where the lock is. -}Paul Mattia ULTIMA III Q. Which dungeons have which marks of which level of the dungeon?} -"The MADD HACKER" A. You want to know on which levels of which Ul}tima III dungeons he can find the "marks". There are four marks: kings, fire, force, and snake. As one might expect, they }are generally found on the lowest level! As to which is where, I'm not sure. } -Richard Gunter A. DUNGEON LEVEL MARKS Mines of Morinia 8 king & fire Island 8} snake & ? East of Capital 1 king " " " 8 king & fire Lava 8 force & fire Stargat}e 8 ? & ? Dark 8 force -Richard }Smart SPELLBREAKER Q. How do I get the cube from the hermit's cave? } -Barry Burke A. To get past the part with the hermit think about the house ... wha}t do you notice about it? It sure seems imperfect ... maybe it should be perfected. } -SysOp of ARMUDIC Q. Ok, I can't get past the ogre or the serpent. Gimme a hand. Please? } -Dan Greenblatt Q. Ok, I am finally really getting somewhere in the game ... }I have gotten 340 points ... now I have a few problems once more for you to help me on ... first, what is the octogonal roo }m for? Is the iron key helpful there? How do I get past the guard? Can I? And what do I use the change shape spell for? } Oh, can I do anything with the baby chick? When it hatches, I feed it fish but it will still eat me. } -SysOp of ARMUDIC KING'S QUEST II Q. I have 54 points. }Have the mallet, stake, brooch, cape, ring, bird, etc. ... How do I get across the poisoned lake to the castle? How do I s }ummon the mermaid (saw her on the box). How do I get in the antique shop? } -Barry Burke WISHBRINGER Q. Does anyone know where the Magick Shoppe is? I'v }e mapped the town and now I'm stuck!!! -"Xorconn" A. Have }you gotten to that bridge that leads across the river? Well, in case you haven't, it's just north of the town, you go acros }s the bridge, then you go the only direction you can go east, then you merly climb the cliff's path. But a word of warning } map the way you go as you climb the path, because you'll need it to climb back down safely! } -"Munchkin" HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY Q. Does anyone know how } to get the Bable fish so you can hear what the Vogons are saying? Also when you get sucked out into space you go into ano }ther DARK room, how do you get past this one? -Steve Smiroldo A. } Getting that fish is probably the hardest thing in that game. IT drove me nuts. Ok. You probably figured out the first t }wo or three things to cover. (Satchel over panel, towel over drain, etc.) then throw the junk mail in the air and push th }e button. I think that's it, anyway. For the dark, just type "L" untill one of the 5 senses (like smell the 1st time) is }missing and type that smell in. I think it's random. -"Barracks R }at" Q. This program is about to drive me crazy. I could use some professional help but will take any help I can get. }Marvin always wants a tool that I don't have. How do I get the right tool. I can't find the tool I dream about anywhere. } -Alan Grogan A. Well, all I can tell you is to get everything } you see because you never know what you will need. There's at least one tool in every scenario. Including the first plac }e. Your bedroom. Remember the screwdriver? Anyway, all I can say is to save the game before you grow the tree and keep a }t it until you have the tool that he wants. -Barry Burke } HACKER Q. I am going crazy trying to get the level 2 & 3 passwords. Is there a logical way }to figure them out? -David Moyer A. LEVEL PASSWORD } -2- AX-0310479 -3- HYDRAULIC -4- AUSTRALIA } -Jim Stevenson [Reprinted from the April, 1986 issue of CURRENT NOTES: The Newsletter for Atari Owners. Fo }r more information on CURRENT NOTES, see the CNOTES file in the NEW PRODUCTS section of the Developers SIG.] ______________ }___________________,!6-F:Aa,!6-F:@,!6-F:@,6-%AV$-A&@3!+-6 Tips 'N' Traps ============== by Jim Stevenson and Barry Burke - NOVATARI Well, here we are for number 13. it's bee }n over a year, now since we've started Tips 'N' Traps, and it's been going quite well ever since. Remember, if you have a p }roblem, call the experts: Jim Stevenson (703)378-4093 or Barry Burke (703)830-1978 Or call ARMUDIC (703)569-8305, or Joe's }Attic (703)471-1809 if you have a question. Each board has its own message base for the topic of adventure hints. And now, !}the problems and their solutions. ENCHANTERER Q. I need some help with Enchanter. I have "} figured out (I think) what you're supposed to do to win the game. I got the answer from the old book in the library. Als #}o, I went into the machine room and got the scroll, but was killed on the way out. I feel certain that is the scroll I mus $}t use to solve the adventure. However, I cannot get by the guarded door, and I do not know how to get that scroll out alive %}. I am sure the turtle might help, but I have had no luck with him. Also, when you summon the adventurer from Zork, what &}do you do with him? -"King Rat" A. In order to get the scrol '}l from the machine room, you need 2 other scrolls. First go in the cell, then type MOVE BLOCK, revealing a passage, enter (}the passage and take the scroll. This scroll lets you speed up something (the turtle). Then go to the gallery without ligh )}t. Then there will be a lighted portrait. Type LOOK BEHIND LIGHTED PORTRAIT, there will be a black scroll. This spell pro *}tects you from evil (GUARDS). Then go to the rusty gate. OPEN GATE WITH REZROV SPELL. GO NORTH. TAKE SCROLL. GO E. TAK +}E SCROLL (look under lily pad!) then return to the beach use the CLEESH spell on the turtle, then tell him to follow you to ,} the machine room. Tell him to go SE, TAKE SCROLL then GO NW and there's your KULCAD spell!! Don't forget to use the EXEX -}spell on the turtle before you send him in! Now for the adventurer. This guy causes you alot of trouble but you need hi .}m to win! First, you will have to GET THE EGG. REZROV IT. Now you need to REPAIR THE SCROLL! GET THE KREBF scroll. Use /}it on the shreaded scroll. Then go to the mirror room. ZIFMIA the adventurer. Then use the VAXUM scroll on him (IN THE BE 0}DPOST!) -"Don" Q. Can someone give me a hint on how to 1}get past the dragon at the end game of Enchanter? It keeps roasting me and I have to reboot. A big bug in the game, that 2}is. I used the banish spell to get rid of the demon, was that the wrong thing to do? 3} -"Beowulf Shaeffer" A. You still need the GONDAR spell to get rid of the dragon. If you want to know how 4} to get it just tell me because I know how people feel when all they wanted was a little hint and people tell them how to so 5}lve the whole game. -"The Wanderer" 6} ULTIMA II Q. Help! My 30th level thief is sitting around in her ship with nothing to do. How do you get keys? 7} -Nick McDowell A. Its been a while since I played this one but if I 8} remember correctly you obtain keys by stealing them from the guards in the cities. 9} -Paul Mattia SILENT SERVICE Q. I have a problem with Silent Service a :}nd need some advice. It seems that shortly after I start a convoy action my sub inexplicably starts diving for the bottom. ;} Nothing I do keeps it from running aground. The only thing that gets me back to the surface is emergency (Shift-E) comma <}nd. Also according to the manual R is reverse engines, but on mine it meets "stop engines - run silent". Anybody know what =} gives here? Thanks. -Richard Smart A. The R command reverses >}your speed to 1/2 of forward. I.e. 10 forward would be 5 in reverse. ?} -"Major Tom" BLADE OF BLACKPOOLE Q. Does anyone know where to get the arrows for the b @}ow? I would appreciate some help. -"The Wanderer" A} KING's QUEST II Q. I got the cloak, ring, bracelet, trident, and a few other things, but i don't know wha B}t to do now. How do I get into the antique shop? Also, how do I get to the castle across the poisoned lake? Where else am C} I supposed to go and how do I get there? -Barry Burke D} EMERALD ISLE Q. Can anyone tell me how to get a light to explore the cave and mine without being E} eaten by ghouls? -Harry Poulter HITCHHIKER F}'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY Q. Does anybody know how to plant the four fluffs in the pot so the tree will grow? I plant the f G}luffs but the tree doesn't grow and I SPLAT!! -Dean Miller A. H} Read the Guide entry about fluff. There is a special type of environment that the tree will grow in and you can only find I}it one place on the ship. -Paul Mattia [Reprinted from the J} March, 1986 issue of CURRENT NOTES: The Newsletter for Atari Owners. For more information on CURRENT NOTES, see the CNOTES K} file in the NEW PRODUCTS section of the Developers SIG.] 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 L}2222222222222$F:%@,n))-F:%@,%AV$F:%@,x))6-F:%@,%AV$F:%@,))6-F:%@ >?@N}x?筳{?Y^}s& ?=O}<~;j~ߨ(ߛ(<ߚ( (?2}8?E ?P}> ^?1|؜;1=0 9`۝6 Q}|8====================================================R}===============ays?,S,6-?:<Ad<@)<A4<Ae,6 A`S-@y6@66-?:<<<<AYLoad D1:TPDDIIMK.MAC as a macroPress STARTCreates two files: D1:DDIIMAC.HLP - Help Screen D1:DDII.MAC - Macro FileT}٭Ԡɠӛ______________________________________+[](*=effects entire line) []-PrintU}s Backslash [\] Character []-Append/Include Text File*[]-Toggles Boldface []-Center*[]-Set graphic Density []-EraseV} all Tab settings []-Change Font*[]-L/R Justification *[]-Left Block *[]-Set RigW}ht Margin []-Load []-Form Feed Textpro.mac []-Set Tab []-This Menu []-Block Right X} []-Set Character Spacing []-Execute Tab []-Toggles Underline []-Verbatim Include File []-Toggles Double WY}ideDAISY-DOT II Local Formatting CommandsTEXTPRO: Mike Collins & Ronnie RicheDAISY-DOT II: Roy GoldmanMacro: Dave ZeiZ}tz+\\\\-PRINTS SINGLE BACKSLASH [\]AAPPEND DRIVE # [1-8] [return]\AD:APPEND [filename.ext] [return]\\A-AP[}PENDED FILEB\B\B-BOLDFACE TOGGLE [entire line]C\C\C-CENTERDDENSITY [1-4] [return]\D\D-DENSITY [entire line]\}E\E\E-ERASE ALL TABSFFONT DRIVE # [1-8] [return]\FD:FONT [filename.ext] [return]\\F-CHANGE FONTJ\J\J-LE]}FT/RIGHT JUSTIFICATIONL\L\L-LEFT BLOCKMSET RIGHT MARGIN [0-9 A] [return]\M\M-SET RIGHT MARGINN\N\N-NEW PAGE^}P\P\P-SET TABR\R\R-BLOCK RIGHTSSET CHARACTER SPACING [0-20] [RETURN]\S\S-CHARACTER SPACINGT\T\T-EXECUT_}E TABU\U\U-UNDERLINE TOGGLEVVERBATIM DRIVE # [1-8] [return]\VD:VERBATIM [filename.ext] [return]\\V-VERBATIM `}INCLUDEW\W\W-DOUBLE WIDE TOGGLEXTEXTPRO.MAC/DDIIMAC.HLP,E:?/#}Y TPDDIIMK.MACٛYDAISYYDDIIMAC.Ha}LP}Y TPDDIIMK.MACDAISYY/#YDDII.MAC}Y?DDII.MACb} ,<@&,HMAUM6-?:<@4<@255; END; (* CONSOL DOES NOT NEED INIT.*) FUNCTIOg}N CONSOL:INTEGER;_SP),Y # END; FUNCTION RR2:INTEGER; (* RETURNS AN INTEGER 0-255 *) BEGIN RR2:=0; #A LDA $D20A LDYq}BSTFX1 DIGB5TEEZ JM B2TIPS APRB0TIPS MARBMTOPHOG PSFBSTPDDII MACBcUTILDE P B{}WOLFMA PZMBXDM121 CNF #5 STA (_SP),Y INY LDA #0 STA (_SP),Y # END; FUNCTION RND(MIN,MAX:INTEGER):INTEGER; (* RETURNS AN INTEGER >=MIN AND r} <=MAX RANGE = MAXINT *) VAR R,R1:REAL; R2:INTEGER; BEGIN R:=(RR2 / 256); R1:=((MAX-MIN+1)*R); R2:=MIN+TRUNC(R1)s}; RND:=R2; END; PROCEDURE DELAY; VAR V:INTEGER; BEGIN FOR V:=1 TO 1000 DO (*ZIP*);END; PROCEDURE DORAND; VAR MINW,Mt}AXW,I:INTEGER; WRITE('ENTER MAX VALUE: '); READLN(MAXW); WRITELN;WRITELN; WRITELN('HERE ARE SOME RANDOM NUMBERS:'); u} FOR I:=1 TO 20 DO WRITE(RND(MINW,MAXW),' '); WRITELN; WRITELN; END; BEGIN HWRK:=POINTER(732); (* HELP REG *) KEv}Y:=POINTER(764); (* KEY REG *) INITHELP; FLUSHKBD; WRITELN(' UTILDEM (c) 1987 S. ARMITAGE'); WRITELN('NIFTY (?) ROUTINESw} FOR KYAN PASCAL'); WRITELN(' KYAN PASCAL & LIB'); WRITELN(' (c) 1986 KYAN SOFTWARE INC.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('PRESS Hx}ELP TO QUIT.'); WRITELN('PRESS ANY KEY FOR RANDOM INTEGERS.'); WRITELN('PRESS START,SELECT AND OPTION'); WRITELN('IN ANY Cy}OMBINATION TO TEST.'); REPEAT DELAY; CNSL:=CONSOL; CASE CNSL OF 0:WRITELN('START+SELECT+OPTION'); 1:WRITELN('OPTz}ION+SELECT'); 2:WRITELN('OPTION+START'); 3:WRITELN('OPTION'); 4:WRITELN('SELECT+START'); 5:WRITELN('SELECT'); {} 6:WRITELN('START'); 7:(* NO CONSOL PRESSED *); 8:WRITELN(' CONSOL=8, VBLANK STAGE 2') END; IF KEYPRESSED THEN DOR|}AND; UNTIL HELP; WRITELN;WRITELN; FLUSHKBD; INITHELP; END.[{_QK-@( !-@'( 3-@9  >TDd44waH0e4Twc xwwwwwX%ha&gW"!#j~}Wae0I"""3Zh@7wR )2"4EZC B#UU}2EXwydUxɽ̙f1"uUx˼ɬ˗wD dEhۭܗ}wu!##DUAZ̷ytUhݻܘuCU""2$TEC8وvFʻوeD!C3C4C5vT1Z܋̻wFګyB!%153}DegfS&ɛufۻif0wcFEfwfdʪvwݻXC0%wuEFwVUKwyݺhC"wU3%5c}0 wwڻhv33feBt%f0 fxȻWuB20E hDU\ɞVxȬWUB3CF07A5 ,}fy̽ȼFd34eS5g0uD!F0=}Vڜ̖hSB"#heUh`"f43ws mfyɼ˷4C"6UeDUxb l}fy˽xC!GTEVxt 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ANOTHER WRIGHT-ON PRODUCTION,(-@6 F<}2@ @-@@   "-@@6$ 0& * 6-3$ D:F=}SLIDSHOW@-@@   "-@@6$ 0& * 6-3$ D:D DISK CONTENTS - Front Side of Disk1. DISSOLVER CRE. Creates BASIC sub-routines for spiral or sweep dissolvesof any graJ?}phics mode screen. Excellent!Refer to magazine for "how to use".(Fred Pinho, ANTIC 1/86, p18)2. DISSOLVER DEM. A clever J@}demo of the"Dandy Dissolver". (Fred Pinho, ANTIC,1/86, S*P*A*C*E mods)3. FACE. "Face of the Galaxy" - Musicwith graphicJA}s. (Gary Gilbertson)4. FADER II. An enhanced ML Hi-Res picloader with dot-by-dot "lapse-dissolve"effects. To use: TransfJB}er to a picturedisk & rename AUTORUN.SYS. Compressedpictures (ie, KoalaPad, Micro Illustr.)must use a ".PIC" fn extender. JC}Normalpictures (ie, Micro Painter, any 62sector pic) use ".*IC" fn extenders.Reboot with this pic disk to view your"slideJD} show". Press OPTION to hold apicture on the screen; START to skipthe pause between pics; or SELECT to goto DOS. (PatrickJE} Dell'Era, ANTIC 5/85)5. FADER MOD. Use to change FADER II'spausing rate. Self prompting. BASIC.(Patrick Dell'Era, ANTICJF} 5/85)6. 3D GRAPHICS. A 3-D graphics editor.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC 10/85, JC mods)7. G.U.P. The Graphics Utility PackageJG}is a ML program which will speedup yourBASIC graphic commands & adds ten newones: circles, squares, patterned fills& more!JH} Read the magazine article forfull tutorial/instructions. For bestresults rename to AUTORUN.SYS & rebootto load. If loadedJI} from this menu, youmust press RESET upon load completion.(Darek Mihocka, ANTIC, 6/85, p45)8. G.U.P. DMO. A demonstratioJJ}n of someof G.U.P.'s capabilities. Load G.U.P.(per above) prior to running this demo.(Darek Mihocka, ANTIC, 6/85)9. HORSJK}E. A galloping horse demo usingcharacter graphics. (B.R.A.C.E.)10. MILOADER. Loads/displays Micro-Illustrator (KoalaPadJL}) pics. (ANTIC&JC)11. MUSICIAN. A "Music construction"program. Integral command list. Allowsediting of last note only! TJM}his versionis not compatable with the original!(A.Giambra, ANTIC, 6/85, pg37, JC mods)12. LAURA. Demo tune for The MusicJN}ianabove. Load "LAURA" to hear it play orto edit. (ANTIC disk, 6/85, JC mods)13. PENCILS. A sharp GTIA demo! (GreggTravJO}ares, ANTIC disk, 6/85, JC mods)14. SLIDE SHOW. A BASIC demo using theAtari to present computer "slides".(Steve Wright, JP}from B.R.A.C.E. disk) DISK CONTENTS - Back Side of Disk(NOTE: These programs should be loadedw/o BASIC to insure propeJQ}r operation.)1. FUJIBOINK. Famous Atari demo with abouncing multi-color "Fuji" logo.(Park '86)2. MCP. Multi-Colored PJR}layers demo.Brilliant colors. ML. (ANTIC 2/86)3. SPLASH. Splash colors on a Gr.7+screen. ACTION. (ANTIC, 4/85)4. SWAN.JS} Another sharp Atari demo withflying swan & twirling Fuji. (Park '86)5. VIEW 3D. Create 3-D wire frame picsin Gr 8/7+. JT}Magnify, shrink, rotate, &shift viewing position fairly fast. Seemagazine article for details. ACTION.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC JU}6/85, p37)6. HOUSE.V3D. A sample VIEW 3D image.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC 6/85)rticle for details. ACTION.(Paul Chabot, ANTIC HM