@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr abCCBA1A2DMMCMHPHALKCGFTM1TCDSGTPPAMSHHZDDHGHH@Ae } A @@@ AR@) @ @4 @ @ @@@}@@@@@@@_@ @}!@"#$A%&'()*+A,#<-@.@/A0@}1@2b3@4AP56@2<<;@0,;@,;@`,;@,;@,A }d (}n!!(THE BASEMENTS OF BELLEVUEx B 6-@1 (}19@ <@ ,9@ <@ },%%(YOU WILL BE TELEPORTED TO ...(!!(THE BASEMENTS OF BELLEVUE(6-6-@ AU0t }6-6-'6-A36-@?6-i6-@ %P:H:@,$@%@,t6-P:',) 6-)( }ENTER YOR CHARACTER'S NAME?!(!(YOU CARRY A MIGHTY AXE"%%(AND 500 GOLD PIECES WITH YOU.,(YOUR SANITY V }ALUE IS 6,,($IF IT HITS ZERO,YOU WILL TURN INSANE@$$(...............SO BE CAREFULJ#(#(...YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY}T-@Ax ^ Ah (}r(YOU HAVE ARRIVED AT....|(''(THE BASEMENT OF BELLVUE LEVEL 2}(&&(AND WILL ENCOUNTER MENTALS AND''(CRAZIES, AND ...GOOD LUCK.6-@-@A  } A06-@-@@-@@-@@6"@668<,-P:H}:@,$@%@,6"@668<,-P:H:@,$@%@, & 0 :%%6-P:H:@,$@}%@,D-@@N-@X%%6-P:H:@,$@%@,b%%6-P:H:@,$@%@}, "@ 68<,-@  "@ 68<,-@   $6-&@ (YOU WALK UP TH}E STAIRWAY**("THE ENCHANTED KEY...OPENS THE LOCK"A S6-6-E6-P:H:@,$@}%@,%@S A * AP4 6->(YOU FEEL SANER...H++(!YOUR SANITY VALUE IS RESTORED TO R}(6-%\(YOU ARE AT.....LEVEL 1f-@A p Apz(YOU FOUND YOUR WAY...++(#...OUT} OF THE BASEMENTS OF BELLEVUE(,,(YOU HAVE ACQUIRED  PIECES. A P A6-%@}""6-P:+$&Ap%@,',(* (GAME RATING IS  = * AV (A2//( YOU TOOK } TURNS TO FIND A WAY OUT,!!( AND KILLED  MENTALS.$%%6-P:H:@,$@%@,%%6-P:H:@,$}@%@,68<,-@$96-@96-P:H:@,$@%@,%@. 6.(}8"@}6-8<,="@6-8<,LOOA!A@`A5A5A"A%A%`A&A(pV%"@}6-% Ap`(Aj"@6-&@t!!"@*"A~4R}Ap(((, WHAT IS YOUR ACTION OR MOVE?(%%((N)ORTH,(E)AST,(S)OUTH,(W)EST**("(U)P,(M)AP,(G)OLD,(V)-SANI}TY VALUE6-%@6- 6-6-4NA 4EA`4SA4}WA@4UA4MAp 4GA4VA2( A ("@A }2!!+&@,"A<6-&@F ApP"@A`Z!!+%@,"@ A0d6!}-%@n Apx"@A !!+%@,"@ AP6-%@ Ap"@"}A`!!+&@,"Ap6-&@ Ap (}@ A@"@A@#}(%%(YOU CANNOT GO UP THE STAIRWAY(YOU DON'T HAVE THE KEY.( A ""(YOU ARE NOT AT A STAIRWAY.$} A  A " (}"@A,(YOU DON'T HAVE THE MAP!6( A @/ (}/( YOU HAVE %} PIECES ON YOUJ( A T(^/ (}/(!YOU ARE IN AN EAST-WEST CORRIDOR.h%%(YOU CAN ONLY GO EAST OR WES&}T.r( A |(/ (}/(!YOU ARE IN A NORTH-SOUTH CORRIDOR&&(YOU CAN ONLY GO NORTH OR SOUTH AP'}5-@A !(}5"@AU(YOUR SANITY IS GONE,9(6-9("AND UNFORTUNATELY...YOU (}ARE INSANE-@AP F((6-P:H:@,$@%@,F"*!@ASp1 (}1(#YOU )}LOST ALL YOUR AND YOU WERE((( ...UNABLE TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF&&(....THE BASEMENTS OF BELLEVUE! ( ($$(*}BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME LOSER! A P(( ANOTHER GAME?&( ENTER (Y)ES OR (N)00:4YApD+}%D:MENUN (} AX( (}((YOU ARE AT THE NORTH WALL.b (YOU CANNOT PASS THROUGH.l(v(TRY ANOT,}HER DIRECTION. A ' (}'(YOU ARE AT THE EAST WALL. A( (}((YOU ARE AT THE SOUTH WALL. -}A' (}'(YOU ARE AT THE WEST WALL. A1 (}1(!THE BASEMENT OF BELLEVUE-MAP:LEV (-@.}@-@@! "*"(P1 ! A `"@6-8<,"@6-8<,OO/}A)A)pA)0A)0A)PA)A0A00A0@  (  * A 49%6-P:H:@0},$@%@,9"@A!`>(H""(YOU ARE IN A COLD AND DARKR (......EMPTY RUBBER ROOM.\(f$p1}(z$$(YOU ARE IN A DAMP AND SMELLY''(......EMPTY SHOCK THERAPY WARD.($2 (}2($THERE IS A KLEPTOMAN2}IAC IN THIS ROOM"@6-8<,"@6-8<,='6-P:H:@,$A'%@,7+&, =3}6-%%6-P:H:@,$@%@,@A$ ((....HE SUPRISES YOU.##(AS HE QUICKLY PASSE4}S YOU HE )&( SNATCHES.... PIECES.)( 6-& "@$$ =%6-P:H:@,$@%@,1@5}=6-@. "@A#8 $L ""(YOU SEARCH THE CHAMBER AND` (YOU....FIND A !!j $t %(%(YOU 6}SURPRISE THE KLEPTO... ""(AS HE RUNS OUT HE DROPS... I'6-P:H:@,$A'%@,A(... PIECES!I67}-% ##(YOU TAKE THEM FOR YOURSELF. ("@$ =%6-P:H:@,$@%@,1@=6-@ 8}"@A# $ (} ( **("YOU ENTER A...NORTH-SOUTH CORRIDOR (THRU A SECRET DOOR. ( A2@ 9}$ (} ( ++(#YOU ENTER AN...EAST-WEST PASSAGEWAY (THRU A SLIDING PANEL. ( A2@( $2 ""(YOU ACTI:}VATED A TRAP DOOR.F R'6-P:H:@,$@%@,$3!@H(YOU FELL THRU...R A P "@A&Z;} (d !!(BUT...YOU CAUGHT YOURSELFn ( FROM FALLING.x $ "@A( 6-%@( 6-@ &&(<}YOU FELL THRU TO LEVEL 2...AND 6- ( ( YOU.....LOST (ALL OF YOUR PIECES. !("@=}6-!$ &&(BUT...YOU STILL HAVE YOUR . $ -!(YOU FELL INTO A DEEP PIT.-6-@ &&(LUCKILY...YOU D>}IDN'T GET HURT! (" (BUT IN CLIMBING OUT,, A' 6 ""(YOU ARE AT THE STAIRWAY...@ (....GOING UP ?....J ?}(T $^ (O h $r (M | $ (?  $ (C  $ (NS  $ (EW  $@} A)P (UP  $ '6-@6-@ '6-@ '6-6-@'6-@ 6-A}6- A0 $& 0 6-@: &(&(YOU LOOK TO THE GROUND.....D !!(AND FIND THE MAGIC !!!X B}$b A1 l A0v "A1 $ ( YOU KILLED  LOONIES ( ......IN  TURNS. $ &&(C}THE DOOR SLAMS SHUT BEHIND YOU (AND RELOCKS ITSELF. 9%6-P:H:@,$@%@,9@A3 9%6-P:D}H:@,$@%@,9"@A3 $ % (}%(YOUR SANITY VALUE IS  A  --6-P:H:@,$E}@%@,%@0 -@ "   # ( ""(THERE IS SOMETHING LURKING* 3(IN THIS CORRIF}DOR.../-@AP3 4 ( A6> 6-@6-@H "@A4`R 06-@(0(YOU NOG}TICE A SHINY OBJECT\ $$(AT YOUR FEET AND PICK IT UP.f (YOU FIND THAT IT IS.....p (THE MAGIC !!z "("(BUT H}YOU WEREN'T CAREFUL C+(#AND YOU ACTIVATED SOME SORT OF TRAP?-@APC  e%6-P:H:@,$@%@,GI}6-P:H:@,$@%@,[-@AP_ e(} ..(&SUDDENLY YOU FEEL DIZZY...AND PASS OUT ((-@J}AP ( A5@ ##(WHEN YOU WAKE UP...YOU FIND (THAT YOU WERE TELEPORTED (TO AN UNKNOWN LOCATION. K}-@AP $ -@A ( *ZZZ*    (} $ "@A6/%6-P:H:@L},$@%@,/ A6--6-P:H:@,$@%@,%@-@$ ". 8#B(LM}%%(THERE IS SOMETHING LURKING...V0(IN THIS CHAMBER.,-@A0 `!!(.................BEWARE!!j(tN}( IT IS A...~ AESEX PERVERT,6,12DEFORMED NURSE,2,4MAD RAPIST,5,10HEADLESS GHOUL,6,12O}DERANGED DOCTOR,4,8GAY HERMAPHRODITE,5,10MOLDY MUMMY,5,10BALD WEREWOLF,4,8SON OF GODZILLA,5,10P}FARTING DORK,4,8GRINNING GLEEP,4,8BLOODTHIRSTY BAT,6,12FLAMING SKELETON,5,10 WHACKO PSYCHO,4,8Q}HULKING GORILLA,5,10FIRE-BREATHING MIDGET,1,2(WOOKIE MONSTER,2,42RETARDED ALIEN,1,2<BONE-CRUSHING BEAR,3R},6FMAN-EATING BUSH,2,4PPERVERTED ELF,1,2ZGOBLIN WITH A GUN,3,6dFAGGOT DWARF,3,6nGIANT FROG,3,6xS}PAIR OF SIAMESE TWINS,1,2BIGFOOT MONSTER,3,6BEARDED WOMAN,2,4FAT OGRE,1,2GIANT RAT,2,4CYCLOPS,3T},6DROOLING DUNCE,2,4BELCHING BEHEMOTH,1,2LIVING TURD,2,4RADIOACTIVE SLIME,2,4(YOU STUMBLED ONTU}O...(A HIDDEN CAVERN.( AB$%%6-P:H:@,$@ %@,3!@(0(THE CAV}VERN SEEMS EMPTY...3$ AE(%(BUT WAIT...BEFORE YOU PROCEED((",,($YOU HEAR A NOISE OFF IN THE DISTANCE60-(W}%CAUTIOUSLY YOU WALK TOWARDS THE SOUND0(@K%6-P:H:@,$@%@,3 AAG-@AK J"X}@AP@T"@AQp^!!"@*"@AW h AR0r5((YOU LOOK AROUND...1-@Y}AP5 |%%6-P:H:@,$@%@,@ABP$..(&ON THE GROUND, AT YOUR FEET, IS A Z}())(!YOU PICK UP THE AND SEE THAT##(IT CONTAINS A MILKY LIQUID.((WOULD YOU LIKE A DRINK?>([}ENTER (Y)ES OR (N)O.>6-P:H:@,$@%@,4YACP$=((YOU TAKE A DRINK....3-@\}A7 =(}@AD@"@AD/'6-P:H:@,$@%@,$/6-&&;#(Y]}OU FEEL A LITTLE FUNNY....7-@AP; 0$: ( (IT WAS A LOCO FORMULAD++(!AND LOWERED YOUR ^}SANITY VALUE BY N$X;36-P:H:@,$@'%@,%+@',;6-%b,,($IT WAS A HIGH ENERGY BRAIN STIMULA_}NTl3)(!WHICH INCREASED YOUR SANITY VALUE3(BY v$((( THE POTION HAD NO EFFECT ON YOU.$ ( $(((6-`}P:H:@,$@%@,@AE@ AG$%(%(WILL YOU (F)IGHT OR (R)UN? a} (}4FAF4RAG AE@ (} (3(YOU ATTACK THE.../-@A3  b} (WITH A SWING OF YOUR AXEME6-P:H:@,$@%@,%P:H:@,$'@%@,M6-& AHc}*$$(YOU WHACK OFF  LIMB(S).4(>##( IT HAS... LIMB(S) LEFTH(-@A R AE0d}\1%6-P:H:@,$@%@,+6-16-f2(YOU QUICKLY RUN OUT...2"@AU`pQ%6-P:H:@,$@e}%@,9-@@P= Q@AS0z 6-&?(AS YOU LEAVE, THE ?(ATTACKS YOU WITH A MIND BLAf}ST!$--(#AND IT LOWERS YOUR SANITY VALUE BY -@AP $(((6-P:H:@,$@g}%@,?+(#.....IT TELEPATHICALLY ATTACKS YOU,?@ASP9%6-P:H:@,$@%@,9@h}AH0;;6-P:H:@,$'%@,%P:H:@,$'%@, AH@!!6-P:H:@,$$%@,@i}6-@ 6-&$--(#AND IT LOWERS YOUR SANITY VALUE BY &(&(YOUR SANITY VALUE IS NOW j} ( $($)!(YOU HAVE DECAPITATED THE )(..(8"@AI';8<,@AIP= AI0?k}8<,@AIPB"@AI7E8<,"@AIPG AI@I8<,"@AIPL l}"@ 68<,-@Q "@ 68<,-@V#6-A#"@AIWY 8<,@ 6-APm}[ AI`] 8<,@ 6-AP`C)6-P:H:@,$'%@,%@u5"@C6-$@j# 6-%n}-@AP# t(YOU SEARCH THE AREA...~$$( AND FIND  PIECES!! 6-%@"@ $o}"@A1"A1$-@AP  AR((( HALT...I AM A HELPFUL SCIENTIST.8 p}(I WILL NOT HARM YOU.....4-@AP8 9(06-P:H:@,$A%@,%A66-9(&&( I GIVE YOq}U... PIECES((( OUT OF GOOD WILL AND FRIENDSHIP.(;36-P:H:@,$@'%@,%+@',;6-%r} **("ALSO, I WILL INCRESASE YOUR SANITY( VALUE BY ($2 AR<36.CRAZED PSYCHOPATH'6-@36-s}@F(IT'S A GIANT BRAINEDP4(.......PSYCHO.......0-@A4 Z( ...AND....d AE0nt} ARx66.EVIL SCIENTIST$6-@06-@6(}!!(DO NOT PASS...I AM THE ..(&AND I WILL BLAST YOUu}R BRAIN INTO MUSH.-@AP  AE0%%(SUDDENLY...SOMETHING JUMPS...9(IN FRONT OF YOU..../v}-@A3 9(}$(AS YOU LEAVE...G(THE  ATTACKS/(YOU WITH A KNIFE.C-@APGw} .(BUT IT MISSES.*-@A. $7-@AP % A5@16-@76-))(!YOU HAVEx} ENTERED A STATE OF BEING!!(BETWEEN...LIFE AND DEATH.-@AP ""("(I THE HELPFUL SCIENTIST,,,(y}"WILL RESTORE YOUR SANITY LEVEL TO 6''(AND....YOU HAVE ONE MORE CHANCE@--(%IN THE DERANGED BASEMENTS OF BELLVUE.Jz}8(26-P:H:@,$@%@,$%@86-T""(YOU SHALL HAVE  MOVES^""(LEFT TO FIND YOUR WAY OUT,h'{}'(OR YOU WILL GO INSANE! HA HA HAr-@A | A5@ A))(, YOU HAVE DEPLETED YOUR MOVES|}. A (ENTER DIFFICULTY LEVEL.(1=MODERATE 2=DIFFICULT  ( $'6-#-@AP'}} 3)(!YOU REACTIVATED THE TELEPORTATION3(TRAP.%-@AP % A5@))(!YOU END UP BACK IN THE AREA~} WHERE$$(...YOU LAST TELEPORTED FROM.-@A $# 6A ( WIMPY LOSER#$ 6A}(BABY$ (TWITLING$ A(TWIT$( A%(BEGINNING AXE MAN($& A}(AXE MAN$0! A ( AXE MASTER!$:( A%(MASTER AXE MASTER($D# A% ( EXTERMINATOR#$N+}A%((SUPREME EXTERMINATOR+$X@-@AP !(}@(YOU FALL INTO A DEEP..DARKb7(...POOL..OF MU}RKY WATER3-@A7 l<%6-P:H:@,$@%@,((<@AWv@AX`%%(I}T IS WARM AND SOOTHING...AND)&(YOU CLIMB OUT FEELING RELAXED.)$26. LIZARD MAN 6-@,6-@2(}# (}THE WATER IS ICY COLD...#(-@A ((( SUDDENLY YOU FEEL SOMETHING WARM9!(RUB AGAINST YOUR LEGS}....5-@A9 )()(IT THEN SURFACES NEXT TO YOU..!!(AND YOU SEE IT IS A SLIMY9!(....READY }TO ATTACK.5-@AP9 %(AS YOU CLIMB OUT...% AE0##(THE WATER IS SCALDING HOT!!0-@@P} 0(AS YOU LEAP OUT,))6-P:H:@,$'%@,%@%, 6-&,( YOU DROP... PIECES C(( WHI}CH FALL INTO THE POOL...LOST.<-@A@ C$}*(*(THIS GAME IS A VARIATION ON THE},,($TRADITIONAL ADVENTU}RE GAMES. INSTEAD}((( OF HAVING HIT-POINTS, YOU HAVE A}&&(SANITY LEVEL. THE OBJECT IS TO}++(#ESCAPE FROM THE BASEME}NTS WITH YOUR}++(#SANITY INTACT. STRANGE AND DEFORMED}++(#CREATURES WILL TRY TO STOP YOU, BUT}2,($DON'T WORRY,YOU ST}ILL HAVE YOUR AXE!/(2(}((( A MAP IS HIDDEN ON EACH LEVEL TO }((( HELP YOU FIND YOUR WAY. A KEY IS }7+(#NEEDED TO GET} TO THE NEXT BASEMENT..(1(4(7(}_#@@K:=(HIT ANY KEY TO START.J)@U@_ A}` D2:BELLVU.BAS 9980,<~<?s0x DL 4"24(h(jV877208,,224,277P0BLLEFTSCARJUMPLVYFLARIGHTJUMPRSTPRSPSPTRIEBIKETCARDONP1P2P3PLRMOVARAPMBAS}CHSESTARVVTOFFSEHLD@uV A@@_ A0x ? f` # #} @2 @M j @AFc8@@@`A`@%@}@A !"4#AD$Bhd%B6&B'Au(Bf)@d*A+B}D( A2 A@< A1F A( P AYJUMP BIKE LEFT (PRO ONLY)Z67@h<@,.}d67A<A(,.n<6-&P:'@P,&@< A%$@ApxB2H//2@E&}'@@@U&6-%@$+T:,",P-@%+ A,%+ @,@U(-@}AP&$  A,67A<A0,.,B2xC76-++'@%@0,$,$++'@%@0,$},C6-,,-@%AP:'@P,%@06-+6%+@$$',,0!A`67%A<}%A0,.$67%A<%A0,.$6-- A-B2H+AC%$@,&.F:B2R,!@$6-@}. A 9#+AC%$@,& @U/6-@9 A67@ <AP,.'6-+AC%$@},&' A "67A<A(,.,*6-&P:'@P,&@*B2H6-@AP&$ @ J} ApSJUMP BIKE RIGHTT67A<A(,.^67A<A,.h<6-%P:'@P,%@<!Ac}&$@A rB2H|//2@E&'@@@U&6-%@$+T:,",P-@}%+ A,%+ @,@U(-@AP&$  A`67A<A,.C76-++'@}%@0,$,$++'@%@0,$,C6-,,-@%AP:'@P,%@06-+6%+@$$',,}0!A 67%A<%A,.$67%A<%A,.$6-B2x+ A+B}2H%AB&$@ F:B2R,!@A ))%AB&$@!AA67@ <AP},.67A<A,.&/#-%AB&$@A /B2H0-@AP&$ : D A}pMMOVE BIKE RIGHTN-@@)-@@@(G E T R E A D YT-@@PX j-@}@( X7-@@P  3-@@P7 b,@w,67A<A},.l,B2H@g,67@p<@,.v'6-@6-@'6-@fH6-%P:'@P,%@*!A}H @%+",$A B2H//2@E&'@@@U&6-%@$+T:},",P-@%+ A,%+ @,@U(-@AP&$ !A@!A } A@67@h<@,. 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Personal Bookkeeper was writ-ten in response to this age old dilemma. It is a full featured program, M}completely menu driven and capable ofmanipulating massive amounts of data.A brief description of the program andsystem req N}uirements follows:PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: 1)Any Atari computer with at least 48k (program uses all of this). O} 2)Disk Drive 3)Printer (optional) 4)Atari BasicPROGRAM FEATURES: 1)Stores up to 525 checks in memo P}ry at once. 2)Set your own personalized cat- egories of expenditures. 3)Powerful search and display f Q}unctions. 4)Quick, up to date comparisons of actual expenses to budget. 5)Tax deductible flag for year R} end reference. 6)Print option.PROGRAM OPERATION: If the above features have cap-tured your interest, then rea S}d on; allof these features are available witha minimal amount of data entry!! Load the program from basic thenrun. Th T}e very first menu you'll seewill look like this: PERSONAL BOOKKEEPER By Richard ParkerAddition to existi U}ng check fileNew check file, maintain ytd dataInitial use or new yearSelect A, N or I Selecting "A" will allow you V} to load back into memory a detail filecreated during a previous session withBookkeeper. This option may be useduntil the W} check file is full or nearfull (remember the Atari will holdup to 525 checks). Option "A" is alsouseful for searching a X}file for aparticular check or group of checks. Selecting "N" will maintain allof the year to date total monthly data, Y}budget categories and budget amounts,but will not read back into memory anyof your individual checks. This option is usefu Z}l if you write morethan 525 checks during the calendaryear. If you select either "A" or "N",the program will then pro [}mpt you forthe file name to read. Don't forgetto include the device name as in:D1:CHECK.DAT. After the appropriateinform \}ation is read to memory, you'llthen be at the main menu. Selecting "I" will take you directly to the prompts to establ ]}ishyour personal budget categories andamounts. It is a good idea to go aheadand decide on at least the budgetdescriptions ^} (30 in all) as you willneed this information before you canenter any check data. You can alwayscome back to this function _} later byselecting Item "A" from the Main Menu.If you are using a printer you maywant to enable the printer at the MainMe `}nu with a "D", then come back tothe budget setting mode so you can geta hard copy of all the category descriptions just se a}lected. After either loading a file tomemory or setting the budget categoriesand descriptions for the new year, you b}will be at the Main Menu which willappear as follows:********PERSONAL BOOKKEEPER**********************MENU************** c}***--------DATA INPUT MODE------------A..BUDGET CAT., DESC. AND AMOUNTSB..CHECK INPUTC..STORE CHECKS ON DISK---------- d}DATA DISPLAY-------------D..PRINTER OPTIONE..DISPLAY CHECKS BY CHECK #F..DISPLAY CHECKS BY PAYEEG..DISPLAY CHECKS BY AMOU e}NTH..DISPLAY CHECKS BY DATEI..DISPLAY BY CATEGORYJ..TAX DISPLAY------COMPARATIVE ANALYSES---------K..COMPARISON OF BUDG f}ET TO ACTUALL..COMPARISON OF MONTHLY EXPENSESSELECT DESIRED OPTION: A-BUDGET CATEGORIES DESCRIPTIONSAND AMOUNTS. T g}his is the function inthe program where you decide whichare your personal categories. Thereare 30 categories in all, but y q}BBELLVU XMOBpBIKERD XMOBMBKGAMM XMOBAKBKKPDO XMOBBLDRS XMOBBLKCAR XMOB`BLONDL XMOBHBLSTAT XMOB_BONKS XMOB|BOPLVL XMOBBOUNCE XMOB?BRUCE9 XMOBBSWTCH XMOou arenot required to use all of them. Justtailor the categories and the budgetto your own individual needs. Afterinputt r}ing some check data you have theflexibility of using this data insetting the budgeted dollar amounts.Select the option to s}set the budgetusing actual data at the prompt thenspecify the range of months to useat the next prompt. For example typing t}in 1,3 would cause the program todetermine the average expenses forJanuary through March and load thisaverage in your bud u}get field. This isa useful feature for financial plan-ning. B-CHECK INPUT. This is one of thestrongest features of t v}he program dueto the defaults which may be used, therefore, simplifying input. Afterselecting this option you will beprom w}pted to enter a default payeename. This default name will be used ifyou strike RETURN for a payee namewhen entering checks x}. We've found thisparticular default particularly time-saving since about 25% of our personalchecks are written to "Kroge y}r". Afterspecifying the default name you willbe prompted to begin entering detailcheck data. CHECK #-Enter a -1 for z} the check number to exit check input. You will then be prompted to save the file you've been entering. A return for {} the filename will take you back to the Main Menu. Enter a -2 for the check number if you'd like to delete a previous |}check which is on the file. Deleting a check does not increase the memory available; it simply deletes the check from a }}ll future displays and corrects the appropriate monthly totals. CHECK AMT-You may enter amounts either with or w ~}ithout the trailing decimal or zeros. For example, the program would interpert an entry of 10 as 10.00 and an entry of }13.2 as 13.20. Do not enter more than two decimal places!! CHECK DATE-The date must be entered in the MMDDYY f }ormat. For example, 1/1/86 should be entered on the screen as 10186. The date controls which monthly totals the check } is added to so this is a very important field to the operation of the program. You may hit RETURN at the date prompt t }o repeat the previous date entered; a time-saver if you are not that concerned with the actual check date. TAX }CODE-Entering a 1 for this code will flag the check for the tax display (Main Menu option "J"). Simply hit RETURN if yo }u don't wish to flag this check. PAYEE NAME-Enter a RETURN to use the default name which was specified before yo }u began check input. The name must be 10 characters or less. After entering the payee name, youwill be prompted to }begin entering thenext check. Remember a -1 for check #aborts the check input routine. Aftereach check is entered the prog }ram displays at the bottom of the screenthe number of additional entries whichcan be made to this file. If you accidental }ly hit the "break" key typein "GOTO 1470" and you will be backat the Main Menu and will only havelost the last check you w }ere entering. C..STORE CHECKS ON DISK-Using thisoption will prompt you for device andfilename. Detail check data in } memory,monthly totals, budget descriptionsand budgeted amounts will be recordedin the specified filename. D..PRINTER } OPTION-Sends displayoutput to the printer rather thanthe screen. If you don't have a printer, investigate the ATARI 1020 }printer plotter. They're extremelycheap (less than $30) and work finewith this program(just slowwwww.) E--J MISC DATA }DISPLAYS-Allowsthe user to search through a checkfile based on many different parametersVery useful feature for referencin }ga particular check or group of checks.Option "I" also has the capability ofdisplaying the totals for a particularcategor }y for an entire year. K..COMPARISON OF BUDGET TO ACTUALThe real nuts and bolts of the program.This shows you where you } went wrongwith your financial planning or whereyou were right!!! Display of printthe monthly actual expenditures, thebud }get and the amount of variance. L..COMPARISON OF MONTHLY EXPENSESDisplays one month's expenditures ascompared to anoth }er. Hopefully, PERSONAL BOOKKEEPER will prove to be of assistance to youand your checkbook. If there are anyquesti }ons or comments concerning theprogram call I/O CONNECTION BBS(404-446-8044) operating 24 hours aday at both 300 and 1200 b }aud.Richard Parker,(70717,575)1/6/85jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjЕeeZ%-A6AV"! @ o(o',ԩ4Щ(ЩЩčЩТ(ЩЩȍЩȍЩ0ԩ>ԩРp,-, ԩ"}') K%ҩҩ8-H.,+̅,ԍ҅ y%ԩ%ԩ>ԩ))Ii)& } )% $L )ԢY&c&\&f&͝^&h&)*'( %O&эԩ%ԩ> K%}2*1 y%ҩ,+̅,Щɯ8L4#L")L"48g)333&4e334+8/JJe334i34i)43}"ȱ3(3ȱ3L"L" 31812%yY&Y&Y&#8 Y&0Y&iY&ةY3&4} e3343:&  3:&%V&')) }%͙Z&'//*i6433 ҙҕ/M b%L.#}i6433%%JJJJuİŕ3`,3 u##ҩ80BL!)0+D+ɸޭ )սе-i}%/!2#л $IJJJJIҭL 12Lc!!ҍҍҭ)L!'de3+i}43(33338(34038(34L!5 ҩ$#ҩҢ-3i44P,3%a}+e+ЍХIe,,ЍХ?)9-3i44) )e0,3I͢+,U}҅/ b%! b% y%)u)e%I-..-21ɕ`hh L l&$*}k'#+`))) }%[&`4567 !"ҍ` pppF/&pppppppppD$*G%A%ppppp}ppppppppD$*F/&pA%bymarkprice0,!9%23()'(0,!9%2}}}}TTTTTTT?~}~<~~<$$@@l|8|||8 ||||-./01234563(B }D DD3  '@D@D@DD%PP}D @@@D@DD@@D@"@DT$D]T^D]}Y@DONDDD>"=DDD @D@D "Q"} #DD@D!" 0"D@D@D UD#"}UQ$D@D@DUT@#"UQ$D@D@DUT@"}UQ DD@UT@D" " U  DDUD@D}@D" "  UDEUD@?UG@D@D " } UDUD@?UW?@DQU UUT@ D}@P@DUP P@P@U @D @PUP <!D@ @D})?+T@D?*U?)U@D}+U""+EU D.UT "/D@D@F" GD}D@F" GDDG" HDD@I"KDD@J} " KDED@'*"'*@DU@D@(*(*UD" (*(* }D)** (**D@3**3**D@******D,***}*+****@.**?**@***(*?***(*@***?***@*}(**?*(**~~K-A@d9AAdAU$Q6-@6-KL..BEFISTARTADBYTBUFFERTFCIOMEDIPINICICCOICBADICBLEICSTAABdAAr}Q @ @ @h @2 B0AtBR@2A4A6}A@A5šθǸdP +((,(ŠƠ̠86-AD6-BdP6-An}; 6-&;;%A',;@ ,;@ ,;@,xJ#@@K:&(J(oot Tape or isk Binary F}ile:46.>:,%67&%@0,.467@,.g6-@6-@%6.hhh=67@,.>:Ap,O67@},.LVg67@,.>:A(,.)@.@f*@hAP) (>:, (@:B,6.) 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