@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr ɛ >> PROGRAM INVENTORY - V.3.20 << [V.1.0 by Dennis Baker] } [V.2.0 modified sort routine by Tim Roulo] V.3.2 modifications by: Ken Watson } Elsa, Yukon, CANADA [73157,3100] This is ye}t another version of a disk inventory program (I have 6 versions of this same program). It is designed to allow } you to easily keep track of your PD programs. It has such features as auto input of files, lighting FAST sorts i }n several categories, file dumps to screen or any printer, multiple drive and drive density options and has a } capacity for about 1,000 records per file. **WARNING** } This program is extremely DOS sensitive. If you will only be using ATARI disk drives or other disk drives in } single density only then use DOS 2.0 or DOS 2.5. If you want single and double density operation then use a } density smart DOS such as MACH DOS or TOPDOS. SMARTDOS will not work. If you get a memory full error (with} a 48K or 64K system) then you probably are using an incompatible DOS. RECORDS AVA}ILABLE (DOS in standard configuration) DOS 2.0 -----> 1101 (single density) } DOS 2.5 -----> 1101 (single density) MACH DOS ----> 999 (S or D density) } TOPDOS 1.5a -> 1037 (S or D density) FEATURES } The program is fully menu driven and very easy to use. When you run the program, the sort routine will be initialize}d and then the sort routine lines and REM statements will be deleted to allow for more memory. } You will be presented with a menu containing several options. Most of these options are self-explanatory. } A) Load Index From Disk - this will load a disk inventory file that you have already created. The program will }ask for the 3 letter extender that you have used to identify the file. B) Add Records - This is how you} create an inventory file. You have several choices in this section including autoload from disk, recording }locked files only, etc. DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files will not be recorded. You can also add a program type description}. These descriptions can be found as DATA statements near the end of the program and you can change them quit}e easily. C) Display from Memory - This will display the current file you have in memory to the screen.} D) Print from Memory - This will send your file to the printer. It should work with any 8}0 column printer. E) Search for a pgm name - This will search for a program name within your files. It} will also find portions of names. As with the sort function the search is FAST!! F) Sort in Memory - }This will allow you to sort your file by program name, program extender, disk number or program type. The sort is } very FAST!!! (average time to sort 1,000 records is less than 9 seconds). G) Save Index to Disk - } This will save the index file you currently have in memory. It will ask for a 3 character extender which wi!}ll be attached to the program name PROGINDX. Good examples would be .KOA for Koala pictures, .AMS for AMS music file"}s, etc. H) Delete Disk Index - This will delete a disk index from the disk. I) Delete from memory#} - This function will ask for a disk number. All files from that disk will be tagged for deletion the next ti$}me you save that file to disk. J) Zero Memory - This will delete all records in memory and reset the pr%}ogram. K) Exit Program - Ends program. L) Display Disk Directory - This will show the disk direct&}ory of the disk currently in the disk drive. M) Display Free Sectors - This will display the free secto'}rs on each disk you have recorded in your inventory. N) Print Free Sectors - As above sent to the print(}er. O) Change Drive Density - This will allow you to change the density of your drive from single to do)}uble or vice-versa (it will NOT toggle medium (1050) density). It uses PERCOM protocol and will work with mo*}st double density drives (Indus, Rana, Astra, etc.). This will allow you to inventory both single and double density+} disks in one file using one drive. #) Drive Number - Type 1,2,3, or 4 for the drive # you want. Once ,} changed all menu functions will work with the drive you have specified. }}}DLxG[LX`|fff |v00|000`|fff8<n|xlf8<.}?~?~f3f  ``|ll| 67>v7>v6```~gnx`0gllg000f088/}fNJfffllll>`<f|cf 0f8l8xv p88pf< p 0`0 ~1}~`0 0`f```f<fffff``x````x``||fff~fff~~ l8lxxlf`````2}fv~nf||ff|``|ff|lf>f`<|~~fffff<ff<`~l8 4}fff`<|0|000vffv<|lf<~ 0~05}0v8< pAAL@ $6HZl~ԴԴ$4DTdt6}       "#$ !%&'()*+|-./0123456789:{<7}=>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_aceg j mnopqrstuvwxyz}~do ti li la si solfi fa mi ri re di do VIII Perfect Octa8}ve^VII Major Seventh^vii Minor Seventh^VI Major Sixth^vi Minor Sixth^V Perfect Fifth^ Tritone^IV 9} Perfect Fourth^III Major Third^iii Minor Third^II Major Second^ii Minor Second^I Perfect Unison^^Repeat^D:}uration:^Octaves:^Key:^Presentation:^Menu^Repeat^Duration:^Octaves:^Key:^Menu^Melodic ^Harmonic ^堫OONNLong ^Medium^S;}hort ^NNNC C#D D#E F F#G G#A A#B C D$D E$E F G$G A$A B$B NNRandom^^ I N T E R V A L^^ a music ed<}ucation game^^^ by^^ Douglas Crockford^^^^^^^^Same/Different^Ascending/Descending^Intervals^Perfect Pitch=}^`!WXRW^^Ascending ^^Same^^Descending^^^^^^^^Repeat^Duration:^Octaves:^Menu^ D$4DT^^^^S>}ame^^Different^^^^^^^^Repeat^Duration:^Menu^DTdt $0?@ABC\}򸶒糷 ************************* TO IRA OR NOT TO IRA ** A TAX-EXEMPT SAVINGS *(* EVA]}LUATION *2* BY DAVID L. CLARK *<************************F A dINPUT INITIAL VAUESn)+^}  -(!-%()(x'-%$   ! 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A` 6-@1>} A`=' on a large ledge by the window.36-@6= A`+  in the vault.!6-@6+ A`=' >}on a large ledge by the window.36-@4= A` 6-@A A`5 6-@C6-@9+6-@@>}5 A` 6-@8 A` 6-@8 A`&5 6-@C6-@7+6-@B5 A`0>} 6-@A A`:) 6-@86-@A) A`D! in a staircase.! A`N5 6-@F6->}@H+6-@G5 A`X 6-@E A`b+  in a library.!6-@E+ A`l. in the swim room> }$6-@E. A`v: in the swim room$6-@P06-@Q: A`0 in a laundry room.&6-@I0 A`> }/ in a dining room.%6-@I/ A`) 6-@S6-@T) A`, in a restroom."6-@R> }, A`) 6-@R6-@U) A`) 6-@T6-@V) A`. in a laboratory.$6-@U> }. A`4 in a child's playroom.*6-@U4 A` 6-@Y A`*  in a lounge. 6-@X> }* A`, in a crawlway."6-@a, A`, in a crawlway."6-@`, A` A*  in a l>}ounge. 6-@d* A`  6-@c A`' in the entrance hall.' A` ;@X$,9@X,>}9@,;@9$,;@$,9@9,;@X$,9@X,;,;@P,;@P,;@P,;@P,"]>}];@P,;@%,;@%,;@%,9@,;@P,9@ ,;@P,%*-@@$&67<,.>} * *s-@@X"&68,-V67$&%@<$,. o67$&%@<$,.s , >} 6..Y-@@9"<67$&%@<$,. U67$&%@<$,.Y /(-@@9"$6>}8,-( 0&-@@X&68,-1@68,-2@ 68,-3 4\6-@>}6-@'6-@ 46-6@H6. in a hallway.\6. in an office.>6-6-'6-36->}?6-K6-W6-a+n You're "*!@$6-@H@A@R>}X +B >:AS,%Ҡš It's too dark to see!N6-@X A@\''   :>}f*-@@&68,-* p8  West)68@,-868@,-z!!"@A*">}A 09  North*68@,-968@,-!!"@*"A `8  East)6>}8@,-868@,-9  South*68@,-968@,-6  Up'68@ ,-6>}68@,-8  Down)68@,-868@,-   ;-@@X#"O:8,,16-%@>}; A    A( @( (  7$&%@<$,( A i"@7>}*"@8 You forgot you were naked.S You blush and run out._6-@Ai A(^"@^ JYou awaken on>} the 9th floor of a strange building, obviously a kidnap\"@\ Hvictim. You are alone at the moment and mu>}st escape from the building,/"@# floor by floor./6-@"@@ ,You see a small ledge outside >}the window C"@*"C %and a single key on a key chain thereM"@%"@d)"@eM #Ro> }pe is stretched across quicksand.E"@3E 1There is a wide, long ledge outside the window.$g"@V*">!}0 Labels on bottles:J  Solution: Antidoteg  Fluid: Undecipherable.]"@X] IA drooling alligator bloc>"}ks your way east. He has the remains of a kid-3j"@Xj Vnapper in his mouth. You catch a glimpse of a stairc>#}ase past the alligator.8!!@d)@A:UU LA huge bog of quicksand blocks your way east. The fro>$}nt entrance is there,<gg _your way to safety. There is a large hook on the other side and a tent stake on this side.>%}B3"@Y3 There is a trap door above you.Lc"@a*"c EThrough the trap door you see a long coiled>&} rope on the floor below.V>#"@*"@*"> A flashlight is there.`A#"@*"@*"A >'}Electrical tape is there.j A&PtP A6-'6-%@* 8  <P"@A0yE >(}6.-@B:,(7<,0 A67B:,%@,.7<,E | 6.}, B:, "67B:,%@,. , AI~4>)}LOOKA04JUMPA P4SWIMA# 4WAITA$; -@@;47$&%@>*}<$,A  A0%8,6-8,% A0( You can't go that way.( A@!!0I*0 I>+}NVENTORYA`D --@@D 7$&%@<$,  A@8-@@9>,}847$&%@<$,AH > Don't know what >:@4,>:@4, means.H A@d 6.B:,B:>-},%@26.7B:,%@,AB:,@Z6.7B:,&@.} 6. 8,@AII7@<@,0FLA*7@<@,0TAP*@A@:>/}"@*"0 Cabinet is locked.: A((007@<@,0FLA)A0+6-@V?67$&%>0}@<$,.FLASHLIGHT k67$&%@<$,.7$&%@<$,z68,-@6-@2007@<>1}@,4ELE)A@56-@W?67$&%@<$,.ELECTRICAL TAPE k67$&%@<$,.7$&>2}%@<$,z68,-@6-@<e4"@*"*4KEY*8@,@[ "Your arm is too short to rea>3}ch it.e A(F))@))0KEYA`I6-@X?67$&%@<$,.KEY k67>4}$&%@<$,.7$&%@<$,z68,-@68@X,-@6-@P@c)0KEYApSa% >5}We all know pianos have keys.16-@Va67$&%@<$,.KEY US/67$&%@<$,.7$&%>6}@<$,>68,-@cS68@V,-@ZSS+"@*4PIR*",)+"@*4DOB,)+"@X*4ALI,>7}A)@dww@5)+7@<@,0KID*7@<@,0DOL*7@<@,0MON,)8@',A>8}gJ@ 8You get too close to him. He jumps upand strangles you.J A)ndd@5)+7@<@,0KID*7@>9}<@,0DOL*7@<@,0MON,Aq|@ 8Kidnapper sees your gun and freezes. You grab a dollar.|67@V>:}$&%@<@V$,.DOLLAR srG67@V$&%@<@V$,.7@V$&%@<@V$,\68>;}@V,-@5h6-@r6.LARxCC8@H,@)7@<@,0WAT)@XA{6. CUP OF WATE><}R"6-@H, A%j67@H$&%@<@H$,.CUP OF WATER 68@W,-@ A(>=}]-@@X]7@<@,47$&%@<$&%@,*"O:8,,A@, "  There's no  here.>>}, A@G8, = &Be reasonable now. That's impossible.G A@&&7@<@,0BOOA4 >?}Title of book: How to +"@G4 Swim$"@d$ Walk a tightropeW OK!-@@W7$&%@>@}<$,0 Ar/67$&%@<$,.7$&%@<$,9 A(B68,-r67$&%@>A}<$,. 68,- A( 8,@AS-@@S7@>B}<@,47$&%@<$&%@,A0- # You're not carrying it.- A@O-@@XO7>C}$&%@<$,0 A@Q/67$&%@<$,.7$&%@<$,868,-G68,-Q >D}AP S OK!-@@XS7$&%@<$,07$&%@<$,A`=367$&%@<$,.>E} = Ap "00@)7@<@,0SLEA$e" You drop pill in aquarium..6>F}-@:6-@Q6.SLEEPING PIRANHA[ A%@e A(,::@))7@<@,0SLEA.Y>G}A 9Piranha devours Doberman pincher, thendies of overeating.M6-@Y6-@1 6.DEAD PIRANHA * A%@>H}66-@L68@W,-6@67@V$%@<@W$,.EATEN DOBERMAN 3MC67@V$%@<@W>I}$,.7@V$%@<@W$,M A6@2)0LARA8=67@V$%@<@W$,.LONG STRI>J}NG }67@V$%@<@W$,.7@V$%@<@W$,68@W,-@26-@W6-@V;>K} 6. A%@@ 68,- A(J8,@AT11"@*4MAN)"@X*4TORA)@^11"@A>L}*4IRE)"@d*4ANDA)ph]!"@%*4IRS*"S -Step is missing! You fell down the stairs.] >M}A)prC!4OPE*"@*"@-6-@96-C A00|C!4OPE*"@*"@a-6-@b96->N}C A07!4ANT*"@*"@Y-6-@`7 A07!4ANT*"@*"@`-6-@Y7 A0>O}-4OPE*"@e#6-@d- A0A+4OPE*"@d*"@*"@76-@eA A0W!4OPE*>P}"@d*"@M &You don't know how to walk a tightropeW A)p; 4DOW#"@4)"@616-&@; >Q}A034DGE*"@)  Ledge breaks!3 A)p; 4DGE#"@3)"@516-%@; A0E 4>R}IRS-"@%)"@D)"@b;6-%@E A00kk0OOR)+@$*@C*@0*@e,)8+'@>S}&P:'@,,$@,Ap$ The door's locked.$ A(O 4OOR7"@$)"@C)"@0)>T}"@eE6-%@O A0C4OOR*"@U-"@)"@96-@WC A0W4OOR*"@UM >U}1It's stuck! You're not strong enough to open it!W A(R4IDE*"@W<  You slide through hole in floor.H6>V}-@XR A0088@ )+0OOR*0AIR,)+8@,,A XB :You step on chair and just manage to reach>W} the trap door.N6-@X A(C"@ !4OOR)4AIR9 You can't reach it.C A(&8,@A>X}0))4OOR*"@U*"A:L4OOR*"@U! A(0668@,-@B6-@L A(D>Y}g 4OOR-"@C)"@$)"@eg8@V,"@)"@C*8@B,"@AbE ApFU A(0>Z};68+'@&P:'@,,$@,-@K  Door's openU A(NJ 4OOR-"@C)"@$)"@e@ Yo>[}u need a keyJ A(XU,"@*"*8@X,"@? Cabinet's openK6-@U A(bi 8@9,">\}@*4LLA,6-@9I6.OPEN POPPIN'S UMBRELLAS A%_6-@i A(l8,@AvH4IT>]}I*"@> "It says: Watch out for live ones.H A(X4ITI*"@SN 2GRAFFITI: Do you have a split >^} personality?X A( 4OTEL8@,")8@,"@)"@*8@,"v %Note says: 'Importan>_}t TV program on' A@?4IGN*"@25 Sign: String costs $1.00? A(X4TV*"@$  Bulletin:>`}N %Power will be shut off at midnight...X A(]4OCK*"@$ Time: 56-P:'@,A!@S  Pas>a}t midnight] A(-4OCK*"@#  P.M.- A(K 4OOK58@8,"@)8@R,"@A6-@>b}K A(8,@A!0TONA$G"@ *"@1 Elevator goes down!=6-@G>c} A00!!@B)A 0O' Sprinkler turned on. Fire out.O #But your clothes are very wet. Youp*>d} "take them off. You are now naked.66-@p67@V$%@<@W$,.WET CLOTHES cC67@V$%>e}@<@W$,.7@V$%@<@W$,Y68@W,-6@Bc A):"@F*"$ Click!06-@>f}: A(" Nothing happens." A(++"@`)"@a)"@dA)` v"@4)"@688@%>g},"@*"@` #Balloon carries you down one floor.l6-@Cv A00!!"@4)"@6A)` V"8>h}@9,"@*"@@ You float down one floor.L6-@RV A00*<8@9,"@2 Umbrella wasn't op>i}en!< A)`4 A @>8,@ A!HD!"@*4RES* @#: You're electrocuted!D A)pR22>j}@)0RES)8@W,@A!@T6-@I67@$%@<@$,.TAPED WIRES 67@>k}$%@<@$,.7@$%@<@$, A(\="@*4RES3 Wires fall apart again.= A(>l}fQQ+0OON*0ING,)+@)8@%,@)8@W,@,A!`hi6-@W6. A%,6-@%>m}I6.LARGE TIED BALLOON S A%_6-@i A(p0OPEA!z**@d)8@T,@A!>n}|6-@T6. A%Z67@S$%@<@T$,.ROPE TIED TO STAKE 67@S$%@<@T$,>o}.7@S$%@<@T$,/68@T,-6@d%6-@/ A(,,+@)8@,@,A!>p}| Rope tied to desk%6-@,6.6 A%p67@$%@<@$,.ROPE HANGING OUT WINDO|6-@c>q}C67@$%@<@$,.7@$%@<@$,Y68@,-6@c A(8,@A"2>r}2@)0GHT)8@V,@A"6-@V$6.LIT FLASHLIGHT. A%h67@U$%@<@V$,>s}.LIT FLASHLIGHT t6-@6- A(8,@A"022@)0KEY)8@!,@>t}A"0=67@U$%@<@V$,.CRUDE KEY }67@U$%@<@V$,.7@U$%@<>u}@V$,68@V,-@ A(8,@A"PNN+@%)8@,@,)+8@ ,@*>v}8@ ,,A"Pk4TEP)4IRS'  Stair's fixed36-@:6.F6-@ P A%W6.a A%@k A(>w}8,@A"pDD+8@%,@,)+8@$,@*8@&,,A"pz 4OON6-@%66>x}.LARGE INFLATED BALLOON@ A%z67@$$%@<@%$,.LARGE INFLATED BALLOON6-@ A(>y}8,@A#l4GUN)4PER48@',"@*"@5H Gun had blanks!b Kidnapper shoots you!l A)p>z}F4GUN)4PER*8@',"@<  Gun misfires.F A(8,@A#` EE@)8@2,>{}@)8@3,@)0HESA#  O9 1You have knitted a fine suit and are wearing it.E6-@O A( >|}"A$ %"@I6-@H% A0$ C"@H*"9 You don't know how to swim!C A)p.>}} %"@H6-@I% A(8 8,@A$B Y*4ION*8@D,"@*"@C You've changed ba>~}ck!O6-Y A(L ((4ION*8@D,"@A(V q 4UID*8@E,"@B You've changed into Mr.>} Hyde![ You are very strong!g6-@q A(` 8,@A$ j 22@Y)0TER)8@W,@A$>} l  Plant grows to ceiling.Y67@H$%@<@I$,.HUGE PLANT 67@H$%@<@I$>},.7@H$%@<@I$,o 6-@ A(t 8,@ A$P~ <<0UTE)@a)8@P,@>})A$@ i# Indian rope rises up to you/6-@i67@U$%@<@V$,.END OF ROPE >} cC67@U$%@<@V$,.7@U$%@<@V$,Y68@V,-6@ac A( ;4ANO*"@c1 >}Liberache you're not!; A( 8,@!A$ H!4OPE*"@d*"> Tie the other end first.H A(>} ))0OPE)@d)@A$ }J BHook on rope catches other hook near entrance and stretches tightV6->}@b6-@Ti6.s A%@} A( ( You can't do that now.( A@ -  3 hours pass.#6-%@- A>}@ K-@@K7$&%@<$,07$&%@<$,A% Y367$&%@<$,. >} L67$&%@<$,.V A% Y$   $  468,- $ K-@@PK7$&%@>}<$,07$&%@<$,A%P L367$&%@<$,. L67$&%@<$,. X/67$&%>}@<$,.7$&%@<$,B68,-8,$+0,U68,-8,$+0,X$   $ A( RO GThere is a path east>}, but a vicous, snarling Doberman blocks the way.R$ )& Aquarium full of piranha fish.)$ HE =The staircase is very >}rotten and one wooden step is missing.H$( =: 2Kidnapper counting money. He doesn't see you yet.=$2  Kidnapper is s>}cared.$< FC ;There is a path north, but a raging fire blocks your way.F$F jj bA large swimming pool spans across the>}entire room, dividing it in half. It is very deep and emptyH $P '$ Swimming pool full of water.'$Z !!"@*">}A%pd !!"@*"A%n !!"@%*"A%x !!"@5*"A& !!"@5>}*"@A& !!"@A*"A&  !!"@H*"A&0 !!"@H*"@A&@ $>} eePAPER NOTE,2,DESK,-2,CHAIR,2,LONG BROOM,3,TV SET,-5,CLOCK,-5,GRAFFITI ON WALL,-6,OPEN WINDOW,-7 hhTRAP DOOR IN CEILI>}NG,-9,DOWN BUTTON,-9,CABINET,-10,ENDS OF TWO LIVE WIRES,-11,AQUARIUM,-14,ROPE,15 iiSLEEPING PILL,16,OPEN WINDOW,-17,DESK,->}17,KEY MAKING MACHINE,-19,SUPER GLUE,20,WOODEN STAIR STEP,20 mmTHICK COPPER SHEET,23,LOCKED DOOR,-24,WOODEN STAIRS,-25,TAN>}K OF HELIUM GAS,28,LARGE DEFLATED BALLOON,29 hhLOCKED DOOR,-30,GUN,30,SIGN ON WALL,-32,STRING VENDING MACHINE,-32,OPEN WIN>}DOW,-33,LOCKED DOOR,-43 ddBALL OF YARN,39,KNITTING NEEDLES,40,PUSH BUTTON ON WALL,-42,SEXY OFFICE WORKERS,-37,STAIRS,-44>} ddPUSH BUTTON ON WALL,-46,BOOK,47,MARY POPPIN'S UMBRELLA,50,OPEN WINDOW,-51,GRAFFITI ON WALL,-53 ^^SMALL KEY,37,STEEL DO>}OR,-55,VIAL OF YELLOW SOLUTION,56,JAR OF FLUID,56,CHILD'S SLIDE,-57 __WATER COOLER,-58,PAPER CUP,58,SMALL-SIZED PLANT,-59,>}FLUTE,61,STAIRS,-62,BOOK,64,PIANO,-63 !!LONG ROPE,63,FRONT DOOR,-65 ,0,,0,,0 iiWEST,W,NORTH,N,EAST,E,SOUTH,S,UP,U,>}DOWN,D,GET,TAKE,DROP,PUT,GIVE,PAY,CLIMB,GO,ENTER,OPEN,READ,CHECK XXWATCH,PRESS,PUSH,TAPE,TIE,LIGHT,MAKE,GLUE,INFLATE,SHOOT>},KNIT,DRINK,POUR,PLAY,THROW EE1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,5,5,6,6,9,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,18,19,20,21 ^-@@XC7>}$&%@<$,47$&%@<$,R68,-@^6-@`   $ %"@$6-@"% A(p %"@C>}6-@1% A(p" %"@U6-@C% A(p, 6-@U6 6367$&%@<$,.OPEN DOOR >} 6$@ OK!J +4OOR*"@q+ You need a key.T 7  %  >:AS,7AdAUV F:A>}d,"AUA)X AdAU A0^ A)h  . You've made it!r | AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>}HHH.... QG ?You die a horrible and grizzly death, your body torn to shreds.Q A) $$ Now you look like a pancake!>} : You seem to have gotten:  yourself killed! D D 9To try again, you'll have a start overfrom the 9th floor.>}  B:, @A0 ((7@<@,4LIGHTAE YY QYou can't see where you're going... >} Sorry, you fell and broke yourneck! A)p r68@8,--68@,-9"@h *You forgot the>} antidote! Fluid poisonsyou.r A)p w6-6-&@w UYou made it down to the next floor, but you had to >}drop anything you were carrying. r-@@G67$&%@<$,. K _-@V@X>}n68,-r  A)(#  Pardon me? A@D:KIDNAP**********************************************>}****************************************<(