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You can use either 15/16" or 1A} 7/16" width labels, the two most common sizes. The program is fully menu driven and easy to use. Features oB}f the program include the ability to save mailing label files to disk, to 'tag' files for multiple label prinC}touts and to do multiple copies of labels. *** MAIL LABELS *** D} - Create a new label: This option will allow you to make a mailing label. You will be able to enter 5 or 6 lines oE}f text depending on the label width you have chosen. The program will switch your Atari to lower case lettF}ers. You can switch back to upper case or use inverse video for italics printing on Epson printers. G} Once the label is complete you will be asked if it looks okay. A No response will give you a new input screen. A H}Yes will move you to the printout screen. Here you will be asked for how many copies you want. Responding wI}ith a 0 will move you to the next menu. Enter the number of copies you want done and press START. If you areJ}n't sure whether your labels are properly set up, make 1 copy to see what it looks like. The next menu will allow yoK}u to make additional copies. During printout, pressing OPTION will abort the printout and take you to the neL}xt menu. The next menu gives you 4 options. The More copies option will return you to the printout screenM}. The Save to disk option will allow you to save your label to disk. You will be asked for a filename, the N}program will automatically add the extender .LAB. After the file is saved you will be returned back to this menu. O} The other two options are End the program and Rerun the program. - View labels on disk: This option willP} show you all the files on disk that have the extender .LAB. The files will be arranged alphabetically. PreQ}ssing START will return you to this menu. - Load a label: This option will load a label of your choice. YouR} will be asked for a filename and then the file will be loaded and displayed. You will get the same Y/N prompS}t as in the Create a label option, a Y response will move you on to the printout section. - ErT}ase a file from disk: This is a function that will allow you to delete a label file from disk. - Tag U}Labels for printing: This option will allow you to go through all the label files on a disk and tag those you want tV}o printout. If you choose not to tag any files you will be returned to this menu. After you have W}tagged your files you will be taken to the printout option. Choose the number of copies you want, the X} -1- program will print this number of copies of each file you have tagged.Y} The program will automatically load and print each file you have tagged. On completion you will end up at the Z} post-printout menu where you can make more copies or rerun the program. - Goto disk label section:[} This will take you to the disk label section --> see below. - Drive #: This will toggle you between d\}rive 1 and 2 for the view and tag file options. The load, save, and erase options have their own drive input]} (1-4). *** DISK LABELS *** This section will print a d^}isk label with up to 3 lines, a disk title line, a side A line and a side B line - The disk title line_} is where you can put in a disk name or number, user group name, type of disk, boot instructions, etc. This l`}ine will print out in condensed print and be underlined. You can exceed a screen line during input, most labels have a}space for about 45 to 50 characters. Pressing as the input for this line will leave this line blankb} on the label. - Side A and Side B: These are printed out in enlarged condensed. If you input both sic}de A and B the printout will be prefaced with an A) and B). If you only input side A and hit for side d} B you will get a single line printout without the A) or B). Experiment with upper/lower case and inverse print e}(italics) on the Epson. Don't exceed the indicated line length. - The printout section is the same asf} that for the mail labels. However you will not be able to save your disk labels to disk. g} *** HINTS *** A companion file to this program, LOADL4.XMO is a file that q}B7KILLCO XMOB;KNIGHT XMOBKRKAT XMOBaKSKETC XMOB4=LABDOC XMOB6zLABEL XMOBvLABEL4 XMOBn&LABELM XMOBLAPBXE XMO will autorun your label file. Take a new disk with DOS.SYS on it and rename LOADL4.XMO to AUTORUN.SYS (LOADL4.AR1r} if using SMARTDOS). Place the file LABEL4.XMO on this disk and rename it to LABEL4.BAS. The disk will now s}autoboot the label program. Save your label files to this disk and this will make the program easier and moret} convenient to use. Be creative, center address labels and type the address in lower case with the city anu}d province/state in upper case to attract more attention at the post office. For parcel labels, preface the v}address label with a To:, and your return address label with a From:. Use inverse video to access italics w}print on Epson printers or the special character set in the NEC/Prowriter printers. x} -2-y}10@@0@6-&@ B @$$L2L3%L2-LU%L'L(L(L($/$L(Lu%L~%L%L%L%L+L+0$G$LQ(L(L+L}(Lh+L'L-L+H$_$L1(LI'LY'L'L'L,L6,L6'`$w$Lx'L]'L{}.'L.L.L-L.L .x$$L.L .L.L..L)L)L%L%$$L%L%L&L&L,&L3&L<&LE&$$LS&LL&L=)LD)LS)Lp)L-L/)$$L&L&L&L&L&L&L|}*L *$$L-Lb&Ls&LZ&L'L'L'LH.$%L'Lx.L.L.L.L.L/L/%%LP/Ld/Ly/L/L7/L'L'L& %.%L&L.L.L.L%3%J%2% ɩ}}R1%2K%b%2 '22c%z%捦22`ԤՄ{%%`ȱ`%%ȱ`ȩ%%~}`ԑȥՑ`%%Մ`ԤԅդՅ`%% &0<C &03/6%& % )0,( &&&0 & &} &2&8`ԅ` &3&I& & & &J&a& & &ʥb&y& %аЪ %z&&}Зьɛ&& &0 &0 `Ԩ&&ԥ`Ɠƒ` %&& %L) %L) %eԥ&&e` %L) % u% )Lu}%&' %L) % %L) %L) ~%''L% u% `'4' BLV䅆L]' u%ԅ5'J'` B VԩLu%PK'b'p}Kc'y'JBDELy,z'' %L( u%ԅ`''U 1%R1%''eɐ1%L' o+}''` u% % u%` u%''ԅ`,/%0%``' (&eԅԥeՅ` (!(L% 'ԨL~%Ԅ % u%"(/(eԥe}`1(H(Ԅ %ɛ o+I(_(0` ( ذI`(w( ( 8ԅԩՅLu%x((L,ȹɛ((}꩛` ((( %ɛ((ɛ摥0L(((`2 2L,()0(,ɛM0(}))M0( ()ɛ ()).)򩀅`/)E) u%ԍ`ԄLu%F)\)ԄLu%])s)ɛԆ}Lu%t)) %󅐅 ( ؋)) u%``ԅԥՅLu%8))2ԭ2Lu%Ԥո))ԅե`8ե))`}eեe` ) *))fLu% ) *fLu%8)*ԨՄԅLu% % )*-*ԥՄԩՅօ.*D*ԥFf *}ԥE*[* *ԅՅԥզ\*r*Ц`ԅՅʩ0s**ݴ** *** 08f$**˹ }`' d** G+1ԦԄ**ՄFԐ eਊ**e&L*Ԇ`hh L,*+ G+Ff+,}+&֐ݥ ԆՅԠ&-+C+&&8થօԈD+[+`քע V+Ե \+r+8`R1%s++ +L,}`GH++FH` +0ɛȄ++ ؐL,HI h++ 8ԅԩՅLu%?++Ƞ+ ,򦅩D++E}BHILy,+,ɛ o+`,+, o+` u%HI,,C, BLy,՝HID,[, v,Lu%EDH} I\,r, Lv,EDH Is,,Lv,B Vú,,l/% g-dd1g-8,,/ i h- 0i-_,,- ,}2%>- ,-,,-2%+ h+ '-,,Ԏ-8ե -,-L,m- , +ɛD(-.-C` ذ K-L- }N-/-D-L2 N-}- ,L- N- H-E-[-L-l lp '8\-m-`ERROR- n-}-?Run address> ~--BASIC exitTrace:--8}Յթԅ` -L+-- --ȘH c*--h00,--)` % ҅-. ) )օե}ׅ` L, . .L.L.L.L.``Յ`8!.7.Յթԅ`0 8.N.ԩ`ԅ`` 'O.f. u%`BԝK)I Jg.v.t}D.ELVS:x..)H)h y`.. % u% % u%TԅUՅV..`&B y,N..LսM` % u%ԝL}..՝MN%BLy, % /./` BHILy, %// /`B JKLy,/2/ u%ԅUՅV % u%ԅT3/J/` }H )hK/`/` u%)xԩa/x/Lu% u%))L$&L&y// u%)pԩLu%// u%)|L&L$& ///}2%L- / / / `22::3=> $67 $R ; E$ <$ 5:;>ԩ }$8;O>ԩ $:;%>22ԩ $Y; E$ <$; E$ <$; $M> $$M> $; $}; !$ $; E$M> $; $L2; E$ <$33; E$!> H$!%> H$ *$!3= 9$}; E$!> H$!%> H$ *$!U= 9$33; E$!> H$!%> H$ *$!w=} 9$Š; E$!> H$!%> H$ *$!ᢙ= 9$ɠ;4}4 E$!> H$!%> H$ *$!}ᢻ= 9$͠; E$!> H$!%> H$ *$!ݠ= 9$Ѡ;~44 E$!> H$!%> H$ }*$!T> 9$ՠ; E$!> H$!%> H$ *$!v> 9$٠;4{5 E$!> H$!%> }H$ *$!ᢘ> 9$ ; E$ <$ 7; $; !$ $!3= H$ <$; $; !$ $|55!U= H$ <$}; $; !$ $!w= H$ <$; $; !$ $!ᢙ= H$ <$; $; !$ $!5x6ᢻ= H$ <$}; $; !$ $!ݠ= H$ <$; $; !$ $!T> H$ <$; $; !$ $!v> H$y66 <$;} $; !$ $!ᢘ> H$ <$ <$ <$ <$ <$; E$ <$< E$ <$Щ l$; $L66v}7L2Щ l$; $L7L6L7; $; !$ $2< E$ <$ ; $G> $$G> $; $; !$ $T< E$ <$G> $};w77 $LF7 ; $G> $$G> $; $V< !$ $X< E$ <$G> $; $L7; $Z< !$ $\< E$ <$`}7 %7u8 <$~< E$ *$ 6$I> $$ %I> $; $LB8< E$ <$L7< E$ <$; $; !}$ $< E$ <$v88< $; !$ $< E$ <$Щ l$; $L8L8ܠ9 % ; $M> $$ K$!3= H$ <$}p Q$ K$!U= H$ <$p8u9 Q$ K$!w= H$ <$p Q$ K$!ᢙ= H$ <$p Q$ K$!ᢻ= H$ <$p Q$ }K$!ݠ= H$ <$p Q$ K$!v99T> H$ <$p Q$ K$!v> H$ <$p Q$ K$!ᢘ> H$ <$p Q$M> $}I> $L8LA5ܠ9 %; $; !$ $̠<9t: E$ <$; $; !$ $< E$ <$Щ l$; $L5:L:<} $; !$ $< E$ <$ = $; !$ $ = E$u:: <$; $; !$ $= E$ <$< $; !$ $= E$ <}$< $ = !$ $'= E$ <$ l$; $L:L::X;`L$67R}N !"} Y;;} INPUT LINE AS IT WILL APPEAR ON LABEL' (TOTAL OF 9 LINES)} | #1:#2:#3:#4:#5:#6:#7:#8:;X<#9:  PRESS TO PRINT P}RESS TO REDO#Y<< HOW MANY} COPIES@}GET PRINTER READY ANDPRESS ԛ'P<2=PRINTER NOT AVAILABLE  PRESS ԛLABEL MAKER}BYDEREK SIGNORINI(c) 1985HIT KEY$},Y A)"&67@,.767@,.H67@,.Y67@,.6c#99APNTADISEDSAREACOUNFILEFLAPSORTPCPTAGLABELNAMEFIRSTSECONDTHIRDFOURTHFIFTHSIXTHWTC}OPIEDTIMEBRTOPSIDEASIDEBDNUDLI } } !"#$%&' JJ }   THE LABELLER JJ   Mail & Disk label cr}eator JJ   Use w/tractor feed labels (JJ  }  by: Ken Watson 2$$ Elsa, Yukon, CANADA <pp   Ver.} - 26/07/86  FPZ, A6.V,FAST in BASIC XLd+ +} A0! A$+ A$pn A#@ A#PxT( 9( PRINTER SELECTIONT( } Z-@@9(Type 'N' for NEC8023A/Prowriter<(Z('E' for Epson compatible>-@@#>(}#by: Ken Watson, Elsa, Yukon, CANADA/ A@"@i%6-@/ Ap @x( AP A}0 (} A#Pc( ;( DISK/MAIL SELECTIONW( c6-}]( ( (( ISK LABEL (1( AIL LABEL; A@G"@wS6-] A0@h( A}56-@++AR@5 A! ~ +(}%AA7AA(b(&}򠠠tAR@~ A0a( ( ($(reate a new label'(@(iew labels on diskC(U( }oad a labela6-c(#(rase a label from disk&(C(ag labels for printingF(c(oto disk label section}0((erun this program!(0(rive #* A@!"@gA @*CREATE%"@6-% Ap}"%"@i6-@% A,&"@vA&LOAD A LABEL6%"@6-@% Ap@"@}' @J"@qA T@h( A0^)6-%@@)6-@h A0}r[ 6.NO AP"6-@((}:-@@[(Loading and sorting files...|s6-6.D)67@},.=:,?67@,.:*.LABJ@g@@s6-@5@57@<@ ,4FREE} A II@:7@<@,,!@G*@:7@<@,, @XA t6-%@'6-$@&@>6}7<%@,. j67%@<%@,.7@<@,t Ad7@<@,4NO#(}&()(,(Q( } NO LABEL FILES ON THIS DISKT(W(Z(d A`!!"@*"A`!!"@*"@AB.6-?:C}:,6-%@T@ *"`6-@l6-@!A}` A F:B2y,@A@& (} Ap0;-@@#/(Ԡ to continue;6-}: F:B2y,@ApD A0NU (}AAB--@@#U(# ag; =skip; =abortXc-@6(** TAG FILES FOR PRINTOUT **<(?(K6-@W6-@c6-@b5(7<%@},567<%@,.7<%@,l/ A@"AU%6-/ A0v"@2(  A` @}( A 7( => tagged67<,.*+6-@76-"@ (;6-%@6-%@}-6-%@;A;@('(1 A ; A06- A CRE}ATE A FILE SECTIONw + A0)AR@;AA(MAAw(%Šįů}ŠA( ( (This section will,"@7( A AP&"@( & AP( };;(3 any file with the extender '.LAB'. You only haveqN(Fto type the main part of the filename - DO NOT ad}d the extender -`-@@"q( '0' to AbortR-@@"(DRIVE #?, A@B @H)!@RH(R} A U-@!@!6-A:>:,,%(+6-7"A A%PK A#@U A0i-@@'( Name o}f file:9-@@H(  Z-@@i(   6-@@$( 6AR}*4-@@((6-@46-@4k@.@@K:@AdAUJ A0}W)@k"AUA`>!"A&6. ! 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