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A small path leads up one of the sides. There is a small cave hereq A2Q}6-@((INSIDE A SMALL CAVE2 A<(ON A MOUNTAIN PATH&6-@26-@< A <(ON A MOUNTAR}IN PATH&6-@26-@< A %6-@6-@% A%6-@6-@% A76-@S}-(NEAR THE EDGE OF A CLIFF7 A-#(AT THE BOTTOM OF THE CLIFF- AP'( IN A CAVE6-@' AT} )(6-@"6-@) A *(6-@# 6-@* A )(6-@ 6-@$) A U}!)(6-@!6-@$) A "O( IN A CLEARING!6-@"-6-@%96-@#E6-@(O A #V}%6-@$6-@&% A$%6-@%6-@'% A%6-@& A&)(6-@$6-@)W}) A 'V4(IN A 7$@&@%@<$@,@6-@(L6-@0V A (J4(IN A 7$@&X}@%@<$@,@6-@)J A0)i6-@_(JON TOP OF A TREE. There's a branch here extending out Y}over the cliffi A@*)(6-@'6-@3) A +)(6-@26-@4) A ,A(6-@3Z}6-@3+6-@376-@3A A -$(IN A6-@($ AB.3(INSIDE YOUR OWN HOUSE)6-@![}3 A /)(6-@86-@8) A!0A(6-@76-@9+6-@A76-@@A A 1(\}6-@8 A 2(6-@8 A 3(6-@8 A 4W6-@AM(8IN A POST OFFICE. There i]}s a wanted poster on the wallW AD5e[(RIN A TIME MACHINE. There is a large glass window here and a large lever.^} Under e AF6/(IN A LIQUOR STORE%6-@)/ A dEAR@(}.-@@E(IT'S ABOU_}T TIME...;@7$,9@7,9@7,9@,;@,9@,9@),9@,;@,;@ `},;@&,;@w,;@,;@,bb;@6,;@ ,;@ ,;@P,;@(,;@$,;,;a}@,;@,''6. `-@@&68,-* >-@@7M68b},-\68,-` g-@@7067$&%@<$,.4"M67$&%@<$,.Q"Z68,-^"g6c}8,- Q"-@@)"(68,-, @-@D"M68,-Q w6.SOMEWHERE DOWNTOWN76d}.IN A FOREST CLEARINGC6-@O6-@!p6.. There are two rocks herew6.WW6.MSWAMP PATH SWAMP PATH JUNGLe}E PATHFOREST PATHROAD STREET HIGHWAY ee6.[SWAMP SWAMP JUNGLE FOREST FOREST f}STREET SHOPPING LANE,k%216-=6-I6-_"@*"k6g}-@-?"@6-@'6-@3 @?6-@.=%"@*+ @*!@,16-@=6-h}@/1!* @%6-@16-@06-6-'6-36-?6-K6-i}W6-c6-o6-y+0@0@@0@1"j}AR@"(YOU'RE 2` @'6.AT THE EDGE OF A `67B:,%@,.7$@&@%@<$@,3k}F!@!6. IN A STREET-"@F6.IN A SHOPPING LANE4[6. IN A JUNGLE6.'!@96. IN A FORESTl}?6.K"@[6. IN A CITY55"@6. IN A PARK56.IN A DOMED CITY6v68@5,-'68@5,-m}3"@G6. JEWELRY STOREv67A <A,. JEWELRY STORE 7!@%68@5,-6@(1"@n}P6.N AUTOTRON SHOPPING MART67A <A,. AUTOTRON SHOPPING MART? @@d"@*"O68o}@,-6+@1%P:H:,$@,%@,d68@,-@Bn- @*8@,"6@*"@;6-%@p}G"@n67@3<@G,.WARM EGG C6"@667@3<@G,.HOT EGG D6"@q}667@3<@G,.CRACKED EGG Ed"@ 967@0<@G,.SHEEGG SHELLS O68@,-6@d68@r},-@Fu68@,-'68@,-3"@I68@,-6@!u67AR<Aq,.YOUR HOUSE s} GQ"@;67AR<Aq,.BEN FRANKLIN'S HOUSEQ68@,-6@!J'8@,"@'68@,-t}l/(%%%%%%%%!/(o*-@@&68,-* q)!68@,-)( u}Wests*!68@,-*( Northt)!68@,-)( Eastu*!68@,-*( Sv}outhw)!68@,-)( Downx.!68@,-.( Northwesty.!68@,-.(w} Northeastz=!68@ ,-.( Southwest:"@$=({.!68@,-.( Southeast x}( (B-@@7*O:8,,"*8,"86-%@B A   A""@" y})( 7$&%@<$,) A["@*8@,"67(Tiger leaps at you...K-@AO [6-z}@}#"@*8@","6@@(and falls on your knife.Z(It runs away with theq(knife still in him}6-{}@w:"@w6-@"068@,-: A5"@+(and tears you to pieces5 AgQ8|}@,"6* @7(Cook is running wild,Q(looking for somethingq'8@1,"6*"*"@56-%@}}Y(I think he is about to kill youe"@q6-@$"@(HE DID$ Ag_"@*8@2,"6~}4(Indian trader saysP((in his native tongue):S(_6-@Q"@2(>:@4,EVIG EM WORRA DAEH,Q(RO }LLI LLIK UOY>:@4,m"@(#-@1@4/6-@J8,"6*8,"*@m(He may have something t}o trade"@ I'8@1,"6*"@(*"@I(He has a mole on his left earX!6-%@}) @56-@X(There's thunder and lightning."@#-@@`M2P:H:},$@,f'@"P:'@,0@@0@@\"@('@"P:'@},B0@@\0@@G"@ )@*"@=(YOU ARE STRUCK!G Ag}V"@*@=(С A bolt just missed you.V(These open spaces...E#"@*"@D* @}9(Robot clerk says,E6-@`"@;(>:@4,I'll trade you something for`(a good bottle of wine>:@4},V"@*"@53(A sign says: Ҡ6(J-@"@%V6-@ f"@ &8&@",!}76-8&@",A Af(7$&%@<$&@,$"@  aL8@,@6*8@,6}@*8@,@*8@,a68@,-"@6-@?(You are given a reward of $1.85\(}for returning the walleth6-@(t6-@x6-@ A=%216-=6}- A0MAR(4(8JAR@M(8%2}84LOOKA!!@)*!AP'8@,"*8@,"6*4NEF(Mad pig won't let y}ou passP APB!@*"@'*4E8(It's too far to walkB AP-@@+B:,"@*4}7$@&@<$@&@,,)+B:,"@*47$@&@<$@&@,,Av  A%}8,6-8,% A)(You can't move that way) AP0IA1^(%!}1@76-A AT($ in cash^ A$!$($A cents.-@@.8},"A0 (78,$&%@<8,$,  APS-@@)S7@<@,47$@&}@<$@,A E;(I don't know what >:@4,>:@4, meansE APXI-@B:,!}7<,0 % ?(I don't understand...I AP]6.7%@:@4,You have}n't enough money>:@4,] APnF"@*@PF(>:@4,Here's your change>:@4,oC"@"6}-&8&@",968&@",-C AupI"@ ?(>:@4,I don't have that>:@4,I AP}S-@@7S47$&%@<$&%@,*"O:8,,*8,"AB =3( There's no >:@4,>:@4}, here= APM7 @*"@*"@*"@*"@C6-@M AE/# @*"@}*"@/6-58, +(You can't carry that5 API-@@&8,"/68,-?6}8,-6@I APP 8,@APB4MON*!,(Money blows away86-B AP}O"@5E(>:@4,Please don't litter my shop>:@4,O AP;"@C1(Please keep your machine tidy}; APR-@@7:47$&%@<$&%@,R8,"6@A ((You're not carryin}g it( AP(-@@(8,"A  A !68,-!68,-m3"@*8@ },"*8@ ,"*"H(Turkey eats corna(and pays you no heedm6-@Q"@;67A6<AU,.}TURKEY (EATING CORN)G6-@Q AQG"@'(Corn rolls away and=(you can't find itG AP\ @} *"@2(Ƞϡ The egg brokeP(and you made quite a mess\6-@_"@667@3<@G,.QUIT}E A MESS F68@,-6U68@,-_ AQ"@/(As you release the reptile,;6-@Q"@*}"@]6-@r68@,-68@,-68@,-@6-@]"@.(it flies through} the hole,B(gets something,](drops it at your feet,,"@"(and flies away, AP8"@.(it f}lies away for evermore8 APx'"@ *"@*8@,"6B(Cook grabs turkey and,T( in gratitude,l(give}s you somethingx6-@P"@$68@,-@:68@,-6@F6-@P AQ"@ ;6}7A6<AU,.MAD TURKEY G6-\68@ ,-@k68@ ,-(Turkey runs away... AQ}x*8@,"*8@,"6*"@@(Pig grabs the bagW(from your hand andl(runs off with itx6-@.}"@$68@,-. AQ9- @*"@*"@*"@96-@"@vAPP}"@wAP"@xAQ 68,-68,- (OK! AQ8,@Ac"@*}8@1,"6;8@0,"6@*4ROCW(Rocks are used as moneyc6-@ u"@ ((in this time period.46}-@1I68@,-@_68@,-6@k6-@0u AP%%"@*8@1,"6AQh%"@}*8@2,"6*0ARRB(Indian trader kills you.^(Listen to him next timeh Ag~1"@*8@2,"6*8@},"6@=6-@2S68@,-6@h68@,-@t6-@~ AP9"@*8@3,"6*4}COI*8@,"6@E6-@3Z68@,-@p68@,-6@|6-@ AP%%"@*8@3},"6AQvC"@*8@4,"6*+4GLA)4BIF,*8@,"6@O6-@4j(He puts the glasses onv6-@}0j"@0)(and sees much better.>68@,-@T68@,-6@`6-@j AP %%"@}*8@4,"6AQ sC"*8@6,"6*"@*4STR*8@,"6@O6-@v[6-@i6-%@}s AusC"*8@6,"6*"@*4KEY*8@,"6@O6-@v[6-@i6-%@s Au}a5"@*"@5*4PEA*8@,"6@U(Storekeeper examines pearl,a6-@@{"@@1(consi}ders it costume jewelry,M(and gives you 2 dollarsY6-@e6-@q6-@w{ AO5"@*"@D*}4WIN*8@,"6@A6-@AO(>:@4,G"@A*"@G(Hmm...vintage 500 million B.C.>:@4,}v"@A*"@3(He takes the wine andK(gives you something`68@,-@&v68@&,-6@G"}@A*"@%6-@16-@=6-@wG AM"@A$(Not aged enough.C(I don't want it>:@4},M AP A8,@Ax!"@B*4PAP*"2( LOST: WALLETL(RETURN TO POST OF}FICEW(REWARDl68@(,-@@x6-@Q."@Q$68@(,-@. APi++4PAP)4NEW,*"@}*"?((FINAL EDITION)](HEADLINES: HENRY BOWMAN i6-@R D"@R#(CREATES B BOMB:(AND DESTROY}S WORLDD AP"_S"*+4NEW)4PAP,*+8@ ,"6@)+8@ ,"*8@ ,",,_6-@S#U"@S}K(7HEADLINES: HENRY BOWMAN THREATENS WORLD WITH B BOMBU AP$p!"@B*"*4POS-6-@TF(WAN}TED: HENRY BOWMANp(%DISTINGUISHED FEATURES:MOLE OVER LEFT%["@T;(&EAR, AS HAD ALL HIS DIRECT DESCENDANTSQ68@}1,-6@[ AP' AF*8,@A@+d54HOU*"@!*"@*8@,"6@N(Key} unlocks the doorZ6-@6d AQ,K-4HOU*"@!*+"@)"@,A(Door won't openK AP.-"@}*4MAC#6-@C- A/;"@)"@#4CAV16-%@; A07!"@*"@*4TR}E-6-@17 A17!4ROP*"@*"@1-6-@7 A2-4ROP*"@#6-@1- A3}O!"@C*+4MAC)4OUT,-6-@`C"@*"O6-@a4A"@a&(You have just died7( of ra}diationA Ag5k"@`*"@k(LYou have changed the future. By killing a direct descendant of Bowman,}6f"@`*"@\(>you have also prevented his birth and the creation of the bombf Ag9%"@`6-@}% A:A4STO)4MAR+!@*"@(76-@5A A;A4STO)4MAR+"@*"@)76}-@DA A=Q"@A*4OFF#6-@B/6-@pE8@(,"6@Q6-@>"@pA?}j%8@',"6*"@*4TAX16-@HP:$A,"@5T6-@7`6-j A@n"@*"@}7(You find 35 cents in coinL(among the rewardX6-@%d6-@Pn AAX"@ ( Driver says,A(>:}@4,fare is 35 cents,X(exact change only.BL"@&(We are not allowedB( to take tips>:@4,L AP}C7!"@*+4MOU)4PAT,-6-@7 AH8,@AuJS+"@*"@*"*4HO}LI(You see a stone arrowheadS APLU%8@1,"6*+4CAV)4PED,7( He has a moleK(on his left earU AP}M94PAP)4POS!!@/( TRY: READ9 APN)(You see nothing special) APk8,@ A}l|1"@*8@,"6@*8@,"6L(As you swing the club,p(you scare the pterodactyl away.|6-@}r"@)(She flies off leavingB(her nest unprotectedW68@,-f68@,-{68@,-@ }APs28@&,"6@(( TRY: SHOOT2 APu( You can't APz8,@A {eM8@&},"6@*"*"@*8@1,"6*+4CAV)4PED,Y6-@e6-@|q"@667At<A,.}DEAD CAVEMAN Q(You fire a single shotg(and he falls deadq AQ}18@&,"6@'( Missed...1 AP}8,@A i4ROP)4BRA5"@1*8@#,"6@;6-G6-@S6-@#_6-@vi A}8,@A %/"@C*4LEV%6-&@/ A8,@A/"@C*4LE}V%6-%@/ A* (Sorry, you can't do that* AP5 @+(. The sun is scorching5 A }( A 16-@6-@ '6-@!1 A "@( A I"@?(+. There is asm}all bird-sized hole in a wallI A ( A ,"@"(ON A CORNFIELD, A $(ON A MOUNTAIN PA}TH$ A E@&(. Thereis a tree 2"@;(hereE A (@( stump here( A }( A q"@*"q(R. Ben Franklin is sitting on the steps of his house looking discouraged. In} L"@*"B("one hand he isholding a small kiteL A V"@*"L(.. A green door ma}t lies on your front stepsV A ( A H4(ON A 7$@&@%@<$@,H"@%A}!"@&A % @6-@'% A X6-@2"@X(7There are many pilgrims here }sitting at a large table ]"@*@S(5about to have a feast. They sit there bewildered] A &}"@(feasting& A D%"@*+"@%)"@7,D(There is a taxi stand here A "@}A 6-@0 A > "4(&. A long rope leads down the cliff> A ( A  "}@ ( SIGN: Š A D @D(0 and a piece of paper tacked to a bulletin board A T(}the lever it says:1( PAST: PULL LEVERJ( FUTURE: PUSH LEVERT A o(7$&%@<$,)( TRADES FOR;( SO}METHING ANDJ( DISAPPEARSY68,-e6-@wo A)(He won't trade for that) AP\68@',-62}(Driver takes 35 cent fare,R(and drops you off somewhere\ AQ0@]68@7,-"@}()6.pull=-@AY2@@] "@)6.push7-A@6@S}2@@W m"@*"0@@S*(As you  the lever, everythingS($}begins to fade. As you rematerializeQQ(Iyou find yourself in strange surroundings. Through the window in S$(}your time machine you see...0"@I(A prehistoric era...S AP!-"@#(The stone age..- AP"L}"@#(You can't tell,B(but a meter reads 200 B.C.L AP#+"@!( Early America+ AP$("@}( The 1700's( AP%<"@2(Looks like you're back in 1983< AP&M"@#(The far future.}C(Your meter reads: 3031 A.D.M AP'l"@/(Your meter reads: 3032 A.D.>( You see aJ"@b(n ult}ra modern cityl AP(S"@-( city completely in ruinsS(!as if some devastating attack had)J"@@(},occured. A newspaper is lying on the groundJ AP*^"^(JYou're in a void. You see gasses colliding i}n black space creating an+_"_(Kinferno. You have just witnessed a remarkable event: the creation of the,^}"^(Jearth, which, incidentally, is also the last thing you'll ever see. Your-E";(&machine was blow}n apart in the processE Ag.["@ [(GA cold, dead world. The sky brightens and huge suns swoop down upon the}/K"@ A(-earth and blow it to bits. And you with itK Ag:b(( . There is a cave here in theX(+mounta}inside. A rope leads up the cliffb A Sm"@6-@3(Ben Franklin thanksI(you and runs off.m(}In his haste he drops somethingV"@A67A<AD,.BEN FRANKLIN (FLYING KITE)W68@6,-6@$l68@},-@!68@,-@6-@w AX%"@%6.piece of stringY"@6.key[<6}. and in the other,a 267B:,%@,.< A1 6.=:,B:,"@167B:,%@,..2B:, @(6}7B:,%@,.02 A$ggPTEMAD PTERODACTYL,-5,1,EGGPTERODACTYL EGG,0,0,PTEBABY PTERODACTYL,0,0,TIGSABRE TOOTH} TIGER,-15,2hhCLUWOODEN CLUB,0,0,ARRSTONE ARROWHEAD,0,0,COIOLD COIN,0,0,STRPIECE OF STRING,0,0,TURMAD TURKEY,7,4ggCOO}COOK,0,4,PEAPEARL,0,0,BIFBIFOLCALS,0,0,HOUYOUR HOUSE,0,0,APPBAG OF APPLES,0,0,PIGMAD PIG,-14,5[[COREAR OF CORN,0,0,MATDOO}R MAT,0,0,KEYKEY,0,0,WINBOTTLE OF WINE,36,6,NEWNEWSPAPER,7,7jjSTOLIQUOR STORE,-29,7,KNIKNIFE,0,0,ROPROPE,0,0,AXEAXE,0,0,M}IRMIRROR,0,0,GUNOLD GUN,0,0,TAXTAXI,-25,7eeWALWALLET,0,0,OFFPOST OFFICE,-41,7,ROCROCKS,0,0,PEDCAVEMAN PEDDLER,-28,2,TRAIN}DIAN TRADER,-28,3aaBARPILGRIM BARTERER,-28,4,MERSQUINTING PEASANT MERCHANT,-28,5,XXX,0,0,FRABEN FRANKLIN,-21,5MACTI}ME MACHINE,-3,64]]W N E S U D NW NE SW SE GETBUYPICDRORELGIVTRAREAGO ENTCLILEALOOKILHITSHOTIEPULPUS>//1,1,1,2,2,4},4,5,6,6,6,6,7,9,9,10,11,12,13C1.5,1.65,1.8,1 -#(I don't know what you mean!- AP?6-(1(HIT } TO CONTINUE...5? A (Ok16-#-@AP' 1 A,( You're dead64(This a}dventure"(is over4AR D1:TIME.BAS6-@I A0g+4BLU*8@","6@*"@G(}Everything looks purpleS6-@] Ag APCC7IF A=13 AND E$="HIL" THEN ? "You see a cave":BYE .540004E+10}8,@A \?4YEL*"*8@ ,"6@*8@!,"6@K6-@R(Ok\ AP``7IF }E$="YEL" AND PO=0 AND A(20)=-1.00000004 AND A(2604040404)=-1.0404>=PO=2? "Ok":GOTO 450\?4RED*"*8@!,"6@}*8@ ,"6@K6-DR(Ok\ AP* (Sorry, you can't do that* APQ"G(3. The can}oe is tied to a tree with some sturdy ropeQ A ( A ``(TOn the othev side you continue to see trees wit}h a tall one at the edge of the chasm6-@ A 16-@'6-@2'6-@11 A E!};('. A large hat is floating in the centerE A ( A B"@8(". A strong branch extends ou }twardsB A ( A T"T(@. There is a suspension bridge here, spanning across the canyon,I }"?(+and fastened on each side by 2 strong ropesI A ( A 6(Dwarf child won't,(give it t }o you6 AP&R"(Suddenly everything spins,:(and begins to fade.R(As things reappear,'B(you find you are&( } elsewhere,6-86-B AP:!!@")"@A?X(Dwarf child trades his5(7$&%@<$, }X( for your 7$&%@<$,@X68,-&-@@ /8,"868,-H68,-6@N6-X AQA} lb"b(N. There is a dwarf child here playing with and looking through what appearsm;"1(to }be a 7$&%@<$,; A n( A vC-(%a yellow kingdom, and a green kingdom96-@#C A /}%( (KLINGING TO  PLASTIC)/ A0)(]ou wee nothing special) AP:$(7$@&@<$@,06-}: A __EMBAMERICAN EMBASSY,-59,DAUAMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER,-35,HATLARGE HAT,-2,GUNGUN,-1,APPAPPLE,0ccBANBANA}NA,0,BEASLEEPING BEAR,-4,PADBOAT PADDLE,0,MONMONKEY,-9,KNISMALL KNIFE,0,ROPLONG ROPE,0eeSPESPEAR LODGED IN TREE,0,NATOLD }NATIVE,-21,NATINJURED NATIVE,-33,TENTENT,-36,CROEVIL CROOK,-35QQOUTFEROCIOUS OUTLAW,-35,BANSNEAKY BANDIT,-35,SKUSKUNK,46,}NATMAD NATIVES,-4700HEAMAD INDIAN HEADHUNTERS,-17,CANCANOE,-114WWW N E S GETDROREMGIVWAVRUBPUTGO ENTPULFREKILATTOP}EMOVPUSUNLANSSAYLOOON CLOCOV><<1,2,2,2,3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,10,10,11,12,12,13,15,16,16 -#(I don't know what you mean!-} AP?6-(1(HIT TO CONTINUE...5? A (Ok16-#-@AP' 1 A},( You're dead67(This adventure"(is over4AR7X&#"@)"@5)"@6&$Y;-}@@#A7-@@%; Z4A)-@@%- 1 4$(#<A#-@}A' 9A<$A A :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::}:::::<@"<@#}"" ?}""    @}   xxihxxihhxihi A}xhxihhxihhxihixhxhxxxxxhxhiixhx B}ixhxihixhxihhxihhxihxxxihxhxixixi C}xixxxxiixxxixixixxxxxhxixxxixxxixxx D}xxhxixxxixxxixxxxxhxixxxixxxixxxix E}hxxhixhxihixhxxhhxixihhxhxixix F}ixixxxxiixxxixixixxxxxhxixxxixxxixxx G}xxhxixxxixxxixxxxxhxixxxixxxixxxix H}hxhxixixixixxxxiixxxixixixxxxxhx I}ixxxixxxixxxxxhxixxxixxxixxxxxhxixxxix J}xxixxxixxxxxhhxxhhhxhhxhx K}hxhxhxhxhxhxxxxxxxxxxxxxhxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhx L}hxhxhxhxhxhxhxxxxxxxxxxxxxhxhxxxxxxxxxhxhxhxhxxxixx M}xixxxxxhxixixixixxxxxhxxxixxxixxxxxhxx N}xixxxixxxxxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxxxxxxxxxxxxxhxhxx O}xxxxxxxhxhxhxhxxxixxxixxxxxhxixixixixxxxxhxxx P}ixxxixxxxxhxxxixxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhxhxxxxx Q}xxxxhxhxhxhxxxixxxixxxxxhxixixixixxxxxhxxxix R}xxixxxxxhxxxixxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx S}xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhxhxhxhxhx T}hxhxhxhxxhhxxhhxxhhxxhhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxxhhxx U}hHxxxixxxixxhxxhxxxixxxixxhxxhxxxixxxixx V}hxxhxxxixxxixxhxxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxxhhxxh W}Hxxxixxxixxhxxhxxxixxxixxhxxhxxxixxxixxh X}xxhxxxixxxixxhxxhxxhhxxhHxxxixxxixxhxxhx Y}xxixxxixxhxxhxxxixxxixxhxxhxxxixxxixxhxx Z}hxhxiiiiiiiihxhxhxhxhx [}iiiHiiiHiiiHiiihhxhxhxiHhxhxxxxxii \}xxxxxxxxhxhxhxxxxxiixxxxxxxxhxhxhxxxxxiixxxxxxxxhxhxhxxx ]}xxiixxxxxxxxhxhxhxiiiHiiiHiiiHiiihhxhx ^}hxiHhxhxxxxxiixxxxxxxxhxhxhxxxxxiixxxxxxxxhxhxhxxxxx _}iixxxxxxxxhxhxhxxxxxiixxxxxxxxhxhxhiihhxhxhxiHhx `}hxxxxxiixxxxxxxxhxhxhxxxxxiixxxxxxxxhxhxhxxxxxiixxxxx a}xxxhxhxhxxxxxiixxxxxxxxhxhxiiiiiiiihiiiiiii b}iihi@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@M6-?:<@4<@ character at the top o}f the file from decimal 255 to the value of your printer's line feed character, usually decimal 10. The ability to prod}uce true footnotes is provided by the large footer buffer contained in TEXTPRO[1]. The buffer can be used to store more than} a single line of text and this text can be formatted by you to contain the footnotes you desire for each page. The method t}hat I am using for this document is the following. -I keep track of the current page and line number by using the here's the cursor command. When I get near the end of each page I format my footnotes[2]. -The only rule to remem}ber here is that you want to be sure that all of your footnotes to be set on this page are entered in the footer declaration.} Each line of the footer must end with the carriage return and line feed print keys[3] and the total number of characters us}ed cannot exceed 255. -I have decided that the three footnotes that I have on this page will be the only ones that I n}eed on this page so I can now enter my footer declaration. The easiest way to track the footers is like this: *E}nter the footnote right after the footnote designator and delete it to the buffer. Enter a TAB prior to the entry to provide} the left margin. *Continue with each additional footnote using the SELECT option to append the new footnote to t}he old. *Paste the whole thing back as the footer line using the eplace buffer command.61 [1] Th}e footer buffer can contain 255 characters [2] You cannot use features such as center and block right. Format } each line individually. Turning off the word wrap will help. [3] If you need them.3 Then you simply deduc}t the number of forced returns sent to the printer from the page length and your footnotes will format perfectly. The f}ooter must be redefined on each page to prevent it from printing repetitively. You may also have a standard footer line defi}ned that prints at the end of every page, footnotes or not. This can contain such things as the page number if you wish but }cannot use edge right or centering. This page will use this form of footer/footnote combination. The only disadvantage here} is that you lose some buffer space for your footnotes. This method of producing footnotes requires some organization a}nd can also require corrective formatting if you do major editing on a text file but the advantages far outweigh the disadvan}tages. The method is flexible and allows printing the file with footnotes to either the printer or to the disk[4]. The prin}ter commands used are pretty universal and should work on just about any printer. If you have a paper to write that just has} to have footnotes, you can do it with TEXTPRO. If you are using a format that requires underlining you can also use i}mbedded print keys to underline text within the footnotes. I have not used that feature in this DOC due to the variety of di}fferent printer codes used to implement underlining. Modify the DOC to underline if you wish; it will work fine. You m}ay even decide to print the footers in your printers compressed mode. This can be done also but just be sure to return to yo}ur normal print style before leaving the footer. The number of characters allowed is still only 255. Be sure that you }leave at least one line between the last text line and the first footer line. Adjust the bottom margin if required.60 } [4] The screen will display the footnotes as one paragraph with control codes imbedded. The printer used to prin}t the disk file must match the return/linefeed parameters sent to the disk. Page Good luck using thi}s feature with TEXTPRO.RONNIE and MIKEPS: You can also use this technique to move your normal headers and footers to low}er or higher lines than the top and bottom of page respectively. Just issue an extra CR/LF in the right place and deduct one} from the page length. I used this technique in the footers of this file to deduct two lines from the paging. This helps to} get all the text comfortably on one page.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999H6-@r()3 Hw HdHB Ȑ$HBG݂ R)@dR)@$IwIIwvI݁Hw@1݁݁HwG݁7ww}wt`9݁ ݁?wG@p@4݁ ݃w*t@ ܁'܁!wtp@ BH$!@ B@ J ݂ H !@}$@H R@$ wtp@ !@ @ @ !J  ݂@ @B!@ IR  wtq@$!@}$ @! @ ݁!  H$B!@@   wu V  HR !H$}  ݃ J` H$ B  @ wK,(J %[V VX{Z/Y+Zm[V݇)[ )^ J}pNm[V+m[VkڽwgV+?  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The EnterpriseP-- %has been fully prepared"$} for this mostQ vital mission. R.. &How many Romulan vessels do you expectS(( to encounter on this expedition"%}`%% @)!@&A!9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,,9@<,9@<,9@"&}<,9,9,9,9,.6-@ 6-@.MAX TORPS,PROBES9,9,9,9,9,9,9"'},9,9,119@,9@,9@,9@,&&;@,;@ ,;@,9@&,*-"(}@&&68,-* SET UP SHIPS-(068,-A!68,-@068,-@")}--68,-A"-68,-A`2,-@@(68<,-A, F"AP%%68,-"*}A$H:,&AZ%%68,-A$H:,&Ad! 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A#> '' Hit P:, on  shield H ";}#8<, 68<,-8<,&#$R !6-&8<,!68<,-\ B$68,-8,&H:,$'AP38, B68,-"<}f B$68,-8,&H:,$'AP38, B68,->p B$68,-8,&H:,$'@38, B"=}68,-u 68,-P:8,,z ''H:,$8, 'BA6 ''H:,$8, 'AA5 $ 6-H:">}, "A5P ' ?%'68@<,-6@ 1!?%* ?P168@<,-6@ 1"?}!?P* ?u168@<,-6@ '!?u'68@<,-6@ $ !?3A5` 5%6-@"@}%P:@$H:,,568,-6@  Phaser  damaged. $ !?fA5p 5%6-@%P:@$H:"A},,568,-6@ !!  Photon tube  damaged $ .6-6@+ Probe launcher damaged.$DESTRUCT"B} ++  destruct ++$68,-$tIS FIRES TORP AT TS~<"6-D:+8,&8,,'+8,&8,,,.8, 8,<6-"C}%A-8,"A7` 6-P:@!$H:,,*68,-8,68,-8,*68,-"D}+68,-@$E:,+68,-@$G:, " 6. Enterprise! A#  launching "E}torpedo $GAME OVER? 8,A9-- %}The Enterprise has been destroyed by,, $Romulan "F}vessels. May future Starship** "captains learn from Captain Kirk's  mistakes.<-@F"8,"G}*8,"$Z d++ #}Starfleet command to Captain Kirk:e f((  Congratulations on defeating theg** "Ro"H}mulan menace in your sector. Mayh// 'other Starship captains learn from youri'' demonstration of leadership andj "I}resourcefulness!n' DISPLAY'$'' +'0@@.'AR@8'-B"J}'&& L'-@V'&& ~'-'8,""K}B' 6-8,6-8, A!'!!!@)) B'!!!@) B' - ."L}' '-'8,"B' 6-8,6-8, A!(!!!@)) B (!!!@"M}) B( - *<( F(-@P(8,"BZ( 6-8,6-8, A!d(!!"N}!@)) Bn(!!!@) Bx( -}( >:@:A,&@%8,,( (+6-8,"O}!6-8,+ A!( - +)-@0 Crew)%-@0@% P:8,,) -@0@"P} Energy")%-@0@% P:8,,,)-@0@ Warp6)%-@0@% P:8,,@)!-"Q}@0@! PhasersE)-@0@J)-@@T)8,!6@ P:8,,^)8,  X"R}_) `))-@0@)-@@a)8,"  b)(8,!( >:@d%88,,,c) h)"S}-@0@  Tubesm)-@0@r)-@@|)8,!6@ P:8,,)8,  X"T}) ))-@0@)-@@)8,"  )(8,!( >:@d%88,,,) )!"U}-@0@! 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