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RUN AT ADDRES+}SF. LOCK FILE 5N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE: pO. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAYH}T SINGLEuL !N',}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type YI}Y Λx -}ǍDEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ilYJ}d! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JBYK} 18L%|DL/}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN YL}!B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}ǝED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1YM} h0ߢ 0.1}ǝ  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! YN}BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}WCOPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED594 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D8:MTYO}OSBUG.COM[l# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: YP} B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙#YQ}# 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #YR}D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}GLLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) Y[}1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}ǿ0#B 1L!WHAT FILY\}E TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTY]}ION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.*Y^} 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}ǞC, t* Y_} Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}ǫΞ, Y`}0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}Ya}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}Yb}Ǎ`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.Yc}F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L. Yd} G}JB|,#P#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 ,^ 1 70,0La- BYe} V,#PH}G,^ 1 70 0L#L!-* 1P* 1 y0Yj383}mm Yf}ݭI}I}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:-)| / 1L!`DESYg}TINATION CANT BE DOJ}S.SYS0 0H{ 24Δ 28/L!/) 2 Π Yq}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSBSAUTORUN SYSB p0 0 B y0 1 B 0 2 B 0 3 B 1 0 B 1 2 B 2 0 B 2 1 B 2 2 B 2 3 B 2 4 B 2 5 B 6 7 B 6 8 B 6 9 B 7 7 B 9 0 B 9 1 B 9 2 BSATARIDOSDCMB zATARIDOSDOCBCGS093 COMB:CGS093 DOCBFONTASN TXTBMIO_BB ARCB$MYDOS DOCB #PR COMB/README 1STB 1SX COM2 0 ξK}hAΞB,0 J 1 BDEHI,HÝDE 1HIHYr}IDELSAVE-GIVE L}FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O S0 1`BDEPHI V`Ys} S0H 1 L!M}0 0 1L~0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL! 70 1L0L<1 ,Yt};ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥN}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1Yu},ɛ`轤{NAMEO}: TOO LONG B VL!` L1I H1EΝDL1?@D|mDiEYv}` V0`8d/8 i:222 1 LP}!ERROR- 128ɛ+,' 20*.. өr2 1Yw}``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALID HEXAQ}rDECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 HYx},ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8wuR}Cr ECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 HYy},ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8wuhCt79ddiCB%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSEE00 HXrINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF ATARI DOS 2.5 WITH CGS If you are an owner of an XL or XE with more than 64k of ram, you ca]{}n skip down to the section that covers your type of computer.INSTRUCTIONS FOR STOCK 800XL OWNERS You must undiskcom t]|}he file ATARIDOS.DCM, which contains a special version of Atari Dos 2.5 which allows the use of a small ramdisk. This ramdisk]}} is accessed as D8:. You must boot this dos if you are using a 64k machine. After booting it, you must use the P command of t]~}he DUP menu to format D8:, which is your ramdisk. If you have done this correctly, you should have 101 free sectors available]} on D8:. After undiskcoming ATARIDOS.DCM, you must copy the CGS handler, the fonts, your R: handler, and BOBTERM onto it. The]} fonts are easy to identify because their names are two characters, like "0.0" and "0.1", etc. After doing this, you ar]}e ready to boot the disk you just created. Boot it with OPTION held down. You'll see a message about a ramdisk being setup. N]}ext you will notice that there is a "" on the second line of the DUP menu. The next step to to append the different files ]}you need into a single file. In the example shown below, this file is to be named BOB.COM. You start this by deciding which R]}: handler you will use. If you are using a P:R: Connection interface you must use the PR.COM file supplied. The origina]}l will not work with CGS. If you are using a SX-212 modem connected via SIO, you should use the SX.COM file for your R: handl]}er. Unfortunately, the 850's R: handler is too big to use with CGS. Now you are ready for the building of your new BOBT]}ERM file. This must be done because the reloading of DUP.SYS would wipe out the low memory handlers. In the following example]} I will use the SX.COM file as the R: handler, and the new BOBTERM file will be called BOB.COM. You should substitute the PR.]}COM file if you are using the P:R: Connection interface. Choose the copy function by pressing C. When it asks for the from/to]} parameters, you would type "D1:SX.COM,D1:BOB.COM". After this is done you press C again, and when it asks for the from/to pa]}rameters, you would type "D1:CGS091.COM,D1:BOB.COM/A". The "/A" tells Atari Dos that the operation is an APPEND. When this is]} done, press C again, and for the from/dest parameters you would type "D1:BOBTERM.COM,D1:BOB.COM/A". The BOB.COM file is the ]}program you will use when calling a CGS bbs. The next thing you must do is to create the CGS.CNF file. You do this by ]}pressing C, and when it asks for the from/dest parameters you type "E:,D1:CGS.CNF". The screen will erase. This is your cue t]}o type "D8:" followed by a RETURN, and then you press CONTROL-3. If you did it right, the DUP.SYS menu will return. You]} now are ready to use the new file called BOB.COM to call a bbs that supports CGS. Just boot this disk, and copy the fonts to]} D8:. The easiest way to do this is to press C, and at the from/dest prompt type in "?.?,D8:". After copying your fonts to th]}e ramdisk, press L, and type "BOB.COM". The step of copying the fonts to D8: MUST ALWAYS be preformed before using the CGS ha]}ndler.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE WITH XL/XE COMPUTERS WITH MORE THAN 64K At this point I'm assuming that you are already fa]}miliar with the use of the RAMDISK.COM program, which will automaticly run and initialize your ramdisk when you boot Atari Do]}s 2.5. Do not use the special version of Dos 2.5 supplied in this ARC. There are three steps in setting up your system ]}for CGS.STEP 1 Create a new BOBTERM fileSTEP 2 Create the CGS.CNF fileSTEP 3 Copying your fonts to D8: Use the inst]}ructions for these three steps that are in the section for 64k machines. After these three steps are done, you will be ]}ready to load the BOB.COM file described in the preceeding section. The step of copying the CGS fonts to D8: MUST ALWAY]}S be preformed before using the CGS handler.he preceeding section. The step of copying the CGS fonts to D8: MUST ALWAY\-#4#`حyL$( `($g1fffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;a}p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0```nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf(*((PP(PP(@P(a}P@@@@P ** UUUUUUUU*(DD((U3U3U3U3a}DD((DDPPPPPPPP(*030<~~<0~0 ~ ffff<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fkc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~a}ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~0000(((~x|nf8x8(L(L'(L6(Le(LS(L(Lu(L~(L( BLVa}JKBLVH` (`D(Eh)0I L'(HI BLVHIBLVUT`LS(UT`Le(UT`UT`BLVS:a} (((((( (((L)(L((L+(([L+(La}(((L+(m'J#DhHPLC lFL((ʎ())L)mJDhHPLClF01234567)̡( ();`8`a})o)L)͠(L)))((L+))))) L,0G9UN*)***++,,-, )`4L*3L"*2L0*1L;*` )`80na}*L) )` L)} (L)(I(L) )`80( (Τ(`((( (`2T0123456789 (2F>0.0 )`, )`,0 (0˝D,E (0D$a}EHIB V䘢0 ($``(``6-R} (Lo-Color Graphics System (C) 1990,1991KD-E$HIa} B VL-By Tom HuntD-E HI B VL-Version 0.93D-E HI B V䩛 ( (Ra}t2L'.}R: handler not found!D.EHI B VLV.Aborting...JD.E HI B Vl #a}>7L.}MEMLO to high!D.EHI B VLE.SLD/L.}This utility is for Sparta Dos ONLY!͝Da}.E'HI B VL#/Aborting...D/E HI B Vl (፣((ȱ((((Lb0(a}݈6- + +̅ + $ #% ## \ ( L/D1:CGS.CNFD/E (L0 ˝D,EHIBa} V䘢 ( ˝D,E (L1 ( (LC0CGS sucessfully installed.(D0EHI B V`Lz0Sorry, no ra}eload!gD0EHI B VL0You must reboot.D0EHI B Vl (L0No D1:>CGS.CNF found!a}ٝD0EHI B VLE.L$1Cannot find D1E HI B V˝D,EHI B V (LE.6a}-ٝD0EHI B VLE.L$1Cannot find D1E HI B V˝D,EHI B V (LE.6`Documentation for the CGS viewing system, VERSION 0.93CGS stands for the Color Graphics System for Atari XL/E computers.e}Color Graphics System (C) 1991,1992By Tom Hunt-------------------------------------The CGS viewing system allows you to e}view online color graphics, when connected to host systems that support CGS.-------------------------------------REQUIREe}MENTS:DOS Sparta Dos 3.2, or MyDos 4.5, or Atari Dos 2.5 (It will NOT work with SDX!)SERIAL COMMUNICAe}TIONS Black Box, or MIO, or P:R: Connection, or SX-212 modem connected via SIO.TERMINAL PROGRAM Boe}bTerm 1.21 (Others MIGHT work)SOFTWARE/HARDWARE A ramdisk, or a hard drive.-------------------------------e}------ If you intend to use CGS093 with either MyDos or Atari Dos, be sure to ALSO read the documentation files that coe}ver those specific dos'. : Owners of 64k 800XL's can use CGS if you use the supplied version of Atari Dos 2.5. The supplie}ed version creates a small ramdisk, that is necessary for the storage of the CGS fonts.------------------------------------e}-INSTALLATION The CGS093.COM file was assembled at $2300. If you have a floppy disk system, you can still use CGS ife} you copy the CGS fonts to your ramdisk before use. If you are using floppies, and do not have a ramdisk, then you cannot usee} CGS. This version of CGS has the ability of dynamicly loading any of up to 99 different fonts. It also supports specie}al CGS control codes, in the form of ESCape sequences sent from the host bbs to your terminal. These CGS control codes turn Be}obterm 1.21 into a graphics terminal, capable of hi-res pictures. Sysops and developers can download the CGS Developer's Packe}age from the Closer To Home BBS, under the "Z" function, at the number listed at the end of this file. The CGS Developer's Pae}ckage contains various utilities and information for creating a CGS environment on a bbs. When loaded, the first thing e}that CGS093.COM does is it looks for is a file named CGS.CNF on D1:. Right now, all this file contains is the drive on which e}the CGS handler will find the CGS fonts, when it needs to load one in. You want these fonts to be on the fastest drive}e you own. So, let's say you want to install them on your ramdisk, which you want to be D5:. You would create the CGS.CNF file}e by typing in the following lines.COPY E: D1:CGS.CNFD5:(control-3) Of course, the "(control-3)" means you press ce}ontrol-3, not type it in. And, before loading CGS093.COM, you must copy the CGS fonts to "D5:>F>". The fonts containede} in this ARC have filenames like "0.0" and "1.2". These fonts MUST be installed into a directory named "F", (if you are usinge} Sparta dos 3.2). So, you must create an "F" directory on the same drive that the CGS.CNF file points to. After creatie}ng your CGS.CNF file, and giving your CGS fonts a permanent home, the next step in using CGS is the creation of your batch fie}le. Please note that there are two R: handler's supplied in this ARC, one for the P:R: Connection, and one for the SX-212 mode}em (when connected direct). Be sure to use the ones supplied if you are using either type of setup. Other types of R: handlere}s may not work! Unfortunetly, you cannot use the 850 interface with Sparta Dos 3.2d and the CGS handler. However, 850 interfae}ce users CAN still use the CGS handler if the use Sparta Dos 2.3, NOT 3.2. CGS is sensitive about how it is loaded in, e}so you should follow the example batch file shown below. It won't work with lots of other memory-resident utilities loaded ine}to lower memory (like TDLINE or SNAPSHOT). This example shows how to use a ramdisk for your fonts.BASIC OFFKEY OFFSXPSIRe}D D8: /FCREDIR D8:FCOPY F> D8:F>CGS093BOBTERMLet's look at each line of the above batch file, starting with...LINE 1 e}Turns off BASICLINE 2 Turns off keyboard bufferLINE 3 Loads in R: handler for SX-212 modem. You may have to e}change this line, in order to load in the correct R: handler for your modem/ interface.LINE 4 Creates ae} ramdisk on D8, and formats it.LINE 5 Creates the "F" directory on my ramdisk.LINE 6 Copies the fonts from e} D1:>F>*.* to D8:>F>.LINE 7 Loads the CGS handler.LINE 8 Loads Bobterm. Of course, in the previous example, the Ce}GS.CNF file would contain the following line of information.D8:-------------------------------------SPECIAL NOTE TO MIOe} AND BLACK BOX OWNERS If you have your modem hooked up to either an MIO or Black Box interface, you will need to load te}he file MIO_INIT.COM before loading CGS093.COM. See the seperate ARC file covering this.-----------------------------------e}--HOW TO OPERATE THE CGS After booting your system with the correct method, as outlined above, you are ready to call e}up a bbs that supports CGS. Be sure to set your terminal program for ATASCII mode, and that you have a joystick plugged into e}the second port. The ONLY time you should have to use the joystick is after a download/upload. This is because the bbs tells e}the CGS handler to deactivate itself for the upload/download. So after an upload/download, you must reactivate CGS. To switche} in CGS, have a joystick plugged into the second joystick port, and push the stick away from you. To deactivate CGS, pull thee} stick toward you. The bbs will tell you, after the end of an upload/download, to "reactivate CGS"... This is your prompt to e}do so. If you call a bbs that doesn't support CGS, it is probably best to deactivate your CGS handler manually, before e}doing so.-------------------------------------THE FUTURE At the time of this writing, CGS is in it's infancy. Planse} are to expand it to allow online joystick-controlled games, etc. As the CGS development system matures, you may see CGe}S graphics appearing on many different types of bulletin boards.-------------------------------------FOR MORE INFORMATIONe} ABOUT CGS,OR THE CGS DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM Call The Closer To Home BBS, at 419-368-4413, Conference #0. Leave email to Te}om Hunt. Be sure to read the CGS convo in the [] message base for the latest news of developments. Download the cure}rent version of CGS software by accessing the "Z" function of the bbs. The CGS developer's kit can be downloaded under the Z e}function, also. There are also eye-poping demos under the "Z" function.-------------------------------------ADDENDA e} The CGS handler version .093 was created in order to allow BBS Express! Professional, versions 3.2 (and beyond) to fully sue}pport CGS. These versions of Pro! mask out the ESCape character, which earlier versions of the CGS handler required in order e}to operate. Version .093 will now accept both the ESCape character and the NULL character as a CGS control sequence initialize}er. Also, the .093 version checks for the presence of the CGS.CNF file and the validity of the Dx:>F> directory, and we}ill report an error if anything is wrong.-------------------------------------BOARDS THAT SUPPORT CGSCloser To Home BBSe}419-368-4413Conference #0300/1200/2400 baud24 hours/7 days(more to be added later)HAT SUPPORT CGSCloser To Home BBSdZFont assignments 08.03.920.0 CGS default font0.1 exterior game font0.2 interior game font0.3 chess font0.4 star trek foi}nt0.5 ě0.6 ě0.7 ě0.8 ě0.9 ě1.0 border#01.1 border#11.2 border#21.3 ě1.4 i}ě1.5 ě1.6 ě1.7 ě1.8 ě1.9 ě2.0 Arena v. 2.0 (Game Font)2.1 Prozee v. 1.0 (Gai}me Font)2.2 Icon Font2.3 Color Font2.4 Color Font2.5 Color Font2.6 thru 5.9 ΠҠΛ6.0 thru 6.6 foi}r Canada6.7 font & border6.8 font & border6.9 font & border7.0 thru 8.9 ΠҠΛ9.0 font & border9.1 font &i} border9.2 font & border9.0 thru 9.9 for New Zealand and AustraliaΛ9.0 font & border9.1 font &h[MIO_INIT.COM| ] P  Q@@ a0Ab0;t@* `b\'%0uZ2 Հ#K"C>u"H"РJ#  8D @'$/\m}IrMFmyUCUQɄ"Xd%fm}pFZrM;I¦# @ 39I' ҸIC'M6i㭝=5TTE(<btД1  m}M1s@L3N6S'TJ;=zjr}7m@ Ntԃw[~ B^׈)HIelQn0GcQsQ!D'G|e'A#}F+) m}"9-2aTӊ B `4c*rM#2@,Db "S 4`@) 44\`ueb Rn@w&nIPp1ƞb]Am}1]IUdAxSdXX*JD:UP6~%1qEd' aRaAݙ}*^B^l@잁Z衢zK-=-j*`lD?PEBm}(!aa[enm*n䰡0N\@MIO_INIT.DOC ^` M<M:i°IM2 a39aI3f)y)ӆŦ;m}݀3 wD'. T 0t*4YB:y@ySdtހNT0)EnȰqX1 y"4p)LϬva؀*K tSfL9aD"Rr6Lڵm}x阝Qgc=NrnZ ˛:Ři& 9h~ `xU/I$I96 y"J)ME4B6*`tSfL9aD"Rr6LڵleMyDos 4.5 instructions for use with CGS. MyDos posed a special problem due to the fact that it does not support filenamr}es whose first character begins with a number. The solution to that is a patch. MyDos users will want to use Atari dos r}or Sparta dos to unarc this package. Standard MyDos will not accept the font names. Before you attempt this patch, maker} sure you have a backup of MyDos 4.5, just in case you mess up, or the patch doesn't preform to your expectations. To patch Mr}yDos 4.5 for use with CGS, you must boot MyDos and change two memory locations. The locations are $1551 and $1552. They normar}lly contain a $F0 (decimal 240) and $2C (decimal 44), respectivly. You must change both of them to $EA. You can do this with r}either BASIC, or a machine language moniter. In BASIC you should ? PEEK(5457). It should return a 240. If it doesn't, DO NOT r}PROCEED! Now you should type POKE 5457,234 and POKE 5458,234. After this you should return to the DUP.SYS menu, and use the Hr} command to write the dos files back out to disk. This creates a permanent change. The only drawback in using this patched dor}s is that if you try to copy "1MYFILE.COM,D8:", it will actually look for a file named "1MYFILE.COM" on the default drive. Prr }eviously it would look for the file "MYFILE.COM" on D1:. The second challenge in getting CGS working with MyDos 4.5, war }s the fact that you had to set the number of buffers to two. The problem occurs, after doing this, in copying your fonts to tr }he ramdisk. It requires a minimum of three buffers to do this. You cannot copy if the buffers are less than three. The r }solution to this problem, is to copy your fonts to the ramdisk, THEN use the O command to set your buffers to two, and proceer }d in loading up CGS, etc. Of course, if you are using a hard drive with MyDos, you do not have to copy your fonts to rar}mdisk. You can use them right from your hard drive. Even if you are using a hard drive, you must still set your buffers to twr}o. : Whatever drive you decide that your fonts will be installed on (for use with CGS), they MUST be in tr}he root directory of that drive. Upon loading, the CGS handler automaticly senses if Sparta Dos is being used, and if so, it r}sets itself up to look for it's fonts in an "F" directory. If it senses that the dos isn't Sparta, it assumes you are using er}ither Atari Dos 2.5 or MyDos. Atari dos doesn't support subdirectories, though MyDos does. Since the CGS handler doesn't knowr} which dos (Atari or MyDos) it is, it takes out the subdirectory part of the path it looks for, for it's fonts. If you r}do not feel that you can patch MyDos in the manor described above, you are welcome to download a diskcommed version of MyDos r}4.5 that is already patched for use with CGS. It can be found by accessing the Z function on the bbs listed below.---------r}--------------------------- You are now ready to create a new BOBTERM file. This operation involves the building of thr}is file, using the COPY WITH APPEND function. This step is necessary, because if DUP.SYS loads back in after CGS is installedr}, it will wipe out the CGS handler. Decide which R: handler you will use (if any). If you use a P:R: Connection you shr}ould use the PR.COM file supplied in this ARC. If you are using a SX-212 modem connected via SIO, you should use the SX.COM fr}ile supplied in this ARC. Other R: handlers may not work. If you are using a hard drive with MyDos, be sure to read about usir}ng an MIO or Black Box in the CGS091.DOC file. In the example below, I will use the filename of BOB.COM for referencinr}g the new BOBTERM file. I'll use SX.COM as the filename of the R: handler. I'll use D1: as the drive we'll use. To crer}ate the new BOB.COM file, type C at the DUP.SYS menu. When it prompts you for the from/to parameters, type "D1:SX.COM,D1:BOB.r}COM". When this is done, press C again, and for the from/to parameters type "D1:CGS091.COM,D1:BOB.COM/A". This appends the 1sr}t file to the end of the 2nd file. When this is done, press C again, and for the from/to parameters type "D1:BOBTERM.COM,D1:Br }OB.COM/A". There, your new BOBTERM file is done.------------------------------------ See the CGS091.DOC file about cr!}reating the CGS.CNF file, and about copying the CGS fonts to the ramdisk. ------------------------------------Tom HuntClr"}oser To Home BBS419-368-4413Conference #024 Hours/7 Days the ramdisk. ------------------------------------Tom HuntClp<03`0 50 60 4/ 0 l ,30 3'4 RR03`v$}ȌLY002M2#1e1r3:3:3JJJJEQ` 0*333333` 10M 13i,,30/x4ӥ)DžҢv%}3 3<X`,30` 0,33 Y04833)833)33* 0"( v&}1Z 0Y 3 0,E3*` 0"%,30*)Js ԥ* A o0$*3+)3&а*3ѭ3^v'}3 X o00S33)3ҍҹ3ҍҩҍҍҍxsҩxҠ 30  X`C3)0 Cɛ w20 3v(}  `)C3)C JCI fC3Ș) *30/3CH333h,3 Ș)3L0 1`,30T *30O334C)v)}33)  )ECI  33CFC3)0C ) `L0$0 0`,0`ؘHH33)ҩ3)3 Ҏ3v*}-hhh@ؘH Ҭ34ҍ I) 3Ș)33 Ș)3 3S@oGnV( LE=. '4500:0h0000v+}000000000 11%1(1/1@1C1L1O1W1b1g1p1z111111111111112226292Q2c2i2z222222222222222222v,}3 33(3/373@3C3S3]3c3y3|333333000000000%0=0Z0)0/B0'_05555 5`855 5v-}m5ȱm5L'5 5 m5L?5 5 5m5m5LO555555555i 5L45v.}5` 5 5`'4/0/005m5LO555555555i 5L45t, MyDos users will want to use Atari dos or Sparta dos to unarc this package. Standard MyDos will not accept the font namez0}s. MyDos users will want to use Atari dos or Sparta dos to unarc this package. Standard MyDos will not accept the font namex0+6` 0L33) 3ҍҽ3ҍxsҩxҢs3 y3 )X`؊H ҮX33X3ҍ I) ]3L0~2}HZ3Y3 )L04 Z3)hh@ؘHf3If3e3ӭIhh@x X`x,30X` 0Y3Z3`x)~3}Ңg3  X` g3n3`e`؎c3*\3 0c3`c3 /1 2 0c3`؎c3\3)~4}AL1e3W3MX3[3 W33W3`3 ) c3`؎c3\3)L2`3 ɛ _3@ 1 ~5}Y3Z3ʝ4Y3 0c3`؎c3e3 f3 e3 0 b3) [3]38Y3Z38X3W3]3Ȯc3`؎~6}c3*""$3&@(K`H ɀ b3b3h)J s L23+^3L2) `3)@_3L2\3J^3 f3 ~7}[3 0 0\3*c3`W3` 1 2P3O3P3O3R RR3șS3ș`5}30~8}W0v0v00061P1d112h2L3 LEo=.F nVV 0 0U3 V3 33f3e3`8څ˥ۅ̥8~9}օܥׅݥe܅ܥe݅`H֑ۥ֥װh` )) " )@`H(~:}ȱאȥڐ8ˑȱ̑heڅڥiۥڥ۰` %5ҩ*ҩ /1ҩ֩0ש݅ة5٭ڭ 3 3 '4 4~;}8ˍ43̍4L3`s8˅ԩ3̅ՠs38ˑȹs3̑ȹs38ˑȹs3̑` BHI} VX˥Y̩XiP˥Yi~<}̢5i(˥iL`5L`5U T`(!.$,%238#opyrightc "y*ames$illow~=}0/"ox3arasota &,!nother3hare 7are0rogram4tc "y*ames$illow|\