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If you have extended RAM, then the installation of a RAMdisk is very desirable. This program was written in TurboBASIC X}and compiled.Some features include: Generates in OS modes; 3,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,15. Generates COLRVIEW (160x192x64)Y} images. Zoom Box. Save/Restore (with resume calculation) Color Cycling effect.0.1.1Note from the Author: Z}I am generally very lazy when it comes todocumentation and this is no exception. Many descriptions here havebeen left inte[}ntionally vague since the program itself has extensiveerror trapping. If you wish to add something to this Document, feelf\}ree to do so but please include a note as to your addition immediatelyfollowing your entry.1.0Loading Fractasia (Boot Di]}sk Version): The Fractasia disk is a bootableMyDOS 4.53/3 disk with a modified RUNTIME.COM (FRAC.AR1 on the disk).It is mod^}ified to load a program called FRAC.CTB from the DEFAULTdrive. Only FRAC.AR1 and FRAC.CTB are necessary to operate Fractasi_}a.The boot disk should also contain various examples of pre-generatedsets.NOTES: FRAC.CTB and FRAC.AR1 can simply be copi`}ed to another disk (andFRAC.AR1 renamed to FRAC.COM) and loaded as a normal .COM file fromanother DOS (such as SpartaDOS X)a}. The RBC6.AR0 is a Ramdisk Handler formachines w/ expanded RAM. If your machine only has 64k, delete this file andrenameb} FRAC.AR1 to FRAC.AR0. See the complete MyDOS 4.5x documentation fordetails (not included).1.1Loading Fractasia (FRCTASIc}A.ARC): Simply unARC FRCTASIA.ARC intoFRAC.CTB, FRAC.COM, and the various examples. FRAC.COM can be loadedlike a normal .d}COM file and it will automatically load and run FRAC.CTBfrom the default drive. NOTE: FRAC.COM and FRAC.CTB must reside in e}thesame directory.NOTE: Since FRAC.COM is nothing more than TurboBASIC's RUNTIME.COM,FRAC.COM is not necessary if you wisf}h to load FRAC.CTB manually.2.0Fractasia MENU: When FRAC.CTB loads you will be greeted with a short'Welcome SDX User' ig}f you are using SpartaDOS X. If not, you willsimply see the main menu.2.1Option '' (Recall Saved Screen): This option h}will allow you to view apreviously generated screen.2.1.1* If a set is recalled that has not been previously competed, thi}encalculation will automatically resume!2.1.2** Important: When recalling a Colrview screen (for continuation) allFOUR fj}iles MUST be present in your specified path. If not, calculationwill resume as if it were a Graphics 15 set.** A DARK BLUEk} SCREEN INDICATES A C.V. SET IS GENERATING PROPERLY. ** 2.1.3If the set was complete when you recalled it, press l}and you'llbe at 4.2 in this documentation.2.2Option '' (Generate Colrview Screens): This option will allow thecreationm} of .R .G .B files to be viewed with Jeff Potter's COLRVIEWprogram.2.2.1* Though some error trapping is done you must be n}certain that you haveenough room on your destination disk for FOUR files requiring roughly248 SD sectors.2.2.2The Backgro}ound will turn Blue to represent Colrview during the setgeneration. If this screen is black, then only the GR.15 screenis p}generating properly.2.2.3The View Screen for this mode is OS mode 15 (ANTIC E).2.3Option '' (Generate Set): This will q}allow you to generate a Mandelbrotset in one of eight OS modes.2.3.1Again you make sure you have enough room on your diskr} for the savedimage. Some sets may take hours to calculate. It can be veryfrustrating to lose a set due to lack of disk ss}pace... So be careful.2.4Option '' (Disk Directory): This will give you a paged directory ofthe requested path. If yout} are using SDX you will be given a 'Verbose'directory.2.4.1Ending your Directory path with a '\' symbol will cause that du}irectoryto become the new default (in both SDX and MyDOS).2.4.2Simply hitting return will substitute D:*.SET for the pathv}. An '*' willbe substituted with D:*.*.2.5Option '' (Color Setup): This option will take you a separatescreen wherew} you can enter the value that the GTIA modes will use forcolor/luminance and POKE the color registers with new values.2.5.x}1After generating a set the color pallet is returned to the default. If youwish to use your own again; simply return to thy}e Color Setup screen andpress return over all of the values that are displayed. They reflectthe previous state.2.6Optiz}on '' (Quit): Returns you the TurboBASIC RUNTIME menu andrestores your system to normal.2.7* A note on Filespecs: Asid{}e from the directory path (option 'D') youmust follow this format for entering your Filespec: Dn:filenameNo extender is p|}ermitted and you must include the D: (or Dn:\dir\filename).***** All sets are automatically given a .SET extender ******}}3.0'User INPUT' screen: Option '' or Option '' from the Main Menu willautomatically bring you here. This is where you en~}ter the parametersfor your set generation.The current Filespec is shown at the top of the screen and the number ofFREE SEC}TORS on your target drive is displayed at the bottom of thescreen (if applicable). *** CHECK THIS ***The current set para}meters are displayed in the top half of the screenand you are prompted for any changes below. Simply hitting return willle}ave the value unchanged.3.0.1The Iteration Limit is the last parameter to be entered. I used my ownalgorithm to determin}e the default value (which may not be totallycorrect). The Default is displayed in parentheses.3.0.2Notes: A valid Grap}hics mode MUST be entered to proceed. A blank or a'0' will return you to the Main Menu.Entering '0' for the Iteration Limi}t will also allow you to return tothe Main Menu.4.0Generation Screen: This is where you can watch you Mandelbrot setbe}ing generated. While Generating: SELECT: Turns ANTIC DMA off for greater speed. START: Turns ANTIC DMA back on.} OPTION+START: Halts generation4.1After halting generation you must either press to save thescreen or t}o return to the Main Menu without saving. (Theexception to this is with Colrview mode; OPTION+ must be used toexit wi}thout saving. This is a safety precaution since it is VITALthat the four files required do not get out of sync.)4.2After} SAVING: You are now in 'View Mode'. You will see a blinkingpixel in the upper left-hand corner that can be moved via the a}rrowkeys on the keyboard. The Keystrokes are: +*=- Move by pixel. Crtl +*-= Move by 10 pixels. } START Engage Color Cycling. Pick corner. Return to Main Menu. H Home Curs}or. P Save Screen as an .PIC file. 4.2.1When picking an area to zoom into, you must pick the upper left and}lower right corners. A box will then be drawn on the screen. To zoomin on the boxed area, press . This will retu}rn you to the mainmenu. The next time you return to the 'User Input' screen the 'CurrentValues' will reflect those chosen }by your zoom box.Pressing with a zoom box on the screen will remove the box andhome the cursor.4.2.2The screen ca}n be saved as a .PIC (Atari Bitmap screen) by pressing the'P' key from the view screen. The file will be saved as your File}specbut with a .PIC extender instead. No color info is saved.4.2.3Color Cycling: Pressing START from the View Screen wi}ll start to colorcycle your image. This is really only effective in modes 3,5,7,10 and15. The HELP key will reverse the d}irection of the Cycle and the 'R'key will insert random colors. Press return to View Mode.5.0SpartaDOS X Specific}s: From the Main Menu the 'F' key will take youinto the SDX FORMAT Screen. There are several other differences thatare mo}stly internal to the program, such as: Directory and filehandling, the Key Buffer is taken into consideration, etc.End Of }Documentation ----------------Some rambling from the Author......This program reflects several months of off and on work} and I hope youenjoy it. I got the idea for this program while playing around withCOLRVIEW.COM form Jeff Potter. I thoug}ht; "Wouldn't it be cool todisplay Mandelbrot sets like this!" I started playing around and had a*simple* program set up i}n about a week. That simple program has grownten fold and there are still many features and improvements I wouldlike to ad}d. I am also sure that some bugs will eventually show up butI have had several requests, so I am releasing it now. Please} let meknow if you find any fatal flaws or if you need any help.Have Fun.......SHAREWARE NOTICE: This program is Share}ware. It it free to distributeas long as the original package stays together and unmodified.(Section 0.1.1 states permitte}d modifications). We all should know theShareware concept by now, so there is really not much point inreiterating all of t}hat. The only thing I ask is that you register ifyou plan on using this program. A 5 to 15 dollar donation would beapprec}iated but is not necessary. Registered users will be guaranteedany updates I perform.And, as if it needs to be said.... }ALL NORMAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY!Enjoy...... Adam Conover 90 Plum S}t. Greenville, PA 16125 Internet: A644690C@edinboro.edu } Compuserve: 70353,2030 Fractasia v1.57 (addenda) (c) January 1993I}. A Player Missile Graphic 'Cross-Hair' has been added to the ViewScreen (instead of only a simple blinking pixel). To acti}vate: