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MAGIC.TUR is the source code, and MAGIC.OBJ is !}a load module of subroutines used by the compiled version. You should cut these apart into two separate files and uudecode e!}ach. The filename of the output should be as specified in the "begin" line of each. When you have uudecoded them, MAGIC.OBJ!} should contain 954 bytes and MAGIC.TUR should contain 15621 bytes. -John S. each. When you have uudecoded them, MAGIC.OBJ N Howard Chu has also sent along an example of a compiled Turbo BASIC program for us to experiment with. It is called MAGIC, %}and is a drawing program for the 8-bit Atari. (These guys in Europe don't fool around, do they?!) It is also uuencoded, so y%}ou will have to uudecode it and put it on a DOS 2.5 disk with RUNTIME as per the compiler instructions in order to run it. Ho%}ward sent along another file named magic.runtime, but I think it is just another copy of RUNTIME, so I won't post it unless i%}t turns out to be necessary. Have fun! -John S. ------f-o-r-w-a-r-d-e-d---m-e-s-s-a-g-e---f-r-o-m---Howard Chu------------%}---- Ok, here we go... This message contains the uuencoded files for MAGIC.TUR, and MAGIC.OBJ. Look for the cut lines... Ther%}e's no docs for the program, but it's pretty intuitive. (And pretty fun to play with, too!) Enjoy. -- Howard ** Note from %}JHS - I am not sure what the correct file extensions are. The compiler manual says .CTB for Compiled Turbo BASIC. Maybe i%}t will be obvious when the files are uudecoded. Aha! I bet I know: The first file really should be named .CTB and the%} second is probably a true .OBJ file of machine language subroutines!!! You will probably have to have DOS 2.5 (DOS.SYS%} and DUP.SYS), RUNTIME, MAGIC.CBT (output file from uudecoding the first MAGIC.TUR) and MAGIC.OBJ (output from uudecodi%}ng the second file below) all on the disk in order to make MAGIC run. Name RUNTIME AUTORUN.SYS and MAGIC.CTB can be na%}med AUTORUN.CTB if you want the disk to boot and run MAGIC autoMAGICally. The last file should be named MAGIC.OBJ so MAGI%}C can find it. I bet that will do it. Howard please comment if I am wrong. -JHS file should be named MAGIC.OBJ so MAGI$Vl$$$o$  4  U wԤբ J  XY JȢ + wu$ L"{$  w  wo$ )} 텈 셊 "" L1# w  Q w  Q w멁$ L`#$   W Q)} w{$ gL#{$    Q w멇$ L#   W Q w{$ gL#{$   )} Q w 텈 w 텊 -Ġ w "  4 W! 셈 w  wo$ )} ""L" A @AR@o"o" """"1##`#(#-#2#77$e$h$ wo$ (jXhSADSXYBprBG@A3@@s@S."D:BOBTEST.TBS":-}RUN!;A $@,!6-C:, .+@%@$6-U:@,.@)6-%@!@)6--}9%$A A  T:,6-% 6-%5AR6-AR56-6+d:@,%@,#4-}6-46-+d:@,%@,(5@6-@56-6+d:@,%@,-46-46-+d:-}@,%@,2H!b%@%@@HAP:'@,$@%@79%$A A  @-} D:BOBTEST.TBS.%@@HAP:'@,$@%@79%$A A  @,Just a test of 3-frame snake-bobanimation. By Bill Kendrick 12/29/94.After watching the DragonBob part ofSlight's "Bitter 1}Reality" megademo,I decided to try my hand at theanimation routine. (I should usethe display list, but was lazy).The an1}imation is done by having threescreens which are constantly flippedthrough. An object ("bob"), in thiscase a small circle1}, is moved aroundthe screen. It is placed on thecurrent screen, so when the nextframe appears, it is gone. In thenext f1}rame after THAT, it is goneas well. Finally, in the NEXT frame,it reappears. It sounds dumb, butwhen it's moving, it loo1}ks like theyare ALL constantly moving. (Oh, andyou use THREE frames because if youused only two, there'd be only motiona1}nd no DIRECTION).-bill! kendrick@vax.sonoma.eduou use THREE frames because if youused only two, there'd be only motiona03PW @? a` 85}p p@@05}0 @005} @ `` 5}?8އ@p?5}08>8p`  X x 5} 00 10A?5}8@0@0@00805}~0x5}@шoooobaud houroperati5}on/veroodownloads allavailableonausersfirstlogin5}/veroofiledescriptions5}(ugedatabasesystemoonlinegames5}2unningcustomsoftwarePpppOP5}AP01P(*KLD8p``p8<<<>~>QRRRRRRRRRRR5}RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRE|倢􀀀||䀢쀀|ZRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR5}RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRCV$raw.large,ine#ircle"oxBV0arms4ext&ont&ill2aysBV(orz6ert&our5}4xture$ef4xtBV"rush3et#lr%rase5ndo6iewBV2ainbw3ave+oala-icro-agniBVHIJFG5}LKBV򀔀#olor#olor#olorBV(ue"lack,uminanceBUUV$efine4ext-ode0ara5}metersBV$ir(gt7dtB8904.2%&,_\^](ʔF D  $6J^r88݅eѥ8 5?>څ؅٩ۦ۽=ֽ=פڦ㹨= = ޥ8ް eݩ5}@8ڨ⹨= =ޥ8ް L]=eܦ܅݅ ;L]=܅݅ BG  Lx=ڥA hhLvDJPV\bhmsy~``?, 6}EDHI񥀅󥁅ȱ! C?量 L]>86}8 /? /? /?L>0L> /? W?L>󅀥􅁠 /? 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euiuffffUDC33DEVwvfgeFVVXuTyxgufVffUTD333DVxvfwuFvUuSfvhuffffTTD33B}34VxvfgCUVGfuewgedvfVffUUDC3DEz̻vUgTWxxwfefgVufUffUUDC33X˸wfgTFvwhFvfVfffUUfe5hB}șgUfjfxeVefffffUDweUgghzvfUfffUUeVggihuffgvfuDuUgB}Wwwwwg̼vfVgeEvUgg̻ufffeeUVg˻˻uffgfEUVWB}˻|ufffwfUV轶V̹ufffVUVyV˻zvfffvTUEDDLwvB}zufefVS2#DD8feYɉufff|fc"&S6geILjfVgVt"(EVUIB}əufff}fu2(5fUJȉvffffv"(7ge8zuffghxf"'KG车weIffjB}ugffffvg̺2's RTCLOCK DO OD TEMP^ = ADDR RETURN PROC MAIN() BYTE OLDC2 OLDC2 = COLOR2 PRINTE("F}Setting up Vblank") OLDVEC = VVBLKD SETVBV(7, VBLANKD) WHILE CH = $FF DO PRINTE("Press any key to quit") OD CF}H = $FF ;Swallow key press PrintE("Restoring Vblank") Setvbv(7, OLDVEC) COLOR2 = OLDC2 PRINTE("Returning") RETURN F} = $FF ;Swallow key press PrintE("Restoring Vblank") Setvbv(7, OLDVEC) COLOR2 = OLDC2 PRINTE("Returning") RETURN D Joel Gluck asked me how to use interrupts from an ACTION program. Here are two programs which, respectively, deal with the DJ}LI and VBLD interrupts. Notice that, since Action is not re-entrient, you can't call subroutines, or do anything else which J}might mess up a memory location that the main program is depending upon. For example, multiply and divide are both done by sJ}ubroutines, so you can't use them within a VBLANK routine. It is, however, safe to add, subrtact, index an array, and store.J} (But be sure to clear the decimal flag if your main program might be calling the floating point ROMs!) an array, and store.Hi GIFNCODE.OBJ V1.0 bN}y J. D. Potter December 16, 1990 GIF and "Graphics Interchange FormN}at" are registered trademarks of CompuServe, Incorporated, N} an H&R Block company INTRODUCTION By request, here's GIFNCODE, a GIF encoder for tN}he Atari 8-bit computer. With this program you can load several formats of picture files, and convert these to GIFN}. These GIF files can be uploaded to non-Atari bulletin boards, and can be viewed by virtually any other personal N}computer. QUICK-START PROCEDURE Load GIFNCODE.OBJ from DOS with no cartridges installed, and BASIN}C disabled. If the program detects that too little memory is free, it will give you a "RAMTOP is too low, try reboN}oting" message. Otherwise it loads normally and the menu screen appears. Select the mode of picture you wish to lN}oad with the [M] key from among "Graphics 8", "Graphics 9", "Micropainter", or "MicroIllustrator". Press [L] and eN}nter the filename you wish to load. If the device name is not entered, "D:" will be assumed. Subdirectories may be useN}d, as long as the filename length is 32 characters or less. The picture will then load. After it has loaded, you N}may press SELECT to convert this picture to GIF format, or press START to return to the menu screen (don't worry, yN}ou can return to your picture later). FEATURES The following menu items are available: N} [D] VIEW DIRECTORY You will be prompted for the search specification. Enter disk number, subdireN}ctories, etc., or simply *.* to search the default disk. [L] LOAD FILE Load the N}file, as described above. This command actually allows you to load several files (up to 64) one after another. N} Do this by entering a filename such as "D:*.PIC". The first file will load (note that its name appeaO}rs at the bottom). Press SELECT to convert this file to one by the same name with the .GIF extensionO}. After this is complete, the next file will automatically load. Press OPTION after a picture has loaded toO} GIFNCODE V1.0 Documentation page 2 skip conversion and load theO} next picture. Press START to return to the menu screen. [M] SELECT MODE As desO}cribed above, this selects from "Graphics 8" (320 x 192 with two levels of brightness), "Graphics 9" (80 x 192 wiO}th 16 levels of brightness), "Micropainter" (160 x 192 with four colors-graphics 15), and "MicroIllusO}trator" (also 160 x 192 with four colors, but compressed; also called Koala format, or Atari Artist).O} The screen background color changes to reflect the choice. [S] SET DEST. Use tO}his to select the destination of the .GIF file. If nothing is entered, the default "D:" is where the file will bO }e written. You may enter other disk numbers and subdirectories (but no devices other than disks). TO }he eight-letter filename of the source file with the .GIF extension will be appended to this to form O }the complete file specification. [V] VIEW CURRENT Use this selection to view the picture filO }e previously loaded. During the GIF encoding process, I erase the picture as it is written to the diO }sk. Thus I'm afraid there's nothing to view after it's gone. [Z] EXIT TO DOS ThO}is allows you to return to DOS, assuming it is on the default disk drive. You will be prompted to confirm this bO}efore it exits. [!] UNJAM XF551 This sends the serial control codes to restore aO}n Atari XF551 disk drive to DSDD operation. This is to correct for the bug in the XF551 operating syO}stem, where it refuses to return to DSDD operation after it has read a single density disk. ABOUO}T GIF GIF, or Graphics Interchange Format, is a hardware-independent graphics file format developed by CompuSO}erve. It is an adaptation of the Lempel-Ziv Welch compression algorithm, which is also used by the ARC/UNARC and AO}lfCrunch programs. This program encodes in the 'GIF87a' format, without any special extensions. O} ABOUT THE PROGRAM I have tested this program with MyDOS, and it should be compatible with DOS 2.0/2.5 andO} SpartaDOS. If you have trouble with SpartaDOS, GIFNCODE V1.0 DocumentatioO}n page 3 try disabling the TD line, KEY, and Verify. With any DOS, be sure to disable BASIC, whether it is builO}t-in, or a separate cartridge. Also avoid having any extra handlers installed, such as the modem (R:) handler. ThO}e program uses nearly all memory from $2800 to $BFFF. My translation of colors from Atari's hue and brightness to O}the standard R/G/B is not meant to be the one and only way it can be done. I will be quite receptive to feedback onO} this and other aspects of this program. If you find bugs, or this program crashes, please write me with clear insO}tructions on how you got the program to do what it did wrong. GIF files created by this program may be viewedO} with either my APACVIEW or Don Davis' ATVIEW8. APACVIEW is destined for an update to accommodate GIF files producO}ed by GIFNCODE, as it will show them as tall, skinny pictures (at least until you "zoom in"). I am greatly inO}debted to Jeff Williams, author of AlfCrunch, whose routines I have used (practically verbatim) to perform the actual LZO }W encoding. Without his source code I would have spent at least another six weeks coding this program. O!}Be sure to check out my other programs: ILBMREAD (converts Amiga IFF pictures to APAC mode), APACVIEW (views GIF picturO"}es in several modes), COLRVIEW (4096 color picture viewer), APACSHOW (slide show program for APAC mode pictures), aO#}nd DEGASRD (displays Degas pictures in 4096-color COLRVIEW mode). GIFNCODE is a shareware product. If you usO$}e and enjoy this program, and want to see more graphics programs for your Atari 8-bit computer, please express yourO%} satisfaction with a letter and a $5.00 contribution. At this point in the Atari's product life cycle, shareware aO&}uthors like myself are practically your only source of new programs and applications. We will continue only as long as O'}we receive some encouragement to continue. As always, I am anxiously awaiting your comments and feedback. UsO(}e the easy-response letter on the next page! GEnie: JDPOTTER O)} CIS: 74030,2020 Internet: potter@ge-dab.ge.com Computer WorldO*} BBS: (716)247-8355 GIFNCODE V1.0 Documentation page 4 EasO+}y-response letter: mail to: Jeff Potter 814 BaO,}nbury Dr. Port Orange, FL 32119 Jeff, I used your GO-}IFNCODE program on my Atari ________ computer with ___K of RAM. I own a ____________ disk drive, which operates in O.} SSSD( ), SSED( ), SSDD( ), DSDD( ). I rate this program in the following ways: O/} Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of Use ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) SpeO0}ed ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Clarity of documentation ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )O1} Overall rating ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) I found this program on the followiO2}ng bulletin board/pay service: ______________________________________________________________________ PhO3}one Number (if BBS): ____________________ I would be interested in receiving upgrades to this program( ). O4} Comments: ______________________________________________________________________ _______________O5}_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________O6}______ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________O7}_________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ O8} My name and address are: ______________________________________________________________________ ____________O9}__________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________O:}_________ _________________________________L\(}L*LL+MLE*SLw*VL+ZL)!L)L=)1O   Y 7L=) B 0(h;0BS?} 0( B 0()YL=)0 B VA B 0(V;l i R h:S@} *5L=) B 0( o?p=q>r?sSO}=t>u?v=w>x?y B 0(n ;;;; V);[8; B 0(; SP}A jion o2 B V` '3i k3 4 4L3 b4 SQ}4 k3`_Z i k3 '3L2Z_.`L2 k3n k3 B 0(;` [Za_SR}`e`ii`nZFf~Ƽζ0ζ 莵0`SS}ɩ B 0( 7Ш`^ζ芢 HI BDE V`8` &ΕST}.Ȍ(!i(i` 4Ѱ8`ȱ 4Ų ` ȱ8SU}`ȱL4ȥ` 4`&&eeii`SV}`UVT B 0(h:`UVT B 0(:`` BHI V䌬` BDSW}`EHI V䌬`8`i)9iPi8 `8鈅ԩ8ׅSX}(``8`i/?iPi8 `8鈅Ω8SY}ׅ(`8`(8 ```8`($SZ}8 ``-ɛeeͮ ͭ``.:/: D S[}: -ɛ 𩛝 ` H8{8` H88` H88` H88` H88` H88`eeؘ8S\}ee؈륻 09JJJJ 09) 09 H89`hh BDȱEdHeIeHHLV-File not found.-File naS]}me error.-BREAK key pressed.-Device timeout (does not respond).-Truncated record, input too long.-Non-existent device.-ES^}rror number XXX occurred.} GIFNCODE V1.0 Copyright (c) 12/90 Jeff Potter Converts Atari 8-bit pictures to GS_}IF (registered trademark of CompuServe, Incorporated, an H&R Block company) Commands: View DirecS`}tory Load file Select Mode Set Dest. View current Exit to DOS Unjam XF551Mode: Graphics 8 Dest: D: Sa} Press OPTION to skip to next picture,Press SELECT to convert to GIF,Press START to return to this mSb}enu.->Enter directory specification.->Format incorrect, retry.Your choice: }Disk Directory:Exit to DOS...are you surSc}e: Sorry, mode not supported.Sorry, only disk access.Press return to continue.GIF87a ,;File exists--Sd}overwrite ? Enter destination device (D:)->RAMTOP is too low, try rebooting.First remove any cartridges.Press any key tSe}o reload DOS.@@0ppOAOPSf}A@0_B_H ԍЍЩ h@Sg}(A Graphics 8 Graphics 9 Micropainter MicroIllustrator@ : --.k.C1Sh}p111E/`//@PD:(=?"3DUfw"3DUfw"3DUfw"3DUfw"3DUfw Si}$0 RUNME.480: 0 POKE 742, 47 1 POKE 741, 255 2 CLR 3 PRINT " Booting VISUAL480 ..." 4 RUN "D:W|}VIDEO480.L" > VIDEO480.L: 100 ? " VISUAL 480II videogenerator" 110 ? "<3DOWN>For quadruple colored hires-graW}}phics." 120 ? "<2DOWN>Idea and implementation: Jesper Buhl." 130 POS. 2,34:? "Generating videocontroller II ... "; 200 REM v2W~}.0, released 9102041409, jbuhl@daimi.aau.dk 500 REM PLACE DATA IN BLOCK #0 510 CLR : RESTORE 1020 520 FOR A=12288 TO 12297:REW}AD B:POKE A,B:NEXT A 600 REM PLACE PRGS IN BLOCK #1 610 FOR A=19984 TO 20172:READ B:POKE A,B:NEXT A 700 FOR A=20224 TO 20264:W}READ B:POKE A,B:NEXT A 800 READ B:IF 0<=B THEN POKE A,B:A=A+1:GOTO 800 810 IF B=-1 THEN ? "File presumed ok.":ENW}D 820 C=-B:READB 830 FOR D=1TOB:POKE A+D-1,C:NEXT D 840 A=A+D-1:GOTO 800 1000 REM COUNT, COLOURS & MSB'S 1010 REM (12288, BLW}OCK#0) 1020 DATA 0,182,52,132,80,112,48,96,128,64 1030 REM 2000 REM DISPLAY/CANCEL/PLOT, 2010 REM DLI/DLIST 2020 REM (19984/2W}0018/20040, 20224 BLOCK#1) 2030 DATA 104,141,47,2,141,197,2,141,0,2,169,79,141,1,2,141,49,2,169,41,141,48, 2,161,19W}2,141,14,212,169,34,141,47,2,96 2040 REM 2050 DATA 104,169,64,141,14,212,169,32,141,48,2,169,156,141,49,2,169,10,141, W} 197,2,96 2060 REM 2070 DATA 104,104,133,204,104,133,203,41,7,133,207,162,3,70,204,102,203,202, 208,249,24,165,2W}03,105,16,133,203,165,204 2080 DATA 105,48,133,204,104,133,206,133,208,104,72,162,5,10,38,206,202,208, 250,133,205,W}104,162,3,10,38,208,202,208,250 2090 DATA 24,101,205,133,205,165,206,101,208,133,206,24,165,203,101,205,133, 203,16W}5,204,101,206,133,204,169,128,166,207 2100 DATA 240,4,74,202,208,252,133,207,73,255,133,208,104,162,3,160,0,177,203, W} 37,208,145,203,104,74,72,144,6,177,203 2110 DATA 5,207,145,203,165,204,24,105,32,133,204,202,208,229,104,96 2120 REM 2130 DW}ATA 141,10,212,72,138,72,174,0,48,189,1,48,141,198,2,189,4,48,141,46,79, 189,7,48,141,150,79,232,224,3,208,2 2130 DW}ATA 162,0,142,0,48,104,170,104,64 2150 REM 2160 DATA -112,3,79,16,80,-15,101,79,0,96,-15,88,143,65,41,79,-1 - Happy typing (W}-: By the way: It seems that americans HAVE to have the prior written permission before copying anything - this is hereby grW}anted. When I get a little sparetime, I'll post the 80-column screen-editor. Jesper Buhl/ jbuhl@daimi.aau.dk CW}omputer Science Department, University of Aarhus, Denmark n screen-editor. Jesper Buhl/ jbuhl@daimi.aau.dk CT?;COCRLIBOLTOPPBSRSVBBLPSNAMEDISPERRMSGDSPPSICONHDRBLANKSDDDFNAMEFNSNAMEPAEOPLINEN[}ERRLINSRADBADDTERSFLCL [} [}@ !"#$%&'()[}*+,-./0123$$ԠРΠҠ$$[}ԠΠ$$$$򠠠$$[}塠$$$$栤ﺠ$$堠 [}$$ᬠ <AdAU*@@<AR(6-@6-[}@'6-@#36-@?6-@K6-@W6-@c6-@o6-@{6-@6-@6-@[}6-@2ss;@U,;@3,;A(,;@@,;A H,;@5,;@",;@,;B,;@[},<]];@5,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,9A(,;@,FJJ67@,.7hhh[}h h hhhhR Sʭխ`P4467@,.!hhh hhBhEhDhIhH V`Z]67@,. 6.[}FF'6.D1:16.D1:<6. 4XE6.sQ6-A]6-d3-6.# 36.n 6-[}C:,6-C:,6-C:,x--6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@!!6-F:,%F:%@,$AVu (}-@[}?(ΠԠ򠱮Q-@@u(Š7-@@7((c) 06/[}26/93, by Steve Walker++(# stats++(# |0 0 |,,($[}parametersY6-B:,!0-@"@5(G-@7@M(|Y6-@'-@[}@'(| Source6"!-@"@6(D1:Destination |>-@@>($| OFF Sc[}reen Print |,,($-@@2(use: RETURN toggles@6-%A[}L@`%@@t%@@%@@8-@@8(Π = ST Library f[}ilename5-@@5(Ԡ = Read PSICON disk(@#@&@(('! B%`[}# B$p' " B ,-F:B2y,"@" A`-ś6,F:B2y,"@" AP,Ǜ@ A[}JT^Ԡśh9-%@'(7@<@,5-%@9r>4 |$-%@[}4( Destination> Ap|' 6.6.6-@'6-@(7<,0 6-%@( A;-@%[}@)67<,.7<,76-%@; 567%@,..SDR+-@"@/(56.67%@,..SHP$[}ΠB:, @ A`h B%`6.Disk I/O.AR@@-@@h("Re[}ading PSICON Names Sector= D-AbA)-@2@-(D6-?:<<<<@,3-@@[}@2-6-%@36-+7<,4!'+ A%$ 4N 67,.7<,$ AP 4FF Ap[}     4N  A P A` ΠŤ&"@#6-@00"@ [} A P0Π:F 6.String length; PSNAME$.6-%@:!@ F6-@D967,.7<,[}"6-B:,%@. A I967,. IFF68,-@:7%@<%@,,%@:7%@<%@,,$AVNX [}ӛb/-@@('6-%@/ӛl1-@2@('6-%@1ӛv$[}Π󠪮қ36-A'6.Saving ICON Names36-@A+67@<@,.7@<@,76-A B[}$`Y-@@2(Saving Names;  < B&Y@@=&6-?:<@<@1-@(@(16-?:<[}<<<@,HJ(67B:,%@,.7@<@h,<67B:,%@,.J6-%@pR)-@@( )6-@[}\fӠ󠪮Лp86-A"6. Saving ICONS.6-8 B$`zJ-@@4(Saving PS[}ICONS;  @!J A B B&*@@66-@B6--&6-?:<@<[}@:%@H,,$[}~~壛~)6-%@!@)6-@~|()67@<@,.>:%@H,8B:,![}Z67@<@,.>:%@H,|67@<@,.>:%@H,~$~~~ 0 $[}~F @!-@@F(INSERT Dos Disk, Press RETURN ~G!!-@@G( INSERT PSICON Disk,[} Press RETURN~DF:Ad,"@*AdAU<-@@A(D$~ B$~~ ίƠ[}Ӡ 4FF6.N ($ 6.FF($&Π0$6.Disk I/O$AR@:[[} 6-?:<<Aa<<@,G7@<@,4PRINT SHOP:CLK!X67A(,. [$D,6.Not a PRINT SHOP Disk"', [}B&NXҠŠśbc@@+@1A@QCAR@c(%ERROR-#F:A[},, l>-@A %+/ B:@> D1:ICONTOPM.BAS@c(%ERROR-#F:AXc ICONTOPM.BAS ICON to Print Master V1.0 June 23, 1993 Steve A. Walker _} 15629 E. Abury Place Aurora, Co. 80013-1001This program is used to transferPrint Shop Icons from the Atari 8 _}bitformat to the ST Print Master fileformat.File Structure: 8-bitA Print Shop ICON require 572 bytesof which takes up _}4 and a half sectoron the disk.The remaining half sectoris wasted. Sector 361 contain the"PRINT SHOP:CLK!" identifier & se_}ctor362-393 store the ICON names and it'sassociated sector address. A total of128 ICONS can be stored on one diskside.F_}ile Structure: Print MasterA Print Master library consists oftwo files. Both files have the samename except for the exten_}sion. Thefirst file contains the ICON names*.SDR and the second file *.SHPcontain the actual ICONS. A ICON isalso compose_}d of 572 bytes but italso contains an additional six bytesfor a total of 578. These additionalsix bytes, of which four are_} used asa header and two as a trailer. Noaddressing is maintained in the *.SDRfile, just the 15 byte ICON name. Thefirst _}ICON name goes with the first578 bytes and so-on.ICONTOPM.BAS program will create thetwo PM files. A full 128 ICON 8-bit_}disk will create a 1920 bytes *.SDRfile and a 73984 byte *.SHP file. Sowith this in mind make sure you havesome formatted _}disks ready to go.Once you have transfered your PSICONlibrary over to the PM file formatyou are ready to port your PM file_}sto your ST.The program can run either from asingle drive system or a two drive.Since this was developed on a 800XL,dis_}k saves are done after ever 32ICONS, so a few disk swaps will berequired on a single drive system.Running the program is _}fairly simple,just make sure that if you are usinga multiple drive system; use yourarrow keys to select source-destinatio_}n and press RETURN to setthe drive identifier. Press START tobegin the transfer, if no FILE namewas entered it will prompt_} you forit. Just keyin your library name(without extention) and make sure youhave a 8-bit PSICON disk in yourdrive and a _}blank formatted disk inthe other.ST Xformer 2.55 8-bit eumlationIn the process of developing thisprogram, one of my 10_}50 drives wentout. I wasn't to happy about that,especially I didn't look forward todoing disk swaps for about 25 PSICONdi_}sks with librarys on both sides ofthe disks. Besides that I had sold my850 last year and was trying tofigure out how to ge_}t all of theseported over to the ST.Since I'm a member of the STIG herein Denver one of the membersmentioned I should tr_}y using STXformer. This version allowsconnecting a 1050 thru the printerport on your ST. I'm impressed itdoes the 8-bit e_}mulation good enoughthat I preformed all my transfersfrom that environment. Since Iconfigured my enviroment for disksaves_} to the hard drive, it was fast.Plus their was a utility program tocopy my files from the 8-bit closedenviroment over to t_}he ST environmentST Xformer Cable, plugs into the 25pin ST printer port and the othergoes to one of the SIO ports on your_}1050. Since I don't know how to readthe pin numbers on the SIO plug. Ilayed it down, bottom row as 7 pins,top row as 6 pi_}ns and counting fromright to left should give you areference point.top row bottom rowSIO 1 -> 3 SIO 7SIO _}2 -> 18 SIO 8 -> 11SIO 3 SIO 9 -> 5SIO 4 SIO 10 -> 7SIO 5 -> 1 SIO 11SIO 6 _}SIO 12 SIO 13 SIO 9 -> 5SIO 4 SIO 10 -> 7SIO 5 -> 1 SIO 11SIO 6 \?