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Released on 91-06-26. This is the sha}reware program. If you use it, a contribution of $5 should be paid. If you send $10 (or more) you will receive, when availabl}e, the next version of "Logos Maker". Please state the version of the software that you currently have. Send money order to:} Milek Smyk Orawska 22/34 70-131 Szczecin POLAND And if you're a miser, greet me in your programs a}t least. If you've any notes about the "Logos Maker", you've found a bug, you got an idea to improve this program or yo}u just need some help with using it, write at address above. The folowing document is a standard ATASCII text file with}out any control characters, therefore it can be printed with any text-editor on every printer. Forget and forgive me al}l the fatal bugs in my english, I know it isn't the best. Hope all is clear now, so... INTRODUCTION. It o}ften happens that you want to show some graphics in your program. Somebody can say the easiest way to do it is to set graphic}s mode and to use standard picture data created with any painting program. But is it the best way? Antic does its DMA da}ta fetch much faster when a text mode is being used. Also, a picture stored in the text format usually needs less memory than} in graphics one. And even if you use very complex image and it takes nearly the same amount of bytes as before converting, y}ou have to know that these bytes are located in the charset data and not in the screen data. Thus, moving such picture around} the screen takes much shorter time (either you're using DL's Load Memory Scan instruction or transferring data in memory). } The only reason for which text-pictures aren't so popular on ATARI as on Commodore 64 is lack of programs to transform fr}om one format to other...yeah, I know some funny freaks that do converting with using sheet of paper, but...errr... it's real}ly uncomfortable. Since the "Logos Maker" has been introduced it isn't the problem anymore! LOADING. TAPE -} I'm not absolutely sure, whether the "LM" works with tape at all. But if so, it needs to be loaded after any disk-file-loade}r (like that, which displays "!" in the lower-right corner of a screen). Next set the "Drive" selector in menu "Prefs" to pos}ition "CAS" and...I hope it will work. DISK - the "LM" should work properly with nearly all DOSes - I personally tested} it with ATARI DOS 2.0, 2.5, SuperDos 2.9, 4.3E, DOS XL 2.35 - no troubles at all. Anyway, I know that the "LM" causes a shit} with SPARTADOS (I haven't foreseen subdirectories and DOS screen initializer which doesn't open an "E:" handler). Also, the }"LM" can be loaded from any microdos but then it cannot communicate with the drive of course. FIRST SIGHT. In th}e upper part of the screen you can see a single line with names of menus and bright cursor on the left. You can move it with }+ and * keys (usual cursor keys, but no need to use CONTROL). At the bottom there are two lines. The upper one describes} an actual mode the "LM" is in and displays error messages, the lower line informs you about colors. Here's also a cursor whi}ch can be moved by pressing START key. An empty space between the upper line and the lower ones is destined to show you }a converted picture. GETTING STARTED. Since you can move the main cursor around MENU-line, set it on the "files"} and press the RETURN key. A single window opens below. The cursor is in it, and this time you can move it by pressing - and }= keys. Press ESC key to quit - window closes and you're back in the MENU-line. There is the general way the "LM" handles a k}eyboard: - = + * keys move the cursor, RETURN confirms choice, ESC aborts work with actually selected option and/or closes a }window. The exception is in using the "color" cursor. It moves when you press START, and changes an amount of selected color }register when you press SELECT (hue) or OPTION (luminance). WORKING. One can say that you already got a little e}xperience with using menus and submenus, so let's start with doing something really interesting. First let's check up wh}at's going on the "LM" master disk. Pull down the "Files" menu and then select "Directory" gadget. After few seconds a window} filled up with names of files stored on disk appears in the front of you. Below you can see the number of free sectors. As u}sually, you can move through by pressing - and = keys. Find a "SPACE.FWA" file. Got it? The extension tells you that this pic}ture has been made with using "Fun With Art". Since it's immposible for the "LM" to distinguish all the image formats, I've m}ade a submenu "Prefs/Pic's standard". Pull it down and then select "Fun With Art" gadget. Done? A little ball indicates actua}lly selected format. Then go to "Files/Load pic" and type in the name of the picture to load (SPACE.FWA), press RETURN and wa}it a minute. If everything is all right, the window with filename disappears and you can leave "Files" by pressing ESC. }The screen is empty!?! Don't worry, the screen shows you converted picture and because you haven't made it yet - it's em}pty. Now select the "Works/Start convert" gadget. See? Converted picture appears on the screen. Set "Prefs/Int. indicato}r" on to see where the DLI interrupts change CHBASE register. Detailed information about charsets and chars used in each} of them can be found in "Data" window. Also, here is the number of the last occured error. Now you can use invers to a}dd another (5th) color to the picture. Select "Works/Set invers". A blinking cursor appears in upper-left corner. As usually,} you can move it by + * - = keys. RETURN inverses the character under the cursor. Refer to the "ATARI HARDWARE MANUAL" if you} don't know how invers works in text mode (I mean three color text mode). Yeah! I would forgot! The "LM" works also in hi-res} mode. Simply, set the "Prefs/Graphics mode" to $08 and everything is sharp, perfect and without colors. Is your image }correctly converted? If so,... SAVING. There are three "Save" options in "Files" menu: "Save data" saves t}he data for the screen memory. They are always $3C0 (960 dec) bytes long. "Save font" saves contens of charset(s) which} was (were) used to hold the picture data. If there wasn't any converting at all, or if you have just used the "Works/Clear a}ll" function, nothing will be stored on disk. File length equals to $400*(number of used charsets). "Save DL" saves the} Display List needed to display the image. It's an ASCII file, so it can be modified/assembled with any assember. For example} you can read it with MAC/65 command "ENTER#D:FILENAME.EXT". The "SCREEN.DATA" label should point to your data saved wit}h "Files/Save data". This file is always $183 (387 dec) bytes long. GOOD BYE. If you want to quit "LM", sim}ply select "Files/Quit" and after few moments you're back in a DOS. OTHER USEFUL COMMANDS. When the directory ap}pears and you move through the list of files you can press the RETURN key. The actually indicated name is transferred to the } "filename window" of "Load" and "Save" options. The name stays there till you change it either directly by operating in thi}s window or by the next use of the "Directory" function. "Prefs/Optymizing" gives you ability of controlling the conver}sion process. When it's set to "Off" the "LM" simply takes the picture data and converts them into the text mode (Hi Frankens}tein!). When the "Normal" position is selected, the "LM" checks if just converted character is "empty" and if so, replac}es it with "space" code (0). It could be useful sometimes. And if the "Full" option is selected, the "LM" checks if just} converted character has appeared before in actually converted charset. If so, the "LM" simply places code of "twin" byte apa}rt of the new one. It really shrinks the picture data and sometimes ables you to have the picture which looks like four kilob}ytes long, and only has one. "Prefs/Drive" lets you select a storage device to use with "Directory", "Load" and "Save" }commands. "Prefs/Directory sort" controls the way which a list of files is sorted in. It provides sorting in the alphab}etical order by the names or by the extensions. When it's set to "Off", no sorting is done, and files appear successively as }they are in the directory sectors. APPENDIX A - PICTURE FORMATS SUPPORTED. "Raw screen" - raw screen data without} header and color info. "Ilustrator" - a program by Zbigniew Trepka. "Fun With Art" - a program by EPYX. "Micr}opainter" - commonly used picture format - "Blazing Paddles", "XL-Art" and "The Micropainter" of course. APPENDIX B -  }COMMANDS SUMMARY. Files/ Directory Load pic Save data Save fonts Save } DL Quit Works/ Start convert Set invers Clear all Prefs/ Graph }ics mode Pic's standard Int. indicator Optymizing Directory sort Drive  } APPENDIX C - FILES ON THE MASTER DISK DOS.SYS DUP.SYS - two DOS 2.5 files. LOGOS.COM - the "Logos Maker" v }1.1 INT.ASM - VBL and DL interrupt routines prepared to use with Display List created by "Files/Save DL". EXAMPLE.A}SM - shows how to use INT.ASM and Display List. SPACE.FWA - a picture in "Fun With Art" format. COMMY.RAW - a raw p}icture of font (hi-res). LOGOS.DOC - this nice document. LAST WORD. Author wishes to thank Magnus for his c}onstructive criticism and for packing the "Logos Maker", and "small" ATARI for being. Thorgal/Wor}ld Federation of Mad Hackers" ATARI for being. 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