@DATABASE ACE.Guide @NODE MAIN ACE.Guide @TOC MAIN @INDEX MyIndex Atari Console Emulator, Copyright © 1994, Created by Joe and Mike Fenton. @{B}Table of Contents@{UB} @{B}«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«@{UB} @{B}Atari Console Emulator User's Manual:@{UB} @{"Important Notes" LINK Notes} @{"Requirements" LINK Requires} @{"Installation" LINK Install} @{"Getting Started" LINK Start} @{"ACE Setup" LINK Setup} @{"ACE Up and Running" LINK Running} @{"Control" LINK Control} @{"Keyboard" LINK Keyboard} @{"Video" LINK Video} @{"Audio" LINK Audio} @{"Floppies" LINK Floppies} @{"Switches" LINK Switches} @ENDNODE MAIN @NODE Notes "Important Notes" Warnings ******** This is an Atari emulator and will only work on an Amiga or 100% compatible. (Amiga clone, surely you jest!) This program will only work with a real 2 or 3 button mouse, a real digital joystick, and real Amiga chips. Do not attempt to use other types of equipment as shorting your circuits out often causes frustration. At the moment, you can also use a 1 or 2 button joystick, or a CD32 controller (which I personally recommend). The parallel network cable should be installed properly and utilized in the proper manner. We will not be responsible if you destroy your printer or your motherboard! Any other peripherals you attach to the computer should be done so in the manner stated in this manual and with regard to warnings stated in your Amiga User's Manual and your peripheral's User Manual (assuming it came with one). Again, if it goes kaboom, it's your problem. Be careful. Notice ****** Under copyright law, this program may not be, in whole or part, distributed, altered, copied, or used in other programs without the written permission of the authors. Failure to observe this law is a felony. Do, however, make one backup copy of this program and keep it safe so you won't have to wait for us to send you another if the original goes bad! All the products mentioned in this and other documentations are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer ********** ANY DAMAGES CAUSED THROUGH THIS PRODUCT ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND IS NOT GUARANTEED BY ANYONE IN ANY FASHION. THE OWNER OF THIS PRODUCT ASSUMES THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THIS PRODUCT. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED IN ALL OF THE DOCUMENTATIONS AND INTERFACES IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND IS ALSO PROVIDED "AS IS." SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR DAMAGE, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY. @ENDNODE Notes @NODE Requires Requirements Requirements ************ In order to use ACE, you must have: 1. @{B}Amiga 2.04 OS (Kickstart version 37) or newer.@{UB} 2. @{B}At least one megabyte of memory (two megabytes preferred).@{UB} 3. @{B}68020 or newer CPU.@{UB} 4. @{B}True NTSC/PAL video capability.@{UB} This emulation requires at least one-half a megabyte of chip (graphics) memory and at least one-half a megabyte of more memory (preferably fast). The video must be @{I}true@{UI} NTSC/PAL because the emulation does not use the system for video--it goes straight to the hardware. (This may mean compatibility problems with AAA machines once they finally come out.) @ENDNODE Requires @NODE Install Installation Installation ************ Merely drag the drawer entitled "ACE" either to an AmigaDOS floppy disk or to an AmigaDOS-formatted hard drive/partition of your choice. You are now ready to load the emulator. No assigns or special libraries are required. @ENDNODE Install @NODE Start "Getting Started" Getting Started *************** Double-clicking on the "ACE" icon in the ACE drawer brings up the setup program. The setup program allows you to go right into the emulator or change some options of the emulator first. If you have already used ACE, and it created a project icon for one of your disk files, you can then double-click on the project icon. This will take you directly into the emulation. The Starter Kit *************** Important note: there are no logos in this version of ACE. You only get blank screens. @{I}In the comments below, the following items are addressed:@{UI} @{B}· User-friendliness · How to reboot the emulator · How to get that file loaded right away · Using Basic (or any cartridge, actually) · Using a DOS file other than the normal kind@{UB} §§§ @{B}@#$%&*!!!!@{UB} A word of caution is in order here. The Atari is not as user-friendly as the Amiga. @{U}Mike's user friendliness scale@{UU}: (10 = Hello, Computer!, 1 = %!$$&^@$$!!) Amiga 10 Mac 7 Windows 4 --> Atari 3 Apple II 2 MS/PC -52 §§§ @{B}How to "re-boot"@{UB} To get back to the logo screen (power-off state) at any time (after the emulation has started), press (Right) @{B}Amiga-R@{UB}. §§§ @{B}How to load up@{UB} To get started right away, you can just go right into the emulation. 1. Start the emulation and wait for the logo screen to pop up. When it does, press (Right) @{B}Amiga-L@{UB} and select the Atari file with the ASL requester. 2. The emulation will power-up and automatically load the file. 3. Use @{B}Amiga-L@{UB} to select other disk images when asked to insert them. (Note that at this point, binary load files are not valid--they are only valid for starting purposes.) §§§ @{B}Insert Cartridge@{UB} If you want to use the Basic cartridge, you will need a copy of it on disk somewhere. 1. Start the emulation and wait for the logo screen to pop up. 2. Press @{B}F6@{UB} (Option). Select the file (the copy of the cartridge). 3. Now you may use @{B}Amiga-L@{UB} to load other files, as normal. 4. If you have rebooted (@{B}Amiga-R@{UB}) and you want to remove the cartridge, just press @{B}F6@{UB} again. A message will appear, stating that you have removed the cartridge's image from memory. (You may need to do this if a program tells you to remove the cartridge.) If you want to start Basic without DOS, then you should press @{B}F5@{UB} (Reset) to get the Basic cartridge started. At this point, you can use CLOAD and CSAVE to retrieve or store your programs. CLOAD and CSAVE use AmigaDOS directly (unless you specify "Atari" under Cassette in Peripherals). §§§ @{B}Custom files@{UB} To use load files that won't load the normal way (@{B}Amiga-L@{UB}), you will need a DOS disk. The DOS needs to be of the type that created the file. 1. Start the emulation and use @{B}Amiga-L@{UB} to load the DOS. 2. If you can, use the "C:" device to load the file. If the DOS allows you to, a requester will pop up and ask you which file you want to load. You can also CLOAD or CSAVE in Atari Basic to load or store files in this fashion. (Assuming you have the Cassette option set to "Amiga.") @ENDNODE Start @NODE Setup "ACE Setup" ACE Setup ********* Click on the gadget that applies to what you want to change about the emulator, then click on "Start Emulator" to begin. "Configuration" allows you to save or load your options. For ease, you may prefer the keyboard shortcuts (the letter in the gadget's name that is underlined). The following is a list of what the other options in the setup program are. For more information, see @{"Switches" LINK Switches}. @{"Console Options" LINK Console} @{"ROM Options" LINK ROM} @{"Task Control Options" LINK Task} @{"Menus in the main window" LINK Menus} @ENDNODE Setup @NODE Console "Console Options" Console Options: Model Atari 400, 800, XL, or XE. These are considered the "Basic" model differences in the computers, although all models run most of the software just fine. Their major difference is the amount and configuration of free memory they contain. Video NTSC or PAL. Many Atari programs are NTSC, but some prefer PAL mode. PAL mode is larger than NTSC and runs the video at a little slower rate. CPU 6502 or R65C02. This should not make any difference, but if you are told that an application will only run on an R65C00 (CMOS) family CPU, then you need to select R65C02. Otherwise, you should use the 6502 option (NMOS). Speed Normal or Accelerated. This is for those of you with accelerated machines who want to tame their Atari emulation. Normal should keep it running at about the same speed as an Atari running at 1.8 MHz. However, some of you may find your emulation running slower than an actual Atari (particularly some Amiga 500/2000 owners). You may wish to use the Accelerated mode to speed up your emulation. @ENDNODE Console @NODE ROM "ROM Options" ROM Options: ROM Emulation or Image. Emulation of the OS is generally preferable to the Image option. If you use the Image option, it may slow down your other tasks (unless you set the priority low). The Image option is for when you want strict adherence to the Atari OS method of handling the Atari system. If you do use the Image option, you must provide a DOS file containing the Atari ROM you wish to emulate. (Note: The 800 model is not compatible with the XL/XE ROMs.) @ENDNODE ROM @NODE Task "Task Control Options" Task Control Options: Front Priority When the emulation is active, it switches the priority to this value. (Note: Higher values may make the emulation faster.) Back Priority When the emulation is inactive, it switches the priority to this value. (Note: Higher values may slow down your active tasks.) @ENDNODE Task @NODE Menus "Menus in the main window" Menus in the main window: The menus contain many of the same options, as well as more information about the program, what version of the program you have, and whom to call if by chance you have problems with the emulator. Note that the menu allows you to load and save the default configuration file. If you want to load or save the configuration to another file, use the configuration button. @ENDNODE Menus @NODE Running "ACE Up and Running" ACE Up and Running ****************** While in the emulation, you can use the following special keys: Right Amiga-1 to 8 Load a disk (change disk file) Right Amiga-L Load (same as Amiga-1) Right Amiga-R Reboot emulation (power-up emulation) Right Amiga-Q Quit (leave ACE) Right Amiga-B Debugger (stops the emulation) Right Amiga-M Math routines on/off (uses Amiga FPU) Right Amiga-C Semi-scroll mode on/off (change DDFStart/Stop) (Amiga-1 automatically runs directly after a reboot. Amiga-2 to 8 do not run.) @ENDNODE Running @NODE Control Control Control ******* The original Atari 400/800 came with four controller jacks and could handle four joysticks or eight paddles at once. This is not possible on a stock Amiga. Instead, the Amiga game port 1 should be connected to a mouse which will emulate paddles 0 and 1. Amiga game port 2 is used for joystick 1. If you use a CD32 controller, the joystick is set up by default to handle certain keyboard and other functions. You can, of course, change those settings, even if you only use a normal joystick. By default, however, here's how it's set up: (* CD32 controller only) Movement: Joystick values, as usual Button 1 (Select): Button 1 (big surprise) Button 2 (Stop): Pause Emulator/Continue Pause/Play: Atari Start button * Shuffle: Atari Select button * Loop: Atari Option button * Rev: Slower (Normal Mode) * FF: Faster (Normal Mode) * (Note: Other Amiga's don't have a problem with CD32 controllers. You don't necessarily need to run this emulator on your CD32 to use one. Also note that if you do use your CD32, make sure the joystick is in game port 1 and the mouse is in game port 2--the opposite of a normal Amiga computer.) If you have a 3-button Sega controller, that should act like a 2-button joystick where B is button 1 and C is button 2. Don't even think about using a 6-button Sega controller. ;-> @ENDNODE Control @NODE Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard ******** For an illustration of the keyboard, see @{"Emulator Keyboard" SYSTEM "show >NIL: ACEKeys.pic"}. In the emulation, the keyboard is mostly just the same. However, there are quite a few keys that are not quite the same as the Amiga. The ` key (and ~) produce the "Clear" character. The num. keypad 0 with Shift or Ctrl produce the appropriate "Ins" character. The num. keypad . with Shift or Ctrl produce the appropriate "Del" character. The num. keypad 7 with Shift or Ctrl produce the "Clear" character. Arrow keys produce appropriate "Arrow" characters. F5 produces "Reset". F6 produces "Option". F7 produces "Select". F8 produces "Start". F10 produces "Break". ScrL (Shift ")") produces Ctrl-1 (Atari Scroll-Lock). The "Alt" keys produce the "Inverse" or "Atari" key-code. Shift + Arrow keys produce the Atari keyboard caps value of that key (i.e.: Shift-Up = '-', Shift-Down = '=', Shift-Left = '+', and Shift-Right = '*'.) This is for programs which want "arrow" keys but not the control characters themselves--just the normal caps key associated with the arrow keys. (Programs which require a three-key combination--like OPTION-SELECT-START-- will not likely work as the Amiga keyboard doesn't handle particular 3+ key combinations. Note that Control-Shift key combinations will work fine.) @ENDNODE Keyboard @NODE Video Video Video ***** The emulation screen does not share itself with other screens. As a result, it will not drag or show through under OS 3.0. If you are using system 2.04 or 2.1, do not try to drag the screen or drag a screen directly in front of it. Use Left Amiga-M and Left Amiga-N to change between various screens. (Left Amiga-N switches Workbench to the front, and Left Amiga-M moves the current screen to the back.) Normally, the screen can support horizontal scrolling in a semi-compatible fashion. As long as there is no scrolling, no difference exists. When there is scrolling, data at the left disappears. To correct this problem, there is a compatible mode available by pressing this key combination: *** Right Amiga-C *** Note: Pressing this key combination may cause a slight horizontal "jump." This fixes the scrolling problem but forces missiles 2 and 3 to share one sprite, causing flicker (if these missiles are on screen). Press Right Amiga-C to switch back to semi-scroll mode. Amiga 500/600/2000/2500/3000 (OCS/ECS) video has rather limited sprite capabilities. Sprites are clipped at the left and right sides of the screen and flicker in wide modes (wide player modes--wide missiles are okay). A1200/4000 (AGA) video can handle any of the emulation P/M graphics widths. Sprites can also travel outside the normal borders. @ENDNODE Video @NODE Audio Audio Audio ***** Emulation audio is allocated from the system. ACE expects to be able to get all four channels, so it may be wise to quit a music program or something that uses a lot of sound first. If you run the emulation first and then run a program that uses lots of audio, ACE may lose some audio (at least for a moment or two). Currently, the emulation assumes that frequency values used by Atari programs are geared for NTSC and does correction for PAL mode. However, the Atari was perfectly capable of indicating PAL mode to programs and allowing programmers to do their own correction. PAL Amiga owners may want to run in NTSC, in case this correction results in over-correction. @ENDNODE Audio @NODE Floppies Floppies Floppies ******** Disk files override your actual floppies, which start at D1: and continue until ACE doesn't find any more drives, or until 8 have been assigned. If you loaded a disk file on boot-up, the disk file will be D1: and the actual floppy drives will start at D2: (and only up to 7 actual drives may be assigned). If you select a disk file at reboot time which is really an Atari binary load file, the emulation will try to load it like DOS. @ENDNODE Floppies @NODE Switches Switches ********************************************************************* * ACE config switches * ********************************************************************* @{I}These switches are stored as tool types--which you can change using the Workbench "Information" menu item on an icon. These tool types are stored in the "ACE" info file and in project info files. When you use the Atari emulator, however, any changes you make will be overwritten.@{UI} *** Model *** Switch: MODEL=<400 or 800 or XL or XE> (This affects amount and type of memory that the system emulates. A 400 has 48K ram, an 800 has 128K Mosaic style memory, an XL has 64K ram, and an XE has 128K XE style memory.) *** Video *** Switch: VIDEO= (Video ID and mode. 200 vs. 256 scan lines in standard screen mode.) *** CPU *** Switch: CPU= (NMOS processing does the old-style 6502 instructions, complete with undocumented "extra" instructions. CMOS processing is the emulation of the advanced R65C02 CPU and its instructions. Both are compatible with normal 6502 code.) *** Speed *** Switch: SPEED= (Normal speed uses cycle-counting to keep the emulation from going too fast. Accelerated does a regular emulation w/o checks for processing speed. Note that some on-the-fly video effects may not work in Accelerated mode.) *** ROM *** Switch: ROM= (For the sake of convenience, the OS itself can be emulated. This handles ROM calls with Amiga code. Select Image, however, if you want the emulator to do the Atari OS as it is. Note: In order to use the Image option, you must provide a ROM File.) *** Front Priority *** Switch: FRONTPRI=<0 to -9> (When the emulation is active, it switches the priority to this value. Note: Higher values may make the emulation faster.) *** Back Priority *** Switch: BACKPRI=<0 to -9> (When the emulation is inactive, it switches the priority to this value. Note: Higher values may slow down your active task.) *** Floppy drives *** Switch: FLOPPY= (If Amiga is selected, the emulator will use an Amiga floppy to read Atari disks. If Atari is selected, the emulator will assume that you have an Atari drive connected to the Amiga. Note: You need a special cable to connect Atari peripherals to an Amiga.) *** Serial (RS232) *** Switch: SERIAL= (If Amiga is selected, the emulation will use the Amiga serial port for Atari "R:" device transfers. If Atari is selected, the emulation will assume that you have an Atari interface module hooked up to the Amiga.) *** Printer *** Switch: PRINTER= (The Amiga option lets you use the Amiga parallel printer as the "P:" device on the Atari emulation. The Atari option requires an Atari printer.) *** Cassette Device *** Switch: CASSETTE= (If Amiga is selected, the emulation will route data to and from AmigaDOS via the "C:" device in the emulation. If Atari is selected, the data will be sent to a connected Atari cassette recorder. Note: The connection requires a special adaptor.) *** ROM File *** Switch: ROMFILE= (This switch is followed by the file name of your ROM image file.) *** DOS Files *** Switch: H0 to H9= (These switches are followed by device and directory names which represent storage space for the emulated device "H#:". Atari Dos "D#:" only uses the root directory for storing files, but "H#:" files can be prefixed by subdirectory names, if desired.) *** Project File *** Switch: PROJECT= (This switch indicates the name of the current project file.) *** Cassette File *** Switch: CASSFILE= (This switch indicates the name of the current cassette file.) *** Cartridge File *** Switch: CARTRIDGE= (This switch indicates the name of the current cartridge file.) @ENDNODE Switches