Hier comes a list of usefull stuff for (future) assembler-coders...


On this page I want describe some assemblers which you can use for starting writing assembler-programs...or even demos, if you dare...:

  • Macro Assembler XE V4.3

  • Torsten Karwoth`s "Macro Ass XE V4.3". This ASS is my fave assembler and mostly all of my newer projects are coded with this utility...The V4.3 is an older version but works best on 128k-machines and is based on DOS 2.5. Torsten improved his assembler quite a bit in the newer versions which are MyDos-based and work well on XL/XEs with more than 128k-ram! On 128k-machines I do not prefer the newer version because the module-concept slows the whole coding-time and assembling time down...On my 1mb-XE I have used the new-Version because of better ram-handling and it was a dream to work with such a tool which supports whole ram of expanded XEs ! So the new version could be work on HD-drives as well because of MyDos...So if you have a bigger Atari with more ram than 128k then just download the Macro Ass XE V2.2. But beware! This is the NEWER version than V4.3!!! Just a short note... If you are a coder like I am... coding--testing--debugging--coding than this is the best assembler... because the assembler is stored under the OS and the pages for source-codes are located in the XE-Banks... you can have 64k-Source-Code !!! just 16k in each page... the Assembler treats the sources as one long source... CTRL 1,2,3,4 switches between the pages...
  • Polish coders use mostly the Quick-Assembler. This Assembler must be usefull but I do not prefer this one because QA has no monitor, strange commands (f.e. dta b($xx) for byte-command... why not dcb???) and NO MACROS!
  • Or do you remember this one? MAC/65 is (or was one of the most powerful macroassemblers based on rom-cardridge (incl. ddt debugger). This version is the FTE-shareware-diskbased-version... it was published under the permission to purchase the XL-Emulator PCXFORMER... as the Xformer is free this disk-version is free, too... (if not... mail me and I will delete the file of course!)
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    Last changes: 19 Jun 1997


    Feel free to contact me for any legal reason!
    email_icon HeAvEn, Member of TaquarT