Who`s that?...


Some facts about me...

I own following computer

  • started in early 80s with VC-20 (later with 16k and 32k-ram :) )
  • 3x 800 xl (64k)
  • 1x 130 xe (128k)
  • 1x 800 xe (1 mb-ram!) but broken at the moment... :(
  • 1x 1040 STE (4mb with harddisk)
  • 1x Amiga 1200, 12mb ram, 030 42mhz-turboboard,2 harddisk, 2 cd-rom, Epson 800
  • 1x Atari 7800 Videogame
  • 1x Atari Jaguar
  • 1x Sony Playstation
  • 1x Super Nintendo
  • I am coding since ca. 1985/86 in assembler
  • first demos published/coded in 1991
  • At the moment I am finishing my studies in marketing at the business-school FH-Pforzheim

  • My productions on XL

  • ca. 1986 several BASIC games and a SENSO-simple-memory-game in Assembler
  • 1986/87 I coded my 1st game called "Whirlwind" which is published on ABBUC Mag #43
  • 1991 my first attempts in demo-coding but influenced by the Atari ST-Scene some screens are published on the ABBUC-Mags...
  • 1st productions are published under several pseudonyms (because I always wanted to be in a crew... :( I know this was paranoid and stupid...

    OVERLORDS-label (with pseudonyms like GALTAN 5, Heaven, Uggly Pig)

  • Overlamer-screen with some moving checkers and bullshit-ironic-text about the demo-scene
  • Overscan-screen... nice world 1st scroller above the 1st scanline the XL can produce... but unfortunatly it just worked on my TV-Set... ;)
  • demo14... another "overscan"-screen... world 1st colors in the top and bottom border but works 100% just on my XL and my TV-Set...
  • a first try on plasma... with digi-speach "Please Wait" taken from the ST- Demo "Dark Side of the Spoon" by ULM (and from the great Shoot`em up "Wings of Death"
  • Title-Intro for ABBUC-Mag #37... a nice Demo-Screen but still under OVERLORDS-lable :( but if you read the scrolls carefully you realise that all code is by HEAVEN, the one I now use...
  • At this time all stuff is published under my HEAVEN-pseudo (and in the future...)

  • another Intro for ABBUC-Mag #42, well known as "falling pixel"-demo... this time I have an Intro, Main-part and a Outro with the credits...The music were converted from AMIGA-Mod-files by reading them on the ST-Monitor (in the OCTALYZER-Soundtracker) and typing the notes into the PEGASUS-Soundmon on XL-Monitor... The Outro-Mod is one of my faves...its from Demo-Crew TRSI...
  • Yet another title-Intro for the ABBUC-Mag #44. This time I wanted to create something like in modern demos, it contains several screens with smooth blending-fx (well known as "flashing" ;) ), BIG-Fonts, great music taken from MEGA MAG, and a brilliant Intro with my 1st FIRE-fx and bouncing BIG-Scroller in front of the scroller... very nice... ;)
  • Screen-shot from the intro of
  • Now it was time to release my 1st BIG-production called "CARPE-Demo" with rendered grafix in 256 colors, shade-bobs, plot-fx, rubber-256 color-picture, fire-fx in gr.9+,...very nice...
  • After "Carpe" I discovered on the AMINET-CDs many 4ktros on the Amiga and so I decided to code my own... and a series was born the K-Series...My less than 4096 Bytes long Intro shows many ways how my fire-routine can be used and was coded in Gr.0+ and overscan...the main-code was less then 1kb-long, the rotating scroller takes more than 3kb tables...
  • Screen-Shot from my 8ktro
  • At this time (spring 1996) I was very productive and so I discovered "sign integer-sine -tables" and how to use them in plotter-fx... but I don`t wanted to make a sin-plotter as usual... I wanted to show some "Amiga"-influence and so I decided to put a background-gr.15-picture behind the plotter...and as I also captured how "fixed-point-math" works I made flying chars by morhping pixels... :) and as all fx fitted into 8kb another child of the K-series was born...the 8Ktro
  • 16ktro... the world 1st intro with new grafic-mode called "HIP" (o.k. except JAC!s part in the Halle Project-Mega-Demo... but we think he did not know that he has used some kind of HIP ;)). HIP makes it possible to show 160x240x30 pictures on XL without nearly all flickering...after showing a picture of the swiss artist GIGER I have included another FIRE-routine... this time its a fire caleidoskop with a very fast gr9+-routine...btw. as it fits into 16k another part of the K-series... ;)
  • Taquart-Logo by Dracon
    This image is in "real" life a interlace-XLP-picture and the TQA-logo was extracted from a 160x200x7 picture...
    The image was drawn by our grafix man Dracon
  • I joined the XL-Crew "Taqaurt" and released another title-Intro for ABBUC- MAG #47 but this time under the flag of TQA ;) This piece of code is 1st of mine which is syncronized with music and was planned to be included into my new project called "Hyperion" but it don`t passed my "quality standards" ISO-9000 ;)
  • R34lly Unr34l... one of my youngest children and I am very proud of it... it was coded for the demo-party of the shadows and the freezers held on 22. Feb- 23. Feb 1997 in poland. It was voted for 3rd place :)
  • Screen-shots from
  • "Ultra2"-preview...well... this piece of code should be on the way to orneta 97 but entered corrupted in poland... ;) as it is no good code...forget it or read the readme.doc avaible with the file... where? try the demo-corner of mareks homepage...
  • Here is a grafic from our grafix-man Dracon which is 160x200x7 XLP-interlaced picture...(on XL... ;) )


    and here is a on Amiga Computer rendered picture which is used in the upcoming ABBUC-Mag issue 49 in my newest intro (no! for mag #50)... On Amiga its a 320x256x16,7 Mio color-image... on XL its converted to HIP in 160x210x30! I used the rendering program Maxon Cinema V2.x pro.


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    Last changes: 19 Jun 1997


    Feel free to contact me for any legal reason!
    email_icon HeAvEn, Member of TaquarT