Warum, Warum, Warum sind Demos so dumm...


XE-game system

What are demos?
Well, another difficult question (;)). Demos are these useless type of programs which waste a lot of disc-space and are really useless, don`t you think so???

Demos are those kind of programs which should make you saying "Wow, i did not know that my computer is capable doing this funny things..."

Just take a look onto some screenshots of my intro "r34lly unr34l":
really unreal

Demos have changed since several years and are now ART. Yes, my opinion is that demos are definitly art because the whole design of a so called demo is like a videoclip like on mtv or viva and I hope that you don`t say videoclips are NOT art, do you?

Let me define ART. The oxford dictionary writes "Art noun 1 the production of something beautiful;..."

Hmmm, I think if we follow this definition then demos are art. My EX-girlfriend defines art as something which hits your heart or touches your feelings in a way. I think this definition is better. When I am looking at a good demo then it`s like watching a good film or listening to good music. It`s just entertaining.

If you agree with me (or disagree) then mail me!

I have a CD-ROM full of Amiga Demos and the title of this CD is "demos are forever" and I like this title. It`s good to know that some of my productions could be still avaible in some years...

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Last changes: 19 Jun 1997


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email_icon HeAvEn, Member of TaquarT