Atari Emulators


Atari 8bit System Emulation

XL-It! 0.20 by Markus Gietzen, IMHO the best Atari 8-bit Emulator for the MSDOS Platform, a must get.

XFormer 2.5 is another Atari 8-bit Emulator for the MSDOS Platform, you will need this file to get the needed ROMs for XL-It!

Atari ST Emulation

PaCifiST - An Atari ST emulator for PC, very good and functional.

New features in v0.41:

• Direct MSA
• Real ST keyboard
• STF samples support for FAST machines)
• Optional 68000 prefetch emulation
• Some bugfixes,more directives
• new bugs...:-)


Atari ST Emulation

STonX an Atari ST Emulator for Unix/X based systems, there is a SVGALIB version for Linux, another must get.

TOS Images

For any of the ST emulators to work your going to need TOS Images, For Games and such get TOS 1.0 and for GEM Applications try TOS 2.06.

TOS Image - v1.00

TOS Image - v2.06



Information on Atari Personal Computers

Atari 400 Atari 400

Processor 6502
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
RAM 8 KB Later versions: 16 KB
Release year 1979
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) 400/800 O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 1 Adress space : 8 KB
Built-in software None
Controller port(s) 4
Function keys Reset, option, select, start
Parallel Bus Interface No
Cosmetics Brown 'box', membrane keyboard

Atari 800 Atari 800

Processor 6502
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
RAM 8 KB Later versions: 48 KB
Release year 1979
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) 400/800 O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 2 Adress space : 8 KB each
Built-in software None
Controller port(s) 4
Function keys Reset, option, select, start
Parallel Bus Interface No
Cosmetics Brown box, full stroke keyboard

Atari 1200XL Atari 1200XL

Processor 6502C
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
Release year 1982
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) XL O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 1 Adress space : 16 KB
Built-in software Diagnostic
Controller port(s) 2
Function keys Reset, option, select, start, help,
F1, F2, F3, F4
Parallel Bus Interface No
Cosmetics Large black and white casing

Atari 600XL Atari 600XL

Processor 6502C
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
Release year 1983
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) XL O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 1 Adress space : 16 KB
Built-in software Self-Test
Basic Revision B
( later models have Basic Revision C )
Controller port(s) 2
Function keys Reset, option, select, start, help,
Parallel Bus Interface Yes
Cosmetics Small black and white casing

Atari 800XL Atari 800XL

Processor 6502C
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
Release year 1983
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) XL O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 1 Adress space : 16 KB
Built-in software Self-Test
Basic Revision B
( later models have Basic Revision C )
Controller port(s) 2
Function keys Reset, option, select, start, help,
Parallel Bus Interface Yes
Cosmetics Medium size black and white casing

Atari 65XE

Processor 6502C
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
Release year 1985
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) XL O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 1 Adress space : 16 KB
Built-in software Self-Test
Basic Revision C
Controller port(s) 2
Function keys Reset, option, select, start, help,
Parallel Bus Interface No
Cosmetics Grey casing, PC-Style key stroke

Atari 130XE Atari 130XE

Processor 6502C
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
RAM 128 KB ( 64 KB Main memory, 64 KB banked )
Release year 1985
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) XE O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 1 Adress space : 16 KB
Built-in software Self-Test
Basic Revision C
Controller port(s) 2
Function keys Reset, option, select, start, help,
Parallel Bus Interface No, 'Enhanced Cartridge Port' instead
Cosmetics Grey casing, PC-Style key stroke
Additional Incorporates a 'Freddy' chip for memory
management of the 64 KB banked memory.

XE Game System XE Game System

Processor 6502C
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
Release year 1987
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) XL O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 1 Adress space : 16 KB
Built-in software Missile Command
Controller port(s) 2
Function keys Reset, option, select, start, help,
Parallel Bus Interface No
Cosmetics Grey casing. Diagonal printboard inside
Additional Standard configuration does not include
a keyboard. ( It's a gaming system :-)
A seperate keyboard can be bought, hence
the functions keys are NOT on the keyboard
but on the computer itself.

Atari 800XE

Processor 6502C
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC) 1.77 MHz (PAL)
Release year 1985
Production stopped ???
O.S. version(s) XE O.S.
Cartridge port(s) 1 Adress space : 16 KB
Built-in software Self-Test
Basic Revision C
Controller port(s) 2
Function keys Reset, option, select, start, help,
Parallel Bus Interface No, 'Enhanced Cartridge Port' instead
Cosmetics Looks like a 130 XE ???
Additional Incorporates a 'Freddy' chip for memory
management, like the 130 XE. The 800 XE
was sold in Eastern Europe.
( Source: The c.s.a.8 FAQ )

C-Lab MK-X Falcon C-Lab MK-X FalconC-Lab MK-X Falcon

Motorola 68030 CPU, with separate 256-byte instruction and data
caches, operating at 16 MHz
32-bit data and address bus structure
512 Kb internal ROM
4 or 14 MB RAM Memory configurations
Digital Signal
Motorola DSP 56 K, operating at 32 MHz
32 K-words of 0 wait-state static RAM
29-pin DSP connector for expansion peripherals such as Digital
Interfaces, Analog I/O, etc.
16-bit stereo A/D and D/A converters with 1-bit DAC bitstream
Eight 16-bit digital audio DMA record and playback channels (up to
50 kHz sampling rate)
Sound DMA co-processor
Line level Input (maximum level +4 dbm)
Line level Output (maximum level +4 dbm)
Internal Data
Fast SCSI-2 or IDE hard drives (1 or 2 GB)
Removable drives (Nomai MCD 540MB, Iomega Jaz 1GB or
SyQuest 1.3GB cartridge based systems)
System Ports
MIDI In & Out on 5-pin DIN sockets
DSP-port for Digital Interfacing/Analog Expansion
2 jack sockets (1/4") for stereo line input
2 jack sockets (1/4") for stereo line output
SCSI-2 port, with Direct Memory Access (DMA) for external SCSI
components, eg. external fixed or removable SCSI drives (Nomai,
SyQuest, CD Recorders, etc.)
Bi-directional parallel printer port
RS 232C serial port
LAN port
Two 9-pin joystick connectors
Phone-type connector for Mega/Mega STe keyboards (MK X)
5-pin DIN connector for PC-AT keyboards (MK X-AT)
SPDIF interface (optical & co-axial in and out)
ADAT interface (optical in & out plus DSP thru)

Atari Falcon030

CPU: Motorola 68030 32-bit microprocessor @ 16MHz w/ 32-bit bus
FPU: Motorola 68881/68882 @ 16MHz (optional)
DSP: Motorola 56001 Digital Signal Processor running in parallel @ 32MHz
w/ 32kWords (24-bit) of local zero wait state static RAM
ROM: 512kB
RAM: 1, 4 or 16MB(14MB usable) on daughterboard (RAM is 32-bit wide)

expansion bus: Internal 'Processor-Direct' slot for 386SX emulation
(third party 386SX emulator nearly completed) or other

Video: (See below for specific video modes/resolutions.)
16-bit BLiTTeR @ 16MHz (also handles hard drive access)
Accepts external video sync to allow high quality genlocking
Overlay mode for easy video titling and special effects
Overscan support
Hardware-assisted horizontal fine scrolling
VIDeL (video controller) sits on 32-bit bus

Audio: Stereo 16-bit Analog-to-Digital DMA input
Stereo 16-bit Digital-to-Analog DMA output
eight 16-bit audio DMA record/playback channels
SDMA sound/DMA co-processor

Ports: 128kB cartridge port
2 9-pin mouse/joystick ports
2 15-pin STe enhanced analog/digital controller ports (Atari also
has new analog controllers w/ a joystick, 3 fire buttons, and a
12-key keypad)
Bi-directional parallel port
RS232C serial port
Analog RGB/VGA/composite video connector
Stereo headphone out (1/8" mini-jack)
Stereo microphone in (1/8" mini-jack)
DSP port (up to 1MHz data transfer rate)
RF modulator for TV hookup
Localtalk compatible LAN (up to 250kbaud transfer rate)

Misc: Internal 1.44MB 3.5" HD floppy
Internal IDe 2.5" hard drive (optional)
Pre-emptive mulitasking OS (MultiTOS) w/ adaptive prioritization
and inter-process communication (also 68040 compatible)
Realtime clock and battery backed up RAM
1040ST-style case w/ internal fan

Atari 1040STe Atari 1040STe

The 1040STE is the ultimately upgradeable Atari Computer.
Add in SIMMs, throw in an accelerator, go to TOS 2.06. It all
works and works well, because the STE is the only machine in
the ST series that was designed with upgradeability in mind.
The 1040STE was introduced in 1990 and has stereo sound,
TOS 1.60 (later 1.62), and a 720K floppy drive. We can
upgrade the floppy drives in these machines to 1.44MB. Essentially, the STE is the same as the
1040STF that preceded it except for its sound capabilities, expanded 4096 color palette, and its
SIMM memory upgradeability.

Atari TT030

The TT030 is an ideal graphics workstation and can use up to 266MB of RAM. It runs a cached
32MHz 68030 processor with a 68882 math coprocessor. The TT030 works with VGA-style
color monitors and 1280 x 960 Moniterm-style monitors. TT's that shipped with TOS versions less
than 3.06 included 720K floppy drives. TOS 3.06 machines include 1.44MB floppy drives. An
upgrade is available. TT030's address RAM in two separate sections: ST RAM and TT RAM. ST
RAM is used for video and other DMA functions, while TT RAM may be used for high speed
68030 burst-mode operations. Most programs can use both types. Includes cartridge port, MIDI
ports, stereo out jacks, one parallel port, four serial ports, a LAN connector, one VME card slot,
and can support one standard 3.5" half-height SCSI hard disk internally with no host adapter
required. SCSI out port for hard drive expansion. Detachable keyboard that is Mega ST/Mega
STE compatible.

Atari MegaSTE

The Mega STE has a 16MHz, cached 68000 processor, with a slot for an optional 68881 math
coprocessor. It shipped in two versions first with TOS 2.05 and a 720K floppy drive, and later withTOS 2.06 and a 1.44MB floppy drive. Older machines may be upgraded. It has one VME cardslot for expansion (great for video cards) and can support one standard half-height 3.5" SCSI harddisk drive when used with the optional internal host adapter. Includes cartridge port, MIDI ports,stereo out jacks, three serial ports, one parallel port, and one LocalTalk LAN port. Up to 4MBRAM using SIMMs. Works with any ST monitor. First ST to include NewDesk desktop. Detachable keyboard is Mega ST compatible

Atari STacy

The Atari STacy is a complete, portable ST system. It is a favorite machine for musicians. It
includes a built-in trackball, a floppy drive, a hard disk, and a monochrome LCD supertwist display.It uses a special version of TOS 1.04 and can usually support expansions such as the ICD
AdSpeed ST accelerator and the AT-Speed PC Emulator. Includes MIDI ports, serial and parallel
ports, and mouse/joystick ports.

Atari Systems Never Released

Atari 1200
Atari 800 XLF
Atari 1400 XL
Atari 1450 XL
Atari 1450 XLD
Atari 65 XEP
Atari 65 XEM

For more information on the Atari Personal Computers

For more information on Purchasing an Atari TT030, 1040ST, Flacon030