ACE This was released a year ago, but it hasn't been improved since. The current version is 0.02. With a version number that low, one would expect it to be barely working, but it's got most of the 8-bit features covered already.

ACE comes as portable source code. It was designed to work under Unix/X, and it also works under Linux's SVGAlib. No DOS/Windows version exists at the moment. The author is busy on other projects at the moment, so don't expect enhancements for awhile

Platform: Unix w/ X or SVGAlib. (8-16meg recommended)
Models Emulated: 800, 800XL, 65XE
Emulated:CTIA, Display Lists, DLI's, P/M graphics with collision detection.
Compatibility:Low, runs most things, but usually with very skewed graphics.


Has built-in monitor, also comes with program to access a 1050 disk drive, with easy-to-build cable. Supports .XFD/.ATR files as well as new format that allows for bad sector emulation. This will give it the ability to run some copy-protected software. Support for swapping disks.


Inconsistant Speed. Runs slow some of the time, fast others. Some of the graphic capabilities are not emulated correctly. There probably won't be any updates for awhile, unless someone other than the author decides to update it.

Homepage: ACE