Atari 8-bit Emulator News

11-September-1998 Anybody who has a web site knows what a pain they can be to maintain. This site isn't updated as often as it should be because of this. To help me maintain this site better, I have developed some tools which will simplify the task of maintaining this site.

You are looking at the results of the first of these tools, the news maintenance tool. This allows me to simply enter new text, and my program will throw in all of the HTML tags and upload the page for me. What can be simpler? I plan on doing something similar with the review section of this site.

23-July-1998 Due to popular demand, the Xl-it emulator (Version 0.20, the last one produced) is now available for download from this site. If this offends anyone, please E-mail me. I believe that this emulator is no longer being actively worked on.

22-July-1998 This site was just awarded a link2go Key Resource award. I'm not sure exactly what this means, it seems to be because this is one of the most heavily visited Atari sites. Thanks to everyone who visits for now allowing me to display a web award logo on my page. :-) (See the bottom of the page for the logo)

05-July-1998 Miguel Estrugo sent me a link to this Atari Game site. I haven't been able to check it out yet, so I don't know what games may be found there.

05-July-1998 A new version of Atari800Win can be found at this site

17-June-1998 John V. Goodman wrote to tell me about another 8-bit emulator for PowerMacs. It's called WACKE and it's homepage is here. I haven't had any luck reaching the page though. John says it is much faster than Rainbow, and has better sound. Sounds like it is worth checking out!.

12-June-1998 I have made several changes to this page. I have had a couple of complaints that this page had a white background, and was unreadable in Netscape/Internet Explorer. This shouldn't have happened, because the background GIF is dark. The background is now set to black. Some of the graphics have changed, check out the new M.U.L.E. animations below. The most important change is that I created a mirroring script that automatically puts changes up on the WWW server. I used to ftp them by hand, which is a pain. This will let me keep the site up to date easier.

11-June-1998 Marc Gorelick informs me that there is a new version of the Atari800 emulator for DOS available at this web site.

26-March-1998 To celebrate this site's 37,651st visitor, I have altered the background graphic a bit. New links have also been added, I hope you enjoy!

25-March-1998 Dan Boris informs me that VSS 0.75 has been released, with a newer version soon. Visit his page at

25-March-1998 A new version of Atari800win has been released, version 1.9. I have also added a link to for Atari 8-bit disk images. Thanks to David Gardner for providing the link.