Rainbow has for a long time, been THE Atari 8-bit emulator for the
Macintosh. It has just recently had an official release for Windows 95, which
features everything the Mac version features, except sound.
This emulator has an easy to use interface. You can select
disk images with the mouse. Speed is unstable, some programs run slow and
others run fast on my 5x86-133. Hopefully speed will improve in
subsequent releases.
Platform:Windows 95 + Macintosh.
Models Emulated: 800, 800XL 130XE, 5200
Emulated:CTIA/GTIA, Display Lists, DLI's, P/M graphics with collision
detection, fine scrolling, Printer Support, disk swapping, joysticks,
sound on Mac versions
Compatibility: Good
Current Version: 1.2
Author: Chris Lam
This emulator seems to be widely acclaimed by Mac users. Some of it's
plusses include: Ability to import/export files to and from the harddisk,
easy to use interface. I only tried the demo, which is crippled in some ways.
It would only allow me to run certain programs, so it was hard for me to
determine a compatibility rate. However, what I did see looked impressive.
It's the only emulator that'll run Gemstone Warrior from SSI, and it runs it
Perfectly. Ninja also ran perfectly, some emulators have problems with that
No sound (yet) in the PC version. Speed.